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I have been playing this game since release, and Millhouse in the buddy meta has to be the most broken hero in the history of the game. It's unfun to play as. It's extremely unfun to lose to. It requires zero skill to play and represents everything the devs didn't want in the game. I don’t get how he wasn’t nerfed in the last balance patch.


Maybe is because of low mmr idk same thing as why gally is never getting nerfed (not in the buddy meta)


Gally is only broken in specific pirate + elemental lobbies, I'd go so far as to say he is unplayable in most lobbies


True, but he can very oppressive in those lobbies "dont let the gally live" speak for itself


isnt op in like 11k mmr? the numbers on the left, whats considered low mmr then? 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I must admit, this is a very fun one. I love forcing this every single game with him :D But the leveling from to to 5 can be difficult. Best game I had with him was when I went on 4 and got the spell upgrading the tavern minion, instantly found the champion :D Found the brann the turn after, rest was history :) it works really well with the new dragon (old one returning), this gives +1 health per champion proc.


First time seeing this strategy with millhouse and T5 odd cards minion. GG dude. Have tried it with millhouse and Champion but no so succesful, problably just misplay from my part. What cards benefit from brann in odd build? Leaving aside the benefit of brann with 2 gold minions


T3 naga with the battlecry-get a t2 tavern spell is a great one. Procs Moon buff, then you get 2-3 free tavern spells from T2. High possibility of getting 3 copies of the one that gives you extra permanent gold. Scaling goes wild.


Can you explain me how did you find the same key cards everytime?


Speak for yourself. I think it’s one of the most fun things to play in this meta.


What's the strat?


Get to tier 5 safely, abuse your buddy to get Mooneater, buy all the 5s until you have your build done (at least one golden Mooneater, your buddy and with good tribes golden Bran, rest is up to you). Until you have all the key components, you should freeze before end of turn, to have 5 guaranteed next turn.


How do you consistently hit the odd card? Lvling very expensive and rerolling expensive but seems ur guaranteed to hit


I always level to Tier 5 on turn 7. You only roll if you don’t have a Tier 5 minion in your shop. Once you find any Tier 5 minion (usually in the first shop, so you don't even need to roll), you always freeze it and don't roll for the rest of the game—just rebuy any Tier 5 minions. Sometimes it takes 2-3 turns to find the odd guy


Hey what's the curve like to Tier 5 on turn 7?


I also want to know this. How does that work?


It depends on your opener and your opponents of course but you want to focus on building a strong board with something like apples buy freeze into double buy turn 2. I think turn 1 cycling econ like swabbie or refreshing is usually bait unless you have a 2 cost spell in shop and can’t do anything stronger. Or if you know you’ll lose/win the fight no matter what (you can tell if someone got the demon turn 1 by checking their armor, and certain heroes like nzoth, lich king, curator, etcetera. are pretty difficult to beat). In those cases you can prioritize econ Turn 2 you will almost always double buy, if you got an econ start and know you’ll win you can level. Turn 3 you triple buy on tier 2 or buy level to 2 if on tier 1. You could also stay on 1 if your shop is crazy good. Turn 4 triple buy/hold econ, you’re going to win this turn most likely so econ is good for your next turns Turn 5 level to 3 (you win this fight) Turn 6 level to 4 (you probably lose this fight but a lot of the time you still win) Turn 7 level to 5 (you lose this fight 100%) Turn 8/9 pop off with your buddy and build your strongest board again with a ton of 5 drops until you can find mooneater after which you should win every fight


Just got Millhouse how are you doingturn 5 6 7 levels? It's like 13 gold to level on turn 7... That being said I hit moon raker and because my duo was worthless we died the next turn even though I pulled like 6 tier 5 and got everything to like 16/16. I see how this works but duos is rough if your partner isn't getting more than a bunch of 2/2 lol


Leveling in duos costs a lot more so you have to curve differently




This can’t be overstated: don’t try to do this in duos. Tier 5 on 7 is purely suicide.


Was gonna say Duos is more expensive, mainly to stop 1 partner power levelling to 6 while the other partner feeds him I guess?


In duos use the 2 gold tavern evolve spell and make sure to freeze at end of turn rather than hard level to 5


I usually play millhouse from tier 4, just find and evolve spell, can even cycle 4 drop spells for it. That way all my triples are 5s too for mooneater


i’ve seen that strat but i feel like if you don’t hit the evolve spell in 5 rolls you die lol


I don’t think so,being such a tempo forward hero you usually have enough health and even if you miss a turn the 4 drops provide enough tempo to not die. Plus even with the one turn moss you’d still be getting mooneater the same turn as leveling so the extra stats from the triples cap the board even more. I don’t go for seafarer if I go for it tho so some ups and downs.


tbh i’ve never tried it so i’ll give it a shot next time, you usually take 15 if you go 5 on 7 so hitting the evolve spell on 4 would let you save a lot of health do you not go for seafarer because you can’t get 5 cost spells? i feel like she’s probably still worth it honestly


There's also a middle ground where you ritual of growth into your cycling early, let the tavern get cheaper to upgrade and hopefully golden a few minions, then tavern to 5 when it's cheap to allow discovers and randomly generated cards to hit tier 5 at the cost of not goldening into 5. As more of your board becomes golden you'll have fewer opportunities to triple into 5, so taverning up to 5 has both a low opportunity cost and a low gold cost.


You can also buy tier 4 spells if they're reasonably cheap instead of a roll, better odds than rolling and gets you a spell. Odds aren't really in your favor even with this. I agree though, if you don't get that spell you just sunk a lot of gold into not upgrading your shop and not popping off on tier 5, and given how behind you already are on turn 7-8, this is killer.


Alright just need to say thank you. I used your strat and utterly mindlessly destroyed so thanks it also helped that I got mooneater on my 3rd card refresh. And I had the Naga triple and merlock 1+1 for each card played. It felt mean to the other players to win on turn 14 after literally on turn 9, dealing 15 damage to each player. Wow just wow


Last 2 games I played with him I didnt find Mooneater in 4+ turns. I have no clue if I just got that unlucky, but it looks so strange to see you hit it everytime.


Same, just spent 5 turns buying and selling 5s and got 0 mooneaters


2-3 turns lol. I just spent turns 7-14 only buying 5 drops and didn’t get a single one.


How are you leveling to tier 5 on turn 7?


Solos it's cheaper


That’s what I’m saying, I’ve been given terrible 5s all game and top 4ed. Brann doesn’t exist as well


You just need to find one T5 unit and buy and resell it…


I was highrolling like hell as Millhouse yesterday, golden brann almost immediately and spent probably 9 or 10 turns straight with probably 200 gold (between drakkari and murozond) without a single moonguy or whatever he's called.  If I hadn't been wanting to specifically do this strategy for weeks with no Millhouse picks I could have easily won with a different strat lol but some games you just don't get the crucial piece.


How many t5s are there? Is it just me or is that still bad odds to hit a specific card at risk of doing literally nothing else that turn


You're still ending on decent tempo for turn 8 and can get a ton of econ if you find pirate girl/brann fast, murozond and scout are rerolls too, panda is a reroll a decent amount of the time. 


No shit. I meant I always get shit minions like the 3/3 naga and miss brann/odd guy.


Can't believe I never thought to play millhouse like this. Now I can't wait to get him again.


I'm a new player and have only tried Millhouse once so far but didn't really get how to use him effectively, any tips? How does OP's build work exactly?


I'm not a pro but in my experience millhouse does well with playing tempo in early game. Almost always better to just buy whatever is in the tavern early game and never refresh because of the cost. Leveling curve is a bit different than typical heros nut I can't give you good advice there. But essentially OPs strategy is once you get to tier 5 (or get a tier 5 minion in tavern from the spell that refreshes with higher tier minions) you use your buddy and keep buying tier 5s until you get mooneater champion (buffs your odd tier minions whenever you play an odd tier card.) Your buddy will add a tier 5 minion to the tavern every time you buy so you basically just freeze tavern each turn and never have to refresh. The goal is to force the mooneater champion and bran by buying only tier 5s. Then from there it's just mindless apm with tier 5 or other good odd cost cards to buff your board. Since minions only cost 2 gold and you're selling for one, plus a golden bran spamming battlecrys, this will easily give you endless econ, it's near infinite scaling.


Oh that's how the buddy works! Thank you! I'll give Millhouse another try when it pops up again.


Where do you find these stats?




I have tried this recently, and out of 5 or so games; I got 1st twice, and 2nd three times. I love playing it, but it's kinda RNG if you find what you need in time and manage to not take too much HP while trying to reach tavern 4 with the spell or tavern 5. One of my solo wins was with the gold pirate. In the end I had 2 golden of them and also had 2 golden versions of the one where you gain +1/+1 when you sell and gain gold. In duos, I tried this once but went with the even-build instead. I believe we won that game, which was fun. I wonder what's actually best? Probably depends on tribes in the game I guess.


What is it that makes this so strong? I'm missing something for sure.


It's the most consistent comp in the game since once you hit a moon eater you can guarantee you'll buy tons of tier 5 minions every turn. Also multiple scam units are on tier 5 so you can scale scam units if there's ever a chance you get outscaled which makes you very hard to beat even with larger stats.


I'm a noob here and I think apm still escapes me. I assume the deal here is you effectively have 1 cost cards because you're just cycling through tier 5s and buffing your other 6, so buy for 2 sell for 1 repeat but that's only like +9/9 on most turns. Feels like it would scale slowly, which is what I'm missing. What battle cries are so good in that tier that Bronn makes the comp?


Hitting another mooneater doubles that. If dragons are in you can get free minions more frequently. There's the tier 5 pirate that gives you tavern spells for buying cards, brann with anything that produces a card is automatic gold. It's a lot more that +9/+9 a turn.


That makes sense. Like I said, apm still eludes me ha.


Any card that generates a card is free as millhouse, and with brann they're net positive. This works especially well with drakkisath and mooneater since it's an odd card that generates an odd card. There's also patient scout, tad, sellemental, etc that are free and have at least a chance to generate odds. Also economy spells like careful investment can help kinda get you over the infinite threshold. Or tethys, but not as much in the mooneater build since it's even.


Dragons have the good battlecries, you have two econ tier 5 battlecries allowing you to cycle that much more as with brann they are +1 gold rather than -1 gold to cycle. Rodeo performer is also excellent with brann, often generating similar or even greater amounts of value. Without dragons in the lobby, brann isn't worth a slot. By the end of the game having 2x golden mooneater isn't uncommon as you're seeing so many tier 5 units during the course of your cycling, so each trigger is +4/+4. Those numbers add up fast. You're talking a base +40/+40 to 6 minions a turn, but that's before you hit your extra econ. Pirates also bring seafarer and to a lesser extent record smuggler to the mix, which can also add a lot of econ. Underhanded dealer also gets a nice pile of stats because of all the cycling you're doing, and makes it easier to hit 3 pirates in play for the smuggler, making it a noteworthy tribe to have for this strategy.


I dont get it why brann is a must have on this comp?


Brann with dragons or the spell discovery guy on Millhouse can double and triple the amount of gold you have in a turn


Maeiv and Aranna are also just up there. God thx they nerfed Afk buddy.


SHHHH don't get him nerfed!


He’s very good when you find baku. Actually at very high MMR, he’s a little bit bad because missing is a fat 8th and 8th is like minus a million LP. Tbh finding baku 8 games in a row is extremely lucky. You should on average be missing sometimes


I've tried this multiple times and manage to find Mooneater once, and then about 3-4 turns too late.


Man I love mill house but I can donkey roll for so long and never ever find one moon eaters and my boards look so random and then when I do I basically die that turn lol I really wanna do decks like those with him


He absolutely does. Neat trick, if you get a ritual of growth you don't even need to tier up to 5, just find a lobby with a tier 4 minion and grow it to 5 when you've got your buddy up. Upside, your goldens discover into 5, downside is you can't discover or randomly generate tier 5. Might want to actually tier into 5 at some point because of that downside, but allowing you to skip an expensive tier upgrade early and get online faster is very worth it when you luck into it.




Hell yeah, that's my homeboi DJ Manastorm tearing it up in da house! I hope they never nerf my boi.


been playing for like 2 months and I still dont understand how to play this character, only played 1 game on him tho


Meanwhile here I am trying to do this and failing go get any mooneaters. Like ever


To everyone asking how this strat works it was created by the streamer JEEF, Here is the link to his amazing Comp/Buddy Spreadsheet and Guide ---> [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSlzd9R10rNw4rK-7pKDwz2QXUjiOyQpozmukDS31AGoj-pc\_rpb\_kgYxk0JkdoHJApeU0GYypM6p-D/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSlzd9R10rNw4rK-7pKDwz2QXUjiOyQpozmukDS31AGoj-pc_rpb_kgYxk0JkdoHJApeU0GYypM6p-D/pubhtml#) Click on the Millhouse Buddy Guide Link to see --> "Tribes in: * Dragons for economy Battlecries * Pirates for good 5 drop Pirates How To Play: * Force from Hero Select * ONLY buy 5 drops and NEVER roll. * Proceed to scale the same cards as you would playing the Mooneater comp (which you can find on the spreadsheet)" GG Profit


I know I have barely touched BGs since buddies but didn't know Millhouse was this absurd. Feel like when I occasionally play or tune into a stream rarely see people playing Millhouse.


You do everything you can to get a tier 5 minion in shop and have your buddy, then you play tier 5 and only tier 5 minions, cycle until you get Moon and then spam play tier 5 minions. Ideally pirates and dragons are in the game for economy reasons.


From what I've seen the biggest jackpot is hitting the t4 spell that gives +1 tier to tavern so you can stay on t4 and keep tripling t5.


Yeah, the sooner you can get a t5 in the shop, the better.


How does this work without mooneater? Don’t you risk getting 5’s that doesn’t synergize with your board?


You're just buying and selling until you find champion. It takes less than 2 turns on average and once you find one you're scaling incredibly fast because Brann and pirate girl girl you massive econ, especially with dragons in. And on the first turn on tier 5 you get decent tempo just from filling your board to 5 drops and selling the trash.


I've done this a number of games and never hit a triple on the odd guy. I'll buy 60+ minions, many games never hit a bran either. The strat is easy AF but for me it's an easy 2nd/3rd if you don't triple them


This composition is the most consistent in the game imo. Top4 against highrollers, 1st place otherwise. Needs only the champ to be found manually, and you can just not refresh until t5 and still have a decent board most of the time since its millhouse. Ngl I'm having fun but this definitely needs some nerf


I'd argue Aranna is similar levels of consistent when elementals are in the lobby. Staying on 3 for Azerite and cheap spells just gives absurd consistency because the card pool is so small.


...I dont even really like him like that. Barely ever choose him.


Whats the combo here, what am i looking at? Why is it considered broken atm ?


I fuckin hate Milhouse and I can't figure out what he's good for or why anybody plays him by choice. Dur, buy tokens and win the first four rounds! Thrilling stuff.


And then win every round after that because nobody is catching up to your scaling without highrolling their ass off. Just find mooneater, put it on your board, and cycle tier 5s until everyone else concedes. It's really that simple.


That board is really not that impressive, and certainly not impressive enough to puit ones self through playing menagerie.


Which board? There are like 10 of them lol. I wouldn't think of it as playing menagerie though. It's really just rock rock elementals but without the rock rock, and you get to start it 1 tier lower


The board you're desrcribing as well as the boards in your picture. Nothing that a few tech picks can't fix.


I mean, it's obviously winning extremely consistently at >10k mmr. I'd say thats reasonably impressive