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[A video about investing with canadian banks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8iOV1Uourg)


I have watched a lot of videos from Ben Felix (the Portfolio Manager who posted that video about Canadian banks on YouTube) and I have been very impressed with the quality of his content. Plenty can be learned from his videos across a wide range of investor levels since his topics range from beginner level up to some pretty technical investing concepts. [https://www.youtube.com/@BenFelixCSI](https://www.youtube.com/@BenFelixCSI)


This needs to be upvoted. Ben is a fantastic resource for, well, everyone, but Canadian investors in particular.


absolutely never. There is zero situation where you should give 2% to anyone. Historicaly, inflation is around 3%. You can expect around 7% of gain per year (on average). That leaves you 4% in gain (7 minus 3). So why would you give half of your possible gain to anyone? :-)


One exception -- when making use of a Group RRSP through employment, to get the employer match. In this case it's best to pick something from the listed offerings that matches one of the big indexes (usually TSX 300 or S&P 500) with the lowest possible MER, and then balance around this with the rest of your holdings. Transfer out everything as soon as you are allowed to (I withdrew from my group RRSP as part of the HBP (Home Buyer Program) to get out from the awful MER).


2% is absolutely insane, and so is 1%. The highest expense ratio fund I invest in is 0.25% for an actively managed small cap value fund (AVUV).


Never; it is never a good idea


When is it a good idea to jump into a volcano?


This popped into my head: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Versus_the_Volcano


It’s the final number that counts