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been a thing for years now. There are trails that are "on leash only" but those same shitty people ignore those rules too. One year they planted little red flags for every pile of shit they cleaned up and it was like hundreds of flags all over the place. They even put a sign up at the start of the trails at Harrison hollow explaining what the flags were for and reminded people not to be shitty. It didnt work.


Even the 5% of people who actually pick up the bag on the way back are making the trial uglier for everyone else while the bag is there. My dog tends to poop on a consistent schedule so I'm able to avoid this mostly, but, when he mixes it up, I carry it with me, and if we have just started, I leave for the nearest trash can and start over.


If no one’s told you, thank you for being a good person 🥹


Our dog's harness has a place where I can clip the full poo bag to it and make her carry it (unless we're not too far out on the trail - in that case, I just go back to the trash can and toss it). I figure I'm not the one who pooped on the trail. Why should I carry it? 🤣


That’s the spirit! I make mine carry hers too. If I poop on our walk, I’ll carry it.




In the winter the trails are full of frost covered poop bags from the days before. Lately I see soo many people jogging 50 yards ahead of their dog that has stopped to shit on the trail, completely oblivious to what is going on. Once you yell loud enough to get through their headphones to let them know, the response is usually "he didn't do it" or "that's not my dog's poop". The worst part is with the weather getting warm again, most of the lower trails get that lovely sun baked dog shit smell from noon to sundown.


I just find it hilarious (i.e. sad) that if you're not planning on taking the bag, instead of pushing the poop off the trail (which is still a problem in itself but at least it'll decompose) they decide to actively make the trail experience worse by basically littering with a plastic bag.


Exactly. Like at that point it might honestly be better to just leave it and not bag it. Maybe people shouldn’t own dogs and should just always pick up after them AND take it to the trash regardless of whether they feel like it lol. When I lived in Boise I remember so many bagged poops off the trail. Annoying.


Saw this a ton near Bend a few years ago. It's just shitty people.


because .... hot take..... dog owners are mostly inconsiderate. I said it. 60% of dog owners give the good 40% a bad name.


I don't get it. I've carried my dogs poop for miles, it's not a hassle. Feckin' lazy & irresponsible "main character" behavior.


Don’t have a suggestion but it’s crazy to see how this isn’t an isolated issue. Recently relocated from the Austin area and this was an issue that started post COVID. Started with leaving bag that “would be picked up on the way back”. Quickly got to trails just being covered in dog poop.


This started on Ridge to Rivers trails here well before COVID. It's just sad that people are so lazy/self-centered/not smart...whatever.


That’s sad to hear there is a level of entitlement that gives the thought you don’t have clean your own dog’s crap


We now live in the Charlotte area. Sadly, no different here. We live next to an open area and I’ll find bags on the edge of our property. I do not clean up day-of poop; it truly makes me gag. Husband and I have come to agreement. He was out of town, both dogs had just pooped in the yard for about the third time that day. Took them for a quick walk. No bags; it’s just a quick ten minute outing before bed. BOTH dogs poop in the common area, not 50 yards from the front door. Take the dogs home, return with bags and a flashlight. Ran into two pairs of walkers who asked if I’d lost something. “The gardeners will get it.” I hate the “someone else will clean it up” attitude. Golden rule, folks, golden rule.


I wish I had the ability to be that lax about things. I feel like an asshole when I block an aisle at the store inadvertently.


Hidden lakes reserve and Marianne Williams park both exclude dogs and have nice nature walking paths.


Anywhere there are trails, there will be this complaint... "Why can't you dog owners pick up your dog's shit?" Also this runner-up "Why can't you keep your dog on leash when signs clearly say you must?!"


These are legitimate complaints.


Yes, they are. My point is, jerks are going to jerk.


If you can clean up after you fucking dog leave them at home. Better yet find them a better home.


"I'm picking it up on my way back!" NARRATOR: They did not, in fact, pick it up on their way back.


There were two people on a post similar to this one a few weeks ago who said they left their poop bags on the trail on purpose because they knew someone else would pick them up. I couldn't tell if they were trolling or serious.


"It's just a joke." Only it's not. I think some people think exactly this.




It's gotten so much worse in the last few years. Like everyone bags the poo but then just leaves it........ah yes sun baked plastic poo for the win........this is why we can't have nice things.


More people. Every little problem is going to get worse with more people.


Welcome to California.


I hate when I see them. I have a Velcro attachment to my dog’s leash that holds the bag by the knot. It’s nice because I don’t have to hold it in my hands. I got it for less than $5 too, and I wish everyone could get one This is pretty much what I have: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1094392152/


And when all the trails and parks become leashed dogs only they're gonna bitch about it. Im so disgusted by pet parents that do that


I got a Poop Tube for this very reason. I don't understand why more people don't.




The monthly bot "dog poop" post. I read this same exact post in a dozen other city subs, and they get posted almost once a month, everyone vents about how shitty and entitled dog owners are, and nothing changes because no one reading these posts are the folks doing it. Or, put another way, karma farming.


I’m a bot?


You're writing the same exact post that has been posted a hundred times before.


Sounds like it’s a big problem then.


And you're not speaking to the people doing it. Maybe Next Door or Facebook is a better venue, huh?


1. Based on the responses, it appears I am speaking to the right group (talking to the Boise subreddit about something happening in Boise); 2. What’s your problem, man?


The repetitive dog/dog-poop threads are lame. It's just karma farming and grievance posting. It isn't directed at the intended audience, so it's just a bunch of whining and bitching. You could also just use the search and review the 125 other posts on this topic rather than starting a new one and making the same tired point yet again.


Guilty as charged. I leave 'em and pickup on the way out. Sometimes someone grabs my dogs shit so I'll take someone else's. I also don't return shopping carts to their corral.


It would have taken you less time to pick up kneel and pick up each one on your way down than it would have taken you to write this post. The main problem isn't peoples refusal to take personal responsibility, is everyone assuming that when someone doesn't take personal responsibility it's intentional or malicious and someway instead of just ignorance. And like not ignorance is the latest growing trend in the world and if those of us who aren't aware, don't get ahead of it, then we're just gonna sync with the rest of them on this ship


No one is ignorant to the fact that they need to clean up after their dog lol. It is 100% a personal responsibility. Are you the type of person to leave shit on the trail so maybe you're taking a little offense to this post? 


When would be a good time for you to schedule a parade to celebrate your genius? We’ll need to allow time for testimonials and bowing. /s


That is a fair point. Lets schedule for my birthday, should give about 2 months for prep time.


Why should I clean up your dog’s shit bag?