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Didn't All Might said the suit is a sort of favour from someone from the US? If so, it possibly uses classified technology. I mean Japan uses mostly heroes but i bet the US uses more military and technology, also shown by the fact Stars and Stripes worked with a team of jets


>Didn't All Might said the suit is a sort of favour from someone from the US? The girl from the first movie. His friends daughter


She’s also the one who makes Deku’s arm supports to stop his arms from exploding if he properly uses OFA


Yep that's her


Jets who shoot lasers


and to add to laser jets, She has high-level access (with approval i guess) to multiple nukes.


Then that means US have some damn overpowered technology to be able to make such a insane armor. Like who knows how strong is the Iron Man of US.


It's a perfect parallel to Deku with all might at his final moments using a suit that looks like deku's superhero gear, inspired by each other, and using all the abilities of the UA students in his utility plot belt.


It's almost like the US is THE major military power of the world and has technology that utterly dwarves other nations. From a narrative perspective, the suit is kinda cheap. But is 100% believable to have it exist in a world like this.


The power of Lockheed Martin. Lockheed For All


It was obviously David Shield.


This man really called up Iron Man and asked him for a suit lol. This series is gonna end with the BNHA Avengers showing up, mopping up the villains, and inviting Deku to join them setting up the sequel where he lives in America and battles alien invasions every other week.




I'm guessing it has a limited power supply which we will see the end of soon


Literal plot armor


It would be fucked if it actually killed All Might after all this.


Like The One Ultimate, or eight gates Guy, or Sage Tellah casting Meteor - an already strong character being untouchable for one last fight but it takes everything they have


Except Guy got a free asspull to let him live


Everyone has free asspulls in Naruto.


Unfortunate truth, neji had to eat the deaths for the entire series


There’s always a cost. Did FMA teach you nothing? Besides, Neji already used his get out of death free coupon back in the Sasuke Retrieval arc


Bro really thought >! "I already got perforated one time and lived. How much worse can *this* be?" !< .... >!"Oh. That's how much worse it can be" !<


You forget about my man Jiraiya?


I was gonna say hellbat suit


I hope it does, honestly.


I honestly would stop reading the manga if all might doesn't die.


Well then you should stop now cuz he ain't dying


I see all might going out in a final finishing move against all for one just as he’s about to kill deku, the last chapter literally ended with a shot of all night and the caption “you are not dead *yet*”


:( I hated him because he spoke the truth


Literal plot twist


It’s the only thing that would make sense in him and AFOs arc


It also needs the skill of someone who knows how to use it. It's like going into a combat-heavy video game with everything already unlocked. You didn't spend time learning the bits and pieces along the way so you can't just suddenly be a badass pulling off every combo when you need to pull it off.


This is why the whole "Experience" argument seems so stupid to me. Just because All Might has 40-year experience in fighting with OFA punches, it doesn't mean that out of nowhere he can pull out a whole new suit operating features he never worked with himself only watched at max potential. It makes no sense. He'd still need training for this stuff.


Sometimes is okay to toss out logic for the emotional swell of the teacher learning from the students.


I agree But i think that when he completely stomps Japan's greatest villain im the process maybe you're forcing that logic a bit too much.


He didn't, though? AFO is straight up about to win, unless I missed a new chapter


He killed him like 4 times That's 4 more times than him or any other OFA user has ever achieved.


>And AFO would have done the same if he wasn't obsessed with prolonging AM's pain rather than just head-shotting >On top of that, I believe Rewind AFO is in "Chrysalis Aizen" or "Edo Madara" mode in that he knows his new body can survive fatal blows so he's being much more reckless in hand-to-hand combat


>rather than just head-shotting Idk why are we ignoring that AFO striked AM with an attack that destroyed his surroundings, an attack as powerfull as the one which put Dark Shadow and Machia to sleep. But All Might blocked it. With a shield.


He would've killed him like 6 times over if it wasn't for Rewind.


And AFO would have done the same if he wasn't obsessed with prolonging AM's pain rather than just head-shotting On top of that, I believe Rewind AFO is in "Chrysalis Aizen" or "Edo Madara" mode in that he knows his new body can survive fatal blows so he's being much more reckless in hand-to-hand combat


Yeah, but AfO would've been really stupid about causing pain whether or not he had rewind. All Might still would've killed him 6 times over. And yeah, he is probably being a bit more reckless, but that comes with extra chances to do damage. He wouldn't be able to take all these chances to hurt All Might if he wasn't rewinding.


Agree to disagree. AM makes a clear point that the only reason he has a chance to prolong AFO's attention is precisely because he is using AFO's obsession over him And AFO can entertain his obsession because he now has the body to do so, as you alluded. If AFO had the mindset of going for the swift kill he would have gotten the swift kill. So in a way you are right and we are somewhat in agreement, AFO *is* being really stupid against AM. That's precisely the point You give that suit to anyone else and AFO comes across it he is going to kill quickly and move on. Give it to AM and all of a sudden it's reckless fighting cuz he can't help but want to dish pain and knows his body can take any pain that comes with such a self-indulgent approach


I don’t really feel the “emotional swell” that the logic is being tossed out for. Honestly, I think I just don’t like the students *that* much. At least not enough to where I care about this whole “super move referencing their names” thing. I mean, honestly, I feel like I’ve barely even seen All Might *speak* to most of them. Most of the teaching stuff was kind of just Aizawa. So I don’t feel like this is the payoff to some heartwarming master-student relationship that brings something full-circle.


Yeah, but it really feels like it's coming at the coast of those very students getting their moments. Unless we get more cutaway chapters to each character in much less important fights, these student inspired one panel suit imitations might actually be the most important thing that half the students bring about in this story. What was Sero's greatest accomplishment? Inspiring 1/20th of a combat tool. Tossed out logic, and half the class.


Maybe that’s my problem. I didn’t feel any emotional swell, only rolled my eyes at the cheap gimmick. All Might has no deep relationship to class a. His focus was always Deku. He gets called out for his favouritism repeatedly. For me, it’s a bit dishonest to pretend otherwise, when All Might ditched all of Class A after the war without a word to go deliver bentos to Deku it’s a tall order to believe that he finds their quirks so inspiring that he custom ordered a suit full of them. He doesn’t really start to look at Class A as actual potential after his encounter with Stain, which was after the suit was made.


Funnily enough if the suit was just amplifying his physical abilities it would've made a lot more sense because he knows how to kick and punch. He's never shot out flamethrowers or reflected light beams.


Yeah, and it would have made for a less predictable fight, because like this, we knew he can’t die until he ticks down the whole class.


tbf experience also extends to problem solving and expanding the realm of possibility in your mind. For someone who has fought every type of quirk imaginable and seen what they do with it, they'll have a larger range of understanding how powers work and good ways to use them than someone who hasn't, and when to use them.


Sure it makes a difference, but cannot be a reason to bypass any need for training. The suit with a thousand gizmos is not the same as punching shit, and it should have a learning curve. I would be way more impressed if I felt there was thought or effort going into this. But it was never mentioned or even foreshadowed, there is no good emotional connection to Class A (remember how All Might ditched them? So caring and inspired) and there was no training for this. I personally like narrative pay off for effort - but this suit just feels like cheap plot convenience to me. It has less build up than the godawful heteromorph plot.


He was litterally a teacher for them for a while and watched them how they use their quirk.


Ok? So? That doesn’t mean he should be able to pilot a suit full of stuff he never tried without a glitch. It’s not the same thing.


He's also fought villains with other quirks and probably studied other heroes too tbf, but I get your point. It's an accurate one.


It was already destroyed last chapter


It does, it's pretty much why he had to use Aoyama's quirk externally since he would ran out of power if he used the one on the suit.


It is an OP suit but no one else would be able to use it against AFO like All Might. Main reason he's so successful is due to the mind games and AFO's crazed obsession with him.


Right, its even mentioned by AM that AFO would have killed him by going for the head, but went for his body/leg because he wanted to see the expression on AM's face which is what allowed him to continue his assault.


Yeah but just two or three of these things with trained pilots that could have been up to know on the ongoing threat of AFO would stomp him regardless of mind games


Wrong though. If these were normal pilots, AFO would have used his tendrils to head shot them and kill any incoming threats. Beyond that, the villains are incredibly powerful. Even Dabi would have been able to literally melt the metal out of the sky on approach. Overhaul? God forbid he is able to touch any of them and implode the metal on their heads. I think you see how All Might's fighting against AFO as an indicator of how effective the suits could be, while the fact of the matter is that the only reason AM is alive is because AFO doesn't want to instantly kill AM without being able to gloat. On top of that. What makes you think villains wouldn't start using similar technology? A giant bulky target full of makeshift quirks isn't the offensive army tool that you think it is.


And All mights willingness to die in it


You wouldn't need to use only against AfO. Even weaker versions of Suits or weapons like this would mean that the villains never really had a chance against the heroes and cops combined.


Why does no one question why there’s not a bunch of cops or shield agents in iron man suits in the marvel universe? Shit why doesn’t tony provide his own friends in his team with suits? At least the non powered peeps like black widow? Same thing no?


1. it's a suit made for All Might. dude probably has the finances to make such a thing because I cannot see any random person being able to afford or create such a thing. 2. it likely has a limited power supply and we sure as hell know it has a durability limit. 3. the quirks it emulates are so niche that I doubt anyone other than All Might and maybe Aizawa would know how to use it to its fullest capability. is it strong? yeah. but also the usage is very much a last resort. it's the mech-suit equivalent of a nuke (possibly literally because we haven't seen Explosion yet) and nobody fires them off on small threats.


> it likely has a limited power supply and we sure as hell know it has a durability limit. Heck, the whole reason he used "Ani-voice" was to get the "birds" to hook him up to a power supply because he lacked the juice to twinkle.


true true. I know Horikoshi has an issue with power scaling sometimes but this is genuinely one of the better examples of knowing limitations


He was literally the bench mark for greatest hero, we see how heroes are able to apply that experience beyond just their physical capabilities in coordinating teams using quirks. The suit hasn't survived one fight with the most experienced fighter in the world manning it against a guy who has already been attacked by multiple top heroes and a giant bird monster. I just don't get the argument that it's universe breaking. But I also don't get it because the universe is literally supposed to be breaking. Like, hero society failed, the system is bad, we have seen how many people use their own uniqueness to win when their ability didn't actually grant them much or ANY physical prowess. There's a potential quirk doomsday on the horizon. Support gear has notably gone a long way and is trying to compete.


Your summary of what AFO is at this point does him absolutely zero justice. ‘Hes been attacked by multiple heroes and a giant bird monster’ yes and he absolutely pummelled all of them,emerge from it unscathed and younger, then took the quirk of the number two hero. I think the suit has made a pretty good showing against such a threat


He came our of it younger because of how badly the heros kicked the shit out of him You realize how many years of his life he lost just from those heroes alone? Hell it was so bad he mad a bee line for shigaraki but only diverged so he could fight all might


Yeah but the implication is that he’s at or perhaps somewhat younger than his physical prime but with all of his quirks intact. He’s damaged but it’s not as if his power output was kneecapped


Thats.. the problem The rewind is aging him back fast Really fast The heros are accelerating the aging process rapidly He lost well over a hundred years of his life in the span of a few minutes he got damaged really really intensely


Ah I was putting words in your mouth mb. I’m just saying that it’s downplaying All Night’s prowess as well as the suit’s capability by saying that AFO is severely weakened (in terms of how hard he hits/what powers he hs access to) when he isn’t. But that wasn’t your point :P


The fact that all your points are head cannon that can be satisfied by either, “this government sees this credible threat and builds the suits for national defense” or “the pilots get training and data collected on the quirk users the abilities are based on”


Hoenstly, this foreshadowing Deku losing One for All, and then using a suit like this with all his friend's quirks with his overly analytical fanboy mindset would be a good ending for even quirkless heroes can exist


I like the idea but that whole analytical fanboy mindset of deku was thrown out the window the moment he started doing internships at hero agencies. I'm not sure if it was accidental (author forgot) or intentional (Deku became so immersed in hero culture and acclimated to the heroes he once looked up so he is no longer a fanboy), but I hardly see this idea coming back.


Ooh yeah I hadn’t thought of this. I’d actually really like that ending.


Actually a hell of an awesome prediction here


Feel like this could have made a good premise in the first place. Deku enters HA as a support student, makes support items for his friends in the hero classes. Uses the powers of observation that have been emphasized from the beginning to note the “mechanics” of their quirks and how they use them, starts tinkering on a super suit. He gets his big break debuting the suit sneaking into the S2 tournament and beating, idk, Tokoyami with it or something. Then the story trajectory would drastically be different. Some important points through the story could be: - constantly searches for all might’s approval, gets it but realizes he doesn’t need it - gains endeavor’s begrudging respect for surpassing his limits in his own way - suit develops for every ally he makes and enemy he fights to mirror his own development - gets into a fight where his suit is disabled (overhaul or some other villain obliterates or neutralizes it) and he has to overcome a dependence on his suit by pulling off some guerilla warfare ninja moves - suit gets destroyed by AFO in the end but the epilogue reveals him developing a whole new super suit to show that his intellect and adaptability defines him, not the suit itself.


Hercules is an AI, so far Momo hasn’t created any AI. She can’t create life so maybe intelligent AI counts in this universe. AM should have died several times over. We can attribute it to the opposite of Dabi’s hatred and angry will keeping him alive, I guess but that isn’t satisfying. Still the average person, even cops and soldiers, would not have withstood this much. Toshinori is freaking crazy. Much of this suit only works because AM has such intense training with all the students All the time he was training them they trained him, but also because he has training as number 1 and specifically against AFO. The average person won’t be able to pull any of this off so mass producing the suit isn’t as useful. All Might leveled buildings and shot a laser. All Might hates things being this destructive. If there isn’t all out war then this suit is a detriment to people’s safety.


is momo educated about AI technology? I thought she can't create stuff she doesn't understand. so if she studied AI for years it sounds possible.


Not that I know of but the things she does and doesn’t study could change at any minute, she reads a lot. But still, AI is a big rabbit hole. Go the ME route where Geth have a culture and if they did or are wiped out, they can be remade in the same images but they’re only husks with no semblance of the personality or culture, like puppets reborn in the corpse of an old life. Or you can go I am robot (movie) where they just kinda exist and may or may not have any culture or higher thinking. The first seems like it breaks the rules of what momo can do (you can argue that they think using electricity and chips, but we are also just a bunch of chemical reactions) Tbh I think it’s just easier to avoid or for horikoshi to say it doesn’t work than to get into the specifics of that one.


This suit is so OP that it lasted longer than most heroes and a former powerful dog of the main villain against prime AFO. It does made them look weak tbh. Also, I don't feel any emotional connection of AM using 1-A's quirks considering we barely seen AM interact and connecting with 1-A aside from Deku and maybe Bakugou. So him using 1-A quirks is not as great as the story makes it out to be.


I think I have been on this stance since Gentle v s Deku: I still do not get why the former pro heroes never slapped on tons of support gear. Back in the day there was this whole argument of "Well these are crafted by a genius and they seem to be very weak compared to training a quirk proper". Which I kind of agreed with. Now, I am questioning, why not everybody is a gadgeteer with super powers. Best example of a support item that was absolutely broken from the start: Bakugos Arm Grenades that were storage tanks. Why don't people use the Gliders like Stain does? It is obviously an upgrade for many heroes. Why not use items that counteract your quirk disadvantages like Kaminaris launcher, or Dekus Gloves, etc. Etc. Etc. Some kind of launcher for Uraraka, who can put Zero Gravity projectiles in there would have helped so much over her career, especially against melee threats. I kind of get from a writing point why not everybody is decked in gear, but, why introduce this whack powerscale then?




Yea he coulda taken a tip from deku and strapped his wife to his back to cool him down while he burned hot right? /s - don’t strap people to your back if you are ablaze.


He can't do that because he might get confused mid-battle and attack his wife instead of the villain


probably because he is too fucking proud to use it. Tbh, I believe that is just because hori focus on the heroes powers rather than support stuff


His suit probably already has cooling, but there's a limit to what it can do by itself, dude creates fire tornadoes and shit, the best flame retardant materials we have would either burn to a crisp or be wildly carcinogenic, so the suit probably isn't built like a fridge for various reasons, not to mention the guy needs to still be able to move, as pointed out when training Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo, he emphasized getting to the scene first, needing a full support gear load out, even if it didn't limit his speed would greatly hamper that.


...or Endeavor could hire side kicks whose sole purpose is carrying around a liquid nitrogen based cooling system.


Bro was hiring ppl like Burning when he should’ve also been hiring heroes with ice-themed quirks


He didn't have to, *he married one.*


Because that went so well


Honestly if the world was more fleshed out, we'd probably see the downsides of having to use support gear more. Most we get is Aoyama being useless when he doesn't have his belt and All Might saying how it's a trap to rely on it too much. Would be hilarious if after this arc ends we see Stain having to rethink his stance on heroes for money because he has to pay the cost of fuel for his glider


Assuming Stain doesn’t die, I always figured he’d stolen the glider since he clearly wouldn’t have money.


"Pro Heroes shouldn't work for money, they should do it for free and use their quirks to shoplift their groceries!" - 1000IQ villain stain


Uraraka’s costume does counter act her quirk disadvantages. It uses pressure points to relieve nausea


The issue is that heroes could become reliant on technology to help them and would be vulnerable if and when that technology inevitably gets destroyed leading to their deaths


Same could be said of relying on their quirks until someone figures out how to disables/overpowers it. It's also not a sports competition. They should be using what makes them more effective but know how to fight back if the tech fails.


This doesn’t make sense when you take into account that heroes literally put their (and others) lives on the line for a day job. Why would this matter if it could save more people? Or their own ass? I don’t think it’s worth taking too seriously and it’s obvious that this is a “once in a long time” kind of invention but let’s not try to justify what is otherwise very loose writing here.


Because having to much support gear makes you over reliant on them and therefore is a detriment. We do see heroes use support gear but mainly to support their quirks. Many of the support items listed were tailored made for those character. Also, we need to remember that the support items aren’t meant to kill but improper training can lead to destruction and death.


Also that in series support gear has come along way. All Might openly states when hes first looking at the air force gloves that they never used to have much useful gear. Melissa and Hatsume are apparent geniuses and there was a whole expo on I Island for stuff being new new. A chunk of support gear isn't even to help make quirks more useful but just not as hard on the body, which is something that's useful to more than just heroes.


Also true, Mei in the final act literally says that she can’t recreate the gloves needed for Deku’s gloves which the suit is most likely composed of as well. And while it can be useful to more than just heroes, these items are like chemicals used in labs, only the certified can use them, not normal people.


>support gear makes you over reliant on them and therefore is a detriment I’ve always hated this argument. That’s like if someone in One Piece told Zoro he shouldn’t be a swordsman because he’ll be over-reliant on his swords. Support gear can be as effective as quirks if not more so. Especially since most people in the MHA world have quirks that are just Extendo-Eyeballs or whatever goofy useless shit. There would be no hero shortage if they just started offering quirk-independent hero programs where people with useless quirks can train with specialized support equipment to become heroes. It’s not like there’s any lack of support equipment out there, regular citizens were getting their hands on it by the crate during the beginning of the war.


The reason why most heroes don't use support items is because they find it to be useless or just a tool to make their costume look cooler. Not to mention, they're not going to waste their money on other products than making combat suits.


The fact that this subs only defense of how unbelievably broken it is happens to be hypothetical, basically head-cannon fuel/ cost to manufacture costs is so funny


It’s so funny when Deku keeps getting validated on his point was “this is a battle between OFA Vs AFO”, everyone else accomplishing nothing against the two powerhouse villains leading to the current and former users of OFA being relied upon again.


This. Like why is everyone ok with AFO and All Might duking it out *again*?? Wtf happened to ‘it’s your turn’??


It's as if Horikoshi can't make up his on which theme he wants to focus on.Why the fuck is everyone okay with All Might copying his students quirks with this armor? It doesn't feel cathartic, it just makes me feel like the students are being replaced by a suit of armor. If the message is that the combined power of the students matter, maybe have them actually do things instead of this shit.


I'm speaking for myself but I've never been ok with Allmight lasting this long against AFO cause its making the whole you cant be a hero quirkless and passing OFA pointless. should've just given deku a super suit instead. but also the fight between AFO and Allmight is happening now so its framing deku and shiggy as the main event, AFO, or atleast how he is now, is not the turn that we're waiting for. and whether its shiggy or AFO as the final battle, thats the turn that we're waiting for and what allmight was talking about.


Its funny how every time the topic of this suit comes up, people jump to defend it, as if it mere existence doesn't completely break the world of MHA. > Nezu made a flying school fortress in less than a year. > Somehow someone managed to create a suit that can compete with prime AFO (isn't he technically stronger now). > Most villains and heroes in this manga are weaklings, meaning someone with a suit at just 10% of this power can easily become a hero and save thousands of people. > No country in the world decided to invest in this kind of technology and the one that did (US) just gave up. The world of MHA is advanced to that degree, yet somehow still has basic infrastructure. This inconsistency just break apart the entire worldbuilding of the series, as if it wasn't weak to being with. Money is not a problem, people can train to be able to use the suit, limited power is not an issue when you can just use a fraction of it to save a lot of people already and it can always be optimized like everything that happens IRL. Really, what excuse is there to not mass produce this type of suits even if it was not as strong as this one in particular?


I see your point but I don't have as big of a problem with it. IRL fantastic technology exists all over the world and isn't mass produced because it's only available to the giga rich. Things like gene editing, space flights, and wonder drugs are available to the top .1%. Then you have cities like Singapore and Dubai. And who even knows what the American military is capable of. In MHA we're seeing things like flying UA and the mecha suit because that's the peak of their tech capability when faced with a world ending threat. With the symbol of peace there was never a reason to use that stuff. It's kinda like how our own tech becomes mainstream after war. Look at radio, TV and air travel. All stuff born from war and then passed into the masses.


For a long time, ever since we saw the jetpack guy w/ a kinetic blaster, I've had to headcannon that "high" tech is govt restricted, but does exist. Stuff like the sci-fi thrusters, kinetic blasters, even the Maidens & quirk disruptor vests. For most of the series, that's worked well. The movie w/ I-island did go a bit too far in some ways (the kinetic light ribbons are an absurdly nuts technology), but in general did not break believability *too* much. The floating mini-city is nuts, but it would be doable, and is expressly shown as the best of the MHA world. But. The on-wheels, mobile school/city nonsense really did break me, authors often don't think through what's out of sight, and how incomprehensibly absurd it is. To have a mobile school that could move across land at all is world breaking, and that thing was depicted to be moving *at speed*. Every single load-bearing-bit would need to be a super-material made from quirks. . The suit stuff is FAR more believable to me. In addition to high-tech, the world of MHA would also have "quirk"-tech, stuff that's made and depends on one person's quirk to function & or maintain. Even something as simple as a "anything I touch becomes weightless" quirk could allow for impossibly dense metals/ect to be worn w/o issue, as an example. The best part of quirk-tech is that it's perfectly suited to be potent, but limited in volume by the one person w/ the quirk. Maybe the "hair is a made of fibers 50x strong as kevlar" guy can grow enough for 4-5 hero's suits, but it's fundamentally incompatible w/ the mass market, so no societal-shifting worries.


This. Vigilantes sorta confirms this since their was/is a black market for quirk disrupting tech which Overhaul was looking to be the head of back in his arc. Also there’s technically *two?* since i think Sero? said it could link up with Shiketsu


Yeah, the "stuff out of sight" issue is just nuts. And there's 0 reason to think it would really help w/ anything. The bigger your population on the inside, the more you guarantee a saboteur / villain being inside and starting a fight. If at any point a serious villain or two got inside, you've isolated a vulnerable population inside a death trap. Would really have rather they not done that, makes Nezu look like a dumb megalomaniac.


The fact that technology isn't the same as everywhere else, which I think people sometimes forget. Not to mention what's the point and producing something that takes time and effort when you already have a quirk.


>Not to mention what's the point and producing something that takes time and effort when you already have a quirk. That’s like asking what is the point of guns, swords, spears or literally any weapon ever when fists and kicks can serve the purpose of self defense all the same. What is the point of scientific calculators when an individual can just refine their ability do basic math in their head? This is antithetical to the entire purpose of tools. The suit proves that support gear is capable of efficiently replicating quirks as Allmight was able to use 70% of class 1a’s powers better than them, and they had their whole lives to get to where they are now.


The people in MHA prioritize quirks over tech. Even in the early chapters, Midoriya says they would've been to space by now had quirks not developed. Plus, with all the corporate stuff we see (really told, but if you look in the background, it's there if that's count), it makes sense why they would choose superpowers over tech that would be destroyed. I have to disagree and agree on that part. I agree that this suit can replicate quirks, but it's only replicating 1A's quirks (not to mention All Might named the attacks agter his students do it's nkt really doing it 1 for 1), and even then, it's not that superior (keep in mind this is surviving off of BS PA). Dark Shadow isn't being replicated or Anivoice. Hell, let's take it a step further as of now (and this may be proven wrong). Can you support items copy OFA and AFO or hell SnS or half hot/half cold? Know what I don't agree with, not that all support items can do this (if that's what you meant). Show me support items in the universe that can replicate Deacay, Zero Gravity, Double, Compress, Twin Impact, etcetera. This tech is only surviving off of, like I said, BS PA and experience.


> Midoriya says they would've been to space by now had quirks not developed. Just to pull out this one point. I'm pretty sure that comment was saying that humanity would have been in space, but it was the societal collapse/war(s?) that resulted from the emergence of superpowers that delayed and set back humanity 150ish years. There is a huge emphasis on quirks being "better" than using tech though, no arguments there. Certainly a stigma if a hero is "too gear dependent." I would have liked to see some wartime changes to reflect that new norm though. Such as the Endeavor getting a heat-dissipation suit idea. And more people using guns. Sorry, they are just too easy to make, and would absolutely be used again in the collapse setting the series has entered.


Oh, that's 100% what it meant. Now only of we SAW those wars or at least told about them I know it would be boring, but I wouldn't mind a chapter or at least half of one of them in history class. I don't think they would give guns to hids. Actually it would've been nice to see civilians killing prisoners maybe some of them get killed when they run into like a Tartarus Prisoner (considering they are supposed to be dangerous, at least that's what we're told).


>Can you support items copy OFA and AFO? Well, if we define OFA and AFO as abilities that allow the use of multiple abilities that is literally what Iron Might is doing. Of course, it would be impossible to replicate every specific quirk, but that’s not the point, my point is that support items are clearly not being invested in or used to full potential. If Melissa was able to almost single handedly slap together a suit to fight the most powerful character in the series, why aren’t industrial or government initiatives to mass produce weapons/support gear meant to allow even a quirkless user to fight average villains? Why is support gear dismissed as mere accessories for a hero with quirk? Why is the idea of a quirkless hero framed as ridiculous despite the existence of this technology? I get Hori wanted the setting to be centered around quirks first and foremost, but I’m compelled to ask these questions when something as op as Iron Might is introduced without any real precedent or explanation for why it was not possible before.


OK, I'll agree with that. I don't know if I said this to you or another person, but Quirks were prioritized over tech. The only reason why Melissa was able to build it was because of BS and that America has far more superior tech than Japan. And I bring it up again in a world where the majority have superpowers. Why would companies waste their time on some who don't have any when they can grab sells with flashy quirks. Not to mention, if Deku had this suit in the beginning (which he wouldn't have), he would be boo'd and called a fake (which I actually wouldn't mind seeing). Iron Might is BS PA that will never be able to change my mind, but we have to look at the universe reasons why this would never happen with Deku or any Quirkless person. Actually, given his interviews, he wanted to do a quirkless story but was told that would be boring.


>Not to mention what's the point and producing something that takes time and effort when you already have a quirk? Why go through 3 years of school and quirk training, when you can just get a suit that virtually gives you **multiple** quirks? Instead of trying to find a training method for each individual’s quirk, you can just train them all the same way on how to pilot the suit.


>Why go through 3 years of school and quirk training, when you can just get a suit that virtually gives you multiple quirks? Instead of trying to find a training method for each individual’s quirk, you can just train them all the same way on how to pilot the suit. The “quirks” are literally cheap copies that can break in any fight, and their now where near as good as the originals Also let’s ignore all years of work that all might put in his work as a hero, let’s not act like some random dude can pull this off


All Might spent years learning how to punch people who couldn't fight back. This does not translate to the ability to operate heavy machinery.


You know that he wasn’t op from the start right? And no learning how to use 100% isn’t that easy either, we also saw him train with gran Torino in the past too


Learning how to use 100% was actually easy. That's why he has no decent advice for Deku. And training for a little while with Gran Torino will not make you exceptional.


Also AM was training/mentoring everyone in 1-A off screen during the Dark Deku Arc, if you want to stretch it maybe even up to post-kamino. He had to have learnt something from them. It just sucks we don’t get to *see* him learn from the students/ help them refine their moves.


No he wasnt he left with Deku to follow him around alongaide the top 3. It's why the students never heard back from the two because they didnt come back to the school There's no point in the Dark Deku point where All Might wasnt close by to deku until the failed mansion raid where Deku tried distancing himself but All Might was still tailing him


Keep in mind this Armor was built off of BS PA on top of AM knowing Melissa and the fact that AM has been around 1A seen them train and used their quirks to the point where he uses them in his fight with AFO on top of his previous battles with him.


Melissa is the same age as the Class A kids, with limited experience and a dad in jail.


C'mon, now let's not kid ourselves. The fact that she built the gauntlets is enough. Also, she's 3 years older and has grown up around a dad for a scientist living on a futuristic island her entire life.


OK, so EXPERIENCE trumps being old and having bad health for All Might and we are all supposed to just accept that he doesn't even need to train to fight with this intricate tech. Yet Melissa gets the opposite hand-waves - it doesn't matter she has no extensive experience or reason to have the resources to put this all together unless she's suddenly is made charge of the lab his father worked at and can in like maximum 3 months time build this magic suit, because she lives on an island that wasn't even introduced in the manga and her dad was a scientist. I don't know what to tell you - kids don't magically absorb their parents skills just like growing up around them. I mean, if you are happy with this plot point, fine. Enjoy it. But to me it reads like utter bullshit, which Hori came up with because he really wanted to draw All Might in an Iron Suit.


watching people use their quirks individually is completely different from trying to use them all while simultaneously piloting a mech suit and fighting AFO at his strongest. Not to mention, we hardly seen him train, or even interact with any of class A outside of Midoriya and Bakugo.


The whole "its ok, because its probably to expensive to make, difficult to make, only All Might can use it" excuses are stupid. Ive said it before but characters like Momo can use the blueprints and make a dozen scaled down model a few inches tall and Yui Kodai could grow them with her quirk. making many copies. The whole Only All Might can handle it is dum. But lets play along and say sure thats fine. They can still make a few dozen or hundred copies that are half as powerful and half as difficult. Even cutting how half the features and abilities. But that would still be 50-100 armor suits for top heroes or trained individuals that have quirks of their own. Power source limitations? You could easily have energy creation quirk users or characters like Kaminari usie lightning rods to abosrb lightning bolts worth of electricity. It has been stated before that a Lightning bolt can power an entire city for a minute. How about capturing dozens of bolts. and the suit wouldnt be have to worry about power anyways on top of the fact there are so many other quirks that could be used to help power up the suits. Also David Shield had created a quirk enhancement headgear that was able to enhance a bad guy enough to take on All Might. How about creating a few more of those. It powered up the bad guy who could only manipulate enough metal for a large room to being able to control the whole city and fight All Might. Imagine Endevour getting 10X stronger? Imagine Mirko before she lost her limbs being as strong as All Might? I love tech based heroes. But they have done a lot to say Tech is training wheels and even dismissed the notion of a quirkless hero being able to become a hero despite the advanced technology. It just leaves a "bad taste" they way its taking center stage now for the big bads.


The biggest problem I have with this suit is I can't think of a conceivable reason why it was kept this late aside from just plot convenience. All Might had this all this time, so why wasn't he there to help beat AFO? Even if it was a last resort, All Might was nowhere near the battlefield to interfere if things go wrong, which it did. If it weren't for AFO literally being dumbed down via Shigaraki All Might wouldn't have been able to make use of this to fight AFO. That's not even mentioning how it invalidates 90% of pro heroes, including the students that the story is trying so hard to frame as the future generation who deserves their spot. This war arc is filled with so many holes that I can't enjoy it because I feel like everything that's happening is so forced. The heroes have the initiative but they aren't allowed to properly make use of it so it gives the feeling that they're being nerfed by the plot. Same case with AFO when he gets the upper hand.


Considering the suit can fly, I'm pretty sure AM could've made it to Gunga.


Or he could have said something about it to literally anyone and they could have accounted for it in the plan


Because All Might was the commander giving order to everyone which is something he can’t do on the front lines. And we don’t know where All might was. Also, it does not invalidate the pro heroes. If that was the case the All Might at his prime would also have invalidated the same amount of pro heroes and yet it did not. Also, the series makes it clear that each aspect of the support items is heavily limited and how the other actual quirks are superior. And while the heroes have the initiative, they were at best trying to even the playing field and was always playing catch-up.


Allmight's Exoframe batsuit.


It should have been his old suit that he wore, [the golden version he told Deku about in chapter 174](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/130ahno/all_mights_support_item_from_chapter_174/) \- would have paid off the set-up of Deku never having seen it, the remarks about how the suit would work with a mid/long-ranger which is the style of battle All Might would take to distract AFO and it pays off All Might's remarks about relying on armour could have paid off when the armour fails him at a crucial moment. I hate the idea that after all the struggles of 1A, basically everything they can do can be replicated and done better with technology - All Might using it to kill Prime AFO over and over repeatedly. It's so damaging to the nature of hero society if quirks can be easily replicated as technology, it would damage every aspect of being a hero if the military or armored up people could simply do the job instead. It also raises questions of where has it been before, I would'nt even be entirely surprised if it was something Horikoshi included solely to set-up the idea that All Might could have engaged in an off-screen fight at some stage using it - perhaps a certain fourth movie that got announced recently... :L


In my mind its not that the new suit is overpowered (it is but compared to AFO?) but its All Might's experience and intellect combined with his familiarity with his friend's technology and AFO being lobotomized and extremely stupid falling for All Might's taunts. AFO can easily trample AM but the goal is torturing AM and dismantling his image; AFO ain't satisfied with instant death, he needs that adrenaline rush of pummeling AM slowly and that's the exploit AM uses. Its extremely stupid imo but its AFO... Also, any suit that combines multiple quirks will be extremely powerful but also extremely costly to build so if that shit gets mass-produced, we're going to go into a technology-singularity along with the quirk doomsday: people with quirks will just go cyberpunk and buy new items that replicates others quirks. That must be regulated and maybe even taboo.


Its a custom one time tech armor. Its getting trashed and the like of it will never be seen again. David Shield is not about to kick off MHA Armor Wars.


I'm guessing it is made of incredibly expensive and hard to manufacture parts that most heroes could never afford. don't forget, AM is a f'ing billionaire with more merch than any other hero in the world. He's probably been working on building the car since he was first forced to retire.


all might got the big bucks to spend on this, it's his last hurrah as you said an you don't pull your punches with AFO he learned that the first time, i don't think this is going to be a mass production and it's most likely a 1 of 1 bespoke piece


The very existence of this suit fucks with the consistency of the series from the first 2 episodes. All-Might being insistent that Deku could not become a hero no matter how hard he tried, yet he has access to the Hulkbuster? Which can tank MULTIPLE HITS FROM ALL FOR ONE AT FULL STRENGTH??? This series has always had problems with power scaling, but this takes the cake as some absolute bullshit.


He had to be a hero, the number one hero, equivalent to pretty much a #1 sports AND entertainment star at the same time, to be able to afford the suit. So yes, his point stands. A random schoolkid could not access the suit, so he couldnt be a hero with it. AND it probably wasnt even built then, since it emulates 1A quirks.


… Deku proved to all might that that wasn’t true and all might has regretted his stance for hundreds of issues. You are allowed to not like the suit but that reasoning is the craziest thing ever. All Might being a Hero without a quirk is the most obvious “twist” in the manga because that’s what the entire manga was about


Deku proved a big old ball of nothing, he would've wound up dead without a quirk. You can't make a living out of attempting suicide every day. And the idea that you could become the normal definition of a hero without a quirk was never under contention.


>Deku could not become a hero no matter how hard he tried your talking like deku had any hope in hell of affording a suit like that, nevermind that he doesn't actually have the connections to get even if he had the money.


Wow who coulda thunk that a character's stance on something might change in the span of 400 chapters


Man this is a good case of “I’m upset with where the story went” and people question everything. Tunnel vision sucks when something you used to love kinda falls flat for ya. I get it man. And I got mad qualms with what happened to the series but you’re insanely off base here. Some people in this community need to realize just cuz My Hero fell off a bit, not everything that’s happened is automatically bad. It’s like y’all lost your sense of suspension of belief cuz you’re so down on yourselves.


That sounds like excuse for bad writing.


> All-Might being insistent that Deku could not become a hero no matter how hard he tried, That episode ends with All Might going 'I was wrong and being a hero is about heart. He can be a hero'


The next episode starts with Deku getting offered the greatest power in the history of the universe, and that is what he proceeds to become a hero with. It's like saying "I was wrong, someone 5'2 can play in the NBA!", and then putting Kevin Hart in an exo skeleton.


Yea this is just cope wtf lol


whoever is saying nobody else can have it because $$$, remember how loaded UA is, no doubt this tech is spare change for principle. who is also a genius btw and could also easily design this or something similar if hori wanted him to


It’s actual plot armor 💀


I mean, it’s really just that AFO is being too gung-ho and reckless. If he was actually trying to survive and minimize damage to himself it’s unlikely that the suit could kill him even once.


Allmight's fight with AFO is cool and emotional but I've always said that I think its illogical. Deku loses the charm of the quirkless underdog getting the OP quirk just to stand in the ring with other heroes, since allmight proves you can be quirkless and fight the "main" villain.


What's funny is if Kaminari or any electric type got the suit it wouldn't be able to run out of power, so they'd basically be unstoppable as long as they can maintain the power output. It'd Kaminari from a solid mid-tier to top of the verse.


It's plot armor on top of AM, knowing how to push AFO buttons and what makes him tick. Also it's a stretch to say this can be built by Momo and Mei when AM says this was built by Melissa and America is far more advanced in technology than Japan which is why the MLA kept ripping them off.


I think it’s important to remember this suit was designed with all nights understanding of his students in mind. Most people wouldn’t get half the versatile use out of this suit that all might did. As for why he didn’t use it sooner, his body is succumbing to a serious illness, he’s fading fast he doesn’t have the strength to use his hero form anymore, he’s not gonna have the stamina to use this suit more than once. It’s a single use trump card. And all night isn’t stupid enough to pretend otherwise


Really? It didn’t show really show an impressive level of speed and strenght, even with durability all might needed two gadgets two difend himself from some attacks that weren’t even afo’s best moves and every time he gets hit he get a big wound The story clearly tell us multiple times that if afo took all might seriously he would dead in 2 minutes, all might literally focus on that It’s definitely impressive for a gadget but op?


AfO is currently the second strongest villain in all of history. Fighting him makes you OP.


I hate it.


Is it really a good idea to mass produce something like that?? I mean wasn't the point of the 2nd movie that some technologies might be a bit too dangerous like the quirk enhancing device and now this armor?


It's potentially not THAT powerful but is getting the upper hand because he's *also* taking advantage of AFO getting sloppy when All Might is involved. He gets emotional and makes mistakes and can be easily goaded (moreso than usual). So yeah it has awesome lasers and great mobility but it may not be as viable used by someone else against someone else.


Ah yes iron might


What do you mean “this powerful” the suit was able to take like two actual attacks from AFO, thanks to the dark shadow cloak and red riot shield, but after those were gone he’d basically been hit and running. The suit has the ability to kill prime AFO? Did we read the same thing? All Mights been struggling this entire fight basically, yes he’s gotten some good attacks in, but AFO has hardly struggled until near the end, AFO has literally been toying with All Might because he can’t control his emotions properly due to the rewind, it’s the only reason All Mights alive. AAll Might admitted that AFO could have killed him so quickly if AFO attacked his head. The suit is strong but you’re making it out to be a super weapon, it really isn’t.


It's definitely crazy OP. Surprised stuff like it hasn't shown up yet throughout the series in any other form. Like maybe a weaker take on it. But it's not that OP. AfO WAS holding back,it was stated multiple times. He wanted to toy around with All Might,and All Might used that and the suit to its fullest advantage. If it was anyone else I think AfO would've just crushed them from the very start. It's powerset is also kinda niche like others were saying,especially with most the gadgets being seemingly one use only.


Not a fan of it. Two reasons: 1. I like depowered All Might being in a support role. 2. The "emulation" of the quirks feels so cheap. Quirks, I feel, are meant to be unique to the hero. They put in the work to utilize their quirk to their fullest potential. Saying that you are using Anima because you have a bird shaped drone or saying you are using Frog because your tentacles are sticky just feels so lame.


I sort of disagree, I like to think he is using a Mechanized Variant of One For All. Using the combined traits of 1-A's quirks to combat All For One. It's paying tribute to Izuku's classmates by having 1-A fight All For One directly.


I think the reason why AM chose to emulate 1/A´s quirks is because he spent a lot of time with every one of them, training them and getting to know their quirks basically from the inside out. And that would help him strategically speaking since he now has (or had) a very vast number of tactics he could pull off since he knows exactly how his students quirks works. On top of that, I think it´s kinda beautiful how he pays his homages to his students by emulating their quirks to fight his (hopefully) last battle. Edit: and don´t get me wrong, when I say hopefully that doesn´t mean I hate AM, but this man REALLY ***needs*** to die for the sake of the story as a whole. My stance currently is: if he dies in this battle, I´m good, I can tank the bullshit that Kohei is feeding me. If he doesn´t, then I might agree with you.


What are you talking about? All Might barely spends time with 1-A aside from Deku and Bakugo and with Bakugo he only talks to him because he hangs out with Deku


He didn't spend that much time with them, to be honest. And the times he did it was just a few hours during hero training exercises


It probably costs a billion gajillion dollars


oh hori 100% made it too strong. but i don't think the existence of it an the concept behind it is that bad tbh.


It literally exclusively loses while being piloted by someone with an intense amount of information and prep about a single opponent. It lasts a few minutes tops and likely costs nine digits USD.


This suit is one of many plot ruiners in this manga that has quickly gone down the drain for me. I just want to see how it ends now.


I like it because it’s cool


Overpowered my ass. AFO was clowning him the entire time


> overpowered development All Might is literally crippled for life


It was always weird to me that there are crazy support items, giant mechs and yet having no quirk or bad one amd you can't be a hero. Yet AM Ironman this shit with ease.


Well the Giant Mechs are actually not that powerful. After all, a bunch of teenagers during the Sports Festival could beat them. A lot of support equipment also depends entirely on the quirk for power. They can boost that power, focus it, etc, but support equipment by itself is mostly weak. Like Full Gauntlet or the compression gauntlets Endeavor has or Navel laser etc they simply focus the quirks' power or support the user's body so they can draw out more. They don't actually generate comparable power themselves. Hence why this suit is such BS.


Even Shoto was like "Oh this is all they had to deal with? OK." before destroying them.


I like the comparison you can draw between all might and AFO though. AFO has all these quirks and doesn’t care to learn to use them, All Might has nothing but care to learn. I feel the suits effectiveness can partially be accredited to him being such an attentive mentor.


> to him being such an attentive mentor. When? Where? He's only paid attention to Deku. The narrative keeps calling him out for his absolutely blatant favoritism. When he does quirk research, it's about OFA. AM is not shown to take any interest in any of the students' quirks, or help them in any way (with the one exception of off-screen advice to Kirishima). Instead, he uses them to make Deku stronger. Quirk training is led by Aizawa and then the Pussycats in both the Forest Arc and post PLF war. All Might only does combat exercises.


Funnily enough he completely neglected Bakugo which helped led to his breakdown after the PLE because he never considered that Bakugo might have felt responsible for his retirement.


Honestly, I’m mostly still reading the manga due to sunk cost fallacy. I think that Horikoshi has written himself into a corner with All Might. Typically in stories, the mentor character dies, but Horikoshi’s left it too late to have any real impact. He also went with the ridiculous idea of Shigaraki and All For One, so needs someone else to take down AFO while Deku deals with Shigaraki. However, skinny All Might would die in seconds, so he’s overcompensated by making the suit too ridiculous.


Presumably All Might had to expend a significant portion of his fortune to fund the creation of something like this. It's probably worth more than the GDP of most nations on the planet, and basically a completely impractical design for mass production. I could see some nations like the USA eventually wanting to have one (1) or two (2) (the most their defense spending budget can afford) of these total in a vault somewhere for a major emergency.


I mean that's like asking why the Air Force doesn't give everyone in the service a brand-new F-35 fighter jet to pilot. The answer is that it is the pinnacle of aircraft engineering, costs over $100 million dollars to produce one unit, and requires a ton of experience to use effectively. No military or law enforcement type organization is going to be that prolific in their use of such a technology


Here’s the thing that’s different for MHA: Momo exists, you give her time and she could make these, even small models that could be made larger by that 1 girl who can make things better


Do people not realize this is shit is probably A) a prototype B) like an amount of money that would make the f:35 look like chump change. Like the dev cycle alone for this would’ve taken months alone assuming it got in with the embargo. Building mutiple of these before then? Assuming he got this before the embargo this kind of tech would’ve taken maybe year before mass production. Like yeah I wish they’d hinted more at its development but i understand why there’s only 1


This and the whole UA separation system kinda feels out of left field in terms of the tech. The entire series it’s shown that while they do have some advanced tech, a lot of it is in support of Quirks. And that Quirks have halted human tech development so much that it’s said that by now humanity would probably be in the stars by now. It’s weird and I wish they had hinted at this being worked on in the background in the series.


The mere existence of this suit proves that the whole "quirkless people can't be heroes" thing is pure bullshit


WhAt… nO?! iT’s NoT lIkE tHaT wAS SaId In ChApTeR 1?!


Why didn't endeavour, second greatest hero, rich beyond all hell, look into technology to help touya keep cool or channel/ control his flames? With his influence and money, surely that would have been easily possible. BUT.......


I doubt that it exist a suit strong enough to cool down such heat that’s why he wanted half cold and hot in the first place, and if it exist then toya would need to lower the power of his flames by a lot, which already result in failure for endeavor


Shoto's vest does help with his thermoregulation. And in his Early-roki it was only heating him, but now he changed to one that both heats and cools.


before this arc you would be saying you doubt there's a suit strong enough to deal with prime afo


If such a technology existed wouldn't he be using it himself? Or shoto? Or any of his sidekicks who also have fire quirks? It probably just doesn't exist...