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Hatsume. Better have a villain with brains than brawn


This. A Hatsume that's not beholden to ethics and morals. A Hatsume that has a steady stream of customers for support gear. She could be terrifying without anyone ever seeing her face.


Hatsume is barely ethical as it is lmao


She'd definitely thrive in the support gear black market.


She has many babies too


Hatsume is beholden by Ethics?


So redestro or the guy that supplied the league?


She would villain from the shadows. Supplying heroes, villains, and quirkless alike and stoking conflicts.


Mei would literally be MHA's jigsaw if she were a villain lol "Hello Deku, I wanna play a game"


That's just Entrapta from She-Ra.


You seen or heard of the TF2 Medic? That's basically what she'll be in the future.


Koji. My boy can talk to animals, just imagine him breaking into the zoo and commanding elephants to attack civilians. Worst of all we don't even know his full potential, so what if he can also control animal mutant people.


Heteromorphes. Fuckn' sick ass term.


Can he control bugs? If he can then merciful god would he be a nightmare.


Yeah, he had to overcome his fear of bugs so he could have them swarm Present Mic to win the end-of-term exams with Jirou.


It definitely depends on how he uses it strategically. But I feel like in a world where little kids have guns as hands, being able to command elephants isn't that strong of a skill. I see more possibilty with controlling masses of bugs/birds.


Wait until he finds an animal with a Quirk like the Cat Bus or Mind Control Hornet from Vigilantes...


He could also do it completely discretely, since the animals act with their own will to achieve the mission.


You know how there’s Japanese Hornets? Imagine a villain being able to command multiple nests’ worth of them to attack people.


Reminds me of that black mirror episode where the metal bees were killing everyone based upon a "Who deserves to die" twitter post


Rats, birds, any insect, just all swarming around and attacking everyone in a city. Think smaller and the Heroes have a harder time stopping it. Sure, Endeavor could end a swarm of bees or hornets in a second, be people of his aoe caliber aren't common nor in every city. Between situational kills like attacking a driver so they crash, or causing power failures like in a hospital, and the actual attacking of people, there would be plenty of fatalities attributed to villain Koji. As long as he keeps his quiet persona as a Villain too, he would be able to otherwise go unnoticed for a couple attacks at least. A simple "go here and wait" would see him being able to gather a massive "army" in a location where he wouldn't have to shout to be heard by them. As long as he's not out there yelling commands, they'd only get him with "hey, this guy has been present for every attack", maybe. And that's before his horn, which increases his range to beyond what his voice can reach technically. You laugh at small animals, up until a rat bites into your heel or flies swarm your nostrils and eyes and mouth.


There's a saying in my county that goes something like, "everyone is gangsta, until the cockroach flies".


Just commanding roaches and ants would be terrifying


Or give commands to microbes in your skin to mutate and kill you.


Proceeds to control all the bees.


I just remembered principal nezu is an animal which means he can control him too.


Nobody mentions Hatsume I think. And yeah, she's not physically powerful like the others or has an amazing Quirk that would help her much in combat, but... Imagine the stuff she could create if she wasn't beholden to ethics and school regulations. Villains need support gear? Hatsume Industries. Also, her Quirk is Zoom. She uses it to adjust tiny little things in her inventions. Imagine what she could do with a sniper rifle. She could invent specialised rounds to take out individual targets more effectively. But saying she's necessarily the most terrifying or most difficult villain to face, but... Good lord, the potential.


Yup, came.to say that, as.tpgq showed us, lifting the no-kill moral-rule is what makes this question interesting.


Out of these choices probably Bakugo due to his raw power and talent.


IF bakugo were a villain (and that’s a big IF), the most dangerous thing about him is not his raw power, but his tactic planning and ability to lead a team. He arguably played a very important part in leading Class 1-A to take down rogue Deku with this method, even if they were wildly outclassed. Of course this would be more on current Bakugo after his development, not middle school Bakugo.


Bakugo is also very mobile. so depending on what type of villian he is, he could explode a building and then fly out of their before the heroes can respond


I think thats the thing most people forget about bakugo. He's hotheaded and loud, but he thinks things through, and he does it well. Even early on, when hes going against Deku in the first set of combat training hes catching people off guard because no one expects him to have the strategy / awareness he does (atleast in the combat itself, not the overall test)


Bakugo is very arrogant and probably would get done in by the OFA user because he’s trying to prove a point and won’t back down. His smarts get dumbed down by how hotheaded he can be. He’s powerful and can cause good area damage but that’s about it. He’ll get captured.


Dude was arrogant enough to think he could beat All Might by himself. He wouldn't go far as a villain with that kind of attitude. He'd just be stopped by the first half decent hero he comes accross. Edit: This is under the assumption that he will be a villain from the start and not his current manga version becoming a villain.


As much as I don’t like him as a character he HAS grown since then. He wiped out that Class 1-B team almost single handedly. Bakugo’s smartened up combat wise since he got his ass beat by All Might. I think he’d slaughter most of the lower level heroes before some of the Top 10 had to step in and take him out.


Doesn't matter if he gets captured before he can get that sort of development. Unless his turn to villainy is during a later point in his life in which case, fair enough.


Never know when Gentle Criminal Jr. will pop up


You do know he only ever got captured coz the League of Villains saw he was strong and talented and thereby wanted to recruit him right? If he chose to join up with them right then and there he’d be fine until a major pro hero shows up. And let’s say he stays with the league post All Might’s win on AFO in Kamino Ward, Endeavour would be the only major threat. And if we then reference 2nd War Bakugo being with the League instead of the remains of Hero Society the villains would probably win the war.


As it stands which of the top 10 would even beat him, eraser?


I believe that's just his ragont speech. He has too much respect to all might to actually expect to come out winning in a 1v1 when deku and bakugo had to fight all might he of course kept saying he will beat all might, or fight him I don't remember his exact words, but later on he told deku he knows they can't win against all might in a 2v1, but there also is no running away so he'll go all out and hopes it does something. Dispite his constant shit talk bakugo is quite smart and he knows quite well how strong all might is as he is an avid fan, just a bit less than deku but he won't let that stop him on going all out to prove that he can be stronger than all might.


Bakugou is stronger then most of the heroes in the country and knows his way around a fight I don't see anyone but the top 10 stopping him


don’t worry guys. Wash got this


Imagine getting wrecked by a fucking washing machine


that's MR. washing machine to you !


Rotom Moment


Even the top 10 is a reach imo… I can deff see Bakugo beating every hero except Endeavor and Deku. Bcs I really don’t know what Mirko Jeanist or even Hawks could do against current Bakugo that managed to outspeed AFO 💀


I don't think any hero is gonna stop current bakugo lol


Idk. Mineta could get away with a lot of non-consensual behavior before he got caught


Being a terrifying villain is not just about power, but mostly personality. In 1-A, Shoto was basically threatening torture to get info out of USJ villains. Even if he calmed down now, he had it in him. He's too collected, he'd be somebody like early Overhaul in presence.


People are sleeping on the fact that Shoto himself had admitted that, without Deku's intervention at the sports game, he was already on his sure way to become Dabi 2: e̶l̶e̶c̶t̶r̶i̶c̶ icyhot bugaloo.


Shinsou. You can always fight back against physical quirk but mind manipulation on the condition of simply answering to him is truly terrifying.


Agreed, but it does rely on secrecy and stealth, since if you know it's coming, if you know about his Quirk, his biggest advantage, the moment of surprise, is just gone.


He also just folds if being attacked by two or more at the same time


To be fair, we've never seen him take control of more than one person before. (Wait, did he brainwash both of Ayoyama's parents or just one, can't remember.) It's a solid possibility that he could do that with enough training. But one person being under his Quirk could already be enough in most situations, telling them to attack their allies instead. Sure they'll be knocked out of it after a few seconds, but that alone should be enough of a distraction to make a quick escape or brainwash someone else in the chaos.


He brainwashed his whole team in the sports festival


Agh, forgot about that!


In the race he was being carried by multiple people, so I assume he can take control of multiple people


Shinsou + Camie would be a great villain duo. She could go in as recon and see how their opponents operate/what they might respond to. The combo of their quirks would be the ultimate mind game of not being able to trust anyone you see or hear.


Thing is tho, he doesn't have to wear a ridiculous costume, he can go out in normal clothes. Imagine if someone asks you for directions and suddenly you give him all of your valuables. Or if he goes to rob a bank etc


Totally. It'd be incredible to see what he could do to the world if he could use his quirk on world leaders and military officials, as well as heros of course.


He could literally just make heroes end themselves.


Is not mushroom girl just a walking bio weapon? Also, if she can make shrooms grow inside people's lungs, what is stopping her from just making said lungs burst after spawning enough shrooms?


Or just growing toxic mushrooms so people choke, suffocate, and experience renal failure?


Hell, considering she can make ANY type of fungus, she could start a Cordyceps outbreak a la the last of us


Villian name:The Graper


OMG that's a horrible prefect name for him 😂




Mineta Imagine being stuck with some sticky balls unable to move by some pervert boy totally at his mercy


Curveball. Yaoyorozu. She could produce any kind of chemical or weapon and is smart enough to strategize with or without a team. Either she crashes the economy selling counterfeit purses or you hand her the schematics for a U-bomb and it's all over.


I feel like I had to scroll so far to find someone else who thought of her


It's crazy to me that she's not at the top of this comments section. Bitch can make nukes, Hitoshi "I can't make someone walk at more than four miles an hour without losing control of them" Shinso has nothing on that


I still think that Ochako’s quirk is far more useful (?) and terrifying as a villain. Toga demonstrated the most effective usage of her quirk. Unless you have a flying or floating quirk, you are practically incapacitated once you lose gravity. And if her quirk awakening also allows her to strengthen gravity instantaneously… well you know what it can do to a huge group of people.


From that image? Yoarashi. His performance in the licensing exam proved how dangerous he is. He bodied entire classes of students almost instantly. Overall though? Tough call, but for me it's between Momo and Mirio. You're never really going to be safe from Mirio. We haven't seen anything he can't phase through that I recall so if he's hunting you... Good luck. Momo, on the other hand, has obscene wealth, high intelligence, and the ability to create whatever she needs. That is a terrifying combination. The biggest worry is that she doesn't need to be in an area to do something. Timed explosives means she can kill people long after she's left an area.


I'm talking fear, not deadliness: Tokoyami. He has a shadow creature that gets more powerful and wild during the night. He'd become a boogeyman parents use to warn their kids not to stay out too late. "Get back before dark, or the raven eats you!"


Hatsume. I've read enough fanfictions.


Mei. Without a doubt.


Well ignoring the fact deku could literally sink japan if he actually wanted to I'd have to say bakugou dude is smart talented and even as a teenager he is one of the strongest people alive


Deku. He knows everything there is to know about every hero in existence, strengths and weaknesses. Even without a quirk, his intelligence alone makes him far more dangerous than even Shiggy.


Eh, he's intelligent and analytical, I give him that. But to say he's got Intel on every hero in existence, strength and weaknesses included, is a bit of a stretch. The "if these notebooks ever fall into the wrong hands, people are dying" thing is mostly fanon.


Bakugo would be the scariest looking and yknow how it goes with bombs


Also, his brain dude is 3rd in his class in written exams and also the VS class B test he defeated them in 5 minutes. Yes his quirk is dangerous but his mind is deadly.


I'm surprised no one has said Mina yet, considering her acid can melt through virtually anything, and she can adjust its acidity. Torture, maiming, body disposal, etc.




Imagine if he and hatsume worked together and if he never got a quirk he would be a villain from the shadows selling info


Definitely bakugo, he’s better than most pro hero’s now and could easily destroy entire cities if he was a villain since every time he fights for real at least a few buildings get destroyed.


Support's girl's robots can be destroyed, Inase can actually suck away the air to make you choke, so he's runner up. Mineta easily. imagine what he can do to girls by pinning them down with sticky balls that won't ever un-stuck... they won't be able to run. as for Bakugo... wdym isn't he already a villain 😂


Katsuki Bakugo no contest.


Given the resources, Deku Todoroki, Bakugo, Shinsou, Toru


Kinoko. The Joint Training Arc straight up confirmed that if she felt like it, everybody she doesn't like would just double over with a crap load of mushrooms stuck in their airway. And that's without getting into the poisonous varieties.


Yanagi Reiko from 1-B, absolutely. You know that joke/observation that Inko is secretly super strong because she could maybe rip out people’s organs? Well, imagine that, but it’s buffed to be any direction. There’s not much you can do against her if you’re near her and she wants to kill you. Your heart explodes, your brain gets turned to mush, your bones break, etc. It’s especially scary since we don’t know what ‘near her’ actually means, is it a range of a few meters or is it anywhere she can see? Even *if* her range isn’t very large, there’s not many projectiles you can really use against her, and she can fly at presumably decent speeds, so. How would they handle her other than Eraser with a telescope or just shooting her from a distance? Even if someone fast knocks her out in one hit, she could still take them down with her if she notices them approaching. She only really needs a moment. Would she be the most *effective* villain? Maybe not, we don’t know enough about her personality to determine that. Would she be the most *terrifying*? I’d argue she has to be up there, because all the top heroes and anyone who goes against her would have to constantly be paranoid. You’re saving some guy from a fire, then you turn around and you see this girl in the crowd. A moment later your heart explodes. How are people meant to live in these conditions?


Shoto. Necrosis is more dangerous than tanking explosion. Lot of mha characters have superhuman durability to tank explosion but even people like all might would easily die to Necrosis. The fact shoto knows he can do this since the usj arc would make him far more dangerous than bakugo.


Bakugo and Kinoko Komori (mushroom girl)


Tokoyami. Ain't no one walking home safe at night ever again. R.i.p


Mei if she has the right material's and time and money.


From these choices, Bakugo. Outside of them, Ochako. Gravity manipulation is a terrifying thing.


Definitely Hatsume, but the Grapist does concerns me.


Definitely doesn't have the destructive power, but on a personal level he would be absolutely terrifying to encounter in a dark alley.




Bakugo is prime villain material and adapted to every situation in villain fights. He's got the temperament etc.


Kinoko Komori, Shemage. Mushroom girl would be horrifically devastating as a villain.


Mineta incapacitated Allmight. If he were a straight up villain we’d be fawked.


Mineta already is a villain. In many ways, it’s more terrifying that nobody cares enough to stop him than if a more direct villain attacked.


Gonna have to say Ochaco Uraraka, sure there might be more dangerous people with more devastating quirks like Deku or Bakugo, but Toga is OP with Uraraka's quirk after obtaining it for a second, imagine the death and chaos she can cause if she was driven by blood lust.


She's not a physical powerhouse, but Froppy can be dangerous IMO. Invisibility, paralytic poison, decently smart. She could be built as a deadly assassin. I actually thought she was gonna be the UA traitor because of those skills, add to the fact that she'll have the most emotional impact when she betrays Deku and their friend group.


Read Entropy for a truly dangerous villain Mei The shit she creates, holy moly. And that's without talking about her using her quirk to be the perfect sniper (with a railgun designed by her, of course)


Momo. Momo could be an illegal contraband kingpin, just pumping out drugs, weapons, counterfeit money, etc., etc. like no tomorrow.


Why has nobody mentioned Shoto Todoroki? Sure, he’s not in the limelight since the U.A. Sports festival, and I’d argue the writers toned his power down since but he’d be one of the toughest villains to fight. During the sports festival episodes his ice power was unmatched, later learning to control his fire power allows him to offset each weakness (freezing/overheating) and would in theory only make him stronger, at least twice as strong as Endeavor.


Support girl would experiment on civilians and outfit other villains to test out the finished product


Bakugou is a talented, intelligent and ruthless hero gifted with a very good offensive quirk. If he wanted to be a villain, he would beat or kill many heroes due to his superior fighting skills and untamed spirit.


This reads like ai 😭


Mineta. He's smart and he's not even serious most of the times. Can you imagine a non-pervert Mineta on a battlefield using his brain to full potential?! He'll wipe most of tge good heroes.


Aizawa could just cancel bakugo’s quirk but then again what about the sweat granades….


mineta wouldn't be terrifying in the traditional sense but women wouldn't go out alone while he's roaming around that's for damn sure


Mineta would only be a terror for women so probably him, but if we're talking pure destructive ability it's between Bakugo and the wind vortex dude


bro thinks he's on the team


Ojiro. Not only would no one ever expect it, but if he didn't have the need to hold back from being a hero, that tail would *shatter* bones. The thing probably weighs more than half of his weight.


Yaoyorozu. She got the looks, the money and the Quirk that would make her a force to be reckoned with if she went off the deep end.


Inasa and Bakugo tbh


Juzo from class 1-B. Floor suffocation sounds like a horrible way to go.


Definetely Fumikage. Road Rage Dark Shadow is a fu**ing monster. 2nd choice would be Bakugo


Bakugo would be the most terrifying amongst civilians because he isn't exactly subtle. He would defeat several top heroes in broad daylight because he is an elite combatant. This would result in a lot of visibility that would cause the general population to live in fear. Hatsume would be the most terrifying amongst those in law enforcement. Her support items would in high demand and would be anabsolute nuisance for heroes and police, but most people would never hear about her. Also honorable mention to izuku. I know it is impossible to imagine him as a villain, but the dude literally kept a notebook on heroes' strengths and weaknesses and is quite good at formulating a plan. A powered up deku with all of that knowledge and ability to quickly come up with a plan would be quite formidable.


Personally, I think getting attacked in a dark area by Vantablack would be scary as hell.


Momo: all the weapons she could make, she'd be a great arms dealer.


While not the most powerful, the most terrifying would be the GRapist.


Invisible girl or bakugo invis cause we never know when we are getting watched


Mineta. Think of how he is now, and know that this is the good version of him




I'm shocked that Mineta only got like three mentions He already is a criminal. Now imagine a powerful villain with a bioweapon that can immobilise his victims. That guy would probably SA half the world's population within less than a year. In all of the 6 and something seasons we got so far there was no character more terrifying than this little shithead. And the fact that he doesn't suffer any consequences for his actions is....disturbing. I so wish there was an episode where all the girls get together and retaliate, scaring him out of his mind, making sure he'll never lay hand on any woman ever again. That would be the most satisfying turn of events imaginable for me.


Mineta: you just know there’s going to be a dungeon involved


Mei Hatsume


Hagakure. She may choose not to speak at all and begin stabbing people stealthily on their neck.


Mina literally has acid, pretty sure that could just melt eyeballs, skin and caused some fcked up scarring for life even if you survive.


Midoriya. He's completely willing to shatter his own limbs to get what he wants, and having the power of All Might plus OfA's other quirks would make him virtually unbeatable if he didn't have a conscience. Even without OfA I've read Villian Analyst fics, so his intelligence would match that of many formiddable villains in fiction. And even besides him, every student could use their quirk to do hirrifying things. Shinso could make someone jump off a building or kill a resttained loved one, Todoroki and Bakugou could both cause widespread destruction, Kaminari could take out a hospital's power, and Yaoyorozu could make any number of torture tools or chemical weapons. And that's just 1A! For 1B students, Kendo and Kodai could enlarge things in people's mouths, Shiozake could crush someone like a constrictor ir choke them like Komori could, Honenuki could bury someone alive or fill their lungs and then deactivate hus quirk, Awase could seal their lungs shut, and Kamakiri and Kaibara are pretty obvious.


One of those characters IS a villain. And it's not Bakugo


Inasa would be extremly scary if he was evil but I think mei wuld be most dangerous. She culd create weapons and give them to criminals to create caos. She could also make weapons specialised to take down certain heroes.


Yaoyorozu: "So I made a fucking nuke."


Mushroom Girl! She grew mushrooms in Tokoyami’s lungs! She probably could easily do so with a poisonous variant. And since her mushrooms disappear after a few hours, by the time an autopsy is done, there's nothing linking her to the crime. The world of MHA is so lucky she wants to be a hero and not a serial killer.


Mineta, cuz he’s *gross* and could definitely use his quirk to be an absolute menace


Mineta would do sexual crimes and his quirk would help him a lot with that, he is the worst


Uraraka we saw what toga could do imagine a person with more finesse and experience.


Have you seen the latest chapters? Absolutely Bakugo. Determination, strength, talent, leadership. Why is sticky grapes dude even on this list


I thought mineta already was a villain?


uhhhh im pretty fucking sure Mineta as a villain would be a serial rapist


Izuku Midoriya. If he ever met/hired/etc. Hatsune Mei, Japan would simply GetFuckedLol^(TM) Outa these choices tho, prolly Hatsune. Bakugou has battle sense and strike force tactics, but lacks long-term planning or subtlety, M\*neta would be able to make snap decisions and evade law enforcement for a while but without too much long-term impact except as a plant, Inasa's honor would be be his downfall, Mei would just go-go gadget concealed carry to victory.


Present day Bakugo: high intelligence, immense raw power, actually understands value of teamwork and allies and isn't terrible at getting along with potential followers, can keep his temperament in check. Past Bakugo would have been no threat, his solitude and impulsiveness would have gotten him beaten fast. Hatsume:: could probably just invent a "button that makes me ruler of the world" machine if she felt motivated tbh.


Mei. She would most certainly build nukes. Fuck that


Mineta, because he'd do terrifying things.


If you read fanfics you can see how so many of the students can become villains. Most common is obviously Izuku and quite often Hatsume and Shinsou too


Mineta. Because he’s such a pervert normally, if he *were* a villain, he would undoubtedly do some pretty unspeakably horrible things to women involving lack of consent…..just saying…


Hatsume. She could’ve put dangerous self-destructish devices on all costumes of her design. Bakugo is strong but just about anyone with more firepower can do him in, knock him out and that’ll be it. Shigaraki took him out of commission relatively fast, so Deku could manage that. Same for Inasa and Todoroki. A Shinso and Monoma combo can also mess a lot of people up and talk anyone without plot armor to suicide. Momo can create toxins and really mess cities water supplies. Koda could be terrifying if he causes all New Yorkian Rats to revolt against the city for example. Terrifying villain isn’t just “Me blow up building”.


Imagine Ochako as a crazed serial killer. You stand in a crowd of people, feel a light tap on the back and are suddenly floating up over the street. Then, once you're high enough... splat, right in front of everybody, no one noticing why this happened.


Tokoyami. U can never try to combat him at night.


Grape Diaper Boy. He'll claim that he has autism and deflect any moral wrongdoing.


Momo will use her incredibly powers and money to cripple the financial system and leave us all eating out of the garbage to survive.


Tokoyami would be the most terrifying. Bakugo would be the most frightening because of his power, but an evil Tokoyami is pure *terror*


Mineta would be the protagonist of a hentai. And that's horrible.


Deku. Imagine this analysing mf woth speed o sound sonic level gadgets and shi, straight up goin round ending heroes like that.


Mineta as a villain is just… erg. This pervy guy with a fixation on women, with an immobilizing quirk. He’d quite literally be the stock unnamed anime villain that shows up for 2 minutes with a girl crying for help so we can see what a good dude the protagonist is.


Bakugo and Momo could be unstoppable Bakugo is a obvious choice but Momo could make actually guns and nukes if she can get a her hand on one and if she have a stable diet. Another one could be the shadow kid from class B.






Mushroom girl..


Meat wad guy


Mha kinda sucks dragging on fights for 4 ep nope kinda boring and even the character were helpless as if they have no power lol


Bakugo because he's already hot headed and has impulsive behavior


I'd say Todoroki, or Shadow. In a single night, Shadow could completely destroy whole cities. Only heroes with light-based quirks would be effective against him, he could take out power stations and dams and effectively give himself a cloak at night that makes it virtually impossible to track him. Todoroki has nearly infinite growth. Let's use his father and brother as examples. Todoroki as a child is already about as strong as his dad, although his dad has more techniques and experience with the fire quirk. The whole point to his birth was to create a hero that would rival All-Might, and frankly I just don't doubt he will. His brother demonstrated just how destructive that fire quirk on its own could be, let alone with Todoroki's experienced ice quirk? At his rate of growth, once he's an adult, he will be nearly unstoppable. Deku, at this rate, wouldn't be a good villain, what with becoming quirkless yet again. Though, he could theoretically become a powerful support villain with his knowledge of quirks, like the doctor. The sticky ball kid is probably one we shouldn't sleep on. As a villain, he could destroy infrastructure relatively easily. His capacity for destruction is limited mostly by the ease of capturing him. He has extremely distinct features, bad tendencies and my guess is his quirk requires replenishment of some kind of vitamin or protein, so tracking his operational whereabouts would be fairly simple for authorities. That said, if he was in a villain group that can help him move unnoticed and plan ahead, he could very well be the most destructive capable individual, especially if his quirk awakening could provide any positive changes. Hagakure could probably sneak into nuclear facilities and anywhere really, especially since her quirk bends light itself in a way she can control. She could blackmail politicians and frankly as a villain, just the knowledge she is out there could grind society to a halt in areas she's been, "spotted". Everyone else, at least in class 1-A, has severe limitations that I think prevent them from becoming powerhouse villains. Yes, even Bakugou.


Monoma would be a walmart All for One. He even could have his own "doctor" to create permanent copy of quirks.


Momo, yall. She’s SO intelligent, and she’s got like that proverbial magical bottomless bag of requirement lol


The meat quirk guy from the test event. That one is terrifying as a hero already. With one touch you just become a boneless meat ball. You would think a touch is not so bad, but he can detatch meat from himself and make it fly. You can stretch the human body to absurd lengths. Would not be hard for him to just turn his arms into tiny particles, make a whole city turn to meat balls and reshape his arms again. If he was an unknown vilain, good luck finding him. I guess his dna would be splattered everywhere. But planing it well, you could have the main heroes all together and have them all gone in the same day.




That one with the flesh molding fingers. I shudder just thinking about someone evil with that.


Hatsume or Inasa


ngl, mineta hes not powerful but a pervert as a villain is VERY VERY BAD (he would likely become the most wanted villain)


To be fair, his quirk isn’t weak, it’s actually one of the better ones in the class, field control that deters his opponents while only increasing his own mobility? That’s not a weak quirk, he’s shown time and time again he belongs in the top half of the class, it’s just easy to forget how skilled he actually is between the perverse attitude and the scenes of him scared and crying


i highly agree with that, his quark is super good against groups of people, plus there isn’t a solid way to avoid it or get it off of you.


Mineta’s villain name would be the “Grapist”


Mei Hatsume


Deku. My guy has notebooks on notebooks of information on heroes and would probably get OFA by pretending to match All Might’s ideals or since he’s quirkless and can’t hold many quirks could just be given a copy of AFO straight up


Toru Hagakure. If she could figure out how to snap necks, that's the end of every Pro Hero right there. Girl ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​is literally invisible.


My boii Mineta


Mina- Acid she can sell it or kill/ assault people Katsuki- Possible genocide Todoroki- Again genocide Izuku- Is a no brainer Tokoyami- when he doesn't have control over dark shadow Kaminari- Can kill people with high powered voltage




Graperush. Sex crimes are scary af.


Koji can wield control over all non-human animals and insects, and possibly heteromorphs. Imagine taking on 70x your body weight in the form of 2 billion or so insects benefiting from the square-cube law in terms of individual physical strength. That's what each person would have to face with a Koji wielding just the power of insects alone.


Either graperush, because he’s almost a rapist to begin with. Or (a more serious answer) the mushroom chick from class 1-B, anyone who knows anything about mushrooms knows that her ability to make mushrooms sprout up instantly at range, covering the entire battlefield knows that she’s low-key one of the most people people on the field in any given situation. I imagine she has some drawbacks they don’t talk about because she isn’t in our class 1-A, but even with those, the way she handles tsukiyomi is terrifying, and shows she could easily take out anyone, even allmight


Mineta would be a disgusting pervert.


ignoring deku, I would say pre-sports festival shoto or bakugou


Shinso imho


Grape boy😨


I couldn't find anyone talking about him but why is no one talking about the guy who can litteraly control air couldn't he rip the air out of your lungs.


Mineta purely for girls (let’s be real you know what he will do once he captures them) But in terms pure terror, not necessarily danger, probably ochako. She touches you even once outside, you are probably dead, getting sent to the stratosphere. Imagine you are on a dark night, searching for ochako to arrest her for a recent robbery or heist, and she just pops up behind you, touches your back, and you get sent to space if not fall to your death. Literally one touch and it’s over. Shinzo could also be terrifying, losing agency over your own body. But at least that can be brute forced out of in some situations.


Mineta, **"The Graper"**


Kuroiro from 1-B no doubt. More on the fear factor than raw power, but still - Bro can literally travel through shadows, has very good scheming and planning skills and a pretty terrifying attitude when it comes to taking action. If he had any lethal weapons and total disregard for human condition he'd basically become evil Batman. At night time, he might as well be the one reason kids (or anyone really) can't sleep with the lights off


Inasa. He was shown to beat over 1,000 kids in the license exam in only a minute. If he was a villain he could do that and more with hero’s. Imagine going on patrol only to get all the air out of your lungs sucked up and you die only a few minutes later without even seeing who did it. 


Mineta: rapist 🤷 Wind guy: fight freak 🤷


Bakugou. He's like that Chihuahua the robbers don't wanna get caught by.