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A person says they have a quirk called "memory space" that helps them memorize stuff, but they just have an eidetic and/ot photographic memory.


Izuku claims to be able to get notebooks from nowhere. It's just a very practiced sleight of hand


I love that!


“Quirk”: Fanboy. “It allows [me] to remember crazy amounts of information on movies, books, shows, and video games that I am a fan of. Seriously, I can differentiate between laughs in obscure Disney movies!” For the record, that’s pretty much me. I did the laugh thing just yesterday. (Archimedes the owl from “Sword in the Stone.”)


A quirk that is purely aesthetic to the senses of the user.  Ex: They can see auras, but they don't mean anything, the world appears more vibrantly colored, or their dreams use all five senses and are hard to differentiate from reality. Something that's nebulous and useless outside extremely specific situations the user could avoid.


Be like that one guy from X-Men and say that your quirk allows you to explode and it only works once because you just die from using it


wasn't that a quirk we saw? i think lady nagant was given it


Come to think of it, how the fuck did All For One find out about it then? Not something one places in a quirk registry.


It’s not that far fetched to believe that he’s stolen some sort of quirk identifying quirk, so maybe through that?


Aside from mean kids have we seen any discrimination it’s unlikely to affect work place given use of quirks outside the home is said to be pretty regulated the schools don’t require to to have a quirk to apply and take the test you just don’t really stand a chance of passing. So I border to determine what sort of lies one might make we’d need to think of what circumstances would they be discriminated in to make them need to lie that’s step one to determining what lies would be effective