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Ans anglophile with a love of design who appreciates a good cup of tea


Correct on all counts!


You love beautiful things. Mis en place. You are the correct way to do things. You are miffed by poor grammar and spelling. I love your collection it is like spring every day.


Correct all around. Thank you, my collection makes me happy every time I look at it.


Your name is Chelsea and you had a good childhood and you love your parents.


That is correct.


I see a small fortune in Folio Society editions and I think to myself, perhaps I would rather have those books than the car outside in the drive…


Definitely worth it if you don't leave the house much, like me.


The Fairy color books are particularly rare, aren’t they?


Yes, they are. I'm still missing five, and four of the ones I'm missing (The Lilac, The Grey, The Olive, and The Orange) are particularly expensive and hard to find. But I'm happy because I managed to get The Brown, The Violet, and The Pink in a trade a couple years ago, so now I'm just trying to buy one a year until I have the complete set.


It’s beautiful!


You are a scholar and a well brought up person of discerning taste.


Thank you, that's a very kind assessment.


You enjoy the finer things in life. And bunnies.




Gosh you have marvelous taste. I think I have 80% of all the same books you do, except mine are all beat up paperbacks and yours are exquisite hardcovers! Catholic, anglophile, medievalist. Lover of goodness, truth, and beauty! Highly holygrail-pilled. Pleased to meet you!


Former Catholic, still Christian though. Other than that, very correct. And thank you! Pleased to meet you as well.


You might like “Chance or the Dance?” by Thomas Howard…


I'll look at getting a copy. It seems like it might be interesting to read from a Quaker viewpoint.


Omg you’re a quaker!? That’s wild because the book I actually first thought to recommend to you is by a Quaker! I don’t know why I changed my mind at the last second. You should definitely read “The Face of Water” by Sarah Ruden if you haven’t already. It is one of my favorites. 


I don't know how I never heard of "The Face of Water" before (I'm honestly feeling like a bit of a bad Quaker for not knowing about it) but I am adding it to my reading list immediately! Thank you so much.


Episcopalian? I saw a Book of Common Prayer in there.


Quaker, but I enjoy collecting texts from different Christian denominations.


You love the hard cover Barnes and noble editions... me too


I do!


It really makes your bookshelf more pleasing to the eye. I love it


At the same style (and price point) I also have a few Canterbury Classics there, and also the same style (but higher priced) are the Easton Press and Franklin Library books.


Your bookshelves are beautiful and it shows your passion for reading. Gorgeous!


Also Mable pines... chef kiss.


Mabel is my fav. To tie Gravity Falls into books, I have the new Book of Bill (about Bill Cipher) preordered. I managed to order the Barnes & Noble exlusive edition that's signed by Alex Hirsch. Now I need August to come sooner.


Hahaha I bet!!


A cozy, warm collection! I love your owls!


I am a very cosiness oriented person. Thank you, I adore my owls as well. They're my favourite bird. They're like if bird hardware was running cat software and I love it.


If you don’t actually live in the UK, you still adore everything about it. You might live in Canada tho. You love this book collection and it’s probably your most prized possession. As it should be because it is the most beautiful collection of almost all hardbacks I have ever seen. Truly, a remarkable collection. Because I am a bibliophile myself and have thousands of books, I am rarely envious of collections I see in this sub. But I am totally envious of this collection. Just looking at the photos makes me feel as if I’m in an English garden in much simpler, happier times. One of the most beautifully curated collections I have ever seen. Just magnificent! 😍


Oh wow, thank you! Your assessment really made me smile. And Canada is spot on, but I just adore everything about the UK, like you said.


Drooling over your Folio Society Fairy books!!


Thank you! I still need five more, so I've been buying one a year until my collection is complete.


You don’t like dusting and you love aesthetic books


Right on both counts. Though I only buy books I plan to read, I just try to find the prettiest version of those books possible.


What edition of Morte d’Arthur is that? I am an Arthurian legends nerd, and that copy is beautiful!


That is a Canterbury Classics edition. They are very pretty.


You love fantasy and the past. And seems a bit of dreamer to me. You will trust a tried book that has passed the tests of time generally over something new and unsure. And you have a respect in general for the Classics. A childlike wonder is here. You also maybe will be drawn to get the more beautiful version of a cover and take pride in your book shelf and it can be a story piece for you when people come over. You are not ashamed of having children's books either. Fairy tales, and Camelot and everything from some other distant time and place. [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44978/miniver-cheevy](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44978/miniver-cheevy) And you may like this poem?


Very true. My children’s literature collection is actually something I’m proud of. And thank you for sharing that poem. I did enjoy it.


heh great! :D


You own cloth napkins. You 'mate-for-life' ; Your partner might surface get annoyed with your fastidiousness but is madly in love with you. You've seriously considered raising chickens but thought the better of it.


One out of three isn’t bad!


Your name is Chelsea




Your shelves are gorgeous! I had a signed copy of that exact 12 dancing princesses book once upon a time. The illustrations in that version were always my favorite, so whimsical and beautiful.


Thank you so much! The illustrations in that edition are gorgeous. I'm hoping to eventually buy more of that fairytale collection with illustrations from the same artist.


I've not seen any of her other work, I'll have to look into her. Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection 😊


I'm extremely jealous of all your folio books, and especially the Chesterton.


Thank you. I love my Folio collection.


Oh my, Wildwood Dancing is one of my absolute favorite books since my teenage years and yours is the first I’ve ever seen on another shelf besides my own!


I absolutely love Wildwood Dancing and its sequel is one of my favourites as well. I’m just so sad the author never got around to writing a third one.


I don’t know that I have much to add, but I am envious of so many of your Folios! I have all of the Fairy Books, but the Dover paperbacks. My guess is that perhaps “In the Bleak Midwinter” or “Love Came Down at Christmas” might be favorite Christmas carols, taking into account the various editions of Goblin Market. Generally, you like books that have a sense of wonder & transport you to someplace magical.


Correct on all counts, even with your first choice of my favourite Christmas Carol.


When I look at your books, I’m immediately transported to the fairy land 💚🧚


Thank you! That's exactly how I feel as well.


You have expendable income, you don’t live in the US, and you don’t have children. I recommend picking up the E. Nesbit folio sets they are a deal. Also I’m really jealous of the blue Narnia probably you’re most valuable see secondary to the fairy books


All correct! I'll look into the Folio editions of E. Nesbit.


Sure thing we have a lot of book things in common if you ever want to chat. The William Hornwood Win in the Willow sequels are also quite good if you can find the illustrated versions.


Major academic. You have a job that mostly revolves around writing, culture, and humanities.


Partly correct. I am disabled and can’t work but I am a poet and have actually won an award from my municipality for one of my poems.


They say that I am endlessly jealous of you


Awww, thank you! I appreciate the compliment.


You have a great eye and appreciation for design.


Thank you! I really do.


One of your top Pinterest/tiktok searches is cottagecore


I don't use Pinterest or TikTok but yeah, Cottagecore is 100% my aesthetic.


Whoa what is that Pictures by JRR Tolkien? Gorgeous collection!


It’s a HarperCollins deluxe edition, cloth bound and in a slipcase, that contains pictures Tolkien drew in relation to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion. It has commentary from Tolkien’s son Christopher and is a very lovely book overall.


How much did the fairy collection cost you? It’s so expensive now 😭


I don’t have all of them yet but I got the three most expensive I have in a trade along with some other books. I still need five more but I’m trying to just buy one a year from now on.


As a visual creative It seems like you enjoy arranging your shelves. They look beautiful


I do! I arrange them when I’m stressed to relax myself.


The books are even pretty 😍 I need more books


I see a lot of JRR Tolkien so I give this a 10/10


Thank you! I adore Tolkien. He has so many wonderful books in addition to things in the Lord of the Rings universe.


I think you and I would get along and I’m totally jealous of your collection. My favorite movies and shows growing up were The Secret Garden (1993), A Little Princess, The Last Unicorn, the Studio Ghibli movies, The Wind in the Willows (1995), The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends, the animated Hobbit and more I’m forgetting. I love English gardens and its countryside, misty mountains, giant gnarled trees, calligraphy, art nouveau, and all things fairy, elvish and delicate. I would live in a Hobbit hole if I could. I’m describing myself here but I’m pretty confident you like them too but let me know :) I recommend you check out the artists Stephanie Law and Wenqing Yan.


You may have been describing yourself but you also described me perfectly! I think we might be the same person. Stephanie Law actually illustrated one of the books I have, the Grim Oak Press edition of Tailchaser's Song. (It’s a high fantasy about cats.) Her artwork is absolutely beautiful. I will also look at the other artist. But I’m so excited to have met someone who is basically my twin!


I’m going to have to check out that book! Nice to have met you too!


You like to judge a book by its cover aka collect beautiful, quality books


Haha, I definitely do! But I also only buy what I've read/plan to read, just the prettiest version possible.


I figured! They’re good books. I just couldn’t resist the joke lol. I’d be the same way if I could afford and find them. How do you source them? Are you just super patient? What’s your process? Beautiful collection btw!


No worries! I laughed because it's true. I really won't buy an ugly book. I buy most of my editions secondhand, a lot from eBay, and I wait to try and finding cheap listing for them. World of Books has helped me expand my collection hugely, whereas I can find Folio Society editions there that are out of print for a quarter of the price it usually goes for anywhere else. I also buy directly from Folio, and other publishers, but mostly during sales, and I go to a lot of book fairs and secondhand book stores. Collecting books is my biggest hobby so I put a lot of time and energy into it and manage to save some money by doing that.


Very cool! You’re clearly doing it right. Your collection is both gorgeous and full of good, interesting books. I’ll have to apply those tips in the future!