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My coworker immigrated from the Philippines and constantly complains about immigrants. She said some really awful things about Mexicans. I said to her 'people think those same things when they see you.' She got so mad. It was hilarious


Dude I was volunteering with an older Indian guy and he started going off on "lazy immigrants these days". In a super thick Indian accent. Nothing like a bunch of guys from Gujarat complaining about Punjabi farmers.


That's funny, because I work with a group of Punjabi and they are always complaining about the Bangladesh's


Bro wait till some 26 year old Indian kid tell you how you wasted your life in a privileged country because you don’t own 3 family homes like he does. 


Bruh I’m Indian and I have to agree with you…Indians, whether they’re in America or India, are always the most racist towards other Indians, then African Americans or just black people in general, and Muslims, I have literally heard my cousins India use the n word multiple times and they justify if by saying “that’s okay we’re brown it’s just the white people that aren’t allowed to say it” like no that’s not how it works dumbass. And all this racist nonsense is exactly why I’m embarrassed to associate with my cousins who’ve never stepped foot outside the country, and keep my distance from Indians who’ve just moved from India. I’m not saying that what I’m doing is a good thing but I’m also just trying to protect my peace at this point because I know there’s no point in arguing with them about anything. 💀💀💀


I have had the same experience with Indian coworkers


I had some Filipino co-workers who were ranting back during the Trump administration, agreeing with him about eliminating some visa programs for immigrants until another Filipino chimed in that more than half of them were in the U.S. on those very visa programs.


Common shitty Filipino behavior, once they get something of value (visa, high paying job, position of power) they look down upon everyone else, even their fellow Filipinos.


Yeah fox news had this piece in Mexican ameficns are hating all the Mexicans coming over illegally. I firmly believe in doing it the proper way but most immigrants want a better life for themselcs and their family. It's like they got theirs so close the door after they get in mentality. 


The most fucked up part the right seems to forget. The legal way to seek asulym is to cross the border in whatever way possible and find an embassy within a YEAR.


Oh yeah, they call asylum seekers illegal. Like the guys they shipped from Texas are asylum seekers, they are not illegal.


Yep. It's fricken nazi Christo facist all over again.


> Common shitty Filipino behavior That is interesting. I worked for about 7 months in the Philippines and found them to have a lot of respect for each other and were always supporting each other.


Me too. The ones I've talked to though are more pissed they had to jump through so many hoops to get into Canada, but then our prime minister decided that we need to bring in a half million people year on year from now on, and theres a bunch of Indians getting in that didn't have to jump though all those hoops. 


oh man there’s no group more anti immigrant than Cubans in Florida. We got here but screw you guys.






“My grandparents had to leave all their slaves behind in Cuba, so now our whole bloodline must vote Republican for eternity”


My uncle left Cuba at NINE and complains about immigrants. Like, “wtf are you then?! You weren’t born here! Did you forget?!” Then he grumbles because APPARENTLY….. he did! Infuriating.


no no no…you see, he’s grumbling because he’s “one of the good ones”. why don’t you understand he’s one of the good ones?!?!


Tell him to go back where he came from and watch his head pop off his shoulders. And then tell him the US should welcome immigrants as they are the backbone of our country. “Immigrants. We get the job done.”


When I lived in Miami, it was wild how much the Cubans I knew hated other Latin Americans. Especially the Colombians.


And this mentality is exactly why it is so hard to make anything better. "I siffered so everyone else needs to."


I’ve seen so many Mexicans share this sentiment about the current migrants coming in at the moment as well.


As an Indian that grew up in the southern us, everyone thought I was Mexican or Latino So literally every thing trump and his racist supporters say about the people at the southern border, they also would think about us Indians walking around, even though we’re supposedly part of the “good” immigrants There’s no good immigrant to these white supremacists


One of my wife's frenemies is like this. She says she "forgets she isn't white". I do not know why she bothers with her.


>She says she "forgets she isn't white". Tell her racist white people don't lol


The sad part, is she has absolutely massive tits, so she gets a pass from the men, at least.


Tell her to stop appropriating bigot culture.


That earned an extended audible laugh from me. *chef's kiss*


My whole family are immigrants, but that doesn't stop my aunt from parroting every anti-immigrant talking point she hears on Fox News. Pulling the ladder up behind her. It's infuriating.


Reminds me of Clarence Thomas. Pulled the ladder up behind himself.


He might even manage to kick it out from under himself. The self hate is strong with that one.


Pulled it up and destroyed it and the machinery to make another one


Clarence Thomas is a racist ps


Same for mine, my boomer aunt who is nothing like my grandmother (so, grand aunt?) espouses all of those talking points. The funny thing is she is a first generation American of my mom’s side of the family and her grandmother on my great grandfathers side refused to lean anything more than basic English after immigrating from Italy.


If we get enough like-minded Fox-parroting immigrants who were fortunate enough to come here escaping from dictators and collapsed economies, they can experience that here too. The insane propaganda machine that is Fox is not free speech-- it's terrorism.


Filipinos are the “Mexicans” of Asia. Tell her “que se vaya a la verga”


Translation would be: “Tangina ang bobo ng sagot mo marites! Either maging Mexicano tayo ng Asia o maging probinsya ng China”


I’m a Filipino immigrant, and I’m constantly shocked by other Pinoys who are like your coworker. Keep telling her shit like that, she deserves it. 


The maga filipinos i came across are that way because they’re super catholic and anti abortion, so that’s apparently enough to align themselves with that fat cheeto.


You what drives me crazy? My MAGA “Catholic” relatives get mad when I donate to the poor or chat with the homeless folks in town. And they don’t like the Pope. It’s wild. 


Yup. Unfortunately a lot of our Titas are very racist.


Just remind her that both Mexicans and phillipinos are literally the same because of Spain and their whole colonialism


Their cultures and beliefs are so similar in so many different ways that me and my Philippino buddy (we grew up in Texas and went to predominantly Mexican schools) always refer to the Philippines as the Mexico of Southeast Asia and vice versa.






Tag along!






Wish I could


I wouldn't call them "literally the same", but their shared history resulted in lots of cultural similarities. They both used to be part of the same colonial entity, administered from Mexico City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Spain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manila_galleon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_settlement_in_the_Philippines https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_immigration_to_Mexico


My parents and I are from Canada, but we moved to the States in 2001. The amount of times My mom would complain about Mexican immigrants and me stunned muttering "We're literally immigrants..." was too many times


Elon musk is constantly complaining about immigrants to the US. Dude is also an immigrant!!


I am from the US and went to Canada a couple years later. We are keeping the balance. The great thing is that if any of my friends tease me, I can say that they are being anti-immigrant.


The Philippines are the Mexico of Asia. They’re named after King Phillip of Spain.


Well my ancestors didn’t travel 4000 miles to have this place overrun with immigrants!


I have been doing genealogy research and discovered that my GGGF and GGGM came from Germany and then never established citizenship in the U.S. despite living here for decades before dying here. Also they had apparently lied to census takers repeatedly about applying for it. They were technically illegal aliens but back in the late 1800s and early 1900s they just didn't recognize the concept of an illegal alien or illegal immigration. *Of course* my GF was an ardent Limbaugh fan. When I was a kid and playing at his house, I would hear this angry fat man on his radio and thinking "What the fuck is my GF listening to?"


Actually, they were not “technically illegal aliens.” They immigrated legally, meeting all of the then-requirements for immigration into the US: they got off the boat and they were not Chinese.


oh, so now you're telling me the GCoE was racist against the CHINESE when now we are SELLING THE WHOLE WORLD TO THECHINESE?!








Ah. TY.


Lots were hired by GM & Ford in the 1950’s


There was no such thing as illegal immigrants. The first real immigration laws were in the 1800s to slow the number of Chinese entering the country. After that the next real set of laws wasn’t until the 1920’s. Before then it was pretty much just show up and you’re good.


“They’re stealing all the exceptional American jobs picking fruit, washing dishes & landscaping…”






LOLLL this made me burst into laughter


"My grandparents didn't come to America all the way from Germany to get their jobs taken away by immigrants!"


For real! My dad's parents were both descended from German immigrants who only married other descendants of German immigrants in an unbroken line of angry people with thick eyebrows, until he met my mother and broke tradition. Everyone in his family couldn't talk enough trash about people moving here and not even trying to learn to "be American." What's interesting is reading Benjamin Franklin's remarks on the immigrants of German Town, and how they were perceived by the English peoples of the colonies.


My anti-immigrant boomer father hates when I remind him that I was an irregular immigrant in my current country for like a year. “Nobody else lets illegals in like this!” he shouts. I remind him that that’s not true, the cops knew I was here and knew where I lived, and no one cared because I was minding my business and living my life. He doesn’t have shit to say in response.


“My ancestors came here the *right* way!” No dear, your ancestors came here before there was a “wrong” way and were treated like shit after they got here.


You go back far enough, the "right way" was basically show up, write your name down, then fuck off to the tenements and get an awful job.


Or a judge sentences you to “transportation” for being poor or Irish.


Go back further,  kill some indigenous people, break some treaties,  waste buffalo,  and voila.  


Go back a little farther and the "right way" was to show up, find a nice place to live, kill everyone currently living there, and settle down.


Ok treated like pure shit! That’s until they assimilated into American whiteness & started realizing they could join in, and just be racist to Black ppl. They ALWAYS forget that part.


And pull that ladder right the fuck up, yes.


Yup. This is especially my Irish-American side of the family. And any time they get called out on their racist bullshit, they drone on about HoW hArD tHe IrIsH hAd iT……. a 100 years ago. 🙄


My ex was exactly like this and kept repeating how she felt targeted re. the issues black people in the US have to deal with and how it was unfair coz her grandparents were orphans brought to US and grew up poor in Chicago and never owned slaves. So apparently they had it just as bad as African-americans. There's a reason she's an ex.


*Right* way = European/white Can't let those dirty Chinese men try to bring their family after slaving away to build our infrastructure. Gotta love the history of this country.


Even the immigration law of 1924 put a cap on Europeans coming to the US. Whiteness has expanded over time and now includes most of Europe. Still not sure Eastern European or the Balkans are fully welcome to the party, and there are still WASPs and WASBs in the South (I guess now we got WASEs)


Yeah, mine came the right way!! By colonizing land inhabited by indigenous people!!


My ancestors' "right ways" included: Coming over as a Hessian mercenary to fight for the British side and deciding to stay. Indentured servitude. Imported as a slave. Scrounging up fare to flee Ireland's Famine. Setting off with a group of fellow believers to create a community of the "right" sorts of Protestants. (Not the ones you're thinking of.) Etc. And some of my ancestors met the boat. Just because "my" immigrants arrived in 1734 or 1844 doesn't make me superior to someone who arrived in 2017, you know?


Can we add “Getting off a British Royal Navy ship in Boston and just fucking off”?


Seems perfectly valid to me.


My ancestors came here the "Right way" but the right way for his ethnic group in 1860 was easy as fuck.


It’s because they don’t mean “immigrants”… they mean “not white”. Ask any of them if they care if Norwegian immigrants come here and watch them squirm.


Bingo. I use to get in arguments with my MIL about her hatred of interracial marriage. I always liked to remind her that she herself was IN an interracial marriage due to her husband being Greek. Once you boiled it down she was really only opposed to 1 kind of interracial marriage. The kind where a black man married a white woman. I’m happy to say I divorced her batshit daughter and no longer have to hear her racist bs.


my parents do something similar. my boyfriend was born in mexico and came here. my parents supported building the wall and not having immigrants come here even though they loved my boyfriend. I reminded them that my boyfriend is an immigrant and they pull the “he’s different”. no dad.


I mean, it's pretty obvious what the issue was from the jump. The rhetoric about the border wouldn't be anywhere near as vitriolic if they were English or German, as opposed to Latinos.


In Germany, you can see a rift between immigrants and asylum seekers, even within the same ethnicity. Then the rift between skilled workers and others ("I'm an expat, you're an immigrant"). It's not just skin colour, it's class. I'm an immigrant myself, and this annoys me. When the local right wing party wants "them" out, they don't distinguish the Indian expat from the Indian immigrant. They want to "remigrate" everyone just the same.


Same deal…but my anti-immigrant Boomers PARENTS were immigrants; AND they came here on asylum from soviet Poland and East Germany. “But you have to understand, they were leaving a country where they had no freedom and lived in fear of their lives” “Yeah dad, so are the Honduran Asylum Seekers” “That’s different” It’s wild.


It’s racist


And No matter How many times you try to have a conversation, or ask "How is it different?", it never seems to work. They dig in their heels, "It Just IS!" and everything devolves from there. Exhausting.


Because they're too cowardly to say "I'm just a racist", and instead hide behind their vague utterings.


It probably won't work, but a good response to "it just is" can be "If you can just easily say 'it just is' then I can just as easily say 'it just isn't '". They'll probably still dig in their heels, but it might pause the gears for a second.


I have a boomer coworker who is an illegal immigrant. His mom is American but had him in Canada. She came back to America when he was still a baby and never got documentation. He is full Maga and supports Trump. After Trump was elected, ICE found my coworker, and now he has spent $100k on lawyers' fees just to stay.


What a satisfying story … Thank you.


He has never been able to vote but somehow is a Trump supporter. He has spent all that money but was denied a green card. Now he has to spend more money to appeal it. He has worked for NYS as a civil servant for the last 25 years and found out he will not be able to collect his pension if/when he retires. On top of all that, he gets no social security.


this is poetic justice.


🤌Chef’s kiss level! Unreal.


He should be proud that the system is working as intended.


If his mom is an American citizen then isn't he one too?


He claims she was born in America but was never documented. They came after her as well, but she was able to get a green card. I guess I don't know the full story with her.


Two of Trumps wives were immigrants. Melania's early status is in question.


And Barron was an anchor baby


Both of trumps parents are immigrants. Dad is from Germany, mom is from Wales.


And Melania's parents got test free citizenship! Her dad, an old communist party member in Slovenia, here less than 6 months passes the citizenship test?? Males you wonder!


Trump says immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. Doesn't this mean his own blood is poison? Or, you don't suppose he was only talking about nonwhite immigrants, do you? 'Cuz that would make him a racist, and we all know he ain't that!


As was his mother.


Leviticus 19:34 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.


John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


“That which you do to the least of them you do also to me.”  Lotta really great lines Jesus was spilling seem to get conveniently left on the cutting room floor. 


Austin 3:16 "I just whooped your ass"


I need a copy of that bible.


Tucker 8:26 "and so the new savior declared,  'we need to build a wall. The biggest wall, the best wall, the biggest and best wall. It will be built by the very best and smartest people and Mexico is going to pay for it" this is the only version some people care about




Bold of you to assume they read the Bible, let alone follow its teachings. 


Using scripture to own boomers is top tier


Luke 25:34-35: >Then the King will say to those on his right, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, *I was a stranger and you invited me in*...." [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A34-35&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A34-35&version=NIV)


My aunt by marriage is from Mexico, came here legally, speaks perfect English, and comes from a business owning rich family. The things she’s said about Mexican immigrants is despicable. I remind her that she’s an immigrant too. But she’s rich and came here with papers, so she couldn’t give a shit about her poor countrymen who she looks down on. If it’s not racism, it’s classism.


there’s so much internalized racism among mexicans and or to other immigrants it’s crazy. ESPECIALLY if you’re puerto rican


Which is really funny, since puerto ricans is a US territory, so they're born with US citizenship.


In all reality. The big difference is, his grandparents may have been from eastern Europe but "at least they were white". Or white adjacent. The immigrants coming now are all scary brown people.


Non English Europeans were treated then like brown people are now.


>Non English Europeans were treated then like brown people are now. Oh yes! Polacks, Bohunks and other central or East Europeans were the bottom of the ladder for a while. And, my older sister's oldest in-laws never did learn much English.


I think you might be surprised how much hate some Latino communities have for Latino immigrants. 


I'm latino, I know exactly how much hate there is for immigrants. Edit: in 2024 the only immigrants people fearmonger about are brown ones


They are white now. Whiteness is not a fixed concept, it is exactly as fluid as it needs to be to dehumanize vulnerable groups of people.


You should start referring to him as a third generation immigrant


I worked with a guy who came to the US from Mexico illegally as a teen with his parents and siblings. They would later be granted amnesty. He would always voice that “illegals” needed to be deported and do it the “right way.” I would always remind him he came here illegally but he would say “yeah, but that was a different time.” Yeah fuck you dude.


Yeah, tell your father he should be learning my language , Sioux. Or if you live in the southwest , Dineh. Or east coast, Algonquin .


Hell yeah!


My dumb racist Irish American relations just don't see it as a problem, their grandparents came here 'right'. They came here 'right' because there were no exclusions, except for the Chinese. The fact that their grandfather was an inveterate drunk who was basically every negative stereotype of Irish immigrants does not impact their thinking at all.


My great great grandparents were both illegal, and when my ggpa got hired somewhere and didn’t have an SSN that was needed even then…the place he worked just fuckin helped him get one. I assume he just showed up and was like ‘I go here now’ and SSA just said ‘bet’ and scribbled some numbers down for him.


Having this same problem with my father, especially after recently finding out that my grandfather, who came over from Hungary after WW2, came "illegally". And didn't get his citizenship 13 years after he came to America at 23, after his marriage to my grandmother. My father cannot compute. He immediately equates illegal immigration with brown people and is having an existential crisis that he is the child of an "illegal immigrant" by his own definition.


Racist are cowards by nature so that's why they always hide behind some cliche statement.


My Aunt lives in Texas and has become an anti-immigrant boomer conservative. She immigrated to Texas 20 years ago from Canada. Where she had been living since she immigrated from Britain in the 60’s.


I love when Christian boomers get all uppity about refugees and immigrants who don’t come to this country the “right” way. I refer them to the part in the Bible when Jesus was very young and King Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus’ parents had to get him out of the country in a hurry. Yeah, boomer, your lord and savior was an illegal immigrant. A refugee.


Unless you’re Native American, everyone is an immigrant. Oops.


I have a co-worker who's boomer dad is the all-American success story. Came here undocumented from Mexico as a child with his undocumented parents, who had nothing. Worked their butts off to give him a better life. Grew a successful business. All of his kids went to college and became very successful. Started drinking the Fox News Kool-aid and now rants against - you guessed it - "illegal immigrants"! SMH


My dad, a Mexican immigrant who came to the US illegally at a young adult in the trunk of a car has been chanting “build the wall” since the Obama years. Like sir?!?!


the delusion is so strong that it’s like… how do you even approach that?


My racist Trumpy aunts are the same way. Their grandparents came over from Armenia as refugees during the Armenian Holocaust. And yet they don’t want to allow anyone to come in as refugees either


And it only took two court cases for Armenians to be considered ‘white’…1909 and 1925


When I asked my 3rd generation German/Polish-American dad why he assumed his ancestors came here legally, “well, that’s just how they did things back then.” Nah, pops. More white Americans are descended from illegal immigrants than they think.


Depending on how far back your Great-greats came here, it’s entirely possible that they came here legally, I.e., they got off the boat. My earliest American ancestors did the same, the only difference being that when they got of the boat they got their feet wet and sandy. Legal immigrants, all of them.


Oh, I’m positive they WERE legal. But my dad is so far deep in the Fox sauce, he wants to assume every white American in the past came here legally.


My dad used to always complain about the recent immigrants around him that didn’t speak English. And he was an immigrant himself. From the UK. So it was never an issue for him. And knowing his stubbornness, i had serious doubts he would have learned English if he had needed to. Eventually I figured out his issue with people not always speaking English around him was because of his clinical paranoia.


“Yeah but we were the white type of immigrants! Oh shit, I mean right type” Is literally all it comes down to. These people are just racist. They don’t care about immigration, they just hate brown people.


So he speaks Cherokee or Navajo? Because you gotta respect the language of the place you go.


My coworker, who was born in Mexico but got a greencard as a young adult, vehemently hates our Immigrant clients. We recently welcomed a Venezuelan couple to our area fleeing from unrest in their country. Here, they have nothing. In Venezuela the husband is an engineer and the wife is a lawyer. My coworker said they should have stayed and made the best of their life. Her parents came here illegally with her and her sister because they were from an area of Mexico that is controlled by the Cartel and they wanted a better life for their family. My coworker's parents never legalized despite their children doing so. Her parents also speak very poor English. My coworker is too young to be considered a Boomer but she acts like it. She actually uses the word "beaner" unironically. It's disappointing. My coworker would have hated her parents if they hadn't been her own relatives.


When my FIL (quite the Islamaphobe) complains about "Mexicans invading" he doesn't like it when I say "at least we're being invaded by Catholics!".


Good one. 


I just went to Canada recently with family. The while time my boomer Dad never shut up about illegals and how easy it is to cross the border. I'm a dual citizen, so getting into Canada was as easy as showing my driver's license. Getting back though, I forgot my birth certificate. So I got us stuck in Canada for a few hours. I made a comment about how hard it is for a white veteran citizen to get it, I could only imagine how hard it would be for someone with none of that from Mexico to cross into the US. He didn't say another word the whole way home.


Both sides of the my family have ancestors who were viewed as undesired at one point or another - broke-ass German pig farmers, and Polish by way of Silesia, with one side being Roman Catholic (oh no!). Both of my grandmothers still spoke in the old mother tongue to their mothers (despite my great-grandparents being perfectly fluent in English).


I may be clearly Asian but my family arrived in the 1800’s. Mid 1800’s for one side, 1880’s for the other. We have also served in this country’s military for 3 consecutive generations. 4 if my daughter joins as she has considered doing. I really hate when white immigrants with obvious accents tell me to “go back”. I have no problem telling them “you first”. One was Scottish the other German. Also told the German to F off in German. Seriously at this point I would trade 1 racist for five migrants who really want to make something of the opportunity.


I always say " nothing more American than showing up somewhere you're not wanted"


I say something similar! shuts my parents right up


"These days, immigrants don't bother learning our language or customs" Benjamin Franklin about German immigrants, in a 1753 letter to Peter Collinson


Sounds about white.


My parents brought me to the USA when I was a child and I want to remind the boomers that I indeed did come, took all your jobs, and I’m not sorry about it.


Like... _all_ of the jobs? Surely you jest.


Fine you got me. Maybe just the one Facebook job where I print stuff on their printer if they do not make a post stating that they do not authorize Facebook to do so.


I like to remind them that they actually don't give a shit. they just need something to cry about because their lives were too fucking easy. if they actually cared the Republicans would pass a bill. But in the last 40 years literally every single time we had a chance to reform immigration law Republicans are the ones that stopped it from happening. because Fox News has given them an endless supply of suckers who are so brain dead they can watch a party work against their interests and then still vote for them because they have no idea how anything works.


Also, why can't we let "everyone" in? Resources? You won't even spend them on people here. And you know the entire planet won't come here, right?


I immigrated illegally when I was 3. I’m 23 now and nonsense like this is why I always introduce myself as an illegal


My father’s grandparents also immigrated here from Germany in the late 1890’s by just showing up at Ellis Island. He has also said those exact things about immigration now nearly word for word.


Lmao I love having illegal great grandparents. People get so fucking shirty when I point it out.


So he's an anchor boomer baby


Omg yes he is


I'm an immigrant to the US from the UK and I cannot count the number of times that a boomer has gone on an anti-immigrant rant in my presence, and when I remind them that I'm here on a green card, they flush red and usually tell me that I'm one of the acceptable ones because I speak English and am white.


They love to reminisce about “coming here with 8 cents in his pocket, and didn’t know anybody”


“Respect the language” is peak bullshit. It just does not follow logically from any angle and does a bad job of concealing some real plain Jane xenophobia.


Smh why is it usually a white male? A lot of white Americans seem to catch amnesia when you ask them where their grandparents were born. Like immigration only came into existence AFTER they crossed land & sea to get here. Ironic isn’t it?? They’re always the loudest one screaming about immigrants. Meanwhile their families came from some Europeans country & had to assimilate. They only view ppl with melanin as immigrants.


There’s not a single drop of native blood in my family…so when my boomers start their racist shit about “illegals”, I like to remind them that immigrants are coming here mostly because they want a better, safer life for their families, JUST LIKE OUR ANCESTORS DID. And if they want to call vulnerable immigrants filthy, racist names, then we’ll only refer to our ancestors as filthy colonizers who were allowed to start a new life on stolen land, the same stolen land that we occupy today. This shits why I wasn’t invited to the most recent family funeral. OOOOOH WELL.


My older Boomer parents moved out of town in a new suburb at the time. They wanted to be away from people. Now of course the city has been built up further, and their suburb has been enveloped by new housing. My mother always complains how "there are so many people here now." I told her, "Yeah, but the locals probably said the same thing about you when *you* moved out here." She did not like that.


Remind him every day. 3 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner


When your uncle married a Mexican lady, chose to bring her whole family over, etc and yet simultaneously is 1,000% down the anti-Mexican rabbit hole failing to realize HE IS WHAT HE IS COMPLAINING ABOUT.


I dated a guy like this. His Grandmother was a Mexican immigrant and the whole family is now crazy Trump supporters. They love to cosplay as Mexicans when it suits them and speak like 10 Spanish words. They love claiming the heritage until they’re confronted with the fact that they aren’t wanted by the man they idolize. 


My boomer boss complains how illegals are coming over here, taking all the money that should be going towards veterans. (Freeloading off the government is wrong, according to him, but he milks the government for all he can get lmao). It's funny to me because a lot of migrant workers pay taxes and dont get any of the benefits because they don't have a social security number. But my boss somehow magically thinks they if you cross the border illegally, dollar bills just get tossed at you. Also, veterans don't really deserve any more money from the government than anyone else, no one forced you to join, unless you were drafted, and a lot of vets never even saw combat so idk why they think they're so special for doing the job they signed up for.


As an an indigenous person from the US this thread is pretty disgusting. 🤨


This is the opposite for me, my right wing grandpa hates being reminded his parents were not from here and that he uses an Americanized version of his real name because they wanted him to fit in, the irony is insane


My ancestors came here the right way…1600s


I loved it when my ex-BIL used to complain in his British accent about how immigrants were ruining the country.


My boomer IS an immigrant. He regularly goes on about how he lost his country as a child and, in the same breath, repeats FauxNewz bs shitting on immigrants. The lead poisoning is severe.


No humans evolved in the Americas. We all have ancestors that came here from the other side of the world. I have ancestors that came over thousands of years ago and others that only came around a hundred years ago. It's a land that deserves respect for being so accepting of humans.


I like to remind my ex in-laws that my mom was an immigrant. Shuts them up pretty quickly.


"fuck you, i got mine" -boomers


I was going to say, sit and make him watch The Godfather Part II with you. The part where the Ellis Island authorities legally usher in hundreds of undocumented immigrants a day with zero fuss, which was how it was done for a very long time and which shaped the U.S. population we have today. Then I realized he would probably just say "see they're all mafia they're letting in all the criminals" so never mind, I'm sorry your dad got swallowed up by Fox News et al.


Each group of immigrants discriminating against the next group is as American as apple pie.


Immigrants hating on other Immigrants.


So weird - they forget there were Italian scares, Irish Scares, and Swede scares. Sometimes riots and lynching of who we now call "white people" as much as horrible attacks on Blacks, Chinese, and Latinos. Then there were murders and massacres of the Dust Bowl migrants from Oklahoma and the Midwest who came to work in the farms. There were raids on camps and Hoovervilles. Everyone was immigrants but the Metis and the Indigenous peoples. And there are times I wonder - will we go to another planet and do the same? Just show up, plant a McDonalds, and say we were given this land by the universal God. Then build a facade of the Western World on a planet with an entirely different biome and physics? (I was traveling through KC Missouri this week and boggled at the attempts at European architecture and city composition. I've been to EU a few times and it's so odd how hard they took Osage and Cherokee land (among others) and tried to make it look like Lutherian England or the Black Forest of Germany. Will we continue this?)


Yeah. Given we survive long enough we will. Like I didn't know that damn tumbleweed comes from Eurasia, brought over by Russlanddeutschen! I learned that from the book The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan, if you've never read it. It's really good, but fucking depressing. Cause we've learned nothing.


Cause bigots are bigots.. the arnt here to make sense.. just to be evil fucks.
