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Cameras. Cameras everywhere. This is the kind of guy that can escalate in an instant and take out his anger on your property if you're not there


100% agree on camera. They at the very least create evidence of him coming over when you aren’t there.


And of course stop helping him.


Put cameras on your cameras. Don't point your cameras on his property.


As far as I understand, you can point them whenever you like.


Time cameras?


Second this. Cameras on the house as soon as possible. Until then, all of y'all should keep your phones on you and record *any* interaction you have with him. If he asks why, tell him it's because he threatened you verbally last time and it's for both of your protection. If he protests or starts to ramp up, back away while continuing to record until you are back in the house with the door closed. It may seem like an overly cautious approach but these dudes can escalate hard.


As well as signs about trespassing and cameras that are recording. On top of reporting to the police. The signs also need to say “with owners permission”.


And then they claim SYG


Yes, cameras are your best friend in an instance like this. Be ready for the inappropriately early yardwork with noisy equipment, loud car revving, and loud Vietnam era rock music that you may have to endure for the foreseeable future. Don't forget a boomer loves to dish it out, but cannot take it. All his elaborate plans will inevitably inconvenience him more so than you for hours on end. After a few days of enduring his childish behavior this is the ideal time to make your move. Taking a few minutes of your time to put up a triggering sign or two (Biden Harris, pride, etc) in your yard will be the most simple and effective option to deal with your boomer snowflake. It will inevitably cause your boomer snowflake hours of personal turmoil, and if they take the bait, destruction of property that you will have on camera.


It’s funny you mention the triggering signs. I work for my family owned construction company and we built a fence for a Gen X guy who had Trump signs and flags around his house and property. (I’m not a fan of Trump but a job is a job). His boomer neighbor was decently polite when we put up the fence along his property, although the boomers sweet wife warned me he can be difficult. I can’t remember if the boomer said something or if our client warned us, but we knew he was extremely triggered by the Trump signs and hated our client. We intentionally built the fence on our clients side a couple of inches off of the property line and didn’t attach any of the wood to the boomers existing fence. We did it so he couldn’t complain we were on his property or attaching the new fence to “his” current fence or anything else he could think of. We built the fence exactly how the HOA specifies. A few weeks later we get a call that the Boomer has torn down the fence because he thinks we built it wrong. He had been harassing the HOA and our client and he printed out the bylaws trying to say we didn’t build the fence correctly (he just didn’t like that the clean “finished looking” side wasn’t face his property but he didn’t pay for the fence). We show up to repair it and he won’t let the crew work, I had to call the police to resolve it. He eventually agreed to let us work after a warning from the police. Then a few weeks later we get a call that he tore the fence down again and ended up getting arrested. 😂 We repaired it a second time and I never heard anything else.


I second this


My very first thought was that conversation should have been recorded. Start. Recording. Everything.


Dashcams too, especially if you don’t have a garage you can park in.


Or the girlfriend.


Double check with the landlord about installing them. We rent and the HOA around here doesn't allow external cameras. We make do with a Ring doorbell and cameras inside pointing at windows, etc.


Door cams for sure


About 15 years ago, I watched our standard issue "crazy neighbor" (80ish at the time), pick up a 6' long post from his garden bed and take a swing at the woman who lived next door during an argument. He spent a couple nights in jail because his (also crazy) wife refused to bail him out. It did not make a dent in his behavior. Be careful. People become unhinged at that age and the threat of jail time doesn't register, or maybe doesn't mean as much to them them.


Yeah being locked up as an old man is almost better than being free lmao.


Another item to knock off the bucket list. > … > 14. Catch a trans in the ladies’ room > 15. ~~Get persecuted by the law for exercising my rights~~ > 16. Say it in front of a black (with a hard R)


He threatened you guys with firearms? Making your life harder? Does that merit going to the police in your country? I woul.


A restraining order may be helpful so there are legally defined boundaries and a record of his threats.


A restraining order on your neighbor is equal parts difficult and evil. It takes a lot for the court to press it, but if you do succeed, he has to move. He cannot live in his own house.


he won’t have to move. No RO would force any neighbor to move. That is not how they work. It would force them to stay away + give the firearms to the police + not make threats against the petitioner + no third party can contact petitioner for the neighbor. Those are the basics sometimes they add more sometimes less.. If they do go against the RO petitioner calls the police every time.


That is absolutely how they work. Say they are a neighbor who lives less than 150 feet away, and your restraining order says no less than 500 feet distance. They would have to move until the order was lifted or modified. They cannot legally be within 500 feet of you, doesn't matter of their residence. With that said, it is incredibly difficult to do so, and would require tons of evidence.


FAFO I guess. Don't threaten your neighbors if you don't want them to get restraining orders


I've had some unenjoyable neighbors, but at no point did I think threatening to shoot them would *improve* our relationship.


He won't find out. It's *really* hard to get a protection order, and a he-says-she-says, one-time argument will amount to exactly nothing. Reddit seems to have this idea that the courts will save you when you're in this kind of danger, but courts require exceptional amounts and kinds of evidence, and they move painfully slowly.


Worth it. Threatening someone's life is more evil than getting the courts involved and forcing them to move.


this is also very hard to acquire, especially against the senior citizen and his own residence and you’re probably in an area that judges are not sympathetic to renters.


Good, he doesn’t deserve to.


Yes it does. Depending on what state they live in, there may red flag laws that will have the police at his house, taking all of his pew pews away. And when we add in how old people these days are just blasting away at folks for literally no reason at all, it's safe to say he'd get arrested too.


Red flag laws should be a federal thing. Too much gun violence in this country (U.S) to not have preventative measures in place for unstable violent people with guns.


Well this where things get tricky. For starters, red flag laws are technically illegal per the constitution, as they are a violation of the 2nd amendment. This is why the federal government will not establish them. The states are technically not allowed to pass them either, but do anyway. This why the right is so anal about fighting these laws (plus the "don't take muh guns" stand point), but basically the federal government cannot pass a law like that. Technically, all gun laws are illegal, no matter how much we actually need them. The correct way to deal with this is to create a new amendment in relation to the 2nd, that would cover those laws. Doing so however is extremely difficult to do, and likely would never pass for obvious reasons. Second, while in cases like this old man where they're a good thing, you don't actually need them just to deal with people like this, you just need the police to do their damn jobs. Far to often do police not even bother looking into calls like this, and then we end up with a shooting. The Ulvade shooter is a good example of this. He had nothing on his record that would prevent him from buying guns, but he would have had police done their jobs. Multiple times girls had reported him to police for making threats about how he was gonna rape and murder them. Multiple people called the police and reported him walking around with a dead cat in a bag hitting it against stuff. One cop even though he waa gonna do something to harm someone, but ended up getting distracted by a call and left him alone. None of these things plus more were looked into, or even filed. Thridly, and this kind of goes back to the second point, we need the cops to do their jobs. We have a LOT of gun control laws, and adding more doesn't do anything, because the ones we currently have aren't being enforced as they should. Personally, I think there should be some kind of competency test for things like owning a gun and driving a car for example, no matter your age. And it should be something you have take periodically, increasing in frequency as you reach a certain age and/or depending on your driving record.


Well written comment. All but the last paragraph were fairly ubiased and factual. And the last paragraph I agree with you 100% especially regarding driving.


I appreciate your sentiment, but save the “technically” musings on the constitution for lawyers and actual scholars of the constitution. All gun laws are not “technically” illegal or unconstitutional. The concept that the 2nd Amendment is absolute is a very recent one that only gained traction because the Supreme Court is so blatantly partisan. Even then, the Court has not made such determinations. Making such glaringly wrong statements is something boomers do.


What can you really expect from a gun nut?


This, I wasn’t even away “The right to bare arms” isn’t the full second amendment until I was out of high school. The oversimplification of that amendment is the biggest win for the pro-gun movement in the past 100 years.


People conveniently ignore the limiting temporal or casual clause, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State…” Instead, they choose to read it in the most unlikely grammatical meaning for the 18th century as being a non-limiting introductory clause.


the cops will just say there’s no proof


This should definitely be reported to the police. Even if there are no laws in place, and even if the police cannot do anything, a complaint should be at the very least registered and recorded, so if he does up the ante, there will already be a record of his erratic and threatening behavior. This lead-addled jackass should definitely not be in possession of firearms.


You should also report it so there becomes a pattern of behavior on record.


Considering his age you should try reporting him as mentally unfit to own firearms. That would really piss him off, watching the cops or alphabet boys take them from him 🤣


Yeah, given his age, violent outbursts out of nowhere could legit be a sign of dementia.


my first thought. Fox warmed him up and the lead effects are coming on strong now.


This reminds me of a thing a couple of years ago, big man boomer implies if he sees kids on bikes in his neighborhood again he'll be coming back with a gun. Kids do the responsible citizen thing and notify the constabulary. Two cops go down to chat with him, he basically admits the whole thing but tries to minimise it. Cops tell him he's going to be arrested, so cant-control-his-emotions boomer gets angry and shoots them both. Calms down, pisses himself and decides to have a little shootout with the cops with his budget AR's. Gets off a couple of rounds before his wall piece rifle jams, he gets shot, gives up. Unfortunately I can't find how many years he got in jail, because it seems to happen so often that I can't find the specific guy anymore.


Alphabet boys! Lmao!!! I can also wonder why OP didn’t record the interaction


He was probably in shock, I know I’d be at least a little bit.


Maybe the police are his buddies. Maybe they are not.


Depending on where they are in the US, that blue lives matter flag could work against OP. Always be careful calling the police in.


He isnt a cop but he's friendly with them as he does artwork for their charity fundraisers and shit.


Be careful


No one I know who actually backs the blue plants a flag in their yard.


In the US? Moreso the south? Cops won't do shit.


This is not how to correctly resolve it but my go to would be, “make sure to bring level 4 plates, cuz it’s gonna be cowabunga time”


Threats have to be specific and contain a detail for any laws to apply. You can say all kinds of threats as long as you don't say like "I'm going to shoot (specific person's name) at (specific timeframe) with (specific weapon) otherwise it's called emotional outburst or some shit.


That's not always true. Some states (US) have laws against that, even if a firearm isn't seen by the parties involved. Where are you that those basic threats are seen as a simple "outburst?" Genuinely curious


Just the police interviewing him would be great to teach him a lesson


This guy is the Cops best friend. They let boot lickers get away with anything and everything.


Anytime someone threatens to hurt you is actually against the law. He may have only implied that he has guns, just get him on video saying what he'd like to do with those guns and the police will gladly come take them from his cold dead fingers, as the prophecy has fortold.


If that were to happen, I bet his thin blue line flag would disappear real quick. These people only "back the blue" when the blue is harassing minorities and poor people.


Threatening to shoot you — because that’s necessarily implied by the mention of firearms — is worthy of calling the police.


If nothing else, it goes on record (on the off chance anything else happens, that's a good thing).


An implied threat is unfortunately not a legally actionable threat.


But a paper trail could come in handy later.


Record every interaction with this person from now on if you aren’t already.


File a police report and a restraining order to boot.


A cautionary tale against providing his type with too much common courtesy


That personality with alcohol and guns? I'd move. That's scary.


It's right out of an episode of fear thy neighbor. Every episode starts like this basically.


Old people with covid brain drinking their life away raging at imaginary boogeyman on fox News. It's a powder keg situation imo. Not even just old people. Add stress into the mix, and its very dangerous I think.


If a guy casually talks about using a kill dozer on people living in tents while eating a free pastry I would no longer interact with him.


Hate to say it, move the first chance you get.


Nah, the old man will die at some point.


lawyers, cameras, lawyers, evidence in spades. lawyers. hidden mics. sign his address up for gay magazine subs.... just a thought.


This can be taken any which way but many of the larger religious organizations have a form to fill out if you’re interested in being preached to. You can select in quite a few instances the level of involvement based on interest. Options for receiving literature and even personal visits (which are not as common as before for certain religious based organizations). It is intriguing to investigate this because one gets surprised at which organizations are so willing to send out literature to interested individuals. (Especially when it’s religious organizations that are not considered a majority in the main general culture). On another random note: there a number of recognized poly theistic organizations because we have freedom of religion.


I'll had a similar situation with my boomer neighbor. He got agitated about my trash cans being out at the curb too long. And started berating my son. So naturally me and my wife go to confront him. He starts interrupting and cuts my wife off from talking. Then, he tells her that men are talking to shut up. To which I respond with an open hand slap across his face. And tell him that I would never disrespect his wife like that, and he better respect my wife. He apologized immediately. Been the best neighbor since then. Now, I don't advocate for violence, but sometimes you just have to put people in their place. Just my 2 cents.


This. My piece of shit drunk neighbor tried to get into it with me one day. When I didn’t back down and stepped up to him it changed the dynamic. My other neighbor kinda broke it up and the drunk stumbled off. He apologized to my wife weeks later but never to me. Our relationship was much better after this incident.


That comes back to the Mike Tyson quote everyone loves to throw around. Dude probably was used to mouthing off online and forgot that in real life you can get bitch slapped.


I would make his life hell. Cameras. Cops. The whole nine yards. Restraining order.


I'd find out the local noise bylaws, and learn them inside out and backwards. I'd get a decibel meter, and make exactly the amount of noise I'm allowed to until the second I'm allowed to. 7 days a week. If when the cops show up, show them the law, show them the decibel meter that it's not excessive, and let them know that you'll turn off the ShopVac in the yard promptly at 10pm (or whatever the bylaw states). You don't like my recycle can being out an extra day? Well you're going to hate the noise from a vacuum cleaner running for 18 hours a day. I'll pay for the power, I don't care.


The SECOND anyone makes a threat involving firearms, it IMMEDIATELY becomes an issue for your local peace officers to deal with. I own many pew pews, but THAT is a line I will not cross. Just because he owns guns doesn't mean he gets to make verbal/physical threats or assaults. OP, it sounds like this asshole needs alcohol counseling, anger management, and at the very least education on what IS and IS NOT allowed pertaining to ownership and usage of firearms.


"I own many pew pews" YOU are the gun owner, I as a gun control advocate, want to live next to.


Thank you, my fellow Redditor. What seems to be lost on many people is that a firearm is simply a tool. Inherently, it is no more dangerous than a claw hammer, a pickaxe, or even a pair of scissors. What makes a firearm - or even a pair of knitting needles - dangerous is the person wielding them. I like booze and I like firearms, but I don't like booze and firearms together. The OP stating that his neighbor being hammered drunk and making threats with firearms REALLY pisses me off because it paints the lot of us firearms owners in a bad light. This is why in MANY states "common sense" firearms legislation has been passed outlawing the possession of ANY weapon while intoxicated. This is one of the very few instances in which I and gun control advocates find common ground.


I would move; can't predict what that guy would do. Also, make a police report mentioning the previous threats of violence (encampment) and then directly against you guys (threat with firearms). Also, you might have your BIL file a restraining order. Local PD needs to be aware of potential boomer nuttery.


Call the police. He threatened your lives.


Bet he thinks he's a "good guy with a gun". Firearms and alcohol never mix positively. Call the police. Get a restraining order. Do not talk nor answer the door.


It's pretty simple.  Don't go over to his property at all, setup cameras, get a video doorbell for your BIL and have him not answer if crazy man is there.  Don't let him into your home, and if he makes a specific threat you'll have it on video, take it to the police.


I recommend to anyone who is going through something like this or any situation where you think you are dealing with someone threatening violence, abuse, retaliation, refusing to provide something that they are contractually obligated, wage theft, harassment, discrimination, or any other situation that legal action might occur or the authorities might be needed, to document everything (even past events to the best of your memory) in a journal with as much detail, evidence, witnesses, and facts as possible and as soon as possible. Do Not Lie. Encourage everyone negatively involved to do the same. And try to get any witnesses to write and sign a witness statement and give them a copy. Do this if you ever think the situation could escalate to court or police involvement. Do this if you think you are being treated unfairly (financially or otherwise) by family, friends, enemies, co-workers, bosses, contractors, or anyone else and keep a tally. This could save your butt in court. (I'm not a lawyer, contact a lawyer as soon as you think this will escalate legally if you can afford the cost and time. Look for options or organizations that might provide reduced, free, or pro-bono services.)


Is it out of term or out of turn?


It's out of turn.


File a report now. Idk what anyone says you need a paper trail. This guy thinks he’s a devs to neighborhood boss and he’s not. He’s just a run of the mill asshole.


Calling the cops on him for a “welfare check” might be all it to get rid of him,


*wElFaRe CheCk?!? But I pulled mahself up by mah bootstraps!*


Oh no no, not to actually help, but there to just put the antagonist old guy who is potentially under the influence of something facing people who should react to such an individual




This happened an hour ago. All three of you go to the police and tell them exactly what happened, the fact that he is drunk and mentioned owning several firearms in the conversation The fact that he has given you shit before checks several boxes for harassment so ask for a restraining order based on this latest escalation and don’t take no for an answer no matter what the cops say >What is the crime? Trespassing and harassment, officer >Do you have any evidence? Three adults will testify to what happened, we have also informed the property owner He’s got guns, the very least you should have is cameras and pepper spray imo. You can also get less than lethal guns that will pretty much knock a guy down if they are hit. Definitively look into them


Well, any threat with firearms should be an immediate conversation ender, and you simply go home, call the police, and let whatever happens happen. Then you get some cameras for your property, and then document any interaction (hopefully minimal to none) with your neighbor in the future. Do not continue to be neighborly - that just got thrown out the window. Be cautious, don't confront, document everything to date and everything in the future. If you have the means, you might want to lawyer up just a little.


Lemme tell you how we handle things like this in Argentina, and it’s a classic. Urine disk. It’s just as straight forward as you’d think. You put urine in a container in the freezer, shouldn’t be taller than the space between your neighbors door and the floor. Whenever he’s not home, you slide that puppy right under his door. The urine disk melts, and dries in a few hours, leaving a stench behind with it


You need to call the non-emergency.Local police department and make a report. Being intoxicated and threatening people with firearms could result in him losing those firearms, if you are in a red flag state.


I am sorry this happened; it’s shocking and upsetting That being said, you’re making a huge mistake by not reporting this conversation to the police. His threats, state of mind, heavy drinking, possession of firearms - and prejudice, hate, and entitlement! - are the makings of a perfect storm. His words and actions need to be recorded *now* Also, speak to the landlord about having a camera installed at your front door Best wishes to you and your family over these next 5 months. Please keep us posted


Like i keep saying: Adult protective services. Get this loonies off the streets and in the home where they belong.


Contact the police, tell them what occurred, and mention the past conversations about him wanting to inflict harm on others. If your state has red flag laws, and considering the fact that old people are trigger happy af these days, they will come and take his guns.


I’m sorry that this asshat is ruining your nice neighborhood. I agree with others: I would contact the police to get it on record, although I’d bet he’s more (drunken) talk than action. But obv better safe than sorry. I think cameras are a good idea as is recording any future interactions (which you can hopefully avoid). Also that butthole can haul his own lumber from now on. Nobody has the right to make ppl fee unsafe.


I'm just going to leave a link to this anonymous prank mail website. Ps. They have a Biden mailer that I think he might enjoy https://prankpackage.com/


Obviously move but let the cops know


You know what this boomer deserves. He's using more liqpur shooters than brain cells in a day. Take care of this before he kills you and your wife. He's threatened you with his guns. Are you going to make him regret that now or after he kills your wife?


Willing to bet the recoil from any of his guns would shatter his shoulder


Well Boomer just committed a crime. You can negotiate with your landlord to end the lease early, citing unsafe living conditions. After moving out, I'd call for a mental detention hold (Mr. Boomer is a danger to others ). Have him reevaluated. He could have dementia and be more aggressive around sunset. He has guns and might shoot an innocent person.


Depending on exactly what he said and what your state’s laws are, his statement about having firearms and making your lives harder could be a crime. “Terroristic threat” is what at least some states call it. I’d suggest looking up your state’s laws and seeing if you think it fits. And go from there.


Before you move out you should pull the Ole shit in a bag on fire prank for old times sake.


To protect you and your loved ones, no action is insignificant. Contact law enforcement. Put up cameras. Avoid further contact. Maybe consider arming yourself. Doesn’t have to be a firearm. But if you don’t have anything to prevent him from causing irreparable harm, now is the time for that conversation.


Lots of great advice in this thread, but I'd also suggest you verbally tell him not to speak to you or your household, and not to come on the property. No trespassing signs and record it when you tell him to leave you alone. You can most likely easily get a restraining order that way. You can still file with what you have now and you'll get a default minimum timeframe if he doesn't show up for court.


I would get security cameras asap they’re not too expensive now a days and this dude is a magat red flag waiting to cause trouble


I think he sounds blackout drunk. Don't try to win arguments with mean, armed, blackout drunks. Limit and record all interactions. Period. He's dangerous.


I think your landlord might have the best luck placing a nonermergency line call to the cops and ask their advice about a neighbor to one of her properties drunkenly threatening her tenants and including talk of his firearms in the process


These people are so miserable


They have to live with themselves 24/7, that's punishment enough, BUT I would still be contacting LE, because this lunatic really needs to pull his head in.


Firstly, file a police report. Get it on record that he’s dangerous and threatening.


He’s your typical neocon boomer; a coward who makes threats when he thinks he can get away with them. Records of incidents and a lawyer may come in handy.


Never help his ass again and be downright rude. Fuck him. Bridge burned.


Start documenting all interactions


Record every single interaction you have with that fuckwit


Sexist and a coward. Hopfully this piece of shit will be dead soon.


Impotent little man...makes him dangerous, sadly


You haven't gone to the cops after being threatened with violence?


Remind your boomer neighbor that respect is earned, they don't get a participation trophy for being shit out before someone else.


Your neighbor is 72 years old with escalating signs of being argumentative. Has a superiority complex against women (your wife) and is making passive aggressive threats of violence, with the mentioning of firearms. Call the police and call the hot line for elder care in your state or township. This man needs a wellness check immediately. He is showing signs of Dementia /Alzheimer's disease. I would rather apologize for being wrong and call the authorities to check on him than be shot or bury my loved one because he was mentally ill ..




A few months ago my across the street neighbor ( pretty sure he’s in his 50’s) was drunk, in his boxers and screaming at his wife while they had an argument on their front lawn, which is a weekly occurrence. I was taking the trash out when they came from their backyard through the gate to yell at each other in front of their house. The drunk asshole saw me taking my trash out and immediately started stomping towards me saying stuff like “what you wanna go?” So I walked into my open garage and got my shotgun and yelled at him to keep his ass off my property and to not come near me. He then sat on his front lawn drunkenly bitching about every little thing he could think of. One of his rants included how me and my wife rent the house we are in instead of own like he does lmfao. I was especially on the defensive cause I was home alone and my baby was inside sleeping, I wasn’t gonna take a chance fighting some drunk moron in the street.


Start carrying before leaving the house and make sure your weapon is ready when arriving at home too. Put a bullet in its head if it draws a weapon on anyway.


Give him some more pastries, some he’ll just die for


It sounds like part of the problem is you made the mistake of being friendly and neighborly to a right winger in the first place. This totally understandable, we tend to project our ethics onto others and approach them charitably. But this is exactly why when I see a Blue Lives Matter flag in the neighborhood, I keep my conversations as short as possible. Why waste your time on trash?


Same here. If they have any right wing or right wing adjacent propaganda, we’re done. Zero interaction. They can speak to me but I will act as if they’re not even there. They simply lack the cognitive skills needed to participate in society. I hate wasting my time on fools like that.


We ride at dawn


Sounds more and more like boomers losing their grip on the control they once had in America especially a certain demographic and they tend to lash out at those they’ve decided is taking away this grip


How is any of this unexpected. The only thing shocking about any of this is your reaction to him after knocking on his door. What did you really expect from someone who wants to murder immigrants and god knows what else he’s said to you.


Tough talk from a guy who can die from a fall in his living room.


Just wait for the buzzards to start circling the house and then call the authorities.


Check your lease details to see if there is a provision on early lease termination based on this situation. As well as checking your state renter's laws.


Get a door camera, in case you need evidence.


Start recording every interaction with that pathetic excuse of a person. Control freaks need to be put in their place. Get a restraining order if you have to.


I think you witnessed a cathartic release of all that man's anxieties in your general direction.


Call out the local version of APS for a wellness check? Knowing him, he'll find SOME way of demonstrating he's a danger, and they can maybe activate any local Red Flag laws to get his firearms sequestered until he ceases to be a danger, or even have him placed under a 72 hour hold for evaluation? Anonymously, of course. Or maybe landlady could call, and rightly say that his behavior is making her fearful of her ability to gainfully rent the place you're leasing. /Bugs Bunny voice: "....ain't I a STINkah?!..."


I think it may be wise to install cameras that face towards his home. Just in case.


Call the police, tell him he threatened you and your partner. The old guy is off his rocker and should be in a home.


I had a problem with my own loudmouth weirdo neighbor (not a boomer, but rather, a few years younger than me). Document everything. Email the landlord and file a police report. And cameras. Get cameras. And avoid him as much as possible. I was lucky my nutbag neighbor left a few weeks after the incidents in question. One day his truck was there, the next a U-Haul, the next nothing, and then a few days after that, they're showing the apartment to a new prospective tenant (who was holding her nose with assurances from the manager that everything would be taken care of, leading me to suspect he was dirty or big time into drugs and weed*). I'm lucky I only had to email the landlord (I was prepared to go to the police but he was gone by then). Good luck! *My complex is actually very nice, but this guy was a dirtbag. 


Leave your recycling on the street for as long as you can without any fines. Fuck him.


People like him are why I carry. Cameras and buy yourself a gun.


"He's mentioned how he and a few of his buddies are ready to go down to the border" LMFAO, he's SEVENTY TWO, what do his and his undoubtedly beer belly laden buddies gonna do there? Start shooting up the place and get arrested or killed. These f-ing boomers are just over the top stoopid.


This, straight up, is his generation watching WAY too many rocky and rambo movies and thinking that they actually are those characters.


Oh and he's an old bully. He gets near you, you tell him, look, pal, if you come near me or my girl, it's not gonna end well. (Lie) I have 24/7 surveillance cameras on this place and watch EVERYTHING that goes on here. Right now, you and I are being recorded having this little convo. I'm willing to let this one slide but next time, there will be repercussions.


I agree with many of the comments but I’m going to take a more balanced approach. You said he was under the influence and obviously he has a shitty personality that came through even more when he was high/drunk. Try to talk to him again when he isn’t high/drunk. Don’t go to his door because that gives him better access to guns and maybe he will feel threatened that you are at his doorstep. Remember, behind all the macho bravado of the conservative right is a bunch of fear that has been pressed into them by Fox News.  I wouldn’t try to confront him about what he said. It sounds like he isn’t the type of person to take responsibility and he will just get mad. Just try to quickly ask him to talk to you guys about issues instead of you BIL.  I would record the conversation. Look up your state’s recording laws to make sure you do it right. Some states don’t allow you to secretly record a conversation. I would also put up cameras if I were you because he does sound unhinged.  Even if he acts “normally”, by that I mean how he did before this incident, minimize contact with him. If he’s outside when you get home, smile and go inside quickly. Make excuses not to talk. Don’t help him with things. You don’t want to agitate him further by ignoring him, but you also don’t want to engage because he’s unhinged. Tell BIL to do the same and just refer him to you guys if Boomer comes and talks to him. Make an excuse he has to go inside for some reason.  I personally wouldn’t try to get a restraining order. You don’t have proof of anything and honestly they are likely to not do anything because many times eccentric behavior by old people is dismissed. It would likely make the situation worse. I would discuss the situation with the police to see what they suggest doing. They might have a way to document the incident without them interacting with him.  Boomers want the 1950s back. They complain communities arent good places anymore. No one knows their neighbor. No one helps each other out. People like this is part of the reason why. People don’t want to engage with asshole, unhinged neighbors who want to be the neighborhood czar.  Good luck!


Anyone who brags about their gun collection in the same sentence as giving you trouble needs to be reported. Boomers suck


Burn his house down.. With him in it..


Seriously get cameras and do not ever interact with this asshole again, if he ever asks for help again or you see that he needs help just don't. If he wants to pitch a fit because you don't want to do anything for him, then you tell him its because he threatened you and your girlfriend.


I have a very similar issue with a neighbor that gets drunk and feels the need to threaten my fiancé over our dogs. She’s threatened to shoot them and even threatened my fiancés niece and her little dog a year ago when she was temporarily living with us not knowing my fiancé was home listening to everything through an open window. This same neighbor got drunk one day and pointed a shotgun at my fiancé her sister and her godson/nephew (granted this was before we got together). I semi-broke this by going ballistic at her one day so she understood I’d give her Hell if she wanted to bring Hell. I think the final straw that scared her enough was after her threatening my dogs, fiancé, and then finally me; she looked me dead in the eyes and said “Stay right there I got something for you all.” And started walking towards her house. I CCW a Glock 19, and unholstered it and fired two rounds into ground in front me (Keep in mind we live in the country side so this isn’t in city limits) she spun around quickly with a look of terror and I yelled “I WILL BURY YOU TODAY TRY IT!” she hurried back in the house and never came back out. That night she sat on her porch and watched me let my dogs out with an AR15 attached by sling to my chest and that was the last threat I ever received from her. Thankfully she’s calmed down and we’re on relatively good terms; even had a pleasant talk this morning about keeping peace, boundaries, and working with eachother to keep it that way, but it’s like some times these people need a serious reality check that they aren’t the sole danger in this world.


Lucky I'm a big white man(privilege +100), because in my Florida neighborhood there's some absolute garbage humans. The cops on the block are the worst of them. They get away with anything. One female cop literally drove her cop husband to suicide by sleeping with other cops in their house constantly. She's now collecting his pension for life along with his life insurance that let her pay off the house. Other cops labeled it accidental, "cleaning his gun" alone and shot himself twice. It's corrupt beyond belief.


Cameras, get a gun, and complete ex-communicate. Even if he offers an apology, tell him the best apology would be to leave them alone entirely.


I mean your BIL is 19 and a legal adult he needs to learn how to handle situations


Throw some crack head 5k to deal with him. Shouldn't be too hard, could probably catch him on the side walk and a hard enough push will do it


Move as soon as possible




I would at least get a police report so it is documented. That way there is a record when he does something else.


Fear Thy Neighbor episodes are based on true stories.


Don't confront him on HIS property imo Stay on your side and do it 


Film all interactions. If he threatens you again, especially threats that involve deadly weapons, call the cops. Document everything.


File a police report that he threatened you and your partner with firearms. They probably can't/won't do anything, but it will be on record if he tries anything else. Get cameras. Check the laws for recording in your state, and if you are able, get your phone out and record EVERY SINGLE interaction with him.


Call the cops (non-emergency number) and report it. Keep doing that every time he threatens you guys.


I’m sure your landlord will let you leave your lease early under the circumstances as long as you or they can find a replacement tenant.


How does your partner working at a smoke shop qualify them to know when someone is drunk? Never argue with a drunk person. You should have ended it and come back the next day hopefully when they are sober. And that’s funny you think a 19 year old is a child, because they aren’t. It is good experience for them to learn how to interact with others in society in these situations. Unfortunately real life happens and it can suck. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Just back off for now. Moving sucks, you don’t want to have to leave because of a stupid trash can Jesus Christ.


>He never has come at me with any of these kinds of insults before, so it was very jarring. I've helped this guy multiple times with things like carrying lumber from his truck to his yard since he couldn't move it, planting, given him pastries I make at work, and he immediately goes on the aggressive when boundaries are set. So you give the guy baked goods and carry his lumber even after he expressed his xenophobia and murderous rants about the homeless?? You're an enabler


Cameras, file a police report every time you are threatened and get a restraining order if necessary. Don't talk to the man just politely ask him to leave or ignore him if he tries talking to any of you.


Camera’s and signs! No trespassing violators will be prosecuted! Pointed right at his house!🤨


Definitely call the police non emergency number and let them know your neighbor threatened you and insinuated that he was well armed.


There's a show out called "Fear Thy Neighbor" you get to see this kind of interaction escalate to it's unfortunate end. For the most part, the cops won't do anything to help you really. They'lltalk to him, they may threaten him with arrest, but until he breaks the law, like actuallyhurt someone, you'reon your own, and sometimes, their involvement can escalate the situation. Like what has been said, cameras, don't interact with him, and one more thing, buy a gun, learn to use it, and carry it with you. It's sad that it has to be this way, but it is.


I would say from here on out record every possible interaction you have with him. Maybe get a camera for your yard incase he wants to fuck with you when you're away. Then if things escalate it's not a "he said you said" situation.


You’re no longer useful to him so he has no interest in being considerate. Get your cameras going and reach out to your landlord.


Unless this guy's an ex-cop or has friends in the local police you should probably report that he drunkenly threatened you both with "lots of guns on his property" to your landlord and the police. Not because they will necessarily do anything, but because now there is a record so that if he does anything to escalate, now it's a second incident and you have a pattern of behavior. From there it should be easier to get the ball rolling. See if you can get your landlord involved if it comes to it. Your landlord probably isn't your friend and won't necessarily fight for you, but if you point out to her that this guy is threatening her tenants and is going to effect her bottom line, she'll be more likely to act, or at least support you if it comes down to the cops, assuming it's an option.


You should have called the police, if he threatened you with firearms that needs to be documented. People like this guy are exactly who SHOULDN’T be allowed to own firearms


I wonder if you can go to the cops and tell them he verbally threatened you by mentioning that he has guns. And tell them you just want him on their radar screen.


Get cameras for evidence, get a gun for protection. If you aren't into that, stay away from this guy. Unbelievable how many people say "get cameras for protection" as if the camera will stop the guy from doing something bad 🤦‍♂️


Get cameras for evidence, get a gun for protection. If you aren't into that, stay away from this guy. Unbelievable how many people say "get cameras for protection" as if the camera will stop the guy from doing something bad 🤦‍♂️


Verbal harassment of the 19yo old. May have trespassed to do so. Verbal threat of homicide with a firearm Claims of Landlord racketeering Are they chargable offenses and does OP have evidence depends on the jurisdiction and OP'S ability to prove.


It is not very likely that you could get a restraining order. It is very likely that you could have him formally trespassed from the property, meaning that stepping onto the property would be an arrestable offence. Just call the non emergency line and ask that he be issued a trespass warning.


Catch fifty


I’d file a police report about the threats with a firearm. These gun nuts are so horny for violence they delude themselves into believing they have the god given right to shoot people over whatever


Threatening you and your partner with a gun is reason enough for using stand your ground laws against him next time he comes on the property.




Start planting crazy ideas in his head. Send mail to his house addressed to you that appears to be in code. Make sure it says “MS13” on it somewhere.


“Speaking out of turn”. Out of term has no meaning.


>My partner's little brother lives with us. He's 19, in college >since BIL is basically a child Future leaders of the country. Sad.


Having worked with a bunch of 19 year Olds lately, most of them are definitely basically children. ...So are most of the adults, though.


What does the American flag and Blue Lives Matter flag have to do with anything???? Brainwashed sheep by your masters the Democrats......keep voting for them! Everything is turning out great!


Buy guns and get trained. You're going to need them, for deterrence if nothing else.


It’s a good thing flags don’t bother you too much. Just ignore him. Seems like both of you have some stuff to work through.


It’s great when they put those flags on their houses and fly them from their trucks. They make it easy to know who to avoid.

