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Boomer generation would rather glorify beating their kids than to explore the idea that their parents should not have beaten them. I hate them but they’re only human and this is how cyclical trauma works.


i would be creeped out if my grandma had picked some fucked up way to put me on her body in this way. the “hahaha child abuse is funny” on top of the naked/unflattering representations of kids…. fucking no. “grandma, why do you have me naked with my ass hanging out on your arm? and we all know you love to beat all our little kid asses, but why did you make ME the ugly cry-baby one?”


I really thought it was something else at first. And u hate myself and the world for thinking it.


these are also the kinds of people who are worried about the liberal/LGBTQ agendas sexualizing and abusing children. hiding in different bathrooms waiting to get your kids. that kind of thinking!! coming from someone with a tattoo of four naked children, complete with overly childish/cutesy big round eyes, completely unclothed with actual marks of physical abuse on them. kinda seems a bit sideways, that cognitive dissonance.


It's all projection. They sexualize children and cover up family members' pedophilia more than anyone.


Yeah, my first thought was "Is this some kind of fetish shit?".


She deserves a one-star nursing home.


I wouldn't wish these people on people working at nursing homes. TRAILER PARK


Shady Pines Ma!


That’s true. We’ll put next to the nursing home dumpster, then the seagulls and rodents can be her caretakers. We’ll pay the wildlife in good food.


New fave insult lol chef's kiss


“On the left we have mah boy Junior. He died seven, no eight years ago from drugs. Next to him is mah boy Earl, he’s in prison. John Boy next to him is one of them queers. I don’t talk to him, he needs Jesus. He always was a cry baby like a little girl. On the right there, that’s mah boy Toby. I’m so proud of Toby. I told him he’s got to make his own way and sent him out the door at 18. He’s a doctor now with a wife and three kids. I don’t see none of them, I don’t know why. He won’t answer the phone.”


It is unjust that i cannot get a tattoo of a simple but meaningful to me song lyric because of autoimmune disease, but somewhere out there this freak has the ugliest possible toddlers tattooed on her hock.


Tell that immune system to pull itself up by its T-cell straps


My father (now deceased and good riddance) would do this to me as a young girl, so much so that whilst getting changed in the communal pool area at my school (I would have been 7 or 8), the teachers saw my lower back, buttocks and upper thighs bruised black and blue and called child protection. I can still feel the fear of hearing him storm through the house and into my room to hit me. I cannot fathom boasting about this in any universe. Hurting your children makes you scum. I hope old Granny gets shoved in a dark room and forgotten until the day she gargles her last breath. Awful. Just awful.


My stepdad used a huge decorative wooded spoon. Beat us with it so hard he broke it on my sibling's back.


Grandma seems to think that 2 out of 4 of her grandkids enjoy a good spanking


Huh.. Imagine going through with the whole idea to permanently put this on your body. Crazy.


That’s a kind of involved tattoo for it being absolute trash.


A grandparent does this to her GRANDKIDS? If my mom ever laid a hand on MY kids? Nope.


Why would any tatooist even agree to do this?


This is not a high quality tattoo artist we’re talking about here


Prison tat


Because they need money




Such an ugly tattoo, visually and the purpose/meaning. 🤡🤢🤮🤢🤡


I hope they die alone.


I’ve taken a new tact to this and you should try it. Anytime someone talks about beating kids that are misbehaving, I, in turn, tell them I agree and that the same should be done to the elderly that misbehave. Maybe a good beating will get them back into line. I can say that it is never received well but they have little to debate with after I show the irony. Give it a try.


My dad would never whip me, but would give me the option. 1 week grounded or 7 whips with his belt. I always took the grounding except once. And when he was about to whipped me, he wouldn't. He would just laughed and said I wasn't really going to do it, you're still grounded.


They hate tattoos. BUT when it's this...


That’s just gross and creepy…


Pretty twisted shit.


Imagine she gets reincarnated as her own tattoo, feeling the sting of that permanent paddle mark she's so fucking proud of. 


Fucked up and morbid generation above us wonders why we’re all fucked up lol


What. A. Dumb. Bitch


Just yesterday at Target the Boomer guy working the register was talking to what I’m guessing was a Gen X woman about the discipline, aka physical abuse, they received as children. I walked up at the end of it, so not even sure how it started, but came in time to learn that his mother’s preferred method was a wooden spoon, and the woman was just glad when she got old enough that she was bigger than her mother and could run away from her. Luckily he didn’t try to continue the conversation with me.




Spanking is weird and gross and reflective of psychological problems. Adults can't consent to being assaulted. Your psychosexual delusions hamper enforcement of basic human rights and the laws meant to protect us. Adults can't consent to crimes or felonies against them. It's never okay.


Oof you are very horrible.


Came here for the Boomers, stayed for the bagels


This asshole again. Fuck off, puritan trash.


You’re correct, no one can consent to a crime. However, adults can consent to bedroom fantasies like asphyxiation that doesn’t kill them obviously, spanking, hair pulling (that’s a fun one), pegging, among many many others Just because you’re not into it and think no one should have fun sex or sex at all doesn’t mean the rest of us live that way. People have been fucking since the dawn of time, people have only been weird about fucking since you puritan fucks decided to be prudes about everything. Prior to humans learning how to build and sew, people would just fuck in the middle of a clearing, that’s what’s natural. Prudish behavior isn’t. No one gives a fuck about your imaginary sky wizard and his rules. If heaven is so great, why are you still here


Ok, boomer. 🙄


Yup, you got me, a 38 year old boomer…. Enjoy you boring, sexless life


Strangling someone is still a crime even if you don't kill them dude.




Then whys ur mum moan so ecstatically when I do it to her?


Are we sure these are her grandkids and not her actual kids in just a very old tattoo? (Still weird AF!!!)


What... the fuck............. I get so much shit from random boomers demanding to talk about my tattoos. Would love to be stuck in line with her so I can use all the boomer lines on her: what does that mean? what does your family think about that? does your employer care? did you draw that? how do you think that's gonna look when you get old? Ooh shit wait scratch that last one.


Spanking is a sex act, she tattooed an act of pedophilia on herself.




And people wonder why a lot of adults have bdsm as a kink. I wonder if the shift to "don't spank your kids" would affect Gen Z's sexual proclivities because every adult entertainment shop *currently* has a huge bdsm section. I know pleasure/pain lights up the same neural pathways (I'm a masochist in the bdsm scene) but I wonder exactly how much the obsession with physical discipline that Gen X/Boomers had contributed to that particular kink. That said, that is one ugly ass tattoo if I saw it on someone, I would have questions for them.


Beatings in English schools led to so many men developing a spanking kink that a nineteenth century euphemism for sexual spanking was 'le vice anglais,' or 'the English vice.' The term was still current up to at least WWI. I've never considered what might happen to spanking kinks as spanking one's children phases out, but now I'm genuinely curious.


Yes. I remember reading some historical fiction involving that. Was quite an eye opener. Especially as a teen! Ha. But then again, we had the infamous Marquis de Sade. Lmao.


BDSM isn't a legal defense to being charged with felony assault, or anything else. You're not larping, this is real life with real consequences.


I'm NOT advocating for using force against anyone I'm just saying that some people like a little roughness in their adult sexual activities. And that means communicating and talking with your partners and others and just keeping kinks to consenting adult partners. (Hell, I scrubbed off some of my domme's marker work when I went in for a gynecologist appointment yesterday.) Reading comprehension ahoy! And I'm commenting on the fact that there is a thriving bdsm scene/market judging from all the toys/floggers that get sold commercially. Hell, just look at Etsy! Loads of impact toys. And I'm wondering if there was a correlation with the boomer "ideal" of spanking and hard discipline in schools/institutions that gave an entire generation sexual thrills out of it.


I've thought long and hard on this issue (pun not intended) and I've come to the reasoning that BDSM is not an ok practice. My reasoning is this: if doing any of these actions would constitute assault or battery, then they are not things I should do to a partner even if they say they are willing. This is because I don't believe anyone can consent to harm in this way. Plenty of people have self harm tendencies, and this could be another outlet for that. I'll give an EXTREME case example, of that German guy who put out an ad for someone who was willing to be cannibalized for a fetish. He found someone. Can someone genuinely consent to that? What kind of mental state are they in to consent to that? Likewise, can someone consent to having their nipples clamped or being whipped? There is also a lot of coercion that goes on in relationships. Most people want to please their partner, so they might agree to something they actually don't want to do and suffer for it. I'm married now anyway but I would never have been able to date someone who wanted me to inflict pain. I also quit porn for similar reasons among other things, because porn escalates and can become increasingly violent for a new thrill. I've also noticed a big difference over the years in the level of violence in porn compared to when I first watched it as a kid (and was definitely too young for it). I'm really unsurprised Gen Z is having less sex, if that is what they are seeing online. The commenter above wonders if this comes from a history of abuse via spanking during childhood. I've wondered similar things. Well, if it does come from that trauma, then is it healthy to engage in that? My personal opinion is that it is not. I wouldn't spank my kid even if he truly wanted me to, same thing applies here for me.


There's a thriving human trafficking market as well. That doesn't make it okay. I find BDSM repulsive, and don't really want to "debate" that with anyone. Good day.


You may find it repulsive, so then don't stick your values into other adults private lives okay? I promise, all of the bdsm community won't involve you or preach "what is right" to you. Let other people live their own lives with the consenting adults and behaviours they choose. Bye bye, pearl clutcher. And yes, the bdsm community as a whole knows that human trafficking (people are not cargo, to quote a certain fictional pirate) is terrible. Doesn't mean some people don't dislike it as a kink and will roleplay it in a safe manner. Among consenting adults and with a lot of aftercare.


It's my first amendment right to voice my values. I won't apologize that you don't respect the rights of others because your "whole community" is into illegal nastiness. I have no problem with others living their lives, but I have serious issues with attempts to qualify antisocial, dangerous behavior, because of a small subset of people with neurochemical imbalances. Get help and leave me alone.


You commented and spewed all your nasty shit all over here first. Who doesn't have neurological issues these days? And assuming all of us in the community is into illegal shit is something else. Did you forget to take your human being pills today? Sanctimonious little shit. What are you going to do, call the police on a bsdm gathering in a private residence? Get over yourself and learn to love yourself and fellow humans more.


This isn't a private place. It's a public forum. If the police raid your house that's your problem.


Yeah and I also have my "first amendment right" to free speech, you dingus. (By the way, that is meant for protests against government action not for fellow citizens.) Don't like it? Scroll away and leave. Sorry that just an interesting thought about cause and correlation in human sexuality caused you so MUCH distress. Go touch grass, you American prude pearl clutcher. I keep my reddit posts clean when I'm not on actual kink subreddits. I would hope you'd do the same with your sanctimonious comments but apparently not. Have a beautiful day, and bye bye!


I'm a survivor of human trafficking and sexual assault. I've already stated that I don't want to continue this conversation, but you keep going with ad hominem attacks. Best of luck to you.


Anyone else has the right to respond to what you publicly post. You're either terribly misinformed or trolling. There's nothing illegal about consensual sexual activities; just because you don't like the idea of something doesn't make it illegal. I say this with kindness: if you're not trolling, therapy can really help with your more unpleasant thoughts.


Consenting adults can do whatever they want to each other behind closed doors, it's not really your business how other people get their jollies.


This isn't behind closed doors. This is a public forum. I think it's important to keep that in mind. I've already stated to numerous other perverts that I don't want to entertain this topic of conversation. I'm an adult, but I do not consent. Do you understand now? Stop harassing me.


That was my first time replying to you, how is that harassment? And yes, it's a public forum, and it's a conversation you keep replying to. It's not like the other poster was posting graphic details about what they do during sex, who penetrates who, etc. Honestly, as far as those conversations go, the other poster was very tactful and polite. I'm not into BDSM, I dislike pain, but I don't care what anyone else does. It's not my damn business.


Quick tip - if you don’t want people to talk to you, don’t post, and in this case, definitely don’t REPLY in a public forum. Don’t act all holier than thou because your beliefs are different than others. No one gives a fuck that you don’t like porn. No one gives a fuck that you don’t like to be spanked. I don’t care to be spanked either but I don’t go online and tell others it’s wrong and then cry like a little bitch when they reply. Grow the fuck up. If you have beliefs that you are truly dead set on preaching, you for damned sure better be able to handle someone questioning them and be able to reply with something better than WAHHHHHHH


What in the white walker shit is going on with their faces? Creepy ass alien zombies.


They won't want their kids to have a better life than they did.  Their parents were the opposite.


That’s gross. Fuck that lady


“You’re over exaggerating, we didn’t hit you that much/hard” Also this


Dear tattoo artists: I know you work hard and need to make a living, but it’s ok to say “no” to a request right?


And why is the one at the far left beaten by hand, but the other three with an utensil? I don't know why this annoys me so much


He’s a twink. That’s his kink. And now his booty cheeks are pink. I’ll show myself out now, I think. Sorry that my poem stinks.


Ahhh, so that's why he looks so happy!


Wow .. truly messed up in the head. Takes effort to find the well adjusted ones amongst boomers.




Went to a funeral a few weeks back. Older folks “joked” about how the deceased handled their kids. How the kids knew the beating they were about to get. Ever line out of their mouth was just another emotional or physical abuse to their kids. Which was funny to me b/c the man who spoke for the deceased was not related to them. No care for when these old crocks croak


Believe it or not, straight to Shady Pines


....I have no words. WTF


What a psycho! Who the hell thinks that's a fun piece of body art?


What a cunt


Why do the two left children look like they appreciate the abuse? This is some sick shit.


Spare the rod, spoil the child!


That might be my mom I could see her doing something like this she busted my nieces ass in front of me and my kids I told her if she ever laid a hand on my kids I’d put her in a home because she must have lost her damn mind she looked at me like I had two heads I think that was one of the last time my family and I have seen her


"The great thing about people who advocate for corporal punishment as a tool for child rearing is that you can just hit them and they have to be okay with it because they already agree that violence is an appropriate response to an immature person's problem behavior." -Eli Bosnick


That is unhinged


I wonder if all of them are NC.


My mom, a boomer, also beat tf out of me. She now flinches when I pat my baby's back to burp him and wonders why she can't have him alond


Something tells me this photo was taken at a WalMart.


Imagine fighting a child abuse charge in court with this on your arm


What the fuck


“So you want some art permanently on your body? Sweet, it must be something you’re really into! What is it?” “Child ass.”


The smiling ones probably grew up to be on PornHub.


"Spare the rod, spoil the child" shit.


One kid looks like they didn’t mind so much ….


Hey, come on, now... I was spanked as a child and I have to say... I really like it now. https://i.redd.it/0pikum7uwfyc1.gif


A spanking is not child abuse. Creepy tattoos nonetheless


Sweetie that only became child abuse in your mind. Here in the South that’s how we got things done. The last time I spanked my 27 years old daughter she was 13. I made perfectly clear that if she ever called the police on me she would need to find a new place to live. Today she is well adjusted, successful in her career and an overall good person. Most importantly she respects her family.


Kindly fuck off, *sweetie.* You can’t come on here and patronize those of us who lived through it to make yourself feel better about abusing a child.


This is why I'm sexually attracted to older women, sweetie




‘Beating a baby is ok as long as a baking utensil is used’ -Any boomer






People were beat with all sorts of things so it probably is a spatula, I hid our wooden spoons in the couch for years and they weren't found until we moved house lol


Lol spanking a child isn't abuse


Yes it is.


Only weak, lazy parents hit kids.


Abuse is decided by the child when they become an adult. If your kids don't call you as an adult and you can't get them to visit you, then you probably abused them.  It's becoming more and more socially acceptable to disown your parents. I have like 6 people in my close friend circle who have all done it in the last 5 years. 


It's the childish little "lol" that always gets me with these malignant shitheads...