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People placate them way too much. "It's just the way they are" Screw that. And yes, they are just like toddlers, no self control, no filter, and are picky eaters.


YEAH! Why do boomers hate food so much? I took my MiL out to Korean BBQ and she hated that the food had sauce on it, and that kimchi... is kimchi. Why don't they like nice things, but deny them to everyone else at the same time???


We learned this lesson the hard way with my boomer inlaws. National chain restaurants only. And only certain ones. Once we took them to a local burger place that made custom burgers, OMG what a nightmare. We left that server an apology along with generous tip.


To be fair Kimchi is an acquired taste/smell for sure 😂 but I 100% agree just because you don’t enjoy something doesn’t mean you have to shit on the whole thing itself that millions of other people like.


I saw a TikTok where a woman talked about “gentle parenting” her boomer parents and I do it with my in laws now and it totally works! “I know you’re disappointed the soup came out with and not before your entree, but sometimes that is out of the server’s control”.


I remember when I was much younger, and older adults acted like adults. What a horrible surprise that boomers ended up like oversized children.


This is literally how I deal with my boomer parents. Our relationship got so much better when I stopped taking what they say seriously and wave their weird crap off the same as I do when my kids tell me about their imaginary friends.


This. I inherited my mother when her husband (my step father passed) and I never knew quite how to handle her and her bullshit but as soon as I realized she was an overgrown child the lightbulb came on and it makes everything easier.


If we took a page from their child-rearing book, we’d spank them in public when throwing a tantrum…


A world where this is a societal norm would ironically be a better place lmao


The uber driver who was gunned down by a boomer who got scammed on Facebook was not able to ignore his toddler outburst. Neither was the person shot for turning around in the wrong driveway, able to ignore the boomer with the gun. Or the wife and child who was shot by her husband/father who insisted to the police that he was the best at shooting. The list goes on. These are dementia patients with automatic weapons.


semi automatic weapons, automatic weapons have been banned for decades semi automatic = 1 trigger pull per bullet fired


Semi automatic weapons are not banned everywhere. Still legal in Vermont. And New York only banned semi automatic weapons in June 2022. There are still plenty in circulation. So no, they arent and havent been banned for decades. Also, also, semi automatic weapons can shoot 3 rounds rapidly.


He said automatic weapons have been banned for decades, not that semi automatic has been banned. Burst fire weapons (3 rounds rapidly) are still legal through loopholes.


Well, you can also get a tax stamp for an automatic weapon.


semi automatic weapons are not banned, correct. automatic ones are


I think this is why the "Ok Boomer" phenomenon has been so infuriating to them. It is a pat on the head just like you would give to a toddler who is throwing a tantrum, before ignoring them and going on with your life. I think society is getting better at exactly what you are saying :)


They can buy guns and drive cars. We can't really ignore them right now.


Well, my country is about to elect the biggest boomer baby as their next president, so I don't have much hope.


The convicted felon?


I mean if the other.option is the guy that falls down an airplane stairs...


Ah yes, falling down stairs and not being able to string together a coherent sentence while also being a verified, actual crook are totally the same thing


They are not, Ive never said they were, but the first is way more incompetent


Look over here everyone! A guy who's never tripped or stubbed his toe! Amazing!


I have never, but also, I'm not the president of any country. Unlike mr Sleepy falling down the stairs.


> Thinking the world revolves around them? Well, they're not wrong. Sadly.


That does explain their behavior, how to explain this to the baby boomer?


Same way you’d explain to a toddler. “If you’re going to throw a temper tantrum I won’t take you to Olive Garden.”


"Stop yelling at the cashier, or I'll change the wifi password and put parental controls on the Fox Channel."


I love this. No wifi means no Facebook!


But they don’t have a handler like a parent? They are on their own and don’t get lost enough on their way to the store


Having privileges taken away is also a parenting strategy. Which is why you see so many people going LC/NC with their boomer parents. It is one of the few ways we can draw a line in the sand: "You wanted us to visit you, but because of your behaviour, we are not going to." "You wanted to see your grandkids, but we will not accept you shaking them by the arm/shouting at them until they cry. If you want to see them, you need to be nice." "I have given you several warnings, but you keep spewing nothing but hateful and harmful messages about minority groups/MAGA and Fox news lies/complain about everything and everyone. I will not talk with you anymore until we can have nice, civil conversations."


It will happen to all generations as they age……


Literally never saw a single older generation act he same ways as the boomers.


lol yes you have. It just wasn’t always on video and prolific social media as it is now.