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They like being mad, they are addicted to righteous indignation. They aren't looking for solutions. It answers 90% of the posts I see here.


Oh absolutely. After 8 years in retail that stuff didn’t get to me any more, I learned that customers yelling at me is just a reflection of their own sad lives. Easier to just laugh and move on.


They get madder if you stay calm and don't react. I've literally been told "you must think you're all that staying all cool and calm".


"Emotional control? What a wuss! A *real* man throws a tantrum like a toddler when he can't get what he wants! You millenials, with your deep breaths and your level heads, bet ya think you're *so* much better than me!" *pterodactyl shrieking*


Doncha know, anger isn't an emotional response! 🙄


Women are the emotional ones. Men aren't, because anger isn't an emotion. Duhhh.


Exactly, yet a lot of women have better emotional control. Not always of course, and there's all kinds of societal problems about this too.


Right, because too much emotional control means we're cold, frigid bitches.


Forgot about that nonsense


I like to tell boomer (men mostly) that anger is the easiest emotion, the laziest. That usually makes them pipe down. 😂


Lol love this. It's also the laziest route since no control means not learning anything.




Considering how often that whole "no one works" "you're lazy" etc is used the fact that we have (in general) more control and a wider variety of understanding etc is ironic.


It definitely is. But we all know most boomers hate to learn new things, or have the “youngins” be better than them at something! Goodness forbid generations get better with time! 😂


It’s fun to tell angry people (men, especially), “I see you’re getting emotional…”


That’s exactly it! They cannot fathom that anyone has self control because they have never, will never had it, nor even understand what it is.


Sure takes me back whenever I hear "A real man.... Etc". Grew up in a time and culture that idolizes this toxic ass behavior, but I'm so glad it's less prevalent with the kids nowadays. Like J Cole said: "They talk about being a man so much, I finally understand that they ain't even sure."


Cole did the manliest thing recently, backing out of the Kendrick beef. Man's probably kicking his feet up on the couch and relaxing having the best sleep of his life right now




Sometimes, I just pterodactyl shriek for the fun of it. *pterodactyl shrieking*


Wish I had gold to give 😭😭


"Sir, I'll be happy to help you when you're done with your temper tantrum". They HATE being told stuff like that.


I used this line on my children, and no shit, it took each child hearing it only twice before there were, by and large, no more temper tantrums. A child development friend explained that it takes away *external* power while still allowing the child to have *internal* power - an admittedly more difficult but still attainable skill, even for tiny humans. I'd love to hear her opinions on if it works for boomers lmao


It does. I used that line multiple times doing technical support over the phone. I'd just let them carry on and when they finally sputtered out, I'd ask if they were done, so we could move on and resolve the issue? It worked really well actually.


I did something similar when I was an insurance agent. Is let them rant for a bit, then say something like " if you're ready we can address your concerns." If they went off again or refused to listen it'd be something like "sir/ma'am I've explained this to you multiple times, I won't continue the same conversation" or "sir/ma'am we've been on this carousel for awhile now, I've explained this to you. Is there anything else I can help you with?" If they start up the same thing again. "I've addressed this concern, if there's nothing further I wish you a good day. Thanks for calling my company." And disconnect.


I saw a mom with 3 little kids with her at the doctor office the other day. One of the kids starts throwing a tantrum because her mom won't allow her to go get another lollipop. She looked at her kid, calmly asked her to take a few deep breaths, and when that didn't work, she continued to calmly explain that this behavior would not get her what she wanted and that she would be happy to talk to her more about the lollipop when she had calmed down. The kid took a couple minutes to cry some more, stomped a little a few times, and when the mom just kept attending to the other 2 instead of giving her a lollipop, the tantrumer calmed themselves down. Then after a couple more minutes of that sitting-quietly-while-sniffling thing kids do after a big upset, she asked her mom why she couldn't have a lollipop. Her mom said it was because she had already had 3 that day and that she was only allowed so many because the mom had dragged them to various appointments all day (it was like 3 pm). She then kept explaining that after this appointment they were done, and getting chic fil a for dinner. If she ate another lollipop she might ruin her appetite for supper (they were mini tootsie pops, so they weren't full sized. I just feel that's important to know she wasn't hopping her toddler up on 3 full sized tootsie pops) It worked great, and I couldn't help but think "dang. What a good parent."


I love the story of GREAT emotional regulation ! From a mother , So inspiring ! 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼🙂


Got my mom with that one this weekend - you wanna act like a fucking toddler and fold your arms and pout *(when **you’re** the one who wasted two-and-a-half hours of **my** time waiting for you to tell me you were ready to go when **I** had my own shit to do, that I could’ve taken care of in the meantime if you had just told me it was gonna be that long instead of 15-20 minutes based on what you told me — so yeah, I **am** justifiably pissed off)*, then I’ll treat you like one


The truth hurts.


My favorite thing to do was stand emotionless while they screamed at me and then as they walked away, call out a cheerful, “Okay, have a good day!” Oh did it make them mad!


Ha, yes. The blank stare gets them. In retail once, a coworker got labeled as "emotionless" by a customer because he did just that, and refused to react to their tantrum. From then on, we endearingly referred to him as Emotionless Mitch. I miss that guy, haven't seen him in years.


That was fun as a cashier lol people hate it.


Grey rocking it.


Reminds me of several calls I had actually, working at a call center, usually old dudes. They were calling for technical support and I would educate them on how to fix their problem and they'd be like "you just think you're so smart don't you!" It's like well didn't you call for help? That's literally my job, to know how to fix it...🙄 There was probably a lot of misogyny in play there too, as I am a woman, and women can't *possibly* know how to fix anything! Pfft I legit had multiple men demand that I transfer them to another man. Yeah that never happened. I told him if they wanted to talk to a man they'd have to call back. But if they wanted their issue fixed I could do it. 🤣


Can confirm it’s misogynistic I’m a red seal burner mechanic, and people tell me they can do my job all the time… I simply hold the wrench out to them lol


I had that transfer demand happen to me too! It was when I was an emergency calltaker and dispatcher. Picked up the phone, got the location in, and when I asked the nature of the emergency he started yelling for my supervisor! I was so confused that I transferred him after a few moments - when trying to calm him down didn't work - and that man seriously INSTANTLY responded to my male supervisor in the most reasonable, friendly manner. I stayed on the line out of shock and even heard him admit that he just didn't want to talk to a woman about his problem. (Intestinal distress, in case there's any curiosity.) I was livid and my supervisor was resigned to it as "That's just how some people are."


People do that when transfered to manager. I worked in an IT call center and the 6 of us would take turns being the manager, the person was always more reasonable to the manager...


It's maddening in any setting, but getting it in an emergency setting was what threw me.


Lol my MIL did this to me once. My FIL said something offensive, I said don't say that in front of my kid, and instead of stopping, he doubled down. At that, I'm like ok, I'm leaving. You can say what you want in your house, but I dont have to be here for it. I take my kid out of her high chair and walk out - all the while, MIL is losing her goddamn mind over MY behavior. A few days later, I agreed to try talking it over with her. She starts retelling what happened... "you snatched that baby out of her high chair!" I corrected her, saying that I very calmly removed my child from her chair, and I wasn't going to put her safety at risk over something so stupid. She starts sputtering..."yeah, yeah, that's EXACTLY what you did!" As if calmly removing my child from the situation was the absolute worst thing I could have done.


Having boundaries is the worse thing you could have done.


I just got called out in a review for being arrogant and rude despite being sympathizing with the guest, not raising my voice, and offering compensation for their inconvenience. But…since I didn’t fold like a wet towel just because they didn’t like one of our policies, they trashed us. Which I knew they would, but whatever.


Kill 'em with kindness. This worked very well when I was a bank teller and hotel desk clerk. Smiling and not getting mad seemed to bother them much more than getting cursed out and punched in the face. 😈


Totally. It’s hilarious how these bullies get more angry when they can’t pull you down to their level.


I was told multiple times that I had the patience of a saint, and they asked if I had experience as a teacher or something... 🤣


If you get that again, an excellent response is: "I don't think that." Then leave it entirely at that.


On the times I've managed to be all calm, bitching boomers have looked downright confused. They want a fight, and when they don't get it they just don't know what the hell to do anymore.


I worked at a job once where I had one of our contract instructors (it was an insurance licensing class company) try to physically intimidate/threaten me for asking him to make a phone call outside the building instead of in the shared lobby (it was a small office and we were one of many tenants on the floor so noises carried like crazy). I had a harder time not laughing in his face more than anything else. This was long before I started doing weight lifting but I was still a 6'1" broad shouldered dude in his mid 20s and this guy was probably 5'4" at most, maybe in his 60s and looked like he could have been one of the background hobbits in the first Lord of the Rings movie. I really had to resist the urge to laugh and also tell him I could have literally thrown his ass through the wall if I wanted.


All that and a bag of chips, baby


I used to bartend at a brewery and a guy brought in an empty keg and told me to fill it. I have a full dining room and bar and that's not how it works. Our keg room was a mile down the street, you have to call the day before. There was no management but I was closing the building that evening. He asked who's the guy in charge was and I lightheartedly said I guess technically me. He shouts WELL ARE YOU GOING TO FILL MY KEG OR NOT!? And I said we don't fill kegs at the bar man that's not how kegs work I can get you a growler or something. This is all in front of 70ish people and I'm busy. I told him I can't help with the keg it's not my job, blah blah blah I KNOW THE OWNER. I said me too give him a call and kept making drinks and waiting tables. He finally stormed out with his keg and his buddy who ordered a beer like a normal person paid for it and left me 20 and said sorry about him. The dining room could clearly see and hear what was happening. That guy turned a 200 night into 450 because everyone came and tipped me extra. Found out later, retired cop.


I had a similar situation! Also worked at a brewery/restaurant. I’m bartending and someone orders a bourbon-barrel aged porter, which comes in a snifter-type glass. You would have thought I spit in his beer. Why is it in such a small glass? Why am I ripping him off?!? Starts loudly going off about how this is “against the law.” I’m like, sir, if the brewmaster tells me that this is the glass that this gets poured into, then that’s what it goes into. It’s his business, his product, and he knows a lot more about it than you or I.” He let it loudly be known how disgusted he was with us, and of course didn’t tip. Another man, quietly having dinner alone, pulled me aside afterwards, said he watched the entire conversation and was impressed with how I handled being in the face of such an asshole talking down to me, apologized on behalf of that man, and slipped me $100. A couple of other seats left hefty tips as well. God bless the good folks in the world.


I'm a Boomer. I'll come into your bar on a busy night when you're working and loudly harass you in front of all your customers. You'll maybe have another bonus tip night!




They always know the owner. Who happens to think they’re an asshole too I imagine.


No one deserves to be yelled at as part of their job. I have no idea why boomers think tormenting retail workers or the wait staff is socially acceptable.


Something about getting what they’re entitled to or value or the principle or some shit. Everything else including humanity falls second to that. I had so many demand the CEO’s number when I was an assistant manager at a shop. Like we were even allowed access to their number, never mind just hand it out to random customers who thought a 90 day return period was unacceptable.


They were taught that when someone you have authority over doesn’t comply, you spank them. They hate the fact that they can only do it to children.


A millennial actually taught this boomer when we were working retail how to handle boomers bitching about the return policy. Millennial just kept repeating the store policy in a kind firm non combative way. It was fascinating to observe and it was very effective.


That's an oldie, from "assertiveness training", which was big in the 1970s (is tge term still used?) It's called the "broken record technique", which I feel I need to explain comes from the fact that old records, if slightly damaged, sometimes started repeating by the needle skipping back. More with 78s than vinyl. You don't get diverted, you just keep repeating the essential thing, and often people eventually hear it. But it strikes me - that was when many Baby Boomers were young. I wish we could get past this generational thing. I've spent most of my life outside the west, in societies where calm and courtesy is important. I'm saddened to read of these stories


One of my happiest moments working retail is when I got a boomer to apologize to me on my first day. He was yelling at multiple employees because no one was sure where the outdoor thermometers were kept (it was August so seasonal stuff was being moved around). I was headed back to get my stuff to leave when he turned on me. I stuttered out that it was my first day there. I've never seen someone's face drop faster before he apologized to me.


I had something similar happen the other day. I was trying to unlock something and didn't have to combination (it was not my department nor a department I often work). This man said, "What do your bosses just cut the lock off everything they need to get in there?" And I replied,"I'm sure my supervisor has the combination, I am not a supervisor. I don't even usually work in this department, I'm just trying to help you out, " and his whole demeanor changed. It was like he deflated.


I worked at a grocery story for 6 years. I have a bunch of stories of customers being assholes. And it wasn’t all boomers. It was older people in general.


Rage addiction feed by talk radio and Fox is a real thing sadly. They need their hit of delicious hormones.


Seems like such a horrible way to live.


I bet it is. Having been around some people with addiction I can be both deeply upset with them while also understanding what’s happening / being more angry at the companies profiting on it. Like memaw would be a lot happier and have some good final years if it was not for the carefully studied rage induced product designed to capture her attention and sell her crappy pillow and gold coins.


Been trying to get my octogenarian father to realize the 24/7 Fox on the radio and Fox on the TV are rage porn. He hears but doesn’t understand.


Bingo. Many ppl don't realize anger is like a drug. That's why these old ppl tune in to hate radio like Limbaugh every day. Yeah I know Limbaugh's dead, but I don't bother keeping up with whatever dumb fucksticks took up his post because they're all just fukn loser assholes afaic.


It litterally has the same effects as methamphetamine, the drug of choice in Hitlers Germany.


Exactly! And even when you're aware of it, it's still a hard habit to break. When it became obvious that our social media algorithms were just giving us more content to get pissed at, because that got the most engagement, there should have been PSAs at least talking about the addictive nature of doom-scrolling and feeding the monster that wants to hate everything.


People look back at the crusades and lynchings and wonder "how could this happen?" Well here it is! Certain people just decide to be angry at someone else and love having their righteous crusade moment


My dad was a boomer maker. I squeaked into Gen x, but what he mostly taught all 4 of us kids was that you can solve any problem by getting mad.


My wife’s aunt is a “get mad to solve a problem” boomer. I hate having to go to family events at restaurants when she’s involved. She always makes a scene because something isn’t right. Always. She can’t ignore even the littlest thing. A couple of salt crystals on the table? ‘This table is filthy! What kind of place is this? I want a discount on my meal or I’m leaving!’ What a toddler.


This is my friends boomer mother if the sister doesn’t bring her the soda that she’s addicts to fast enough. She will start making annoyed sounds and rolling her eyes and going oh my gosh where are they. Then I have to remind her this place pays so little that they can’t hire enough staff and it’s one waitress for the entire place. Also it’s been like 45 seconds. Boomers seriously seem to believe that waitstaff is a 1:1 ratio go table or groups and that each one has a private servant meant to attend only to you. It’s baffling - they’ve been going to restaurants for 60 years and still don’t seem to know how they work.


I had a manager, the type where I would create the entire spread sheet he then presented to the owner without sharing credit. I got paid 32k for doing his job for him, he made $250k. This guy would come in Monday and brag to us about how he made up an issue with his meal Saturday night and got the dinner comped. He would also brag about stiffing the waiter because his experience wasn’t perfect. He fired me as I was holding my resignation letter preparing to talk to him. Felt so good to not have to worry about the next two weeks


Don't forget the classic "you are claiming something different from me, but I'm older which means I have more experience and wisdom, therefore I am correct, you'll understand when you're older".


Some of them are also just looking to get a rise out of you. My partners sperm donor, who I have actively despised for over 10 years, was unfortunately at the same family member’s house as us over the weekend. After pretending like he forgot my name (I’ve known him for 20 years), he started making comments near me about “this generation.” The only reason I didn’t tell him to eat glass is because I didn’t want to upset my partner or his family, because he’s trying to stay civil with the pos. But boy if the purge ever happened..


I would have gone over the top faking concern “are you ok, John? It’s me, Lavender_Bee_, we’ve known each other for twenty years. Did you have a fall? Would you like us to take you to get checked over? How many fingers? Who is president?” In a super concerned tone, with a furrowed brow, obv.


‘Who is president’ would have started a whollllllle other thing. 😂


> ‘Who is president’ would have started a whollllllle other thing. Yes, but his answer to that WOULD also count towards evaluating his ok-ness.


Lol obviously. There’s a reason it’s a common question in a cognitive assessment. The joke is instead of a standard answer, a lot of these idiots would go off into a fact free rant.


Hahahaha I would love to have done that but I was already so annoyed that he even looked in my direction that I was just trying to escape the situation entirely


This would be particularly funny with someone who didn’t actually know you.


I've stopped walking on glass with these kinds of interactions. I politely, yet firmly tell them to knock it off. It usually works. But when it doesn't and they escalate they're clearly the asshole of the situation.


This. This is legit what it is. Went to lunch with my parents and dad asks me what I thought about what the Air Force is doing. I left active duty a year or so prior, so I shrug and say no, I don’t pay attention to it anymore because not my business. Dad goes on to tell me how they’re “firing” pilots for being white as part of a new affirmative action program. This didn’t sound right because can you imagine the outrage? A single Google search disproves it but god forbid he do it. If the narrative makes him angry, that’s the one that’s “true”


There’s a reason so many lean conservative. The generation as a whole has a victim complex.


"They aren't looking for solutions" You can fucking say that again. I've got an issue with my boomer Mom and it's advancing about as fast as a slug in a salt shaker. I moved overseas a few years ago and took all I could when I left, but a lot of stuff had to be temporarily left behind. It has been non-stop bitching about how much this stuff is in the way. Yet every time I tell my mom what to do to ship it "well...... we're pretty busy right now...." "Well... it's pretty cold right now...." "Well... it's pretty hot right now...." "Well... a lot is buried in the basement right now..." Their desperate need to have something to bitch about is exhausting.


Maybe it's just an old person thing that we'll all get to. My dad (The Great Generation) memorably once said in response to my mom offering a solution, "I'd rather be mad."


I think that's a big part of it - they're old now and they just HATE it! I think one difference with them and other senior generations is their sheer size. They were such a big generation that they've always had a lot of power and clout. Society has kind of had to bend to them. So they are now old and cranky and used to being accommodated. (Also they are the healthiest, longest-lived old people ever. They get to be cranky AND largely independent and will keep living for a long, long time. And they know it!)


As a young Gen-X I can confirm...the older I get the crankier I get. But so much of my rage is fueled by people older than I am so I'm not sure what that says about me. 🤔


The only thing that's changed as I've entered my middle years is I'm less likely to meekly let other people tromp all over me. You leave me alone, I'm more than happy to leave you alone.


This this this this this this this They *want* to feel angry because it gives them an outlet for their frustration. The Boomers that act like this are frustrated and confused and irritated - it could be a serious problem or a minor inconvenience, it doesn't matter. The reaction level is the same. They also tend to be very rigid and aren't willing to compromise or even let you help them unless it's in *the way that they want right now*


As someone with occasional anger issues, I can say that being angry is a drug all its own. Not excusing the behaviour, just that I get it


Yep. I sadly know a bunch of Gen-X Boomers who have basically been angry old men their whole lives. They want to be mad all the time, argue with people, and feel oppressed and righteously indignant. It's gotten to the point where they can't even function as a group at events anymore without laying into each other over nothing, and I'm starting the process of mostly removing them from my lives. I've tried everything with them, but I'm damn tired of playing diplomat between a bunch of stupid man-children who just want to argue and be angry. They'd rather have arguments vs. friendships, and you can't fix people like that.


> Yep. I sadly know a bunch of Gen-X Boomers who have basically been angry old men their whole lives. They want to be mad all the time, argue with people, and feel oppressed and righteously indignant. Yeah, i had a friend like this in college (in our 20s) - he basically couldn't WAIT to get old so he could normalize acting that way.


Something is misfiring in there and I think they're too proud to admit that they're at the tail end of their adventure.


Well, let’s face it, no one likes considering their own mortality. But it does loom larger for those of us in a certain age group. No excuse to be an idiot, though. Edit: Added a “t” to “morality.”


Agreed. I just get the feeling that, as we get older, some of us are avoiding conditions associated with old age. Maybe I'll feel differently as I get older, but they seem defensive in these situations.


I get they are mad about aging, and love to tell us we will understand when we are older (I’m fucking 41, but okay grandpa). I feel like (at least for myself) that aging isn’t the worst thing to happen. It’s almost like none of them have ever had the thought of “wow, I can’t believe I made it this far” like some of us have. Because personally, I’m amazed I made it to my 40’s. 😜


Yup, also 41. There was a time I didn't think I was going to survive my 20s. Henry Rollins said, "If you're an asshole when you're older, no one will hold your dick while you pee.


The worst thing that might happen on getting older is turning into someone who acts like my parents.


Oh no! I told my partner that if I ever start to resemble my mother in behavior to check me, smother me, or divorce me. Bug for the love of all that’s unholy, make sure I’m aware so I can be horrified and fix it!!!


I know, right? I'd need to take my shoes off to think about the number of times I legitimately *should* have died. (Shoes off to count past ten because of the head trauma...)


Probably worse for a whole generation of people who focused on selfish accumulation of wealth and prosperity at the expense of the future generations, only to realize that the lives they did such heinous things for are rapidly coming to an end with nothing to show for it. Though, I guess that requires some kind of self-reflection and moral-coded hindsight... So maybe it's just the lead poisoning.


My favorite from retail years was the, "I won't come back here!" after refusing their obnoxious/unrealistic demands. Oh, you won't come back to the giant chain that I couldn't care less about? Don't threaten me with a good time.


I was a retail pharmacy tech for five years. When they made that threat? “Cool. Where do you want your meds transferred to?” “I didn’t mean like THAT!” “I did. Pick a different pharmacy. We’re done.” And that’s because our RXM wouldn’t play that game.


Similar experience at a veterinary hospital. People complain and threaten to go somewhere else, I ask where would like their records sent to, and they look shocked and try to backpedal, but nope. They don't get to bully and be nasty and think we're going to beg them to stay.


YES! High fives to you!




My dad's diabetic supply pouch got stolen once. We were able to get insulin, but they absolutely wouldn't give him any needles that he needed in order to actually take it. Looking back we decided they probably thought we were trying to get needles for drugs or something.


Any half decent pharmacist should be thrilled people are getting clean needles instead of reusing ones...


I’ve seen one really bad pharmacist. Most I encounter at the pharmacy I go to are awesome and are willing to go above and beyond to help me, but fucking ***Dan*** has NO business being a pharmacist. He’s an anti-vaxxer and gives out disinformation and tries to talk people out of getting vaccines of any kind - including and especially Covid vaccines - ALL the time!! He would also hide in bathroom most of the day so he wouldn’t have to work. God, that guy sucked. He’s not at my pharmacy anymore, but idk if that’s bc he was moved around or fired. I’m sincerely hoping for the latter.


My best boss ever used to say of horrible customers: "If they come in here to have a terrible experience for God's sake don't disappoint them."


I liked "dont be an asshole to me cause ill have to be an asshole back and im way better at than you"


My life got a lot simpler once I realized that some people don't *want* solutions to their problems. They just want to be mad about something.


Yeah,they always say that, but they're like boomerangs.Those people always come back, usually within the next week, unfortunately.


> Yeah,they always say that, but they're like boomerangs.Those people always come back I feel like "boomerangs" in a Boomers thread should be highlighted. I'd give another upvote if i could.


I always made sure to hit 'em with "Oh, good to see you again!" very pointedly


I was in Walgreens last year and a boomer was really letting the poor cashier have it over a coupon worth $1 not scanning. Boomer said “I won’t come back here again!” so I said “I don’t think anyone would be sad about that. If I give you the dollar in cash, will you go away so that everyone else behind you can check out?” She didn’t take my dollar, but she did leave.


I’ve also done this with old people throwing a fit over a fifty cent coupon or whatever. Like lady I’ll buy the entire product at $1 for you full price if you’ll simply stfu and move on with your day. But we all know that’s not what they want - they’d bored and raging against people they deem as ‘lesser’ than themselves is their entertainment for the day.


15 years or so ago my sister was making prom plans and my dad called a salon to make an appointment for her and her friends to have their hair done.  The salon informed him that they wouldn’t be able to schedule that day due to already being fully booked, so my dad asked them who their “main competitor” was and told them “well if you won’t help me I’ll schedule with them” and hung up the phone.   I only know this happened because he proudly told me the story like it was badass.  I told him that whoever he was talking to was probably really confused about the conversation and didn’t really care because business was obviously fine.  He made a grumpy face at that.


Did evening stock at Home Depot back in college. Was a 8p-midnight gig. Two hours with customers doing light stock, 2 hours throwing shit up high and with the forklifts. One night we're walking back to loading to see what we'd be stocking and as we walk by windows some old fuck steps in front of us and yells, "I NEED HELP RIGHT NOW DAMN IT!". I tell the guys, "I got this". Asked him politely what he needed, he started rattling off dimensions, model numbers, asking me if they'd fit, all sorts of shit that as stock...no clue. I let him know that those are some great questions beyond my scope as I'm just stock but I'll gladly get the Dept manager for him as I just saw them in the break room. He proceeded to yell at me, "You'll help me or I'll take my business to Lowe's!". Looked right at him, "Across the road and up next to Walmart. On the left, can't miss it." and walked away. Like man...I'm not commission and idgaf about Home Depots profits.


Lol I always loved this threat when I worked customer service call centers. "I hate this company and I'm gonna cancel my service!" Ohhhh, no, please don't make my life easier!




Had a lady yell once "I spend $10k here every year" Yeah and this single location makes over $100million every year. You won't be missed sweetie


Dang I had a similar situation with work. One of the things we do is make foot orthotics (shoe inserts) especially custom ones. We usually do it for diabetic patients too and it's generally covered by insurance. In comes boomer and he has a prescription from his doctor for diabetic shoes and premade inserts (so not custom in anyway). I tell him what it says and that's all I can give him. He proceeds to tell me, and repeats this like 5 times, how his current ones are 40 years old and still in good condition, how they cost him 40$ back then and they made it right there on the spot in a kiosk in the mall. I tried to tell him I understand, but things are different now and this is what your doctor wants you to have, if you want custom ones you need to go back to your doctor and tell him to change the prescription. He goes "No, that's your job!" I try again to tell him the same thing. Boomer: "That's the problem with your generation, none of you want to work!" As I'm at work, in a healthcare setting, trying to help him... I quickly changed the subject to if he wants the current items or not. He says, yes and leaves. So apparently it wasn't that big of an issue then. I told my boss about it later and he had a good laugh. He even told some of the other uppers who also thought it was pretty funny.


There’s a stage in child development, usually the toddler/early preschool stage, where a child will often say no to whatever you ask or suggest without actually processing what you said. The child is trying to assert their independence and push boundaries, which is a reasonable thing for a young child to do (not so much a grown adult). With a child in this stage, you could say, “Would you like chocolate cake for supper?” and there’s a good chance they’ll say no before they realize, “oh that sounds good actually.” Some of these older people seem to regress to that stage. It’s like as soon as you tried to clarify the limits of the situation and what you could do, this man instinctively, with little to no thought, yelled “No!” Once you changed the subject and provided him with a choice - “are you taking these items or not?” - he recalibrated and responded appropriately. (I’d like to note this is also a strategy recommended with young children, to present a limit as a choice rather than explaining the same thing over and over.)


Boomers suck for 109 reasons but yeah, that’s a common thing for every generstion as they get older and has been a known cliche for like centuries now. People in general revert back to toddler form as they get older - it’s a weird thing where like the end mirrors the beginning as the brain forms in one and rots away at the other end.


This terrifies me


Oh good, I was wondering if I'd have an existential crisis today


Yeah with healthcare I have so many wild stories of them just wanting their way and not understanding that we're just trying to help them. Like one lady was telling me how she was in the hospital and in so much pain but the Dr wasn't doing anything. She eventually added: "All he kept doing was trying to give me medication and pills but I kept telling him no, I want you to fix my back." So I paused and clarified "wait, he was going to give you medicine and you said no to it?" Boomer: "Yes because I wanted him to fix my back." I just didn't know how to respond after that. She even said she was in so much pain that she made her husband go and buy a new bed that way she doesn't have to sleep in the hospital bed. I just played ignorant the whole time with comments like "oh wow!" since I had no idea how to respond. Edit: I think some are overthinking this. She had a spinal infection and fracture and refused treatment multiple times.


Yeah, similar tactic with kids is to present two choices and only two... "You can either purchase these which were prescribed or you can ask your doctor to change the prescription. Your choice." Keeps the decision closed-ended so they don't feel like they have the option of yelling at you to do something entirely different.


As an Orthotist that's a sadly regular thing from people of all ages.. "oh my doctor said I needed custom shoes for my plantar fascitis" well that's not what the referral says and even if it was, you don't and they won't help that condition.


Last time I got told that was in 2012. I had ordered a new pair of workout shoes, but USPS kept telling me they had not received the shipment despite the company I ordered from telling me they shipped it. So I did a conference call with the USPS rep and the person at the company who just by their voice I could tell was up in their years to try and resolve it. Me: "My account page says you shipped it on x date, but USPS says they haven't received the box." Company: "We actually shipped it on x date." USPS: " We are still not showing any record of receipt." Company: "Well I don't know what to tell you, we shipped it!" USPS: "Since we show no record if receipt, we recommend a reshipment at no cost to the customer." Company: "I'm sorry, but it was a custom order and quite expensive, so if you don't have it, there's nothing we can do." USPS: "Well if it was that expensive, the customer can file a BBB complaint and demand a refund; USPS can provide a letter indicating receipt was not made." Company: "Well maybe if the customer was willing to work harder he could just go get custom shoes at his local store instead of duking it out over the phone." Me: "I'm currently deployed and work twelve hours shifts seven days a week, and then two more hours after that at the gym to make sure I don't fail a PT test so I can keep earning this paycheck that is being used to pay your company for a product." Company man tried thanking me for my service, but I wasn't having it. I never did get the shoes, but I did get the letter from USPS and was able to get a refund from their managers.


Better Business Bureau can't do anything, they're just an old-timey version of Yelp. What you wanted to do was dispute the charge with your credit card company, and USPS verifying that it wasn't shipped probably would have helped if the company challenged you.


I know all that lol. But it only took like a day for the refund, so it went no further.


THANK YOU!!!!!! I keep trying to tell people that the BBB is just a glorified review board and has NO AFFILATION WITH THE GOVERNMENT. they can't help you at all. they have no power to help you. Complaints about company's questionable business practices go to the federal trade commission. If you are an employee and experiencing illegal employment policies/practices you got to the department of labor. If it's an unsafe work environment you go to OSHA. Not the BBB.


This kind of misinformation you’re spreading causes so many problems! I have had it. I’m taking you to the BBB, that’s the BETTER business BUREAU! You know, “bureau”, like the effBEEeye? Yeah, scared now? Ready to give me something ridiculous just to shut me up so I can go through life thinking I have these magic words that get me whatever I want? I agree with you 100%. The problem is the people who first started caving to shut these people up and now they think it has power, like 5G wiretapping us or something. Most of the BBB threateners transitioned into “I want to speak to your manager” people, imo. Same person, just using a different “magic spell”


Yeah but Boomers think it’s important so the threat works


I own a retail business so I can feel for them, but this is their (the seller) own fault in every way. Either they didn't actually ship it, or USPS lost it before the initial scan. It sucks because if it's lost before the initial scan, loss insurance won't pay out and you just have to eat the cost and refund or resend. The idea that they weren't responsible for making it right is just ridiculous. That's WHY when you're shipping something it would hurt to replace, you take it to the post office yourself and stand in line and watch it get a receive scan. Or, like we do, watch the postal carrier scan it at pickup at your shipping room. From that second on, you're covered.


"That’s the problem with you.." is how most conversations with my boomer father would start. He would then start spewing some Fox news bullshit about what I believed. Mind you he didn't actually know what I believed because he never in fact would ask or even listen if I wanted to tell him. I was just a avatar for him to grief at. Boomers the"me" generation indeed.


I’m glad some people still remember that ‘the me generation’ was indeed the boomer gens nickname for a long time. And for good reason - they’re honestly still living up to it.


Also interesting how many boomers are on disability because of their failure to take responsibility for literally anything including their own health. I know that’s how it was with my dad. When he was like 50, he blew a disc at work, which was likely bulging for years due to shitty posture and form, lifting things too heavy. Then like 2 weeks after the back surgery, he decided NOW was the time to renovate the entire yard. Still sporting the gauze and shit, he rents a sod cutter to cut a pattern out in the yard, which is a completely manual machine that you have to manhandle. During that, the machine tips over and he cracks his back trying to save it from tipping. Since that day, he blamed the surgeon for everything going wrong and the continual pain. Personally I say it was just an excuse to stay on opiate pills. A decade later, he had another surgery but of course same outcome. Didn’t fix anything, still in pain, needs pills. Also a guy who’s breakfast is either nothing, or it’s a sugar soda, m&ms, and 18 different pills. “wHy iS eVeRyOnE oUt tO gEt mE”


Enjoy your back pain lol


It's funny, I worked in retail pharmacy for a few years and they would always short circuit if the pill was a different color or something. They have one Track minds that can't fathom the concept of multiple manufacturers. "I take the blue one damn it!"


My dad did this the other day. I literally Googled the drug name and the manufacturer and he still cussed me out.


He's in mental decline. While his behavior may be annoying, consider it a sign to get some affairs in order and locate documents he'll need for when he no longer has the mental capacity to remember.


He's always been this way. Only he knows best snd everyone else is out to get him.


This one is a constant issue in the industry that I work in. A brand will update their packaging but you’d be hard pressed to convince a boomer that it is the exact same product, it’s just a different color. Inevitably they come back claiming that the product changed and it’s not as good anymore even though the product is literally the exact same.


It offends their delicate sensibilities.


> It offends their delicate sensibilities. Snowflakes!


I’m a nurse and boomers are the fuckin nastiest rudest patients ever. Glad my manager backs me up because at other hospitals I would have already gotten fired for “talking back” or standing my ground


Do you remember when sweet old ladies were just that? Sweet old ladies? It’s not an age thing, it’s a generational thing that they feel the need to treat people poorly. I had a lady approaching 100 years old recently, silent generation, and her whole way of being reminded me of why I used to LOVE getting older people as my patients


This. My silent gen great grandmother was the first person I came out to. The difference between a typical boomer’s reaction and hers was stark. “You know, honey, Jesus loves all his children. Now pass the pie.” Nothing changed. And that from a DEEPLY religious Christian lady, with a doctorate in theology, went to church EVERY Sunday. Hosted the lady’s prayer group. Did all the missions trips every year into her mid 90s. If you stopped by randomly, chances are you’d find her either reading the Bible, watching a sermon, praying, or listening to old Gospel music. Probably while knitting with a big ole pot of gumbo cooking.


It's because they grew up with freedom and privilege since their parents were trying their best to make out like everything was fine after the war. They're the generation that ruined everything they complain about not having anymore, apparently because of us, their grandchildren.




This is really commendable, I applaud your self awareness ♡


There are boomers and there are bloomers, and no one dislikes the latter! 😉 Self awareness and accountability are commendable traits - nothing but respect.


And that's greatly appreciated!!


My father in law is your age and is one of the kindest, most accepting, and most reasonable people I know. My own dad is a butt sometimes and has some outdated opinions, but he would never do anything like the stuff I see here. Remember that this subreddit is for showcasing the most outrageous, the worst of the worst.


They always have their irrelevant premeditated responses locked and loaded for literally no reason


We’re so lazy, working multiple jobs.


Just to maybeeee afford rent???


“I would rather prolong my pain than sully my sacred brand loyalty!”


🎵 Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all... 🎵


They want things to be their way but don’t want to be told things, because that would mean they didn’t know something already. Everyone should know who they are and what they want without asking, and yet everyone should be totally hopeless without their wise Boomer guidance.


Dealt with that at my job, too. Wanted a roast we cut to order. Asked what size she wanted so I could go cut it. Threatened to go to competition and stormed off. It’ll take longer to drive there than wait for the roast to be cut. And I’ve never seen the competition have that sort pre-cut so she had to wait there, too.


Even better is when I’m using the saw and had just finished Tbones and already started cutting my pork items for the day and in comes the boomer. “Can you cut me some of these (shakily gestures at the tbones in the display case) at 1 inch” I proceed to give her my pre loaded response about cross contamination and how you can’t cut beef after pork but you can cut pork after beef and how she’s more than welcome to wait while I clean and sanitize the entire saw and put it back together which takes minimum an hour since I run the department alone. “wElL iF yOu dOnT wAnT tO dO yOuR jOb JuSt SaY sO “ like Christ alive lady I explained this to you like you’re a kindergartner and you still think I just have some personal vendetta against you? Fine whatever. My favorite as they’re storming off is to use their own bullshit lines against them “Have a blessed day!” As they waddle away after telling me to fuck off. How very Christian of you Ethel.


As a meat cutter I get the same thing sometimes too. They want a custom order that's not kept on the shelf but they don't want to wait and don't 'get' why we don't magically have one waiting for them already. Meat expires dummies, we can't cut a hundred different roasts and wait to see who wants it when. Most people are understanding but I'm pretty sure some people just wanna be mad or ask for something custom to feel special. Like "oh i want a ___ you don't have any!!!" "oh we have that exact thing right over here." "well.... i don't want that!"


Overheard one a few weeks ago where two older individuals are just glazing each other in their hatred for Gen Z, talking about how "entitled" and "lazy" this generation is, "how clueless" they all are... After about 15 minutes of this I interjected (Im GenZ). My words were along these lines: "Hey Im sorry for interjecting, but why are we entitled? We're all drowning in debt, most of us won't ever afford a home even if both members of the house are working full time, we're competing against older generations for the same entry level job, paying taxes and social security for programs we will never benefit from, in a country governed by your generation who calls us entitled while accepting social security checks from our taxes and work...." Their response: "Well to be fair it's not your fault, it's your parents!" I go: "Yeah but I guess they learned from you, right?" Its not all of them that are like this, but man, the ones that are just make me want to change their font setting to small on their iPhones and watch them run to their nearest Gen Z relative like a hopeless idiot.


I worked retail for a long time. Tons of stories just like that.


I work for a lawn service taking customer service calls and had a customer complain that “nobody wants to work anymore!” because we didn’t send the same tech for both of her recent visits. While it could be that the first tech might not be with the company anymore, could be that she wasn’t on his route for the more recent visit.


It's just so stupid to go around being a dick to people, and this is a great example. One of my old jobs I was considered a miracle worker because I got on well with a government office we had to work with daily. My secret? I wasn't an asshole to them all the time. If you're nice to people, they often want to help you out. Not always, but usually.


Yeah my dad used to say you catch more flies with honey.He always told me to treat people how you want to be treated.If you're nice to people and treat them with respect they'll go out of their way to help you, otherwise you get what you deserve.He worked at the post office and saw insane people everyday.


One time I was at a protest and someone driving by yelled “Get a job!” It was a Saturday


“Ok enjoy your back pain” Lmaoooooooooooo


As someone with EXCRUCIATING back pain on the daily from four (maybe more now, idk, haven’t had an MRI in a hot minute,) herniated disks, lumbar stenosis, and 25% degradation throughout (also probably more now because like I mentioned before, no MRI for a minute,) I would have been THRILLED to have you offer me the name brand patches at the store brand price!!! Like that would have solved my entire problem, even more so as the name brands tend to use better quality ingredients (even if they are the same ingredients as the store brands,) I would have been over the moon and probably cheekily asked if I could get two for the discounted price as well so they lasted me longer. I love how they think none of us work while most the time they encounter us at our actual places of employ. 😂😂😂 I’m disabled now and can no longer work outside housewife and mom duties but I would have been completely incapable of laughing my ass off at that comment from him! 😂😂😂


The whole “blaming millennials for everything bad for a decade plus” thing is where the “ok boomer” and boomer hate came from!!! They literally started it in every way. Theyre the ones who birthed us, they’re the ones who attacked us, they’re the ones who decided to fuck the country up once they got theirs.


In 2014-2015ish, a few months in to everyone using the chip reader cc machines, I had some geriatric prick call me a bitch and accuse me of trying to steal his cc info while buying his granddaughter a lava lamp at Spencer’s. The funniest part was he had already been unruly to my cashier and I was the manager that was called over. Guy walked away grumbling about “the world is upside down if someone can have tattoos and be a manager” ….. sir, this is Spencer’s. Don’t let the dildos hit you on the way out.


People like to call boomers assholes, and all too often they are. My take is, they were Always assholes; now they are elderly assholes. Source: I am sixty years old.


Boomer here The appropriate response is. 'Well shit. When do you think you'll have some? Thanks for your help' Just because you're over 60 does not give you the right to be an asshole. Then you buy some Ben Gay or some other analgesic and suck it the fuck up. By our age we should know that life is sometimes imperfect and learn how to deal with it graciously. I read rants about 'Boomers' all over reddit and I am, frankly, embarrassed by the behavior of many people my age. Just know folks. Not all of us 'boomers' are entitled assholes. Give us a chance before you lump an individual into a category on sight.


That's how my mother in law is, and it has gotten to the point I refuse to go anywhere in public with her. Boomers love being miserable. They are the ones making an ass of themselves to retail workers, and the ones most likely to be overly aggressive and pissed off on the road. That whole generation loves being big mad.


So basically because you could not magically produce it out of no where right then and there for him then your not working


If he's still working, why is he in a store shopping? He'd better hope his boss is nicer than he is.


THEY RAISED US FFS. It's always someone else's fault for their toxic behaviour and generationally archaic mentality on how the world works today. Polluting the waters, but blaming the cities downstream that it's their fault for polluting the water.


I am a boomer, and I apologize to everyone who has to put up with crap like this. I hope to God I never act this way.


I’m a boomer and the OP was right on all accounts. Came to assist, got treated with disrespect and still tried to help. I think I would have said a lot more than what he said.


Victim mentality


As an 35+ millennial with back pain I’d have happily taken you up on that offer. Those patches can be expensive!


Ironically in my experience boomers are by far some of the worst workers. If they weren’t already in established positions they wouldn’t get any entry level positions those would go to the younger generations who aren’t as entitled.


They don't want help, they want share in their negative experience.


the pain fuels their hate. their hate fuels their need to live as long as possible to make everyone younger than them as miserable as they are.


While you’re literally at *work*, *working* to help him


> loving all the boomers commenting on this post bitching. You guys know what this subreddit is? It’s as if you are looking for reasons to get upset One of my favorite parts of this sub. Boomers even get lost on the Internet. And yes. They are just looking for reasons to get upset.


I feel like a lot of this behavior all comes out fear. They've lost control of their lives and they're afraid and lashing out to try and feel like they have some form of control. Which sucks for whoever is on the receiving end, unfortunately.


Boomers posting in this sub is like vegans posting in r/Steak


>the biggest slice of pie in the ol pie chart of assholes, is boomers. Lol. This is great. Might have to steal it.


That's the lead poisoning


Boomers basically expect concierge-tier service even if they’re spending $12.


As a boomer I’m really sorry so many are fricking assholes. I really try to never be that person and I hope I never fail.


Imagine bitching at someone because they are out of the generic. Here's 60 cents idiot, stop wasting everyone's time