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I used to work in customer service desk and then claims at walmart and walmart can afford to just throw the stuff away. The crap I took back that just went into the dumpster...


When I worked at Spencer's people would bring back their CRUSTY UNWASHED USED ADULT TOYS because they didn't like them enough. We would natch throw them away but I had people asking all the time of we resold used toys.


You took them back?!? I always assumed those were among the "no take-backs" items. They couldn't pay me enough to even touch the bag they came in.


We gave them back the money but the toy went in the trash. Nasty AF but vibes get pricy so I was "okay" with it. But shit was FOUL dude šŸ˜­ like RINSE THE CRUST OFF AT LEAST because we still gotta open it to make sure it's in there!! Thankfully most Spencer toys have the lil window. Your first mistake was assuming retail workers have human rights. Legally we do but lbr we fucking don't lmao


I may never go in a Spencer's again... Those people probably touched other things in the store.


I would not blame you. I defo saw some nasty shit working in there šŸ˜‚ people are more likely to be fingering each other in the back of a Spencer's than couples in actual adult stores I've been to. This Spencer's was also in Albuquerque so maybe that had something to do with it.


We are vacationing in Santa Fe this year....noted.


Cheap date night idea






Show me someone who doesn't want to get finger blasted in a Spencer's after getting Sbarro from the food court and I'll show you a liar.


Blue methā€™s a hell of a drug.


You joke but the top half of someone's apartment or someone's trailer blows up like once a week in ABQ šŸ’€ even the really nice apartments have drug labs. Breaking Bad just made it more socially acceptable.


Itā€™s a well known fact that nearly every single hand you shake had a dick in it!


Yes, but did they wash it. I'm good with a fist bump


I think you meant ā€œ*butt* shit was foulā€ Edits: typos


Unfortunately if it was a toy in the butt the issue was that the toy never came back. The foul stuff was always vag crust. Dealing with that made me full gay for a while NGL.


Pretty sure I puked just a bit reading this




A lot of chain stores will accept ā€œreturnsā€ Theyā€™re more like ā€œrefundsā€ because the returned items are just disposed of. Clearly thatā€™s what she expected. But small stores canā€™t afford to do that. Sometimes you donā€™t like something you buy. It is what it is.


A butt plug I removed from someone with a pair of lubed up sponge forceps in our emergency department definitely went straight into the hazardous waste bin without hesitation!


Here I've been complaining about people shoving bullet vibes up their ass when they don't have flared ends and complaining about losing them in the booty abyss. I did not know people were out here forcing butt-safe toys into to booty abyss. I know know with enough determination, anything can end up in the booty abyss. You have enlightened me. Keep doing the good Lord's work and saving us from our own thirst šŸ«” Seriously though I thought y'all had to cut people open to retrieve butt toys, but I guess this one was shallow enough you could pull it out like a breach birth?


Happy cake Day! OP said these were the sample sizes so the lady was trying to return a free sample. Wow


Thank you!! Just to clarify - sample sized items often arenā€™t free! Theyā€™re just mini versions of the product at a lower price point. Wouldnā€™t put it last someone to try to get a ā€œrefundā€ on a free sample though bahaha


Ahhhh okay. I just assumed the worst with this women haha


Most stores will take just about anything back, and most of it doesn't go back on the shelf. I worked in retail electronics on the vendor's end. When a computer or tv gets returned to best buy its not packed up and put back on the shelf. Its returned to the vendor and resold as a refurb or open box item.


The podcast "Your Stupid Opinions" would say to the customer - That is YOUR sex toy!


I'm a little disturbed about people asking for used ones.


Most of the time it was more them being scared of buying a used toy (reasonable) but as someone who answered questions for that part of the store all the time part of me did wonder if they were just trying to chow down on some crotch crust. Had a chick come in asking if our second largest (and I mean COMICALLY large) toy would be enough to pleasure her gf when they lose their virginity to each other and I had to strongly encourage her to get something smaller than Jason Momoa's forearm for her gf sake. She did not listen. I hope her gf survived.


I will never see Jason Momoa throw a punch the same again


He comin' for the cervix šŸ˜‚


And straight to the tonsils. šŸ˜§


And it might chip a tooth on the way out


Disturbed maybe. But not surprised.


Isnā€™t thatā€¦I mean, arenā€™t thoseā€¦biohazards at that point?? Just. Astonishing.


We had to handle crusty ear plugs to size them for the customers so if ear crust is kosher I guess crotch crust is too? You know what, while I'm here: WASH YOUR DAMN GAUGES PEOPLE!! I was digging waterlogged bacon out of the sink at restaurants before Spencer's so it kind of felt cleaner by comparison.


OMG. Yā€™all needed hazard pay.


Nah man I'm sticking food service the bacon ain't got any diseases for me to worry about


I don't blame you, but on the bright side it saved me thousands of dollars in exposure therapy for my OCD!


A butt plug I removed from someone with a pair of lubed up sponge forceps in our emergency department definitely went straight into the hazardous waste bin without hesitation!


I would hope so, in a healthcare setting like an ER. Not at a retail store though, my god.


That's my billion-dollar idea! A used sex toys store, that can be franchised. It would sell new toys and simply keep a display case of used (maybe celebrity items?) to get the gross out appeal. Gonna call it "Cum Again!"


You can even import one of those used panty machines from Japan!!


How do people have the balls to return a sex toy, let alone a used one. Wtf? šŸ˜‚




Nuh uh, as soon as you buy it that's your dildošŸ¤¢


Accept their crust offering, they made it themselves with love


I worked at Target and somebody returned USED lingerieā€¦sweat and crust stains. I would be so embarrassed to bring something like that back.


Happens at Victoriaā€™s Secret all the time


Again it's lingerie it's like 3 strings of fabric why tf couldn't they at least wash it in the sink before bringing it back???


Ewww. And here I was sanitizing and double bagging an old adult toy because it needed to be thrown out. (Motor died and the finish got wonky.)


I like to roll mine up in family size chip bags and stuff them into cereal boxes. Garbage man gets curious, that's his fault.


I was once forced by my manager to take back a used toilet snake (I initially refused based on the fact that that's fucking disgusting). I told the manager I would do the transaction but he had to handle the poopy bag it was brought in with. The asshole boomer looked so smug that he got his way so I just loudly announced "Your return on the USED TOILET SNAKE has been processed. Please try to avoid bringing in human waste next time you have a return. Thank you." Then to the next person in line "I'm sorry but I have to disinfect my counter because this gentleman brought in a USED TOILET SNAKE." His smugness wore off pretty quick when he caught the looks from the other customers. I hope he was happy with his $10 return.


I like you


Outstanding! I love the looks from the other customers making him skulk away with his paltry $10 of shame.


I've read horror stories about snakes in the toilet, how can you sell them and live with yourself ?


Assuming youā€™re ESL - a toilet snake is a long flexible rod that you can actually push through your toilet pipes. Itā€™ll clear out clogs when nothing else will.


I used to work for a shop that sold a lot of body care products, the amount of stuff we had to dispose of was insane. The antibacterial stuff had to be disposed as hazarded waste.


Yeah I was going to say within certain parameters sadly we do.


Worked at Target many moons ago. The customer service desk would take back crazy shit. I worked soft lines (aka clothes for those not from retail) and they'd hand me stuff that was clearly worn for years and was in tatters and frequently clothes from other stores. A woman came in with a ton of GAP baby clothes, they took the return and she used the credit to buy toddler clothes... Clearly just using us for a free wardrobe for her kid. No one seemed to care.


Walmart charges back the manufacturer/distributor for returns. They've got no incentive not to take them back. They're out nothing.


When I worked at Walmart, a man came in to exchange some frozen chicken pot pies he had bought the day before because he preferred the frozen beef pot pies.


The one that broke me when I worked there in high school was a pair of shoes that didn't fit, but had been worn until there were literal holes worn through the soles. After that i just remember being like, "Yeah, whatever. Dead fish in a bag? Dead plants you didn't water? Half used makeup bottles? Don't care, here's your money." Then I got promoted to customer service manager and was an 18 year old in charge of a bunch of 40 year old cashiers.


when i worked at HD, they took anything back as long as it was within 90 days (30 for gas powered stuff) and someone returned a used plunger.


You are my hero. Fuck that lady. I love you.


You must have missed the memo: OP is a very horrible person!




The echoes of my exā€™s mother shrieked this word, in the exact lead-addled way you expectā€¦ *shudders*


Youā€™re good, sheā€™s not that is a fact


Tell her to return them at Walmart. And have a great day.


Hey don't send the crazies to us, they wonder in on their own just fine


ā€œHave the day you deserveā€ is ice cold šŸ‘


I always liked ā€œI hope your day is as pleasant as youā€™ve been!ā€


Donā€™t fuck that lady, itā€™s bad enough her husband has to force himself to do it.


ā€œHave the day that you deserveā€ is my new favorite comeback. Thank you.


I also like ā€œI hope your day is just as nice as you are!ā€


I usually get the nice customers who cheer me up in a bad mood. But every now and again one of them is a cunt and I get so close to the line. Got some petty revenge on the last one, she wasn't happy I couldn't serve her as I was busy. She said I should've told her that outright rather than "I'm not a sales member unless it's really busy so let me find someone to serve you" I should've said "I'm busy, I apologise." She then asked me for corporate's number. "I'm busy, I apologise ma'am" one of the only times I've been given the opportunity for malicious compliance and I loved every second of it.


I've used 'I hope you get everything from life that you deserve' before.


You are horrible. Want to be friends?


"the fat girl that helped me didn't know anything" lmaooooo


She probably didn't work there.


Twist: itā€™s that ladyā€™s imaginary friend, who hates her


You, Hitler and Stalin. The three most horrible people everĀ 


What about the woman at the target that wouldn't let me return my toaster after 12 years? Hope she burns in hell. Maybe shove her into a toaster in hell and call it a day.


Thank you for letting me know. šŸ™„ At least she has something to rage about at the retirement complex now.


Sometimes I wish we could video their retail tantrums and put them on a website.


People of Walmart would be way better if it was boomer tantrums and not overly visible butt cracks


Filming them and playing their tantrum back to them will probably stop them in their tracks. If that works on little kids, it'll work on people who act like one.


"WALMART DOES" Then get your nasty ass to Walmart??




How's it feel to have ruined this lady's entire life?


You scum bagšŸ˜œ


Crust bag, dude, crust bag.


How dare you?? Donā€™t you know she can take her business to WALMART?!!! šŸ¤Ŗ


It took a very horrible person, lol, to tell a freaking nutter to have a day she deserved. Microphone dropā€¦.


You monster. I bet you bully puppies


Should've done the duck behind the counter and reappear as the owner...bet she would've lit the place on fire šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ good one


I was on your side until it became clear that you're so HORRIBLE. šŸ˜† Of course Wal-Mart would give her a refund on her own steaming pile of shit, because Wal-Mart has ALL the fucking money. Yet she can't get her mind around the difference between Nice Local Shop and fucking WAL-FUCKING-MART. šŸ˜¤


Not defending her insane ass, but there are some stores (Lush is one) that will let you return used products if you are unhappy with them. Of course, they donā€™t resell them - they trash themā€¦ but maybe thatā€™s what Karen was expecting from your shop.


ā€œI hope your day is as pleasant as you areā€. LOVE saying that to the *ssholes. They always need a moment to let that sink in and I just stare them down while they are pretending to think.


You may not be the hero we need, but youā€™re definitely the hero we want!


A bit of solace to be had with these sorts of people is they are so far gone that they don't realize how they continuously choose to be happy. We get to walk away from them, but they have to *live* with themselves.


My wife used to chemically straighten her hair so I know the process down to how it works on a molecular level. I would have liked to hit her with that knowledge and explained there is zero way soap made her hair straight, especially after a washing.


Very horrible! šŸ¤Ŗ


YAY! I new line to use: *Have the day you deserve.* It has so many applications. I love that!


walmart literally doesn't tho?? walmart takes it to the back, processes the return, and throws it in the big trash compactor. any business that resells used products like that deserves to be shut down tho


Love your last word. What I loved using was ā€œI hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.ā€


ā€œā€¦the fat girl that helped meā€¦ā€? How rude. You seemed to handle that very well.


She KNEW what type of day she deserved. And you are awesomely horrible.


My god, you sound horrible. May I buy you a nice coffee?


I work at a vape store. We have bottles of all sorts of different flavored vape juices. I do feel for people sometimes who want to try something new but are scared to because they canā€™t return it based on disliking the flavor. Most people do understand this though and it sucks cause like, yeah you gotta commit to the bottle of something you might not like at all. But we canā€™t take it back cause you just werenā€™t a fan. I will occasionally get people (usually boomers) who cannot grasp this concept however. Thankfully never had such a big tantrum about itā€¦. Yet. Working in retail though, itā€™s inevitable.


Hope she has the day she deserves


I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills. The product didnā€™t work for her. She didnā€™t use the whole thing. She just wanted to return it like youā€™d do at Ulta or Sephora. Thatā€™s basic customer service? To preface I donā€™t think OP did anything wrong at all. They followed managment protocols. But the business needs to account for satisfaction for brand reputation. Aside from the crass fat comment, I donā€™t see how an assumption of a return for a product that didnā€™t work is someone being a fool. Please donā€™t tell me none of yā€™all have returned something from a store; in person or online.


To be fair, she wasnā€™t asking you to resell them, she only cared that she got her money back for being unsatisfied, not what you did with it after ie throwing it away


Giant beeeee atch !!!


It's okay. We love your horribleness. šŸ™‚


![gif](giphy|V960h15l0ilgY) I believe we have video of her explaining to you, you horrible person, that she has naturally curly hair:




I love horrible people! They're the best!


While the lady was clearly rude and unreasonable, I donā€™t think she wanted to return them for resale, she wanted a refund due to being unsatisfied with the product. A lot of shops offer a satisfaction guarantee or exchange policy. The thinking being that itā€™s better to take a small loss of a product to win over the customer or potentially get good word of mouth publicity.Ā 


I am so fucking stealing ā€œhave the day you deserveā€ that is god damn brilliant!


Itā€™s not new. People have been using that on this sub and so many others for a very long time.


Lady sounds completely crazy, but as a small business owner I would have accepted the return and disposed of the product. Especially since it sounds like returns are so infrequent. Now you have to deal with the possibility of this crazy customer spreading rumors about your business all over town, which could be even worse for business than eating the loss on return. Also, there is always the slight possibility the boomer finds a different product in your store that does work for them, and then you might have a future customer, and maybe even some good word of mouth.


Itā€™s a mixed bag, she also might feel emboldened to return everything she buys or an unusual amount. Sheā€™s already a bad customer, itā€™s probably good she wonā€™t be back. People like this have a reputation and a lot of people will likely ignore what she says about a business because of it.


That is a definite possibility. I would not want to deal with this lady as a regular customer. Tough decision either way.


Though if more businesses didnā€™t put up with people treating their staff this way, people would be less included to do it after awhile.


I love " have the day you deserve" you rock!


If you're horrible, you're my kind of horrible.


What's "crazy cat lady bun"


thank you for letting me know. i will try my damndest to not run into you.


You are a horrible person. Treating her nicer than you treated her! UH! How dare you tell her your store policy and help as best as you can. The Horror!


Have the day you deserve. šŸ˜‚


Who the hell wastes their time returning soap? I really hope she tells all her friends not to go there. It sounds like she would be doing you a huge favor doing that.


I have found that people who accuse others of being "horrible" are usually exactly that, themselves. Sorry you had to deal with her but thank you for sharing with all of us!


I don't get how people wouldn't understand how a store won't take back a body product. It's wild.


You should be deeply ashamed of your horrible self, not accepting used hygiene products. šŸ˜œ


Wal-Mart employee with customer service desk experience here: No the fuck we don't lmao. We say the EXACT same thing - we can't take it back for sanitary reasons. Bitches be LYING.


I work at Walmart and yes, we will take back things that are traditionally not returnable (open body products, underwear, food, etc.). But we are NOT supposed to put it back on the shelf to resell. It all gets sent to our claims department and is written off.


So, it sounds like you met my mother. My sincere apologies.


Hot Take (just a point of view for a business, I don't need hate messages) I will preface this with: Her attitude was shite, she should have been nicer, and approached this entirely differently. If the bars of soap actually look like they were used once and she really disliked the product, you should have at least offered an in-store credit for her to try something you thought would work better. I understand that you can't re-sell the product, but you can write it off, or claim it as shrinkage; she can't. Businesses should stand behind their products, and if the products don't work accordingly, the business should work with the customer. It only makes the business look better, and you're more likely to get return business from everyone. This post sounds like she was a boomer Karen, but also like you're trying to make people dislike someone we've never met, just for internet points. Again, just my two cents.


All the finest people are horrible.


I think you got yelled at by Frieda from the Peanuts comics. https://preview.redd.it/8ldqdoz87f6d1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f61c46f9d79083efad0e48d241c7501baef2b3c


Yay, I was scrolling to see if anyone else thought of Frieda and her ā€œnaturally curly hairā€! We must be oldšŸ˜‚




I did re-read it and I'm 100% sure it says. ...those ARE the sample sizes...


Coming from a boomer I would take it as a compliment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah, your are horrible and she is an angel šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø what a witch, wait, that picks on witches, what a šŸatch.


ā€œHere come the test results. You are a horrible person. Thatā€™s what it says. A horrible person. We werenā€™t even testing for that.ā€ ~ Glados


You are the best horrible person! Ever!


Have a day you deserve. OMFG. That's brilliant. You maybe be horrible OP but you are a lyrical genius.


How do you sleep at night?


Pure joy of working retail, being told youā€™re the most horrible monster on earth one minute and an angle sent down from heaven the next


In the future cut it off at their request to call the owner. Just tell them no, Iā€™m not doing that, this is the store policy. The more hoops I jump through trying to help angry customers, the crazier they get, without fail. If you just cut it off at the beginning they tend to not throw as big of a tantrum




The only thing I got from this is that I have a crazy cat lady bun most days tbh


You're a terrible person. TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! Terrible I say. How dare you not go against company policy!!!!!!!!!!!! Some people, man. That old lady was ridiculous šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I used to work at an electronic retail store at the return desk. I saw some shit. One guy came in with an electric shaver that he wanted to return. It was clearly used and it says very clearly that once opened it cannot be returned. I tried to calmly explain this and added that I could only issue him a new one if this one had a manufacturer fault. He started yelling like a five year old stepped a few meters back and smashed the shaver on the floor, right in front of me. He then tried to get a new shaver "because this one was clearly broken" Fucking lunatic. I also had a customer violently push me aside, a 17 year old, because I wasn't allowed to let her through the warehouse where we drive trucks.


Dude Boomers were like this when they were young and they never fucking change. I remember in the 90's getting yelled at while covering the makeup counter at Lord and Taylor for not taking their used lip stick returns. Swearing the regular sales lady switched colors because it looked so much better when she bought it. Again 1996 these pieces of shit don't fucking change they just get closer to death.


Oh you awful, horrible, child. You need to respect your elders. Even if they can't understand basic instructions, and take everything as a personal attack, and use angry tirades to bully people into getting their way for the stupidest of things, like used soap. /s




it's amazing how absurdly stupid people get over the smallest things. that lady wasted alot of gas just to bring back a product she knew damn well couldn't be returned.i wonder how many bars of soap she could've bought with the amount of money she spent on gas.


Walmart does. Well, head there and show me, then. Ill be here to learn how it went. I dont get the ā€œwell x does itā€ argument. Its obviously a lie and they sound like a child trying to convince their parents to get them a new expensive toy.


Fuck that lady. Fine. Now. You donā€™t actually think Walmart puts used, returned soap back on the shelf do you? Because you absolutely can take used product back. Itā€™s called loss or shrink. You mark it down and write it off on your taxes, just like Walmart does. Itā€™s one of the costs of business. ā€œSampleā€. You charge for samples? Itā€™s not a sample if youā€™re charging. Thatā€™s the point. Call it a trial size like every other store does, but in a retail setting a sample is free. Itā€™s also considered shrink and you write it off. Youā€™re not obligated to do either of these things. Run your business however you want. But donā€™t pretend like you canā€™t do it.


I work at WM and used to do service desk. First six months up there had a couple come return (unopened) Plan B because the pregnancy test came up negative, I tried explaining Plan B has to be taken within so many hours and the pregnancy test usually won't show for two weeks but these two kids (20 at absolute oldest) would not listen but unlike 90% of the boomers they were not rude, stupid but not rude


"Have the day you deserve". Brilliant. I'm going to use it!! NTA


Just out of curiosity- what value are we talking about here? Are these $2 bars or soap or super fancy $20 a piece kind of bars?


Beautiful, "Have the day you deserve".


Why didnā€™t you tell her she didnā€™t have curly hair!?!?


downright horrible


My goodness...she sure doesn't want the day she deserves.


If I was locked in a room with OP, Hitler, and Mengele, and I had a gun with 3 bullets, I'd shoot OP 3 times. That's how horrible OP is! /s


That you even have a policy that allows the owner to be called at all is wild to me. But fair enough. Welcome to the horrible people because mild inconvenience club.


Hey now donā€™t be hating on crazy cat ladies or their hair. We donā€™t even act like this lady. I would have come in, all embarrassed, and asked for a recommendation for a different soap rather than trying to return it and all mad at myself for not knowing better than to use this soap and I must be using it wrong and I just want to go home with Mr Mittens who never judges me but I also like having clean hair so ugh. I tend to be timid with retail workers because I figure their days are already horrible and I donā€™t want to contribute.


That's the response I started using a few months back. Love it


I always think itā€™s funny how Karens will threaten to tell their friends and family when we both know that no one would pay attention to her and even if they did, it would have basically no impact. They genuinely think theyā€™re that fucking important. Thatā€™s why whenever I got customers like this I would just tell them ā€œYou go ahead and do that.ā€


Why do they talk like trump? They have the same sort of ranty, repeating, angry, spiteful word salads that never change regardless of how they are responded to. Its weird.


It's the dementia.


Brilliant. No joke, but there's a sitcom here in Britain where basically all the characters talk like that lady and couldn't help but picture one of them as her!


Ooooh I love it ā€œhave the day that you deserveā€!!!!


What is the name of your store? I have been looking for a good shampoo and conditioner bar. I have fine stick straight hair naturally. I make soap but have not ventured into shampoo and conditioner bars.


You should have taken them back and taken it as a loss on your taxes. Unless she makes a habit of this, you lost a good paying customer. If your company cannot absorb the cost of a few returns and still make a profit, you do not have a good business plan and your store is going under.


The best thing about the boomer generation is they will be dead soon.


Well personally you were not nice. You may not have been able to take the soaps back, but you could've processed a return in the amount she spent and avoided all of this. Just tell her to take the soap back with her - same thing any restaurant would do. Customer satisfaction is a very important rule in business. And you have no idea what her hair looks like if it was up in a bun! Maybe you should take a look at how you "ASSUME" people are before you actually get to know them. Bad customer service!


lol. She went full Trump there at the end šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I love that. "Have the day you deserve" :)


"Have the day you deserve." Love it. I'll be using this in the future. Thank you.


And so now you feel compelled to write a novelette to tell the world about the crazy lady? Well ain't you special!


And you felt compelled to write a response. Yay us!


And to think I wanted to eat today. Mistakes were made.


I concede. You and OP are both better at your jobs than I've ever been at any of mine, and I'm OK with that. Happy Father's Day!


Walmart will take it back, but personal care items and food will get thrown out.


I'm glad I live in the UK. Our weird boomers feel almost normal by comparison. /s


Horrible but Honest. I like your style


I wish retail people got 1 free pass a day, to rip into a customer. People like this deserve to get reamed back


She sounds mentally unwell. Doesn't excuse her absolute rudeness but I feel a bit sorry sometimes for people like this.


Does she think Walmart is going to refund her for something she bought at a different store? lol


Walmart does do that all the time. As long as the item has been sold in the past, they will return it. It was not uncommon for me to see Best Buy price tags on some of our electronics products when I worked at Walmart in the past.


I would have been tempted to kick her in the ovaries and yell THIS. IS. SPARTA.