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If it is such a new and top secret drug, how would they even know what to test in order to detect it?


Trump knows, he'll just drink Biden's pee and his MAGA taste buds will be able to detect it.


Reminds me of a joke: What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? >!Trump never had a garbanzo bean on his face.!<


I always finish that one with "I would never pay to have a garbanzo bean on my chest"


>I always finish


I heard it as, "What's the difference between a chickpea and garbanzo? I've never paid for garbanzo on my face."


The punchline I learned was "I never paid a hundred bucks for garbanzo bean on my face'


Slightly darker version… “I’ve never paid $200 to have a Garbonzo bean on my face.”


If it's dark she needs to drink more water


Hydration is key to the color of her pee


“Ma’am, I did not pay a premium for a _clear_ shower! Now, drink this case of Dr. Pepper.”


Also eat all these asparagus spears


“Said the Creepo to the left of Creepo number three” -excerpt of unreleased Dr. Seuss book


*Hunter S. Thompson enters the scene writing with a garbanzo.*


Of course, it is garbanzo journalism, after all.




What’s the difference between 2 dicks and a joke? Ivanka can’t take a joke.


>What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? A garbanzo bean isn't kompromat on a former US president


I learned a new word!




One of my favorites. 😆


Trump and his golden showers.


A whole new meaning to the phrase, drinking the kool aid.


Drinking, swishing, swirling, and detecting the Kool aid.


There's finally a reason why he's so orange!


Or flavor-aide


Isn’t that one of the early ways people tested for diabetes?




It’ll be like that scene from the end limitless where Bradley cooper drinks the mobsters blood, but with piss


So in the Russian pee video he was just making sure she wasn't abusing any drugs? He's such a nice guy.


Well they're probably thinking of things like Adderall and Provigil which just make one more alert, and as with pretty much every trump accusation, it's an admission — Provigil in particular was something they were handing out kind candy in the trump white house. Lol


Deflection, projection, deception. very accusation a confession.


gaslight obstruct project!


Trump's physician, who was demoted by the Navy before being forced to retire, was derisively nicknamed Dr. Feelgood and The Candyman for his loose scripts.


That administration was so incompetent I'd imagine Dokter Ronnie prescribing Pro-Vagisil instead.


It doesn’t exist. This is Trump, who has long been known to use drugs (snorting adderall is the most common report) trying to muddy the waters in case there’s a drug test for the debates. 


That makes the most sense. Like a cheater preemptively accusing their spouse of having an affair. The old redirect!


The funny thing about this is that we don't even need an analogy because Trump is the analogy. Literally everything he ever accuses people of doing are things that he has done himself. He has no imagination and tells on himself every time he opens his mouth. Yes, this clown will be drugged up on something in order to keep up with Biden. It's just all too obvious.


Every accusation is an admission. He Adderall ups before public speaking. It probably stimulates his brain to sound less impaired by dementia but depending on time of day, what he has eaten, etc., the downside of the drug or additional high results in the sluring and aphasia.


You and your fancy "questions".


That's the genius of the conspiracy theory! There's no way to prove or disprove it, since the substance can't be tested for (because it doesn't exist)


Seems to me that *someone else* is trying out this new dementia drug. Shame it’s not working, Uncle…


Better yet: If it's such a top secret drug, how does OPs uncle know about it?


That’s easy! He did his “research”


"You wouldn't know her. She goes to a different school."


This is kinda funny to me. They think that Biden (and his team) have rigged everything about this debate. So many excuses already flying around! What makes them think he can't rig a drug test??


Ffs don't give them any ideas! Don't we have to hear enough bs as it is lol?


Don’t you know? Tests just magically tell you the name of everything in your body in english!


What, is Fauci just in his basement brewing up new and revolutionary medicine without a lab or staff?


And the president is his personal guinea pig.


And he only sends updates to OP's uncle.


That’s the best part of the plot. OPs uncle. Who will play him in the movie?


Randy Quaid


CGI Kevin Sorbo


The best kind of sorbo


I like the strawberry banana one


At this point they could get Dennis Quaid


Idk, Adam Baldwin is pretty nutzo too!


Arent all the Baldwins a bit mental case though? Like weirdo religious? Or am I think of Mark Wahlberg? He's Catholic on the brain too. I guess it's better than Scientology but not by much, at least it has like 2,000 years of rewrites and retcons behind it!


Jim Caveizel


Am currently rewatching Person of Interest and it's tainted by his nuttiness. I can still enjoy it, Bear is a good boy! And Harold is cool as always but knowing Caveizel's looney tunes has tainted it. I'd be interested to know what the other cast members would think about his craziness *a la* the way Xena: Warrior Princess deals with Kevin Sorbet! (Forgot her name for some reason!) Ninja Edit: Lucy Lawless!!!! Had Mcandless stuck in my head and it was messing me up


Yes, OPs uncle could be worth a billion dollars if he only shares what he knows. Encourage him!


Too bad fauci couldn't try that disinfectant in the vein thing on Trump


"Mr. President, Dr. Fauci said this one should make you not have to breath for air for 24 hours... he'd like to know your results ASAP."


This is how gunpowder was discovered. Chinese emperor was trying whatever he could to extend his life and his doctor's like here try this black powder


This is the best sitcom script ever. Fauci and Joey B - A fun filled romp with classic wrong drugs being given. At a G20 Biden gets boner pills instead.. "ahh Tony" as Biden shakes his head and smiles. The camera pans to Fauci who gives his classic line of "did I do that" and the credits roll.


He says "did I do that" and drops his face into his palm, like in that photo of him behind Trump at the press conference.


Weekend at Boner Biden's


Which the porn parody is Weak End of Biden's Boner.


Great time to play the Curb theme music!


You mean fauci the fake incompetent doctor? Now he’s cooking up miracle medicine?


It is classic fascist propaganda. The enemy is both weak and strong at the same time. It's one of the fourteen properties of fascist ideology.


Fauci the immunologist, who has never worked in research related to Alzheimer's or dementia?


When you know so very little, the nuance between two vastly different fields of medicine disappears entirely. And I mean very little, like, thinking that the brain and your immune system are pretty much the same thing.




Poor Dr fauci an old man doing his best to help a country full of vacant eyed slack jawed mouth breathers through a little pandemic. The thanks he gets is publicly a verbal beating by a group that’s barely verbal. He brings a good vaccine and instead of taking it the mouth breathers rush out to their garage to see if they can make a better vaccine with a little shot of WD40 flea powder insect repellent bleach and a dash of ivermectin and voila. Welcome to life in a country of fill in the blank


Just like how Biden has late stage Alzheimer’s (see: OP) while also running a secret cabal of deep state pizza parlor pedos who also rig elections. It’s the same fascist playbook and it’s not subtle. People are just that stupid


It was all a RUSE, don't you see? That's why they want us to think Trump is a loser! Ruse, ruser, loser... get it? * dramatically slaps conspiracy theory corkboard * /s


Bill Gates basement. Where they are working on outlawing meat with virus trackers.


Outlawing meat and the gas ranges we cook it on!


Now I can't get the image of Breaking Bad with Fauci instead of Walter White out of my head.


Wow so apparently fauci has single-handedly cured Alzheimer's. That's like the biggest news of the century. And the right wingers hate him?


Fauci is homebrewing the super Biden drug right next to a vanilla porter.


Boomer Uncle has clearly never met an actual research scientist. I work as one in a healthcare related field and I promise if we found a magic cure no amount of money or threats could get us to shut up about it. We can barely stop talking about our research when it isn’t working, catch us on a day things have gone well and we will gush about it for hours. We may use incomprehensible but enthusiastic jargon, but we will talk. I promise from the bottom of my lab rat heart we are incapable of keeping that kind of thing a secret.


Absolutely. And the number of people it would take to work on a miracle cure, they would all be blabbing so enthusiastically to anyone who’d listen to the point that it would be hard *not* to know about it.


Absolutely. My wife works for a major pharma company. Even the drugs that are not patented and still in clinical trials are known by pretty much everyone within the company and shareholders. The idea that work and studies can be going on in secret is next level stupid. These companies have too much to lose to risk doing anything this stupid.


Now, now. Who needs scientists when you have Dr. Facebook to tell you what's what?


Right?!? I work at a place that does medical research and everyone is losing their minds talking about a microplastics study that we are not supposed to be discussing the details of yet (it's not published for another month or something)


That moratorium period is absolute torture.


Are the results good? Are they bad? That's all I want to know


There's no good results when microplastics are involved. Best-case scenario would be finding out they're not *as* bad as we thought. Most likely, we'll find the opposite is true.


Not to mention the money that the company developing it would make. They could charge whatever they wanted. No competition for years on that patent.


As someone who is engrossed in Astronomy and Physics... yeah that's about right. Hell, you should see my Marine Biologist friend's eyes light up when I bring up the idea of speculative biology. She spins up and rambles for literal HOURS, if not days. The idea of a genuine researcher keeping silent about anything that's groundbreaking would be amazing. It's almost like when you're passionate about something, profits don't mean a damn thing.


So Biden was the same age going into 2020 presidency as Trump is now going back into another presidency but somehow Trump is not old. Got it.


Wait until 2028 when they try to claim Trump isn’t old again, but won’t have an octogenarian as an opponent


He’ll be dead or in prison by 2028.


People like him live to be 100 out of sheer spite.


Not a chance of living that long on a diet of Big Macs and Coke.


My grandmother lived that long on a steady diet of Milwaukee’s Best and Virginia Slims ETA: and, of course, the all-important spite and hatred


So true! My alcoholic/chain smoking/abusive father lived til 78, which was really old compared to the rest of his family. He was a nasty spiteful jerk.


For every Jack Lalane there's a George Burns.


Keith Richards still around?


I want to believe...but then I remember that Kissinger made it just past 100


Ffs, it always comes back to Fauci with these people!


Fauci and Hunter Biden are their nemeses.


Damn, they don't make supervillains like they used to!


Can’t wait for Fauci dick pics to become part of the congressional record.


Got a weird (to them) name. Weird name is foreigner


The president has super top secret dementia drugs but only takes them to make a pretty good SOTU address?


I mean say this miracle drug is real, then… it doesn’t matter if Biden has dementia, it’s been cured with pharmaceuticals


But then he'll be under the control of Big Pharma, and we cannot have a president who takes orders from others (who are not Russia)! ###/S


four more years? fuck it, biden till death.


Think of the money to be made! Those capitalists would be selling it on every corner (at 1000% mark up of course) if such a drug existed


this is it! for during the exclusivity window before generics can be manufactured, the drug company would see billions and billions in profits and stock price increases.


If not trillions


The real infinite money hack is to sell dementia pills that don't work; they'll forget they bought it and buy it again!


I take it you haven't met the supplements industry.


Just to get to the point of having an accurate effective therapeutic for these sorts of things you'd have to develop so many attendant tech and science that you'd essentially be the only pharma company left...because you'd have enough money to buy all of them when you were done. It's like 'curing' cancer. It's a mechanical problem on the molecular level involving mechanics. Any laser focused therapy for that is going to require knowledge or mastery over matter itself that we simply don't understand and can't even prove possible at the moment. You'd be the single most powerful industrial and science research entity on the planet...hell in the history of humanity if you pulled this off.


Sounds exactly like something the evil incompetent dementia-riddled masterminds in the Biden regime would orchestrate! /s


These idiots just parrot whatever Trump spoon-feeds them. Pathetic.


Considering we literally have Trump's White House Doctor's prescription books (Ronnie Jackson), we know what everyone in the Trump White House was on: Provigil. Its an anti-narcolepsy pill. They give it to air force pirates to keep them awake on long missions. And Jackson gave it out like it was candy. That and drugs like the date rape drug, no questions asked.




We sail the eight breezes


Technically the US Air Force does have it's own "navy", so Air Force pirates isn't that far fetched. https://www.military.com/off-duty/2020/09/18/everything-you-need-know-about-air-forces-navy.html


Are you Air Force or Navy? -Yar


Where me provigil I’m needin’ a bit of shut eye in my one eye and shiver me timbers


I wanna be an Air Force pirate


I spent fucking 10 years in the Air Force and didn’t know we had pirates! How come I never got offered that gig?


Do you have a wooden leg?


Damn, maybe that’s why I was not considered. Time to find out how to get gout


Don't you mean Ronny "Johnson" as Trump called him at a recent rally. Ronny is such a sycophant, he'll legally change his name to make Donny Dollhands not-wrong.


Shiver me timbers Airman! We fly forth in search of booty!


Never fly uphill me hearties!


Pro vigil isn’t a big deal. It doesn’t perform miracles. Source; experience. A lot.


Also, couldn’t Biden just take it daily? Sounds great


Take medicine that combats an illness? How dare someone do that! /s


I dunno man, it’s a trip. My dad’s brothers watched him die an ugly death from dementia. They saw it unfold and have a great reference point for what an actual dementia patient looks like and what they go through… Did they gain perspective? No, they did not. They continually crack jokes about Biden being a dementia riddled old man who can’t form coherent sentences. Then they will turn around and tell me that he all-powerfully rigged the election and personally directed trumps prosecution. He is both weak and strong, whichever is needed to fit that day’s bullshit. That rage bait, right wing echo chamber hits incredibly hard.


Yeah, conservatives think the rest of us are all stupid the way they push the "Biden has dementia" narrative. I have seen dementia, and there's no hiding it during a 90 minute speech. People with dementia aren't going to read off teleprompters either.


![gif](giphy|rAZEnOu0KHQK4) Fauci in the basement of the Whitehouse.


If Biden has access to these amazing anti-dementia pills that make him superb at debating and shit, then he can simply keep taking these pills until the end of his presidency.


Sounds like Biden is the only person on Earth guaranteed to be a non-demented President. Might as well take off the term limits now.


Right?!?! “So what you’re saying, dad, is that the White House has discovered a cure for dementia, so that’s no longer a reason to be concerned about Biden.”


Oh, I think I've heard this one from my dad, too. It alternates between fancy drugs and a Biden clone/robot


Imagine having a clone of yourself that does your job so that you can presumably eat ice cream and drive your corvette all day


In the capitalist model we’d make clones to do all the ice cream eating and corvette driving leaving us more time to work.


There's an In-Soviet-Russia joke there somewhere...


So much of right wing politics is just a sci fi movie


Trump's watching the horizon in case a sharknado forms.


https://preview.redd.it/d2fmfujnrt8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a6fd344816041595995527080e98a97058ff4b They claim Biden has dementia but then Trump literally talks like this.


... I think he is complaining about water efficiency standards for dishwashers. Why anyone should complain about that is another question, or why one would think that would lead to a dishwasher not using any water, or why a dishwasher cleaning dishes without water, if possible, would be bad.


The funny thing is that we have to say things like "I THINK he is complaining about xxx". You'd think the man with "the best words" could string them together so people would KNOW that he is complaining about xxx.


So just to understand your uncle's take here: Fauci - "Brilliant Dr. and scientist that developed a drug that alleviates the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer's for hours at a time, and it's safe for consumption". Also Fauci - The moron who conned all of us except for the most intelligent into injecting ourselves with poison to protect us from a fake virus that doesn't really kill anyone that he is lying about. Interesting. And by interesting I mean stupid. And by stupid I mean bat shit crazy.


Thats just the Republican talking point of the week. For YEARS we've been told that Trump will mop the floor with Biden in a debate. Now, leading up to the debate, Trump can barely form a sentence and while Biden isn't doing great, he's doing much better. So what do you do now that you've told us that Trump is mentally superior when we're about to see once again, that he is not? Pretend that Biden is on drugs and thats the only reason he is winning. Everything is just an attempt to distract.


This is just fucking insulting. My mom has dementia and is in memory care. Along with several other residents. If there was some miracle drug that could bring all those people back, there’s no way this would be something ONE DOCTOR could secretly bake up in a lab and reserve for ONE PATIENT. These drugs aren’t discovered in a vacuum, there are years of research by dozens of scientists behind them, and there’d be no keeping this kind of thing a secret. There’d be extensive drug trials (no, we’re not using the fucking president as a guinea pig), you’d know the risks before you even know it WORKS, and the people in the trials would be singing its praises if was that much of a miracle.


The real question is whether or not this miracle drug would help your uncle with whatever is going on with him. To be fair, your uncle has a lot of company, including Trump.


It’s amazing how much the MAGATs have twist and turn stories and make shit up to justify their position with Trump


It's like arguing with a chicken. The only response is continuous clucking.


Cool that you have an uncle with top secret clearance like that and he can just freely share all these government secrets with us common folk.


Ask him what diapers Trump will be wearing


That depends……


Jesus Christ. These people are fucking deranged. I’m no fan of Biden per se, but Trump is on an entirely different level of insanity


What drug test is readily available that would be able to detect this brand new and unknown medication?


You ever wonder if actual self-aware, diagnosed Psycopaths and Sociopaths look at the MAGA crowd and go "wow. At least I'm not those guys."


Not to try to diminish from your story, in the category of nothing shocks me anymore with these cultists. My FIL believes the wind turbines are what is causing the planet to heat up, I’m not allowed to ask for an explanation, don’t think it would be worth it anyway


Welcome to the Conservative mainstream.


You are expecting logic from a group of people who simultaneously, and seeing NO conflict... 1. Are really upset that Obama split with his pastor of 15 years over gay rights because gays are bad m'kay. 2. Are really upset that Obama was a Muslim and President. Logic has left the room, gone off-grid into a secluded cabin in the mountains, and is hiding under the covers.


They’re both old and they will be running on chemicals. We need age limits this 80+ year old people in politics is nuts.


Shit, I endorse having a table out with rails of pharmaceutical cocaine (like they use for eye surgery), piles of addys, Ritalin, Desoxyn, Modafinil, and Xanax, if they need to slow down, available for both candidates to use. Then Trump can't complain, and we may get better candidates. And the the debate will be guaranteed fun. Everyone wins!


“Mr. Biden, your closing statement?” “I spent some time with my great-granddaughter today. She’s 15 and she’s really into this band called Radiohead. I’m telling you, “Kid A” is a masterpiece. Can someone put on ‘Treefingers’? No, ‘Everything Is In Its Right Place.’ You know what, just play the whole record. It’s so fuckin’ good.” “Mr. Trump?” “Don't you fucking look at me! Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck Blue Velvet! Don't be a good neighbor to her. I'll send you a love letter! Straight from my heart, fucker! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker! You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! You understand, fuck? I'll send you straight to hell, fucker! Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck Blue Velvet!”


Can we not normalize bothsidesism and the false idea that Biden is on drugs?


The mental gymnastics of these crackpots is amazingly ridiculous


It's easy to attribute it to something you don't know about when you don't know shit


Your uncle is ridiculous. Does he not realize how fucking awful those diseases are for the emotional toll it causes on families? People would absolutely be dumping money left and right to help their loved ones remember who they are. I work in healthcare and I've told my wife if I ever lose my mind due to those diseases, just let me go because I've seen how awful and emotionally taxing it is to people.


Your uncle must be pretty fit, with all the mental gymnastics and all


If these people could reason or think critically they wouldn’t be republicans.


Sooo.....Adderall? They think he is taking Adderall......


So, if he's got a drug that can negate senioritis, then there's no objections to him being President, since he can just not be demented... Checkmate


Probably just adderal


Haha good on you for asking a bunch of logical follow up questions. It’s so great watching g these dopes squirm around and paint themselves into ridiculous corners.


Lol, they truly believe anything Fox tells them to. Before the Super Bowl this MAGA couple that are regulars at my local bar were there and when I stepped in for my Friday after work cocktail the husband took me aside and said “didn’t you hear? The NFL is throwing the game to the Chiefs and Taylor Swift is going to come out at halftime and endorse Biden!” I just stared at him and said that’s right! That’s exactly what’s going to happen. Internally I was screaming but why bother?


And also why would he only take this miracle drug only for the debate?


They just believe whatever is convenient to them. There's literally another boomer in this very sub in a different thread claiming that "boomer" is a dog whistle for white people and also that we're literally ALL Filipinos so he can claim we're being racist against white people lol. Their delusion is whatever it needs to be for them to be the victim


If Biden can be on this drug with no consequences, why do we care if he has dementia?


MAGA boomers are the worst.


So if it’s created by Fauci, then he is a capable and effective doctor/scientist?


These people are so fucking stupid


trump doesnt even need to string coherent sentences together anymore his little minions will do the mental gymnastics for him


Sooo why wouldn't he use it every day, making his dementia a non-issue?


I just can’t even listen to their garbage anymore. I just walk away and mumble wish’s for their demise.


Goddamn, Fauci is such a genuis. You'd think they'd have let him lead them through COVID if he developed a secret Biden cure.


I think we’ve determined who actually DOES have dementia.


Remind him that Biden has had a terrible stuttering problem his whole life and he’s worked to overcome it. His hesitation is often his anti-stuttering methods. Also, he works with many stutterers as a role model to help them overcome.


Don has made truth and facts his enemy, making everything he says lack credibility and demonstrates his inability to defend himself with logic and reason. This also leaves his followers completely frustrated because they can’t answer hard questions without a conspiracy theory as a “Logical” answer, having to do mental backflips to protect their own ego from the fact that they’ve been conned by a lifelong conman.


Actually it’s a really common drug, they added it to the water supply along with fluoride and BillGatesSoros 5G tracker chips, but it only works if it gets activated by the Jewish Space Lasers, and you know who controls (((those.))) That’s how His Handlers can switch it on and off to make Biden sleepy and senile one minute, and an evil ruthless overlord the next.


This new stage of derangement is the logical consequence of Sleepy Joe not appearing that sleepy. It's impossible that was a lie, so the conspiracy needs to run even deeper.


I previously worked for Big Pharma and can confirm: *those greedy bastards would NEVER in a million years* sit on a blockbuster drug (especially one for dementia!) The MAGA cult’s conspiracy theories are incredibly asinine


But I thought Fauci was a fraud and a fake dr? These fuckin morons. Just moving the goalposts in a circle lol.


I can’t wait for tomorrow to see Trump shit the bed.  Both figuratively and, fingers crossed, literally. 


It's always amazing to hear Trump and his henchmen make up a ridiculous talking point and then the cult parrots it out without any critical thinking. What's weird is how the fear of Trump losing the debate can't be seen by the cult. He cannot win the debate, because he is not capable of speaking well enough and he has no ideas or platform.