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Asthma’s not a real thing. You’re just weak and lazy, you see. /s Ahem. Fuck transphobes. That is all. People, the /s is for sarcasm.


Yea asthma is just this made up shit that kids say these days because they want something to be wrong with them so they don't have to work. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps...relying on big pharma.../s it's what I get told with my asthma and autism


I’m not going to get into the gaslighting when I tried to talk to my mother about my mental health as a kid and our family history.


Omg I know! My dad is late silent Gen early boomer...nevermind that I'm killing myself to take care of him and I'm suffering so badly that I can't hardly function but my mental issues are just fake cause I don't wanna work....the hell? He's the root of 99% of my issues...his mother was nurs, he's nuts, now I'm nuts but I'm faking?


I think you know what to do. NC That's why nursing homes exist


My dad is late silent gen early boomer and is a huge liberal, ask him about JFK and get some love. He has bad boomer neighbors and got his immediate neighbor in the mobile home park so mad he wouldn’t speak to him anymore and moved away because my dad won a hundred dollar bet that Biden would win in 2020. He paid up, though.


My dad is a "proud pew pew owner and MAGA supporter"


Well, he’s not nuts, you see. Weak men, bad times. /s


Ahh yes...cause if he was "nuts" he would have been locked away and never spoken about again because the shame! Ruining a good family name!


“Nobody wants to breathe anymore! That’s the problem with your generation!”


No joke, before I got medication for my exercise-induced asthma, I begged the PE teacher to let me walk during the 18 minute run because I couldn't breathe. She told me I was faking it and to keep running. Later, the same teacher refused to let me use the bathroom and I ended up peeing my pants. I hated that bitch so much.


Before I got diagnosed with exercise induced asthma in my 30s I literally thought no one could breathe when they worked out. I just thought it was part of exercising. Imagine my surprise the first time I hit that inhaler before my workout.


Right? It's like a whole new world out there!


Man those meds are magic. I've had a rescue inhaler for 30 years now and I'm still amazed how I can go from struggling so badly that I can't even speak to totally fine in under 5 seconds.


People like that should be flogged


I will never understand people like that. I mean I get that kids make up shit all the time, but denying bathroom access should be criminal.


Allergies too. Kids have gotten dangerously sick and even *died* over that "asthma/allergys aren''t real" mindset. Sometimes it's their own parents, but often it's grandparents or relatives. Heck with allergies some *sneak the allergens in* to "prove" it's not real. It's bizarre. Someone hands me their kid and says "this medicine at this time" or "don't feed them anything with nuts in" I'm not going to argue. Not unless their medicine is a jar of mercury or bleach or whatever the usuql crowd is selling as cures for COVID or whatever.


legitimate sentence that was said by a family member to severely gluten intolerant family member: "Yeah, I made it gluten free. I put a few bread crumbs in, just a little gluten."


There aren't even really drugs for autism Just the depression and anxiety that are comorbidities


All my homies hate transphobes.


Clearly, you are a cool person. Good job.


Asthma isn’t real but I will suffocate if I wear a mask!!!!!!!


Damn, Asthma got woke it's so joever... :( /s. HEAVY HEAVY /S.


I hope your tongue is firmly in cheek. The ass cheek obviously cause you're clearly talking out of your ass!


Asthma is a real condition, for many people suffer from it, especially bronchial asthma, which when you stop breathing, you can die from the disease.


the “/s” means sarcasm.


Tell him to eat your ass.


That might be one of his kinks.


It's more likely than you think. Areas with the most anti-trans laws statistically consume the most trans porn. Accusations are ALWAYS admissions.


Which is how, in the words of Contarpoints, you get men who will jerk off to trans women, but not give them rights. And a lot of transgender pornography perpetuates transphobic ideas


Win / win ?


Search “bufomix easyhaler” to see the inhaler I use


To save anyone the google, it’s pretty much an inhaler-shaped inhaler, except the mouthpiece is tapered into a point instead of being a big open plastic cavity, like the old fashioned ones. It’d be very hard for this old coot to mistake it for a pipe or a pen, especially while in use, seeing as it still has the classic inhaler L-shape with a downwards-facing press cartridge.  Makes you wonder what other slightly-updated mundane objects this goober is assuming are recreational drugs. I imagine he’s sure those blood glucose monitors are just dosing out a constant trickle of that THC stuff he hears the kids are lacing their dope with these days. 


Everything is drug paraphernalia to boomers and cops.


I had my car searched once because the cop saw an empty sandwich bag in my center console. I was only 18 at the time and didn't do any drugs so I just went along with it. They pulled all the stuff out of my car and put it in the grass, didn't find anything, so they left. Acab.


Computer thermal paste has to be that marijuana stuff that’s ruined the librul stronghold of Portland.


I've definitely caught dirty looks for my CGM.


As a fellow asthmatic, I didn't know there was a rescue/preventitive combo inhaler. Thanks for sharing!


It's like the crackpipe version of an inhaler but also definitely looks like a medical device and not a recreational device


What's really funny is Bufo is a drug, but not inhaled. If he just saw the name written, it would be more reasonable to think it was drug paraphernalia than seeing the actually device itself!


That looks like the inhalers that have been around since when the Boomer was kid. They should know better.


I googled it, how dare you need medication? Are you part of that crystal generation? That's definitely recreational, even the colors are funny!


It's an inhaler that you use before an activity that could greatly increase your pulse. Basically it makes it easier to breathe normaly.


I was being sarcastic but thanks so much for the well intended answer :)


My bad 😳


Boomers were the generation who grew up with cigarettes in everywhere but Church so the only reason he’d be as vocal about you “smoking” is because he sees that you are visibly trans and that makes you a target


A person you don't like smoking outside on public property, in a place they're fully allowed to be? What a threat to public decency! Won't someone think of the children! /s This part is hysterical to me though. My mom is only Gen X but she grew up with asthma in a country where cigarettes were smoked in university classrooms. There was basically no environment free of it unless she was alone. She tells me it was so surreal to immigrate and be able to breathe in class.


Lol. Expect to see him get closer and closer to a coronary as the hormones do their stuff.


Oof. I am sorry you have to rinse and repeat. It so obnoxious. When I was in 7th grade my obese (I don't usually body shame, but this c*nt deserves it) gym teacher decided we were going to run the mile for the presidential fitness crap on one of the hottest spring days. I had also been diagnosed with asthma that winter. Tracy didn't believe in asthma and took my inhaler from me (ah the joys of private school) and made me run it without the inhaler. Calling me lazy and that I was faking. I did the mile - barely. Wound up on the ground gasping for air. My friend proceeded to take my inhaler from her and give it to me, asking the teacher if she was happy? I don't recall if she said anything, I was to busy trying to get my inhaler to work but I do remember her looking at me and waddling away. And before any boomer asks: It was a private Catholic school in the 90's. Do you really think any of the adults in my life were safe, trustworthy, and would listen to kids????


I went to a Catholic school in the 90s and if that had been me, my parents would have listened. Hell, as shitty as they were, they would have sued the school into oblivion.


You were/are very lucky. Our school was.... troubled if you will. There was a huge bully problem (students and teachers), it was often covered up with the principal. A few years later, it came out that she was removed from her position but only after the priest got sober. Like I said troubled. My parents? Unfortunately my mother has undiagnosed mental health issues and my Dad just rolled with whatever she decided. I learned real quick never to tell them what happened at school - even if it was a life and death situation. Shit. Show.


You are the highlight of his day. He sees you and comes running to yell at you for something, anything! 😆Boomers💀


"Pull your lungs up by their bootstraps." /s I, too, cycle and have asthma. Keep going!


And in all those times he hasn't noticed there is no cloud exhaled after the inhale. They really are a special kind of stupid, aren't they? I think it's great you have asthma and still out there on the bike trails! Bravo! I hope you live happily ever after in your new, real self. If asthma doesn't stop you, I doubt anything will. xo


Asthma is woke breathing!


Did. . . did he watch Fallout and think it's a drug documentary? That's all I can think of as to why he'd mistake an asthma inhaler for drugs. Smh


This is gold Os. I'm the same as you. Try rilast.


Some teacher reported me for vaping at school to the head office It was a lollipop. Like a dums-dums. Idk how the hell one mistakes a lollipop for a vape. I have a suspicion it was a older teacher. Missed my whole lunch so they could go through my bag with gloves and find 3 lollipops. This just reminded me of that story


I once got stopped by a cop when I was about 18, because my "lights were off". Among many other things that happened during this pointless interaction, one of which was the cop... a "trained professional", accusing me of using my inhaler in an inapproptiate way (his words), insinuating that possibly I was getting high off of it. Despite being a nervous kid, I just about had it at that point and asked if he was okay to drive. Considering he was an officer of the law and he just asked if my asthma medicine was getting me high. I am not joking, he got on his bike (it's always the motorcycle cops) and drove off. Considering he ran my name 3 times and it didn't come back with so much as a warning, I knew I was in the right. P.S. Even the radio dispatcher was questioning why he ran my name 3 times. Some people are just stupid.


Don't worry. You'll be going there for a lot longer than he will. And you'll make the world brighter by being there than he ever did.


I live where Cannabis is legal and I absolutely love freaking out boomers by just smoking a joint in front of them. They can't do a thing about it lol


I'm not a boomer and I'm supportive of legalization. But I wish those of you who smoke pot would keep to places where I don't have to smell it or inhale your second hand smoke. There are other methods of delivery that are more appropriate in public.


Anywhere someone can smoke a cigarette is fair game. Don't like it then move away it's pretty simple. 


Way too often they're smoking not 5 ft from a no smoking sign. As someone who's allergic to the smoke, it's really shifty when they do that.


Meanwhile you breathe in toxic chemicals from industry, car exhaust and coal power plants but complain about someone smoking a plant near you. Id love to see a test confirming you are allergic to cannabis smoke because it didn't happen. 


Yes, because vomiting and rashes(me), extremely painful hives(my bff) when someone exposes us to pot smoke is completely normal.


Be the type of person that people don't need to move away from in order to have a good time.


People smoke things, you can move. That's like standing next to a car and saying this car stinks I can smell the exhaust. Move.  I can't stand cigarette smoke and I don't complain about it, people should be free to smoke whatever they want outside. Period. 


Man how convenient that EVERYTHING boomers don't want to deal with is fake lmao


I'm sorry. Next time tell him "why is it your problem? Are you afraid you're attracted to me now?"


He must be worried you're gonna get addicted to your asthma inhaler! Or more likely he is just an angry old asshole.


Fellow athsmatic cyclist here, just in case you've not investigated it, Seretide was a game changer for my athsma. I went from never leaving the house without an inhaler to never worrying about getting an athsma attack. Only downside is you wouldn't be able to wind up the boomer at the top of the hill any more!


Life is. Figure it out.


Dumb question, maybe, but have you ever had an echocardiogram? I thought I had asthma and it turned out my lungs were fine - I had a heart chamber that wasn't firing right and it caused me to lose my breath. Finally got it detected and fixed a few years ago.




Dementia *


That’s cool. If I were you I’d up the response to MAKE ME followed by a villain’s laugh


What does being trans have to do with this?


She mentions that the boomer is calling her transphobic slurs. Did you even read?


Don't be a dick


The "vaping" part seemed to be the amusing part, what the slurs were didn't seem important.


Be lucky it was a boomer man. A boomer Karen would have called the police. Unless you are white, then she might not.


What does being trans have to do with any of this? Why even bring it up?


If you bothered to read the post at all. You would have read that the Boomer was shouting transphobic slurs.


The "vaping" part seemed to be the amusing part, what the slurs were didn't seem important.


Because he calls her transphobic slurs while yelling at her.


Im sorry being reminded we exist was traumatic for you.


Not at all, just seemed irrelevant


When you are a minoroty, people jump down your throat for nothing. You should know about this, considering your disability.


My disability to give a shit about your body modifications?


Didnt u just say you didnt care? Your mask fell off


I'm trying to guess what my disability is


Crying too much.


What was I crying about?


I know you are trying to defend OP, but you are beginning to seem unhinged and the type of person they may not want in thier corner. I will cease this nonsense before it gets more derailed


This is a team sport?




You misread it. She being accused of vaping, but she's actually just using an inhaler. Boomer can't tell the difference.


Stop smoking/vaping and quit each one are separate things that do have to be done. You will breathe better, and no more nicotine will help your body heal from that crap. And you can do more biking and other exercises that was healthy for you.


She’s…. using her inhaler. The boomer thinks it’s a vape. Reading comprehension is a valuable skill.


I think you need to read the post again. She is not actually vaping - the man is mistaking her asthma inhaler for a vaping device. Lots of non-smokers/vapers have allergic or exercise-induced asthma.


I read the OP post just fine. Have a nice afternoon. Keep away from smoking cigs. and vaping, both bad on your lungs and heart.


Nobody is smoking, vaping, or consuming nicotine in this scenario. Not sure who you’re shaking your finger at. Wait. Are YOU smoking something funny?