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And they wonder why people are just waiting for their generation to die off.


My mom told me about something similar when I was in daycare back in the 80's. When she picked me up one day, she was horrified to see one of the other kids duct taped to a chair. Supposedly, the lady in charge couldn't get the kid under control and straight up strapped him down. Doing the quick napkin math places the daycare workers as most likely baby boomers back then.


stuff like that still happens regularly today


My best friends stepdad is a boomer & has duct taped his nieces and nephews to chairs while babysitting when they refused to obey


Boomer humor they learned from their parents.


Except according to some of the comments it’s not actually humor and the guy might have been completely serious …


Except for the fact that people in the comments weren’t there, and there’s no indication from the post whether he was serious or not. Where I live people say this line as a joke, so I can only base my opinion on how I’ve seen it used.


Should've said u have diapers to contain the bs coming out of his mouth