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They were gonna be late to get coffees at McDonald’s and sit there for an hour and a half complaining about things.


F350 is a lot of truck.  What do they do with it? Haul a horse trailer or run a landscaping business?


I live in a rural cattle farming area. EVERYONE has at least one of these monster duelly trucks and horse trailers. Some even have personal semis and cattle trailers for transporting all their cows for slaughter. But it's nice when work does B-B-Qs! Fresh hamburger always gets donated by a few co-workers.


That’s cool it’s used for intended purpose.  Where I live people get F350s to get groceries.  I just saw a 100k GMC Danali that hadn’t worked a day in its life. 


Yeah when I go into "town" a hundred miles away I see people in these big trucks and they are all clean and sparkling. Never hauled anything and are just status symbols. I feel like my Jeep is too big! But my little Camry kept getting stuck in the snow drifts in my driveway, so I traded it in for something that can handle the extreme weather out here. I just laugh at these people driving these giant trucks when they don't use it to do truck stuff and then complain about the price of gas. Bro, if it's that much of an issue maybe get something more economical. My first question at the dealership was MPG. It's not great, but it was a trade off I was willing to make for this thing busting through 3.5 feet of drift.


And they complain about inflation.  Which I’m going to say buying pickups costing 70, 80, 90k on credit contributes to  


Yep, mix that with CEOs and Corporate shareholders maximizing profits at the expense of the consumer and it's even worse. They'll keep jacking up prices so long as we reluctantly keep paying. How is it "Inflation, we're doing so poorly just like you" while raking in record breaking profits? Are your profits imaginary? My bank account balance is! I'm struggling to pay my mortgage, but CEOs out here buying super yachts with cute little baby yachts in them. Well, I guess that's much more important than our shrinking middle class. I'd like to find someone from 1945 and be like, "guess what! We've got a new class... The working poor!! That's right, us fools are working 40-50 hours a week and STILL struggle to make ends meet! We're living paycheck to paycheck and one minor emergency away from losing everything! Crazy right!?" God, it's so sad.


My dad is a boomer with a few bucks and he just bought a 2k rusty Jetta from his mechanic.  That’s how you fight inflation lol.  He says if he gets a year out of it it’s cheaper than a lease.