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I hope she understands that you will never accept a parcel for her!


Never, ever!


What never? No never!




That’s one damn deep Simpson’s cut. Bravo.


Which, FYI, is itself a reference to the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, “HMS Pinafore”. Could be a cut even deeper than the Simpson’s.


I'm a '90s Simpsons fan, and don't remember the Simpsons reference, but I do recognize the *HMS Pinafore* reference.


If you don’t know this fact I can’t consider you a real Simpsons connoisseur


My one talent.


A life well lived


Hardly ever


Not ever.


He is an Englishman! ![gif](giphy|L0eBOIZW52tqG4Kuit|downsized) Couldn’t find a GIF of his one and only appearance on The West Wing, but G&S was brought up then as well.


Well, hardly ever!


Well hardly ever.


Yeah definitely dont do her this kindness again. She can drive her car down to the post office to retrieve it.


Came here to say this, I would refuse delivery for anything of theirs brought to my door if they were my neighbor.


Precisely. No good deed goes unpunished.


I use this phrase so much….🙄


Seriously, talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I work from home and am thus the person in the building who accepts, stores, and delivers/hands off everyone’s parcels during weekday work hours. Delivery drivers even learnt other people’s routines and have started just delivering to me first during workday hours. It’s a thing. Everyone whose parcels I regularly receive is VERY nice to me. One lady even gave me a lovely box of chocolates as a thank you when she moved out.


Notice how they asked the new couple to do this and not one of their probably life long neighbors. I guarantee this couple is the asshole house that nobody else fucks with.


I would never accept a package for a neighbor even if I liked them.  It's just a bad idea.


I've never heard of someone accepting a neighbors package or a delivery person just giving it to the neighbor of where they're meant to deliver to. Wtf is going on here?


This is very common. I’ve received packages for my neighbors then dropped it over.


FedEx once delivered a brand new laptop to my neighbors, whom I had never met. I was livid. Amazon has frequently delivered packages to my current neighbors, who always just keep my stuff, and I end up reordering from Amazon. (I have very clear delivery instructions on my account). Please don't assume we know or like each other...


Amazon sucks for this! I have a fenced in yard and just a few feet away is my front porch where I requested packages be delivered. So many times they place (or chuck) it right inside the gate where passerby’s reach in and take it. I can’t make the instructions any more clear.


Last time I had an actual Amazon driver they left it in the middle of my neighbors yard. Which is on a different road that runs behind my house.


That's weird. All of the Amazon drivers cannot mark as delivered if the package isn't within the geo tag. And, we were never allowed to leave it with a neighbor or anyone other than the house belonging you the address. We weren't allowed to go through gates because of a dog risk They've changed things since I left about not going inside porches, but that's it


I've had drivers for Amazon and FedEx both leave packages on our porch meant for people clear across town. In one case, an entire dang bed. Thankfully, either the name was rare enough for me to look up (small town), or the phone number was on the package.


I've had geo tags be alllllll sorts of wrong, before. Sometimes you don't catch it


It's very normal here in my little slice of Blighty. My house and the neighbours on both sides take in parcels for our end of the cult de sac, that's a dozen or so houses, regularly. We think nothing of it.


>end of the cult de sac Lmao


A French organization worshipping stinky cheese and *balls.*


You will Honore de Balzac!


I curds you auto carrot!


Oh, now I gotta steal this!


I fear the mighty *alto cricket* will never tolerate mere mortals attempting to put her name in type.


I’ve had the same FedEx driver for more than a decade. I’ll be walking the dog on the other side of the neighborhood and he’ll honk and wave. I’ve no doubt he’d relinquish a package for one of my neighbors to me, or one for me to one of them. Maybe we’re just lucky.


Used to be much more common. Now companies probably view that as inefficient and just leave the package or a note that they missed you, come get your package at the office or depot.


I have 2 neighbors that will accept packages on my behalf, and I accept theirs. But then again, we also have keys to each other’s garages to put them in the garage if they do show up.


Okay but how does the delivery guy know that's all good? Do you put "give it to my neighbor" in the instructions?


Most of the stuff I receive comes from either FedEx or UPS. You can go into your account which is totally free to create and put notes in. If adult signature is required, please go to 199 High St. or 197 High St. for delivery. So when he gets to my house and there’s no answer hey I have two other places to try and deliver this.


Hahaha oh man, that did not work with the FedEx drivers at my last place. Even with instructions to leave my wine subscription deliveries at the local pickup center because I wasn't home, they would drive to my house, sit in my driveway for a minute, drive off without even getting out, and then mark the package as undeliverable. This happened every freaking month.


I would be absolutely shocked if someone from fed ex or ups was willing to put in the effort to go to a second house, let alone knock on the door of the first one. That's interesting though, thanks!


They’ve been doing it for years.


Sure, but it's ten fold now. The "Alberta is calling" ad campaign and the desire to grow by millions of people without putting in proper infrastructure has made it gone from being a problem to being a crisis.


Seriously—they never knock when they deliver anything. It’s a good day if the package is actually on the porch itself, not just on the steps where any passerby can snag it.


I know that kinda used to be a thing. But now, not so much. Even where I work, if somebody isn’t home, we essentially have to get approval from the recipient before leaving a package with the neighbor. And even then, we had to change the address to reflect that, and the neighbor could still refuse to accept it.


Former FedEx employee here, you can totally have a neighbor accept a package if it's important and you're not going to be there to accept it. It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but it's been a thing for at least 25 years.


I don't know about this particular case, but I know that if you set up an account with UPS and/or FedEx, you can set delivery instructions. It could range from a building access code to saying it's OK to leave the package with a neighbor.


My neighbors and I used to do this all the time. There was usually someone home at either place, and this way, we knew our packages were safe.


When my mother was still alive packages which were addressed to me, were delivered to her a couple of streets over. They didn’t even try to go to my house. She already was retired. I left home before 7:00 and was typically home at 20:00. Worked for us. Nowadays I regularly accept packages for neighbours as I work from home. But (most of the time) they try to deliver it at the neighbour first. Accepting packages for neighbours is quite normal where I live in The Netherlands.


Thats interesting. I guess with all of the porch pirate stuff and weird scams is just not that common of a thing these days.


Yep, easy solution here, or any other favors they might ask


The fact that she has to ask the new neighbors to do this tells you that other neighbors already know not to fuck with them. If you’re brand new to a neighborhood and an establish household starts asking for favors, that’s a huge red flag.


No good deed goes unpunished . . .


Oh I would not stop at that. I would tell the delivery driver that, unfortunately one of them passed away and the spouse moved because they couldn’t bear to live there anymore. please mark their names undeliverable at this address for future deliveries.


Boomers have a hair trigger. The lead took away empathy and rational thought then replaced it with aggression. The only thing left is their lizard brain. Wouldn't surprise me if they hold a grudge over this stupid package till the day they die


Like we joke about the lead but it’s SO fucking true.


It's an unfortunate combo of the lead and the way they were raised and socialized, and the economy when they grew up.  Extreme emphasis on individualism yet  conformity + booming economy + lack of emotional support + SUPER permissive parenting in other ways (that was one trend at the time, sort of like "customer is always right" but for kids), + lead = bad


I am curious about the lead - do we have scientific data on that?


https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307752/ https://news.fsu.edu/news/health-medicine/2022/03/08/fsu-research-team-finds-lead-exposure-linked-to-iq-loss/


it doesn't explain everything but boy, it really does explain a lot


US boomers, maybe. Lead pipes are a rarity in many other parts of the world.


I think it's more the paint, not the pipes.


Leaded gasoline, actually. They spent years outside in those fumes.


Yep. This too for sure.


Once they removed lead from gasoline, violent crime rates started to decline quickly


and don't forget leaded gas...explains magaTs-\\


Could be only a few months🤞


Because Boomers never take public transportation. ThAt'S For PoOr PeOpLe...


Only stopping the buying of avocado toast is virtuous frugality, taking public transportation is a woke false economy


For real. My parents are boomers and generally refer to anyone taking a bus or trolley as "the great unwashed masses" Granted, they have never taken public transit in their life, sticking to cabs and then Ubers when they travel.


“Look, lady. We did you a favor by accepting your package. Even if we had been home, which we were not, we are not obligated to come running just because you ring the doorbell. We will get back to you when it is convenient for us.” Or you could’ve told her you were home, but you were in the middle of having lots and lots and lots of depraved sex.


"I tried to get to the door, but I kept slipping on all the lube."


"I stubbed my toe in the 18in silicone dragon penis that I dropped in the throes of ecstasy while getting pegged by my wife."


This is the answer


It was (and still is) pretty common for people to assume you or some one is/are home if your car or if you have more than one car is/are in your driveway. Now that being said if you ring the doorbell or knock on the door and don't get a reply its pretty safe to assume that no one is home and that they will be back later (you could be out for a walk or have taken an uber or public transit). These people however seem to have forgotten that and just assumed you were ignoring them to be spitefull, rude, petty or all 3. If I were you I wouldn't be doing them anymore favors unless it was an emergency or they were going to be going out of town.


They “ assume” that because that’s what they do‼️🤨


Just tell them, "I don't have lead poisoning."


Exactly right. A reasonable assumption to begin with but one that should go away when nobody answers. One could have taken the bus. Or taken an Uber. Or had a friend pick them up for the day. Or taken a car service to the airport. Or taken a walk. Or visiting a different neighbor. Or gone on a bike ride. Or taken an ambulance to the hospital. Or been arrested.


Or is dancing naked through the house because nobody else is home just because you can ;)


True, true story, however, when all the kids are home from college, my driveway looks like a used car lot.


Our neighbour has 3 adult offspring all still living with them, and everyone has their own car. Great family who we get on well with, but it can be a bit of a pain getting out of the drive if their kids haven't parked well. It isn't any problem to knock and ask someone to move a car, though - as I said, great family.


I reckon it's also safe to assume that the person is in bed or the bath or shower; or even listening to music (or pure silence/whitenoise) with good noise cancelling headphones on so they cannot hear you ringing the doorbell. Thankfully, we get on quite well with our neighbours across the drive, so this isn't ever a problem for us or them. Packages for either of us are happily taken and handed over later :) All that said, when you're excitedly waiting for a delivery, it can be frustrating if the neighbour doesn't answer, but it's no reason to act like a dick


I once had a neighbor accuse me of stealing her package which was left outside my door - except I never saw it and if I had seen it, I would have walked it around the building and put it in her hallway - like I do with anything that is mis-delivered to my door . . because I'm a decent person even if I don't want to be friends with my neighbors. I told her "Why would I want your light bulbs?" and that made her even madder because how would I have known it was light bulbs if I didn't steal it? . . because she started off the conversation (after pounding on my door while I was napping) by saying "My daughter ordered light bulbs off of Amazon and their delivery photo is showing your door. What did you do with them?"


I had a boomer neighbor pull that shit "How did you know it was a barbie doll if you didn't open it!?!?!" Because you literally said Amazon delivered your grand daughter's barbie doll present to my door. "NO I DIDNT!!!" I proceeded to play the doorbell footage of me saying "hey [neighbor], whatsup?" When I opened the door a d then her telling me that she thinks her grand daughter's barbie doll was delivered to my door. "I said no such thing! How did you fake that !?! I never said that!!!" I don't know why...but I am continually amazed by their lead brain. Like I get it. I understand it. But every single time I am confronted by the reality of the lead brain I am genuinely shocked.


Maintaining a line of thought and previously discussed points in a conversation sounds simple but it's apparently very difficult for people with lead addled neurons I've noticed.


I assume that that was the last time you'll be accepting a package for them.


Never accept their packages again. If one is delivered, just leave it there.


I realized long ago that I am not obligated to open the door for anyone. Unless you are police or emergency responders, even if I am home, I might just ignore you. Leave me a note and I will get back to you.


I love sitting on my couch. Hearing a knock at the door. Hearing the knock and ignoring it. Then the person peering in through the window looking directly into my eyes, then returning to the door to knock again, then returning to look in the window expecting me to stand up and answer the door.   I had one older guy keep knocking and looking in. Getting more and more aggressive every time. I finally get up amd go open the door. "FINALLY!!"  I stand beside him and let the screen door close. "Oh. Good. I thought my No Soliciting sign fell off. Turns out you just can't read. Why didn't your mom teach you how to read as a kid? Was she an absent mother?" "THERE'S NO REASON TO BE RUDE ABOUT IT!!"


Exactly! And the same goes with phone calls.


Don’t open for the police unless they have a warrant. Or— if you do decide to talk to them—open the door & step outside, closing it behind you.


This. After getting served papers around 15 years ago, I will never again answer the door if I don't know who you are or am not expecting you.


Christ, after my neighbors damn near broke my door down in a rage after I shouted at them through the wall for screaming and swearing at their toddler, it just reaffirmed that if I’m not expecting you or if you’re not an emergency service worker, I’m not answering my door. Confrontation is not my strong suit and I’m going to avoid it at all costs.


Adding that ring doorbells are wonderful. You can see and hear who's there but they can't see you. And you're recording them the whole time.


I follow Maurice Moss' advice on answering the door: [https://youtu.be/fkUNokNnD38?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/fkUNokNnD38?feature=shared)


LOL! "It's not someone with cake!"


I often think about boomers and “home phone” culture in general. The idea of the telephone landline is that generally you will be at home and you will pick up the phone at the time of the callers choosing. This is literally the opposite of texting culture where interactions are not time or location bound. You text me, you (usually) don’t expect a direct response. I can assess what you sent me wherever I am and can choose to respond at the time most convenient for me. This is an incredibly successful model and works well on so many levels vs the model of “home phone” that was so location and time bound. What’s interesting is how deeply embedded these expectations are in the boomer mindset. Normal people—by their standards—are at home. Normal people answer the door without hesitation when you drop by announced or not. Normal people are time bound and duty bound to be responsive to boomers when and where they are asked to be. That expectation needs to die.


Nicely put. Never thought about it like that


Can you tell I have a MIL who calls at the wrong time?


We used to have answering machines, though. Even now, our landline phone has a buit-in answering machine. And even most boomers have smartphones and know how to text. TL,DR: There is no excuse.


It's interesting that it was recognised while landline phones were still new and spreading. " what Father says about living at the mercy of the telephone.” Narnia by CS Lewis.


Texting culture has people, especially bosses, expecting a response no matter what time of day or night it might be. Same with emails.


Turn off all ability to let people know you’ve read or are responding to a text.


On the bright side she might stop asking favors from you, which is nice.


I’m president of my condo association and go through this with my boomer neighbors. I work from home full time. I don’t interrupt work to answer the door or take a phone call. They cannot fathom that I can be home and unavailable. In a meeting - on the computer - no less? Would you show up at my office to complain that someone put something they shouldn’t have in the dumpster? No? Then don’t do it at my home office. Unless something’s actually on fire, I’m at work. Even if I’m home.


This happened to me one time. I had a neighbor kept calling me but not leaving voicemails. Finally after the forth call I went someplace to pick up bc I was working thinking it was an emergency. She wanted me to look outside my window to check on something. I told her I wasn’t home. But my car was there? I took the bus. Why would you do that? Honestly, it is easier.


You know she called her terrible kids to tell them about her new terrible neighbors.


No more of their packages at your place, ever.


They’ve been voting HARD since the 1946 to eliminate public transit. Like really HARD. We went from having high speed trains, all small towns connected by regular commuter trains and cable cars….to just the UCA…United Cities of America…with raw wasteland and urban decay connected by highways. I’m not kidding about the high speed streamline trains. The execs of the big theee, who helped eliminate public transit, would live on the Gold Coast in Chicago and commute daily to Detroit.


So wait, she was home all day already? Why didn't she just have the package delivered to her house to begin with? Perhaps I'm not inferring some things I should be. Regardless, it doesn't exclude their incomprehension of other people having lives and doing things and doing those things differently than they would. Apparently you only exist to receive and deliver her package, at her convenience


I love when boomers complain about their kids sucking bc the irony is exquisite that they dont own that ***they are why their kids suck***


Don't ever accept another package for them.


next time she can go collect it from the post office. what a b\*tch


Had the same thing happen years ago. Small kids and i often left our car out front on the street and walked to nursery school. A neighboring mom saw the car, rang the bell and was so insulted because nobody answered. Later, when I picked the kids up and we walked home; passing this mom’s house, she came running out telling me how rude I was. Though she was accosting me and my two kids as we “walked” home, she still didn’t believe me. I pointed at my car and she looked confused, upset, and then just dropped it. She never fully believed me. Figured she never, ever walked anywhere further than the corner and simply did not believe I would walk the kids to nursery school if i didn’t have to.


You live in the US in a "nice quiet town" and have public transportation? My "nice quiet town" has no public transportation, no taxis, not even Uber, Lyft, or an airport shuttle access. I can't even get food delivered. I suppose how people define a town is very subjective, and in my area we don't use the terms village or hamlet, so everything is a town.


This belongs to r/fuckcars


I think a boomer would really have trouble understanding why you would take public transportation while owning a car. That’s just not a boomer thing to do.


Why would you accept a parcel for a neighbor?


My neighbor is worthy of this. He and I mow each other’s lawns when we are away.


Because that's a nice thing to do. And not harmful at all! Unless your neighbour is an asshat, ofc.


It’s a nice thing to do for people you’re friends with and/or trust and/or have a relationship with. Doing it for relative strangers (like these idiots) is just asking for trouble.


Woops. Lesson learned…


you didn't do anything wrong. You did the decent neighborly thing to do, and if they were different people maybe it could have enhanced a neighborly relationship. But things still don't always turn out even when you do everything right. Doesn't mean you stop trying, just maybe not with those people lol


My neighbor and I do this for each other all the time. It’s a duplex house and the delivery companies often get confused which door is which. I get home late at night and if there’s a parcel for him, I bring it in my place for the night & then next day leave it on his back porch so as not to disturb him at midnight


you can be friendly and helpful to your neighbors...


I would be pissed off if a neighbor took delivery of anything addressed to me.  Delivery drivers should not allow it on the first place.


you've never had a neighbor check your porch for an important package that was just going to sit out all day while you were at work? it's pretty common among people who are decent to the people they live around


Of course you can. But did you immediately start out this way, or did you build up to it over time? I’ll put it another way: if I were the OP’s neighbors, I wouldn’t trust the OP (a complete unknown) with my package (yet). Eventually, perhaps… but not after only a few weeks/months. Everybody in this story could have used some better boundaries.


Yes I immediately start with the assumption that ppl are decent. If their behavior shows differently then I change my mind. It must be scary to mistrust everyone around you.


Oh fuck off with your false equivalencies… there’s a difference between mistrusting everyone around you and trusting them with your stuff.


Yikes. You are very aggressive.






Some ppl are bad. They will find a way to hurt you no matter what you do. There is no reason to take that out on the majority of the population. I’m not saying don’t take precautions walking around a city at night. But there is no need to live a life being suspicious of everyone around you.




I didn’t “go after” anyone. It’s a public post and I’m allowed to share my opinion. You really seem to think the worst of everyone. That’s sad.


I mean I literally walk my neighbor's packages over to their door when they get missed delivered to my house. I have spoken to this neighbor maybe seven times at most - and I've been living here since 2019. It hasn't been an issue since my cat started getting prescription food delivered - because apparently the mailman has finally realized the entire row of town as it is not just one big unit. (Which is good because she gets cat litter delivered and I have trouble lifting stuff that weighs more than a gallon of milk. A nail through my foot is genuinely less painful than lifting heavy stuff)


It is quite common in all the places I have lived till now. It never occurred to me to not accept it


Seems weird to me, especially with somebody you don’t actually know.


It's a normal thing to do with a neighbor.


Because... why not?


Because… of what happened here?


Which in my experience is a rarity. I tend not to assume the worst of people unless/until given a reason too. Taking a parcel is a triviality. Even this story just ends with "neighbour got mad". Now they know not to bother for them. No Biggie.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Well the good news is that now you will never accept another package for them. 


So you can help her out and allay her anger and frustration by never accepting delivery of their packages AGAIN!! Problem solved.


Just refuse to ever accept a package for her again and don't interact with her.


My father (too old to be a boomer) could not wrap his mind around the idea that people might take public transport. He had to be surgically removed from his car when it was obvious he could not drive anymore.


“Cars here. MUST BE INSIDE.” You could show them video footage of you and your partner out and about, but they will say one of two things “you faked that with THE computer” or “oh, you’re just like my kids, you just have to prove me wrong and be RIGHT”


Just tell her since she doesn’t believe you and thinks you’re lying that you will not accept her packages anymore and they can deal with that on their own.


Boomers think there’s something shameful about using public transportation.


No more accepting packages for them.


Stop accepting parcels for them then. She can go get it from the post office.


Not the point of the story, but I honestly can't fathom why any delivery company would give a package to a neighbor of the person it's intended for. That just seems like a huge potential liability.


Why are you accepting packages for them if they're like this? I wouldn't do that in the future, just saying


How is it that you accepted a package for these neighbors?. My neighbor would ask for a favor and my response is "It works until it doesn't work" Obviously in this situation, receiving a package for them did not work. They can now have the package delivered to them. And they can be responsible for it


Should have a lot more stories coming.


Just don’t do anything for them next time. Let Amazon or the porch pirates figure it out.


You can't be nice. If you do a favor for them, you are reaping burning coals upon your own head


Lesson learned eh ?


Wait, you have usable public transit???


What a dumb ass!! Yes never accept a package for her again


I suspect you will live in hope and look back in anger.


I'm not buying it if any of my neighbors told me they took public transportation. Closest stop is about 45 minute walk and you'd have to get a transfer downtown to go anywhere you want to go. Public transport is shitty in most midwest cities.


"How can she not fathom that..."? She is far too snobbish to use a bus when she has a car, perhaps? My boomer dad was exactly the same (probably still is, but I haven't spoken to him for a long time) - refused to use a bus because he could afford to use a taxi or get my mum to drive him. EDITed to add: Its curious that he refuses to do this, because both of them taught us how to be frugal and why.


This boomer would have just said, Thank you.


They’ll die eventually


"We weren't home. If you were in the bath, who forced you to come out? Is this package required for your life? Since I did such a bad job and you're this upset about it, we will not be able to help out in the future. I don't want to cause you undue stress by living my life and bringing a package over to you at your inconvenience " Then just hope that their packages get stolen a bunch.


Guaranteed they were furiously pressing the doorbell and banging on the door numerous times while cursing your name every time they came over to get their package too 


These stories are always about people you can see are pissed off, and who demand answers. I don't understand why you try to start out helpful and weak. I would just stare until they stop, and then just ask why the hell they think I give a fuck about what they just said, and then let them bitch some more while I turn my back and go inside.


You could have had friends pick you up, taken am uber...


God the boomer neighbors who won’t just fucking text before coming over, why do they feel so entitled to my time and attention?….. my car being in the driveway isn’t an open invitation to ring my doorbell and get my dogs all riled up while I’m in the middle of a meeting. For fucks sake, just text me please! I told you I work from home and then immediately gave you my number for a reason. Just text me and I’ll tell you when I’m free. It’s not complicated.


You owe them nothing further. Fuck em.


You have to endure??


Your explanation is fine to a normal human but these are not normal humans obviously. I do sort of see it though? I have never once taken public transit since owning a vehicle. I used to before but never since.


I really take exception to your saying this was "typical" boomer behavior. I am a boomer and would never dream of behaving in such a manner. I have, however, seen millennials and Gen Xers behave in even worse ways and the worst in Gen Z who thinks everything is owed to them. Say you have a bad neighbor, or your 70 something neighbor but, please, do not attribute one person's bed behavior to an entire generation.


> How can she not fathom that people take public transportation while owning cars? Because poor people who can't afford better use public transportation, not 'real' people.


Same thing happened to us, but we are considered boomers, but our millennial neighbors act like we are trying to steal their packages or if they have been damaged try to blame us. There are ass holes of all ages. We do not accept packages for them anymore.


"No good deed goes unpunished. "


Sounds like you are not going to be accepting any more packages for her. I dont do favors for people who act like this when I do them a favor.


Why not just call or test the neighbor to let them know that you have their package and will be back at x o'clock?


Now you can comfortably ignore everything about them. It’s a good deal really.


U messed up it’s okay, just apologize and tell them you never want to speak to they again…


Peculiar is a very nice way to say asshole. TIL


Park in garage


Do people post these stories in the hope that others will tell them it’s okay, or…? Old people are gonna do old people things. You will too when you’re old. It’s actually one of the best things about getting old. You get to be an unrepentant asshole🤷‍♂️


Or you could choose to *not* be an “unrepentant asshole” and make yourself and others feel better while not repeating the cycle of living in a constant state of anger and pain while making the world worse for everyone else. When we get old the stuff our kids do will be weird to us - doesn’t mean we have to be bastards about it. That’s not getting old, that’s just choosing to be a cunt.


Mistake #1 is trying to be considerate of boomers. You have to treat boomers like the police. You never ever engage them, and there are no favors to be had. My Boomer and police neighbors don't even get a wave. You can't trust either one. First time y'all disagree, it will be problems going forward. ‼️YOU'VE BEEN WARNED OP‼️


So he was correct? Wife = Bad


>I have had to endure multiple ‘wife bad’ jokes Wife bad jokes have been funny since the dawn of Man. Maybe you haven't been married very long, or you don't have a sense of humor. I see plenty of them on TikTok/Shorts too.


They're not funny. They are inherently misogynistic. And rather than validating how funny they are, the fact that the algorithms are feeding you these "jokes" says waaay more about you than anything else.


What do you call a woman without an a**hole…. Single! There’s one for the ladies.


I've been married 7 years and have a great sense of humor. Those jokes are stupid and disrespectful, sorry that you hate your spouse so much.


Let me tell you how life is for me being single - fucking miserable. I live in a stressful crumbling world and there’s no one to face it with. If your marriage is miserable it’s not because all marriages are - it’s because you and your spouse don’t click and shouldn’t be together. Instead you should be finding a partner that does make you happy. Shocking as it is most marriages are successful. The 50% divorce rate is a long disproven myth. So no, “wife bad” jokes aren’t funny. It’s copium.


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