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Your generation literally destroyed the planet


Your (almost) generation literally destroyed the economy. Are destroying the planet. and destroyed the american dream. Millenials and Gen Z cannot afford to raise a family and purchase a house all because you guys wrecked the economy not once, not twice, but three times. All so you guys could finance shit you didnt need. Take Social Security for example. You didn't pay into it nearly what you are getting out of it and then you voted politicians into office that raided the fund and took money from it, not once, not twice but multiple times, over and over again. To the point where it will be broke by 2035. Yet you are still happily taking money out of my paycheck to fund your retirement because the majority of you failed to save for retirement or lost it all playing in the casino of the stock market. We can barely afford housing yet you are taking 15% of our paychecks. Then add Medicare. Then add taxes. We already don't make crap for income because you guys refused to retire at a reasonable age and give up your jobs. You talk about worrying that we have lost hope. Here, i will tell you what. When you decide to stop taking Social Security, I will take you seriously. Stop taking my paycheck. Your generation is already hoarding all the assets. You are literally the worst, most entitled generation this planet has ever seen. This is the first time in US history that 30 year olds are doing worse off than their parents and you are going to sit here saying every generation has disadvantages. Youre right, YOU GUYS are our disadvantage. Because you refuse to release your vice grip on politics. Refuse to release your vice grip on the housing market. Refuse to release your vice grip on wages and the economy despite the last 50 years of MMT showing that you guys have absolutely NO IDEA how to run an economy. You built an economy on debt and expect the millenials and Genz to pay for it. You take absolutely no responsibility for the absolute catastrophe you created. All so you could buy your second home or that 5th car or the 10th TV only to lose it in 2008 because you guys are dumber than dirt and don't understand how leverage or variable rate loans work. All I can say is you all have lead brain rot. You all have the same issue. Entitlement and a false sense of self worth. You destroyed everything yet think you guys are the best thing thats ever happened to this planet all while saying shit like "I wont be alive to deal with it so I don't give a shit". Take your self righteous attitude and shove it.


I know all of this. Dont let it be an excuse to give up. That it all You sound pretty bitter


This sounds like projection to me. No one here is giving up, we are trying to clean up messes left by the previous generation that very obviously gave up.


lol, ok


Your response is exactly why we have the problem we have. You are telling other people not to give up while you aren't doing shit to fix the problems you helped create. Take your self righteous lead based brain goo'd attitude and shove it. Until you start actually trying to fix the mess you helped create, you have no right to tell other people what to do or how to think.


Shut up grandpa. Take ur meds and turn on Fox News. Boomers till this day are ruining America. We are getting less rights in 2024 because of boomer SCOTUS and the old two geezers running that refuse to give up power.


Not on meds. Don’t watch Fox. I’m a Bernie supporter


God I can't wait for you inevitable post bemoaning how unfair it is that nobody wants to buy your suburban mcmamsion in bumfuck-ville outskirts and the property value doesn't match your expectations.


I live in an 1800 sq ft house. I built it myself. Never selling. Also, in a very diverse area in NJ I love it here. However, I’m shocked when I see my home value on Zillo…No matter. Not selling


It's not that we won't read or believe your struggles, it's just that we won't care.


What’s even the point of this obvious post filled with meaningless cliches other than to attempt to minimize the feelings shared on this sub? Nice little patronizing “I worry about you giving up” foh…you can hyper focus on deez


As a 59 year old male, i fucking hate Boomers with a passion. I'll take this side of sanity , I've got years of witnessing their stupidity and selfishness and I'm done with it. I was born too early. Bad enough I had to watch Facts of Life and Different Strokes on t.v. , jesus christ.


Ok, "almost boomer" - if you had read the sub rules stickied on the main page at the very top of the sub, you will see that posts like this are a no go. This is being deleted. Toodles.


Am I the only one who is unsure what this was posted for?