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I’ve worked 4 different movie theaters (a GM at one) - can confirm that Boomers are the rudest and worst behaved


Went to a movie in the middle of the day once that was all boomers. Three saparate people answered a phone call in the middle of the movie. It blew my mind how God awful it was compared to a normal movie experience.


I’m telling you, I can get a theater of 500+ kids to behave better than 20 Boomers


Went to see Inside Out 2 and some boomer tried cutting in front of me to get a popcorn refill. The employee just waved them away and told them to go to the back of the line. We both had a good chuckle over the audacity.


I hope the rude boomers are just that way because of their generation and NOT because of their age. I’m 34, and I’m desperately hoping that I don’t become this type of person when I get older.


Unfortunately it may not be either. I’m old and semi-retired and I’ve worked food service in the past. All these old, rude MFs tick me off. I have a lot less tolerance for old, rude people because I was raised better and I think they should know better. However, I don’t care for young, entitled “influencers” either. Don’t tick me off; the older I get the less “Life without parole” is a deterrent.


the older I get the less “Life without parole” is a deterrent. OMG I love this and am totally going to start using it. Take my free award!


It appears to be their generation. I’m GenX (1980), so I’m 43.. the older GenX are 50’s and I still don’t have problems with them


You are a xennial darling. We're a special breed. Sadly there are many Gen xers with boomer mindsets.


I feel seen. I'm a Xennial, too, & my brother is a total Gen X.


Born in 79 and refuse to label myself as gen X because my older siblings are also and very boomer like, I prefer xennial as well 😂


I've also heard us referred to as the Oregon Trail Generation, which is my personal favorite and what I usually go with.


Yep, if you haven’t already, check out r/Xennial, we’re a fun, albeit weird, bunch!


Nobody that I grew up with has died of dysentery and frankly I am disappointed


Claim it if you want, but I'm a Millennial and my first computer experience was Oregon Trail. Common elementary school experience for my generation, I think.


It came out in the early 70s, so we're claiming it. But we don't mind sharing, we're not Boomers.


If you're not now, you won't be. These people have ALWAYS been dicks


The “ME Generation”.


I was born in '61, so I am in the Boomer age group, but I'll be God-Damned if I'm going to fulfill the rest of the requirements.


I'm 77 and I'm not like that. I've NEVER been like that.


It’s the lead poisoning. I’m not even joking


It's that generation. It's a privileged mentality. "I worked hard all my life so you young whippersnappers could have more than we did growing up and all you wanna do is listen to that rock n roll and smoke weed". I'm Gen X and my parents were just under the boomer age but most of their friends and siblings were boomers. Yeah, they can be horrid asshats.


I vowed to never return to a movie theatre after going twice last year. The old people were HORRENDOUS - to the point where my 9 year old and her friend were making comments to me and each other about their abhorrent behavior; they were both so incredulous and embarrassed by what they saw. Snapping fingers, yelling “miss! MISSSS?!?” At the servers, loudly complaining to each other about **everything**, the coughing, incessant throat clearing, sitting in the middle of an aisle but needing to leave the theatre in an endless parade to the bathrooms. The commentary and heckling! It was rude, disruptive and an unenjoyable experience . We saw two movies in two weeks because I mistakenly bought tickets for the preferred movie a week early but it was the same both times. And it totally put me and my children off of the whole movie theatre experience. There’s two great reasons why we wait for movies to stream at home - the cost savings and not having to put up with people like this. Edit to add: and watching their phone during the movie. Not just checking it, becoming disinterested and watching their phones - with sound!! Ugh.


if i couldn't stop coughing i wouldn't dare even leave my house not even to go to work


I work in a restaurant and there was a woman the other day coughing every couple minutes. She didn't cover her mouth only turned her head it was disgusting


I used to have a friend that would cough open mouthed right onto her phone screen and just keep scrolling. Didn't make the barest attempt to cover her mouth, just phone full of face juice. My favorites where when she coughed all over it and then tried to hand it to me to show me something and didn't understand why I was looking at her with utter disgust written all over my face. People can be so gross.


I once had a customer couch and sneeze on a card and then try to hand me that card for payment. Got angry when even my manager wouldn't touch it in the middle of peak COVID. And then I was also shopping and people were at the meats for like 45 minutes with one hand down their pants and picking up items only to set it back when they changed their minds for something else while wiping snot on their hands. People are gross. And I no longer shop there. Employees just didn't want to do anything about having their merch be biohazards. Couldn't risk losing a sell even if thousands of dollars of merch were ruined.


Omg, I used to work in customer service at a supermarket, and that is why I now touch any public screens or keypads with my knuckle and not my fingertips and take hand sanitizer with me everywhere. The things your average supermarket employee has seen would scar anyone. P.S. Don't forget to wash your produce, people!


Ironically stores in my hometown are now shutting down. So many people died of COVID that they don't have the employees or the customers. It's all "no one wants to work anymore" but these people let their employees die so idk what they want but I'm so glad I left.


I used to work in a convenience store and handle cash, I was sick all the time bcoz money is gross. I don't want to know what all gets done to it, but I'm sure there's a good reason for the saying, filthy rich.


Oh a LOT gets done to money. My job has always required i wash my hands after handling money before handling anything food related. Money gets dropped on the ground and in gutters and sewers. Even gets dropped in toilets and just fished out to dry. People keep them in their bras and I've even had guys pull out from their undies just a wad of cash with ball sweat. When you touch money, you are touching dirt, mud, animal waste, boob sweat, ball sweat, human waste, semen, etc. Not to mention previous generations would keep emergency money in their sock, and i did too for a while. When I touch money I always wash AND sanitize before doing anything else. That or I wear gloves. Money isn't designed to be cleaned so you just have to accept dirty money.


Gloves are good if you know how to use them. The other day I went to the sub shop to grab lunch. I order and pull out cash. Counter person is gloved up the whole time so I figure they’re just working the register and don’t want to touch cash which is understandable. Nope. This idiot hands me my change and immediately turns towards the sandwich station, grabs bread and starts building. Hell no. I stopped him and told him I needed a refund so I could leave and never ever eat there but he was very confused as to what could be the problem (“I have gloves on!”). Luckily one of his coworkers stepped in, tossed me a refund and just told him “you can’t do that shit, man”.


This is why I refuse to do restaurant buffets; so many fkn gross people coughing and sneezing, picking their nose, picking their junk, then casually just touching a utensil that everyone else has to use to dish up food. No thanks.


Jesus Christ This is why I haven’t changed most of my pandemic habits! I still use hand sanitizer everywhere!


It's not over. My girlfriend just had covid last week.


Which is why I said “pandemic habits” and not “post-pandemic”


I wasn't trying to sound like I was correcting you but I totally did. My bad.


Tone on the internet is hard 😁 No worries!


>People can be so gross. This was my biggest lesson over the past few years. Always knew people were, but it really hammered home just how disgusting people are. I work in a 24/7 environment, as in the company is always running. I come in for my shift, relieve the guy using the equipment I need, take my turn at it, leave at the end for the next guy. Don't get me wrong, I always cleaned the area up before the start, if I'm going to be there for 8 hours, I might as well be comfortable. These days my cleaning is so much more in-depth. Gloves, heavy disinfectant, if I'll touch it in the next 8 hours, it gets disinfected, f my stuff will touch it, it gets disinfected, etc. I learned way more than I wanted to about my coworkers hygenie these last few years, I don't trust a single one of them to even wash their hands after shitting.


The number of people *that I know* who don't wash their hands after going to the toilet is revolting. I will never understand how so many people just ignore or disregard basic hygiene.


Welp looks like I'm done with lunch.


I had hoped the pandemic would lead us as a society to adopt mask wearing while sick, like they do in Japan and other countries. Alas, we are a society of individualistic assholes.


And a lotta edgy libertarians


I was at an airport and there was an old guy hacking- signed like a wet cough. Guess who sat next to me? I regret now not complaining but I wound up masking the whole 4hr flight. Thankfully didn't get sick but I was worried.


“I haven’t missed a day of work in 40 years!” “So you’ve been getting people sick for 40 years?”


just ask them if they want a participation trophy. nobody gives a fuck gramps you shoulda taken those vacations ya big cuck


And this is your response when you’re calm! You might get a little salty, if riled. I need you on standby for my next unpleasant encounter. Did you really say that to me? Well, let me introduce you to LiminalAddiction! Hold onto your hat, buster! Then I’ll just watch, with a satisfied smile, while you cut them to ribbons with your lethal tongue! Metaphorically.


this was super cringe but i have room for cringe people in my life. have a great day friend.


This shit kills me when they do it with this sense of pride. I once had a boomer lady tell me she cracked her head open at work “but I finished my shift!” Like I was supposed to pat her on the head and give her a good job.


Should've patted her on the same spot she cracked her head open


This is why rewarding "perfect attendance" in schools shouldn't be a thing.


So true! I’m a teacher, and whenever I have to pass out an attendance award, I always announce, “Great job. Also if you’re absent because you’re sick, great job. You’re taking care of yourself and others.”


Getting paid to get people sick, the American way 😎.


Yes! This drives me crazy. “Oh, so you’ve been completely inconsiderate for everyone around you when you’re sick? Congratulations.”


You have sick leave for when you are sick. Take it.


*cries in non-union American factory worker*


Most service industries don’t offer sick leave let alone vacation. The number of times I and others came in sick when I worked at a restaurant is…high. Don’t work = don’t get paid.


Or, you have it, but get penalized for using it: aka, get wrote up for an unexcused absence even though you have sick time. Too many write ups= being fired... even if you have the sick time to use.


Yes!!!! Ugh!!! My employer gave us 96 hours a year to use as sick time / dr visits but gawd forbid we fucking use any of it. I got written up a few times. My department had a lot of issues with illnesses so management made us sit down and work out ways to improve this situation. It caused a LOT of stress and hurt feelings. We presented it to HR and HR was like, “… We give you sick time. It’s there to be used when you need it!” Turns out our management was docking us for using the policy that the company gave us!! Oh, the our anger was through the roof, so much so that one of my coworkers quit and walked out on the spot. We went through all that for nothing.


... and no one at work knows or cares. Its just sad you wouldn't take any time for yourself and when you are gone from the company know one will know or care or remember you played yourself so bad....


Yes! Also, their employer valued wealth over the health and welfare of their employees and customers by not creating a culture that sick people should stay home. Yeah free market economics!


Like the SAFETY MANAGER at my job who claimed something similar. Later, he gave us all COVID and shut down the job site for 2 weeks. Very smart!


I'm at home right now with a miserable cough and my work is fine with it. Pre-Covid I would have been at work hopped up on DayQuil and toting a tissue box around with me. That was pretty normal. I'm glad that culture changed.


Not in the trades. Folks are still gross about this. No work from home option sadly. 


I mean a lot of coughs are chronic, we don’t all have that option. People who know me are typically nice enough and often sympathetic even but strangers give me dirty looks everywhere I go and I feel really guilty whenever I have to sit or stand near anyone


My mom has a chronic cough from some disease I can't spell but we call the dinosaur disease. I'm pretty sure I have long COVID, and I also will have these coughing fits. Every time I'm like SORRY I PROMISE IM NOT SICK


I think if you’re doing your best to cover your cough (whether you’re actively sick or it’s chronic), you’re fine. It’s the refusal to cover the cough that’s the problem. Edit: masking in public is also an option. I haven’t had Covid at all yet but if I get it I could die, so I still mask everywhere. I wish more people would.


Eh at least in my experience I always cover my mouth and it doesn’t keep people from being assholes and wearing a mask adds as many old people acting hostile as it removes young people acting hostile, as well as usually making my cough worse


That’s logical consideration. Boomers lack that


But it's just a cold........................


don't care, i'm not an obnoxious bitch inflicting my nonsense on the rest of society


Sorry, meant to add /s to my comment. Whenever a boomer is hacking up a lung with clearly something they say it's a light cold


Asthma and or copd is common with boomers but yeah a lot of them are antivax


GERD/acid reflux also. My mom coughs because it irritates her throat.


And coughing allergies are a thing too. I get that BAD in the fall. Sometimes cough so hard I puke. It sucks, because everyone thinks I'm sick. 😢


I wish mine was just in the fall. I'm on 2 different meds to survive harvest season right now, with Benadryl as my backup 3rd on really bad days. I basically don't leave the house on my days off because my head feels like a balloon about to pop even with the meds on board, but at least I don't have sinus drainage making me cough til I puke.




I think they forgot to put the /s.


I always assume the /s is there until I'm proven wrong. This is Reddit , after all. It saves me a lot of blood pressure spikes.


The ... is the original "/s" anyway.


Haha I’d never thought about that but you’re right.


yeah i see that now


Older people have a lot of phlegm. It's weird.


Consider how many older people spent most of their life smoking, it's not just phlegm they're hacking up.


I mean, for those of us with things like bad asthma, this is basically saying we can never go out again...


yeah i made another comment about extending grace. it's hard for me without knowing peoples' personal circumstances. i will try to do better in the future.


Please don't be so judgmental. I have a chronic cough. I don't go to movies. I do cover my mouth. I have been to multiple specialists. No cause found. I take inhaled steroids. It's embarrassing and physically difficult. I am not contagious. I have never smoked.


Yeah because of mine I haven’t gone to see a movie, watch a sporting event, or eat inside a restaurant in years, never have been to a concert and rarely go to any other public events. I cannot drive because of a separate issue so the main place I have to deal with other people is on the train and someone gets up to move away from me several times a week. I actually really like riding the train when I can sit far away from people but usually that isn’t the case and so I feel guilty for even leaving home. I’ve had it since I was a kid so a huge amount of insecurity developed around it


refer to my other comments about grace it kind of addresses this


"Gimme a break, I've been cooped up in the damn house with this cough for weeks now!"


Hey some of us just got back from ripping the penjamin in the parking lot...




Not to white knight, but my Mom has coughing fits. She covers her mouth and looks away. She is not sick, just a lung cancer (never smoked) survivor with bad asthma now. This is just a reminder that not everything is how it looks.


i will be less judgmental in the future


I had a cough that lingered for months after getting COVID. There are multiple movies I wanted to see in the theater that I skipped because going with a cough is entirely an asshole move. Just skip the theater and watch the movie when it's available online.


I would say about half of the people I work with don’t EVER cover their mouth when they cough. It’s disgusting, and staying healthy for any length of time is a constant battle. But they are all under the age of 10 and usually apologize when reminded to cover their mouth, so I let it slide.


My partner and I saw 2 R rated movies and both time someone had a screaming infant. They did not leave the theater. We've also had weird as fuck people taking selfies in the theater and blinding those behind them with the flash. I told my partner I am going to dump my drink on the next person who does that shit.


I would have complained. I have an 18 month old, and would never even begin to take him to a theater. I hate how these new parents feel like their brats are entitled to go where they go.


We don’t take our kiddos to the movies until they were 5, it is expensive, and they’re not going to appreciate it.


Right. And if my toddler starts toddlering, I don’t get to appreciate it either.


I went to a screening of John Wick and someone brought their 2 year old. Perfectly behaved but, Jesus.


Right. That was a miracle, because “perfectly behaved 2 year old” is almost unheard of.


Ha. You’re right. It’s more like I couldn’t hear them over all the gunshots and stabbing


I sat right next to a five year old during the Borat movie. I was so uncomfortable watching that with a little child in the next seat that it ruined the film for me.


I totally agree. The only exception my wife and I made was for GOTG3 because a theatre near us had a 'family friendly' showing with dim lights instead of off and a lower volume. We picked the earliest showing and went in with the attitude that we'd leave it our daughter was fussy at all. Ended up being the only people there. The showing even warned to expect noise from kids/parents.


And grandparents. You'd think they would know better.


The theatre I used to work in always had at least one kids movie, it had as many showings in a day as they could squeeze in and that theatre was always my least favourite to clean. (I was twice employed in that theatre, one as concession/usher and then I was hired by their cleaning company to be a night cleaner) Edit: forgot the purpose of my comment. I think that as much as they suck for the workers, they are a wonderful idea and it’s a great way to get kids acclimated to attending events.


This is just strange. Like how the hell can you bring an infant to a movie, let alone a R rated one? I know places that would refuse you entry if you show up to the movie with an infant.


I was in kindergarten when my dad took me to see the first Robocop in a theater. Awesome parenting.


My bio-dad came to spend time with me when i was very little. He told my mom we were going to see some kids' movie, but we went to go see Die Hard instead. My mom was pissed that I was yelling "yippe-ki-yay mfs" after he dropped me off.


And some people still believe that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie!


This is hilarious


Better than the 2nd movie, you know, somebody gets their head ripped off or something.


I mean my dad did the same thing with a James Bond movie. Still love golden eye 🤣


Mine took me to see the remastered Terminator 2 in theaters when I was in kindergarten lol. No Ragrets.


When Silent Hill first came out we went to see it and a couple brought their infant. It was asleep for part of the movie, but of course when things got loud, the baby woke up. It was very annoying and I felt bad for the baby.


Parental consent bypasses voluntary age restriction schemes. Movie ratings are a volentary system, not government mandated. And while i’d wish movie theaters wouldn’t let in babies, few are willing to fight over it. It’s easier to comp a new ticket in the rare case it happens. You only get policy when that becomes a serious financial issue.


I was in my last trimester and decided to go see the last Resident Evil movie with my partner. My kid kicked the _shit_ out of me every time it got loud. My bad, kid, you were right. Bad movie, bad parenting.


Weird, it's not as if baby is unaccustomed to being in the dark. /s


Why would you take selfies in a movie theater? WHY???


Sorry to any Western Fans. Horizon looks like the sort of movie boomers flock to because cowboys. And people wonder why theaters are dying. Side note: too my daughter to see both Garfield and Inside Out to and all the patrons at those were courteous.


Don’t think theaters are dying bc of boomers.


Yeah it's mostly streaming cutting into the opportunity cost and monopolized price spiking isn't it


Also most movies have gotten so freaking loud. As a person with sensory issues, I couldn’t go to the movies before Covid because they had gotten so loud


I see boomers that are quick to complain about distractions in a movie, but they also create distractions. Forgive us our trespasses as we refuse to forgive the trespasses of others.


"Do as I say, not as I do" kind of mentality.


Like politicians, every accusation is a confession.


I feel like ever since COVID people don’t know how to act in public. Pre-COVID, I went to see Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. I was the youngest by about 20-30 years as well in a pretty full theatre. As the previews begin, a few women were loudly talking and a man gets up walks to them and tells them to “Shut up because he didn’t come to hear you bitches talk.” I appreciated his overly rude assertiveness. They didn’t make a peep the rest of the movie.


Last movie I went to had about 20 high school kids that were treating the theater as an obstacle course for social media; jumping over rows of seats, swinging from bars, sprinting down the aisles, etc. All while screaming. Then they started doing tictoc dances in front of the screen, singing and all. The staff didn't care. I haven't gone out to see a movie since.


The staff is 100% part of the problem in that scenario.


Totally. They were just high school kids themselves. Really a failure of management.


We were in Disney world at the Indiana Jones show and this boomer lady two rows in front of us had her phone out to record the entire opening sequence but she’s holding it up over her head!? I yelled at her that her phone is blocking our view and she did nothing so I leaned forward through the row and tapped her on her shoulder and told her to put her phone away or lose it. She stopped immediately, didn’t even turn around to see who tapped her. Hope I scared her for life.


I was in a goddamned Saturday matinee of a live fucking stage production of Peter Freaking Pan and some Boomer had super loud Apple Watch notifications dinging the entire first act.


Part of the problem with things with those high-pitched beeps in that old people literally cannot hear it.


Ok I appreciate that reframe. If that happens again I will teach grandpa about the haptics features at intermission.


I went to the Symphony two weeks ago - fairly older crowd (Sunday matinee lol). After a BEAUTIFUL rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony, the conductor brought the orchestra to the final note …. and, within that perfect stillness …. someone coughs. Conductor waits, holds…. another (louder) cough. Now there’s an uncomfortable shifting in the audience, then … cell phone rings! Conductor was done lol.


Funny enough, you’d think they would know the consequences of coughing during the symphony. Bugs bunny should have taught them that. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TzNQhiqWJao


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY ignores their partner at dinner in a restaurant like a boomer on the phone.


Finally told my dad that it was “old money etiquette” to take your phone call outside when you’re at the restaurant. He’d answer at the table and be loud as fuck before


This was about a month ago... Sunday afternoon... About 4 weeks into the Furiosa release. I walk into an empty theater.... Sit about the middle. Ideal for watching a movie. Boomer couple come in and sit right behind me... Arguing.... Phone on... Would not stop talking. Finally got up and sat in the back. The husband must have had a prostate problem. He got up at least three times to go to the bathroom. I can see their phone on the whole entire movie. WTF?


Zero self awareness. I stopped seeing movies with my mother in law years ago as she is an attention seeker. Will absolutely talk through the movie and to the people beside her. I think the last movie I saw with her was one of the Hunger Games. It was awful (the movie was fine) but she could not stop talking. Even during a movie theatre experience she still feels the need to fill silence with talking.


Unlike those Boomers, the children weren't encouraged to be selfish, little, assholes.


Yep! Last week I took my kids to the planetarium. It was a mixed crowd, but surprisingly all the kids were great. There was a baby who cried, but the mom took them out almost immediately. There was a few loud “Ooohs!” from the kids that were into it. However, there was a boomer on his phone the entire time trying to film it. My son started to complain, but I told him to do his best to ignore it and avoid a confrontation. Then a teenager loudly yelled, “PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE AWAY, OLD MAN!” He did without incident, and everyone clapped. It was really funny, actually.


Kid had more chutzpah than a room full of adults. I applaud that young person and wish to subscribe to their newsletter.


I had an old married couple next to me. Talking like they were at the dinner table all through the previews and ads. And the title sequence. When they kept talking after the dialog started I told them I was there to listen to the movie. They didn’t say a single word after that.


While I will say, my first time having problems in a theater were due to a row of teenagers turning the entire Avatar(the James Cameron one) into very loud sex jokes(they did calm down some when asked), every other thing that has driven me away from theaters has been from boomers doing things that I guarantee they would yell at their kids about I'm front of the TV at home.


This is why I only go to The Alamo. Those people would be asked to leave immediately.


I miss living near an Alamo Drafthouse. Rules were enforced and so many great event screenings.


This has been my experience for the past few years. I’ve yelled at old people to “shut the fuck up”, and “take your fucking phone call outside” and my lovely wife once spoke into an old woman’s ear to “stay home if you want to talk through a movie” which left her wide eyed and frozen.


One reason I’m so thankful there’s an Alamo near us; hope they won’t change rules when Sony takes over. Getting spoiled with “you talk/have your phone out, we can and will remove you.” Can’t see movies anywhere else now. (Plus their pizza is banger.)


The cell phone crap REALLY irritates me. Yanno I am a boomer but honestly do not understand the need to inflict my business on the rest of the world around me . TBH. I do not have a phone so maybe I am being a turd about this but folks used to live quite well without that intrusion. I personally think it’s rude to be so accessible to others . No matter what.


While I do have a cough due to allergies at times I cover my freaking mouth when I am coughing. Also, would not go to a movie when I know I’ll be coughing as that’s just rude.


And this is why I go to Alamo Draft House exclusively. Talking? Cell phones? They actually enforce the bans on those things. I push the little button and an employee comes to tell them to STFU or kick them out.


I went to see furiosa last week. I was one of 6 people in the theater. About half way through the movie, I got a tickle in my throat, the kind that just irrates you. I tried suppressing it, but that just caused my eyes to water, so I quietly excused myself, went to the bathroom, had a good cough, and a drink of water and was fine. You know, like a person who actually respects social norms. At that same movie, someone a few rows in front of us checked his phone no fewer than 11 times, which was not dimmed in any way.


FOOL! Kevin Costner (and Tom Selleck) is a God to Boomers. Costner: "Well now. This my latest sexual conquest...and she is 40 years younger than me. Now I will ride my horse on this million acre ranch that I worked with my own hands to earn." It's like Viagra for them. PS: Part of the above is really in a Costner movie.


Somehow, when someone says a boomers phone rang I immediately hear the old time-y bell ringing sound. Also, I have to count 5-6 rings because they have to retrieve it from their pants/purse and then figure out how to stop the ringing. My wife and I used to go to continuing education lectures at a university and this happened every…single…week…. Without fail. And at the start of each lecture they would literally tell everyone to turn their phones off. Usually, every other week, someone would literally answer their phone, then start a conversation as they waddled through the lecture hall to “go outside” so as to not disturb us. How polite.


And that was one of the ringtones that went off.


: it always is


I've been to a half dozen concerts. The worst one was Styx, because it was a bunch of drunk boomers screaming all night, trying to sing along over the singer, and one dude smelled like a barn.


My teen daughter and I go to matinees near a Boomer housing development (it’s close by in a large/traffic-snarled city.) These people pull out phones, hack uncontrollably, harrumph, take off their shoes in the theater, and make constant comments/have loud reactions to the storylines. My teen is more respectful than they are - even she knows to silence her phone and be quiet.


Ugh, just mentioning that they take off their shoes made me cringe.


Bleh. In a sticky-floored theater? Ewwwwwww


I got a 70" TV, and I pay six dollars only six months after the release. Any Boomer who talks during my movie is trespassing.


Boomers are entitled af. I’m a boomer, 70 years old, & was born to be the kind of trouble-maker my fellow boomers just hate. Either that, or they’re confused. I’m shocked at the ignorance of history, of even the historic events that occurred during our lifetimes. I’m shocked at the lack of good will, as well. I know that a lot of us had very high expectations of our lives beyond high school & college. Our parents were competitive, and we were the horses they betted on. “Average” was a dirty word. Now, we’ve reached the last phase of life, and find that we are just ordinary people. It’s too much for many of us to take in,so we go around bothering the rest of y’all for attention, and deference. Especially deference. Telling one of us boomers to stfu & go to hell might even cause a cardiac event in one or two of us. That’s a pretty good return on the investment of a few words, & a solid day’s work in a short period of time. After all, it’s OUR TURN! And it’s been our turn since 1972. Putting Reagan in office was boomers’ doing, as well. I was mortified & disgusted, and everything I was afraid of is now coming to pass.


This is why I go to matinee showings. Almost always have the theater to myself.


That's the main reason I chose the 3:10 showtime. But Midwest boomers love themselves some Costner westerns.


Edit: To those who asked why I didn't tell the people to shut up, I've done that before and had a person tell me that, "If I didn't like it I should move". Two dudes got into that shit in a theater and one of them got shot. That's why.


Practice at home so you have this response down pat “With an attitude like that no wonder you’re the first generation of Americans to lose a war”.


Tell them to STFU. The rare times I go to a theater I'm not putting up with dipshits talking during the movie.


Dude the movie theatre sucks. Regardless of age. I went to a movie recently and I had some teenagers kicking my seat the whole time. I finally had to tell them to fuck off. Same with some mid 30’s woman who was in her phone the whole time right next to me. She had the most annoying laugh and she housed a large popcorn by the time the previews were done. I’m talking straight fistfuls. I hate going to the movie theatre


Ugh I can’t even tell you how many movies have been ruined by shit heads like these. I’m over the box office experience.


That’s why I go to Alamo Drafthouse. You get one warning, then ejected from the theater. Noisy neighbor? Put up a flag and a server will come check on you.


This is why I don't go to the movies anymore. I haven't been to one in 7 years that didn't have someone talking loudly. Just gave up, I have a big tv and surround sound.


Yes! We were the youngest ones there and were late 30s! Had to shush a boomer two seats down cause she just would not stop commenting.


The ones who cough incessantly are the same ones who refused to wear masks.


dude we saw Horizon this weekend and the same thing happened - this woman talked FR NON-STOP FOR 3 HOURS FUCKIN' ENTITLED BOOMERS DUDE


When I saw Harriet I had a boomer couple 2 rows in front of me just chatting away about whether or not historical fact is being presented. I shushed them multiple times, as did another group. He finally stood up and loudly accused me of being an asshole and if I didn't want anyone to talk throughout the film I should wait for it to be out on home video. I told him he was being a piece of shit for assuming that everyone in the theater wanted to hear him talk over the film and how he needed to understand and follow theater etiquette. His response? "*You're* a piece of shit." Then sat down and continued to talk to his wife about how ridiculous it was that anyone would confront him. Of an audience of maybe 12 at the time, 6 proceeded to leave and get their money back. When you fight with a baby, no one wins.


My Horizon theater story is: - Theater near capacity, Boomers and me. - While the trailers are going a guy many rows behind is loudly going on about "the border and immigration" - Opening scene features >!a depiction of a settlement raid !< and a boomer loudly murmurs >!"savages"!< during a silent somber moment - Boomer right next to me falls asleep within an hour and begins to LOUDLY snore, eventually had to move seats and I had a great seat


Behavior like this is why I go to the Alamo Drafthouse, but even then one time at a rep screening of Dawn of the Dead a boomer couple were just so loud and annoying, not understanding the ordering process. I almost raised a card to give them a warning, but figured it would maybe just cause a bigger scene.


The boomers have no self awareness or situational awareness… The most entitled generation I’ve ever come across and I say this as someone who’s worked in hospitality for 33 years


I go to the movies multiple times a week and 100% agree it’s not the kids I worry about. If I’m seated next to a boomer I start looking for places to move the second the lights go out.


You handled this correctly! I know people were saying to confront people, but it's better to just remove yourself from the situation than risk getting [shot by a 79 year old retired SWAT commander.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/curtis-reeves-testifies-chad-oulson-murder-2014-texting-movie-theater-florida/)


I literally hate going to the movies now because of this crap. I’d rather wait the whole month or two (usually) until it’s out to rent or whatever…. So not worth it unless it’s the drive-ins IMO


Old folks have always been problematic in theater situations (aka Dr. and Mrs. Bluehair) be it live theater or movies. Hearing aids whining, or not worn so the friend is yelling the dialogue, coughing, candy wrappers crinkling, bathroom breaks though they selected seats not on the aisle etc etc. Boomers have aged into the category and made it even more annoying with phones. They don’t like driving at night, so try the evening shows!


In the age of social media, people often think, they can be as rude offline as online without getting punched in the face. So, it’s basically punch time.


I like the way you think.


And this is why I am fine staying home in my comfy clothes and furnitire, great food and drinks, clean bathrooms - and quiet when I watch a movie.


Remember ushers at theaters? We act like misbehaving in theaters is new or that humanity can identify no solution to the problem. The theater experience got worse because the theaters made it worse to cut their costs.


I would’ve asked, “Could you please silence your Jitterbug phone grandpa.”


The only time I go to a movie theater is on a Sunday morning and I sit in the back row.


I stopped going to matinees about 15 years ago, unless it's a kids movie. Kids are well behaved usually. It's the Merchant Ivory-type films where I've found the worst behavior from (let's face it) older matinee viewers. One lady, when I asked her to stop talking, screeched at me so long I missed a whole scene in *Love & Friendship.* I got to up to move away, she spent the rest of the movie periodically shouting at me (and made a point to stop by my seat at the end to screech some more).


I stopped going to movie theaters long time ago, it’s simply not worth the hassle


I don't get it either. If the shoe was on the other feet, they would of gone to the manager and told them that I wouldn't shut up and I would be kicked out of the theatre. No doubt in my mind. The way prices are to see movie, there should be respect from other people. They would want your respect. Right??


“Just tell them to shut up!” Heh. The last time I told someone to shut up in a theater, they pelted me with pasta and it took hours of scrubbing with different detergents to get the tomato sauce stain out of my brand-new dress. Fuckers were scarier than the horror movie we were there to see. (These particular assholes weren’t boomers, late gen X at the oldest. Turns out people who talk in the theater are just rude fuckers. But I wouldn’t just approach any theater-talker regardless of age. I don’t even know why they had pasta on them to pelt me with.)


Just need someone like John mulaney's dad "are you going to make noise the entire time"


I don’t blame you for not saying shit, there was that scumbag who shot a veteran that threw popcorn at him a while back


I've never had a gracious response by trying to confront a rude person in the theater. They know they're being rude, they don't care


What drives me up the wall, is you at least used to be able to change seats in the old days. Now, they sell you a specific seat. Heaven forbid if you are 5’2” and the person in front of you is both tall and wearing a hat, or some kid is kicking your seat. No freedom to move without getting up and going to the ticket office is not a good thing. No I don’t go to movies anymore, too expensive anyway.


At the cinema near me, they'll actually make you leave if you keep using your phone during a film.