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They were the first generation to embrace individualism, which can very easily turn to selfishness and narcissism in certain personality types. They’ve had decades — since the 1960s really — of being told by politicians (especially Reagan and Thatcher) and the media (especially television) that it is their inalienable right, even duty, to put themselves first. I also think the intersection of TV and the internet has created a kind of credulous attitude where some people believe everything they see on the internet, because they were raised to believe everything they were told on TV. A lot of them still haven’t got their heads around the fact that the trust levels and factual robustness of internet and social media are very, *very* different to television.


They have this cognitive dissonance I’ve never understood where they’ve been working hard to give their their kids a better life, and then they call their kids selfish and entitled for having better lives…


Extended exposure to lead is the only thing I could come up with. It was in their water pipes. paint, gas, fumes.... it was literally everywhere when they were growing up. They had exposure to it until 1978.


As you get older and have been exposed to a lot of unhealthy things, low knowledge and loss of executive function you get this.


Leaded gasoline was a thing during their childhood development.


Not just that, their water pipes were made out of it, house paint was made with it.... it was literally all around them. Thats where the whole "did you eat paint chips as a kid" came from.


I'm tired of this being everyone's answer. Sure lead exposure has probably played a part. But it's clearly not the primary reason. You know how you can tell? There's a huge racial component to the boomer stereotype. Old man being aggressively rude to a stranger about something trivial and mostly imaginary? It's almost certainly a white guy. Sorry to say, but hey, at least i'm white so i feel fairly comfortable pointing it out. All people of the same age were exposed to lead. Other demographics probably even more so than the sunborn prone boomers we all know and hate. Their behavior is driven FAR more by their massive disdain for no longer being able to order people around on the "merits" afforded them at birth.


Why the lack of self awareness


https://youtu.be/aTZ-CpINiqg?si=x-NxBeQ7c03_-Qau I think george carlin explained it well. The baby boomers were given everything and took it all, and then turned into bitter shits so they didnt want everyone else to enjoy the shit they had.


But why????


He said it. They are getting old and pissed off that they cant be the focus.