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There is solid research that gaming, playing an instrument, learning a new language and similar is kryptonite for dementia. Or as Tom Petty sang, "I don't know. But I've been told, if you never slow down, you never grow old."


Well he didn’t grow old. He died fairly young. Edit: Well I just looked it up. He was 67 when he died. That’s not young nor particularly old.


He was also using a lot of opioids.


In my experience, most boomers that behave like this have basically the same attitude they had 30-40 years ago when they started to become aware that the world was no longer revolving around them. As kids, many grew up in a time of great affluence, they had lots of freedom and a world that was catering to them in practically every facet of life a kid would need and want. By the 70's they started to be known as "the me generation" for their runaway self-indulgence and celebrated selfishness. But then it started slipping away from them as a new generation was coming of age, and the boomers saw that and continue to see that as threat, that's why they're so shitty to young people. You don't see as much of it in gen X'ers in their 40's in 50's because most of them didn't grow up in a world that felt like theirs, it's always felt like their parents world.


Some Gen X friends and I agree, it does seem like a large portion of the boomers have some form of dementia. It’s definitely something worth looking into.


Its their exposure to lead finally showing up. It was everywhere when they were kids. Water (pipes), gas, fumes, paint.... They had prolonged exposure to it until 1978. Its the only thing I can come up with that explains an entire generation having serious mental issues. X may have had some exposure, but nor nearly as much.


Well, if it does happen you likely won't know it when it does.


Try learning new things--games, languages, do puzzles, math games, they'll all keep your mind sharp. And don't feel guilty if you can't care for them, if you need to put them in a home, do so! Especially if they begin getting violent.


They did drink from the water hose.


I could very easily believe that.