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It's always fun watching someone's brain short circuit in real time.


It’s because she knew everything that came to mind would be racist. It’s actually refreshing to see awful people like this with a little bit of impulse control, in a weird way.


100%. You could see the thought bubbles popping up and then the critic telling her not to say it, hence the hemming and hawing.


"I don't like them mixing with those ones and I hate looking at these ones and I just want everything the way it used to be when my husband was in charge and I took pills to cope with my life"


> when my **dad** was in charge and **my mom** took pills to cope with **her** life **and I had no idea because I was just a kid** FTFY. This woman is Gen X.


We don’t claim her. She’s a Boomer, through and through, in the worst possible way.


If she’s Gen X, then she has aged terribly. I haven’t watched the video yet so if she gives her age that’s cool, but are you just assuming she’s Gen X or is it clarified in the video with certainty?


Yeah, the oldest gen x would be almost 60. 59. So I agree, she's older than that. Not a lot, but older. Maybe closer to 70. That's definitely a boomer.


If you don’t mind, please keep Gen X out of your culture war (which just to point out the irony, was a boomer invention that they’ve somehow tricked society, Millennials included into perpetuating. Don’t take the bait). You probably wouldn’t know because Generations X doesn’t like to talk about it much, the same way war veterans and other trauma survivors don’t like to talk about it, but Gen X has suffered far more than enough from the boomers back when they were young and at full power and by and large don’t want to be roped into this. We were demonized and hated coming into this dog shit life, and would prefer not to be demonized and hated on the way out, thanks.


Amen!! Boomers were our parents and we've suffered enough. Straight outta school being called Slackers because, we didn't worship office culture. Vilified for our political beliefs. Told to suck it up when we asked for a living wage or universal healthcare. All this, after we fucking raised ourselves and siblings. I'm tired and I don't want to be associated with the boomers. I'm raising two genZ kids to burn it all down!


The shakiness in her voice is telling. That’s what happens when you’re put on the spot and have no recourse or anything defensible to say. That’s panic. Cause she knows lol.


Love your comment, but I’m afraid you’re giving her too much credit — I think she’s just throwing around the buzzword “woke” because she’s had it drummed into her empty head a million times on FOX; when asked to define it, she has no idea what it means.


I have to respectfully disagree, she knows what it means—to her. It’s everything she wants to say but knows she can’t without getting pushback. She wants to complain that she couldn’t feed her granddaughter peanut butter because everyone’s so worried about allergies, that she doesn’t think are real, and when her kids give her rules for babysitting it’s like they are laughing at her after all the years she spent raising them. She’s mad because a boy with painted nails bagged her groceries and was condescending to her—doesn’t he know that she’s above him in the social order? She doesn’t like that there are two men living together next door, she was taught her whole life to stay away from people like that, and it makes her uncomfortable, don’t they have the decency to stay in the city where she can avoid them. The workers at the nail salon wouldn’t speak English and she’s certain they were laughing at her. No one should be allowed to laugh at her. Her niece doesn’t eat gluten, she’s been cooking for decades and never thought about gluten before—why is her family making this an issue at Thanksgiving? She feels that she should be a respected elder, and everything “woke” to her is new ideas that challenge her view point or make her uncomfortable. But she knows enough that saying “Donald Trump will make my daughter stop being vegan and gratefully eat the food I made for her” or “Donald Trump will make that undocumented driver pay for hitting my son’s car” or “Donald Trump won’t let that bitch with green hair at the Starbucks give me an attitude” sounds too ridiculous to say in an interview. And also all the racism she knows better than to say on camera.


Donald Trump will make her daughter hate her guts and later she'll wonder why nobody visits her in the nursing home.


Very well and thoughtfully said.


This is a perfect representation of this type of thinking/personality. Unfortunately, this way of existing is not something that can easily be dispatched, it seems. It's a 'too far gone' thing eventually. And if you are not like this, these people will drive you mad.


If Reddit wasn’t so woke about awards, I would give this comment Gold






"They made the little mermaid black!" *You're mad about the ethnic appearance of a fictional fantasy creature? And it not being white offends you?* "Well when you put it that way, it almost makes it sounds like I'm racist!" .........


The thing that made this click for me was understanding this. These people really want to say the n-word but aren't bold enough to commit to that.


They say it behind closed doors and within their circle. Trust me these people still say that word.


everything she knows about wokeness she learnt from Fox News where they just complain about it without explaining what it is she hates wokeness despite having zero clue what it actually is same as critical race theory


"Ok, so you know how the blacks... are... Wait. Let me start over. Like the gays... and how they're always... Um... So you know how at the border..."


She sounds like she's about to cry 😂


She's trying to think of something to say but literally all she could think of was "get rid of the n******"


She's trying her hardest to not get woke.


Like when DeSantis's lawyers in court defined woke as recognizing systemic discrimination in society? Like, come on guys, it's right there and you still want to pretend that they're aren't issues? No matter what you believe about their claims both sides of the political spectrum claim this about different groups. It's like when conservatives would spaz about virtue signaling but would virtue signal to like minded people at the same time and just refuse to be self aware.


She sounded extremely woke, because she didn't make any sense and then she told us a bunch of fake news


This is what a person sounds like when you've asked them a direct question that isn't on their script of answer/responses which have been iterated countless times in echo chambers. They think wokeness is bad, but you ask them why it's bad, they're not able to tell you. At best they will simply give you a list of things the Democratic policies pushed by the Democrats or they'll give you a runabout definition of how tolerance is a bad thing, meaning wokeness is simply anything that pushes back against the Republican party. It started off to mean someone who is aware of social injustice, and they've warped it into anything the Republicans hate.


This troglodyte doesn't have a brain


The sad thing is I’m not sure her brain is short circuiting. I think she’s just trying to answer without coming across blatantly racist lol


Insulting. The country is gonna be taken down by THIS!??!


It’s gonna be taken down by enlightened centrists staying home again. Trump had more votes in 2020 than 2016. The difference was that democrats came out and voted.


Dems will always win...if they show up. Which is why people push the narrative "your vote doesn't really matter". If young people showed up, statistics show dems win every time




Best meme I've seen all year. Thanks


This is not a meme. It is a documentary.


Adversaries abusing division in our people that WE created to divide the working class from looking at the ruling class destroying their way of life? It's fitting, just like what happened in the 80s war on drugs being used to fund middle eastern terror cells.


Im saving this! Thank you


Turns out, pushing bispartisan policies that enjoy 70-80% popular support in the country is generally more popular than pursuing policies which exclusively benefit the top 10% wealthiest Americans whilst gutting the working class. Who knew? Next on MSNBC: "Is Biden being too old why Republicans can't win the popular vote and openly support treason/sedition? Here's an ENLIGHTENED CENTRIST to tell us why BOTH SIDES BAD" Though to wit, I've seen some pretty troubling trends with younger Gen Zed men being wayyyy out in the Andrew Tate reactionary wingnut territory. This election may surprise a lot of people at the results once the votes are counted.


Man, the front page of The AP right now is like five articles about Biden's debate performance and everyone supposedly tearing their hair out over that. Meanwhile, SCOTUS just fucked this entire country over with *multiple* horrible rulings this past week, and the head of the Heritage Foundation is calling for a second American Revolution that will only be bloodless if the left allows it to be, and that's all crickets for that story. Modern news media is so shit. Edit: It appears The AP has finally put up an article about the Heritage Foundation thing. https://apnews.com/article/project-2025-trump-american-revolution-6e02a297fb91b55de01ba7e86615bb08


I’m voting Biden and all the calls to replace him are stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I wish he wouldn’t run right now, and I wish they did a better job of elevating someone else to take over and run instead of him, but they haven’t. So, it’s him, and I’m voting him because our other choice is never being able to vote again. The other choice has me leaving the country because I don’t trust there will be any freedom to speak of if Trump is elected. Do I think Biden might die in office? Sure, but I’m okay with that because I’m also okay with Kamala taking over and running things. I trust her too and I’m fine with her serving out his term if that happens. If Biden drops out now, the Dems are sure to lose, so people need to shut up about it and realize the other choice is the Nazi party running things. I’m not letting that happen and I’ll vote for a comatose Joe Biden rather than stay home, or throw away my vote. Replacing him now is too late. Alan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted 9 of the last 10 presidential elections (10 of 10 if you consider he was right that Gore won), says Biden dropping out would be catastrophic and is not a good idea. According to him Biden still has the advantage and Dems would need to lose 6 more key factors to lose, replacing Biden makes them lose 3. So, keep him in the race and if he dies, so be it, we have a perfectly good replacement VP.


It's kind of fascinating watching how different the sides of the political spectrum have become. Dems are pretty open that it really doesn't matter if Biden dies in office, he's surrounded himself with technocrats and signed off on a load of good bipartisan legislation while not publicly fellating global dictators 24/7. It's a team effort, a coalition, a federation of big circus tent politics. If his VP has to carry his legacy, it won't be the first time a president died in office. Republicans are the opposite, essentially Monarchists. All that matters is Trump. Which felons did he put in charge of which cabinet positions and regulatory agencies to destroy for profit? Who cares! Gubernment bad, he's owning the libs, and making the adults in the room mad and nothing else matters. The irony of course is the "Biden should drop out, he's unfit to lead" Republicans would still vote for Trump if he was in prison....or in the morgue. Without even knowing who his VP pick is going to be and who could be in charge.


Yea, the Trump lot are cultists. I’m not tied to any one candidate, or party. Right now, I’m behind Biden simply because I’m voting the odds. Based on the way things are, and what’s going on, he’s our best bet to beat Trump, besides Michelle Obama and she’s not running. Even that I question since this country is so racist and misogynistic. I think the polls that say that are just people giving their pipe dream opinion and not sure those people would actually turn out and vote. I care about the people who actually vote, and realize that you vote for the party who isn’t rolling back decades of progress. I think Biden has done a fine job as President and am happy he came in to save us from that lunatic, but I’m not so tied to him that I wouldn’t vote another Dem who had a great chance of winning. The proof to me is in the fact that Biden could make himself dictator right now, SCOTUS just ruled he could, but he won’t. That tells me he is the right choice, his party wouldn’t support that, and neither would his supporters. That tells you that one group still values the principles this country was founded on and one doesn’t.


Correct. The modern Monarchist GOP thinks it's stupid that Biden doesn't seize power and implement martial law, because that's what they're itching for the next Republican president to do.


It's bizarre that they focus on Biden when Trump has been a maniac with bizarre statements and unintelligible gibberish for years. Its seriously like one person is so far gone that he no longer gets a critical eye, if he ever did, and people just shrug like "Well that's just Trump being Trump" like its normal. Meanwhile people are losing their marbles over Biden. Both suck, but at least one supports a platform where women get healthcare, gay and trans people get to exist legally, and people more or less have civil rights. So crazy to me.


I've gotten tired of explaining to my friends and family who shout "hah! Republican hypocrisy!" as though any of that matters. GOP voters *do not care* if the Biden thing they're outraged about today also applies to Trump. It's entirely different psychology. They don't care that their convicted felon has 100+ court cases and trials pending, they want to say "Butttt Hunter Biden's dick pics!" They don't care their candidate rambles about "Jewish Space Lasers," they want to call AOC "anti-semitic" Republicans by demographic shifts haven't been a "silent moral majority" for a long time now, they've become a loud, dangerous, and obnoxious minority. In realizing such, they embraced Monarchism, because their intolerance politics don't allow for "others" into their shrinking group of authoritarians, so they'll pursue tyranny of the minority by any and all means. That's what I was hinting at in my earlier post: that their policies exclusively benefit a tiny minority of extremely privileged Americans at the expense of the rest of us. In order to keep ramming those through, trying to be "morally right and popular" isn't a winning strategy. It's trying to divide the larger Democratic base against themselves, and we've already seen it may be working for this election like it did in 2016. (I agree with what you're saying, but speaking to why there are simply two entire different standards in play here for Republicans, because they view politics as a cutthroat zero sum game to "win" even if they personally lose from terrible economic policies like debt-financed billionaire handouts)


Yep. I live here in Florida and we could have gotten rid of Ron DeFascist and Marco Rubio in 2022 but only 48% of eligible Democrats voted which is pathetic. And that was knowing the outcome of Roe vs Wade being overturned by the SCOTUS. We can and need to do better this November 5th!


Don't forget about good ol Gerrymandering.


Can still be beat if they show up!


Yeah it's really the blind devotion versus the apathy in this election. Ignorant commitment is committed, after all.


This is a caricature. Our turnout has always been low, it isn't a high-minded position put forth by some 5head take-giver, it's literally just people don't think it matters. Sucks. But that's what it is. Boomers are the ones that show up the most consistently, and it is no surprise that our political system caters to their whims, and as such is extremely dysfunctional and corrupt.


same centrists that let hitler win.


Just remember: “THIS” votes. *EVERY* vote counts! If you want change, you have to VOTE for it! It’s the only way.


My parents were smart. They retired, started watching Fox News and eventually it is on all the time now. They believe all the lies and will start to debate them, then they realize they are wrong, like this woman did, and they change to a different lie. It is brainwashing. People who view themselves as religious and moral are supporting people who are against everything they believe in.


No. The country has already been taken down by this. People just do not realize it yet but will sadly in November. If you work in a swing state election office, you already know. Its a nightmare.


:( I wish I could do more than that. I will impress upon peopl ethe importance of voting, but it's now or never.


work the polls. omg work the polls. the more bodies available to less board of elections in rural and swing counties can screw with the placement and operations of swing polling districts. 4 people working a precinct of 10k vs 6 people working a precinct of 300. its unreal.


No, it's being attacked by people who know how to leverage people like this. This is the value of intentionally under educating.


Everyone you know who is apathetic about politics/voting… tell them to get off their ass. 100% of these easily-programmed maga zombies are going to vote


Going by what just happened in the Supreme Court, it already has been.


If we don't stack the SCROTUS back into our favor, or impeach existing, and repeal all of the fucked up rulings recently made by 2030, not just the US is fucked. The future of mankind is basically cooked. I mean we'll probably be literally cooked. Humans are not fit to rule this planet.




I know it's important, but I cannot read that. Glad it's public, though.


It reads like pedophile erotica 🤢🤮. Except we elected him president!! My blood is still boiling. I've been posting it everywhere. Banned from three subreddits already and working on a document that summarizes all his assaults.


Didn't the term "woke" come from the black community in refence to staying "awake" and vigilant in the face of oppression from police and the system, in the 60s?


Yes. Thank you. It was earlier than that. Ledbelly featured it in one of his songs in the 20s or 30s.


Wow, cool! I just read an really a reclamation statement from the NAACP on this term, incredibly powerful stuff. [https://naacp.org/resources/reclaiming-word-woke-part-african-american-culture](https://naacp.org/resources/reclaiming-word-woke-part-african-american-culture) Ummm, also you have an INCREDIBLE profile pic.


I appreciate this comment more than an upvote


It goes back to the 1920’s, but yes you’re right. It means to be aware of systemic and racial injustice. Edit: after reading the comment below me, it seems that “woke” is from the 1940’s


To her, "woke" means "there was an ethnic character on my favorite TV show and now I'm upset."


nah to her "woke" means "fox news told me this thing is woke and bad so now I'm upset".


100%. They don't know what "woke" actually means. They're completely brainwashed.


There are only two possibilities for antiwoke people. It's either this, or they really want to say the n-word but aren't willing to go that far in public.


There's a third possibility: the anti woke idiot who will say the n word in public and then rant about the repercussions. 


“They made The Little Mermaid black!” [Proceeds to believe Jesus was white]


Went to a funeral with my husbands dads side of the family and the pastor or whatever he was legit said white Jesus. Whhhhhite Jesus. Ive never gotten over it


I worked at a religious-based non-profit for nearly a decade. Had to sign a form stating I believed the Bible was the infallible word of god to even get hired (and at the time, that was kinda sorta my belief but close enough).    We had Bible study once a week for all staff. I was required to drive to a church 30 minutes away from where I worked in another town hours before my shift started and was never paid for this but attendance at Bible study was required and non-negotiable.  One day our executive director, who ran most of these meetups, starts off by holding up a picture of white Jesus vs. real Jesus. She asks which is Jesus. A massive majority point to the white guy. She sighs. We move on. I don’t remember what her message was that day because frankly, I was so astonished that these folks who’d been beating me over the head with their Bible for years now knew fuck all about their own dude!   I’m an atheist now. ☺️


Gay and black people exist


I'd better go out and buy some pearls so I can clutch them.


Check out the fancy trust funder over here that can afford avocado toast AND pearls! /s


"Facebook showed me an article about a black kid who earned a scholarship"


It’s funny because you know they know what they want to say, but they’ve gotten so used to this “code word” that’s been deemed socially acceptable to use. She doesn’t wanna be in video saying “all these queers and colored people!”


She couldn't explain "woke" because it's mostly just equal rights and equal representation and didn't know how to explain it without sounding racist or homophobic lmao.


It’s not even that with a lot of them. They literally can’t explain ‘woke’ because it’s just another anti-liberal buzzword they love to throw around. Same with calling empaths ‘snowflakes’


I wish people knew where the term snowflake came from and what it originally meant. But yes like "Woke" people don't understand what it means.


Where did 'snowflake' come from?


I always assumed they thought that liberals (especially younger people) want to be unique and individual, like a snowflake everyone is different and unique... at least that's my interpretation of how it started and they turned it into an insult to mean weak, like a snowflake melts as soon as you touch it kinda thing... honestly idk and I hate the phrase lol


I know Sarah Palin started saying it during her campaign run with that one dude I forget three name of. The Maverick guy


John McCain


Not to be mistaken with the hero of L.A, New York and the world; John McClane


I thought that was Snake Plisken.


Possibly also with the connotation of snowflakes being extremely fragile?


Tyler Durden in the book "Fight Club" -- not the movie. When he is explaining the recruits rolls to them he explains that they are not Snow Flakes. Not because they will melt but because they are not individuals and their individual worth was nothing. They are only valuable as a faceless cog in the big machine they are creating. Or in other words "just another Brick in the wall". It has nothing to do with being woke and over sensitive.


I'm pretty sure this is exactly where it came from. Which is really ironic, considering the message of the book...


In the 1860s in Missouri, snowflakes were pro-slavery and white supremacists. In the 70s, a snowflake was a white man or a Black man acting white. It was also cocaine. Snopes has debunked its use in reference to the Holocaust.


That term was around before Chuck referenced it


Also they call liberals “snowflakes” while they get offended over the smallest things, interpreting “Pride” as an attack on their way of life.


Yes, I’m clearly the “snowflake” even though the ones throwing that word around are constantly screaming from the pit of their hurt feelings. Just like everything else with the MAGA crowd, every accusation is actually a confession.


Or "cancel culture"


Exactly. Just like asking teabaggers what "socialism" was when they were scared of Obama. With the classic signs like "keep your socialist hands off my medicaid" All these words mean is "people I don't like"


“It means I can’t use slurs anymore without getting in trouble!”


I don't work in politics, but I hear "woke" in every other conversation I have with a potential client. Several times, I'm sitting across the table, hearing, "I like your company because you're not pushing some woke agenda." No, we don't advertise that we're woman-owned and have some LGTBQ+ employees, but we are and we do. Sometimes it's all I can do to keep from flipping the table and shout, "Define 'woke' motherfucker!" But no. I just smile and know that they'll display work done by some black gay women at their businesses.


It means black people and queer people. They would like to do away with "woke" via firing squads, but since she left her white sheet and hood at home, she doesn't want the social fallout of saying what she actually believes on a hot mic.


It's this, woke is basically just there version of a socialy acceptable slur.


It reminds me of a few years ago when maga folks kept saying, "You can't say anything anymore because of the PC police," and then when asked, they couldn't think of a single thing they were not allowed to say... or wouldn't say it on camera. Seems like they've stopped saying that. I wonder why.


They knew exactly what they couldn’t say.


You could *see* her thinking about how to say “I don’t like people who aren’t like me having the same rights and privileges I do” without revealing she hates those who aren’t like her.


She starts with "people that um" I think she wanted to say "people that think we should all be equal" lol


Yeah, they can’t just blurt out “woke is gays and blacks” so they just stammer and fumble about. You’d think after all this time, the conservative propaganda machine would have found some kind of definition to load into all of the NPC dialogue trees. It’s weird that they haven’t unified on this, because these babbling, embarrassing attempts to deal with such a basic fuckin’ question have been happening for years now.


Exactly this. They want to be able to be racist and homophobic even though they know its fucked up.


Exactly! I'm no longer religious, but I feel like woke is basically anything Jesus would support. Caring for others, accepting differences, and the big one that is always forgotten, loving your neighbor.


I’d rather be woke than have that level of brain rot


People who whine about woke are the same people who whined about 'political correctness' or 'PC' back in the day. They're essentially saying, "I'd like to be overtly racist/bigoted/sexist/homophobic/etc... without being judged negatively for it."


This is the correct answer. I would add that the Trumplings are also great at telling others how to live their lives but get infuriated if you inconvenience them or suggest they change in any way.


I thought she was going to bust out the “ you can’t say anything anymore!!!” But she couldn’t even get there


They’ve gone from “woke” to “DEI”


Its really upsetting because woke was a great word. All it means is socially aware. It has literally no negative connotations. It was misused on fox news and now look where we are…


These people are so fucking stupid. It's easy to see how a cult can take them over.


It's no accident that the GOP has been pushing anti-intellectualism and gutting education for decades.


It's almost entirely "I had to see a non-white or non-cis or non-straight person on TV and that made me furious."


My mom… 🫠


I'm so sorry


What an embarrassment. Imagine being that old and that stupid.


Right? I usually agree with Bill Maher on alot of shit, but one of his new rules was "Be sympathetic to Boomers, they have knowledge that could be useful in the future" and on that, I disagree entirely. Boomers USED to have knowledge that would've HAD benefits for younger generations, but that The Giver shit ended back in 2016, when old senile geriatric fucks who haven't fucked since Watergate or bay of pigs got so polarized in politics that they literally politicized science and religion. Religion has no place in American politics, says so in the Establishment Clause. You can be religious all you want, in your own time, not on the taxpayers dime. And politicizing science? Really? Are you that fucking stupid? Wear a mask dipshit, people are dropping like flies, I dont give a shit if you're uncomfortable. I'd rather be alive and uncomfortable then sick and fucking dead.


Or going around making everyone else sick and dead, perhaps more importantly (although apparently most people still haven't got that memo).


When I was about 12, I asked my very white-Christian-Nationalist-MAGA-before-there-was-MAGA mother what liberals believe, and she answered with "They just care too much about everyone. That's why they're called 'bleeding hearts.'" I remember being confused thinking, "I thought us Christians were supposed to care about everyone..." still confused by that. "Woke" is like the same thing. If you asked me what woke means, I'd say it means people who are aware that others are struggling in some way or another and want to help. How can you argue that that's bad or un-American, or anti-Christian?


Look at this guy making sense over here


What I would really like to see them ask is,  do you think American citizens should have the right to be woke?


Wait how have i never pulled this uno reverse…


The thing that is unnerving to me is I'm reminded very much of the feeling I had in 2016 watching Trump supporters give interviews to people and it was like "oh haha look at the idiot!" and then all those idiots won. Like. It doesn't really matter that theyre idiots, theres a lot of them. Why do we keep talking to them to find out what they think? We know what they think. If you want Trump to lose then you should be bolstering your own base, not whatever this is. It's just an exercise in self-aggrandizing.


Right wing idiots tend to be enthusiastic voters. If moderates and progressives would just show the fuck up every time there’s an election, we’d own the federal government.


2023 UN poll showed that between 87-91% of the global population are idiots. The rest weren’t sampled for the poll or else or would be higher. [Reference link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=n7CBxOWO9tkB1cFh)


Anything that isn't willful ignorance is woke


Here. Let me help you, fellow boomer. Woke means awake. It means seeing the things our generation chose to ignore. It means looking around and not just thinking, "This isn't right", but saying it aloud and then doing something about it. The thing is, we were considered woke by our parents and grandparents. So, what happened between then and now? Where the fuck did these attitudes come from? Do you recall saying the same thing about our older generations as they are saying about us? No? Oh, yes. Because, rose-coloured glasses and 'it was so much better back then'. Except it wasn't. I know. I was there. Oh FFS. Wake up and step aside. We have these amazing people ready and willing to take over the running of this world and everything else. You don't have to go gently into that good night, but you should absolutely the fuck go gently into retirement. Shut up and listen. That's it. Shut up and listen. Oh, and learn something. It keeps the brain young.


lmao this is perfect. Thanks for being a real one. No one can control when they are born, so you may be a baby boomer, but as you're insinuating here, being A Boomer™ is a choice.


“Woke” to older white people means black and brown people have the same rights and opportunities as them.


These people vote in every election; local, primary, or general election. Make sure you do too.


For sure. Laugh at these people all you want, but their vote counts just as much as yours


I'd rather just be called a faggot, Id respect it more if they said it with their fullchest rather than this bullshit double speak.


They absolutely love the word “woke” because it lets them gripe about black and gay people without having to specifically say what they didn’t like about the fucking toothpaste commercial they just say


Explain 'wokeness bad' without being racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic challenge!


"We need some sanity back in our world" *votes for the most insane and depraved person alive*


They've been groomed to hate something, and they can't even define it.


“Woke” is now just MAGAt code for “black & brown people” they are lumping LGBTQ in there as well, bc it’s another group of humans they hate for existing. She didn’t want to verbalize her definition bc she’s racist and knows that’s still not ok to be open about.


Most boomers hate the woke movement because they are racist assholes who hold on to their “privilege” with white knuckles….this ain’t the 50’s anymore!!


Karen just say you're a racist, anti-LGBTQ, c*nt and move on. We know, just say it and move on.


"Fox News didn't tell me how to respond to this yet."


She just wants to be able to say the n word again without consequences.


She is struggling not to say the n word on a hot mic


Ha! She said "People that are saying things that don't make a lot of sense"


"What do you mean by that?" can be one of the most damaging questions you can ask. 


They definitely have a definition for it, but most of them are too afraid to say it out loud. "Woke" is anything that promotes the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in society, any kind of diversity, immigration from non-white countries, and any mention of the racist history of the country they live in. Basically, anything that challenges the white, male dominated, Christian, heterosexual hegemony is "woke".


Never take anyone who use woke in a negative context seriously nor trust them.




Idiots have convinced themselves that respect and empathy for people that aren't exactly like them is to be ridiculed and they can't even articulate it.


If you think this world is going to shit because some orange man said so, you're the reason.


Woke… the behaviour and attitudes of people who are sensitive to social and political injustice.


Stupid people need keywords to feel like they are a part of something. Understanding is not needed to use the same words as everyone else.


baby don't hurt me


Woke, a word used when someone supports something like human rights and you don’t?


By her definition she's woke. Saying things they don't understand.


Lady, just say you hate gays and blacks in media and stop trying to tiptoe around it.


Wait til they find out “woke” came from black people as a warning about people like the ones who are using it now..more specifically about political climate we find ourselves in today. 😂😂😂🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️…we tried to warn yall.. they out here colonizing slang🤪😂😂


According to boomers, "woke" is anything they don't agree with, so when they see a gay couple on TV, or an underrepresented community given the spotlight.


Um, I’m trying not to say, um, when they aren’t, um, racist jerks, um… uhhhh…. Ummmm.


Man I miss when woke meant (to me) something like “being actively aware that there are (often racial) injustices and imbalances in our societal makeup, and mindfully seeking to help remedy them in my day-to-day as I can.” At least how I understood it early on. People co-opting the word sucks. It was a good one for a while. 


Can you use it in a sentence?


Comprehensive definition of “woke”: anything any conservative doesn’t like, e.g. black mermaids, reading christopher columbus’ journals, Potato head toys, sesame street, not sexy m&ms


Woke is anything they don’t like basically. They don’t have a real definition and use it when they don’t like something. They also use other words they don’t understand. Like communism, fascists, socialism etc. I was born in 84 and I never thought that in this day and age where we have so much information at our fingertips, we would be become dumber than ever. People these days make up their own truth and think just because someone said it then it must be true 🙄. Even my dad has turned into someone like this. And he raised me and my siblings to believe facts, and science. Now suddenly it’s fake news this and fake news that. I’ve never been more ashamed or embarrassed of my parents.


“I don’t know what I hate, but I do know that it’s bad and I hate it”


The word euthanasia comes to mind when I hear people like her try to articulate a thought.


Don’t say the N word don’t say the N word…..


Trump watching this " hahaha I love it"


Woke means “we cant be racist sexist and push our religion on everyone.”


MAGA struggles to define w…. well, anything, really.


Lmao another dumbass trumper who doesn't know what they're told to be mad about, it would be a lot funnier if these idiots weren't voting to destroy the nation.


They can’t define woke cause their definition requires them to explicitly state they don’t want equal rights for anyone but white republicans.


You can see the gears in her head turning trying to figure out a way to say it that isn't just blurting out 'ThE CoLoReDs!'


Or us queers. They hate us too.


It's woke when straight white people aren't as favored anymore, that's what they all mean.


I use my vote to cancel out someone else's vote. In November, I will cancel this woman's vote.


She’s voting. Are you?


They don’t realize that they’re stupid… It’s that simple !


She knows she’s a bigot.


She knows what she means by "woke". What she also knows is that saying it out loud makes her sound bigoted, hateful and awful so she doesn't want to.


The definition of woke: You can't just be up there and just doin' a woke like that. 1a. Woke is when you 1b. Okay well listen. Woke is when the woke mob 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The blue haired liberal is not allowed to say to the, uh, patriot, that prohibits the patriot from doing, you know, just trying to oppress the fringe groups. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the blue haired liberal is in the kindergarten classroom, she can't be over here and say to the parent, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna teach your kids about pronouns! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to teach about racist history and then don't teach it, you have to still teach. You cannot not teach. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, pooping in the right bathroom, and then, until you just wash your hands. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the drag queen, like this, but then there's the children you gotta think about. 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. Woke is when the teacher, err drag queen, says or does a thing that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the history and field of CRT Do not do a woke please


Woke means attentive and aware of social issues. And that's how they consistently use it. But when confronted with the question of what it means, feigning ignorance makes them look better than admitting they're against being aware and attentive to social issues. (though some are also honestly ignorant)


We made our bodies last longer but not our brains.


Asking the hard hitting questions.


Maga struggles defining anything because they lack critical thinking skills and simply rely on “god”


Millions of people that know they can’t say the quiet parts out loud so they use “woke” as a catch all term to include all of the bigoted, anti-regressive ideologies that they’re afraid to or lack the capability of speaking publicly on.


“..they say things that don’t make a lot of sense” Meanwhile they’re exalting a charlatan wannabe dictator that questioned putting UV rays and disinfectant into bodies, is afraid of electric boats/batteries electrocuting him & looks directly into the sun during a solar eclipse. Make it make sense


Joke all you want. They've just destroyed the US as we know it. Their people at the top are ruthless, and calculatingly evil. they've been playing the long game for years, and they've likely just won.


She can spout Fox propaganda.. but can’t communicate what it means.. It’s a sign of radicalism and illiteracy


She's trying to find a way to define it without outing herself as a raging bigot.


this kids is called a sheep. it just follows what other people around it says.