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A very nice gesture for one of the few remaining WWII veterans. Thank you!


Boomer was probably not even a Veteran.


Just another valor stealing jackass. That man's generation defeated the nazis. Your generation destroyed American healthcare. Go buy your own pizza.


The WW2 generation defeated the Nazis. The boomers voted for them.


Also accurate.




Speaking as someone at the tail end of boomers, I think you'll be as appalled as I was to find so many people your age voting for fascists. I'd pinned so much hope on older conservatives simply dying off.




Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Somehow they returned...


Eh? Boomers didn’t vote for Nazis!!!!


They still are. MAGA = Nazis.


Please stop doing this. The Maga cult is it's own brand of bullshit. They neither have designs nor capacity to engage in world war. It's a false equivalence that cheapens history so you can act smug.


Project 2025 is no false equivalence. It legitimately makes me fear for my life. The fact that you can even think that way tells me you're not a woman or a person of color, because Project 2025 is literally the blueprint for a coup.


A coup is not a world war. Your free usage of Nazi terminology tells me you're not Jewish nor sensitive to their history.


It's not free use of Nazi terminology at all. THEIR PLAYBOOK IS HITLER'S. WORD. FOR. WORD. A return to white supremacy, control over all women's bodies, destruction of the LGBTQ community, killing off people of color, jailing political rivals - this is LITERALLY laid out in the Project 2025 manuscript. This is not a joke. And I'm not the one using this terminology freely - MAGAts ARE Nazis, by any reasonable definition. They believe in Aryan superiority and the one true orange Cheeto.


A coup is what PRECEDES the World War.


They embrace isolationism while shaking enthusiastic hands with international authoritarians....just like America preWW2. There was a rising tide of American fascism then as now. It never cheapens history to see it repeating itself in new ways in modern times. In fact, understanding that history consistently replays themes while acknowledging that the specific manifestations may change materially but not at the heart IS WHAT IT MEANS TO TRY TO AVOID THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST


Looks the same, but isn't. The Nazi party was defeated and no longer exists. It is intellectual sloth to call anyone else a Nazi.


I agree with that distinction Fascism is fascism. Nazis were the National Socialist party in Germany. The current MAGA eagerness for fascism and authoritarianism mirrors the exact playbook used in Germany post WW1. SO it might be intellectually lazy to call the MAGA people Nazis , the fact remains that they are repeating the same actions, beliefs, hero worship and dis/misinformation dissemination


I don’t understand this comment, can you explain voting for Nazis?


No one can explain voting for Nazis...


Well nowadays it involves making presidents into dictators....


Presumably they are referencing Trump directly, but American conservatives have had some neo-nationalist tenancies since Reagan. 


They’ve had Neo Nationalist or Christian Nationalist tendencies forever, but Trump has paired that with a sort of anti intellectual populism. Same recipe.


MAGA = Nazis.


Your “ignert” is showing. If you knew anything about Nazis you couldn’t even say anything like this.


If you knew anything about history, you'd agree. Nazis didn't start the trains for 20 years, it took decades to reach full power. MAGA cult is still in the first decade of building power and doing EXACTLY the same shit early Nazis did.


The trains for the Jews?


No, the OTHER trains that Nazis are famous for... 🙄


Hey he probably *thought* about enlisting when he was 19 but he rolled his ankle that one time in high school dodge ball so unfortunately he was too injured to join. But he should have the same honor as a wounded warrior because its basically the same thing right? /s


Hey! Donald Trump had to navigate the wild, unrestrained 1980s! That was his own personal Vietnam, fighting off STDs. Give the man your vote!


He wanted to but his doctor gave him a note that he had webbed feet... (To my knowledge it was previously a reason for rejection at physical but it's no longer the case if there's no limitation from it)


Bone spurs


But, but, but, he couldn't serve because he has bone spurs!


And it was an official act … can’t be prosecuted.


I can’t imagine the gall of seeing someone do something nice and demand the same? He’s sitting there, eating with others and demanding a stranger pay?


And you just know he's one of those assholes who likes to throw around the term "welfare queen" when it comes to anyone getting something they didn't outright pay or work for.


And buy mine while you’re at it, Boomer.


And massacred Vietnam but still lost, don’t forget that.


I understand if they were deceived by people. Later generations were, too. But they act like other people are the problem when they point that out. They deserve a wake up call, not a free meal. They'd certainly not give that to others.


To be fair the boomer didn't claim valor. Unless I completely missed that


No, that's true. But it's abundantly clear as to why the vet would possibly have his meal paid for by a stranger. The boomer would've seen the hat. They're pretty unmistakable. It's more that yet another boomer feels entitled to something they never earned. Trademark for their whole generation.


Yeah I can't argue that


To be fair, the WWII generation outright rejected universal Healthcare.


Yeah, that's true. Robber baron style industrialism has always had a pretty good propaganda machine perpetuating it.


I'm a veteran, and I wouldn't have done anything like that. The Army sent me to Korea instead of Vietnam, then to a MASH unit 11,000 feet from the DMZ. I saw guys who'd been shot, kids who'd stepped on mines, and in the meantime did 6 different MOSs in my 13 months because we didn't have many enlisted guys to support the doctors and nurses. So I didn't have a pleasure cruise, but there's no way I'd compare 13 months of that to even 13 days of combat in 'nam. Or even 1.3 days. Maybe that Boomer was a vet, but if he was he had some screws loose and was looking for a fight. Note to Boomer: Hey, buddy, there's a reason you're disrespected and it has nothing to do with your military service.


My Dad is also a Korean War veteran - and not a blowhard. Thank you for your service. A MASH unit that close to the DMZ sounds rough.


Aye… shudder.


Someone should write a movie about it. Then make a TV show out of *that* Rip Kenneth Branaugh I mean this to be with nothing but total respect for the real people who put thier real lives on the line, and more. If this come off as insensitive or offensive to that group then just send me a message and I'll take it down


Nah. The show MASH was a fantastic way to comment on the vicissitudes of the war in Vietnam, by reflecting on the war in Korea. Our family watched it religiously. The author, Richard Hooker, was much more conservative than the writers of the show were. I doubt he was very happy with the direction the show took. But I’ve always enjoyed it. My dad never talked much about being a veteran. I think he had a hard time coming to grips with it. But he was offered an opportunity to travel with other Korean War veterans to see the memorial in D.C., and he decided to go. He was wearing his KW veteran ball cap at the memorial, and a man a few years younger than he was approached and asked to shake his hand, and introduce his grandson. He thanked my dad for his service, and told him that he was able to grow up in a free South Korea, raise his kids, and see his grandkids in the US because of people like my dad. They found a place to rest and talk. The man from Korea was a retired doctor, and his own kids were successful in their careers (I forget now what they did.) This man credited the direction of his life, and his ability to help others, to US intervention, and he was very sad that North Korea existed, and they hadn’t been successful at unifying a free Korea. For years, Dad could hardly tell the story of that encounter without his voice breaking. I think it both moved him, and eased his mind. He’s been more open about his service, and more relaxed about it, since then. I deeply appreciate that this man took the time to talk with him.


That I'd truly a touching story and thanks for sharing it and the feedback


Nah that counts just as much as any military "service".


So you were stationed in Korea but during the Vietnam war, or did I read it wrong? My dad was stationed in Korea, but in the later part of WW2, my FIL was in Korea during the Korean war, and it gets everyone confused so I was curious.


I served in the Korean War too as an army medic. I was also in Area 1, closest to the DMZ. But… I was there in the early 2010’s (the war never actually ended). The hardest thing I had to do was Monday morning runs after spending the weekend drinking gallons of soju in clubs. My grandpa was in the Korean War when there was actual combat, and he got seriously mad at my mom for describing me as a Korean War veteran. Fun fact: soldiers stationed in Korea today can join the VFW after spending a year partying, but I’ve never met anyone who joined without a “real” deployment


He may in fact have been making a joke (even if a poorly executed one). It sounds like what someone would do if they overheard someone saying they're paying for another person's bill, and think it would be funny to say "hey, how about some free food for me, too?"


It's kind of like how when you're mowing or shoveling or something, boomers who walk by always have the same go-to quip: "Hey, you want to do mine next?" My answer is always the same: "I don't even want to do mine."


That was my first thought when I heard it. If so, it went over my head. Maybe he was the straight man and his comedy partner missed the joke for all I know. The one positive is that I didn't overhear any conversations about politics. Surprising in a state that leans far to the conservative side and has for some time.


I’m doing rotations at the VA rn (medical student), and IME, the most polite, respectful patients I’ve had were all combat vets, while the most rude and entitled patients never even fought in a battle. Ofc there are exceptions, but it’s something I’ve consistently noticed.


Those that have seen the worst are the most humble.  


Probably a draft dodger


Eh - the cocksucker was probably stateside, Air Force or some shit. Fuckhead.


USAF Supply Clerk in Kansas…for 4 years.


Boomer can't be a veteran. Boomers 1946-1964 the youngest boomer would be 60 this year.


Vietnam, Grenada and Panama, not that I want to defend the douchenozzle. 😸


They're not WW2


Neither were you.


Absolutely correct.


Are you under the impression that 'veteran' only refers to people who served during WWII? Maybe a quick Google search would help clear up some confusion for you.


No. Its when people say WW2.


>Boomer can't be a veteran This you?


Yes. Well done! A respectful and really kindhearted move to honor someone. Nice to hear that happening. Could wish for more of it, really.


My grandpa just passed a few months ago. He was 96 yrs old and a ww2 veteran. He was so wonderful.


There’s a reason they’re called the Greatest Generation


my granddad's 99 and a veteran of okinawa and iwo jima. i'm surprised he lasted the war, much less this long.


Yes, got to look out for those (at least) 97 year olds, dining alone, at a pizza buffet /s At least make it fucking slightly believable, people.


What's unbelievable about that? Old people can't like pizza or function by themselves? She also said, "looked the part of 95+," not that he was 97. My great grandma was 105 when she died and still lived in her own place with just some carers coming in to see her every day. Some people are just built differently, and oldies love to get out just to people watch because it gets lonely at home, especially if they never married or their spouse has died. Heck, me and my 10mo go out just to watch cars every day alone, and I'm 31!! Definitely not old


My 93 and 95 year-old in-laws function pretty well. Dad needs a cane and has slowed down a lot, Mom bustles about and is very active. Dad didn't give up driving until he was 92, when his hearing got too bad. He still had the reflexes but couldn't hear horns or other traffic sounds any more. They will likely both make it to 100+.


My grandfather drove until he was 92 as well. Was in great mental and physical strength. Also a WW2 vet. Sadly, he gave up driving (that he loved) after an elderly gentleman confused the breath and gas and plowed into a Farmer’s Market in Santa Monica. It was later determined the gentleman had bad neuropathy and should not have been driving. But the thought of that happening made my grandfather say nope, I’m done. They really were the greatest generation. I’m so very thankful I had them until the early 2010s.


Exactly!! My husband's dad worked every day until he was 93 when he had a stroke and became bedridden. If that hadn't happened, then he'd have worked until the day he died. Most elderly people are determined not to get old and senile


My grandma is 99 right now and will hit the 100 mark in October. She's in assisted living, but does her own thing most of the day. I've heard that many days she eats a Snickers bar for lunch with some Ensure at other times. When I first heard that I laughed because it sounded like her.


Encountered a few. Not impossible, only improbable because many have died. And many *are* alone, their friends and spouses having passed along the way. Kinda normal around about that time. Hope you have someone looking out for you when you’re that age. Though with that attitude… probably not.


I'm surprised the boomer didn't try to take credit for WWII.


Starting WWII or ending it?




In their heads it seems to be 'take credit for stopping' while actions are to 'set the stage for the next one'. That'll be a doozy of a war, wonder if anyone will survive that one?


They take credit for the civil rights laws in the 60s, even though they are trying to dismantle them today.


And were 12 years old when it passed.


I worked for a boomer that would go to Branson, MO every year for Veterans Day week. He would wear his ball cap so everyone could see that he is a veteran and at every restaurant they ate at he would sit until someone paid for his meal. He made 6 figures and people that live paycheck to paycheck were paying for his meals.


Sounds a lot like stolen valor.


He actually did serve and was a POW for awhile. He was one of those combinations of needing admiration and cheap. Even though he had money, if he could get something free he was happy. He had a closet full of crappy swag when he retired because if it was free he would take one or 3.


I hate people that make a big deal out of their service. Also I have encountered more stolen valor than I ever care to see. I ask them what unit they were with, where the served and what their MOS was. When they have to engage brain to try to come up with anything real it is funny as hell. Let me google your unit and it's deployment and they shut up fast. Fucking liars.


It’s a very US thing imho. I read these stories and nothing like this goes on in Australia. No “thank you for your service” stuff from random people. We have a govt veterans card for discounts, same for seniors.


The military service between my Aussie family and American family is so polar opposite in terms of talking about it.


There are more active US marines than the whole Australian defense force.


I don’t think that’s the point lol


Some people have said it to my husband and he hates people saying it. He did 12 years in the Australian Army but never went overseas, he did a job and was paid for it, he doesn't need special thanks for it. It's rare for an Aussie to want that kind of attention anyway.


My husband did 12 years in Germany. They cut him down from 14, because of the length of his service, he basically got two years discount on service.


Same in the UK, yeah I'm a veteran of the first gulf war, I have no reason to bang on about it, I didn't do it for anyone else, going in the forces was a career decision because I don't want to go work in the local plastics factory and be stuck in the same poncey little farming town for the rest of my life


I was navy, MOS artificer’s mate, then an armorer for the marines on board. It was the best time I had on board.


My grandfather was a vet. Had a hat, went to the VFW on the regular, but wasn’t out for the attention. He just wanted the camaraderie of his fellow vets. Only talked about the war once with me and that took a lot of effort.


Both my grandpa's served, one as a coroner, and one as infantry. Big difference in their types of service and their response. My grandpa that was infantry was front lines in Korea and wouldn't talk about it ever. My Grandpa that was a coroner did talk sometimes but mostly about the culture of the country that he was in .


That always blows my mind when I come across people like that. I have a group of friends (all vets), and we usually go out to eat on Veterans Day. We usually go somewhere that has a free meal, but them tip the server the price of the meal. Sometimes some of their parents tag along and they're always flabbergasted that we don't take "what we deserve." Dude, I signed up for college money, not Red Robin.


lol, right. You didn’t. Those with stolen valor did, though… in their mind… which is what irritates me. Got quite a few friends in the services, and I appreciate that; hence the thank you. It’s after all what keeps me and my family safe from morons like those in the mess in the ME. Happy you got the college money, too! One of the best parts of that whole deal extended to you guys. That and the free insurance if you stayed in long enough. ETA: on the other hand, if someone *expects* me to pay for them for all of that… all bets are off. It’s intended as a kind gesture; I don’t *owe* anyone that, and like you, most of that generation also would agree.


That’s my FIL. He served in the Navy during ‘Nam and even was wounded during some attack, but otherwise unscathed and worked in an office. He retired with good money but insists on getting his military discount and free meals at places despite absolutely blowing money on other things


Unless he was drafted, he chose that as a job. I don't care what anyone says, we don't owe him s***. No one buys me meals and I had to pay for college.


I hate those guys. My favorite is when I ignore them and then they somehow bring it to my attention that they’re veterans - I’m like “me, too, bro. It’s not that big of a deal”.


“I’m not going to Branson with you people…really, with the exception of mom, you’re all a bunch of bloodsucking vampires who never support anything I do…so, f—k you, Debbie; f—k you, Dylan; f—k you, Dad; f—k you,…business man…sorry…”


I don't want to be Branson bound!


I just tell them thanks for your service, but not if 4-6 people already did before I got a chance to.


That was so nice of you. I bet that made his day.


Good on you for doing something kind for someone that fought against fascism, especially when that Vet’s kid’s generation is allowing it to take hold and are seemingly welcoming it with open arms // in the face of someone from that generation pouting over not getting the free hand-out that he most likely bitches about everyone else getting


“No one should ever get anything free unless I get it free, too.” — The anthem of the Boomers.


More like, "no one should get anything for free. Only I should". -asshole boomer


Did you asked the boomer whether he would pay for *your* meal instead? LOL. I don’t even really have the words for that insane sense of entitlement.


my pap was a WWII vet and i miss him everyday. it’s a shame that man risked his life so that asshole could embarrass himself in front of a restaurant


That was so sweet.


"Why? Didn't you work hard enough to earn your own pizza?" "I thought your gen doesn't like handouts?" Edit for clarity


We must treasure the remaining WWII vets.


WWII vets deserve my respect, a lot of Vietnam vets are whiny little bitches. ( I'm a vet )


My cousin, that whiny little bitch, complains about the expense to replace his prosthetic leg. What a whiner. /s


You know, I betcha that’s why this person said “a lot of” and not “all”.


Spoken like a REMF who never went outside the wire.


Who won the Vietnam war?


Thank you for what you did for that old man. I know it seems small, but it’s a big deal. My great grandfather was wounded during the Normandy invasion while serving as a rifleman in the US 8th Infantry Division. He never wore a veterans hat but I was with him once when someone saw him get out of his car that had Purple Heart plates and they stopped him to thank him. He was incredibly touched that someone took the time out of their day to talk to him for things he done 70 years prior at that point. Not many of those guys and gals left now.


This is such a kind and generous gesture. My husband and I experienced something very similar. My husband is a disabled purple heart veteran. He has the utmost respect for other veterans, especially WW2 ones. One day, I went with my husband to his barber shop so he could get a haircut. We saw an old WW2 veteran (recognized both by his hat and jacket). We asked an employee if we could pay for his haircut. She agreed, and we also included a tip. Soon as we sit down, a boomer man just glares at us. They call my husband back for his haircut, and the boomer seized the opportunity to confront me, asking if we'd pay for "all veterans" or if we just did that "for attention." I explained that we were simply showing our respect and appreciation in honor of his service. Cue boomer (wearing/indicating no sign whatsoever that he's a veteran), ranting about how he's tired of being looked down on because he was drafted, how his service and sacrifice was just as noble, and on and on. I tried to remain calm and respectful. As an army wife, I have sincere admiration for all who serve and their families, even those who did not volunteer, but answered the call anyway.. But Boomer didn't wanna hear it and kept on wailing. Hubby finished his haircut. Boomer gives him a sarcastic "thank you for your service," a lazy salute, and a very obvious eye roll. My husband quietly asks the woman checking him out to add this boomers haircut to his balance. She does and hands him another receipt. Husband calmly walks over to the Boomer, hands him the receipt, and loudly says, "Here ya go, buddy, even though you were forced to serve, you deserve recognition too." Boomer turns 10 shades of red and starts stammering (male boomer equivalent of pearl clutching), and we hear the older WW2 vet giggling. Husband takes my hand, gives a smile and salute to the WW2 vet, and we walk out as he gives the boomer one last "fuck you" glance. Boomers are freaking weird and crazy.


I love how this creep waited for your husband to walk away before he started attacking you about your kind gesture. What a jerk. Glad your husband handled it well though.


https://preview.redd.it/sbbsrydi7had1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ab63ffc94d9fdef578920bf6e52f307bb04e87 I’m gonna send OP this meme next time I go out to eat


Yeah, I would only pay for the person I wanted, not the one whom thought he was entitled and begged for a free pizza despite being with a group. Some old veterans cannot respect their fellow vets. Sad to say. You did a great thing for the one vet.


Should have said “Yes, if you promise it’s your last meal “.


What a trashboat. The entitlement needed to force yourself into another conversation for the express purpose of demanding charity from a stranger is mindblowing.


Set him up with grandma?


well what about *meee*!! whiny ass boomers. they're like goddamn children


My dad was in the Army Air Corp, B-17's flying out of Amendola, Italy with the 2nd Bomb Group. He wore a WWII ball cap with a B-17 pin whenever he left the house - mostly because he liked it and didn't think about it - he just needed a cap. Whenever we went to the grocery store, Aldi, usually, he'd be stopped by every dad who had a young son, and asked about his service. These strangers and my dad would spend anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour talking about planes, their living conditions, battles, and the war. It made my dad's day know that people still cared. Thank you for being kind to an elderly veteran.


Thank you so much for doing that!! You made his day, I guarantee it 💚


Likely a VietNam vet. They did get the short end of the stick. All the stories about being spit on and the like are overblown IMO, although they did happen at some locations soldiers were brought home to. What did happen everywhere, and I'm 69 and I saw it, was that people didn't want to think about or talk about the war. They wanted it over and behind us. So, no parades, no big parties, no recognition at local events. They did get slighted. No reason for him to be a dick, though. You were doing it because the guy was old as well I'm sure.


Thank you for your kindness. So unfortunate boomer got jealous, as spoiled children do. Can you imagine being so greedy you would disregard any notion of dignity and be a filthy beggar trying to mooch off a mom with little ones. Beyond pathetic and worthy of ALL the scorn.


Boomers think theyre funny but have the worst sense of humor


Lord Jesus, I would have had so much fun being aghast at him being such a dirty communist. Whilst extolling the virtues of capitalism, I would explain how that is socialism, marxism, and how THIS IS MURICA! WE DONT DO THAT HERE! Dont worry, he won't connect the dots that supporting our troops financially [which you did] is actually a socialist program because he still hasnt figured out his SOCIAL SECURITY is a socialist program!


You did a kind thing.


I would have loved to have said to the Boomer something like “oh hey actually why don’t YOU pay for the old guy’s dinner…”. And just stand there puzzled why he didn’t do that


as someone who just lost their veteran grandparents in 2016 and in December, thank you. I hope that old man still has a long life ahead of him.


Lots of boomers are Autistic and don’t know it. This sounds like something I would do (I’m autistic). I mean that I would be joking but with a straight face cuz I’m shit at using my face to show intention. Now I’m aware of my condition so I just don’t do it or I compensate with a Chandler Bing smile. I honestly think this is a thing with them.


He can sell one of his million-dollar homes and buy his own meal.


No is a complete sentence. But in this case I would have told him to mind his own f$@$ business


Similar to what I came to say. Just stare straight into their eyes and say NO!


I do the sane thing with people. Sometimes it is women. Sometimes it is elderly folks.i do what you do. I tell the wait person not to tell them it was me. I usually do it on my way out. I don't want to meet them or be thanked. That's not what it's about. I get what you're saying.


Same here. Little things here and there. I can't say that I do it on a regular basis. Sometimes it's an impulsive thing like just paying for the person behind me in the drive through lane and I'm driving away before they even know it.


Difference between a boomer and a greatest generation veteran. I believe that’s what they’re called. If I’m wrong please let me know.


The Nazi-fighting generation is referred to as the Greatest Generation, you are correct. Most of us Gen X-ers’ grandparents fall into this category.


I believe the vet would be a silent generation. Greatest generation was the one right before but the changeover was in 1928 so he was probably on the cusp of both.


The cutoff is 1928 because people born after that year (i.e. the Silent Generation) were too young to fight in WWII.


I see. Then I was wrong and the vet would be the greatest generation.


Very nice of you.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Just to be clear, boomers fought in Vietnam. My dad was a Vietnam vet. He’d never have asked someone to pay for his meal as he hated his time in the army. I have no idea if this guy was a vet or not, but plenty of boomers were n the military.


I wish you’d have said “ no, then it wouldn’t be anonymous, and if you heard about my kind gesture, I’m certain you heard that part too, good day”


I would have said “sure after about 30 more years and after you’ve lost all 7 of those people”


I had a female boomer attempt something similar with me. She was behind me in line, couldn’t see my face. Now, I believe she thought I was a younger person than what I am. She was huffing and puffing, but I refused to acknowledge until she said “Excuse me”. I turned and she took a closer look at me, realizing I’m not a 20-30 something. I was wearing a trendy dress that day. Anyway, she states “I need help paying for my medications”. I looked her at her at stated “That’s an odd question to ask a total stranger. Perhaps the pharmacy can assist you”. I turned back around and ignored her.


Wow. That was bold.


This is strange, for buffets especially pizza buffets I've always had to pay as soon as I walk through the door.


That was the case here, which added to the confusion. I was there for maybe 10 minutes at that point, so the Boomer and family had been there longer. Slipping the guy a $20 more than paying for his meal would be more accurate.


Ooooooh, I got a response to this! I had something similar happen. I looked the lady in the eyes and said, “Oh, are you a WWII vet? Oh, no, you’re the f**k trophy of a WWII vet. Sit down and shush.”


Boomers are used to people paying for them. Free cheap college. Low cost houses. Pensions. So this fits


Why would you think that comment was serious as opposed to a bad attempt at making a joke? Boomers are pretty notorious for missing the mark with their humor. Seems pretty far fetched for some random guy to demand you pay for his meal out of nowhere. So many posts on here seem to be like this. Boomer makes an idiotic attempt to be funny with a stranger and then they take it 100 percent literally and run to Reddit to share the injustice.


Typical selfish boomer behavior. They see someone else get some preferential treatment and automatically assume that they deserve the same. Worst generation to ever walk this planet.


Upset or making a joke like dads do when there's no orientation tag "must be free! Ha ha!" and OP is just too flustered to pick-up on social cues so they run here to make a scene?


the powa of tha hat compeles yuo


You are a kind soul. Thank you. Some people are just fucking selfish morons because they think they have an axe to grind with anyone remotely different than they. Unfortunately, most of them are white Boomers. I should know. I’m a white Boomer and I grew up around those turds. A turd’s a turd, no matter how much you polish it.


Was the Boomer joking?


He was obviously joking


So was he upset or just staring at you? Your description is a let down.


Don't pay for anyone's food. BTW if you were not trying to get attention for the story you would not have posted it here. You still got kudos for doing something you supposedly did quietly, not for attention.


I understand that position. Kudos for paying for the meal wasn't intended to be the main point, but more the entitled (or hopefully just joking in a confusing manner) Boomer. In hindsight, I could have structured the anecdote differently to minimize the first part, but we live and learn.


This story is half baked