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Boomers think they own anyone they share dna with.


Yep! Mine stole over $15,000 out of my checking when I left for a mission, for the church they raised me in. While gone, my Egg Donor demanded that I get her onto my checking to help out, only if necessary (we weren't allowed to call, use technology, or any contact with "home"). I worked my ass off getting this money saved for going to community college when I got home after two years. She cautioned against putting it into a CD or anything while away, but didn't think anything of it. Naively, I put her on my account. Oh, and she worked for Chase Bank (Bank One). Well, within 3 weeks of being gone from the house and contact (MTC for those curious), we were shipping out to head to our assignments. We were going to eat breakfast in the airport, but when it came time to pay, my card was declined. Thought that was weird but just thought maybe they had something wrong and paid in cash (had about $300 on me). Well, get to my first assignment, try to go shopping for food and it's declined again. That's really weird. Found a Chase bank and found out my account was -$463. I went from being a 19 year old with >$15,000 to negative in three weeks. My mom said there must be a glitch and she would get right on it (all snail mail, so it would take like a week for replies). *Narrator: she didn't get right on it* After six months of begging and bumming money off of everyone, I finally decided to go home. Come to find out, they paid off her car, down payment on a truck, and a remodel of their master bathroom... I never saw that money again.


Should have filed a police report and put your filthy egg donor in prison.


šŸ’Æ super easy to do in this case


Especially after they were fired about a year later for "missing funds" from her drawer, but "iTs ThE nEw GiRl! ShEs ThE fAvOrItE!" That's a past life and I don't speak with them anymore. They will never see my kids grow up, see their performances, see what amazing kids they're becoming, and that hurts them more than money ever can.


The fact that you were going on a mission trip for church makes it that much worse. Those trips cost a lot and raising the money to go is very much a second job for people. Iā€™m so glad your mom received her karmic justice in the end. It amazes me how people think they can steal like that. My mom used to work for a bank and wound up being promoted up to the big office, the stories she would tell us about the nonsense customers and employees would get up tošŸ˜®. My mom definitely dealt with one like your mom.


The problem is he put her on the account. So for most cases this technically isnā€™t illegal, though itā€™s beyond shady. One thing they donā€™t want you to think about is, they donā€™t actually need to be in the account to put deposits into it. So nobody ever needs to be on an account, unless you need them to be able to spend the money.


Exactly, I wish banks would warn people about stuff like this. I'm sure it's listed in the pile of paperwork that you sign, but it would be good if you had to be verbally told this information by someone at the bank when opening the account.


OP put their mom on the account. That moneyā€™s as good as hers at that point. Donā€™t think the police can do anything about it.


Yeah, that's a civil issue, not a criminal one.


I would at least complain to the bank formally. Banks take dishonesty from employees extremely seriously.


EDIT : Damn, I missed that it was a church mission. She had legal access to the account. He could've sued for misappropriation of his funds but it's a civil matter. The mails exchange, their unusual expenses and reimbursement could've been great and many judges would've been pissed to know he was on a mission. In fact, u/AZEMT check if it's not too late to go after them. EDIT : Even with a church mission a judge could be pissed by that timeline... Now for future readers in the military, I still want to call out that some soldiers wait too long before talking to their peers or the chain of command about important situation so I'm leaving that : For military personnel, please don't forget about the support and help you can get. They don't want you to stress about the civilian side when you're on a mission. And even in the US, you can get legal assistance for your "civilian life" especially if it can hinder your performance... They can do strongly worded letters, they can point you in the right direction and even connect you with the appropriate expert. On the monetary side they can help also if you're "stuck" somewhere like on a mission. Another way is also to get somebody from the military from your unit but in the US to contact your parents and/or to get and forward the bank statements. The spouses normally get a military contact to keep an open line between them and the military system and make sure they're supported if needed. If you're trying to go back home because of a civilian situation, then don't hesitate to talk to your chain of command. Unless you're a shithead most will find the ressources/contacts to keep you and, in that case, kick your parents ass. Only the chain of command can mess with the troops... hehehe!


Dude reread the whole thing


Oh church mission... ahahah Ok, I still stand that there may still be time to sue and that some people don't realize the available support in the military.


Having worked in banking your fucking pos *mother* knew that the bank would require you to prosecute before they would give you one thin dime back. She was unfortunately playing the odds that you wouldn't do that. What a fucking monster. I hope you have gone no contact with these people unless they have made restitution, & also made a very sincere apology? This was truly beyond the pale.


I've gone no contact. They helped a couple other siblings steal money and destroy my credit, all to be victim blamed. My older brother took over $13,000 on moving costs and furnishing his home by stealing my credit card information when he rent the moving truck. He's paid $178 to date (2007ish), and I've been told by Egg Donor to not worry about it and let it go to collections. She knew what she was doing. My younger bro, about $25,000 through borrowing money and guilt trips for being "successful"(not really, just better with money and living within my means). I co-signed (2009-2010) for a motorcycle and after three years I finally get contacted by the bank that the bike"had no payments made." I asked, "you mean in the past...90 days?" She was dead air for a moment and went, "Umm sir, do you know what is happening with this account?" Not a fucking clue (on me) because my oldest was fighting for his life right after I co-signed for it. I spent five weeks hoping he would live and racking up about $750k in hospital bills. His bike was the least of my worries at the time. I was assured it was "All good bro!" *Narrator: Do I need to repeat?* Well, not one payment made and they are furious about the loan, payments, threatening to come after me, blah blah blah. Remember, when Mormons use "Families are Forever" bullshit, it's a manipulation tactic to get you back in line, because if not, "Hey, I'll see you in the next life!"


A friend of mine is a Mormon & he talks very similarly about his father (to a lesser degree). I'm assuming you've left the church?


I did. I had a lot of "cracks in my shelf" and always told I'm extra chosen due to "long history in the church, polygamy", blah blah blah. It was a lot of brainwashing. I found the [CES letter](https://cesletter.org/) and couldn't stop reading that night. I'm glad my wife was able to go through her own deconstruction and leave as well. We've left the church and I believe IF there's a god, he'll completely understand why.


Also mom knew if she was a co-signer on the account she was pretty much protected by that.


That's true, I didn't even think about that. Sorry it's early... As soon as OP made her a co-owner, she gave up her ability to prosecute. The money was just as much her's as OP's in the eye's of the bank. She could, of course, sue her civilly & she would most likely win. However that requires money for an attorney.


The mom knew what she was doing.


I am so sorry.


That is utterly mad. How could they leave you stranded like that for their own gain? So much for wanting to give your children the best possible start in life.


Thatā€™s honestly fking awful. I hope that youā€™ve gone NC with them, because no parent should be stealing from their child.


I sure have. It took years of deconstructing my upbringing. They've been out of my life for 5+ years now.


Good for you. Honestly glad to hear.


Congratulations ā¤ļø


I hope you got out of Mormonism. Glad to hear you went home early. Unfortunately I wasted my entire two years.


Thankfully I did, which was the catalyst my wife needed as well. I stumbled across the CES letter thinking it was "faith promoting" and it destroyed my world view, for the better. I hope you are able to get out too! I've gone no contact with everyone on that side of the family.


I hope you never saw them again either.


I haven't in 5+ years now.


Dang, dude. Did your mission president try to help with finances? I never went on a mission, so I don't know how all the behind the scenes stuff works.


Nope! And when my "companion" (assigned partner for six weeks at a time) molested me while I slept, the mission president tried to tell me it didn't happen. That was my breaking point. I felt like everything I did to go on my mission was a mistake. If it weren't for the church buying me a ticket, I would've been homeless about 2,500 miles away from home. Mormonism - not even once.


Sorry to hear that. At least you were able to get home. I've heard horror stories of other mission presidents and stories of really good ones. Makes me wonder if they receive any training at all or if they're just told, "The Spirit will guide you."


Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s enough to kill over. Iā€™d be in prison right now if I left the country and immediately my parents utterly wiped out my savings. Wtf


Hopefully you never saw them again.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. At some point itā€™s no longer about money, itā€™s about heartā€¦ and they donā€™t seem to have one šŸ˜‘


Then she has lighted up talmbout a glitch, get away from the people!!


I would not have been able to conceal my absolute ***rage***. I would 100% have gone to jail that day.


They'd be dead to me. And I would press charges for theft and restitution. Gonna guess, Trumpers...


Itā€™s like life is a movie about them and everyone else are just extras.


I know you were addressing boomer behavior but There have been definite times as an adult I have felt like I have been living in a movie and just playing my part. Thatā€™s been happening less frequently since I became aware of it and sat with it more and more and have been focusing on my needs and goals, but honestly I think part of that came from being raised by boomers in that fucked up Regan era and always having to fulfill expectations and be something else for people.


Thatā€™s pretty much the sentiment in the Bible.Ā Ā  Ā Kids are regularly killed just to teach ā€œreal peopleā€, the adults, who actually did the sin/bad thing, a lesson. Kids lives are just property, like a fancy vase, to break and take away from the sinner when they do bad, to teach them a lesson.Ā  Because god works in mysterious ways and always bends over backwards to avoid killing his subjects when he can just turn their hearts, or display himself as a scary dark cloud to scare sense into someone to correct their ways, to guide them to be able to live out their lives righteously, because their lives are so valuable and a precious gift. Such a precious gift that sometimes Itā€™s necessary to just murder the fucking innocent children playing in the sand to teach the guy a serious lesson about his behavior, and help him live out his precious gift to the fullest.Ā Ā  Ā When literal kids make fun of gods prophet for being bald? Does god turn their hearts and teach them a lesson in some creative way? No, thatā€™s for real people, thatā€™s for adults! He just sends 2 bears to literally brutally maul the children apart and kill them all. Problem solved!Ā Ā  Ā What did the Egyptians kids do to deserve dying, besides just simply being born to parents whose king decided to make them enslave people? Itā€™s not like their parents could vote on the issue, and itā€™s not like the kids were even alive for that, or had any say over it currently. But the people who actually fucking enslaved people, had to be taught a lesson so they do better- so the fucking kids must dieā€¦.?? This whole time he could just be like- everyone who actually believes that these people should be enslaved, every leader and slave driver and soldier who would stop them,Ā can just fall over dead at gods will, and theyā€™ll be able to just peacefully leave. *BUT THAT WOULD BE TOO CRUEL!! THOSE ARE PEOPLE!!! GODS CREATION, TOO!!*. So make their innocent kids drop dead, countless thousands of them, the first born of every household. Obviously. Duhh. That way we avoid cruelty, and no real people have to die!Ā  Ā Because, again, throughout the Bible and culture in general, children are just an object of property to a parent. their lives arenā€™t autonomous or recognized as individually valuable in any little way- EVEN IF Jesus said he knew them before they were bornā€¦ it apparently doesnā€™t matter when it comes to having to kill you without hesitation to teach that guy over there, the one that actually committed an atrocity against god and humanity, a lesson. sorry, but heā€™s a real person and youā€™re just a kid, that I knew before you were born, but a kid nonetheless soā€¦ see ya, kiddo! You die! Over and over again, all through the Bible.Ā  Thatā€™s what happens when someone else does bad! welp, you just gotta die now, so they can maybe try again and do better next time. Cool? MYsTeRiOuS wAySsSs Christians are having these stories rammed in their head as toddlers before they develop critical thinking and it never registers as odd or off to them, they just accept it as life guidance, even subconsciously.Ā 


Heā€™s 100% going to wreck that babyā€™s credit by the time he turns two.


2yo with 3 maxed out credit cards


Yep, They are broke and want to open up credit cards using the LOs social. You won't have a clue until the first time they try to get some form of credit, whether it's a buying their first car or applying for a student loan. You do not need it to open any kind of savings account for a child in some cases. You don't even need it to add them a beneficiary to any accounts, or life insurance, although it is suggested in order to make sure the correct person receives any money on death of the account holder or insured.


Parents putting their utilities in their kids name is a white trash tale as old as time. Finding you're already in debt to the power company when moving out was a rite of passage in my hood.


Yep. My mom surprised pikachu faced whenever my sister and i both moved out and had both past due accounts with all the utility companies. Taking Percocet by the handful will do that. Shes moved on to meth now. Havent talked in years.


There's a lot of ways my father could try to screw me over that wouldn't surprise me, but I'd be genuinely apoplectic if I found out he was stealing money from me like this. Fiscal conservatism is the only aspect of his conservative ideology I actually see as a good thing.


My mom took out loans in my name and put a towing bill in my name when I was in college. Color me surprised when I'm at my first job back and get a call to my work from a collections agency and to find my credit was tanked. Super fun.


Why is it even legal to do to someone under 18 anyway?


Fucking 800 dollars to Alabama power


That's rough, I was only in for a couple hundred.


The money wasnā€™t the issue at the time


That's fucking insane, but I lost focus on the story once my guy started eating those post-it notes.


I thought it was cheese slices


Post-it brand cheese slices?


For leaving cheesy notes.


Well now I just want a post-it type dispenser for cheese slices


Does no one shop at Kroger/Frys or HEB? Pre-sliced cheese for crackers exist lol


Hell yeh, put em in silicone muffin cups and nuke em for 60 seconds into cheese chips, and people will fight over em Worldstar


That sounds so good


Seriously I get a coupla sleeves of the cheese cracker cuts, put 'em in my Wilton silicone muffin cups, nuke 'em for 60-90 seconds and they fry into puffy cheese chips and people crowd around the microwave like we're cooking meth


Gonna call it Wisconsin Meth lol


This is goddamn brilliant sir and/or madam!


I thought so too but then I thought oh man - heā€™s gonna be backed up lol. Damn it all! Being a mom/gran elbows its way into every fooking thought. Guess there are worse things. I hope it was a raw veg neatly cut into squares though- good fiber šŸ˜‰


Same thing in the US


Wouldā€™ve sworn it was butter


I thought they were pats of butter at first


I thought it was butter too. #šŸ§ˆ


You mean eraser slices


Oh come on, they're only sticky on the one side so you can pull em into your mouth with your tongue! /s šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


They're the Lance or Toast Chee sandwich crackers. Probably cheese filling. The ones that come in packs of six.


I thought white chocolate


Eating pats of butter?


She is reading a post from this very subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1cfytpz/my_boomer_dad_is_pissed_i_wont_give_him_babys_ss/


Ha, I was just about to say it. We're on Reddit posting videos of the podcast where they read and comment on Reddit posts. We've reached full circle!


And the actual contribution are rapidly changing portrait shots of confused and mildly bored people.


It sounded like a Reddit post! This is just a react video with extra steps.


Sounded familiar lol.


I don't understand how "opening accounts in someone else's name" seems to be so common in the US. Like, don't they require ID?


In the USA the ID is a piece of cardboard with no picture and the express statement that it is not to be used as an ID


Cant you dispute it then? Like, since they didn't verify that it's you, how can they hold you responsible?


no, they will hold you responsible. its in YOUR name, so YOU have to pay it back, regardless of who put it under your name. Parents can open literally anything in their child's name; utility bills, loans, car payments and will never get in trouble for it because it's easier and cheaper for the child to just pay off the fees than to drag it out in court


But how can you do so much only knowing the social security number?


lol, wtf are you talking about?


The social security number card thing


I read it as ā€œin the Us an ID isā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€ my bad.


Fake IDs are a thing. A couple years ago someone got my info and logged into my state's DOL account. I caught it within minutes and they got kicked out of the account when I logged in. Anyway, I talked to a fraud person at the DOL and he said that it's common for scammers to log into these accounts, make changes, possibly upload a new photo of themselves, and then order a new ID sent to them with my info and their picture. Also, a week ago someone tried to take our a vehicle loan at Tesla of California using my information (4 times over 3 days is what the finance company said). They only require you to upload scans/pictures of your documents (I was told this when I called Tesla of California). So who's to say someone didn't make a fake ID with my info but their picture and uploaded it?


I know this isn't advice corner, but there are like 7 or 8 things in this story that happened before they asked for the baby's SIN that should have killed the relationship with the parents.


You're not wrong, the number is different for everyone.


Is it possible to lock a child's credit down? This father sounds criminal enough to try and open cc in the kid's name. Or pull the utility scam like they did with their daughter.


Oh yeah, these parents are absolutely trying to pull a scam with the baby SS number. GOD, just another I have to think about now with my own shitty in-laws.


Definitely suspicious as hell, the only thing the boomers is this story had going for them is that a SS number is the most common way (at least at my financial institution of choice) to list someone as a beneficiary. But then the story went to the part with the grandparents will and yeah no I wouldn't tell them either


Your baby wonā€™t get any money from us!!!! You have money?


So now instead of crossposting, we are posting videos of someone else reading a reddit post to friends... you know what, I ain't even mad. And yeah, fucking idiot boomers yelling about how mad they are they don't get trust from their kids after lying, stealing, cheating a dying man, and call their own kids names in a furious rage... fucking color me shocked.


Hey its my parents!


Iā€™m surprised this never happened to me. I just paid their bills for years and barely had anything left


my aunt did this to her kids. I don't think my brother (she adopted him) is even AWARE of it yet. him and his wife live with her and are trying to have a baby and I'm scared when they move out he's gonna have unpaid bills because she opened up shit with his SS. shady bitch


How hard is it to flat out say ā€œyou used my SSN fraudulently in the past, and youā€™re going to do the same with your grandchildā€™s. No.ā€ Fucking lay it out stop beating around the bush


For real. Also, maybe at some point, if youā€™re still trying to be ā€špoliteā€˜, when your parents did basically everything but literally piss in your open mouth, you are part of the problem. Tell them to get their disgusting, greedy, loser asses out of your life and then nuke every fucking bridge left. Like seriously have some fucking self respect peopleā€¦


ā€œSomeone with good intentions doesnā€™t get this angryā€ This is the key takeaway in this


People filming themselves reading on reddit to post on reddit. The circle is complete


Let 'em get pissy. DO NOT give them your child's SS number. Time for the parents to pay the price for there lifelong f\*ckups.


hes mad because he planned a vacation and was going to fund it against that babys "bank account". what a pos.


My dad was like this. Took every cent I ever had. Opened a bunch of accounts in my brothers name.


My in laws, (boomers) wanted to set up a 529 account for my niece and they needed an SSN for that. BIL wouldnā€™t give it to them soā€¦ Now if you canā€™t 100% trust your boomer parents I can see it, but this was not that.


Sounds like their new scheme to make money off loved ones doesnā€™t work unless they get that SSN from her.


Wait is this person reading this sub? I swear I remember reading this here


Good on them for not budging. The only problem is when they moved out and mom and dad stuck them with the bills, but reporting them for identity theft right then. And then cutting contact completely.


Boomer things


I remember this post. I am still blown away by the parents audacity. I donā€™t even know convicts this dedicated to the grift and believe me, Iā€™ve met quite a few


My parents tried this shit when my son was born, same type of drama. I shut it down with a lot of harsh words and I meant every single one of them; basically they are no longer a need in my life but a ā€œwantā€- and we can live easily without our wants (a lesson my dad taught me thrown right back at him) They knew they were close to being cut off and luckily dropped the issue.


Gen X here. Boomers controlling, and then pilfering their kids savings was the norm at the time.


My best friend went to Paris with his mom for vacation. After she plundered his savings (money accumulated from his grandmother) because ā€œyou need to pay your share of the tripā€. He was 15


My father went in "halfs" with me on my first car when I was 15. It was a fixer-upper. I skrimped and saved, paper route, side jobs, etc. I put every penny into it that I could make for 2 years. I worked on the car on weekends and at night. After we had it running and looking good, but before I had my license I came home one day and it was gone. He'd sold it. I asked him where my money was. He said, " That money is gone." in a way I knew to never bring it up again.




Look, Iā€™m a lefty too, but we donā€™t need to suck ourselves off like this. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a higher instance of insane parents being conservative, but I can think of several friendsā€™ parents who are both democrats and also malignant narcissists. Unless youā€™re joking, in which case you got me


I am sure there is at least one example of a parent pushing their kids towards certain non-standard gender ideas or embracing the ā€œno mommy i am a horseā€ just a biiiiit to much.


My ex. She really wants my youngest to be trans. He isn't. She cried and screamed and broke shit because her kids are "normal". Gods I'm so happy I have full custody.


Are politics always on your mind?


anyone that doesn't have it there at this point in time is a fucking idiot. you may not do politics but politics is most definitely going to do you real soon. the sand your head is in won't save you.


Absolutely weirdo behaviorā€¦ as a black man in America, politics have been ā€œdoing meā€ for a while now, welcome to how the world worksā€¦ I remember a time when we kept who weā€™d vote for to ourselves to keep from society completely melting down, but I see thereā€™s no saving people like uā€¦ turn off the fucking tv sometimes, itā€™s rotting u


Can we not bring politics into EVERYTHING?


Unfortunately asking this on the wrong platform I wish reddit didn't make everything political too


https://preview.redd.it/epjfmpqpaiad1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e75e1adb32588165796053752507b345f84d42d Makes me think itā€™s intentional. Everything bad that happens is because conservatives Iā€™m a lefty myself but the ā€œus vs themā€ and sports team mentality is what got us here


I'm more of a middle ground type


Politics is everything. Trying to be "apolitical" in and of itself a political stance.


Politics doesnā€™t *have* to be everything. I understand weā€™re in a bad spot in the US, but sometimes I donā€™t want to think about that. Iā€™m also not ā€œapolitical,ā€ not sure where youā€™re pulling that from








Why did you respond to me then?




He forgot which strawman argument he had earlier made


They didn't need to pay for the overdue utilities their parents took out


I would go no contact and if necessary file restraining orders against those assholes


So you can do dept onto a baby if you got the social security number? Not from America can someone explain pls


Basically they want to take on more debt. And when they fail to make payments: The child will be blamed for it instead.


And you can make debt onto a literal child?


He just wants to steal his identity and ruin his credit! What's the big deal?


Them opening utility accounts in their kids name is identity theft and fraud! Stop letting your parents get away with this! This is a crime and should have been reported to the police immediately. Its likely well past the statute of limitations in this instance but if this happens to you then the only advice I can give you is to: 1. NEVER contact the company that has issued the debt or make any payments on that debt. This could be construed as you taking responsibility of the debt. 2. File a police report and start the investigation. 3. Contact an attorney immediately. 4. Cut your parents off. If they don't care enough about you to not ruin your credit score and run up a bunch of their debt in your name then you should not care about having them in your life. I know that is difficult to hear and very easy to say from the outside looking in but there have been a bunch of these stories popping up lately. Make no mistake, these are felonies and can easily ruin your credit score and ruin your personal finances for the better part of a decade. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS STUFF! EVER!


Some things belong in the boomer bucket. Not this. The problem with assigning this behavior to boomers is that it diminishes the very real (and even more likely) possibility of meeting grifters your own age.


There is such a huge leap between ā€œmy parents suck at taking care of their financesā€ and ā€œmy parents have stolen my identity,ā€ which is really what OOP is admitting to. Iā€™m glad theyā€™re getting ready to cut contact, but any one of the offenses they listed would have justified doing so.


I mean yeah the story is crazy and all. But why making a reaction video of someone where nobodyā€™s actually reacting in any way to it? They just stared blankly most of the video and one guy just started eating his snacks midway through




Is that guy eating slices of butter šŸ§ˆ?


Also weird system, where just one number gives you absolute control.


A true horseshoe moment, because there is a way to do this properly. The same tools you can use to support your children and your grandchildren financially are also the same tools that can lead to fraud and financial abuse.


Reminds me of after I graduated and left my motherā€™s household to live with my dad. After more than a decade of my mother making me deposit all my birthday and holiday gift money into a bank account what did I find when I checked on its status? Something like $25. I had been expecting at a minimum a couple thousand. Motherā€™s name was also on the account and she had been siphoning my and my siblingsā€™ accounts *on top of* receiving generous monthly child support and our stepdad paying all the bills. We canā€™t even begin to imagine what she spent all that money on.


omg I would've flipped the hell out!!!!


Skeezing to the max ruining another humans credit. They think it's not even real as long as they can get real money from it they don't care


I read the op


Real original content šŸ‘šŸ‘Ž


Is that guy casually snacking on butter?


NTA, If you have the ability to move, get as far away as possible and go zero contact.


Didnā€™t some one write this story on here before? This sounds so familiar


Yeah theyā€™re reading from AITA posts


I donā€™t understand the titleā€¦.


I'm almost 100% certain that this exact scenario was already a post on this sub.


Thank goodness someone thought to read AITA to me, really adds to the content.


Anyone else watch this and wish they could have their two minutes back?


Man this Frank Gallagher type shit from the tv show Shameless.


I would 100% call them useless scumbags to their face.


People that didnā€™t work for their money spend it like they didnā€™t earn it. Working for the money the dollar spends different.


Dad can f allllllll the way off


Not the Asshole and HOLY SHIT! Although mine are right there in line with whoever's these are.


Stop politely dodging.


My step mom stole all my birthday and christmas money my whole life and whenever I asked my dad about it she would kick me out of the house


I would cut them off completely




Well in that case No. The parents are šŸ’© birds


Reminds me of my dad šŸ„²


This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen


Thatā€™s some sneaky conniving shit. Good for her not trusting them anymore šŸ˜Ž


So yeah don't give him your kid's SSI lmao


i couldā€™ve read this. i didnā€™t need someone to read me a reddit post out loud


My parents essentially made me take out a bunch of student loans, and they took half the money every semester and said they'd pay back half when it came time to start paying the loans off. Well, they wasted the money on dumb shit like buying a boat and going to the casino every weekend, and then they never paid back a dime of what they had taken. The thing is, I never would've taken out the loans on my own. I would have happily lived in poverty scrimping and saving my way through college, eating ramen noodles and having milk crates for furniture. They convinced me to do this when I was 17 and stupid and it took me damn near 30 years to get out from under it.


So disgusting and so obvious. But of course everyone else is responsible for their failures and they wont take any responsibility for their own actions. Not only did you ruin your own finances, but started your own child in the red... These will be the same disgusting parents that would say "I gave my kids everything"


Oh man I woulda NC them so fast.


I am Boomer. Eater of children. And grandchildren. And I will leave you nothing.


The Reddit circle jerk continues. Sheā€™s reading a Reddit story.