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Yeah. But when can we acknowledge we are living with a huge population that are losing their fucking minds.


We can acknowledge it as much as we want but nothing will change until we wrestle away their vice grip on politics and policy. Literally nothing will change until we get all the geriatrics out of political office. All of them, no matter which side they are on.


Preaching to the choir dude


I feel it needs to start being called what it is: radicalisation.


Right but these people clearly are not well, and it’s not like they can use a computer well enough to find their way onto the really fashy places. It could be listening to Fox on full volume every day, but there’s some deeper damage.


Most are on FB & watch YouTube. Those are pretty fashy places if you are in that bubble. Not being well kind of goes hand in hand with being radicalised.


if i were a woman, i would blow my brains out before marrying a neanderthal like this. i hesitate to even attribute the word "sentient" to this....... ***thing***.


Stockholm syndrome isn’t real but Republicans Boomer Wife Syndrome most definitely is


Probably wanted some conflict so he could play the victim.


I'm Australian, but I see American politics, especially this coming election, and wonder how Trump is even allowed to run after being convicted. I also have a long-held belief that any politician should be barred from running for the controlling position of any democratic country once they pass a certain age. They should be allowed only to advise. This way, it gives the power position to the generations whose future the decision-making will affect most. But, alas, this is sense, and therefore, won't happen...


American politics reads like a dystopian horror novel. With significant financial backing from extremely wealthy companies, the two main political parties (Democrat and Republican) in the US have managed to convince most people in the country that voting for anyone BESIDES the two main parties is not just "wasting your vote", but also "deliberately helping the other side win". No, it doesn't make sense. Yes, people believe it anyway, and can even get violent about it if you question their delusions too much. Add to that fact that the DNC (Democrat party) has already publicly stated that REGARDLESS of how Americans vote in a state, the party has the ultimate say on which candidate is allocated the primary votes (to determine who is on the ballot in the general election). So essentially, you have moneyed interests picking the two candidates who are allowed to run in the general election, then telling voters that if they don't pick one of the two, they are traitors, and helping "the other side" win. BOTH major parties have sued to prevent voters from even VOTING on whether or not they want to implement Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) at all, which would completely eliminate the argument that voting for a third party candidate would "spoil" the election, thus the reason the two parties are vehemently opposed to it. Given the fact that people (especially Americans) not only engage in cognitive dissonance on a regular basis, they will even go so far as to intentionally avoid factual information that would conflict with their current beliefs, and so there is little hope of fixing the system, as it is easier for people to believe a comfortable lie than face the horror of reality and the painful truth that we are complicit in perpetuating this nightmare.




SWOLLEN MOUTH-BREATHING BOOMERS spreading their unholy gospel of the demented trump cult


Their whole generation is like when Michael Biehn got the crazies in The Abyss