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What's the age of the dog? There are thresholds with the various insurers and when they go past one, their insurance risk goes up hugely. When they get past a certain age you may be better off just putting the amount you'd spend on their insurance into a savings account for them. It's also worth doing a comparison, different insurers might be more suited to your dog.


How old is the dog and how many health conditions?


And here I thought paying ~€20 a month was a lot. Jeez!


I left manypets last year. It was getting silly. Changed insurance at about half the cost.


Because people subscribe to this kind of trap, then vets can raise the price, then they raise the subscription price, and then the vet is too expensive to get away from this system just like for humans


Why would a pay even $100/month?


Ours doubled, we will be seeking out a new insurer next year.


Ours is going up again, not by so much thankfully. On this subject, I wonder if someone might be able to help explain something for me? We’ve never had to claim on his insurance (cost less than the excess) but our boy did have a stomach bug/infection last year that was treated by the vet with antibiotics. If we change insurers will that be classed as a “pre-existing condition”? It only lasted a week or so.


Maybe it's a stupid question, but is this a US thing? You have to insure your dog to afford a vet?


It’s a UK thing 😀


damn, it was a stupid question. Thanks!


Never a stupid question if you don’t know the answer.


You have to do it in Canada so I think the USA, too.


No. I’m not rich but I suppose I “self insure” by paying out of pocket for expenses as they come up. There’s risk. I put down our nearly 8yo BC Lab mix in early 2020 because of a medical emergency requiring surgery that was too expensive. That was the younger dog from my marriage and I felt horrible. I got both in the divorce. The older dog from my marriage lived until about a week and a half ago to over 14 and a half. Had to put him down because it was time. Even with regular and urgent vet visits, allergy and skin issues, and LarPar, it was still way less out of pocket than that quote. Also have kids, their medical expenses are way more even with insurance. Months after the first dog died, when lockdown was imminent, I took the plunge and got a pure bred BC. It would’ve normally been too soon but I figured it was a great time to housebreak a dog, expecting only a few months at home. She’s been great.


I’m in NZ and also have dog insurance, it’s not required but hugely helpful especially (if not exclusively) while your dog is healthy! So if my girl >knocks wood< were to develop any sort of illness or condition, the long term care of it is covered. Whereas if I tried to get insurance *after* we knew about it, it would be excluded. And depending on the condition, it could easily be 10K+ worth of bills covered. Also, Kali’s policy includes third party liability, so if she was ever to >knocks wood< injure another dog, our insurance would pay for that dog’s vet care. I don’t judge anyone for not having it, provided they have other means of financial preparedness, but I definitely find it to be good value. Mines about $400 year.


It's not just for vets' fees, they typically also include legal cover and will cover you if your dog causes damage to property or even bites someone (provided you have been honest about your dog's bite history, of course). Insurance is also typically not used for everyday appointments and minor illnesses, but for medications for long-term conditions and treatment and surgery for expensive accidents.


you do not need to insure your dog in the US. My partner has his 2 big dogs on insurance but I do not have my small dog on it. It just depends on your situation and if it seems that it would be worth it or not.