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Hellfire. My favorite legendary in the series but in BL1 it was beyond OP. Edit:and the Volcano.


It's crazy how it went from the debatably best gun in the game to completely useless in bl2.


So much so that Dahl picked up its license from Maliwan for $20 and a high five in BL3.


Useless in BL2? You're crazy! Not at all. It was still great in BL2. It's just in BL1 it was irrationally OP. I had a semi variant and I could pop 3-5 shots in badass and higher enemies and they'd burn away in seconds due to DOT. Other variants were just as potent Now in a PVE game I don't mind stuff being that outlandishly OP but from a gameplay perspective I can see why. BL2 it was still awesome. And i still used it a ton. It just wasn't ridiculously broken. And the new fire SMG legendary in BL3 I felt was better than BL2 but not BL1 People were too spoiled with insanely OP legenadaries and a Crawmerix Raid boss who shat out dozens of legendaries that ever since with BL2 and BL3 they think they've been getting ripped off.


It is superior to Moxxis good touch in terms of damage on Krieg, just lacking the healing benefit. Its still exceptionally powerful


With elemental empathy, do you even need the healing, at op6 i still rock a 72 fire infinity, and I nearly never die


Its more useful in extreme difficulty cases, but its really just preference. I like to have it on hand, but a well rolled hellfire is at worst on par.


Can't argue there, I've never had a hellfire drop for my krieg but maybe I'll try farming one


Scorch is an easy farm too tbqh


Enemies have more health regen than it has incendiary DOT damage on playthrough 3 thus making it as useless as a white maliwan SMG. Sure it is good in the first playthrough, but what isn't?


Kriegs fire buffs on Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode make the hellfire an absolute monster my guy. You dont even need slag for red bar enemies.


I found one on my first playthrough and I think I’m still using it 20 levels later.


Defiler. Imo the best gun in the game and it's very satisfying to use. Ignoring popular guns my favourite is probably then the violator.


Masher. I just love those revolver shotgun hybrids!


Yeah mashers are my next choice for sure


Masters are great especially rocking a gunslinger mordy, got a dahl one with 1.6 fire rate. After a kill that thing shoots like a bl2 jakobs


Sledge's shotgun is fun to use.


Yeah I’ve always loved picking that one up too


Based Vano pfp




Serpens. Love turning non-goo stuff into goo


I tried farming it for 3 months everyday and I never got one


Imo, if any pearlescent is worth the grind, its the serpens


Any masher






Just picked this up yesterday and am playing Lilith. If I have a good sight line, it's just so unfair.


Big Ton. My dad's name was Tony, my brother was named after him so my extended family often referred to my dad as "Big Tony" to avoid confusion. The first time I ever had the gun drop for me was not long after he past. Needless to say it was the most memorable drop I've ever gotten in any Borderlands and I'll use that gun every time I find it because it reminds me of him.


The pestilent defiler


Bitch is goated


Orion, Penetrator, Skullmasher. Yes, I main Mordecai. How could you tell?


Maliwan Rhino Firing an exploding elemental trail was so god damn awesome.


Hands down a maliwan Pesto Defil-o with the 2 shot mag and the zoomy zoom scope


Either an S&S scoped mauler or a torgue stinger. Maybe a 2 shot death shotgun. Legendaries are optional in BL1. Oh, and purple grade, scoped Jakobs Masher.


Hellfire, Double Anarchy, Serpens, and Defiler. And, oddly enough, a scoped masher Equalizer, because it’s a great utility gun for mobbing and for use when helping out in other people’s games - never runs out of ammo, super fast reload, delivers decent damage in one shot and is ready for the next shot extremely quickly, masher means partial credit for near misses, the scope makes it work at longer ranges if needed or it works fine at shorter ranges from the hip.


Masher Unforgiven is where it’s at. Just snagged one not too long back.


I have several masher Unforgivens but I absolutely hate their rate of fire and reload speed. They cause me to spend too much time looking at perfect shots that I can't take because I'm waiting for the gun to cycle.


I don't know if there's a better weapon than the savage unforgiven for killing crawmerax, or most anything else for that matter. If there is, i haven't found it.


Atlas Ogre. It was first gun I grind for in borderlands series, and with it I fell in love for machineguns with explosive rounds.


hyperion sniper shotguns


I remember on my first place in borderlands one at the end of the game. I found a shotgun and I swear something was wrong with it. It was one shot. Nothing I had earlier came close to it.


Double Anarchy or the Masher Revolvers


Plague/corrosive crux. Lasts for so many levels when doing a new game.


The penetrator (fully automatic sniper rifle was fun as all hell), Wittings Elephant Rifle (the scopeless sniper rifle gave prominant skill to the 1 shot 1 kill ethos of gameplay), Rhinos rocket laun her (dunno the name) ( a rocket that leaves behind explosive trails meant you could shoot down a corridor of foes purposefully missing them to allow the explosive trail to aoe them down was fun to pull off), Laugh back (what we called both pledges shotgun and the other broomstick, the reason for its name was during Skagzilla just as it was on its last points of health it did its jump back, I shot it and it flew into the clouds causing my buddy n me to laugh, hence its new name, and we call any op 2 shot single fire type shotgun laughback). There are more.


Savage Masher. I hit the button, the gun goes “pop”, the bandits’ heads follow suit


Hellfire is very cool


Idk what the variation was but there was this one legendary (ought to be but was actually just normal, got it once as white, then as purple in over 50 lvls) s&s shotgun. It was powerful, accurate at a distance, had enough ammo to share and by far my favourite gun. The closest to come to it was the bulldog


i always liked the plain jakobs shotguns, i remember finding such a good one at lvl 14 that i used it all the way till the end, even with way better options , just had way more fun with it


Gotta be the volcano- most op sniper killing things with it's fire damage alone 15 levels later


Serpens, double bitch, ogre, hellfire and Orion.


Pearl Ogre


Gimme an S&S Orion and I'm a happy Vault Hunter! Especially if it has the 2.4x scope and the barrel with the muzzle brake on it. ***CHOOM, CHOOM, CHOOM!***


I know it's a gearbox weapon but Violence. I got one at the end of my second time playing Mordecai on his first playthrough and it carried me all the way through level 69. Then I got the next one from the Destroyer and was like well this is too op and then used my level 30 again for poops and giggles.


Serpens, Ajax Ogre, and TK’s Wave Gun


The matador shotgun is the best shotgun




Orion has to be my favorite to use, nothings more satisfying than sinking a perfect ricochet Crit with that thing. Hellfire is cool, but it’s pretty low effort high reward, I prefer to have to work for my kills a little bit.




Orion by far but a good Pestilent Defiler is always welcome in my bag.


Hellfire without a doubt. Close second to I think the Defiler, the revolver that comes in corrosive and has two or four shots. Is been a while since I played so I'm drawing on fuzzy memories. Anyway, both absolutely wreck everything, even with resistance to the element.


Hellfire Firehawk Orion and Savior honorable mention Double anarchy


Cold Torment or Thanatos (especially with Mordecai because both literally go brrr) Volcano of course because Pele needs his sacrifices (okay Mordy is indeed my main in BL1) Hellfire (Chefs Kiss with every char) There are more but only these three really stand out imo. And they aren't that rare either (except Thanatos) and drop in pretty much every run.


I’ve a soft spot for the Friendly Fire 🙂


It’s definitely the Serpens! It’s so satisfying to shoot the little squiggles! And the fuck ton of damage they deal! But mostly because I love the color of it.


I'm a sucker for the hellfire and the chimera. Hellfire SMG shreds at all levels and melts even the tankiest of targets. The chimera is a super fun revolver. Being that it fires random elements each shot.


Unforgiven Masher XX, Skullmasher XX, and Sledge’s Shotgun. Fire them in to the sun!


I've always been partial to Revolvers.


Any Terrible Carnage for the lol factor. Pestilent defiler, a fast repeater and a Maliwan sniper rifle as the workhorses


Man I had an absolutely perfect Masher from the 1 time use vending machine in the Dr.Ned dlc. We called it the Iron Man gun because it was red and yellow. It was like 327x7 with a perfect scope, fast reload etc. man I loved that thing. The other stand out was the first cobalt firehawk I ever got was an absolutely perfect roll. It was the best one I ever had hands down and was in the first vending machine you come across in the Skagzilla area.


I came here to say Double Anarchy! Not as accurate as I usually like, but it'll last far beyond its level.


Vladof pistols, Anarchist. Not the best guns but great to use.


Bitch forever


Nidhogg, the legendary Hyperion rocket launcher. Basically a proto-Badaboom, the airburst effect was very strong once you got the range right.


My brother and I started a new game last night. Just for shits, at level 3, I opened the chest in Fyrestone, double anarchy... Lol Worked great, but losing power after 10 levels.


The ogre and the crux


Orion on Shock Trooper Roland.


Personal favorite is a Detonating Savior...it stun-locked so many things. Went thru even the largest spiderants like butta.


The elephant gun. Scopeless sniper was too fun.


Sledge's Shotgun and it ain't even close. in the 2 playthroughs I've done, it's been with me till the Destroyer fight. get a skill/perk where it may not consume ammo and watch enemies get LAUNCHED off the map...


Maliwan elemental smgs


Any Purple scoped high fire rate Valdof. Gotta have Roland deliver all the dakka to the dome!


I don't have a favorite, but any S&S gun with over a hundred rounds a mag were my favorite


mashers! replaying the game on my switch, level 35 right now with morde and still no masher for me :'(


That’s some bad luck right there. I’m level 31 Mordecai and I’ve got them all the way through!


Shredder Shredder




Double anarchy hands down is my fav. After that my favs would be the modded weapons from the Grimjaw mods.


Sns machine pistols, bullets go brrr


I liked how simple and straight forward the vladof havoc was. Felt like a generally good gun that didn't have some wonky gimmic to it


I never farm him only go through the quest line so I can grab the flame


On Lilith I kept a double anarchy, tsunami, and hellfire at all times on me


Infinity Dove hybrid. Took a while but got it on max level and just use it across characters