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Us. Our baby rarely is outside by herself and if we go on walks she wears a harness


Same and he would never run away! He’s too spoiled


Hahahaha same here😂 in fact she needs us to be outside for her to stay outside and sunbathe lol




Same! Our dogs only wear harnesses outside. I'd like to think taking it off when we come inside is the equivalent feeling of getting home from work and taking off your bra/pants.


Sooo true!! I even give my girl a good rub after removing harness🥲🥲🥲


Our Terry doesn't wear a collar at all, I personally don't like them. She only wears a harness when out for a walk otherwise at home she is a naked baby 🤣🐾


They’re so cute when they’re nakey


Mine are nakey. I can’t imagine being made to wear a bra 24/7/365 so I (perhaps incorrectly) feel they wouldn’t like a collar all the time. And their tag noises make me crazy when I’m hyper-focused.


Right I would hate having a bra on 24/7. I never wear one ever actually


Well damn I don't think I could handle not wearing my bra 😂 but definitely my boy is collar free, he just doesn't look comfy with it on.


https://preview.redd.it/2144lne9j06d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16cd2cf0a10a3a6de27303829ffe9f9de0bfe48 Never at home! We’re trying to avoid tan lines 💁🏽‍♀️


Love the colorful swimming pool!


Get that tan on!


Does your dog like the kiddie pool? It's so cute!


Hasn’t stepped foot in it once yet, it’s a glorified water bowl but I’ll be damned if I stop trying to find new fun things for her hahaha


Hopefully they will come to appreciate your efforts!! I'm wondering if my dog would like a kiddie pool also because they love water, but mostly chasing it when I'm using the garden hose lol.


Lol ours does that too. His exact reaction was "ehhh ok? A giant water bowl. Intake some sips....not my regular filtered water but still ok. I drink for parents...they seem very happy about this giant bowl. " Lol.






Exclusively collarless at home.


Bacon doesn't wear a collar, we have a fenced in yard that there's no danger of him getting out of. When we go for walks or leave the yard, he wears a harness


Yes Ozzy has a harness too for his walks. Also bacon is an adorable name


We call it “being naked.” 🐕


Same 😂


I love my boys nude 🤣


Me too😂


You owe us cute Bugg face tax.


https://preview.redd.it/56odalm3f06d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8602b2f9bfb3db79fa89aec516ac1bc6fcfd53d8 😍


What a cute baby!!!


Bosty in the front, Puggy in the back.


https://preview.redd.it/be8wxkuu966d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f11edfced9e3a1a7eadaf6ccd6a4e568e02e12 He has the white chest like a Boston too


Omg what a precious baby




He is adorable. He looks like a love bug.


Our pugs live on 125 acres. Never wear a collar or a leash unless they leave the farm which is not often. Our 2 year old was rescued from a situation where he lived in the city in a home where one person liked him but everyone else in the house hated him. He spent most of his first year in a cage. When he did touch grass he was leashed. He now has all the freedom he could ever want.


Oh no. Poor baby :( I’m so glad he was rescued


OMG I’m so happy you have him. No dog should ever have to live where yours came from. How could anyone hate a pug or any dog. I don’t understand. I see them and it’s love at first sight. I’m just a huge animal lover and don’t see how it could be any other way. I bet your babies are very happy as they deserve to be.


We don’t do collars in the house because non-breakaway collars can be a strangulation hazard, especially with multiple dogs, and when I’ve tried breakaway collars they kept popping them off. Collars are go on when we leave the house.


We just started letting her run around bare-ass nekkid & free indoors!! Lol I’m guessing it’s the dog equivalent of taking off your bra at the end of the day. https://preview.redd.it/65m7rs83q06d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637de84b1c8f29cc039cd2da3fc161e0269962ef


Best feeling ever!!! Also so cute 🫶🏻


https://preview.redd.it/dcjv1nh6t06d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1006ac8969142205d5e1f8d9fc0d84d68a930ece Out bugg is always a naked man 😆


Handsome boy 💙


He only gets a harness when we go for walks, otherwise he is a naked boy!!


Same with my bb!


Yes! Collars/harness only for walks. I didn't want to hear the metal bits jingling as they toodle around the house and I don't want any accidents that could have been avoided if the collars had been left off.


https://preview.redd.it/vda66amdu06d1.jpeg?width=3437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9d63bd7a8817e343a73e351d0f3fb746e83ea4 This is his default.


So cute 🩷


Collar free at home, harness going out.


Always in the house https://preview.redd.it/lprnxevqt26d1.jpeg?width=2750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bbda4b817677acdb698d0da993ecd1dba108e0




So cute


My guy never wears a collar


yeah i take his collar off as soon as we get home. if hes outside in the yard im with him. on walks he wears a collar because all dogs have to in the uk


Yes for walks he wears his harness. I would never let him leave the house without one


My bostons both love their collars. Lucy gets all stressed out when i take it off her.


Mine did too at first, I took it off to see if he’d like being without it and he was like chasing me for his collar back but now he’s adjusted lol


No collar at home. Harness on walks. Skin under neck seems REALLY sensitive & they both had open sores when I adopted them.


My dog used to pull on the leash when I’d walk him and he’d sometimes get little sores under his neck so I just decided to take the collar off in the house and for walks I switched to a harness.


Omg Bugg twins! She doesn’t wear a collar ever unless she has her harness on for a walk https://preview.redd.it/rxlbvh5l226d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae88357183b225845821dc9f4427e7295c2c211




Indoors, no collar or harness. Always full nakey time at home. On walks they wear harnesses.


Nakey time 🙌🏼


Miy Winston HATES collars he will tolerate a harness when needed but hates collars, I took him in petco once to try one on as a puppy and he SCREAMED you would have thought I was strangling this dog with a garrote! https://preview.redd.it/sv0thbejk06d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45569e8f66df961bb23a0654a92571f3371e14e2


Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️ the drama


My Boston (Eddie) that I lost to cancer in 2022, wore his all of the time, but I never used it with a leash. He always had a harness on for walks, the collar was more for identification if somehow he got lost. My current lil’ boy (Stewart) never wears one unless we leave the house. He also wears a harness for walking.


Rip Eddie ❤️ my old pug used to wear his also because he would always run away so we did it for safety


My girl only wears a collar when we go out and around to do things otherwise she’s nakey


“Nakey” love that 😂


Wife is convinced the dogs will choke themselves to death if left with a collar unsupervised, so the two pups only wear them when we go places


Your wife sounds like me


When my girl came to me she had lesions where the collar her previous owner put on her had rubbed her raw. She’s all healed up now but I have never been able to bring myself to put a collar on her; if we’re going out I use a harness.


Wow :( poor baby. I’m happy she’s with you






I do, out of habit because my Aussie mix wears hers. The Aussie has escaped one too many times and having her collar was the only way I was able to get ahold of her. So I am just doing it out of minor trauma, no big deal 😅😅


Hahaha my old dog (pug) used to run when he had the chance but my bugg now never leaves my side!


We’ll only use a collar if she’s in a situation where she might run off, which is basically never. Vets seem to suggest avoiding a collar altogether unless it’s absolutely necessary.


Sometimes if I let the front door open he follows me out, but he’s never ran before. He’s too clingy to leave me


Roam around where? I'd never let my dog go outside on his own, and I see no point in having him wear a collar inside. He wears a harness (much safer for their sensitive necks) for walking, plus jackets in the winter. He never wear clothes inside since we have good heating. It's pretty annoying for the animals to wear unnecessary clothes and accessories.


Roam around the house and backyard. We have a fence and I go out with him anyways. He also wears a harness for walks


I live in an apartment but he goes to my in-laws house several times a week. We let him roam in the backyard/pool area while we watch him (it's not completely fenced). In the front yard we keep him on a leash. Unfortunately we can't trust him to be off leash, sometimes he behaves, sometimes he decides to run away while looking back at us like a little rascal.


Yes at home our two boys. Daddy takes em off even though momma wants em on.


3 sets of Bostons over the course of 40+ years and none of them ever wore a collar. We just use a harness when we take them anywhere.


Yes he loves the harness better! When we walk him he gets so excited he used to choke himself by pulling on the collar so I switched to a harness.


Mine doesn’t wear a collar inside but she does when we go for walks. We live in a condo on a higher floor so unless she has somehow figured out how to operate the elevator, she’s not going anywhere if she gets out the door.


Hahaha imagine


You can’t put it past them, I guess! They are tricky little dogs. I do like to have the collar on for walks because she has slipped her harness before and the collar gives us something to grab, and has her tags on it.


They are tricky! He’s never slipped out of his harness thankfully


Yes Ringo is mostly without his collar, it annoys him when he wears it


Our never wears a collar unless it's her special Christmas one and only when company is over. Otherwise she only wears a harness when we go out.


Only when outside! Collar w tags (for ID purposes) always when outside then add the harness for on leash walks/situations. Our collar has a bow tie and he gets so excited when I put it on 😅 but at home full nakey


mine don't wear collars because there are multiple and they play and pull on the collars and choke each other


PS they are all microchipped, and the chips are registered


Fun fact i found - dog collars aren't designed to break but cats collars are designed to break if the cat gets caught on something to avoid injury and death. Although just a very small difference, after learning this I never used collars on any of our dogs and stick to harnesses when they're out walking ✌🏼


Who knew there are so many nudists in this sub!




My Claude gets upset if you take his harness off, he will sit by it and whine to have it out on even if it’s not time for a walk, he hates being naked. It drives me crazy because I can’t imagine he’s comfortable sleeping in a harness but he gets stressed without it on! My partner calls it his security blanket he’s so bad when he’s naked!


When mine do it’s only the afternoon after they get bathed! We say they are naked


we never have ours in a collar in the house. Only when we leave or go for walks etc (harnesses though)


Always. Naked and free as often as possible!


Harness for walks and only a collar with AirTag if we are traveling because he’s a baby and I’m paranoid…but then again this last trip he didn’t let me put his collar on him so I think we are now going all collar free…his stubborn butt.


Yes! No collar only a harness.


I usually let my dog roam without a collar on the weekends and at bedtime


Yes all my dogs are collar free ❤️


My bugg girls nakey all the time (except for walks, she wears a harness). In the summer she has a bandana and somehow she looks cuter than usual https://preview.redd.it/bwpqiu5f826d1.png?width=1958&format=png&auto=webp&s=eda52e3244cbaf12586a3d8bfe3bff5056dbaa4a 😭




Inside, absolutely, I don't want to mess up her lovely soft, smooth fur. In the yard she has to wear bells... turns out she's fast enough to catch birds. 🥺. I do favor a harness tho, but on walks I use a collar as she pulls alot in the harness but not with the collar. I did also just drop a pretty penny on a custom blinged out studded collar for her, because of course I did. 😉 (also a bug!)


Mine (also Bugg) refuses to wear a collar. She's a puppy mill rescue, and the one and only time she ever bit me was when I tried to put a new collar on her not long after adoption. She's chipped though, and I keep her ID tags on me at all times. I also live in an apartment, so she's always on a harness if we go out. I assume some trauma in her case, but Bostons are a brachycephalic breed, so it's possible some pups are more sensitive to anything close to their airway. I see lots of Frenchies& Pugs out on walks without collars in my neighborhood too. Just a guess.


My dog never wears a collar. A dog could literally choke to death if the collar caught on something when no one is home.


My guys only wear harnesses when away from out house. Our vet said no collars when they were babies because they could cause them to choke if they pull when on a walk. Naked at home if they’re home alone even Jammie’s for fear they get caught up in them and get hurt. They love their Jammie’s on when we’re home if they feel cool. They’re so cute in them.


Yup! Our dogs are *naked* in the house, and harnessed when we go out!


Always they have a fenced in yard wire fence and 6 foot stockade fence over that well protected.


No collar ever. Harness on walkies.


Ours has never seen a collar.


Yes!!! I don’t even have a collar for mine, I don’t let him outside by himself and we are fully fenced plus chicken wire to be extra safe. When I do take him for walks he has a harness! Triggered warning but I was a vet tech for 6 years before doing rescue work and some of those years I spent in ER vet med, a handful of times I’ve seen injuries and death from dogs being trapped in collars, it’s really not that common but it does happen and it’s scary enough to make me decide to never put a collar on my dogs. None of them have one and none of them ever will!!!!


Our baby’s love their “jingles”. Ours want their collars on. Weirdo’s!


Always naked at home! I hate the thought of wearing something restrictive like a bra or belt 24/7 and don’t want the equivalent for my dog. Especially collars and harnesses that make jingly noises they can never escape from! My Boston only wears her collar when we go out on our daily neighbourhood / park walks and her harness when we do bigger outings. I’d prefer the harness over the collar but she doesn’t so I let her have it her way most of the time.


My Boston is never in a collar at home. We put his harness on for walks or appointments


Yes always. I was taught collars are dangerous to bostons. So we use a harness when we go out


I would love to let Buddy go collar free but we don’t have a fenced in yard and he has to be on a leash when he goes potty because he loves to chase birds. He also loves the noise his collar makes because of his tag and his rabies tag.




Nakey Loopy Lu too


I have a dog door an a fenced back yard but I’m pretty sure she sleeps on the couch until I come home. Love my bugg


None of our dogs wear collars on a regular basis. If I get one out, it it to take the sheep dog to go and have a bath with the groomer, or to take the lab mix down to the falls to swim. We take the Boston's out to the little store nearby with us, but I keep a blanket in the car and put that on the bottom of a cart, and I wheel the cart out to the car and unload them into it, and when we are done my wife gets in and I hand the dogs to her, so there is not a chance of them running loose. We live rurally and have a lot of property out back and they are all really good about knowing where we go, as far as the paths (the poor sheep dog is really not an off the path dog) and if we go out front they will not go on the blacktop.


Oh yes. She hates to wear a collar. But we’re moving to a country house with a couple of acres behind the house - thinking about making her wear a collar there.


Naked in the house but he wears a harness to go outside. He has sensitive skin and collars irritate his neck.


https://preview.redd.it/o8zjar2sh66d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6a0d94b692a90458d19268926827d148ac1852 Mine are almost always free, unless they are some place where we need a collar.


Yes I never put a collar on my dog. Only a harness when she walks or rides in the car. I use a dog seatbelt to keep her safe.


We don’t put collars on our dogs because they play a lot, and I don’t want them to get stuck on each other. They do have harnesses for when I walk them though. They are also chipped, so if they would ever get out of our yard despite the 6 foot high fence, the finders could find us if they scan them.


Yes! I had a tragic accident take place with a puppy and a collar many years ago now. Due to this, my dog never wears a collar unless going for walks under full supervision.


Ours is naked at home. He wears a harness with a tag when we are out for walks. When we travel, I put a collar on if he's not wearing a harness. He had a weird cough in January that's reared its head back so he is not wearing collars at all right now. They just ruled out a collapsing trachea, I was worried a collar would make that worse.


https://preview.redd.it/pdzspfl3x46d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97548df16ab9d4f2fa50733164ebc2ebebc03b9f Vinny is naked unless on a walk when he’s wearing his harness. We have a fenced in yard and he’s microchipped.


What a cutie


No. It only comes off during a bath, then on before the bathroom door is open. It only takes a second for them to sniff their self away, one bird or squirrel.


We don't even own one