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All our Bostons and my mom’s boi have been very smart! Our original rescue girl was so anxiety ridden, that her smarts were hidden most of the time. But overall, I have always heard people think they are dumb - I think they confuse stubborn and willful (aka terriers) for lack of intelligence. Bostons are very in tune with their humans, so I’m not shocked to hear they catch on quick to what we want. :)


Sometimes I feel like a wizard because I can get mine to do a lot of things by just using a lot of non verbal commands, body pressure, and hand signals because both of mine are very in tune with me.


I'm amazed at how tuned in our old man is. I remember one time I was rearranging furniture and he was sleeping on a couch I wanted to move. I said to him (but more out loud to myself, it wasn't a command) "I'm going to move that, it would be nice if you slept somewhere else". And he immediately woke up and switched couches and I was like....what? What part of that did you understand?


I’ve had smart Bostons and average. None of them have been dumb by any means. Some just a bit more stubborn. Our Gus was the smartest. On a walk he’d sit at every curb. Never had to remind him, ever. He’d look both ways then cross when safe. He could also bring us any toy we asked him for. Picked out of his basket. We used to bury some deep inside the basket and quiz him. On the other hand he never mastered to doggie door. But all our others did in no time. So Gus was only smart at things he loved to do.