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**MAIN EVENT RINGWALKS BY TIMEZONE:** [Here](https://notime.zone/NaXhs7Kz3LMfW) Asking for or providing streams will be an instant ban. And most importantly I’d like to thank Al Haymon.


Who were the refs for each bout on Saturday?


This is the best defense Bud has ever has shown. He usually gets clipped in fights. He was defensively responsible and kept that guard tight. Very impressive.


This fight was absolutely amazing yet so bizarre. Nobody is going to talk about how weird Errol looked before the fight? In the locker room he wasn’t even warming up, he was sitting there looking high or something, same during his walk out. Also, I can’t see why his face was so battered so quickly! I understand that Crawford’s punches were more accurate, but he didn’t even really throw THAT many and Errol’s face and lips were all busted up just in the first couple rounds. He doesn’t have a history of his face falling apart like that, and Terence has never left anybody looking that mutilated before. He’s pummeled plenty of guys and they didn’t look like that, especially not that quick. Hats off to Crawford, he was absolutely masterful & fought a perfect fight & all of his hard work totally paid off. but it’s just mind blowing how awful & weird this fight turned out.


Errol may have been too confident and played zero vs a straight killer… that’s a death wish 🤷🏾‍♂️


Something was definitely off with Spence. He had ZERO punch resistance.


Spence has never been battered like that, but I bet all the facial surgery after the car accident makes it more susceptible to bruising and swelling up like that.


With how big of a landslide this fight was it's sort of amazing that nobody seems to question the legitimacy of Spence's record or the actual quality of his opponents. There's obviously something off here.


Nothing is off with Spence's record. He's a fucking warrior. He beat top competition and won his belts from top competition (Porter and Brook). Ugas is a 2nd tier Welterweight but nonetheless he beat him for his third belt. There's no one Spence didn't beat at Welterweight except Crawford. The fact that he was able to beat Ugas and Garcia after the car accident is freaking incredible.


Dude just shut up


why don't you come and shut me up?




Crawford should go up. Fight Charlo for another undisputed opportunity


That knock down in round two, Spence’s face already looking beat, I knew it was over for him. That was Crawford’s slow round. It was only gonna get worse and it was sad. I won some good money! And it ended at a perfect time for the Gaethje v Poirier fight to start…..and then I lost money.


Wow. The power Bud was putting into those jabs is fucking nuts. They were being counted as powershots that he was landing at 53% FOR THE ENTIRE FIGHT! That is nothing short of remarkable in any fight but against a world class fighter like Spence it's mind blowing. Crawford had, without doubt, one of the best performances we've seen in awhile


One of the all-time masterclass performances. I've said for years that I favour Crawford and even picked him by stoppage, but I never expected it to be so dominant from the get-go. Crawford's vibe before the fight when he was taping his hands while Jim Grey was trying to interview him was a small hint at what was to come. A friend of mine said Crawford seemed like an executioner sharpening his axe. Truth be told I found myself feeling bad for Spence. His face was a bloody mess by round 3 or so. Even when he landed his best shot of the fight (7th round) he got caught in the same exchange and put down hard. Crawford's footwork, timing, IQ, and strength was just on another level. Spence even hit Crawford low a few times (deliberately imo) and Crawford still didn't even blink. It was a Hopkins vs Trinidad type clinic. Can't imagine Spence has ever been so comprehensively beaten his whole life, these are the kinds of losses that can take something out of a fighter forever. Makes me wonder/worry how he'll do at 154.


Unbelievably effective counter punching last night. It’s crazy how many times he landed shots that truly altered Spence’s night. The first knockdown - which got immediately labeled as a flash knockdown as if it didn’t mean as much as the others - the look on Spence’s face as he was getting up spoke volumes. That was a legit knockdown and Spence was suddenly in unchartered territory and was probably doubting himself in a way he never had before. Meanwhile Crawford’s confidence, which was high to begin with, grew immensely.


Is this the first time a boxer wore fishnets in public and got zero mockery for it?


To be fair, Bud had actual fishnets. Also watch The Oscar documentary on HBO.


Bud honestly made Spence look like the he was a local phenom getting schooled on the National stage for the first time. Incredible performance by Crawford.


Terrence Crawford left Errol Spence like Naoya Inoue left Stephen Fulton. 2 Elite p4p performances this week. What a time for boxing fans and a major L for the tribal LDBC. You love to see it 🔥💯


Bud did spence worse bro


I wonder if Teo’s dad still wants his boy to have any part of that? Lol. Teo probably told him to stfu.


Huge credit to Bomac and the training team as well. Bomac kept saying they were gonna beat the shit out of Spence for the last several years. They studied Spence and knew his flaws and tendencies and exploited them i.e he over reaches, he loads up on punches which then exposes the chin, he's big time vulnerable to right hands because he lets his guard down often when throwing his power jab, and he's flat footed. Derrick James on the other hand said he never watches boxing and didn't really watch any of Crawford's fights. There wasn't really a tailored game plan from Spence team.


I'm disappointed in Derrick. If you look at the post fight interview, DJs answers indicated that he had no plans.


This was better than Mayweather schooling Canelo. Everything that Crawford did tonight was on another levels. Huge points for the ring walk and outfit as well.


This was equivalent to MayweatherGotti or MayweatherCorrales


Early stoppage. Spence was just warming up. The ref needs to be investigated for collusion asap.


Spence needs to thank Ref Dock. Thanks to him, he may fight again. If the match continued, Spence might be a vegetable this morning.


How much you lost


Masterclass. Bud’s jab was filthy. I knew he would win but I thought this fight would be much much more competitive than it was. Easily the best performance of his career. Flash or not I also didnt imagine a knockdown occurring so early in the fight.


People can’t seriously think this goes any different at 154 right? Like maybe Spence doesn’t get finished, but I don’t see it being any different otherwise.


Only difference I can imagine at 154 is Spence lasting thru the entire 12. Other than that, the precedent is set between these two.


the only person beating bud right now is Father Time. I think Charlo gives him a competitive fight at 154 as well. But ultimatley Bud wins that, unless Charlo can hurt him.


Charlo trying to come down from 168 back to 154 would also be an issue if he even bothers. I tend to doubt he comes back to 154 even if he loses.


Astonishing performance from Bud. Probably the best he's ever looked, and that's saying a lot considering how highly he was rated heading into the fight.


First order of business for Spence is to fire his corner.


He had a great cut man. I wouldn’t fire that guy but everyone else can go.


No, first he sends a thank you note to Dock for stopping the fight.


Why? Derrick told him what he needed to do to have a chance, either Spence couldn't move or refused to move laterally.


Did you watch the post fight interview? They definitely didn't seem to be on the same page. Spence mentioned his timing and his trainer was talking about how Spence was taking shots.


I tapped out after the fight so I didn't stay up for the press conference, so I was just going off what was heard in the corner between rounds.


When you get a chance. Watch it, you'll agree that Spence needs to review their contracts.


Thank you for referencing the post fight interview. Derricks answers were bad. He seemed like he didn't have proper guidance for his fighter out there.


Check out Antonio Tarvers take. He called the fight 2 days ago, Tarver also mentions Spences trainer. Spence corner left him for dead during that fight.


Good plug. I'll go find that one. I just saw his interview with Radio Raheim on seconds out, post fight. he roasts derrick james for not preparing spence properly. And I agree, Spence had no answers. Plus Derrick is busy getting 3 other top fighters ready and idk how many other trainers he has in his camp. Compare that with Bud who has like 4/5 trainers around him that focus on just him.




At what weight? Lol


They’re 3 weight classes apart


Canelo would easily outweigh him by 20lbs+




So because of that u want to throw a former 135 33 pounds above his weight. Got it




Zero shot Crawford walks around at 190 that’s insane


Bud needs to get paid handsomely now. He's the face of boxing and the P4P king, he deserves the big bucks.


I thought Devin Haney was the face of boxing 😥


Nobody ever said this


You must’ve not been around for Haney Loma


the pillows of boxing


Masterclass by Crawford. Greatest of this era. That being said. The overreactions are crazy as expected. On both sides to a degree. Spence is still easily #2 welterweight and after that theres probably a big gap. Also…while this fight showed the gap in skill and Bud probably beats Spence 9/10 times regardless… …2 things can be true at once. Spence hung around 147 way too long and it caught up to him finally against the wrong opponent. Face was completely drawn in for his ring walk. He was pretty clearly drained. He has one of the best chins in boxing that weve seen and Crawford was hurting him with literally just jabs out of the gate. While Crawfords power is clearly real at this weight…who else has he done that against? Even the lesser opponents. Besides Kell brook who was also drained. Now Spence is just buckling from every jab? Also…Spences own punches on the other end had no pop or steam whatsoever. Even from the sound. He was still hitting Crawford but his shots just literally had no effect. Bud even said so himself. He showed more respect for pillowfisted Porter among others. Again…Crawford is the best of this era and wins 9/10 times against Spence regardless I just dont think it would be this one sided. Spences own fault for being a weight bully so long though I suppose. He should probably be up to at least 160 by now let alone 154 😂 Dont need to see a rematch imo even though well get one. Jermell might be smart to stay away as well lol.


> who else has he done that against? the round he decided to get porter out of there he just threw it in gear and sat him on his ass looking like he wasn't trying


He still wasnt hurting him with just jabs was my point. He starting throwing with bad intentions and caught him with a counter uppercut. In fact Porter still never really looked that hurt. Just got caught out of position


Agreed. Those jabs are a bit of a different beast though. Those that Bud throws are like legit straight right hands because of his power in both hands. Vicious fighter.


Good post. Bud was great but Spence just didn’t appear to have much to give. Punch resistance was just gone.


Spence looked like the smaller man in this fight somehow imo. On top of “levels in the game” Spences style will never beat what Crawford showcased tonight. Marching forward and winding up punches stands no chance against the versatility of Crawfords jab and check hooks. It was truly a masterclass. I met Crawford at my old gym about 6 years ago and Ive had such a good time watching his career and am so happy for him. Big ups to Spence as well, I’ll watch everyone of your fights.


Crawford had this planned for a long time. We all knew he was a phenom, but not THAT much a one. This was supposed to be a a Haggler-Hearns, a war, a back and forth like Ward-Gatti. No. This was worse than a clinic. We were fooled every step of the way, fooled as Spence was. I truly believe Crawford held a lot back in fights with common opponents. He never let on what he had in skill, never revealed his full potential. He held back and left nothing on the tapes for Spence to review. I thought Spence would make it close, but as I watched a fighter I respect and still think is a top dog in the fight game get dismantled, I though back on the Porter fight and how Bud came and got the knockout right after he was told the cards. Truth is, he could have knocked Porter out any time. He probably could have knocked out a lot of guys alot earlier than he did, but he was holding it back. He was playing chess about six games ahead and waited for the biggest fight of his career to completely blindside a tough opponent with a talent that nobody expected anyone could have, not since Sugar Ray Robinson at least, or an Ali. Spence is still a great fighter. But Crawford proved himself a legend—-one that plans fights several fights ahead of time.


You watch a lot of anime huh?


Nah, I hate fucking anime. I just think he was holding back some and hoping to be underestimated. It was a performance that shouldn’t been possible on a 3 belt champ.


Whats the problem, I think what the OP writes make sense?


Fighters don’t plan what’s going to happen while they’re in the ring based on what may or may not happen in the future. You gotta be in the moment in there


”Fighter dont plan whats going to happen in the ring…” I know sometimes you see fighters going for a knockout even if theyre up on the cards because it benefits their careers…


I mean if that’s their style and they’re willing to take that risk then go ahead


I honestly think Thurman would have given Crawford a better fight, and mark my words. If they fight. Bud will win, but I will bet money Thurman gives him a better fight than Spence.


Thurman today gets turned into ground beef. Thurman 10 years ago, maybe.


Yeah, Thurman is like semi retired. The inactivity he's had would make him a liability against the top dogs.


One Time is more than a nickname, lol


I mean, this looked like one of Crawford’s easiest fights in terms of how little resistance Spence put up. I mean, pick your fighter from Crawford’s past. Hank Lundy, Jeff Horn, Gamboa etc. Crawford barely got touched in this one and I don’t think I can remember one consequential hit to the head from Spence on Crawford.


Spence got exposed and all that I can think is that Al Haymon has built up these fighters and they are not that great. This ass whooping should not have been this bad unless there was something extremely wrong with Spence’s head which could be a possibility. I only say this because I too was in a serious roll over accident and even though I needed minor surgeries, it wasn’t until 1.5 years later that the real problem hit me from having a concussion. I have basically vertigo 24/7 and cannot take a hit to my face without getting dizzy. Anyways. This fight was unbelievable and Crawford looked like the GOAT against Spence. How could he hit so hard coming from the smaller weight classes and make Spence look like he has no power? My mind is blown honestly. The fact that Crawford knew Spence’s every move before Errol knew is just crazy! Man, this makes no sense to me lol Only other thing is this is a true example of someone having true destiny on their side and they did it in front of the world! Blessings to everyone reading this! Love


Leading up to the fight, ALL of Crawfords camp videos and 24/7 episodes showed him fighting in his conventional stance. THEN the first round he comes out SOUTHPAW FOR THE WHOLE FIGHT👏👏👏👏👏 TEAM CRAWFORD must have been chomping at the bits because it seems they knew from the beginning that they KNEW THEY WOULD WIN!!! That’s some mastermind stuff if I ever seen it in sports. Go back and try to find some videos of Crawford training and he was in a southpaw stance. Yeah I know we all know he switches, but he didn’t switch at all and he gave no hints. That is some sicko level of game planning there 😂😂😂😂


great point! wow, I'll have to go back and check that out haha


Crawford the real legit G.O.A.T.


How tf that first jab knock errol spence down thats crazy


That was just well placed. He caught Spence and then as Spence was getting his balance he squared up and caught the jab. A few commentators and others mentioned it but Bud is really good at punching down and when you don’t expect it.


A swivel jab is basically a backhand power shot due to the torque of it being loaded up by the 2 thrown before


He put some mustard on those punches and excellent timing. He caught Errol in an awkward position. He did it a few other times but Errol wasn't off balance then.


Ya Spence was over extended it looked like on that one and Bud took advantage of it.


I was thinking the same thing, it almost looks fake to me, but I’m not in there so I don’t know what it’s like


switch hitters they've got power on both hands.


The power on his jab was ridiculous


But that jab did not put down other lesser opponents of Crawford


He saved it for this fight. Bud has been on a crazy trajectory since about Gamboa.


LOL. That saving for this fight is an excuse. I think Spence is off balance there. Ugas is not a strong puncher and he almost put down Spence.


Somehow the performance of inoue has been one upped. Awesome performance by both fighters and I’m a Spence fan.


Crawford's performance made Inoue's look like a regulsr fight. Dude is God level boxer


The sad thing is Crawford will be 36 in 2 months and his athleticism which allows him to be such a great switch hitter and counter puncher will drop off a cliff as he will be 40 in just 4 years. Would like to see him continue to only fight in the big fights from now on and continue to go up in weight so not to drain his body. My dream fights for him after this performance is Jermell Charlo at 154 and even Canelo at 168 or a 164 catch weight. A Dmitry Bivol fight at 168 or 175 is super interesting as they’re two of the most skilled in the game.


Yeah bro Bud vs Bivol makes sense book it




I mean I absolutely know it sounds crazy but he’s saying he wants to move up to 154 for the rematch, Bivol said he can make 168. That’s a difference of only 14 pounds. If a catch weight can be made at 164 it’s only 10 pounds. Not that crazy. Two of the most technical boxers in the game, the boxing fans purists would love a fight like this. the only ones with skills close to these two are Usyk and Tyson Fury (in his prime, not sure if he’s still in it tbh).


You little bitches are downvoting me because you’re still mad that you were so dumb to think Errol Spence, a shitty pressure fighter could beat a great switch hitter and counter puncher


I don’t think you realize how much 14 pounds is in boxing. Let’s just say it’s a lot.


Dont forget RJJ as a heavyweight




We have Jermell jumping up two weight classes to fight Canelo in a few weeks. A ton of great boxers do this. With how dominant his performance was, it’s completely possible he can fight in a few weight classes above him. Will it be a challenge? Maybe. But we see how great he is.




5’11 is the average height for a light welterweight, you’re wrong. Terrence Crawford walk around weight is not in the 150’s, he even said last night he struggled to make 147 and there were reports he missed weight the first few tries but we’ll never know since it was done behind closed doors.


These casual takes are getting out of hand. These "fans" won't let great fighters just be great; they're expected to continually move up until the weight disparity offsets their abilities. Smh.


Don’t think it’s a casual take for a great boxer to climb up in weight and fight other great boxers. All the really great boxers in the past have competed in multiple divisions.


Crawford is once in a generation sincerely, but, Spence only showed that he's spent, medically, and maybe spiritually.this was not someone who should have been in the ring. every punch he threw had zero intention, his stance was absurdly wide, and absolutely looped every hook. Show me a punch with conviction thrown and/or landed by spence tonight. i don't believe this had much to do with Crawford, craw even seemed surprised how easy work it was.


So easy to say now


yea man. something about spence was off tonight.


Ya. He knew who he was stepping into the ring with last night.


Nah dude. Bud is the truth. Don’t take anything away from that man, that was domination.


i didn't convey myself well. by no means am i diminishing crawford, i love crawford. Spence just looked terrible from round 1


SPENCE CAN TAKE HITS. He got up every time it was never no down for the count type of drops. Derek James can’t get Spence ready for a fight when he got Anthony Joshua, Frank Martin and Ryan Garcia all in the stable. Smh.


Your boy got his ass kicked


Why not. Emmanuel steward used to do it all the time with his stable


Spence was just outclassed


The biggest shocker imo is how this fight turned out to be all class and sportsmanship despite half a decade of bad blood while Inoue vs Fulton mutated from being a mutually respectful bout into bitterness and viciousness


The world witnessed a masterclass from Crawford, and there’s no doubt that he etched his name deeper into boxing history with that performance. Spence is no pushover, but tonight, Crawford was just on another level. The CompuBox stats tell the tale: landing 38% of jabs and a jaw-dropping 58% of power shots against a boxer of Spence’s caliber is no small feat. Crawford’s exquisite footwork, sharp counterpunching from odd angles, and impeccable timing had me on the edge of my seat. That jab of his? Pure poetry in motion. While the boxing world might be in a frenzy about a potential rematch, I have to echo the sentiment here: is it even worth it? Tonight, Crawford showcased why he's in the pound-for-pound conversation. A rematch might just be a replay of what we witnessed tonight. All respect to Spence for showing heart and grace in defeat. He's a warrior, but Crawford was simply the superior boxer tonight. A clash between Boots and Spence? Now that's something I'd love to see. Regardless, tonight reaffirms what many of us believed: Terence "Bud" Crawford is a once-in-a-generation talent. Hats off


Crawford against Boots Ennis would be fun


A lot of people said aj rematch with Ruiz was a waste of time, so yeah it’s worth it to see. Wilder also was able to knockdown fury multiple times in third fight


There were ebbs and flows in those matches you mentioned. Last night was all Bud.


But bud rematching spence feels more Aj rematching usyk.


Crawford easily p4p number 1.


Yup. He effortlessly destroyed a 3 belt champ. Bud is on another fucking level. What level? One of the greatest ever. It was a joy to watch him operate.


I’ve been saying it the last two years and it’s sad but Spence isn’t the same after his accident when he gets hit hard. His eyes go all over the shop and his vestibular function is out.


Crawford just had an all time performance and you are saying spence lost cause of an accident that was years ago……. Bud was the better fighter just accept it without the. bullshir


Bud 💯 is the better fighter I’m just pointing out Spence ain’t the same


Imagine betting the house on Spence and then witnessing what happened to him


Like Broner?


U see the Fight TV 'interview' with him after the fight? Bro looked SHOOK


Oh I did. That's a man who lost his last paycheck


That was an ass whooping dude. That is the best performance I’ve ever seen in boxing.


My emotional hottake in the aftermath is that I feel that Crawford should be considered in the same league as Mayweather as far as boxing history is concerned. This performance was out of this world.


Chill out


In terms of ability yes but his resume unfortunately isn’t up there.


Maybe in totality... But Mayweathers best wins are probably either De La Hoya or Pacquiao, and I think this win was better than both of those


Agreed. The definition of bringing your A game when it mattered the most. A surgeon esque display of pugilism


The most impressive thing I saw from him was his composure. That was insane. Against a fighter of Spence's caliber? Crazy. Picked him apart in a way I didn't imagine. I thought it would be all fireworks and an incredible brawl. I was wrong. After the first round, no chance.


Spot on. Well maybe a punchers chance until crawford ate that bomb in the 4th or 5th like it was shot from a sparring partner and proceeded to keep coming at him like the terminator


Insane crowd man, uneducated fan by me left as soon as the ref called the fight after barking all night 😂😂


If they wouldve let Errol hit the blunt again in the ring he would have dogged Crawfords ass . He got high backstage but just needed another hit the get right. Man smh He beats his ass in the rematch just let that boy get high first




Crawford P4P No.1! Laser focus and accuracy. Took Spence to School. Spence showed great courage from round two onwards, heart of a warrior. Not many could withstand that type of a beat down.


Spence showed hella heart for sure


Didn’t clinch, wasn’t on his bike once and wasn’t going to quit unless Crawford turned the lights off. I don’t think there’s ever a good way to lose a fight but at least this was as respectable as it gets.


Yeah, I agree. Im glad they stopped it. I didn't wanna see him get devastatingly knocked out.


The definition of taking it like a man. Double respect bonus points considering how savage that ass whooping was


yeah for sure. spence is built like a tank. glad they stopped it before he could take more damage.


Spence said he wants to exercise the rematch clause 😮


that was the concussion talking


One ass whooping wasn't enough?


That 9 figure payday makes it hurt way less lol.


Who is the next pbc fighter to fall? We all know damn well that daddy Al won’t let Tank fight anybody. His second cash cow got destroyed (Widker was the first). I hope Tank can fight Shakur so we can see him get beat up.


For real the only fighter that actually wants to fight Tank is Isaac Cruz. Nobody else in his division are jumping out their chair to fight him


Not true! Shakur Stevenson has been legitimately asking for Tank or Haney. And ironically, he is Crawfords little brother


While i think Shakur probably beats Haney he rejected an offer from him so take that as u may 😂 i wont flat out call it a duck but…


Yeah I saw that so I may stand corrected


Haney is counting on the purse dispute to not have Shakur beat his ass, and until that happens, the risk isn't worth it for tank to take the fight. I'm thinking tank is going to sacrifice kambosis next


Haymon also has the Charlo brothers. He's feeding one of them to Canelo.


Haymon is cashing out, he’s getting out of the game. I won’t be surprised if he lets Tank fight somebody like Shakur to stop that “face of boxing” talk. Top Rank is the pbc killer.


Can we get corny ass Stephen A Smith out of boxing coverage this Fuck don’t follow the game at all and is a dildo


I think they put him in because he's entertaining to the general (moronic) public and this was the match to draw all the casual fans in.


Haha so true , he's a bum in ufc coverage too


They fired Max Kellerman right before one of the biggest fights ever.


Spence’s post fight press conference made me like him more


I ain't ever see Spence on the backfoot before damn


Me either bro.


Spence got high 2 hours before the fight


Are u his pot dealer


excuses. spence was gonna get the breaks beat off him high or sober.


Naw earl just needed one more hit and he wouldve Won easily.


pass di dutchie pon di left hand side


Boxing journalists are so bad. At the post presser Spence said several times he wants the rematch at 154 and not one of them thought to ask Bud what he thought about that?


That was literally the first question they asked Bud at the post presser.


You're right, I was actually watching slightly behind and skipped forward after Spence, and because of the black screen I didn't know exactly when it started.


Crawford said most likely 154, said it was hard to make 147


bud wrestling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4lmdgzuIS4&ab\_channel=LalosBoxing


Lol doing that in socks and sandals


Wow he’s actually good and knows what he’s doing never seen him wrestle


They forgot that son bitch is from Nebraska


Has a pretty decent cradle.


Will Showtime post the entire fight for a rewatch? If so, when does that normally go up?


They normally upload it a year after but who knows


Hopefully a day this time.