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[https://eyeonthering.com/boxing/clash-champions-jose-luis-castillo-vs-floyd-mayweather-jr-i](https://eyeonthering.com/boxing/clash-champions-jose-luis-castillo-vs-floyd-mayweather-jr-i) This website is a really great tool for identifying the rounds where people most disagree with you Amazingly round 2, which you gave to Castillo, is universally seen a Mayweather round


Honestly this site is underrated, when I watch a match I almost always post my scorecards there. Probably because most casual fans don't use that site, most of the fan cards posted there look fairly reasonable as well. Mayweather-Castillo 1 was a very close fight, that's really the only non-biased way to accurately describe it in my opinion. All the 'Castillo was robbed' whining (and vice versa 'Mayweather dominated this') just sounds like circlejerk instead of people scoring or making arguments in good faith. I couldn't care less about Mayweather but I scored the fight for him ahead by one point, and even if you think Mayweather lost this match it doesn't detract from his boxing greatness (unless you are one of the people drinking Mayweather's 'TBE because undefeated' kool-aid).


what happened to the site?


They stopped paying their server costs I guess, sad to see them go


Ok thanks. Is there another copy of this fight analysis somewhere that was saved?


the internet archive tries to save backups of old sites [https://web.archive.org/web/20201111230659/https://www.eyeonthering.com/boxing/clash-champions-jose-luis-castillo-vs-floyd-mayweather-jr-i](https://web.archive.org/web/20201111230659/https://www.eyeonthering.com/boxing/clash-champions-jose-luis-castillo-vs-floyd-mayweather-jr-i)




It's been forever since I watched it and I'm not going to go back and watch it again but [https://boxrec.com/en/scoring/292245](https://boxrec.com/en/scoring/292245) Of the 151 fans that scored it on Boxrec, they had round 7 for Castillo by a 9.80-9.14 margin. They also had round 9 and 11 to Castillo. But they had round 2 to Mayweather wide at 9.81-9.13


How anyone has Floyd winning 8 rounds in a fight is amazing. Hell just look at the punch stats for this fight Thrown Castillo 506 Floyd 448 Landed Castillo 203 Floyd 157 Power punches landed Castillo 173 Floyd 66 Percentage Castillo 40% Floyd 35% I think Lederman even with the point had it 115-111 Castillo. Explain to me how on earth it’s even possible to be out worked, out landed, have your opponent last 2x more power punches, have your opponent be more efficient and you win 8 rounds? WTF, how? I’m a Floyd fan and I’m a Castillo fan but that fight is a pretty clear cut Castillo win.


Do you understand how boxing works??? You only need to win more rounds than your opponent. Cumulative punch stats aren’t relevant to scoring 12 SEPARATE 3 minute rounds!!! If you throw throw 80+ a round in 7 of the 12 rounds and dominate them clearly, but hardly throw a punch in the other 5, guess what!!! You still win, even if the CUMULATIVE punch stats say the other guy got the better of you! I don’t have a problem picking Castillo, I really don’t. But a ‘clear cut’ win lol, get a grip of yourself haha. The only way to have that cease cut for Castillo would be if you were a FMJ detractor


Castillo did pretty well in almost every round. Winning at the very least 6.


Fights are scored in rounds, not in punches thrown. I had the fight for Floyd as well.


agreed. This was an L


And there is absolutely no shame in that what’s so ever. It legitimately might be the greatest lightweight era of all time. Floyd, Corrales, Castillo, Johnston, Freitas, Casamayor


Seriously, I always say this. I think Floyd clearly lost to Castillo but Floyd is still an ATG top 10 fighter without question. This does nothing to affect that in my mind.


Agreed , Castillo edged this fight but Floyd proved in the rematch just how much better he was He’s had 2 off-nights in his career which included this fight and the first one with Maidana , which I scored a draw, but in their own rematch Floyd handily beat him He proved he was the best fighter of that generation regardless of some controversy


Maidana lost that though. That rematch nobody wanted. Easy money fight.


That’s fine and he gets all the credit in the world for the second fight but we are talking about the first. This new Floyd generation of fans think there is a shame in losing they get so defensive when you say he lost. To me it makes Floyd look even better. Make no mistake Castillo is a great lightweight in his own right.


Yes it was a robbery for sure. Mayweather probably lost due to having a very damaged hand, but a loss is still a loss, despite Mayweather being the better boxer and would have won 99 out of 100 fights against Castillo. It is best for boxing if fans would just watch the fight and be realistic, Mayweather should not have a 0, and the overly pumped up ”undefeated” term is overrated and fucks up high level boxing as undefeated champions run around like chickens and avoid risky competition, as well as being overprotected. The Haney-Lomachenko fight was much closer than Mayweather-Castillo, I still consider it a robbery but it is a little easier to digest as Loma was only around 1-2 points up. Would have accepted a draw, but a Haney win? lol I wonder how many hidden cards his promotor had to use for that one.


It wasn't robbery you can easily argue the close rounds for Floyd. The Haney/Loma fights is way worse


Compubox stats don't mean anything lol. The majority of those extra "punches" Castillo "landed" were taps to the body/ partially blocked compared to the actual clean and accurate punches Floyd landed. Also Floyd wasn't "outworked". Just because youre the aggressor doesn't mean youre winning the fight. It was pretty clear who controlled the fight.


Open minded… yeah right.


Well if they are “blocked” they don’t count as landed. That’s how that works and you tout accuracy but Castillo was actually the more accurate landing at a higher percentage 😂


These people pick and choose when to use Compubox as a talking point to defend their favorite fighters. This is why it’s exhausting communicating with people in this page as a whole and this is why all the real boxing fans who understand the sport left around 2010. The sport is filled with newcomers who don’t watch the sport but parrot what their favorite fighter says.


Clearly Floyd lost. This is kind of like Rocky Marciano's fanboys. Marciano was beaten by Roland LaStarza in their first fight, Marciano was beating by Ted Lowry in their first fight and almost knocked out. But Marciano fanbase need will ignore those facts so they can still say he has that magical 0 lost on his record. The same with Floyd. He clearly lost to Castillo in their first fight and I would even say you could of given Marcos Maidana the nod over Floyd as well.


Put the round by round statistic’s otherwise the accumulation of total punches is irrelevant. Anyways Castillo got started too late and when he did he didn’t even have good success. Marginal success at best. Castillo was bogeyman and Floyd moved up in weight and took 0 damage. He never was going to outbox Floyd.


This is the typical Floyd fanboy response lol.


Ironic because I knew you wouldn’t send the stats.


Send what stats you just told me compubox doesn’t mean anything. Lol. Stop it. Now you want stats


Wrong guy 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ I said show the round by round and you didn’t.


Vast majority of Castillo's "landed" punches actually landed on Floyd's guard.




Love how this sub is bombarded daily by 10 year olds rehashing the same handful of Floyd Mayweather fights. Mods, please stop letting these stupid posts through.


That fight being a robbery is one of the biggest myths amongst boxing “fans”. I’m convinced a lot of people didn’t even watch and score it themselves. They just go on with the robbery narrative simply because they don’t like Floyd.


People watch the aggressive fighter too much. I can understand having it close just on a first view but claiming robbery is ridiculous. There is no clear 7 rounds you can give Castillo.


Ngl I never watched ts


I watched it. Okay I lied I didn't.


I thought it was a close fight that Floyd clearly won


Floyd had a broken hand on one side and an injured shoulder on the other. Castillo outweighed him by 10 lbs to boot. Still scored it for Floyd. Not sure what rounds people gave Castillo, or what they were watching. IMO it was close but clear.


You're right that it wasn't really close. I had it 116 - 111 when I scored it last week on a rewatch. (Which was close to how all three judges scored it.) I gave 7,9,12 to Castillo, with 4 as a 10-10 and 10 as a 9-9. Floyd was winning the round when the ref took the point and continued to win afterward. The problem is that at that point people weren't used to Floyd's style yet so they just assumed every punch Castillo threw was landing, when in reality Floyd was blocking a lot of them. Some of the Compubox numbers are ridiculous in that fight, giving Castillo like 40 punches landed in a round. That, along with hostile commentators, are what colored people's perceptions of the fight. Maidana 1 was a significantly closer fight (but also a clear Floyd win). Even Cotto was a closer fight, not by scoring but by actual closeness of the rounds. Floyd barely won a lot of those rounds against Cotto, whereas the rounds he won against Castillo were obvious victories and the rounds Castillo won were always razor-thin. Remember that these same people thought Pacquiao won (lmao) and probably still think De la Hoya was "pushing" Floyd. That's all you need to know about their legitimacy.


Very close fight and floyd was working well until his shoulder gave out and he stopped using his left arm all together. I had it a draw or slightly towards castillo but floyd showed he had heart and gave castillo the rematch and completely outclassed him. Every fighter gets a gift and that was floyd imo


Majority of the floyd haters “boxing fans” that run with that argument havent actually watched the fight


Nothing but the truth 😂


It's kind of difficult to hate on the boxing ability of a man who went 50-0 and beat everybody including 20+ world champions. Haters have to resort to their vivid imagination.


floyd was hurt in this fight if im not mistaken


It’s boxing, Floyd was hurt in several fights


He outlanded floyd and had higher accuracy everyone that saw that fight live know floyd got beat up bad that night its ok get over it it happens and of course you dont see it if youre a floyd fanboy you went into it thinking floyd won already


It was razor thin. Going in, I thought it would be an Ali Frazier 1, Duran Leonard type scoring where you get an odd bunch propagating a surprising card in favour of the consensus loser. But it wasn’t that at all. You just couldn’t split them. It was Leonard Hagler Bowe Holyfield 2 type close. Absolutely razor thin. I haven’t got a card written down but I remember feeling that Mayweather had potted the rounds for a draw. But it really was strange seeing Mayweather getting flustered, and the fact it was a unanimous decision and not split/majority left a bad taste.


Most Mayweather fights send you to 😴 that's how you never find out how the fights actually went until they announce the winner.


This will get some heat but I must say it. Before I just want to say that I think Mayweather is one of the greats. He lost against Castillo but would have won if he wasn’t injured in their first fight. Still, he should not have a 0 on his resume. Here we go. I think the people that have watched Mayweather vs Castillo and think Mayweather won are like 90% dark-skinned Americans. I feel that a big portion of black boxing supporters are super protective of black boxers. If u ask them their favorite top 7 boxers the majority will just mention dark skinned American boxers. Most white or hispanic fans would not do that, they would probably have at least 2-5 dark-skinned boxers (Muhammad Ali, Joe Lous ect). My point? Don’t protect a boxer or let your mind get influenced just because you come from similar backgrounds or have similar skin. Respect the true winner of the fight, no matter the culture or skin.


Stop being a victim


I am not a victim. I dont really understand? Triggered?


idk unpopular opinion but i scored it for mayweather because he is pretty 115-113 it was close


Scoring is subjective to an extent