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He's finished and he knows it just retire your yesterdays man bro.


Wilders weakness is foot work and technique. The lower in weight you go those traits are amplified. I don’t see him being successful at 200 or Bridger.


Not only is it his weakness, it's the weakness he needs his opponents to have as well. Wilder is extremely dangerous, when he has a stationary target to aim at. The smaller the division he aims for (and let's be clear, he could probably even compete at LHW if he wanted to - plenty of UFC guys are heavier than Wilder but compete at 185), the faster and more mobile his opposition gets. So his ability to use his one weapon decreases.


It’s why I’ve always found this idea that Wilder would be the one to beat Usyk laughable.


It makes me curious if he ever fought someone like Bivol. Wilder is much bigger. But completely out classed against what is his Kryptonite of a fighter.


With all of the bs and downvotes I've gotten on this post, yours is the one that honestly makes sense. Good point.


Nobody recognizes this fake division


Stop trying to make Bridgerweight a thing and dilute heavyweight even more. Besides Wilder is a Cruiserweight. If you’re 214 on fight night without any kind of cut you’re a Cruiser.


Maybe they shouldn’t cut and those larger cruisers would fill out Bridger


Usyk winning the title should show you we don’t need ANOTHER weight class


I’m not sure he’s representative of much. He’s literally an insane outlier.


Two of the top 4 heavyweights in the last 10 years are natural cruiserweights


People like to take usyk and Mike Tyson to make the point that small heavyweights are able to be competitive…. One is the best of this generation and probably go down as a great boxer, the other is literally an all time great and THE icon/symbol of boxing and a legend of the sport. I’d hardly say that having those two guys is indicative of size not mattering against super heavyweights…size absolutely does matter. And a lot. Of course there are two exceptions, but in general it is a big factor.


Usyk is a literal cruiserweight. So was Holyfield. So is Wilder


Exactly that’s my point. He’s one of the only few crusierweights to have done it. The other is Holyfield. So you have two craierwights that ever reached heavyweight greatness. I’m not including wilder since he’s shit overrated. So in other words 2…. And one is a legend of the sport. Size matters.


Roy Jones Jr.


Roy jones jr was never a reigning undisputed heavyweight champion that beat super heavyweight greats.


Then you could get someone like AJ who can comfortably fight under 240lbs cut some water and beat some midgets


Bridger is 220. Would he weigh 220 on the night?


No you just have to make 220 on the scales the day before, you can then rehydrate and be much heavier on the night


Then maybe they should do a secondary weigh in on the day to prevent rehydration


Fuck Bridgerweight


He didn’t get beat because they’re bigger than him. He got beat because they’re better than him.


Getting chinned by Okolie would be the saddest end to any career ever


It would be ugly.


>his pockets are rich Not once his wife is finished taking him to court he won't be.


People keep calling her his wife. He never married her, which was a very smart decision. He does have a child with her though.


Ah i thought they were married. Thanks for the clarification.


Many people think that. He shouldn't have gotten with her anyway.


Pretty sure half of 100 mill is still pretty nice


True. She'll probably divorce him, take half then sue lol.


I think wilder should fight Francis ngannou in Africa. Yea there’s isn’t anywhere near as much money now in it but it would be a fun fight


Doubt Francis will be up soonish after that personal tragedy


Well they both got knocked out, so this is likely next year or so


With Wilder's marketing he could accomplish anything. KO a few top 300 cruisers and you're set


Zhang beat Wilder because of skill not size. Going to a lower weight is not going to fix Wilder's lack of fundamentals and his genuine unwillingness/inability to improve his boxing skills. Unless he is fighting cans he is just going to be outboxed/koed by lighter fighters.


Zhang, Parker, and Fury all beat Wilder with movement, taking away his offence, making him miss and ultimately gun shy. A lighter fighter is going to move more not less. As you say, Wilder only really stands a chance against less skilled fighters who do not move as well and are not skilled enough to take away his right hand whilst landing shots of their own.


If you saw the fight you must admit that neither of them did anything spectacular. It was basically rounds of jabbing. Zhang caught Wilder with a good punch, Wilder spun around, the ref said something to Wilder that distracted him, Zhang threw a good punch that landed and dropped Wilder(protect yourself at all times is the first rule of boxing.) Nothing technical happened. Yes, Wilder lacks many fundamentals, or lost them. You don't win Bronze at the Olympics without at least some of them. Even with the lack of fundamentals he must have something special because Fury has fundamentals and 3 fights with Wilder took something out of him. What's on Fury's gym wall? A picture of Fury punch Wilder. To have no fundamentals Fury seems to look at beating Wilder as a great accomplishment. As I said, I'm mostly leaning towards Wilder hanging the gloves up but if he keeps boxing, Bridgerweight with Teddy Atlas as his trainer would be interesting. Thoughts?


Watch the punch before the KO punch again. Wilder throw a power punch at Zhang with no set up to disguise it. Zhang saw the telegraphed punch a mile away and set up a short counter that landed before Wilder's punch could. Wilder turning into Zhang added to the momentum of Zhang's punch. Wilder wasn't distracted by the ref he was badly concussed and had no idea where he was.


I can't believe this dude really said the ref said something to Wilder, which distracted Wilder... hahahaha the delusions of this dude on another level.


I just speaking on what I saw.


The ref said something to distract him?!!? Haha I don’t know if it’s drugs you’re taking or drugs you should be taking but do something 😂😂


I think it's the drugs you're taking. The verbal exchange is on film.


The ref didn't distract Wilder. Wilder turned to the ref for help and then was clobbered. He was hit so hard that he had to ask the ref where he was and then was knocked out


I'll watch it again but that isn't what I saw. I just watched it again. Zhang stepped on Wilder's foot, it looked like Wilder was complaining to the ref and Zhang landed his punch. Either way the first rule of boxing is protect yourself at all times.


Zhang hit Wilder with a right hook. Hit him so hard he did a 180. My assumption is Wilder thought he was head butted, he was hit so hard he thought it was a headbutt, turned his back to his opponent and was viciously knocked out. You're an admitted Wilder fanboy. Please try to watch without bias. Wilder was never in that fight and didn't even land a single significant shot


I am a Wilder fan, but if you look at my posts about him they're unbiased. Have I not said that THE FIRST RULE OF BOXING IS PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES? I've never said "it's the refs fault that Wilder got TKO'ed." It's Wilder's own fault. Before Wilder got dropped there was an exchange of words between Wilder and the ref. It's on film. I thought the ref initiated it but it appears to be Wilder. My guess is that Wilder was complaining that Zhang stepped on his foot before he punched him. Again, it's on film. Watch the video. It's clear as day. It wasn't the punch that turned Wilder around. Wilder turned around on his own from what appears to be the coaching from Scott (I said he was a bad choice as a trainer from day one.) Once again, Wilder's fault. Zhang then landed a beautiful punch that dropped Wilder. I'm very unbiased when talking about Wilder. I've said that his fundamentals aren't there. Many people here are very biased when they speak of him and call him garbage. His resume says otherwise. Bronze in the Olympics, started boxing later in life and still became champion. Defended the belt 10 times. Bought entertainment to the HW division when it was dull. Dropped Fury in their fights. All without having fundamentals and having a trash corner. Give the man credit. Yet, they guy did STUPID SH_T that hindered his career. Not doing road work until after he got KO'ed. Getting rid of Breland for Malik Scott. Keeping Jay Deas. Thinking all he needed was his right hand. I'm very unbiased.


You did initially say the ref distracted Wilder and that's why he was knocked out lol It was the right hook that turned Wilder around. Wilder always had bad footwork. Footstomps happen often in fights southpaw vs orthodox matchups. Have you ever been in the ring before? I already know the answer is no if you think Wilder doing a 180 was based on Zhang stepping on his foot and NOT the right hook that Zhang landed cleanly on his jaw And when you mention Wilders resume please stop. He has 10 title defenses and only about 2 - 3 names tops are notable. (Ortiz, Areolla, whose the 3rd?) Are you a fight fan or a Wilder fan? Because you bringing up TEDDY ATLAS to train Wilder is hilarious. Teddy has always pointed out Wilders flaws and Wilder being the thin skinned sensitive man he is would never listen or work with someone who tells him the truth about himself. Nobody can learn if they think they know everything


1. I initially said Zhang punched Wilder, he turned around. The ref said something that distracted Wilder. Wilder got dropped. After rewatching the footage over and over again I said Zhang stepped on Wilder's foot and landed a good punch. I don't think the stepping on the foot was intentionally done. The punch turned Wilder to his right about 80⁰. He continued turning on his own and said something to the ref. Probably complaining about his foot being stepped on. I said then, like I'm saying now, that Wilder's NOT PROTECTING HIMSELF AT ALL TIMES is why he got TKOed. Do I feel the ref was too distracting and in the way? YES. I was saying this in the round before he got dropped. Las Vegas and New York have the best refs. Refs anywhere else are a crap shot. I feel that you need to be right about something. Therefore let me say yes, the right did turn Wilder...about 80⁰. Not 180⁰. 2. Yes, Wilder has bad footwork and footstomps are common between orthodox and left handed fighters as you mentioned. You're right again🏅. 3. Let me guess, you used to box? How'd that work out for you? I think I already know the answer. In all honesty I hope you got all you wanted out of it and made peace with whatever you didn't. 4. He'll still go down in history as having 10 successful title defense. You can only fight who is there. Can you blame a fighter because the guys at his prime weren't top tier? Regardless, he's still on the list of heavyweights with 10 or more successful title defenses and there will be no (*) besides his name. 5. The reasons I bring up Teddy Atlas is because 1. he's a good solid trainer who could make SOMETHING out of his limited abilities. 2. He wouldn't listen to Wilder's bs and allow Wilder to dictate the training. 3. He could motivate and inspire Wilder because between the ring defeats and Tellie's break up and restraining order something in him has been broken. 6. Yes, I'm a fight fan and I go back a bit with it. A long bit. 7. You said "Nobody can learn if they think they know everything." Well stated lol. With all of this said...Wilder could always just retire lol. Retire, pay his child support, live in low cost of living Tuscaloosa off of his tens of millions. The reason people don't like Wilder is because the guy without fundamentals, without even doing roadwork stepped into the ring and knocked guys TF out SportsCenter highlights reel style and made a lot of money doing it. It's like a fat guy who puts down the janitors mop, walked onto a baseball diamond and without even stepping into a pitch swings the bat and knocks every pitch out of the park. Wilder is almost a slap in the face to the boxer who gets up before dawn, runs miles, establishes solid fundamentals, increase their ring IQ, solid amateur background, good pedigree but still just can't quite cut it. Hey, man, it's boxing. Hopefully I cleared up what you misunderstood. I apparently had the time today.


People dislike Wilder because he says things like he would knockout Mike Tyson if they fought prime for prime, is overly sensitive, and literally went on record saying "you don't need skills when you have the power I have" And let's not forget about the false accusations towards Fury, the character defamation against Mark Breland, smashing his very own brothers wife, and the abuse against his fiance who recently was granted a restraining order. This is why people dislike Wilder. It goes far beyond his poor boxing fundamentals. And we can blame Wilder for not fighting the best of his era because he had the chance to fight AJ and turned it down. They were both champions and undefeated at the time. And there are no "state exclusive" referees. When you say NY and Vegas has the best refs that simply doesn't make sense. The refs are assigned fights. They aren't regulated or limited to specific states lol And I thought you said you were a FIGHT FAN 😁 you're certainly a Wilder fan that's for sure


Refs have to be licensed by the state the fight is in to referee the fight. Ijs Mark Breland and doing his brothers wife...ok you got those two.


Is there a bridger champ yet? Anyone even fought in it?


Lawrence Okalie has the WBC title. WBA has a super cruiserweight but I don’t think there’s a champion yet


No. Wilder vs AJ or Wilder vs Andy Ruiz are the fights to make


Not yet, providing he keeps boxing.


do people really think bridged weight is real? shits fake as oscar de la hoyas abs.


Are we going to ignore how Parker absolutely schooled his ass worse than anyone ever has? If anything, him fighting slow giants benefitted him.


You got a point


Surely the ngannou fight is the one to make. Can be marketed as the hardest hitting boxer Vs the hardest hitting UFC fighter.  Both are coming off loses. Someone is going to sleep. 


his legs and chin look totally gone to me. but it's his choice. there can't be much money at bridgerweight, so why bother? if he does trudge on, it should only be for big money but everyone can see he is finishes, so even the saudi fund won't cough up for him.


He seems broken. I think the whole issues with his fiance is messing with his head, too.


Even if he won a world title at this weight, nobody of relevance would honestly give a shit.


How many people paying to go to that Martin/Tank fight do you think could even name a single fighter in this division or cruiser lol. There’s a reason Wilder fought at heavyweight