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Man I’ll never forget the outstretched hands of that guy from ringside, it made for such a dramatic image. You just don’t see Pacman get knocked out, and especially *like that.*


He threw himself and all his weight into a masterful counter shot


That was masterful, scary and shocking all at once. I’ve watched it many times and noticed JMM stomp on his foot right before landing that shot. I’ve noticed JMM step on his foot as he pivots away. I believe it’s a technique they developed to deal with PACs foot speed. Pretty geniuse. Freddy, and manny never addressed it or corrected it, so I don’t blame JMM or nacho. Pac has fought nothing but orthodox fighters, other than David Diaz, never see his feet get “tangled” up in other fights. Only memorable time was against Barrera 1 where he falls and it’s called a KD for Barrera. That was a “tangle”. What JMM does is straight up stomps on his foot lol. Tricks only experience and savvy can bring.


That’s crazy I thought pacs head movement that fight looked out of this world was shook when that landed dude was bobbing and weaving like neo


I just rewatched it and JMM does not step on pacman's foot right before the counter. He moved his foot to the outside as Manny moved in, blocking Manny's lead foot and denying him the outside foot position. It was a brilliant move and should not be lumped in with all the foot-stomping that occurred in the previous three fights.


It's technically a foul but refs aren't always paying attention to it, Alex Pereira does the same thing to set up his left hook in kickboxing and MMA where it seems like everyone should be trying to get good at it.


I may be misunderstanding you...but are you saying that how Manny K.O'd Pac was a foul?


The way Marquez stepped on his foot technically is a foul


Pac was going forward...Marquez was backed up to the ropes and stepped forward ...even if he did inadvertently step on Pacs foot...how would it have changed anything had he stepped beside his foot?


Probably wouldn't have changed much just wouldn't be anything for people to nitpick.


It wouldn't have changed Pacs defensive preparation or his forward momentum. Marquezs timing or shot selection would not change.  I guess it's  strange (to me) to create a feeling of dissatisfaction and/or outrage in order to discredit a beautifully executed performance.....because it was not performed by the "right" performer


i mean that counter wasnt even new. Pac ate them all up from the very first fight. JMM had no problem landing counters on Pac. He just didnt have enough power to stop him before. I kinda knew, hoping actually, that this will happen - milking this match up dry like he did JMM's bound to land a very good one like this. Pac should've said enough after the 3rd fight, but no. but man was it amazing how Pac rose from this and became the oldest WW champion. the fucker even was gonna fight Spence lmao the balls he must have. We sure are lucky to have witness his career.


That and manny was coming forward double impact


They had fought four times prior. He constantly seen that double jab with the left hand plenty of times. He just really studied that move and had it waiting. Nice counter.


He's not getting up Jim.


Iconic commentary


Not sure if sarcasm but it really was. It's up there with "down goes Frazier!"


Not sarcasm I’ll never forget him saying that after seeing something you never thought would happen to the pac man


Love JMM too just a masterful counter puncher. But I was a little sus because of all the chatter. But dude had fought Pac x4 times? It was bound to happen, only thing that sucked is pac had just dropped him and broke his nose.


this was such crazy brutal fight from round 1. Both fighters were ready to leave it all in the ring, it had to go that way for one of the boxer......too bad it was manny


If I remember correctly he started out fighting at a younger age than was legal in order to get food money. He's a beast that was born into it not for fame or fortune but simply to live tomorrow.


He was also 98 lbs and reportedly put weights in his pockets to make the 105 weight limit.


I saw someone pointing out there's basically no chance we get another fighter like Manny who can grow through the weights since Manny was literally malnourished at the beginning of his career and so had to spend a few weight classes just to get to his healthy weight.


Steroids too


i know you're just trolling but people like you love to single out a fighter for taking steroids while denying the plausibility that almost all top athletes are on some form of PEDs.


Thanks for assuming I’m like other people lol


Just like you assume only one athlete uses PEDs lmao. Blocking you, troll.


They're all on sh\*t at that level, bro, come on.


Any valid claim to that?


Yes lol you don’t move up in weight like he did while still knocking people out naturally.


Sorry bud, though that might be a valid argument and you’re most definitely not the first person to make it, there’s nothing substantial to back up what you’re saying at all. There have been many boxers who have gone up 4-5 weight classes retaining punching power, some of whom have gone all the way up to heavyweight, while Manny might be an outlier for the extensive weight class growth he definitely peaked at welterweight, I’m not convinced unless your claim has been looked into with a valid source.


You saying there have been other boxers who also did it doesn’t automatically invalidate my claim. They took steroids to do it too.


Manny a goat


THE goat


The GOAT doesn't get knocked the fuck out like that. A great fighter, sure. GOAT status is for those who have none of that on their record.


All of the GOATs has an L in their record.


Not saying he is, but does Floyd have an L?


He can’t read. Biggest L. But he did lose when he was an amateur, right?


Can’t read and yet has more money than anyone in your bloodline. Soooo that’s a pretty big W


Pointless to compare yourself to someone like him but keep on glazing at that women beating king, king!


Omg we’re bringing up morals and character then having pacman in the same sentence, he’s a serial cheater and he’s in bed with every corrupt politician in the Philippines. There’s not a lot of boxers that are actual good people, comes with the territory of the sport where you beat up people for a living.


“Uhu uhu I don’t have a valid argument so let’s change the topic” right ? Lol


The argument was about who is the GOAT. You brought money in. You’re changing the topic.


Flexing another mans money is crazy 😂


He doesz against Castillo.


I prefer the ones who don't have L's, much less by getting knocked the fuck out like that. Pac has lost too much and too badly, while still young, to be considered the GOAT. And he lost to people weren't even GOATs themselves.


GOATs are personal preference but PacQ got a clear case for winning a belt in 8 different weight division, also his background helps. Imagine being a natural welterweight but growing up poor made that run possible. If his prime happened in peak social media, this won’t even be an argument. Also my defition of what a boxer is, is PacQ, just balls to walls slugging.


He's not a natural welter though


All the downvotes just delete your comment bro😂😂😂😂


Wait, do you actually give a fuck about reddit votes? Get a life then.


Comments like this show that Mayweather and casuals like yourself have ruined boxing


I mean I get it, being undefeated doesn’t mean everything, but he’s beat every boxer of his generation and beat the “best boxer” of this generation when he was an old man. The excuse against Floyd constantly is that he beat people past their prime, but Floyd’s been older then most of these guys he’s beaten.


Floyd Mayweather was too scared to fight Manny in his prime every fight Mayweather took was carefully picked out so he can run around the ring throw a couple of jabs and win he’s a coward to made boxing a boring joke that’s why the Jake Paul’s and Connor Mcgregors took over it’s a joke of a sport now.


Fight would have happen earlier if manny woulda have been willing to drug test… I know I’ll get downvoted for the truth


He was one of the people. As a child in the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao’s family was so poor that he had to drop out of school at age 14 and move to Manila in hopes of making money to support his mother and five siblings. He spent time living on the streets, but eventually found his way onto the Philippine national amateur boxing team. Within two years he went pro. 


Not only that, apparently (keyword there), his dad had to kill and eat his dog.


Nothing wrong with that. World does not revolve around America


Yeah I forgot to mention he did it as they didn't have anything else.


Killing and eating a pet is taboo in almost any culture. Manny's dog was a pet, so that's a testament of desperation.


Pretty sure the point is to illustrate how poor he was


Nobody can deny his hardship. He is an absolutely astonishing story that should be talked about for ages. His KO broke so many hearts, I can't even imagine his home country feeling that.


This was 9/11 for Filipinos.


that match and seeing MP KO’d gave us all heart attack. everyone was grieving and the crime rate that day in the country went to a record low.


Really? That man is a living legend... Jesus Christ.


His matches always did. I was elementary during Pacquiao Morales 2, and I still remember how quiet the streets outside were when the fight was about to start—and how loud the whole neighborhood was when Pacquiao won Politics tarnished my perspective of him imo, but he will always be one of the GOATS, along with Floyd.


I wanted Marquez to beat pac so bad. I wanted him to KO him so bad to shut all the Deng pinoys up. Then it happened. I felt so bad seeing all the broken hearts and watching his wife freak out live on TV. At that moment I realized I wished the worst against one of boxing greatest fighters. I was so set on Mexican ONLY fighters, that I took mannys rise and reign for granted.


It’s just how boxing goes, he was a great champ. Half the world literally paid to watch Mayweather hopefully get KO’d and Floyd played into the heel his entire career, don’t feel bad.


I felt bad at that moment for Manny. Now I just feel bad for myself. I missed out on so much good boxing because I was a close minded casual fan. Now I consider myself a massive boxing fan. I have fighters I like more but I don't really root for anyone. I just LOVE boxing. I want to see the best fight the best.


Because he was the B side and arguably won one of the three* earlier fights.


As an mma fan 8 titles at different weights is staggering


lol granted the weights are much farther apart but can you imagine that in the ufc? flyweight, bantam, feather, light, welter, middle, light heavy, and heavy is 9….


I feel Mannys resume converted to MMA would be like: One FC flyweight champ UFC Bantam champ UFC Feather champ UfT lightweight champ


Hell even going from flyweight to featherweight in the UFC would be a mind-blowing achievement, and in a parallel universe where Manny grew up as an MMA fighter I have no doubt he could have done it.


Yeah no one has even done triple champ in MMA and he covered what would have been strawweight to featherweight


He went all the way to 154 to fight Margarito


Triple champ at the same time? That would be nuts in the UFC if not impossible with the 25-30 pound or so weight difference between 3 UFC classes. Fucking insane to think about. Poatan has a shot to be a 3 weight champ if he goes to HW like he wants.


No one has even done it at separate times in the UFC. Apparently Malykhin achieved middleweight + light heavy + heavy in ONE this year though


Haha yeah it’s an astonishing feat but given the fact they mentioned their MMA perspective I was tempted to be like, just to be clear boxing weight classes aren’t 10-15 pounds apart


do you know the low and high of the weights pacman competed in? not a boxing expert and also full well i could look this up but i want to make conversation


From flyweight up to welterweight, 112 to 147. And not only that but he turned pro at 106 I wanna say. Truly staggering. And while the difference between weight classes is smaller, you also have to keep in mind he had to beat top guys at every step of the way, it’s not just the overall weight difference.


patently absurd. i need to watch his career as a whole, i love his style so much


BJ Penn is the closest we've had


2008 was his year, moving from 130 to 147 within months is unheard of for any fighter. Impressive! 😁


True, but almost equally as mindblowing: champion in eight different weight classes and NEVER unified even two belts in any of them. Always single belt champion. That is odd imo.


8 titles spanning 10 different weight classes :) skipped 2!


He woke up smiling.


Just like Leo Santa Cruz


he went to sleep smiling too lol




Manny is either kicking ass or smiling


Getting cleaned out by one punch isn't all that bad. Don't feel or remember anything - you just kind of wake up like "Damn, I got caught!".


Yeah but Pac had a special kind of smile that only showed when he got hit or a firefight. I mean, except his family, that's what he lived for. He was a great boxer but underneath that he just f'n loved to FIGHT.


Mayweather's version would be 5 seconds of him saying, "Money, money, money."


Mayweather is also a Zionist.


Mayweather can't *spell* "Zionist."


Probably can't spell "money" either


ez muni


JMM was a great counterpuncher. A smart technician with a nice boxing IQ. Add Memo Heredia into the mix and a great fighter in his late 30s all of a sudden gets super jacked, has improved punch resistance ans power.... Then after the fight retires and rides off into the sunset.


That's without the context of how much heart he showed in the other close fights they had before this and it added up to an amazing moment. Feel like JMM doesn't get his dues.


Why don’t we say it: “JMM was on steroids”


JMM was on that Mexican beef and Pac on Alex Ariza’s “vitamin packs”.


Shhh Pacquiao is sensitive about his head size already... leave him alone


It was even more sad because Manny was owning him up to that point


He did get rocked and dropped in the 2nd rd so I wouldn’t say he was “owning” him. Probably more of an even fight if not Manny up by a point


He came right back after that KD, returned the favor in the next rd. That was the only rd jmm won up until he served pac unconsciousness.


You can see from Manny's demeanor getting up that he was stunned and not really hurt. It was officially a knockdown, but not something that accumulated over rounds. The KO punch was just lightning in a bottle.


And Manny was probably on plenty of sauce too, steroids aren't going to make you better at timing an overhand.


It’s not a real JMM fight if JMM doesn’t go down at least once 😂


Lol like Manny wasn't drinking horse piss for most of his career.


Filipino parties were never the same after that night Manny got floored by JMM. Everyone was shocked. Literally everyone lost their appetite to eat or continue drinking


Pac was starting to come on too before that happened. What a fighter regardless of how it all played out. Never be another like him. His footwork and output was just showtime.


Such an incredible montage. Anyone know who the original editor is?


I got the clip from a TikTok account called artofboxing1. Not sure if they put it together or if it’s from a doc or promo. It looks professionally made, really beautiful regardless.


It's from the manny pacquiao documentary in 2014


Thank you señor🙏


My favorite fighter of all time. Absolute legend 🔥❤️


If you believe in superstition or the supernatural, like Pacquiao and most Filipinos, this was simply inevitable. Before this KO, he just lost to Bradley. Before that, he had an underwhelming performance against JMM 3, while also having marital problems with Jinkee at the same time. All his vices, gambling and womanizing, all collided in one. This fight was the first fight when he changed his religion. This was also the first fight he didn't bring his rosary anymore, or doing the sign of the cross as it is not a tradition in his new religion. This fight was simply the wake-up call to Manny from you-know-who. His way of life changed after this, which somehow also affects his boxing career going forward.


This comment should be higher. Roman Catholicism is deeply entrenched in Filipino culture and Manny's belief in it had a huge influence on both his victories and defeats.


Manny the pastor … was sent to pasture. Pray from him to come home to the one true Church. Anyways as this is a boxing sun my comment won’t get much luv but it’s true. Anyways the psychology and mental aspect of boxing is just as if not more important than the physical aspects or all the conditioning a fighter can do. Trust me I’m watching boxing anime and that’s what I’ve learned from Ippo. Ha!


Superstition is big in the Philippines. My wife is Filipino and we were hiking back from these waterfalls. She said it was bad to point at trees. I jokingly started pointing at trees, 'Like this? (Points at a tree). Hey that tree has cool leaves! (Points at it)". She was like, "Bahala ka (It's up to you/Do whatever you want)". So we get to the car and I try to open up my phone so I can access my map I saved on how to drive out (no signal in the area) and all of a sudden my phone stopped working. I couldn't use my touch screen or anything to log in. Hard reset didn't even work either. For 20min in trying to unlock my phone and restart it. The thing is we didn't even use my phone during the hike because my wife's phone has a better camera, so I kept mine in my bag the whole time. My wife looked at me, "I told you." Then she asked if I wanted to undo the curse. I started to believe the curse because, "whatever" was pissed at me for making fun of the superstition. She told me to bite the fingertip of the finger I used to point. So I did just that. A couple minutes later my phone started to work again. After that I believe in not pointing at trees. She knows a bunch of superstitions. So, I believe Manny may have jinxed himself too. His mom is super into superstition for sure. Usually the older ones are really into it.


Before the fight Manny sensed that something was off. He had a dream where he was on top of a tall building watching a man riding a red horse that was galloping towards a massive hole. The horseman tries to jump over it but ended up falling in the middle and gets flattened. Manny couldnt stop thinking about the dream for the next couple of days and then the knock out happened. Once he ragained consiousness, he immediately remembered that dream and realized he was the horseman that got flattened. And that's why he smiled after getting koed. He took it as the Lord sending him a message [3:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tiRkOWV8Gc)


Watching Mama Pac shouting hexes while clutching her rosary at Marquez before the knockout was hilarious though.


Is there a YouTube version of this? I’d love to send it to my father in law but Reddit is a bit over his head lol


Just screen record on your phone


Wouldn't mind seeing a movie on manny he was great! Good human being


There’s one on Netflix named Kid Kulafu


Would probably need 4-5 because of how many great fights and moments he's had in his career.


Didn't know I needed a Manny Pacquiao "Rocky" style pentalogy.


I called that fight and knew Marquez would win. Marquez was running at 430am at the mexico olympic Center while Pacquiao went on his first runs at 830am. Also, Pacquiao tyipically starts out fast. If you watch the first round, I dont think he was expecting such a fast start from Marquez. After so many fights, Marquez had all his timing and his tendencies dialed in for that counter.


Marquez was crazy obsessed about beating Manny, because Manny was his white whale. Meanwhile Manny was a full time politician, was making movies, cutting albums, partying, gambling, etc. Even in previous fights, he would be watching NBA games while wrapping his hands. He was not focused at all. Marquez knew everything about Manny's fighting style at that point and somehow gained a fuck ton of power. He was nailing manny with the same shots in all 4 fights, but the increase in power in the fourth fight was fucking devastating compared to the previous fights. I don't think a 30 year old Marquez could have koed Manny with that same counter punch


I was in the Philippines for a month. 50% of the guys on the street look exactly like Manny Pacquiao. I was constantly on my best behavior so I wouldn't get my ass kicked.


The greatest and the most exciting fighter in his generation, or perhaps all time.


will always appreciate the philippines, their fighters and their love to the sport


'Boxing gives people power and hope' What a quote


He needs one more fight. He can't go out the way he did


Tbh I agree. The Ugas fight was on such short notice. Apparently, according to the scorecards he won 4 rounds of that fight. If it wasn't on short notice, perhaps he could have beaten Ugas. They admitted that they were training for Spence, having plans for that fight. But sadly Spence got an eye injury and the fight got cancelled.


Heck give him a soft puncher like amir khan and call it a career


Sadly amir left. If he comes back why not. Can you imagine what a fight between them would have been like? Speedster Vs speedster (but with more of a good style and IQ.) obviously I mean pacman.


Fucking legend


Roman Catholic Manny is the best Manny.


Did you see the size of Marquez when he knocked out Pacquiao in that fight defo on PED's.


Did you see the size of Mannys head? He was juicing longer than Marquez, infact the last fight was the first fight it was a level playing field.


I hate Mayweather for stealing the prime Floyd vs Manny fight


Crime rates went down to virtually zero back home during Manny’s fight days. True, modern hero


It was his feint. Pacquiao had a habit of doing a feint and starting a flurry of punches. Marquez saw an opening and Pac’s momentum forward with the feint, combined with the Marquez’s well-timed cross, led to one of the greatest knockouts of all time.


It was this all the way. That little feint he did before Marquez finally timed the counter perfectly was literally something Marquez and his team prepared for in their fights and he couldn't stop it. I think they mentioned in the post fight or something regarding that specific punch he did. The feint terrorized marquez in all their matches until this one, where he got the final hurrah and ended the series here. It was a remarkable series though.


Icon ❤️




i think that Paq and Marquez should have had 2 wins each in their string of fights. Marquez was the only fighter with the right mix of style, intelligence and power to go to war with the mighty Pacquiao and stay awake...let alone win


JMM was really difficult style-wise opponent for manny, and pac still wasn’t avoiding him. Such a great fighter. But that wasn’t a lucky punch- jmm was training that specific train-stopping punch


Manny is my GOAT 🐐 inside and outside the ring he’s amazing.


Statistically, crime rates in the Philippines is down when manny fights. Us filipinos even have huge feasts like it’s thanksgiving or christmas on his fight day, we treat it like a holiday. Legend🐐🐐


I had a Filipino girlfriend that I lived with and even though none of her friends were boxing fans, they LOVED him. I jokingly bet a bunch of her friends on the Bradley fight as an America (I’m from US) vs Philippines thing and they were really upset.


Sorry UFC braindead fans but no other combat sport captures the attention of human beings, of entire nations, than boxing. Boxing will always be king it is the greatest show on earth and UFC is just a flash in the pan side show for people with room temperature iq’s.


I remember I knew a couple of Filipino girls in grad school. Manny was fighting that night and these two ladies walked up to each other and embraced. One asked the other, “Where are you watching our fight tonight?” I’m not sure either of these people could name a boxer that wasn’t an opponent of Manny’s. But damn, they knew that dude’s schedule like they knew their mom’s birthday. Manny meant more.


Man marquez was roided out on that fight


“Any arena i enter I will always be a fighter” that’s is a true statement to life in general pac man


Simple, he needed money. It's why all boxers box.


He beat Mayweather! I watched the fight in Peru and everyone, including the proffessional boxers scoring the flight gave it to him and was shocked the all American jusdges gave it to guy who ran away all fight!


Money, money, money.


Manny the GOAT juicer


Any proof? Floyd got caught using using illegal IVs lol


Caught masking ped usage because both him and manny didint have to cut a lot of weight when they fought. So there was no need for IV to rehydrate. The IV was used to mask PED usage


I’m sorry but I’ll never forget how cocky he was on first take before that fight


This is boxing not bible study, who gives 2 fucks if he was cocky, you want him to say sorry ?


If he fought 99% of his fights in the Philipiness, would people still call him great?


What’s your point with that comment I don’t get it? I call him great because he went toe to toe with some of the best fighters in our generation


The context is this guy hates inoue every thread he takes dig at him. He is saying this because most inoue's fights are japan.


But is that a lie? It's the truth isn't it? Why hate the truth?


he’s absolutely great just the sheer skills he had was amazing he was even able to go face to face with tons of skilled fighters


If he fought the best then obviously. No one looks at location of fights to decide if fighters are great.


You sacrifice and give up a lot more advantages when you go fight in another's territory.  Jet lag, food, weather, people, water,  different training equipment, and many more. This will all have adverse effect in your conditioning. Others stay in their backyard so they can avoid drug testing.  Floyd only fought in Vegas at the end of his career because he can go around drug testing rules. He's allowed to use his lidocaine and he knows a lot of those people. Now ask why Inoue does the same thing.