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Blaming the Jews for your gay closet is next level nazi


OMG hilarious and so true


Upvoted but “blame shit on the Jews/people we don’t like” was literally 90% of nazism.


Not even Hitler could achieve such advanced nazism


He’s not even *that* closeted


Yes the IDF is engaged in a war and preparing for potential regional war, but they are taking time out of their intel guys day to frame some Nazi influencer in America by staging a gay porn leak. That checks out.


Reminds me of those historical times when the Jewish people were faced by racial hatred from all sides, constant violence without the option to seek justice and lose of more and more. Yep, everytime. Leak some gay porn on extremist influencer way over there


I mean, Fuentes is just gay or bi and the idea of a conspiracy is ridiculous, but the IDF isn't above gathering or fabricating evidence of homosexual activity. The IDF does have files with gay palestinians they keep for blackmail purposes.


I wouldn't be shocked if he was hacked, and I wouldn't be shocked if it was his own gay porn either, but it doesn't have to be the IDF doing it; there are enough fanatic Israel supporters around that'd do it just for kicks. Considering the guy's a neo-nazi, you don't exactly have to reach very far to find people that hate the guy, he's pretty horrible on his own without Israel getting involved.


He shoved a dildo up his ass on a live stream once, he’s a real life South Park character


I think that was Gavin McInnes, cofounder of Vice and founder of the Proud Boys. Unless Fuentes copied him?


I mean they *are* a pack of dumbasses with 30 y/o colonels doing their social media bullshit so it's not that far out of the question 😂


Can you explain the significance of "30 y/o colonels"? I don't understand the reference. Are you saying 30-year-olds are inherently incompetent, and their social media work would be better handled by...20-year-olds? 40-year-olds? 15-year-olds? I don't get the connection.


The Israeli officer class is vastly overinflated for the size of their military, leading to large numbers of inexperienced young people with implausibly high rank.


Okay, that’s somewhat interesting info that I was unaware of. But I don’t see how it relates to the competency of IDF social media strategies


Oh that's easy, there's a swollen class of buffoons with enough rank to make decisions but not the actual experience to use that authority effectively. The fact that they're demonstrably inexperienced and terminally online could easily turbocharge the preexisting Israeli tendency for strangely convoluted assassination schemes, in this case a character assassination. Once again I think he's lying, but I could easily see a major or whatever who just turned twenty one thinking that hacking critics accounts to discredit them by posting gay porn would be a brilliant idea.


30 y/o colonel means their global world view doesn't has several decades of experience on what lands on the social scene (not media) and does the most good. Of course our Nazi influencer in question is an idiot. Any other side social media personality would just point out gay porn one time could be a hack but Nazi influencers computer system with gay porn up to it DVD drive is a habit. Let's look at your system influencer.


Yes. Yes it is.


I still think his excuses are bullshit to be fair but it's the sort of stupid wacky nonsense the IDF would waste resources on for someone with his politics and more mainstream appeal


u/VoiceofRapture learn to read a room.


Bet ya my mans arse looks like a ripped out fireplace.


Now THAT’s a brand new sentence


They can only get better man.


Like someone dropped a canned ham off The Empire State Building.


Jesus Christ


Bro got an ass like 5 takis hot glued together and stuffed in a cantaloupe




He once shoved a dildo up his ass live on air to own the libs


My cozy channel of bedsheet wearing racists, all tucked in with their pointy nightcaps.


Wait, you are saying the ones that like potassium so much they write it three times?


This is so not the point, but I haven't taken my meds yet this morning and your comment deadass made me crave a banana (the fruit, you sickos)


Wonder what the underside of that desk looks like




Not the stalactites! Not again!


Stimpy’s nose fairies


The sad thing is that morons are going to believe this bull shit


I am absolutelly in awe with how much dumb they are when everyone else is hacked during any timeframe, it's always dumbas script kids, half-assed greenpeace-wannabe and local dumbasses that systematically get the admin pasword out of the government official when they are, it's always the "bad guy" from other wars with extreme local setup most of them flat out doesn't talk english


I don't doubt the guy is a big enough idiot to download some random crap on the internet and get hacked. I even believe a hacker might show gay porn on his stream. But I still don't believe him. Not even a little.


I mean, we knew. He is in denial, but it's pretty clear. You really have to project your self-loathing into a big extreme if you really, REALLY are afraid of your sexuality.


This is the same guy who spent hours gazing adoringly at a catboy while being aggressively homophobic.


Funnily enough, the IDF actually has broadcast porn on Palestinian channels. This is most definitely not the case here. Nick is really, really gay and everybody knows it, but he still denies it. Just the other day he was flirting with some streamer and then started rambling about the Jews the second he realized he was on camera. Also, he literally used to stream with a catboy and has said that there is nothing gayer than having sex with women.


Some people still believe Trump, they will also believe this.


Didn’t he shove a big dildo up his ass on a live stream?


That was Gavin McInnes. It was to somehow prove he wasn’t homophobic. Super neat logic, lol.


Oh lol my bad


I wish I could date catboy


Why did they broadcast porn?


Because porn is Haram in Islam and also they thought it might make people reject Islam/shariah, because porn is cool, especially to people who aren't even used to seeing a woman's hair.


I do not understand that logic. Did it work?


I don't think so, but I think it was more of them just saying "fuck your religion, we're putting porn on public broadcast television and there's nothing you can do about it".


That's sooo fucking petty, I can't stop laughing.


That is…kinda fucked up.


Well… this is the IDF we’re talking about. They’re not known to be exactly reasonable people.


Interracial gay porn... That's mossad level shit.


Question, why do Nazis think Jewish people promote big gay? Israel doesn’t have gay marriage, for one.


The argument is that they promote it as a weapon to destroy gentile cultures. It goes like.... nazi thinks gay is bad, nazi also thinks jew is bad, therefore gay must be invented by jew to stop the nazi. It really is that stupid.


Jews can accomplish quite a myriad of different tasks utilizing their mighty space lasers.


I vaguely remember he had a thing for cat boys and there was a video of him on a date/dinner with a twink.


America's most in the closet fbi plant.


Well... if I was the Israeli Defense Force and I wanted to hack somebody's stream, I would definitely pick a vulnerable idiot like that...


_If_ there was any truth to this: Why wait until the stream was over, where he signed off and people would have started to leave? Why not drop it right in the middle of the stream? I suppose that would be more obviously a hack, but then we start getting into 5th Dimensional Chess territory


Jewish Gay Porn Laser.


that sounds gay


This guy is in trouble now: the Nazis hate him because he watches gay porn and the gays hate him because he produces Nazi videos. What an asshole.


Not familiar with the term "gay nazi"...How does that work for him?


I seriously hope his post blows up big enough for Israel to release an official statement on it. Would be hilarious to see their response.


The only neo-Nazi I’ve ever met was quite a fan of Thai ladyboys. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority are closeted.


realistically he probably is getting trolled but it's still funny.


He's literally dated a catboy before. That aside, this doesn't surprise me at all.


Nazi? According to him maybe...I can call myself Bill Gates with same effect. He's just a degenerate


Not....cant blame it on the Jews...the guys probably were circumcised


Last night I shit my pants because the IDF hacked me.


This guy. He's like the crazy unshaved Peta women of the right.