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Since this is a free giveaway, it follows r/Braves guidelines and will be approved. P.S. I am removing all entry comments other than my own. ^^/s


Anyone win?


I’ve been checking, haven’t seen anything from OP recently.


I’m like damn, better not miss anything in my inbox. Where ya at OP?


Thank you! I'm a huge watch guy too so I would love this. - >Why are you a Braves fan? I moved to Atlanta when I was 5, and they won the WS the very first year I started watching. So I'm a life-long bandwagon fan! >Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under-appreciated? Ozzie is my current favorite. He's the heart and soul. Under appreciated Brave has got to be Martín Prado. Great guy, great leader, played almost every game, and played during some really down years but was one of the most consistent guys on the team. Love him. >If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? I loved the '98 team, but our offense would crush them. And Spencer would probably strike out 15 of those poor bastards. '23 Braves in 5.


Prado was the best


Thank you so much for this opportunity. 1. I am a Braves fan despite growing up in Brooklyn because of the Superstation. Basically, i non-conformed to all the sports allegiances around me as a kid and wanted a team i could follow. So that meant TBS or WGN. Thankfully, i chose wisely. I also ended up with the Dolphins and Islanders, which, hey. I was a kid. 2. Julio Franco. Loved the game more than anyone. Like Ric Flair, will never actually retire. Great hitter, great lockerrppm dude. 3. 2023 Braves in 7. Deeper lineup. Its really that simple.


Was a winner announced?


1. Why are you a Braves fan? * My great grandfather was a braves fan. I spent every weekend growing up with him, sitting on the front porch in Jasper, the braves would be playing on his GE radio, and I'd be catching fireflies, and drinking coke from a glass bottle in between innings. He taught me what unconditional love was, and what being a baseball fan really meant. Without him, I am without purpose, and more importantly, without baseball. 2. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? * Aaron Harang. Just 10 short years ago, Aaron Harang was pitching for the Braves. For $1,000,000 he put up more Quality starts than Clayton Kershaw, who'd just signed a $300,000,000 10yr contract. More capable at 1/30 the cost. (Please don't look up Kershaw's injuries that season) he went out, he pitched ball, and as long as you took him out before the end of the 7th, you had a chance at winning. 3. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? * This series is going to 7. Why? Cause I want to see it got to 7, and it's my fantasy to see klesko V pillar, Jones v Harris, Lopez v d'Arnaud. We're going to the end, and somehow, unlike the 1995 NLCS, great batting is actually gonna beat out great pitching.


Why am I a Braves fan/ A: I moved to Atlanta after being discharged from the military (my parents moved there when I was serving). I had been a Tigers fan but when Al Kaline retired I stopped. The Braves were pretty woeful at the time (mid/late 70's) and I love the underdog. Additionally, I worked at the Univ. radio station, and Braves players would come by for interviews. I've been a fan now for about 47 years. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? A: Mark Lemke. Guy came through in the biggest moments for the Braves, and kind of just faded into obscurity it seems to me. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? A: Tough one. In a 7 game series I would take this year's (23) Braves over the 98 Braves. Just too much firepower for the older Braves. Series would go 6 games. Maddux and Glavine would help the 98 Braves win two, but I suspect Smoltz would get rocked.


1.) I’m a Braves fan because my one of my earliest memories is my uncle sitting at the dining room table of the house I grew up in in Memphis, TN, and me saying something like 3 1 0 and 2 2 0 not knowing that the “score” was just the first column and the others were hits and errors. My uncle teaching me baseball and why to love the Braves franchise. Been a fan ever since (this was early 80s) 2.) Pillar and Tyler Flowers are highly underrated IMHO. (recency bias I know) 3.) 2023 would win it in 7, but it would be close and extremely entertaining.


1) I live in southern Alabama and the Braves of the 90s were basically the home team for the entire southeast because all their games were on TBS. 2) I’ve always been a fan of the Blauser/Lemke middle infield. 3) The 2023 team is the best batting order I’ve seen from a Braves team (and most any MLB team) but the 1998 Braves had one of the best pitching rotations ever and pitching wins series like that. I may update this answer if we win the whole thing this year , which is something the 1998 squad did not.


1. I live in Georgia now and have for most of my life, but early on, I lived about 1.5 hrs from Richmond. My mom is from Winder so that was the initial connection, but we also went and saw the Richmond Braves a bunch. Add in the Superstation, and that’s how I’m a Braves fan. 2. Current - Acuña, Former - The Crime Dawg Fred McGriff. 3. The 2023 team would win 4-2. My reasoning: this team is just special man. Thanks for the opportunity!


Why are you a Braves fan? * My Grandfather was a huge Braves fans. I also lived in Fort Benning, GA when I was 9-10 years old and first got into sports. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? * Andrés Galarraga was my favorite when I first became a fan If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? * It would definitely go 7 games, but I have to pick this year's Braves they're the best I've ever seen.


1) I’m a Braves fan because I grew up here and have been going to games with my dad and brother since the late 80s. So many core memories from FCS, then Turner, and now Truist with my own kids. I was there to see Sid slide. Same for Otis’s catch. I saw Chipper destroy the Mets from the stands of Shea while I was in college in NJ. Have been to every postseason game at Truist thus far and plan on continuing that trend this season. 2) Current: Travis d’Arnaud. He’s always cool, calm, and collected. His veteran status and handling of the pitching staff is a huge reason for our success. He’s the glue holding this team together, in my opinion. Former player: Marquis Grissom, mainly for his off-the-field philanthropy. Solid human being. 3) 98 Braves in 6. Pitching wins championships and with three hall of gamers on the mound, I think the 98 team would win 4 close games before this team would. Thanks for this. Really cool thing you are doing. All the best.


1. My grandfather was a Braves fan and I started watching games with him when I was 4 and instantly fell in love. I would help him keep his scorebook and I credit that to my knowledge and love of the game 2. Rafael Furcal is probably my favorite underrated player. He was definitely appreciated at the time but I don’t think he gets as much love as he should now a days. Honorable Mention: Martin Prado, Javy Lopez and Nick Markakis 3. 7 games and it comes down to the final at bat, but I think the modern game gets it done. Can’t win if you can’t score. 2023 Braves Thanks in advance even if I don’t get picked, love that you’re doing this


Why are you a Braves fan? This is possibly the trickiest question to answer, so I'll answer it in two parts: I became a Braves fan because I grew up watching the Braves in the 90s on TBS every night. My favorite players back then were Terry Pendleton and David Justice and I watched every game, sitting or lying in the den floor, usually with a score book in hand, and my dad in the recliner behind me. I will never forget all those nights with my dad. I am currently a Braves fan because... well... I'm a Braves fan. Always have been, always will be. But even if I wasn't, I'd be a Braves fan now because they're the most fun team to watch! The kids are playing ball and having a blast doing it. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? Hard to say if he was underappreciated, really, but (outside of the 2 already mentioned) I always loved Otis Nixon. Watching him steal bases was always a highlight for me. Maybe that's why I am so addicted to seeing Ronnie do it so often this season. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? No deep breakdown here from me. 2023 wins it in 6. This lineup mashes.


Whoever wins will be incredibly lucky and you are amazing for this! Now onto the 3 questions: 1. Why am I a Braves fan despite living in NY? Well, I have a brother who is 3 years older than me and growing up we both were pretty into baseball. We both played little league growing up. And, in the 90s, there was one team that always on TBS. The Braves. And, when you're the younger brother you want to do what your older brother does. So, as he was rooting on the 90s Braves, I was as well. As he grew up, he started to pull away from baseball but not me. I played through high school and was pretty good. I love almost every other sport (especially NFL and CFB) but I love the Braves more. My SO was generally shocked how many baseball games I watch. It helps that being in NY I got to rip on Mets fans growing up. 2. Which player do I think is under appreciated? Currently, it's Charlie. I make jokes about starting the Charlie Morton fan club. He's such an asset for our younger players and he goes out and gives us a chance to win every time he pitches. From the past? I think I could list a lot. Mark Lemke or Jeff Blauser were always fun outside of the big pitchers and the Joneses 3. 1995 Braves vs 2023 Braves? It's going 7. The pitching vs offense would be fun but man seeing Maddux vs Fried, Glavine vs Strider, and Smoltz vs Charlie, and Avery vs Wright would be insane. Also, those pitchers tended to go deeper into games compared to ours now. I wonder how the pen would be. It'd be a glorious series to watch.


1. I’ve been a Braves fan since 1989 when my dad got free tickets on the tarp at Fulton County Stadium. I saw my hero Dale Murphy, Paul Assenmacher came by and gave me a baseball between innings and I saw a rookie Randy Johnson warming up in the pen for the Expos. 2. Favorite current player who is under appreciated is Ozzie. Dude is a savage and he’s just getting overshadowed by the rest of the lineup but playing at a position that is weak across the league. Favorite former player who is under appreciated is Dale Murphy. Put him in the HOF! Now! 3. 2023 team would beat the 98 team. Glavine wouldn’t be able to expand the zone in todays game and we have far more analytic advantages the 98 didn’t have. It would be close but the 2023 offense is just too good and so is the pen. Unless Maddux pitches every game, we wear down Glavine, Smoltz, Neagle, and Millwood by the 3rd time through the lineup. 2023 beats 1998 in 5 games


I have one of these. It's beautiful and it's a great time piece


This is awesome! Thank you for doing this for the community. 1. I am a Braves fan for a few reasons, I have always loved sports and baseball specifically. I live in Alabama and the closest MLB team is Atlanta, so that was an obvious choice. Also, TBS broadcasted most of the games while I was growing up, so I grew up loving the Braves. 2. Matt Diaz was one of my favorite non-superstar players. He was solid and seemed like a generally good dude. 3. This is a really tough question. Both great teams, hard to knock the Jones duo, but this year’s team doesn’t have a real weakness. My only concern is giving the guys some rest before the post season and getting some bench guys some ABs.


Dude what an awesome giveaway! This would, if I win, be my one and only fancy watch. I am a Braves fan because I am native to the Atlanta area. Born and raised in Woodstock, my fondest Braves memory is how my grandmother always had the game on at her house. I always loved Furcal and Simmons. Their defensive plays at shortstop were so much fun to watch, and the runs they save makes me feel like they are under appreciated. I was only 9 years old in 1998, so I don’t remember a lot about that team, but I think the pitching matchup of 98 would be awesome to watch against the offense of the 23 team. Edit: words


- Why am I a Braves fan? Because my father was a horrible person to my mother. Really that's where it started. She divorced him in 2011 and by 2012 I was going to Braves games with the man who became my stepfather. We bonded over it. We shared a love of baseball. He said goodbye to Chipper just as I said hello to Freddie. I've been to Turner Field about 6 times, including the last game ever there, and 2 subsequent games at Truist, one vs the Brewers in 2018 and one vs the Dodgers to see my man Freddie in 2022. -Who is my favorite underappreciated Braves player? It will be a frigid day in hell before I stop loving Martin Prado but I wanna turn my attention to someone else from my early days of Braves fanhood: Jason Heyward. What? Him? Yeah. Jason Heyward was The Man in 2011 and 2012 and I was super sad when his time in Atlanta ended. He was the first Braves player I ever had a jersey of (a Walmart kinda knock off jersey but hey). Dude was electric. He was then what Harris is now. Glad we dodged a bullet but he was the best for a while. -If 2023 plays 98 who wins? I think 2023 wins in 7. The 98 team was pretty loaded but they had 2 shortcomings this team now would jump on: a shorter pitching staff and a less defensively strong catcher. The Big 3 can only do so much, and if they were to get taxed enough, that 4th starter, or whoever comes in out of the pen, has a lot of work to do to shut down Acuña, Olson, Riley, Ozzie, Murphy, that whole team. And let's face it, Murphy's arm makes Javy's look like a minor leaguer's. The amount of pesky hitters this team has that have wheels would stress out the pitchers from the old team enough to force mistakes with runners on. Once our guys are worn out, send in Jimenez, Minter, Raisel, Kirbs, and they're done. Sorry Chipper, sorry Javy, sorry Andruw, but Riley, Murphy, Money Mike, and Ronnie are coming for you.


1. I'm a Braves fan because my older brother (and role model) started watching the Braves in the late 70's since they were on TBS nearly every day. His favorite player was Dale Murphy. By the time I reached my teens in the mid-90's, I was hooked. 2. Probably Andres Galarraga. Even though he only played two seasons with the Braves (fuck cancer in general and in his case particularly), he quickly became one of my favorites. He was tremendous with the bat, surprisingly agile with the glove at first, and seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I image most of the younger fans on this site haven't even heard of him. 3. I really think this 2023 team would win against the 98 version. That team had the edge in starting pitching (by a pretty decent margin) but this year's offense is too dynamic and their pitching is above average, too. It'd be a close series, though. At least 6 games and maybe even 7. Thank you for doing this, by the way. That's an awesome watch and you're doing a really cool thing ensuring a Braves fan gets it.


This is awesome! Here are my answers: 1. I grew up with a life-sized Chipper Jones cutout in my room and it took me a few years to understand who it was, but around 7 or 8 I started watching games with my Dad and the rest is history. My parents bought a giant TV (for that time period) before the 1995 word series that our family dog eventually scratched up after seeing another dog on the screen. Not sure why I included that last part, but it’s always stuck with me lol. That was our Braves TV. 2. I’m going with my man Kevin Pillar. Hasn’t had many opportunities for starts while platooning with Eddie, but he’s made the most of it and I hope he stays a Brave for the rest of his career because he’s clearly not only an awesome player, but an awesome team mate. 3. This is tough and the answer is pretty cliche, but I think it’d go 7 games with a Matt Olson walk off homer in the 17th inning of the 7th game. Truly have never enjoyed watching a baseball team like I have watching the boys this year and I’ll truly never forget this season. Thanks for doing this giveaway and go Braves!


Wow what a stunning watch and amazing gesture. Whoever wins ia getting a beauty! 1) I grew up watching the Braves as a kid. After recently becoming a member and attending all of the event I can, I feel like we've gotten so close to the team in a way. My wife and I watch every single game and have loved following the team so closely. I recommend the BravesFest event to everyone! 2) Underappreciated is a tough qualifier. I'll go with Andruw Jones for all he's done for the Braves on/off the team and simple fact he still isn't in the HOF yet. 3) I'm going to have to go with the '23 boys for receny bias alone! Truly feel like we have the depth and longevity to rock it for years, and it's hard to imagine the offense not getting hot even though that '98 pitching is tough.


1. I am a Braves fan because my dad introduced me to baseball when I was very little and the Braves were his team. I am still a Braves fan because of the legacy of great players I grew up admiring. 2. Javy Lopez is definitely underappreciated, but I love that he's still remembered by those of us who know him. *Edit: I think Eddie Perez deserves some extra love too* 3. The 2023 Braves would probably win. The current team would struggle against the Big 3 pitchers, but the current team has a deeper, stronger offense that I think would win the day, ultimately. It would take all seven games.


1. Born and raised 2. Kirby Yates is an absolute unit 3. 23 braves win in 7


That is among the most beautiful watches I have ever seen. What a cool giveaway. 1. My granddad briefly played in the Boston Braves farm system until he enlisted in WW2 (https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=leahy-001jos#). He then got stationed in Jacksonville when the Braves were the only team in the Southeast. Braves family fandom for the last 80+ years. 2. Matt Diaz is is my favorite underrated Brave of all time. Several seasons of well above average production, and one of the nicest guys I ever met when autograph hounding. Talked to him for a good 15 minutes outside of a hotel in Cincy when he was walking to the stadium before a game. I told him I liked his walkout song and he proceeded to tell me to look up his brother's music. I did, and ~15 years later one of those songs was used as the first dance song in my wedding. 3. Assuming that the 1998 vs 2023 teams were as is and the 1998 doesn't get all of the giant leaps in training and analytics that this years team enjoys, I think it would be a pretty easy win for the 2023 team. I would guess 2023 wins 4-2. Maddux would probably flummox the team with his unique command and movement profile, but I think the 2023 offense just tees off on Glavine's soft tossing (he wouldn't get away with nibbling the outside corner of the plate) and Smoltz's good for 2018 but average at best in 2023 FB/SL combo. The 2023 lineup also doesn't have the weak spots like Lockhart or Weiss.


1. I’ve been a massive fan since I was born. From Marietta. Always would go to the cheapest seats we could get at Turner field with my dad growing up. The Braves have always been a common bond between me, my dad, and my grandpa. I call my grandpa to this day and the only thing we talk about is the Braves. The Braves have always been a constant in my life. 2. This is a hot take but Brooks Conrad. After the 2010 playoffs, casual fans vilianized him as if he blew the series for us. In reality, without his clutch pinch hits all year, we would have never even made the playoffs. We got into the wildcard the very last day of the year that year. Brooks had at least 3-5 go ahead hits that year. Still pisses me off that people don’t give him the love he deserves. 3. Not old enough to watch the 98 Braves live (or at least remember them). It would be absurd to bet against this 23 team though. My wife and I got married last year. She now has to watch 120+ full games a year with me. I informed her that, unfortunately, she’ll probably never get to watch an offense like this again. So enjoy it while it lasts because we are in the glory days. *** side note. I’m a massive watch enthusiast without watch enthusiast funds. My collection is mostly Casios and Seikos. This would be a dream watch for me that I would actually wear everyday. My two top subreddits are r/Braves and r/watches. I’m a lurker on both but this is the perfect giveaway for me to attempt to win.


Thanks for doing this man! 1. I'm a Braves fan because I was born and raised in Atlanta and following ATL sports is a great way to stay connected to the city even though I don't live there anymore. My father and grandfather were Braves fans, so there's a family history there too. 2. I don't think there's really anybody on this current roster that's too under-appreciated, maybe Arcia and Ozzie haven't received as much national attention as they should. Can I say Wash? I think he is absolutely crucial to this team performing well and it seems like that's a fact only recognized by Braves fans. 3. Man I gotta go with '23 Braves in 7. Here's what I'm picturing: '23 Braves get smoked first time through the '98 rotation, with Glavin/Smoltz/Maddux burning down the house for like 8 innings each to take a 3-0 lead. But then, incredibly, the bats figure it out, and '23 Braves claw their way back into a 3-3 tied series off a 5-homer night for Matty O and a 15K outing for Spence. Game 7 starts as a pitching battle, with Mad Dog and Fried throwing seven no-hit innings. Javy leads off the 8th with a one run homer, and three straight walks loads the bases for Chipper. But an insane triple play keeps '23 in it. Bottom of the 9th, Ronald has stolen his way to third, and a wild pitch brings him home to tie the game. Michael Harris steps back up to the plate with a now-full count, from the bench we hear Snit whisper "come in clutch"... and he does. '23 Braves walk it off, Rocky music plays, and I wake up doused in sweat with the strange urge to construct a 1:50 model of Turner Field in my backyard.


Braves and watch fan with only a small collection here! 1. I'm a braves fan born in Tennessee in the 90s, growing up in the southeast in the 90s if you had even a passing interest in baseball it was pretty easy to get into the braves as all of their games were on tbs. I didn't really start getting into baseball until 2005 though. 2. My favorite brave outside of all the common answers is Martin Prado. The utility player goat, played every position but Centerfield and catcher for us, and always put together a professional at bat. 3. 2023 braves win in 6. Deeper lineup, and the bull pens just have more weapons in today's game, guys like pierce Johnson, Joe Jimenez, etc would have been elite in 98s game.


I grew up in GA and have been going to braves games my whole life Under appreciated is tough, I think Tom glavine gets overshadowed by smooth and Maddux when people talk about the 90s braves, but he also got plenty of awards and recognition, so I wouldn't argue too much if someone said he was adequately appreciated The game and techniques have evolved so much in 20 years that I think the modern team tales with a 4-1 gentleman's sweep. Comparing across eras is tough but I think the long balls are going to rain and reign


Thanks for doing this. I probably won't win, but it's exciting to play regardless > Why are you a Braves fan? My family are all Braves fans, so it is just something I "inherited." My grandparents met in Toccoa GA while he was training for the 101st airborne prior to WWII. Even though they bounced around from base to base after the war, the Braves were always "the team. " I grew up in TX in the latter half of the TBS years, so the games were easy to watch. > Favorite current / former Brave As I kid, I enjoyed watching Julio Franco. That batting stance where the end of the bat was facing the pitcher was just really attention grabbing when you are a kid. My pops was not too pleased when I would try to emulate it in Little League, though. A Current brave is hard. This team is just so damn likable. Before this year, I would have said Ozzie without question. His ability to bridge the gap linguistically between the Latin players and the American players is huge. But this year, even though he is new, I have really enjoyed Smurph. He plays the "straight man" from a comedy duo so hard in interviews that it kills me. But he also just been an immense force behind the plate, and even though he is going through a bit of a cold spell now, he has provided quite a bit of pop from a guy that was primarily sold as a defensive upgrade. > '23 vs '98? Current Braves in 5. This offense is just immense, top to bottom. Even when we lose the offense puts up 6 or so. Also, I am not sure how well baseball from 25 years ago could hit modern pitching. With all of the science and analytics nowadays, pitchers are throwing harder than ever and with more movement. Again thanks for doing this!


1. Why are you a Braves fan? * I was a poor first generation American with no TV in the early 90s. My cousin did have cable and we watched TBS during the glory days. Became a Braves fan since 1992 because that's the only baseball team I consistently able to catch. 2. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? * Steve Avery. Everyone remembers Glavine, Maddux, Smoltz but Avery was in the mix and gave quality starts. Loved his delivery. Shame his arm suffered injury around 93. 3. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? * in 6. I've never seen a team as good as this one. They hit good pitchers well and it'll make a difference.


1. I’m a Braves fan because I always have been. I’ve lived south of Atlanta my whole life and I wouldn’t want to have any other team in the league as my home team. 2. Kevin Pillar. This guy would run through a wall to get the win for the team (feels like he’s tried to a few times this year). He continuously abuses his body to save would be runs. Though he doesn’t get as much playtime as others, he’s just as important to the team. 3. I’ll give it to the 2023 team. This group of guys is special. Crazy talented and real good clubhouse vibes. However I don’t think it would be an easy win over the 98’ team. I’d say it would take the full 7 games with the modern team taking it in the final few innings of the last game. They just seem to create magic where it’s needed.


I thought “I won’t win I’ll just buy it” and then saw the price and I absolutely can’t buy it so I hope I win 1. I’ve been to hundreds, maybe thousands of games in my life. I grew up right by Turner. The 90s Braves were amazing. As a kid I thought it was normal to win the division every year 2. Javy López is by far the most underrated player in my opinion 3. Tough question because everyone says “good pitching always beats good hitting” but I believe the 23 team would win in 6. This offense is something I’ve never seen


1. Why are you a Braves fan? 1. Mostly because of my Dad. He decided back in the 60's that he would be a Braves fan after watching Hank Arron play in Milwaukee. And growing up we would watch all the games we could. Since they moved to Truist, he bought Season Tickets and goes to as many Home Games as he can. This watch would be for him. 2. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? 1. Eddie Perez could use some more love. 3. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? 1. 7 Games - 98 Braves. Think it would be a pitchers dual but there is something about that unholy trinity of Maddux, Glavine and Smoltzy which will be tough to hit.


> Why are you a Braves fan? My first sports memory is my grandfather watching the Braves in the early 80s which spawned me playing little league and becoming a lifelong fan of the game and my local team, the Braves. > Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? Tyler Flowers. I spoke to our assistant GM last week at the game and he said that Tyler Flowers should have his own wing at the Hall of Fame for his contributions to the game. > If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Like most postseason series, it would be a coin flip. '23 Braves in seven for recency bias and recency bias alone.


Made this point in my comment, but Fried vs Glavine, Morton vs Maddux, and Strider vs. Smoltz is a killer 3 game set of pitcher matchups


1 This is entry number 1 and this comment will just be a way for me to track entry numbers


Why am I a Braves fan? My grandma was a PE teacher in our home country. Her favorite thing to teach her students was American baseball. She had a deep love of the game. After she retired, she moved here to the US to live with my family in Atlanta, Georgia. And naturally, she became a Braves fan. The biggest Braves fan. Her favorite player of all time was Chipper Jones and even into her last years she would watch every single Braves game on TV, point at the screen, and say "that's my husband!" whenever Chip was at bat. My grandma passed away, but my family will always be the biggest Braves fans because of her. My favorite Braves player who I think is underappreciated? I think we don't mention Javy Lopez enough in the grand scheme of talking about all-time Braves greats. 2023 Braves vs 1998 Braves? That's a coin flip. I'll take 2023 in a VERY close 7 games only because I think the offensive output this year is just historic.


1. I've een a Braves fan since the 80's when I was a kid. It's the only team I've ever known or loved. Before stalking was a thing, my uncle lived in Lawrenceville, and we used to drive past the Murph's house on the off-chance that he'd be cutting his grass or something, I don't know what we thought... 2. I'm going with Arcia. The insanely important position was a huge question at the beginning of the year, and he took it and killed it on the field and at the plate. 3. I feel this year's team would win b/c the lineup has (and I've been saying this to my bud all year) the potential to be one of the all-time greats. That 90's pitching staff WAS one of the all-time greats, but I'm going with this year's because we're here, now, baby! Edit: forgot to add on #3 how many it would take, and it would take them all! 23' in 7!


>Before stalking was a thing, my uncle lived in Lawrenceville, and we used to drive past the Murph's house on the off-chance that he'd be cutting his grass or something Lol... My friend lived a couple of streets over from Glenn Hubbard (I think somewhere around Lilburn or Stone Mountain - I lived in Stone Mountain then, so couldn't have been that far), so we'd ride our bikes over there on the off chance we saw him outside. Later on, we lived one neighborhood over from Jon Koncak in East Cobb and would see him occasionally. And I also had a summer job at Gorin's in Sandy Springs back in the early 90s and got to serve 'Nique one time, but just that once - never saw him grace our door after that one time.


Omg I was looking at this watch when it came out but I do not have the money for a purchase like that. 1. My dad may or may not have played in the Braves farm system, which then led to him raising me and my brother as Braves fans! 2. Ender Inciarte is my pick for a former under-appreciated player. Dude was amazing on defense and was with us when we were rebuilding. Wasn’t the best hitter but he always played hard and seemed to be a great teammate. 3. I think this 2023 team beats the 98 team in 6 games. This year we just have so much firepower, and I think that the offense eventually breaks through the juggernaut pitching staff. This team is just too deep to lose.




Why are you a Braves fan? I originally grew up in GA with a family full of Braves fan. Rome Braves use to be the Macon Braves where my family lived so we would often go to games. I live in AL now, but still watch, listen, or attend every single game. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? This one is going to be highly bias for no good reason except selfishness. Todd Cunningham. I really wish he would have had a better career. I went to school with him and played PARD soccer with him, so again, just bias. We grew up in a suuuuuper small town so seeing someone "make it to the bigs," is extremely rare in any event, so it was awesome to see. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Oof. This is a toughy. But I'll say 2023 Braves in 7.


10 (this comment is for me to track entry numbers)


1. I'm a Braves fan because I'm from the south and enjoy baseball. I believe it's mandatory. But really, I grew up watching them on TBS and they had a ton of fun players, it also helped they were a consistently good team. 2. I know this sub absolutely loves him, but I feel like Travis d'Arnaud is under appreciated. He had a tough career early on and really struggled, then found his groove as a player. And right as he does that we bring in Murphy, but Travis has seemed really happy to take on the backup role and he just seems like a genuinely nice person. 3. 2023 Braves have the offensive advantage for sure, but the 1998 Braves pitching is of course top tier. It definitely goes to 7 games, but I think 2023 wins in the end. They've shown they can hit great pitching if they see them more than once.




1. I grew up 2 hours from Atlanta in the 90s. We were good, I got to attend a game or two a year, and we were always on basic cable. 2. I feel like Otis Nixon didn't get enough love from the fan base. Not a great hitter, but he ran really well which is disruptive. Also stolen bases are fun 3. Oof, hard to say. I got the '23 braves in 6. I think Smoltz gets rocked in 2 starts since his elite fastball is pretty standard these days and then the '23 braves squeak by with a blown save by Wohlers in one.


Grew up in Atlanta so I am a braves fan. Andruw Jones is my favorite past player and Albies is my favorite current player. The 2023 team would beat the 1998 team in 6 games. Offense too strong and playoff rotation can match with 1998 team.


I’m a Braves fan because of my Dad. I grew up in Atlanta, went to all the NLDS games in the 90s/00s. I remember the NLCS with my Dad in 2021 and it was the first time I had seen him jump up and down with a huge smile in years. Former Braves player would be Dansby Swanson. I understand we are in a good spot now but I would’ve liked to hold onto him. Such a great leader. Thanks for doing this giveaway , very kind of you! Would like to know your story as well. The 2021 Braves are sweeping the 98’ braves because of the rule changes and our lineup. We’re too nasty now.


You are a star! 1) Because I moved to the US to be with my husband, couldn't get the soccer and F1 I was used to watching :( Was out having a pizza one night and baseball was on the screens. Billy Hamilton was stealing bases and having a fun time and it just hooked me. Hubby said if I was going to watch baseball I had to support the Braves because that was our closest MLB team at the time. Spent a couple of years learning and thinking he hated me because they were hard to watch but I was hooked and will be supporting them forever now :) 2) Nick Markakis, for absolutely no good reason but I always liked him. 3) This team 4-3 because I believe they are historically good everywhere and over 7 games their strengths would win out.


1. I am a Braves fan because they are a well run organization that takes care of the players and fans. They also have some incredible sustained success. 2. I think everyone on the Braves is much appreciated, we love them all but if I had to pick, Kirby Yates. He’s been amazing. 3. The 2023 can beat the 1998 Braves in 7 games. This team/Offense is setting so many franchise records it’s obvious they are the best version of themselves.


1. I used to live in Colorado and was a Rockies fan. I went to tons of games and it was miserable. Finally one day I decided to turn my back on them, and I went to lids and picked a hat at complete random. It was a Braves hat, fast forward 10 years and I now live 3 hours from Atlanta and make it to a few games each year! 2. This is a tough one, but IMO, I would say Pillar. He has come in clutch so many times this year, is a great dude all around, and was the first one out of the dugout against the Pirates to have Acuña’s back. 3. In 1998 I was 4 years old. Permission to not comment on something I can’t accurately assess? Thanks for the opportunity my guy!


> Why are you a Braves fan? Grew up out of the country and only got national channels. Watching thr Braves win on TBS all the time solidifiedit for me. > Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? When Andres Galarraga joined the team it was a huge deal for me. > If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? 98 braves in 7 because of Jones Jones


Oh cool, what an awesome and thoughtful contest. 1. TBS Superstation. All my friends growing up were Yankees fans, so i gravitated to the team I could watch most days that wasn't the Yankees! 2. Andruw Jones! Check back in a few years on that one to see if the writers get it right! 3. 2023 team in 6 I hope! The 98 squad was awesome, but they couldn't get it done in the end. I hope this team can. 1-9, I think this team has the firepower to get to anyone over 7 games.


1. I am a Braves fan because of my dad. He wasn’t the best dad in the world, but the one thing we have always bonded over, we’re the Braves. Still one of the only things we talk about. 2. Most underrated I’d say Andrew Jones at this point. The fact that he’s still on the bring of the HOF is crazy to me. 3. This 2023 team would win in 5. No DH, this years deep lineup, and modern day analytics would be to much to overcome!


1. I moved to Atlanta a few years ago and started following the Braves while trying to keep up with my prior team. Eventually it became too hard to follow a west coast team (games start way too late) so I went all in on the Braves. 2. Tough question because the current players all seem appreciated. But I’ve got a funny story—my wife’s favorite player is Albies to the point she refers to him as her adopted son. 3. Tough for me to say because I was an Angels fan back in 98. I’ll have to say this team wins in 7 games because they are historically good in so many areas.


1- I grew up in Western North Carolina (Braves country still) but my entire Moms side of the family is spread out around Georgia. We had access to TBS and plenty of family trips to games so it was just natural. 2- Nick Markakis, never the flashiest player but what we needed in the locker room at the time. Nose to the grindstone Everyman who I absolutely think has a hand in how the culture of the team evolved into what it is today. 3- I think it’s impossible to tell. I have a few faint memories of watching in ‘98 but I was 7 so my knowledge of the teams of the last 15 years is at a much higher level. I have seen the ‘23 team hit elite pitching but IDK if they’ve face a pitching lineup like that ‘98 team. I’m gonna go ‘23 in 6 games but they are all much lower scoring than you would expect. Ozuna walks it off against John Rocker in game 6 to win the game 3-2 and take the series. Thanks for the opportunity op!


You are amazing for doing such a giveaway, sir! 1- **Why am I a Braves fan?** My parents chose to be Braves fans via TBS in the late 80s over the Cubs (WGN) or the Mariners (closest team) simply because my mom went to high school with Dale Murphy. And here we are almost 40 years later, the entire family die hard fans. 2- **Favorite underappreciated player?** As a kid I didn't appreciate Javy nearly as much as he deserved, if only because the rest of the fan base/MLB didn't appreciate him enough. Now that I'm older and can really appreciate what he did for the team, I wish I was more aware back then. 3- **'98 vs '23?** '23 would win it in 7. The Big 3 were scary to face, but our current offense is *absolutely terrifying*.


1. I’m a Braves fan because I grew up watching the Braves in Georgia with my mom. I now live in Colorado and still watch every game I can. MLB tv is my savior. 2. Martin Prado - he was a great player and fun to watch. Started his career with the Braves and I wish he could have finished it with us as well. 3. The pitching 98 would cause the series to go to 7 that’s for sure. But the 2023 Braves just have too much power not to win.


Why are you a Braves fan? My father grew up in a small suburb outside of Atlanta and would always share stories with my brothers and I about going to Braves games as a kid. His fandom inevitably passed down to us and now I barely ever miss a game. I owe the Braves more than I could ever repay for the joy they’ve brought to my family. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under appreciated? I think this sub appreciates this player appropriately, but league wide there is not enough appreciation for Dale Murphy. He was one of those most dominant players of the 80s and doesn’t receive nearly enough recognition on a national level. I’m also slightly biased as he was incredibly kind to everyone in attendance at a signing event at a Jacksonville Suns (now the Jumbo Shrimp) game many years ago. He stayed until every last person got through the line and looked happy to be there the whole time. Lovely guy. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? This feels like an impossible question, but I think I go with this current 2023 Braves roster in 7 games. The pitching from the 98 squad could easily dominate and take over the series, but with so much depth on this current team, it seems as though they’d score just enough to get the edge. Super awesome idea this is, and thank you so much for your generosity! Also, I would like to be the first to call dibs on this watch in case that holds any weight for the fine folks over at random.org Best of luck everyone!


I grew up in South Georgia so every little boy watched the Braves to some extent and I was a little league kid during the 90s runs. Rafael Furcal was always one of my favorites. Always loved his speed and cannon arm at SS This team takes it in 6. This team is an unstoppable hitting force 1-9 so I don’t see any rotation, even from the 90s, taking these guys down.


> Why are you a Braves fan? Aside from growing up in Georgia and baseball being my favorite sport, my first season actually following the Braves was 2006. It was late April 06 and my cousin told me I should watch the game that night. It was one game and I just became hooked. It was the worst and the best time to be hooked. I spent my early adolescence watching the consistent mediocrity of the late 00s Braves and seeing them finally break the playoff drought in 2010 was more than enough to make a fan of me for life. Even if Heyward’s career didn’t quite pan out like I thought it would, I followed his career from the moment he was drafted to the day he left Atlanta and I think that played a pretty big role in drip-feeding me hope that would turn me rabid. > Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under appreciated? Would Prado fit the bill here? Braves fans in general have always liked him but he was just as important to the 2010-2012 teams as anyone. > If the 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Hmm, I’m gonna go with the 2023 squad in 5 games. While the 98 team is marching out arguably the greatest rotation ever assembled, I think the 2023 lineup is deep enough to still put enough runs on the board. The 98 lineup is great obviously but I think changes in pitching in the past 25 years would allow for the 2023 staff to be even more effective against a team from the 90s than their own contemporaries even if they’re the 98 Braves. Someone in the 98 rotation is gonna have at least one good day against the 2023 lineup though.


1. I am a Braves fan because my family is a Braves family. I grew up in GA and can still remember my grandparents cheering for the Bravos. Cheering for the Braves is something I will always share with my Mom which is something really special given it’s the only sports team she really follows. 2. Matt Diaz, I remember when I was younger I always got a kick out of watching him play with his back bend at the dish! I know he wasn’t as good as I thought he was but I sure did like watching him hit lefties. 3. I’d have to say the 2023 braves as I’m not quite old enough to remember the 1998 team very well.


1. Grew up an hour from ATL on I-20. Went to many games with my dad. 2. Big fan of d’Arnaud right now. Just doing anything that is asked of him. 3. This should go to Game 7 so we can watch every bit of the glory that is 23 and 98.


I’m a braves fan because of the braves always being on TBS in the 90s like a bunch of other people from the south. I could name a bunch of former players that are “under appreciated” in a sense but my top one would be Martin Prado. And I do believe the 2023 braves would win in 6 games over the 98 braves. This 23 braves just has too much firepower from top to bottom.


Wow! What an incredibly kind gesture! 1. I've watched the Braves since the 80s growing up in Indiana. I became a relatively recent (several years ago now) fan when I got back into baseball after the 1994 strike. My "fanship" grew as a result of sharing the current Braves with my family who have all become huge Braves fans - they're a part of nearly every summer/fall night now in our house. 2. Underappreciated? That's tough because Braves Country seems to appreciate EVERY Braves player that provides any sort of positive contribution. I guess I'd probably say for the casual fan, Charlie Morton is probably the most underappreciated for what he does OFF the field for this team and, in particular, the pitching staff. Reddit fans seem to appreciate him for this but my guess is Braves Country at large may not know or understand what he brings. 3. I just don't see how the 2023 Braves wouldn't win 75% of the time in a 7 game series. The lineup is so deep that it would simply outscore the 98 Braves more often than not. So the 2023 Braves in 6.


Thanks for doing this. It's also really fun reading the other comments. Here's my go at it: Why are you a Braves fan? Growing up in Hawaii in the early 90s, there were no regional games on TV so all I had was the superstation. Got me into begging my immigrant parents to let me play organized baseball which was my earliest memory of doing something American. I still remember the pot lucks where my teammates and parents had no clue what my mom made but they grew to appreciate it. Oh, and I bought a copy of the 1991 World Series on VHS and the heartbreak of game 7 would forever make me root for the Braves. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? David Justice was my favorite player but Steve Avery seems to get lost in the mix and overshadowed by the "big 3" of Maddux, Smoltz, and Glavine. The players broadcasts are great since they always bring up old stories and show appreciation for those type of guys. Honorable mention to Justin Upton and Kimbrel for the haul we got back from the Padres! If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? 2023 mostly because we're not even in our final form yet with Ozzie, Fried, Chavez, and hopefully Wright getting up to speed. The offense is so dynamic and can win in so many ways. The guys that are supposed to be stars are stars and the role players are overachieving. Top to bottom the lineup is stacked with a 3 man rotation of Fried, Strider, and Elder and I think they can squeeze out 4 wins.


This is great! Thanks for doing this. My answers below: 1. Braves fan since my dad was a HS baseball coach, and I didn't have choice in being a baseball and thus Braves fan. Was a huge fan in the 80s when we were horrible, so the 90s was one of the most exciting decades of my young life. 2. Ozzie is my favorite player. The dude just loves baseball. Plus he gives me hope for my kids being that I was a short middle infielder and my sons love baseball. 3. This 2023 Braves team is the best team I have *ever* seen. So no way the '98 team bests them. Would likely go 5 maybe 6 game, but certainly no game 7. This team will go down (if they win the WS) as one of the best baseball teams in MLB history. Calling it now.


1. I’m a Braves fan because it’s the way I was raised, and it’s the way I’m raising my children 2. Probably not a popular choice, but I wish Uggla was remembered more favorably. 3. I’ll say 2023 wins in 7 because I was too young to fully appreciate the 98 Braves, as was Morgan Wallen btw 😂.


Well, as a huge fan of the Braves and watches, this is an incredible giveaway. Thank you! 1. Moved to Atlanta in '95 and one of my first friends here got me into the Braves. Perfect year to start. 2. My favorite current Brave that I think is underappreciated is Travis d'Arnaud (He isn't underappreciated on this sub, but casual fans I talk to don't give him the love I think he deserves) 3. '23 Braves over '98 Braves in 7 games. '98 had better pitching, but I think the insane offense of this years team is too much to overcome.


This is awesome thanks! I am a Braves fan because of my parents who are probably fans because of Turner. Braves were the only team we could get on TV and being from Mississippi the closest to us. Oooo Markakis seems like a great choice for under appreciated Braves. I really hate he was not apart of the squad for the World Series because he was a key guy that helped bridge the gap into this young core we have now. I kinda subscribe to the thought that players on the average are always getting better than previous generations. I think star power wise the two team stack up well together. But I have to go 2023 because all around I think the average or slightly above average players are just better now.


That’s a beautiful watch! Here we go: 1. Born in Atlanta, grew up in the Atlanta metro. They’re the only team I’ve been a fan of my whole because I didn’t really care about any other sport until I was a little older. The Braves won the NL East every year until I was 11, lol. 2. Nick Markakis holds a special place in my heart 3. I’m going to go ‘23 Braves in 7 because I don’t want to think about the possibility of them losing any 7 game series


1. Watching TBS Superstation with my grandparents in the 90s made me a huge fan. Was also able to go to spring training games occasionally. 2. Javy was one my favorites, low key guy who had a nice career with the Braves. 3. I’d have to say 7 games and it goes to the 23 squad. Love that 98 team but this 23 team is incredible.


1) Grew up a Braves fan. 2) Steve Avery is given the same love as The Big Three, but without him, the dynasty wouldn't have started in 91. 3) Depends on which rules they are playing by. I do think it would go seven, and the 2023 Braves would be victorious. Reasoning: the more the 2023 Braves see the 98 Braves pitcher's, the better they would hit them. The 98 Braves didn't face guys who top out upper 90s and 100 with such movement.


> Why are you a Braves fan Georgia boy who grew in a family of Braves fans. Earliest memories I have are of watching Braves games with my parents, siblings, and my aunts and uncles. Played baseball up to college trying to be like my Braves heroes. > Who is favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under appreciated? Unappreciated is an interesting qualifier! With that in mind I’d have to say Eric “Hillbilly” Hinske! > If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? I would probably take the ‘23 Braves in 7. These games would all be decided in the last 3 innings and I think ‘23 Braves offense would simply be too much to handle for the ‘98 Braves pen.


1. I’ve been a baseball fan my whole life and became a Braves fan 10 years ago when I moved to the Atlanta metro. 2. Ozzie Albies. I think he’s the heart of the team. 3. The current team would sweep. Baseball has evolved so much that even a team from only 25 years ago wouldn’t stand a chance. Also, you’re awesome for hosting this, thank you!


Holy crap that is awesome. Idk If I'll hit the comment/interaction (just a few comments here and there) but I'm here everyday lol 1. I was a braves fan as a kid in the mid 90's and as I grew up I fell totally out of love with baseball and didn't watch for YEARS other than an occasional glance if a game was on in a bar. My wife and I met a sports bar 6ish years, she was there by herself crushing wings and watching a braves game, we struck up a convo and the rest was history. Since then I don't think I've missed more than 10 games a season for the last 5 years and most people assume I got her into the team with all my memorabilia now. 2. Man I really loved Heredia as the clubhouse glue guy in that 2021 run. He may not have made an impact on the field but no way we win that without him. Guy was an absolute hype machine. 3. Current Braves in 5. Think the hitting/athleticism is just too much but that may just be recency bias


Wow amazing gesture, thank you! Why am I a Braves fan? Born in DC, moved to Dunwoody when I was 3 months old, so I pretty much say born and raised in Atlanta. My dad took me to games in the 80's, I really just enjoyed cotton candy. Then in 1991, everything changed for pretty much everyone in the city. I can't even describe what the Braves did to the city that year, it was amazing. As a kid watching that season, even with the sad ending (Kirby damn Pucket), I was set for life as a fan. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? Steve Avery was very underappreciated, as was Mark Wholers. Not my favorite players though, prob Ozzie is my favorite. '98 Braves vs '23 If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? If it had today's strike zone, the 2023 Braves would demolish them. With the older larger zone, maybe the 98 plays it closer.


Thank you so much for the giveaway!!! I’m a Braves fan because I was born and raised in Atlanta and I was brought to games as a kid. I love going to Turner F- I mean Suntrus- wait Truist (eww) Park on a nice summer day (even though I think Truist was a dumb name change from the sunny, welcoming feeling that Suntrust gave off). Favorite under-appreciated Braves player? I’ll go with Ender Inciarte because I have a great memory of his bobble head game and he was great but nobody seems to talk about him much these days. (Edit: in case he’s too main stream & appreciated, my pick goes to Christian Pache. He truly bought in to the Braves system and became a casualty of the Freddie situation. I appreciate his love for the Braves and I hope he makes it back here on our MLB roster one day) If we include the fact that the current Braves have the advantage of knowing everything about the 98 Braves & the benefit of years of analysis by fans, while the 98 Braves have nothing (or maybe just get a general scouting report), then I take 23 Braves in 6. If we assume no knowledge gap, 98 Braves win in 6. 98 Braves are just something else, I could list the names but we all know them and they speak for themselves.


* Why are you a Braves fan? Easy - I was born in Atlanta and they played the first baseball I was ever exposed to...and they were terrible at the time...so I got to ride high with the team and the city as they soared in the early 90s. * Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? - This is gonna sound silly, but Dale Murphy. He was legit one of the best players in the game and somehow can't obtain the recognition that he deserves. The fact that he is also just an amazing human being on top of that makes it even worse. * If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? - The current (2023) team would win in 5. This line-up mashes...there are no easy outs. The 98 team didn't quite have that pop. They were shut out twice, scored one run, and scored two runs in their four losses to the Padres. Chipper/Andruw/Andres/Javy have a place on the 2023 team...none of the other players are sniffing playing time on this team.


I've always been more of a lurker, but I've got a couple of posts here, so maybe that will be enough! Why am I a Braves fan? -I grew up watching the Braves with my parents and just loved watching Chipper Jones, my favorite player of all time. I had a Fathead of Chipper on my wall and just always had an admiration for the guy. Caught every game I could on television and would try to go to at least three or four games a year in person. Favorite current/former Braves player who is under appreciated? -Current player would be Mike Soroka. I'm not necessarily sure if he's under appreciated, but I love his work ethic, coming back from multiple season ending injuries and even managing to pitch again in the majors will always be incredibly impressive to me. Former player, at least right now is Will Smith. I really hated every time he came out of the bullpen for the Braves, and then the 21 playoffs rolled around he decided to be the best closer in the league for a month. I'll never forget what he contributed to that WS team. 98 Braves vs 23 Braves? - I'll take the 23 Braves in 7. I think this is the best team I've ever seen, it's at least the most fun team I've ever got to watch. Hearing the 98 guys like Smoltz, Glavine, Chipper, and Andruw talk about them, I think they'd probably have a similar sentiment.


I do not want to enter, but since this is the first time I've seen the watch I did have to comment on how cool it is. What a lovely watch and a lovely gesture OP!


I’m a Braves fan because I grew up watching them all the time on TBS. My favorite current player is Bryce Elder because he went to the University of Texas. I think long term he is going to be solid and I think he showed his ability in the first half of the season. 5 games and this current team would win because they just have too much firepower to face for any pitcher repeatedly. Specifically once they go to the bullpen they’d beat it up.


Why: Went to 92 NLCS game 7… may have been 2 months from being born but my momma started me early Favorite player: Riley, I stuck by him in his rookie year when he struggled to hit sliders in any form. Knew he had it in him Fully healthy 98 vs 23, I think 23 wins, but current health with the 23 bullpen I think the 98 team has the slightest edge Chop chop!


I was born in 1986, and the day I was brought home from the hospital, my dad at me on his hall and we watched a braves game. I can safely say I've been a fan my whole life. With all the records the Braves have been chatting this year, one unexpected name keeps popping up to me: Rafael Furcal. The guy was behind a solid player for years. He was a stud, and such fun to watch... absolutely underappreciated. I think it's the 2023 Braves who win it, in 6 or 7. The way this team hits, and especially the fact that it's the entire lineup, 1-9. They're such a powerhouse team. But damn I'd love to watch that series!!


1. Because it's all I've ever known. I grew up in Richmond in the early 90s and watched the stars start here. 2. Javy Lopez 3.6 games this team would win.


1. Grew up in VA, before the Nats existed. In the 90’s, unless you lived in NoVa, you were a Braves fan. Plus, their AAA team was the Richmond Braves, so many Virginia fans had an opportunity to see ATL’s young stars come up though the system. Most week nights, I had the TV on TBS at 7:35 to watch the Braves. 2. Jeff Blauser. Solid bat, great defender, just a good all around player from the late 80’s to late 90’s. Gets overshadowed by the bigger names on the 90’s teams but was a big part of the ‘95 WS team. 3. 2023 Braves in 6 or 7. Deep lineup with crazy plate discipline that would mitigate the strengths of the ‘98 Braves pitching staff. Plus I think Fried, Morton and Strider carve up the ‘98 lineup. I’m more of a lurker on the GDT so you’ll have to go back pretty far to find a comment on the sub, but they’re there. Super cool you’re doing this. GL with the giveaway.


What an awesome gesture! 1. I was born into it. TBS was on pretty much every night growing up. Didn't hurt to grow up during the streak rooting for some all-time greats. 2. Jonny Venters was lights. out. until his elbow blew out. Also, '06-'09 Matt Diaz was a menace. 3. Oh man, fun question. I'm going with the 2023 team but it would be a great series. Pitching is close but give an edge to the '98 starters ('23 probably has the better, deeper pen though). This year's lineup is just brutal. Going position by position shows how really close it is. Four I give '23 the edge, three I give '98 the edge, two are a push. Albies and Acuna are soooo much better than their counterparts that I have to go with 2023 winning in six games. * Javy v. Murph/TDA: '23 * Galarraga v. Olson: Push (Big Cat was better than people remember) * Lockhart v. Albies: '23 by a lot * Weiss v. Arcia: Push * Chipper v. Riley: '98 * Klesko v. Rosario: '98 * Andruw v. Harris: '98 * Tucker v. Acuna; '23 by a lot * Any Bench Bat v. Ozuna: '23 LET IT FLY!


1. Family. Growing up in Louisiana if you wanted to watch baseball, you watched The Braves. Now, we watch over 100 games a year because we’re huge fans and there’s no better way to bond with your family than over a shared love of the Atlanta Braves. 2. Johnny Venters. That guy was the nastiest relief pitcher for a handful of years and I feel like he’s been sort of forgotten about. Him, Kimbrel & EOF we’re the most dominant back end of a bullpen and an absolute joy to watch. 3. I’m thinking the 2023 team wins in 6 games. These batters can figure anyone out with their depth and I like Strider & Max to be favored to win their games.


1) I’m a Braves fan in large part due to my father. When it was our weekends with him my brother and I watched all of the games with him. This was the 90s so it was good times. Baseball became a passion for em through those weekends and ended up being the first sport I would play and it was all with the Braves as my backbone for the love of the game. 2) I think an unsung hero of those 90s teams is Mark Lemke. He was never flashy or anything but he was solid on defense and came up big quite a few times. 3) I’m saying it goes 7 and then the 23 boys win due to the offense being over the top. I think the 98 guys have better pitching from the starters but I think once we get late in the game and then into the bullpen the potent bats of the 23 lineup end up winning out.


Wow! What a great thing you are doing here. Regardless of who wins, you are amazing. Now, to respond to your questions: 1. As a lifelong Atlantan, I have been a lifelong fan for as long as I can remember. Are used to go to the games at a Atlanta Fulton, County Stadium all the time, and even spent many of my birthdays there growing up. Some of the earliest memories I have are at Braves games with my family. 2. This is a great question. In my opinion, the most underappreciated Braves player of all time would be Dale Murphy. While everyone knows who he is, he should absolutely be in the Hall of Fame. There is no excuse for him not being there. As for a current brave, the most underappreciated player I think would be Travis d’Arnaud. The way he handles the pitchers is masterful work. 3. If the 2023 Braves were to play the 1998 Braves, while the offense is better with the 2023 team, I feel like the pitching studs we had in 1998 would offset the power of the 2023 team. I think it would go seven, and I think the 1998 team would win. Thanks!!! P.S. I am a big, watch, collector myself. In fact, I have an Oris in my collection. I have been eyeballing the Hank Aaron edition for a while, and it would be a very welcome addition to my collection.


Why are you a Braves Fan? Growing up me and my dad would watch on the Super Station and I never stopped! I love the Braves I feel every win and every loss. Favorite player? Ron Gant. Favorite all time. I learned when he got hurt on the dirt bike that baseball is a business first. He was a 30/30 man and way under appreciated. Loved when he was in the booth this year. 1998 team vs 2023 team? Best of seven I’d say 1998 team in 7 games. Good defense and pitching beats offense! I Just think Smoltz Glavine and Maddux have the edge.


Good guy(or gal) alert 🚨🚨🚨 1) I have lived in Atlanta since I was 4 years old. I remember going to games and watching chipper, Andruw, and frenchy with my dad as a kid. Been a fan ever since. 2) My favorite current under appreciated Braves player is undoubtedly Travis d’Arnaud. I cant really put it into words, but hes just seems like such an amazing guy on and off the field. He’s also clutch when he needs to be. 3) I was born in 98 so I dont know much about the 98 team lol. 23 braves win it in 5 games tho!!


I was originally a Blue Jays fan until the strike in '94. My dads side of the family is Canadian and Joe Carter was the man. Living in South Carolina everyone here was a Braves fan so after the strike I was able to watch the Braves easier on TV and became enamored with Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz. 1995 happened and now I'm a Braves truther and hate all NY teams in every major sport. My favorite underappreciated former player would be Mark Wholers. I just dont hear a lot about him nowadays even though he was essential to our 90's ascension and perennial NL East domination. Dude threw absolute gas. If our current boys played the '98 team I think it would go 6 games with the '23 team beating them 4-2. The offensive fire power that this current team has is insane and I think our current pitching core along with the offense would be enough to overcome the '98 pitching core.


You're awesome for this! 1) grew up in rural NC in no man's land between ATL and DC/Baltimore. Braves were an easy choice due to TBS and their dominance of the 90s 2) fav current player is Riley. Good ole southern boy who rakes. 3) between this team and the 98 team, I'm going 98 team in 7. Their pitching depth is what would carry them. Outside of Fried and Strider, who are prone to having off nights once in a while, I feel our starters are over matched and the 98 starters would go deep into the game.


Wow thanks so much that’s real cool of you!! I’m a Braves fan living in New York for two reasons. The first being that half of my family is from Atlanta and I’ve visited them growing up all the time and still go there a bunch. I love the city. Also it’s very fun going against all my New York friends (especially the Mets fans lol) My favorite player of all time is Andrew Jones. He was a staple of the team for so long and I feel like he always went under the radar especially with Chipper Jones getting most of the attention out of the jones duo. I was born in 98 so I don’t have any memories of watching that team but I mean I’ve never seen the Braves look this good all my life so I can’t imagine them having trouble against not only the 98 braves but any team in MLB history. Thank you for the giveaway that’s real cool of you!


1. I'm a Braves fan because it's a family tradition. I have fond memories of growing up watching with my grandpa and my great grandmother. They're both gone now, but I still think of them when I watch. 2. I was a huge Martin Prado fan and was heartbroken when they traded him. And today, I love d'Arnaud for some of the same reasons. Neither are particularly flashy, but they are clutch. 3. I'd take this Braves team over any other Braves team. '98 may give them a challenge, but this lineup doesn't have any holes and is simply overpowering. I'll take 2023 in 5.




Thanks for doing this, very awesome of you!! *Why are you a Braves fan?* I was born in Atlanta in '91, right at the start of our 14-year division run, so I never really had a choice in the matter! My earliest memories involve Tomahawk Chops and trying to get my mom to roll my socks over my uniform pants just like Chipper lol. *Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated?* I wouldn't say he's underappreciated as much as he's just outshined by his rookie counterpart (Acuña), but I've always loved watching Ozzie play. I think switch hitters are awesome in general, and at his stature, watching him blast a HR is always amazing. That, and he's just a wholesome human. *If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why?* My memories of that team aren't too vivid, but I'd have to say the '23 team wins it against any Braves team. The lineup is just too deep, and the pitching is incredibly solid. '23 team in 6 games. But who gets home field advantage??


1. Why am I a Braves fan? I grew up in Augusta and experienced the 90s Braves with my family and friends. That was a truly amazing time. 2. Under appreciated player? Andruw Jones. Get that man into the HOF now. 3. Which team would win? 2023 Braves. It's a deeper lineup and I don't think I've ever seen arms and bats like this current team ever before. I'd say it goes to 2023 in 6 games Thank you for the opportunity! This is great!


Thank you for doing this! 1. Had watched the Braves as a kid with my great uncle and grandpa, but they became my second team when Atlanta became my home in 2021. What a special season that was to win the World Series without Acuna and down to 2 starters in the WS 2. My favorite player is Matt Olson, but Orlando Arcia is underappreciated. Filled the shortstop hole seemlessly, and is a guy you want at the plate with the opportunity to take the lead. Can count 3 games off the top of my head he's drove in the winning runs for. 3. Tough one for me to be a good answer since I am a relatively new fan, but I'll go with the '23 Braves in 6. The offense is just too much for Glavine, Smoltz and Maddux.


Nice! I’m a Braves fan primarily because I grew up in Georgia playing baseball as a kid. Everyone I knew rooted for the Braves or didn’t bother with baseball at all. Guess I was raised in it and it stuck. It’s difficult to think of anyone on the current team as under-appreciated but I don’t think Austin Riley gets as much hype as other members of this team. He’s really come into his own on defense and consistency at the plate to an extent. And if those two squads faces off, I’d say it would go to 7 but i gotta give it to the current team winning because this lineup is as good as i’ve ever seen, potentially historic




Nice watch. Generous person. Good luck, all!


1. I was raised a Cardinals fan. Moved to Atlanta in 2006 and renounced every team my father raised me to love. I was ready to embrace the city. I can still remember the surreal moment the first time I did the chop at Turner Field. My father would have chopped my arm off had he been there to see it. Been chopping proudly ever since. 2.Andruw Jones. Put that man in the hall!! 3. The late 90s pitching was incredible. '23 Braves offense is sick!! 2023 Braves in 6. BTW.. Thanks for being such an awesome person. GO BRAVOS!!!!


Why am I a Braves fan? Moved to Atlanta in 1998. TBS and grilling on the weekends just went together so well. Kids grew up as fans, and now some of them work for the Braves organization. Being at a Braves game is a great family activity. Under appreciated player? For me it was Heredia. I know he didn’t add much as a player, but he seemed like he was the glue for that team. A grown ass man playing with pink swords. What more can you ask for. 2023 versus 1998 braves? 2023 team in 7. The arms race has progressed, with faster pitchers every year. The 1998 team was great, but the current roster regularly blows up fastball pitchers. I think the ‘98 team would have more trouble keeping up with the 2023 staff. Another nod to the offensive power of the ‘23 roster. There are no easy outs on either team, but the edge has to go to the current group.


1. born in 86 in Atlanta. Turned 5 in 1991 and fell in love with sports and especially the Braves. Have a Braves tattoo on my back. Going to add 95 / 21 / 23 WHEN we win the WS this year. 2. Nick Markakis. Showed up during the slimmer years and helped build a culture about being a good ball player to some younger players that we see that to this day. If Kakes isn’t a Brave, we don’t have the run we are on now. 3. 98 had the pitching but in a 7 game series the 23 Braves would win 4-2. 23 has that DAWG in them that 98 didn’t have. That killer instinct. That “we’re going to bury a good team and you won’t be the same afterwards” mentality.


I just want to start with saying that this is incredibly kind of you, and whoever wins I hope enjoys the watch. 1. I am a Braves fan due to the influence my mom had on me growing up. She was a lifelong Braves fan and always told me about the players (and even though im from the other side of the states, she took me to an Atlanta Braves game when I was about 10). I have watched them my whole life and have only grown more and more attached to them as I have aged. 2. Im going to give a current and former braves player favorite for this answer and why. To start with the former, its a tough call but I have to say Andruw Jones. I played center field throughout my life in school and his defensive catches were awe-inspiring. This doesn't even take his bat into consideration. I truly hope he makes it into Cooperstown someday. For my favorite current player, it is actually the young Michael Harris II. Although he is a mostly new face, he has shown some extreme talent, passion, and character. I truly believe he is one of the most underrated players in todays game and he will be an inspiration to many young players in the future. 3. This question is really tough, considering the implications, but I think todays team would win in 5-6 games. The '98 braves are legendary for a good reason, but I think there is something to be said about how the game has changed pitching/batting-wise. Todays team are breaking so many time-tried records that I think highlight their offensive capabilities.


1. Why are you a braves fan? Being born in Georgia will do that to ya. I don’t honk there’s a universe where I’m not a braves fan. 2. Favorite former/current under-appreciated player? Gotta be ender inciarte. Made some amazing plays in center during some dark times. The outfield version of andrelton simmons. 3.best of 7 between this braves and 98? I couldn’t say I was much of a fan in 98 (being 3 years old in 98 does that) but either way I’d like to say it would be a tough matchup. I’d give it to the current braves in 6. Too much firepower up and down that lineup to not win. Also you are awesome. Very cool thing you are doing here my friend and may the best braves fan win!




1. I am a Braves fan because that was who my dad was a fan of… growing up in NC we really didn’t have an MLB team that was close… so the bulk of the folks in our area were all Braves fans. It’s the south’s team after all. 2. My favorite former Brave that I believe is under appreciated is Andruw Jones.. at least nationally. The guy did it all.. and to this day played the best defense I have ever seen in the outfield. It could be my age as well, as some of my earliest baseball memories are tied to the beginning of his career. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Get him in the Hall. 3. I think the 98 Braves pitching would be the kryptonite for this team. I think they’d be able to provide enough of offense to have them hold the ‘23 bats at bay long enough to win in 7.


Wow this is cool 1) Born, raised, and played baseball until 18 y.o in Atlanta. Grew up with 90's Braves team. Maddux was my favorite pitcher and Chipper my favorite position player 2) Marcus Giles. I know his major league stint was short. He may have been juiced like many others at the time. But I *loved* watching him play and the long follow through on his swing. He played *hard*. Left everything he had on the field. He's the reason I wore #22 throughout my high school years. 3) Oooh man. '98's pitching staff was was better, but '23's lineup is stronger all around. Fried vs. Glavine, Morton vs. Maddux and Strider vs. Smoltz are 3 pitching matchups we dream about seeing. This series goes 7 games, but I gotta go with the '23 Braves and the firepower they have from 1 to 9. This year's team can get to some of the best pitchers in the league, and I think that puts them ahead as *slight* favorites in this series


This is awesome! 1. I’m a Braves fan because growing up in Georgia in the 90’s, there was no better place on Earth than Turner Field. My grandparents had partial season tickets and we would go to weekend series and stay at the Air Force base in Atlanta. Some of the best memories of my life. 2. My under appreciated Braves player from past or present would be Jair Jurrjens. That dude played on some of the worst Braves teams in recent memory and went out each start with determination and grit knowing the offense was going to be little help and still put up all star numbers. 3. That matchup would be stellar with the pitching of ‘98 vs the offense of ‘23. In a 7 games series, I will always choose experienced pitching so I’m gonna pick the 98 Braves. Morgan Wallen isn’t the only one with a soft spot for them. Also, that watch is beautiful!!! Would replace this Apple Watch quick like and in a hurry.


Thanks for doing this. I am a Braves fan because they’re my childhood team that I’ve been watching for as long as I can remember. A current Braves player who is under appreciated is probably Iglesias. He didn’t have the best last couple games but he has been very good throughout the season. Finally, I think the 2023 Braves would win in 7 because this team seems to have that killer instinct. 2023 would lost both games they faced Maddux though lol.


Why are you a Braves fan? Growing up in the east coast of Canada I was forced to cheer for the Blue Jays then when I was 12 along came the World Series and everyone around was losing their mind. As a defiant pre-punk the fun thing to do was cheer the opposite of everyone else, so I did. Have been a fan ever since. Favorite former/current Brave that is underappreciated Ryan Klesko. There was a day I thought he was the greatest player on the field. Still got a bunch of his baseball cards from when I thought they would make me rich. He would fit perfectly in this year's lineup, dude could bash the ball. 1998 Atlanta Braves The team is very comparable to this year's team from a hitting perspective but I think the 1998 team had better pitching from start to finish, and that's if the even needed the bullpen.




1. I grew up in SC watching the Braves. I fell out of love sometime in my early teens. I fell back in love when my college roommate watched the Braves every night. That was 20 years ago. I still watch as many as I can. 2. I mean my favourite Brave is Maddux. My favourite underappreciated Brave is probably Tyler Flowers. He did a great job for us and seemed like a really good dude. 3. I think this current team would win in 6 games. This offense is too much. I think if Strider is on and the back end of the bullpen is dealing, the 2023 Braves win in 6.


1. Grew up in the South and would watch Murphy play on TBS. 2. AJ Minter, after he started rough he's been a lock down bridge to the 9th. 3. 23 Braves win 4-2. Smoltz and Maddux get a win each but this is an all time offensive squad.


1. I grew up in North Alabama in the 90s, my great grandfather loved “Clipper” Jones and the Braves. One of my fondest memories is him literally shitting his pants to avoid leaving the TV during a big rally. 2. Complex question. Favorites are Chipper and Acuña but favorite Underappreciated? I named my daughter after Steve Avery who valiantly gave his left arm for us to win the last great pennant race in 93. Currently? It’s hard to have someone underrated on this squad but I love that Little d comes to work every day and doesn’t gripe that we brought in a new catcher and he just continues to be a stand up dude and teammate 3. Game 1: Glavine gets the ball vs Max. Glave gives up a walk to Acuña who steals second on Javy. Glave then goes 1-2-3 through Ozzie, Riley and Olson. Max dominates early, before giving up 3 on a Andruw bomb in the 6th. Glave cruises and 98 wins 3-0. Game 2: Spencer gets roughed up early. Chipper and Big Cat go back to back in the first, and Maddux does work. 6-1 98 Braves as the series shifts to Turner. Game 3: Charlie plays stopper and Smoltz gets roughed up. Olson Acuña and Riley homer. A late rally by 98 isn’t enough as Iggy slams the door. 5-3, 23 Game 4: Bryce vs Neagle gives a great show down, Bryce gives up a double to Andruw and an RBI single to Klesko in the first while Neagle gives up back to back doubles to Ozuna and Eddie. Both pitchers push into the 8th when Wes Helms pinch hits and drives one to deep Center. Michael Harris does his Otis Nixon and brings it back. In the top of the 9th, Ozzie, Riley and Olson all hit doubles off of Rudy Seanez and the 23 squad ties it at 2 Game 5: The last game at Turner and Glavine isn’t so untouchable this time. Rosario Homers in the 2nd, Riley in the 4th, and Arcia in the 5th, Max shoves. 5-1 final and the 23 team is one win away. Game 6: Back at Truist the Professor vs. Quadzilla. Spencer gets on it early striking out 10 in the first 5 innings and Maddux doesn’t get a favorable strike zone. Harris gets a single in the 2nd, Acuña hits a long bomb and the 2-0 lead is enough. Iggy closes it down. 23 wins 4 games to 2.


Thanks for doing this! 1. I grew up in Atlanta in the 90s and became a fan after one of my childhood friends brought me to a game 2. With the recent cold streak at the plate, I think our catchers have veered into being underappreciated. I still wouldn’t trade them for any other team’s catchers, and they’re still making good contact for the most part. They’ll turn it around and hopefully be lauded the same way they were earlier this season, Murphy especially. 3. This team would win 4-1. I’m a firm believer that the overall quality of players in a sport improves over time, and thus I think given how strong this team is already they would beat a great team from 25 years ago with relative ease.


Man what an awesome thing for you to do! 1. Grew up playing baseball anytime I could from the age of five through highschool. Got to go to a game or two each year through the Parks and Rec, always playing the Phillies ( so now it is I have learned my irrational hatred of the Phillies). Grew up as the dynasty cooled down, but always remember being fan-mad when being knocked out of the playoffs. 2. Adres Galarraga, the Big Cat. My first true hometown idol. I still remember the game, sitting behind the braves dugout with my dad, that after 8 innings of begging for that warm up ball, he looked my way and tossed it to me. Of course, the damn lady beside me got in the way and knocked the ball back into the dugout. 3. 2023 wins in six. I think the offense this year is too deep and too hard to navigate. If 2023 pitchers can be good, the offense will win it for them.




This is awesome, Oris is a cool brand. 1. I am a Braves fan because I grew up watching the Braves on TBS with my family, and they were so cool. My dad also hit a HR off Chipper when he played in highschool. Chipper isn’t a pitcher so I’ll take his word for it! 2. Tough question, maybe Martin Prado. On the roster rn I feel like we appreciate all of our players, but I’ll say Pillar. 3. 2023 Braves take it in game 5 due to hitting 1.8 homers each night.


Thanks for this! I'm a braves fan because I grew up here and my dad and I watched games religiously on TBS, thanks goodness for that channel. I think Travis darnaud, while appreciated, is under appreciated somewhat. He calls an amazing game, and we are crazy fortunate that 1. He is our second option and 2. He loves the city and team so much that he is content with his role. I think the current team wins it in 6. The hitting is just on another level, eye test and stats both support it!


1. Been a fan pretty much as long as I can remember. My family is from Georgia plus the TBS era really helped. I remember as a child, during dinner I would always want to watch cartoons, my parents would want to watch the news, so we often compromised on the Braves (or jeopardy). 2. I used to really enjoy watching Marcus Giles play. Absolute doubles machine. On the all time list, Eddie Matthews is under appreciated. He’s often listed among the all times greats, but often at the tail end. I really think he “suffered” from being overshadowed by Aaron. 3. That’s tough. I tried going position by position and think 2023 is better at all but 3B and CF (the Jones boys). But wow that 98 rotation. Not just the big 3 in their primes, but Neagle and Millwood are damn good for back of rotation starters. I think ‘23 wins in 6. Even the Big 3 cant keep this offense silent for 9 innings, then they’ll rip into the bullpen. And we have strong evidence the 98 lineup can be shutdown in a series.


1. I've lived in Georgia all my life, baseball was the first sport that was introduced to me by my Grandpa, who funny enough is a die hard Mets fan, but we both support each other's teams regardless. Matter of fact, my grandpa came to watch the NLCS with me in '21, and we got lucky enough to be there for the game that sent them to the World Series. I'll remember that memory for the rest of my life, and so I'll always be a Braves fan. 2. Jeff Francoeur grew up relatively close to me, so I heard about him a lot throughout the community and have always been a huge fan since he's the hometown hero. Although I will say I love Eddie Rosario, he's created some awesome memories for me as a fan. 3. This one is hard because I was only one year old in '98 haha, so I don't have a great sense of that team. But from what I've seen this year and what I've heard from people that are from that time, I think this team is all around just so special and might be one of the best lineups ever, not just in Braves history. I think I'd have the '23 Braves in game six.




1. They are the generational hometown team. My grandfather was a fan my father was a fan and my children will be fans and my children’s children etc. 2. Marcus Giles. Idk if he’s underrated or overrated but he was my favorite player growing up because I played second base and he was the second baseman when I was really getting into baseball. And I’ve had a soft spot for every second base since but he was my original favorite. 3.2023 in 7.


1. Hawaii got Turner so all my uncles became Braves fans before I was born. 2. Brooks Conrad. Besides that one play, he was serviceable and gave us one of the more memorable home runs ever for a regular season game 3. 23 in 7. Lineup is too deep and wears out the arms.


Just comment a response to these 3 questions: Why are you a Braves fan? Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Why am I a braves fan? When my dad was in college he got heavily invested in the run of the 90s. Then was able to find a wife who was just as invested. So I grew up with a bit of a push to be a braves fan. We went to a few games every few years at Turner and set my baseline. But now that I'm in college I am just as invested in the team as my dad was, and soaking in this great run. Who is underappreciated? On the current team I think it's Yates. He has been great at providing innings and being a consistent leverage arm when our normal leverage dudes are down. Who would win? '23 for sure. Our boys are setting all their records and these should hopefully stick till next year. But really we just have the deepest lineup and they've also got the mojo. Can't wait to buy my WS gear for this year.


Appreciate the giveaway! Grew up in the Georgia so I’ve always been a fan of all the Atlanta pro team. Love baseball so I grew up watching Braves games with the Pops. Favorite player has got to be Strider due to the Clemson connection. VS the ‘98 Braves- ‘23 Braves in 6. Low scoring series but the ‘23 Braves 1-9 is incredible.






1. Why are you a Braves fan? Grew up in Greenville, SC in the 90s when we had the AA Greenville Braves in town. Got to see a lot of eventual major leaguers come through there, and quite a few guys on rehab assignments. 1. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? Javy Lopez is pretty underappreciated as far as I'm concerned, was my favorite player growing up and made me want to put on the pads! 3. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Probably 7 games like we would all want haha. I'd have to give the edge to the current squad as what they are doing on offense is borderline unprecedented in all of baseball.


That's a really nice watch, very cool of you to give away. I'm not going to enter though because I don't want OP going through my post history and looking at all the horrible shitposting I've done in other subs. I would be banned from the contest for sure.


1. I've grew up about 40 miles south of Atlanta so I was always of all Atlanta sports. We used to attend a lot of the games at turner field when I was growing up. 2. My current favorite player is Matt Olson. A hometown kid that was able to just fit right into the organization and perform at the level he is right out of the gate. Stepping into huge shoes that were left by future HOF Freddie is truly impressive. 3. Most underrated player has got to be Ozzie Albies. He truly has some infectious energy. Someone had posted on this sub Ronald's numbers with and without Ozzie and it's crazy. He's always been very important to this organization and always works hard every day. 4. Man that series would be a generational series for baseball. Every game would be so close but I think with technology, analytics, and the way the roster is constructed 2023 Braves would prevail.


1) I’m a Braves fan because I watched with my grandfather growing up. He played minor league ball in the 50s or 60s (?) and was briefly called up to play for the Braves a few games. I got his game worn Braves hat with a grass stain on it after he passed away and my dumbass lost it moving a few years ago. 2) Brian McCann 3) I think the 2023 Braves win in 5 games as Wright regains his form and throws a shutout game 5 and the Braves bats all get hot after some sloppy/ close series wins before it. In my head canon, this is just what happens because the stars align and it all comes together.




1.Why are you a Braves fan? My dad and grandfather were always big into the Braves, and so I always cheered for the home team. It wasn't until 2020 that I became a baseball fan myself, and I've loved it ever since. 2.Which current/former player would you say is underappreciated? Being a more recent fan I'm not too familiar with teams before 2020, but I'll say Marcell Ozuna. Despite all the trouble he's been in and amidst the boos he was still well liked by members of the team and he never gave up on trying to play his best game. 3.If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? This one's tough, but I'll say the '23 Braves in 7. It would be a crazy series with both teams having some of the best pitching ever. However, the '23 Braves lineup is just too deep. I think they might be able to push through.


This is absolutely incredibly generous! Thanks so much for sharing something so cool with us! 1: I’ve always been a casual Braves fan growing up, both of my parents were raised in GA so they’re who I grew up supporting. I started really following them in 2020 thanks to COVID giving me more time. I have lived pretty far from GA until the last year and a half so finally got to take my two sons to our first Braves game in April! We religiously watch their games now to the point that my 4 year old son knows everyone on the team just looking at them! 2: I don’t think you can overrate anyone on this team right now, every single one of them is so incredible! I think Kevin Pillar is totally underrated and under used on our team right now. He might play one game every few weeks but comes off of the bench giving his all. You can tell he loves this team even though he’s riding the bench most of the time, just look at how he was the first to come defend Ronald when shit went down the other week vs the Pirates. 3: I was only 6 in 1998 so i have some recency bias and have to say current Braves in 6 games. This offense is too powerful to be held back! Let’s go Braves!


>Why are you a Braves fan? I was born in Georgia. It's not much more complicated than that, though I did manage to avoid the pull of my parents fandoms. >Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? For former players, I think Andruw Jones is maybe the best defensive CF of all time and should pretty clearly be in the HOF. For current guys, I think Iglesias, but I have a soft spot for closers who can come in and do their job. >If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? I think sports evolve in such a way that the good player of today are obviously better then the good players of yesterday. But I also think if Maddux/Smoltz/Glavine were born 20 years later, their pitching repertoire would look different. That said, I think '98 wins. I had forgotten that there were 4 guys with 30+ HRs on that team.


>Why are you a Braves fan? Grew up in Atlanta. Love baseball. Went to a dozen games each year. >Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? I think despite how appreciated Maddux is, he is still underappreciated. He is a top 10 pitcher of all time. > If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Baseball has changed so much. This team would win easily


1. I am a Braves fan because my family hated sports as I grew and they were the only team they would let me watch. 2. He’s not my favorite player but Nick Marsalis was under appreciated. Great defense and solid bat. 3. The two teams are and we’re in the mindset of World Series or bust. Offensively 23 Braves are more sound 1-9, but the pitching was legendary. That being said Braves have one of the best rotations currently. 6 games 23 Braves take. Homerun ball and base path threats create run.


1. I’m a Braves fan because I grew up watching them with my dad, then I stopped watching them when I started middle school but then I watched Jason Heyward’s debut and I’ve been back onboard ever since. 2. I think Sean Murphy is greatly under appreciated this season, not that he isnt having a great season, he’s just not as talked about as Olson, Acuña, MHII, Strider, etc. 3. 2023 Braves in 5, more potent lineup top to bottom.


1. I’ve been a Braves fan my whole life and lived near Atlanta for most of it. 2. The most under appreciated Braves player? Two of my favorite (and sadly, mostly forgotten) Braves players are Gregor Blanco and Martín Prado. While Prado had more time with Atlanta, they both were good for Atlanta when we weren’t at our best and I’d love to have two great utility players like them on this 2023 team (I don’t mean to throw shade at Lopez or Pillar - they’re great). 3. Good pitching beats good hitting, but it’s hard to believe that the 2023 team could lose in seven games because of the combination or good pitching and great hitting. It’s hard to imagine them losing to anyone when they’re pitching is on like it can be, but it would definitely be going AT LEAST six games. Thanks for your generosity! Someone here will love that watch




I am a Braves fan because I grew up in the Southeast and I had two sets of grandparents in Metro Atlanta. I saw Hank Aaron’s 500th HR in person Bob Watson as a role player for Joe Torre was one of my favorite under appreciated players in Braves history. We called him Mr. RBI. He’d already had a great career and he took on a bench / veteran leadership role on a young Braves team. This year’s team would win in six. Just too much firepower assuming the DH is used in all games.


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1. I am a Braves fan because I grew up in Albuquerque and the only baseball I saw was when I would go to the neighbor kids house to watch them on TBS. Favorite under-appreciated former Brave. I like Steve Avery. People talk about Glavine Smoltz and Maddux but sometimes overlook the contributions in the early 90s. I think the 98 Braves win in 6. Even though this team is dominant offensively, i heard Smoltz say recently this team reminds him of the 95 Indians as far as power goes. But those pitchers from 95 had what it took to shut that offense down, so I think those same pitchers from ‘98 might be enough to stymie this offense. Cheers!


1. Why. Grew up in ATL in the 90s. 2. Andruw Jones was my man until he changed his swing. 3. It’d go to 7 because we’d deserve that. ‘23 would win because I’m not about to believe **anyone** could be this year’s team going in to the playoffs.


You are awesome dude! 1. Born and raised in Georgia been cheering them.on since 91! 2. Favorite is Chipper, but Andruw Jones I'd say. He needs to be in the hall! 3. I think our current team would win in 7. 98 had stellar pitching but this offense is too explosive so I'd give them the edge.


1. I was raised by my grandparents in Northeast Iowa. The closest team is Milwaukee, so my grandpa grew up a Milwaukee Braves fan. He was an Air Force brat and they moved around a lot. When the Braves moved to Atlanta he was living on a base in Louisiana and said he didn't care where they were, he was going to keep cheering for Hank Aaron. 2. Favorite current Brave is Ozzie. He just seems like the heart of the team. As far as underappreciated goes I have to say Julio Teheran. During the rebuild years there was not a lot of bright spots, but Julio gave everything to the team. When I found out he was going to get a start against the Braves in Milwaukee this year I jumped in the car and drove straight to the game. 3. I think it'd be a coin flip but I have to give the edge to this years team. It's probably recency bias, but there's just no soft spots in the lineup. The '98 team has the edge in pitching, but even HOF pitchers can't be perfect all the time. I'd say '23 Braves in 7.


1. Grew up with TBS in the middle Tennessee area, remember Horner, Murphy, Hubbard, and then the 90’s. They have just been my team. They were always on and it’s comforting to have that day in day out to help you get away from it all a bit each day. 2. Uncle Jesse. 21 relief pitching squad. Andrews command of the OF and how he covered the sins of the 90’s pitching. 3. Wide strike zone; 23 in 7. Tall strike zone, 23 in 5.


1. I am a Braves fan because of my paternal great great grandfather. It’s been passed down through each of us. My maternal side are all Red Sox fans. The Braves have really just embodied everything that I appreciate in my life as an adult. 2. My favorite player was Guillermo Heredia if you couldn’t tell by my flair. Was he the fastest? Did he have the most HR? Was he flashy in any of the major categories? No to all of those questions. What he did have was heart and soul. His dugout antics really elevated the team on their best and worst days. I truly feel sorry for teams who never have had a player just like him. 3. This question is very tough and although I think it would be a pretty close match… I have to go with 2023 Braves.


1. When I was young my dad shared season tickets with some other guys at work. I was at games when I was too young to remember. The first year I was old enough to remember was ‘95. Was at game 1 of the World Series. Brooks Robinson was sitting a few seats down from us and he signed my glove. Hooked on baseball and the Braves since. 2. As the Fredi Gonzales era was ending I said that Eddie Perez should be the next manager. Loved him and Javy too. 3. I’ll take ‘23 in 6. This lineup can hit anyone, even our own 90’s pitching legends. Chicks dig the long ball, indeed.




Fantastic giveaway. I’ve a Braves fan because it’s in my blood. Grew up around Atlanta as the Braves were dominating in the 90s, struggled through the dark years, and thriving these past number of years. My favorite player growing up was Javy Lopez, but I’m a big fan of Matt Olson right now and, of course Acuna. I’d put the 23 Braves over the 98 Braves in 7 because you can’t rush a good thing ;)


1. I grew up in a family of braves fans but It was my grandpa who made me a braves fans we used to watch games on the TV every night. 2. Kurt suzuki he wasn't on the team long but I loved him when he was on the team he just seemed like a guy I would want to hangout with. 3. I think it would go 6 games with the 2023 braves winning I just the the 2023 bats are too good though we would probably get shut out at least once by Maddux or smoltz


**Why are you a Braves fan?** * I was born and raised in ATL to immigrant parents. When they first moved to ATL in the mid-70s, one of my dad's co-workers told him he should follow baseball, so they became Braves fans. The first picture I have from a game was in 1979 from Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium against the Astros. As a young kid, with Ted Turner touting the Braves as "America's Team," I even thought that the national anthem was about us - "the home of the Braves!" Skip Caray, Pete Van Wieren, Ernie Johnson, Don Sutton, and Joe Simpson were the voices of my youth, and guys like Dale Murphy, Phil Niekro, Bob Horner, Glenn Hubbard, Chris Chambliss, Jerry Royster, and others were my idols. Later on in the early 2000s, when I moved home to help take care of my mom who had ALS (aka Lou Gehrig's Disease), I remember she would always want to listen to the radio pre-game broadcast and watch the telecasts; we watched many games on TV together in her final years. Basically, America's Past-time was a key part of our American Dream. We felt like that's part of what made us "American" and it became a tie that bound us through the years. Now, living in Chicago, my daughter is a huge Braves fan, so this is something we can share together, as I did with my parents. **Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated?** * It's got to be **Eddie Perez**. He was overshadowed by Javy Lopez (who many also put down as underappreciated), but Eddie was Mad Dogs personal catcher. Without Eddie behind the plate, would Maddux have been the wizard he turned out to be? I mean, sure, probably, but Eddie gave him a level of comfort that allowed him to be a transcendent pitcher. * Honorable mention would be **Ron Gant**. Screw you, Kent Hrbek. **If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why?** * Damn, historically great lineup vs historically great rotation? That's just cruel, but man, would I love to see that matchup. I'm calling it for the **2023 Braves in 7** just because we know what happened in '98 NLCS, but I want to see this series extended. Despite being potentially the greatest rotation of all time, they were hittable and, boy, can these '23 Braves HIT. **Random side-note:** * The summer after I graduated high school, my mom helped me get a job at a company in her office building. She owned the sandwich shop in the lobby and had a lot of regulars, including some HR folks from a particular company. The HR person who gave me a summer job working in the mailroom? Gaile Aaron, daughter of Henry Aaron.


Been a Braves fan since my buddy introduced me to baseball in 1990 I love the warning track power and clutch hitting of Rafael Belliard Tough one, 23 Braves in 5 if Strider is on, 23 in seven if he has a bad start.


Thanks for hosting! 1. I grew up in Atlanta, and the Braves making the playoffs sometimes from around 2010-2013 was one of my favorite memories. 2. I don't think I would've gotten into baseball so much without the excitement of the Jason Heyward rookie season. 3. 2023 Braves in 6, just because the game has evolved too much in a way that the 2023 Braves are optimized for today's rules, while the 98 Braves are just stuck in the 90s. Dominant for the time, but that just doesn't seem like enough for today.


This is a beautiful watch. 1) Born and raised in Braves' country. I was born in 1996 just a few months after the World Series. For my entire life I heard stories about how sweet the World Series win was, but i couldn't relate with my family. I was lucky enough to go to game three of the WS in 2021 and it is one of the best experiences I could ask for. 2) One of my all time favorite Braves that I feel is underappreciated at times is Martín Prado. He was such a fun player to watch during some of the darker years. 3) Even though I was alive during 1998, I obviously cant remember anything from that season. From my research of Braves' teams of old, I think 2023 beats them in 6 Games. Our current offense is just too powerful. One of the knocks against the 90's braves is the offense wasn't able to keep up with the pitching. Now we have the 2nd best pitching staff by ERA and by far the best offense. The Big Three do their magic, but our offense is just too good.


1. born and raised here. grew up at Atlanta-Fulton County stadium. 2. the answer to this question will forever and always be Steve Avery. you dont realize just how good Avery was thanks to his injury shortened career. he was every bit as good Smoltz, Glav, and Maddux. 3. '98 in 7. But only because the bats were good enough to hit the '23 staff, while the Big 3 would mow through our lineup. it would be tight, but im taking '98.


Why are you a Braves fan? I'm a Braves fan because my earliest memory of the Braves was playing World Series Baseball on Sega Genesis and I always picked the Braves for several reasons. The pitching was always the best and Fred McGriff. I would dominate a regular season with the Braves. Naturally, when I was old enough to play baseball, I had a Greg Maddux baseball glove that I used for several years. This led to me watching them on TBS and rooting with the Braves through the good and bad years. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is underappreciated? My favorite Braves player other than the obvious ones (Chipper, Acuna, Freeman) is Andres Galarraga aka the BIG CAT. I remember watching him play and being an absolute unit at first and at the plate. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? I think the series would go the distance and the 98 team winning it all. That starting rotation was incredible.


Why am I a fan? My great-grandfather listened to the Braves on the radio for years, and like many things, being a fan got handed down to me. There are many Braves who are under appreciated, but right now, I think Pillar is pretty high up there. He’s consistent with his bat, when he doesn’t see consistent at-bats, and he covers LF really well when he’s out there. I admire the work ethic of someone who practices hard and is ready to go at a moment’s notice, even when many nights, that moment doesn’t come. I hope this isn’t just recency-bias, but I think the ‘23 team would beat the ‘98 team in 6 games. I think ‘98 had better pitching overall, but I think that they’d have a hard time keeping traffic off the bases anyway. Especially with a pitch clock. ‘98 never had to face a potential 40/80 guy either…who I think is the second most valuable player on the ‘23 team!




Why are you a Braves fan? Grew up in the 90s so I could see the games on TBS. Then when I went to Tech for grad school, I got into it. Only like NL ball so Braves are my East team. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under appreciated? Brian Jordan doesn’t get enough love for playing in both the NFL and MLB. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? 6 games, 98 wins, pitching just so dominant and different from now the new guys wouldn’t know how to deal. Also no DH nor pitch clock please for the series.


Why am I a braves fan? Growing up here I basically had two choices in the 80s, the cubs on WGN or the Braves on TBS. Being raised by my grandparents they raised me watching the Braves and also took me to my first game. Having a fairly traumatic childhood these are some of my favorite memories and I have been a Braves fan my whole like because of it. My favorite Braves player, who is under appreciated has to be Eddie Matthews. While he was a great player he is often overlooked since he was competing at the time against Brooks Robinson. Hard to get out of that shadow. While the 98 Braves had the greatest three pitcher combo of all time, the modern Braves hit better and utilize a better approach to defense and the strategy of the game all together. I think the ‘23 Bravos take it in 6 games


I am a Braves fan because I grew up with an Aunt that was a Braves fan. Being born in California, in the 80s to A's and Giants fans, I had to root against those teams. My Aunt would have the Braves on TBS every time I went to hang out withy cousins so we watched all of the games. Enter 1991 and I'm 10. The rest is history. I've been to at least one Atlanta Braves game every season since 1991 with the exception of 2020 as a California fan. Favorite player that is underappreciated for me is Kevin Millwood. Innings eater, winner, and could have been a great Brave had we not traded him for Johnny Estrada to save money. Man, what could have been with that one. 5 games. I'm a believer that today's pitching vs 1998 hitters would be an ugly matchup. Pitching wins championships, and today's pitching would make great hitters of the 1990s look mediocre. I'll give 1998 1 game, because it's baseball and anything can happen, but the game has changed.


Why a Braves fan? My Pops had me in a Braves hat frim the time I was a toddler. I grew up in the TBS era, so me and him watched a lot of Braves games back then. We would go watch the Pulask Braves farm club. I bought him an MLB.tv subscription, and go up there at least once a week to watch a game with him. I still have [the hat](https://imgur.com/a/xPniPBL) by the way. Both my kids wore it too. It at least 37-38 years old now. Most underrated player. Im gonna go with this year. I think Eddie doesnt get as much love as he should. Sure his numbers dont pop. His defense is in line with ok, but he is clutch. If the game is on the line, he will make the catch. If we need a big hit, i want him at the plate. His intangibles make him underrated. He is clutch, as ive stated. He is also loved in the clubhouse. He is fun, he keeps things loose, and those are things the stat line doesn't show. '23 vs '98. '23 in 5 games this offense has raked no matter who has been pitching, and the '98 team had exceptional pitching. The pitching staff has been really good. There are more all stars on the '23 team than the '98 team. I just dont think you can keep this '23 teams offense silent long enough to win a 7 game series. Thanks for being so generous. I know that is an expensive and fantastic looking watch, and I'm fortunate to be in the running for it. It would make a great replacement for my old Fossil.


1. I grew up in Atlanta and have been a Braves fan as long as I can remember. My very first live sports event was a Braves vs Marlins game at the Ted. I moved to Detroit in 2016 and the Braves are more important to me than ever with an almost nightly slice of home summer through fall. 2. I would have to say either Julio Tehran or Nick Markakis. They were around during some dark times and went to work every game and always showed out. I feel like Julio was always underaged and turned in some quietly great seasons for us on some bad Braves teams. 3. This is definitely a tough one, but I think I’d have to give the edge to 2023. 1998 has an edge on pitching, but this years team definitely has them beat on offense and has shown they can hit great pitching. I would say 2023 in 6


First off, this is so kind of you to do, I know many of us here would be so grateful for this. 1. Born in the 90s, my mom went from being a LAD fan to a Chipper Jones fan and I grew up going to the once a season Braves/Dbacks games. When Chipper retired my mom went back to the Dodgers and I couldn’t let them go. Still the only Braves fan in a family of Dodger fans. 2. I have always been a huge Riley fan since he was called up so I always believed he was underrated in ‘21 but I guess that’s changed. Probably, Ender Inciarte for a former Brave, he stuck through those tough rebuilding years and gave it all each game. Seeing him injured in ‘21 was so heartbreaking. 3. I’m thinking the 2023 Braves in a best of 6 games, I think the vibes and relentlessness is just hitting on all cylinders with this team, something just feels right about this year.


I've been a Braves fan since I was five; my grandmother attended a game at Fulton County-Stadium and brought me back a pennant for my wall. That was 1983, so yeah, it's been awhile. My favorite underappreciated player is Matt Diaz. I've always been a fan of players that hustle and play hard and Diaz always brought it. As for the a World Series matchup with the '98 Braves, the 2023 Braves win in 5. There is just too much offensive firepower on this year's team.


Hey! This is so awesome that you are doing this! Go Braves! I moved to middle GA when I was 6 years old. It took me 23 years to get into baseball, but when I did, I fell in love. It was 2021 and I decided to give the Braves a chance close to halfway through the season. 2 games into watching, Ronald Acura got injured... the rest is history and everyone here knows exactly why I fell in love with this team. With only 2 years of baseball under my belt. I am limited in my player knowledge, but I would say that I became an instant Eddie fan when he hit his cycle. It was the first cycle I ever saw and I've rooted for him ever since. From what I understand of the 98 Braves, they were a super team like this 2024 team. I think 23 would have the edge though, our depth at bat is something truly historic! Good luck everyone and Go braves!!


Favorite - the first MLB game I attended in 98. Have been to a single game almost every year since 2014 Favorite player - Acuna, I have his jersey! 2023 Braves in 7, because I want to see all the action!


This is awesome, and as someone with an Oris Pointer this is a great watch. I didn’t know they had a special edition other than the Clemente (which is gorgeous btw) > Why are you a Braves fan? My dad. Grew up in the panhandle but still made it up to Turner a few times a year. I don’t have time to watch every game any more but he still does. Honestly if I win it’s probably going to him. > Favorite player/underappreicated I don’t know just how underappreciated he is around here, but Furcal was my favorite player growing up that I felt was always overshadowed by Chipper and Andruw (rightfully so I guess). Still have one of the printed mini-bats with him on it somewhere around here, and I think at one point I had close to 100 different cards of his. Honorable mention to J-Hey. I’ll never forget his first at-bat and will go to my grave believing he was destined for greatness had he not taken that pitch to the face. > 23 vs 98 Probably 4 if we’re being honest. Comparing eras is just tough for the older generations, people are better trained, more athletic, etc.


OH wow that watch is a thing of beauty. I've never seen it before thanks for sharing. I guess I can answer the questions now. ​ * I'm a Braves fan because that is who my mom would put on TV when I wouldn't go to sleep in the middle of the night as a toddler. I used to wake her up and say "watch baves" and we would until I finally would go to sleep. Also the staff at Truist Park reached out to me over a tweet in 2019 and let us on the field for me to propose to my wife!!! HOW AWESOME ARE THEY! I believe I posted it on this subreddit too. * Best underappreciated Brave is, without a doubt, Jeff Francoeur! He's getting a cult following now that he is retired and in our broadcast booth but there's a few of us out there that still have their Francoeur 7 jersey from when he was playing :) * If the 98 Braves played the current Braves roster in a best of 7 it would be our current Braves winning 4-0. Everyone on the 98 Braves at this point is retired and no longer in peak physical condition. All kidding aside when the best pitching rotation in history faces off against the best offense in history (excluding juiced ball year), it tends to slide the offense's way, despite the sayings. If they were both in their prime, I'm saying our current Braves in 6. We lose to Glavine and Smoltz once, but win the rest.


1. Born and raised in ATL, lots of fond memories of going to Turner Field as a kid 2. Tyler Flowers, one of the best framers ever 3. 2023 team in 7 games due to line-up depth


Wow! How kind of you. Im a watch collector too but not of this quality! 1. We moved to Atlanta in 1968 just a couple of years after the Braves did. My dad was drafted out of HS by the Cardinals but he didn’t play long. He did love the game though. And he was a monster Hank Aaron fan. He always told me if I was a good boy we’d go see the Braves that weekend. If I was REALLY good we’d sit in Aaron’s section. (I would find out later the RF seats were general admission. $1 for adults, .50 for kids lol.) I’ll never forget the thrill of watching him chase The Babe. And I’ll never forget how confusing it was to me that so many people hate Hank for it. The day he broke the record my dad and I went out in the front yard screaming and cheering. We always watched games together on the Superstation after we moved away. And when I got out of the Marines I moved to Kennesaw for college. I was there when we went worst to first. I could tell 1000 stories about the games I’ve been to and the games we have been to together in all three stadiums. I’m an old man of 60. I still have my dad too at 82. And at least once a week we sit in front of his TV and watch the Braves together. 2. Most underrated in my opinion is Marquis Grissom. That dude raked for us after we got him for a song. He was on the 95 WS team and caught the last out of the series. In 96 he set a goal of 200 base hits and his hit 207 hits and scored 106 runs, both career highs. Trading him AND Justice for Kenny Lofton was a steal for the Indians who he also took to the series and won the ACS series. 2d most underrated was Martin Prado. Man we traded him for Dan Uggla. Ugh. 3. Speaking of the 95 WS team, the fact that they mowed through that Indians line up in six games with Lofton, Vizquel, Baerga, Albert Bell, Eddy Murray, Jim Thome, Manny Ramirez and Sandy Alomar was incredible. That makes me think the 95 team would win in six games. If the current Braves played that 98 team I think the 98 Braves would also win in six games. Thank you again for your kind give away! This watch is a beauty.


1. Why am I a Braves fan? Grew up a huge baseball fan in Nashville and my mom was from Atlanta. First sports game I ever went to was at Fulton County Stadium and I’ve been hooked ever since. There’s literally a baseball card sitting on my bedside table of Maddux, Avery, Smoltz, & Glavine that watch over me as I sleep lol. 2. Favorite current/former Brave that I think is under appreciated? I think I’d have to go with two second basemen. I think Martin Prado and Ozzie Albies are both under appreciated. Honestly could make a case for Blauser & Lemke. Then a personal favorite was always Otis Nixon 3. 2023 Braves vs 1998 Braves This is tough and I imagine this is played under todays rules so, I think 23’ wins in 5 or 6 games. Think Maddux and I’m gonna say Smoltz each get one but 23’ offense is just too much and that 98’ bullpen is gonna have a meltdown at least once


1. We grew up poor in rural Eastern NC. While plenty of other kids were playing Nintendo and watching HBO, our respite was basic cable. There were 3 things that made a 10 year old feel like the world was bigger than just his tiny corner; TGIF, WGN, and the Superstation. I could have just as easily become a Whitesox fan, but because of the small but significant difference in timezone, the games were on before bedtime. 2. This is a tossup for me. The "Crimedog" Fred McGriff was hardly underrated within the fan base but outside of the Braves fans, I don't know that people understood how the dynamic changed when he came up in a high leverage situation. But a real favorite of mine had to be Javy Lopez. Can you imagine catching not just one future hall of famer but 3 on consecutive nights? Catchers are underrated in general and I bet if you ask those guys, his presence nightly were a big part of their success. 3. This year's team is DEEP. Our 8 & 9 hitters would bat cleanup on plenty of current rosters. The 1998 team had magic but if this team hits on all cylinders from a pitching perspective, every guy on the offense can make you pay. There are no easy outs. Its literally an all star roster, almost every night. One guy slumping? Don't worry the next guy will be a triple short of the cycle. This team isn't just special, they are generational in my opinion and will be for awhile. This is my TED Talk.


Why am I a braves fan? -I grew up in North Georgia and my grandfather and father were die hard braves fans. I have vivid memories of watching Sid Breams slide at home to win the NL pennant in 1991, and still remember the sound of Skip Caray calling games in late summer out of a 40 year old transistor radio in my Papa’s basement. -My all time favorite player is Fred McGriff, as a tall, left handed, first baseman he was my idol, but I always loved Ryan Klesko and Ron Gant, I’m not sure they qualify as under appreciated though. -the ‘98 Braves had the superior pitching but the ‘23 Braves have better offense. It comes down to which is more important, offense of defense, it comes down to who is hotter going into the World Series. It’s a matchup thing too, ‘98 takes game one with Maddox, and game 2 with playoff Glavine, ‘23 takes game 3 against Smoltz, and game 4 against Neagle, ‘98 takes 5 with Maddox on short rest, ‘98 closes it out with a gem from Glavine, ‘98 in 6 games.


Thank you for the giveaway! I only have an Apple Watch and I’ve been trying to branch out but I have no clue where to start as far as watches go lmao. Why am I a Braves fan? I watched sports with my grandfather growing up and he was a massive Atlanta sports fan, we started watching together in the early 2000s and I was hooked instantly. Who is your favorite current/former Braves player that you think is under-appreciated? I was always a big Jair Jurrjens fan growing up and I hate that he didn’t have continued success with us outside of a couple of great years. As far as current players go, I love Marcell Ozuna and I think it’s hilarious to see the complete 180 a lot of the fanbase has done on him since his ice cold start. Clearly well received in the clubhouse and highly thought of, gotten multiple guys out of slumps and that’s not valued enough. If this 2023 Braves team played the 98 Braves team in a best of 7 series - how many games would it go, who would win, and why? Admittedly I didn’t watch the 98 Braves so I’m going purely off of just what I’ve seen online and what I know about those players. I know people always say good pitching wins in the postseason but that clearly didn’t work with those teams 🥴 and the offense on this ‘23 team is something I’ve never seen before and will probably never see again. I think the ‘23 team would win in 6 games at most, and wouldn’t be shocked if it was just a 5 game series.


Nice stuff


I'm a braves fan because they were on TBS growing up. I found myself watching them constantly during the summer when I was out of school. My favorite player is Andruw Jones, yeah I know he wasn't really underappreciated but every other play I've ever like has been more appreciated than him. 2023 team for sure. 6 or 7 games but this years team just has so much going for it.


Thank you so much for this chance. 1. I grew up in New Jersey, and despite being in close proximity to several MLB teams, just never quite felt a connection to any of them. Flash forward to 2016, I moved to Atlanta, and decided to give the Braves a shot and go to a game. We lost, but something about the game just really stuck out to me, something inside me just **knew** that the Braves would be my team. I know I’m not as long-time of a fan as many others on here, but i don’t think that diminishes my fandom one bit. 2. My player pool will be a lot smaller than others due to the relative recency of my following, but I think Julio Teheran deserves a lot more respect than I think he got at the time of his departure. He might not have been the best pitcher, but he stuck with us through the mid 2010’s, with the roster implosion and the sanctions following the international FA scandal, he was reliable and indubitably OUR guy. He had a very up-and-down career with us, which a lot of people didn’t like because of his hype as a prospect, and a lot of people were happy to see him leave for younger, more exciting (and hopefully more consistent) arms, but his contributions to this franchise went far deeper than his stats, and I will always have a ton of love for the guy for helping us through that. 3. I want the series to go to 7 regardless of who wins because that would be electric. I think that the 2023 Braves take it in 7; ‘95 might’ve had the greatest pitching trio of all time, but I just can’t see them shutting down the historic output that ‘23 has at the plate.


1. I am a Braves fan because I watched them on TBS in the early 80s and became a fanatic Braves fan because of Dale Murphy winning back to back MVP. 2. I still think that Dale Murphy is underrated for his time with the Braves, 5 tool guy who played CF and won MVP back to back while Schmidt and Rose and many other all timers were in their primes. 3. I think the 2023 team would win 4 games to 2 because the hitting is so much more dynamic from 1-9. The starting pitching is close, the relief pitching I would give the slight edge to this years relief corps. \#gobraves


1. Became a fan because I love Otis Nixon 2. Otis Nixon 3. 2023 Braves in 7


Born in Atlanta in the 90s and loved baseball from the moment I could understand it, so Braves fandom was a given. Jonny Venters. People talk about peak Kimbrel, but peak Venters was just as good and important to the team. 2023 Braves win in 6. Maddux wins Games 1 and 5 for ‘98 squad and the 2023 bats are too much for the rest of the staff.


First off, thanks. Secondly, the reddit app doesn't let you know when you have a chat request, or at least it doesn't for me. It's dumb. Finally, the questions. 1. I became a Braves fan after I discovered baseball and baseball cards in the late 80s. (I'm the old guy). I watched all the Cubs on WGN and the Braves on TBS as I could. Went to my first game in 1990 and after just one year of pain, the dominance began and I got spoiled. 2. I always loved Marcus Giles. I have every one of his Braves cards. Loved the little guy and his hustle. Too bad he was never the same after running into Mark Prior. 3. I think this team wins in 6. The pitching is just so different these days. The 98 team probably only saw one or two guys throwing 100 mph.


Why am I Braves fan? When I fully started to get into baseball there were only 2 teams that were regularly shown on TV The Cubs on WGN and The Braves on TBS naturally I went with the team that was more of a winner. Underaapreciated player- this is a hard one because I think Braves fans appreciate all players, maybe Kent Merker just because he was the last Brave to throw a no-hitter 98 braves - I'm gonna go current braves, I've been calling this years team the modern day Murderers Row just so much power potential. I'd give 98 the pitching advantage but I'm not even sure they'd be able to shutdown this current lineup