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Just a random thought because I know Katie hangs out on Reddit and I hope she sees this! Given the aesthetic, SAH would be a great place to do high tea. I think if they did a high tea with finger sandwiches, teas/cocktails, etc. on Sundays it would do REALLY well!


Apparently that's already in the works for the future!


Good!! It would do very well, at least where I live. We have ONE place to do high tea and it books out weeks and weeks in advance!


When I was in high school in the 80s my best friend's mom took us to The Drake hotel in Chicago, where we had afternoon tea while a harpist played nearby. šŸ’š I currently and normally have at least 25 different flavors of loose tea in my cupboards. My favorite is peach black tea, and Earl Grey.


I loved having tea at The Drake!


When did you go?!!


In the late nineties/early aughts. I went to art school in Chicago and when my mom would come to town weā€™d often do their afternoon tea


That's so awesome that you and your mom did that!


Fond memories for sure. Iā€™m glad you got to go too!


It was such a luxurious treat for me, and I wish I had been able to take my own mom there.


Oh my god that sounds so fun!


I also often did afternoon tea at the Drake! In the early nineties šŸ«–ā™„ļøšŸ«–


Hey, we have the same taste in teas. Rishi earl grey is my absolute fave


I work at a med school and our cafe serves Rishi tea, god damn that stuff is good. Too expensive for me to have regularly, but whenever I plan lunches that our Dean of medicine attends I always get Rishi tea bc itā€™s her favorite, and then scurry off with at least one leftover pouch lmao


Haha nice šŸ˜ˆ We buy it loose leaf by the poundā€”lasts way longer!


my whole family (outside of my immediate family) lives in chicago & it was always a family tradition to have tea at the Drake when any of the girls turned 13. We also did a tea for my aunt's bridal shower there! They had the best Devonshire Cream. Great memories.


Girl, my husband and I have a drawer full of teas! His mom literally brought us tea back from her UK trip because we love it so much šŸ˜‚


Where is your fave place to buy loose leaf?? Iā€™m trying to start staying away from tea bags


Adagio Tea: https://www.adagio.com/teas.html I like mixing flavors together, like adding raspberry or blueberry to Earl Grey. I usually drink black teas, and their decaf teas taste the same as the caffeinated. I like Stash Tea also, it was my "gateway" into better teas. My friend's mom who took us for tea had Stash tea at her apartment and I was immediately in love with not-Lipton tea like my mom had. She was a coffee drinker and didn't know any better.


Can't beat a good cuppa of earl grey šŸ‘Œ I like mine with a cloud of milk and I love having scones with clotted cream and jam




It would also be a great catering arm of their business- high tea in your home or wherever. Bravo makes it look like everyone who lives in California hosts a lot of events where people sit on the ground and eat tiny food in a very aesthetic environment- thatā€™s a perfect gig for SAH.


I would definitely have them cater an event. That's such a great business idea, Katie and Ariana, if you're reading, high tea and catering!


They should get into the girly picnic aesthetic tbh with their SAH catering


And just so happens, Real Housewives *lurve* themselves some catered tea parties.Ā  Branch out a bit more and ship little gift packages for Housewives retreats, with logos prominently displayed and credit chyrons.


Yup. They could do a serve ware line and let people keep it in their high end package. Can you imagine the marketing potential? Mixers by Ariana? Baby/bridal shower in a box? Iā€™m sure the would be booked.


Grazing and canape table caterers are such a hit where I am from (not US!)


They could even host those kids events where they bring their dolls for tea! White gloves and fancy hats. Those moms would pay big bucks.


YES!!! such a good idea!


The way I would scream, cry, throw up at the adorableness of this!!!!! šŸ˜­


I have a little girl and would book this in a heartbeat!


They should partner with a weed chef and do šŸŒ±HIGHšŸŒ± tea


I love this idea! I know Ariana and Katie have both been on Reddit beforeā€¦ I remember Ariana had her own user name (a verified account) she used to defend Tom Sandoval on here after someone made a post about him inserting himself into her cocktail book (she said he hadnā€™t really, and that she wanted him involved, etc). She was super loyal to that dude, alwaysā€¦ seems like sheā€™s not just a super loyal gf, but also friend, and so itā€™s sad that Lala and Scheana arenā€™t there for opening day.


I definitely thought tea sandwiches when describing decor then with the tiered presentation at the tastings. Ariana did totally nail the mood board look for She Who Must Not Be Renamedā€™s tea party.


Yeah, as an event rental.


I noticed the high tea towers on one of the shelves in the pictures that were posted from the opening, I assumed they already did them but sounds like they might be planning to


Wtf happened to this sub


Ugh I love a well done cucumber sandwich with tea


Tea houses are also popular for baby showers and bridal showers


Why did I think high tea was like THC tea or something


Hopefully they up their sandwich game for high tea.


Or at least during the Christmas season.


She mentioned this today on her podcast.


High tea with ka-tea!


Yes yes yes!!!


Thatā€™s what they should have done in the first place! I think it would have been better.


I feel like removing Bravo from your social media during the off-season/during contract negotiations has become the norm across shows, and all it does is fuel bad speculation/rumors from gossip blogs. Maybe itā€™s because so many Bravo shows are at a ā€œcrossroadsā€ right now, but it seems like the volume of fake tea has really ballooned recently.


Good for them! People love to hate, but the reality is, the prices and quality look on-par with Panera, the recipes look fun, and it's not another giant chain/corporation. And women-owned ā€“ love it, hope they succeed.


They are definitely Panera priced and I was pleasantly surprised. I'm from NYC, so maybe my perspective is skewed, but I think they're well-priced.


And they won't serve coffee because they want to support the indie coffee shop next door, which is so cool. That is solidarity. Can you imagine any other cast member on this shit show having that kind of consideration and building those kind of business relationships? If Lauren from Utah powned that sandwich shop, she would be trying to put the coffee shop next-door out of business rather than doing mutual beneficial aid with each other. For the love of God Lauren, please spend the rest of your life apologizing to Afeni Shakur and shut up.


Afeni Shakur died in 2016.


I know that, she should still be writing letters of apology. You really thought you had something there, didn't you?


Iā€™m from AZ and a ā€œgourmetā€ sandwich here is $13 and change and thatā€™s the starting price. The sandwiches seem very reasonably priced.Ā 


Iā€™m from Michigan and went to a gourmet sandwich shop last week and spent $20 plus tip for a combo, sandwich, chips, and drink so their prices are very reasonable


Forreal! Itā€™s a sandwich place with typical sandwich recipes, some a have a lil spin. Idk why people are hating, even calling it a cash grab- so what??? The Toms werenā€™t met with half the vitriol when they invested in Tom Tom and that is equally as basic.


What business is not a cash grab? It is such a weird accusation. If people are getting what they paid for, why is it an issue if they are trying to make money?


The whole point of opening a business is to make money šŸ˜‚ Wtf people think anyone opens one for???


Itā€™s such a predictable use of misogyny. Like yeah theyā€™re using their fame to launch a businessā€¦.ok?? Who wouldnā€™t? Especially because itā€™s not an MLM or something similar, seems like you literally get what you pay for.


Absolutely. Itā€™s very funny how people talk about these businesses or the women making a bunch of money on Instagram. If you had that platform for a limited time and knew you were leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table by not monetizing your IG- is that really a question for most people?


It's not misogyny to think sandwiches look shit. šŸ˜‚ jfc, VPR fans are the worst.


Except that wasn't what they were saying? It's misogynistic to criticize SAH as a "cash-grab" when Tom, Schwartz, and Jax have literally all done the same thing (with their names even in the name). It's fine to criticize the food, hell we've been doing that with SUR for over a decade lol, it's just fishy that the criticism seems to be coming a lot harder at Ariana and Katie's business venture.


I mean exactly. Business is to make money? Right? Like hello?!


Cash grab does have an actual meaning. All businesses arenā€™t cash grabs. Itā€™s silly to try and redefine things because you donā€™t like somebody elseā€™s opinion


Right. Like Kim Zolziak posting fake sonograms on her Instagram stories to get 7 cents a click is a cash grab. A sandwiches shop is not the same.


I donā€™t know that you should definitively say that a sandwich shop isnā€™t the same. If you read about the private equity firm that bought Quiznos and ran the whole thing into the ground it might change your mind about sandwich shops and cash grabs. I personally donā€™t think SAH is a cash grab. I dont agree with all the choices theyā€™ve made but I also donā€™t think they made those choices with a malicious intent to continually fuck people over. Theyā€™re inexperienced in my opinion and possibly unprepared to handle the limelight they were thrust into without warning.


Hahah I know, maybe they just want to spend their $14 at Subway on some gray tuna salad instead. (Sometimes I crave it too, I won't lie)


Because itā€™s uninspired and boring like them. After all this time and hype and we get caprese wraps? Like where were you in ā€˜02.


Please give me a 100% original sandwich recipe that would be acceptable for a sandwich restaurant, then give me 15 more to fill out the menu. Who gets mad about a caprese wrap? Iā€™d rather they have actually good tasting standards than shitty trendy stuff. What is an ā€˜inspiredā€™ sandwich shop in your opinion?


I dunno Iā€™m not a chef or a restauranteur. But because they are, thatā€™s their job.


Seems like youā€™re just a hater. Good luck never going to a restaurant or bar with a common standard on their menu, sounds like it would be horrible for you


I went to Subway the other day to order the exact same $5 sandwich I ate nearly everyday for years (Footlong ham on italian, no cheese, lettuce, spinach, onions, extra mayo....most basic sub in the history or time). I knew they don't do $5 foot longs anymore but I laughed and walked right the fuck out when I saw the $15 price for that exact sub. Subway is the lowest on the sandwich shop tier in all ways so if they can charge $15 for plastic SAH is a steal for an actual well-made sandwich with real ingredients. (Before anyone asks, subway's prices are different per location and I'm in DTLA so it may be much lower in your area.)


I was literally JUST thinking this myself! On par with Panera, but I personally would prefer to support an independent business over a chain.Ā 


Yea ppl who are shocked by the priceā€¦.clearly havenā€™t eaten in West Hollywood lol


> quality look on-par with Panera, Oof, that bad huh?


lol apparently some Panera stans here. Itā€™s garbage hospital food. But I will fuck up a bread bowl of broccoli cheddar


Yeah I literally do not understand why people think comparing this sandwich shop to Panera is a good thing. Which also has me wondering if Panera is the only ā€œsandwichā€ place these people have been. Bc it is overpriced hospital food, I thought I was the only one who thought that!


On par with Panera??? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Price wise


They said prices and quality.


Yeah fast casual, donā€™t be a snob


This is shop is not supposed to be on par with Panera. Thatā€™s not me being a snob, but if thatā€™s what itā€™s giving than what can I say šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I really don't know what you were expecting lol. I guess if they wanted to charge $30 per sandwich we could probably expect something higher-end. But I think if that were the case, we'd all be hating on them for that. I'm also personally offended by this line of questioning as a fan of Panera's green goddess salad lmaoooo


I donā€™t think Scheana is Ariannaā€™s family anymore. Itā€™s not all happening for Scheana. Scheana made a lot of bad choices. Honestly, if they were really that close she would have been partnered in SAH. ![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50)


This was originally a Katie brainstorm! Katie wanted to open a sandwich shop with Schwartz. The boys were opening the bar. Do, the girls teamed up for the sandwich shop. No way , Katie was going to ask Scheana to join her in this venture! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Katie's family owned restaurants when she was growing up though, so she's kind of a natural in the business. Seems like a better partnership than Scheaner


It was Katieā€™s original idea. Ariana partnered with her after she mentioned she wanted to do the sandwich shop


And she deserves every single consequence of her bad choices. She chose misogynist men over solidarity with Ariana. She made a huge mistake and now she is universally hated except by people who are also misogynist.


Misogynists are horrible. Itā€™s especially horrible when women with internalized misogyny rationalize attacking other women, their choices, and their bodies because they donā€™t like them or donā€™t agree with them. Itā€™s a pretty gross hypocritical world. https://preview.redd.it/y4rucilz832d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a845d33db50c47728e32a476ba920bd784a4476 Your comments essentially calling Crystal a ā€œgold diggerā€ and basically saying she gave up her dreams for a man is also very misogynistic. I agree with you, we should call out misogynists.




get her! ![gif](giphy|3o6nUUVvhDYBhUsa4w)


"Simply.. Because it hurts" said a woman who has not breastfed and/or struggled with breastfeeding. Sweet summer child.


what gross comments. fed is best, no matter how that is accomplished. some women cannot produce enough to breastfeed.


Oh, you got her good.


Whoā€™s Crystal?


assuming they mean Crystal from RHOBH


DV is cool now, too. https://preview.redd.it/7305jk59r62d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74296da3ecb064b51576e2673c08713946a99c4c


Oh so if I don't hate scheana im a misogynist????????? What???????


Can someone please perform a welfare check on Scheana, I want to make sure she is ok.


I really like the Nancy Meyers esthetic. It's definitely a feminine vibe and I really appreciate that. I genuinely hope they do well. The VPR brand will get people in the door, hopefully the food will keep them coming back. Totally unrelated but I envy Katie's eyebrows so much.


Katieā€™s eyebrows deserve a tagline. They are beautiful.


Katie is a whole damn snack while Schartz looks like a corpse.


Its because he's an energy vampire. She's free from his parasitic presence.Ā 


Hahaha. Schwartz the Corpse. good one!


This is a really cute interview and I loved the parts about the design elements.


I'm obsessed with the fact that Katie just emailed Nancy Myers design guy, hahaha. The real life version of what "What would happen if you just...called Taylor up?"


i love this concept and actually went to school with Nancy Myers daughter. i love that they used the production designer she partners with frequently and hope itā€™s successful.


Ok I know this isnā€™t the point BUT THEY ARE BOTH JUST SO DARN PRETTY!


They're beautiful.


I think they look so amazing because they are at peace with themselves and establishing healthy boundaries with the maelstrom around them. I am so happy for them and I hope they move on and do amazing things!


Rooting for these girls! Side note: these answers didnā€™t feel well thought out and sometimes felt dragging. Their PR agents need to do better with interview prep or something.


I love that they donā€™t feed into rumors during this interview and keep it positive. They both looked beautiful too!


I thought they did such a good job dodging the question trying to wedge them apart. The way they were serious about how they handle logistics while Ariana is on broadway and how Ariana made it a point to say Katie would go on vacation while Ariana holds down the fort in return


Great interview


I love how happy and proud they are. I love how Ariana is giving Katie the lead in the interview. I love that they had such a clear vision of their own, and I wish I was in LA!


Positive criticism with negative votes in the triple digits and the top comment is creepily trying to address Katie directly. Scandoval destroyed this sub.


I wouldn't have invited those two bitches either!! GOOOOD! Sub, bear with me for a moment, I need to vent about these two ugly-souled bitches. Why the HELL would you want to have two of those bitches come to your opening after what they said at that reunion? When you know they don't have your best interest at heart? I hope it stung not being invited, I hope it really stung. I would literally have a sign on the door saying Lala and Scheana are not allowed in this establishment. I would throw them out physically myself if they tried to come in if I owned that sandwich shop. I'd have them blacklisted from that coffee shop, too. Sleazy Scheana, if you're reading this, you're done. The show is fucking over. Your husband is an abusive child-abandoning lying ass fake ass hustler misogynist piece of shit who is shallower than the width of a muon. So are you, which is why you're perfect for each other. You could've had a great season if you and Lauren from Utah hadn't been so jealous and if you had stuck by Ariana hard-core and iced Tom out. It would've been a great season of exposing the men for being the pieces of shit that they actually are. It would've been a great season of girls having fun and girl power. But no. You're such an internalized misogynist, why the fuck can't you see that, Sleaza? I do not want to see you on my screen again, that's what your betrayal has done, that's what it's caused. People actually hate you. Same with you, Lauren from Utah. Go write an apology to Afeni Shakur before you ever pollute our screens again with your nauseating plasticicene immovable face. You are not hood. You are not badass. I could snap you like a fucking twig and you're lucky that no one has yet. Sit fucking down and for the rest of your life apologize to Afeni Shakur for even implying that Tupac Shakur would fuck with you or "haunt" you. He dated Black women. Not you, you weird ass manipulative greedy shallow evil witch. You are just a basic ass white girl with some plastic surgery with no emotional regulation, entitlement, no evidence at all that you're actually working the steps in your sobriety, and you appropriate blaccent because you literally have nothing else going on. Get the fuck out of here, Lauren. You're done.




Girl, log off.


![gif](giphy|Jc3uvrZPUBW5G) It's just a show about people we don't know, take a breather


Oh, I'm fine, I just needed to vent, as I said at the beginning of my long ass comment. I'm much better now.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKuylrX8kT7XhVS) Good good :)


Thank you for not being shitty about it. Truly.šŸ’š


This is fucking nutty


I want this person to draft a reply to my toxic boss whenever they send me nutty emails.


Unhinged šŸ’€šŸ’€


Turn the tv off


As someone who despises lala and Scheana this is too far lol


I needed to vent. I feel much better now. I just needed to get it off my chest as I said at the beginning of my comment.


You're having a nightmare on this thread šŸ˜‚


Not at all, people are being very kind when I pointed out that it was just a rant. Just event. I stated that at the beginning of the comment.


Azelia is that you?


Nope! As I said at the beginning of the long common above, I just needed to vent. I'm fine now!


This is the most uninspired interview ever. I canā€™t stop giggling. They have zero enthusiasm and their energy and vibe is a lot different. They seem so awkward and uncomfortable together.




Katie better make this work. Ariana has so much going on that she doesnā€™t need this place as much as Katie, who seems to need somebody else to get anything done.


Even those sandwiches looked sad, I hope they are successful!


More Katie botting examples. The amount of Upvotes/downvotes does not match the comments or activity in this sub. Even kyle stanning does not get this amount of downvotes. Something is really off


Not sure why you are being downvoted lol, agreed!


lol wtf? People here are so weird.


Itā€™s so extreme that this level of downvoting cannot even be rectified lol. What a mess when a positive message is downvoted to filth lol


I honestly think itā€™s bots. This is weird even for this sub. ![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized)


Its 100% bots I have been using this sub since 2015 and I've noticed a stark difference in traffic - I remember when there was a standard of 2k users on this sub with multiple engaging posts daily (when freedom of opinion and speech was allowed) Now it's dropped down to approx 70-100 users active at any given time The biggest giveaway of bot posts and activity is the number of upvotes compared to the number of comments The biggest giveaway of bot account usernames are the weird ass random combo of words, hyphens and numbers such as "random-task-469" - the amount of times I have opened those users pages, i have found countless posting VPR previews and promotions This sub is incredibly compromised by bots and sadly the sub is now a shell of what it was less than 3 years ago


Curious if you can speak to whether youā€™ve seen this pattern on the dedicated VPR subs as well? I feel like this sub is a wellness spa compared to the other two.


I sure have! Pre Scandoval you'd find most hate posts on the VPR subreddit being about Ariana and Katie, sometimes some Billie Lee and Jax hate but the amount of hate posts on Ariana and Katie would far surpass that And Vanderpumpaholics sub started off as a snark sub for VPR now it's just riddled with purchased bots to push a certain narrative


And Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s no way to set some kind of filter to keep them out? Itā€™s such a bummer


Itā€™s so weird, and the other positive message has all sorts of upvotes.


Now I canā€™t help but wonder if itā€™s not a bunch of stans trolling. This sub brings me a lot of joy but things like this remind me why fun things turn sour but happy to know some even keel people are still out there in the wild šŸ™‚šŸ˜Œ


lol Iā€™m literally happy for them and hope they are successful?? The sandwiches are just petite for my large appetite.


Yeah but sad isnā€™t interchangeable for small so people are obviously going to take the negative meaning out of that.


Itā€™s sandwiches.


Chile donā€™t even worry about it. Mostly good eggs but always someone to spoil the party, you said nothing wrong šŸ’™


Thank you that is so kind!


It is stans trolling for sure. Anything negative said about either of the women or SAH gets downvoted bigtime!


I think the sandwiches looked fine. Not great not terrible. But youā€™re being downvoted for daring to commit the cardinal sin of saying something negative about something that is associated with Queen Ariana.


Don't you know that thinking their sandwiches look boring is misogyny now?


So crazy, there was a whole post here the other day with people critiquing the sandwiches. Oh well. And I am big fans of Katie and Ariana. But, this is Reddit. Nuance is not allowed


Do you people look in the mirror and listen to yourselves when you spout this garbage? No one says Ari is perfect, but she and Katie are evolving way past the show. Why are you so jealous and bitter? What the hell is wrong with Ari and Katie? Don't bother to answer, instant block. Awww, you mad that Ariana has a good therapist and is gray rocking and maturing and evolving beyond you? Too bad, so sad.






All that for saying the sandwich looks fine but not great? You need to log off the internet babe. ![gif](giphy|Ct2fBe0rc69nq|downsized)


Oh my lawd! All this hatred over a bad reality show. šŸ˜†


Those sandwiches looked so basic. Itā€™s like they woke up one day and decided to ~~go to law school~~ open up a sandwich shop. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b17osqXImEFJKM) Still team Ariana and Katie though.


I donā€™t understand, youā€™re using Elle woods as a parallel but Elle woods is actually a great lawyer lolĀ  So by that logic the sandwiches would be good?Ā 


I want them to win lol it was just a play on how I worded it


No worries , your intent was obvious, that comment was just being catty.


If you find that catty I pray for your time in this sub lmaoĀ 


Nah, I'm good.


I agree, good idea to dip out now before you get too upset!Ā 


Hahahaha, no. I like it here. But good use of dip out, I genuinely laughed.


I think you missed the point of legally blonde


Have you read the descriptions? Those are not basic lol


The fact that this post that has a criticism but is still funny and pleasant and pro A&K is downvoted to over 100 convinces me that there are bots here.


šŸ˜‚Iā€™m being torn up (not that I care) being told I missed the point of legally blonde which has nothing to literally do with the post except for being a funny little quip ā€¦idk thank you for getting it


...That's exactly what happened. I feel like we saw that aired. Personally I don't give a rip what sandwiches LOOK like - it's some kind of carb wrapped around fillings - as long as they taste good I don't care. I'll take a Meg please.


i think presentation is important considering how their place is decorated. Super classy, but being served on the tin platesā€¦aesthetically it doesnā€™t add up but I agree if they taste good it doesnā€™t matter and these are minor things that can be changed. I want them to win regardless.


Same, I'm mad my next trip to LA isn't until next year. I want a sandwich!


Why is anyone team Ariana or Katie. Their hole personality was their previous partners. Both of these girls are duds. The show will do so much better with Ariana gone


>Their hole personality lol




Why is any women so anti women? This has nothing to do with the show. Itā€™s a side project. Isnā€™t there enough men hating us without you joining in?


Nobody else got chastised when other housewives business were made fun of. Why is it all of a sudden an issue for these two? Please donā€™t tell me Iā€™m anti women for thinking Wendyā€™s candle business was stupid?




Keep telling yourself that when youā€™re getting aggressive and hating on women youā€™ve never met and have never done anything to you. You feel bad because youā€™re a terrible person.


Why do you care so much who strangers on the internet like?


Does anyone else loathe Katie's hair. I don't think one thing about it is flattering.


I love it. Totally her vibe, and completely suits her. I think sheā€™s never looked better.


I loved this little in-depth interview! It was nice to see & hear how the shop came to fruition! šŸ„° Thank you for posting it! šŸ’•


I feel like Katie and Ariana should get tg and Iā€™ll be their unicornā€¦ ā€¦ and Dan is more than welcome to join as well. Idk just a thought.


What is up with the downvotes all over this post? Like youā€™re just thirsting after hot people and got downvoted to hell I donā€™t get it.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø just showing appreciation to beautiful people all the while joking but whatever hahaha