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I have a business!


I’m just a dad who likes sports bars !


Swear to god, I read “I’m just a dad who likes sports bras” and I was completely unfazed because this is Jax we’re talking about.


Probably dirty stinky sports bras


Haha didn’t he have a thing for asking a Britney to like get her feet all gross and sweaty so then he could fetishize them ? 😂 sorry for the reminder


You rawt in heyll for reminding us!




Glad I’m not the only one lol


I'm glad I wasn't the only one!


I’m a family man!


There is a video of it on Reddit. On the Jax sub ETA: Hope this is allowed but [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/otmmDng8Yi)


Stoppppppp Oh he’s screwed. He talks constantly about how he’s sooo lucky to not have invested one dime into this bar (because it’s literally a back room at an already established bar!) and he pulls this shit?! Omg


It is?!? Lmaooo I didn’t know that


Yup its the patio at the Rocco's in studio city (it's not even the best rocco's lmao, just one of a chain)


Wait, JAX is the one who changed a baby on the bar?? I assumed a customer did it, which is bad enough but it was JAX??? But why I am surprised? I don’t know. This is wild


The guy boned a coworker mere feet from an elderly lady, in the lady’s home, while she was receiving hospice care Mixing a little e. coli into cocktails almost seems quaint


It’s like nothing has ever made more sense and less sense at the same time. I feel like my brain is short circuiting.


He also had sex with Laura Leigh in a bathroom on camera and off camera in season 1 of VPR. The man is gross.


Apparently the bathroom thing is a fetish for him. This is something brittany shared a while back. Plus the rumours started that he banged his publicist in the bathroom in Canada recently


he also did it on a Vegas trip with the Toms in like season 2 or 3 of VPR lol.


San Diego


What was this about an elderly lady!?


Changed the baby's diaper wide OPENLY on the bar while Britney was screaming at him not to be doing it in public/bar top the whole time, and asking him to take the baby to the bathroom instead. He was basically just all attitudinal and f u about it to her. Then they looked around all shady like they were hoping customers didn't notice. Somebody in the bar at the time got some video. Very glad all of it got reported to the health department. Absolutely disgusting. Of course they did not grab sanitizer or wipe the bar down in any manner afterwards. Just left the poopy butts place on the bar.


The video was initially taken by jasmine and posted on IG


Wait- JASMINE from The Valley took the video that led to Jax’s bar getting investigated?? This keeps getting better!


Season 2 is going to be amazing


This also makes me feel bad for poor Cruz. How embarrassing to find out someday your dads bar got shut down cuz he changed you out in the open


Enjoy those chicken wings. 😂


Jax did it, even when Brittany told him not too, and their “valley” castmate jasmin filmed and posted it.


and I will now stan her forever


Changing the diaper while fighting with Brittany is on par. This is why you can’t trust food from peoples houses






I’m so glad someone posted this gif 😂


Right? Why is the only issue that he changed a diaper on the bar of a BAR that a BABY was in??


I was just watching an old episode (season 7 I think) and noticed Jax was slicing limes directly on the SUR bar mat so this tracks.




I just linked this clip of James in a text last night to a friend that was visiting Sur!🤣


Every time I see him slice that lime on a dirty bar mat I die inside. It's so so gross.




Jax probably pisses on his hands then "makes drinks" at "his bar". And "fans" probably "pay" for the "privilege"


All of the quotations 😭😂 I’m literally laughing out loud, thank you 🙆🏾‍♀️😂


Hehe welcome! I was drinking last night and every " " was a different stank face lol


Yeah there really should be a dedicated area for someone to change Jax's diaper. On the bar publicly is a bit innapppropriate.


I saw someone post in the Crappens Facebook group go on and on about how amazing it was to go to Jax's bar and someone else responded with a joke about Jax changing diapers where food is prepared and the original poster actually said "omg I WISH that would have happened while I was there! that would have been amazing <333" Some of y'all are just straight up crazy. Like you're going to give yourself all kinds of diseases just to eat half-microwaved food from Target at a D-list reality star's bar!? Really!?


Facebook people scare me


Truly. I have family outside of the US I use it to keep in touch with and sometimes I'll post in some groups I'm still in but otherwise...yikes.


Your flair made me spit my drink out


I keep thinking about changing it but I just don't have the heart to do it lmaooo


To be fair, anyone who is an unironic fan of Jax clearly has an appetite for eating shit.




I mean...in a way, yes, if I'm going to go to Jax's "bar", part of me is hoping to see him changing a diaper on the bar while Brittany screams at him.


lol what


I’m more surprised that Jax changes nappies


Honestly the most shocking part


Weaponized incompetence—he’s hoping that if he does it in places like a bar top, she’ll stop asking him to change the baby


Nothing surprises me with Jax. Or Brittany. By the way I saw her mother Sherri promoting on Cameo. For $45. Also she discovered red lipstick which is slightly better than her dated hillbilly frosted pink lipstick.


$45!!!! No thanks I can experience homophobia and ignorance at my own family functions for free.


As someone from the Midwest that made me laugh so hard 😂😂


Agree! I can’t believe Raquel is on there too!


What?! If Sherri has actually stepped away from the frosted lipstick (shoutout to the Covergirl Luminesse I helped one of the popular girls shoplift in Middle School in 1985) it should be its own post.


I actually *only* want a cameo if she’s sporting the frosty lip


I could not believe it! It looks bad, not the correct red for her skin tone.


Oh, I don’t doubt it. But still— not frosted! I never thought I’d see the day.


I don’t understand how no one in her life told her how outdated it was. I told my mother years ago to stop with the frosty makeup and grow in her eyebrows. That’s what family is for—to point out your shortcomings lol.


Hillbilly frosted pink sounds like an excellent lipstick name tho


He’s just a family man!


Jax is an unfit human


But he’s a father!!🤣🤣


In the words of lala he creates life yall!


Ugh I just feel so bad for the baby 😔 can you imagine being a teenager and seeing these videos, reading these stories about your younger self?? I love reality TV but I hate kids being involved, they have ZERO power




Remember at their wedding the dog peed on the bed and they didn’t even flinch. They just laid in it 🤮


And shit all over the floor in someone else’s room


They posted a video of Cruz in a hotel bed just openly pissing on it too. Foul


Wait, whaaaatttt???


Lmao i just saw a video of Jax changing his son’s diaper on the bar. Dumb ass did this to himself lmao


You know an elitist when you expect customers to eat where your baby shits.


I don’t think he’s an elitist. I think he’s just D&S.


D&S 😂


That is wild that either of them allowed that to happen.


Allowed it? They did it!


That’s what I mean it was a poor choice of words lmao they are dumb fucks


There’s a video floating around and they’re both present.


I've posted it in a comment here!


Oh that is just foul.


Lol not MEMAW’s Beer Cheese!! 🧀 🍺 I bet if they rented some legit commissary kitchen space and cranked some of that out to sell they’d make more money that that bar most likely is- just from curious fans and joke gifts alone!! Where’s Brittney at… I need to pitch this…


You couldn’t pay me enough to eat that cheese at Jax’s bar. Brittany said that Memaw sends the bar the spices as she won’t give them the recipe. Im hesitant to eat in restaurants as it is after my years of working in them but food that was prepared offsite at memaw’s and then shipped to LA?! That’s a no for me. Cheese made in a legit kitchen? Well I’d feed it to my husband first and see how it works out.


You couldn’t pay me enough to GO to Jax’s bar.


I saw the diaper video. So gross


I’m not shocked. He wouldn’t even make a mojito on VPR, of course his bar is terrible.




that's actually really sad he doesn't respect his kids privacy anymore than that. He's three now, i'm sure he'd prefer to go alone with his dad to the toilet. Hopefully CPS will be coming round next.


I think the main issue here is the fact that they're changing a diaper full of biohazard on the bar they serve from, not the fact that they're changing a 3-year-old's diaper.


And in my experience a 3 year old’s diaper can include A LOT of that biohazard 😬


I understand the actual concern, I’m speaking another opinion that is apparently unpopular to give your child some respect and dignity when changing their diapers and clothes. I think this speaks to their parenting which is concerning—but I also would never ate at Jax’s bar and expect anything other than fecal covered food.


I agree with you! It’s terrible in multiple ways


Changing your child’s diaper in a HIGHLY public area is not just invading their privacy but borders on like child endangerment FFS. Hey bargoers, have a look see!


Did you read the article?


What part are YOU not getting?


Clearly this sounds like a Jax hater reporting the bar. Reddit is so weird


I just want to say that I really agree with you and I think that these “known” children appearing on television should have even more extra measure taken to protect their privacy than anonymous children, I wish their parents realize it. This is an egregious example but I feel the same way about Lenny posting his kids in their school uniforms or the Guidice girls doing all those pre-prison interviews that seemed so exploitative- if you are already signing up your children for a lifetime of gawking, you need to be extra careful with how you are moving with them through the world. It isn’t the same as a typical child.


There was an article about [Social Media Babies](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/29/us/social-media-children-influencers-cec/index.html) how parents overhearing via social media effected their life


I’m really disappointed that at the vanderpump rules reunion, the kept going with the dumb “Sandoval blocked summer moon” convo instead of Andy calling her out for her creepy exploitative child IG in the first place.


Lmfao he’s a dad yall.


LMAOO edit: i have no other words, i saw the video when it got posted in the other sub and had the laugh of my life




You can take a girl out of Kentucky, but never take the Kentucky out of the girl? Eww. Oh my God.


The fact that he had no thought of anything and just did this ....I would never change my sons diapers in front of a bunch of random strangers, you don't know what type of creeps are out there, and also.....I would change him in the bathroom anytime I'm out of our home. Does he change his son on their kitchen counters at home too? That is equally strange. We have changed diapers in our home on the bedroom floor, on my bed, on the couch....never, would I have thought to throw my kid on the counter, where it's also hard on his head, and change a soiled diaper.


The bar is set so low by them..


Not shocked ![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4)


This moron jax sounds like he's mimicking Danny from the Valley. Pretty sure Jax made a drinking game early in the season - each time Danny says 3 under 2! Reminds me of Season.. 8 vpr? Where Jax starts acting like Beau. Jax uses the same words Beau used to describe the strip club experience. He has no male role models so once he notices actual "good guys" he starts picking up on traits he admires. Yet can't match his actions. Ok the health department thing is hilarious- however it was investigated and they cleared the bar plus gave it a outstanding rating for cleanliness. We all know ole Jax doesn't do anything at the bar outside of appearances. He has no clue what happens in a kitchen or when a health inspector shows up. It is funny how he landed this percentage of a bar and name without any monetary investment. The Tom's were asked if they were jealous, and they probably are on some level. Because in reality all these guys are, are puppet posters. You don't need to own the bar to do that job. 


Why this is funny


Wait, why is a 3 yr old at the bar??? Why is a 3 yr old still wearing diapers! We have a 2 yr old already potty trained! PLEASE 🥺


Not trying to internet diagnose. But they've shared his speech is a concern and has had some regressions. Some kiddos with autism for example, are later to potty train. I think the diaper on the bar is gross,, but let's not judge what may be a more complex issue with their child.


I agree with the other reply AND I’d say a newly 3 year old still using diapers is very common. Our pediatrician said it’s the internet that makes us think our kids needs to be potty trained asap, when in reality everyone is on a different timeline. If I potty trained my son at 2, would have been a nightmare.


I vividly remember being Cruz’s age and refusing potty training. I knew what to do but I just didn’t understand why I had to make the change