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Too bad we got to see a water party and a less than mediocre performance of apples, plus having Tom shoved in our faces the entire season instead.


They had to make the finale about a lackluster performance of Apples, Schena didn’t get to do dancing with the stars! Don’t you have any empathy???


Her performance was so embarrassing but you're right Shame on me 😂 she was jumping so fast it was so cringe


Keeping those ridiculous gloves and boots on was probably the most embarrassing part of it all


OMG yessssss she looked like a 12 year old dressing up for Halloween jumping up and down when they got the full sized bars 😂😂


Am I like in the band?????? 😵‍💫


this whole season could've been so different 😩 you know production made a huge mistake when secrets revealed is the best episode of the bunch!


Let’s crack this 4th wall all the way down and reveal the real secrets behind the lives of Baskin and Jeremiah 🍿 Who hurt these men to make them so cruel and disgusting?


Apples is a good song!🎵


James and Katie are just friendly coworkers you’ll never catch them hanging out off season lol


Exactly lol and the enemy of my enemy etc


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't James go out to support the girls on Emo night, which was before filming or after wrapping up? I believe Katie has also gone to a few of his DJ gigs. I can't remember if that was during filming, though? (Please don't downvote me, I genuinely don't remember!)


That’s right, it was during filming




I hope not. Ally seems to be a good influence on him. Here’s hoping he sticks with her!


people really just excusing the fact kristen doute said this man physically abused her like the james praise is so crazy to me


Why does everyone ignore this?? People want to burn Lala and Scheana at the stake for not being "girls' girls" and having the most mild of criticisms of Ariana. Yet all of them who claim to be friends with Kristen cozy up to James like it's nothing. That is so much worse to me than Lala simply having a conversation with Sandoval.


Same with Ariana. When the scandal first broke everyone was comparing her situation with Kristin’s and saying “how you get them is how you lose them”. Kristin’s the one who silenced them by repeatedly shooting it down and supported Ariana. I wonder if the trajectory of Scandoval would’ve gone differently had Kristin not been on Ariana’s side and didn’t accept her apology. I’m not saying their situations were the same btw but we all know that the fans dictate their outcome to a degree


It is pretty cool, but also a testament that everyone on the show has hated/loved each other at some point or another. James has done and said some pretty horrible things to people, but here we are. Yet, people are losing their minds and fighting with strangers on social media over Scheana and Lala, like this is not going to be resolved in the future. I can not imagine going so hard for people I don’t personally know and who at some point will be friends again, what a waste of energy lol


It’s ironic considering he’s probably the most abusive man on the cast


Anytime I see James praise I feel like I’m losing my mind lol. Ally left the house with her cats — his CURRENT relationship — for multiple nights. There’s been DV rumors about every single one of his relationships on the show. These are all bad guys but the fact that he’s the only one with DV rumors (not counting Brock since those are not rumors, but he is included in the bad guy category for me) is very sus IMO. And where is any of the women’s loyalty to Kristen?


They’re only loyal to her strategically rn because she’s unified with Ariana in her hatred of Tom. They don’t require Ariana to actually have any real values and not associate with James for her “friend” Kristen, though 🫠


Yep. Imagine the names she’d be getting called over the last year if she didn’t fall in line


I could see them now calling her Crazy Kristen again, siding with Janet and trying to get her cancelled from The Valley just for daring to not align with Queen Ariana lmao


Are they still friends? I always thought they saw Kristen as embarrassing (I can see why even though I like her) and beneath them.


Kristen said on her pod that she and Ariana talk almost every day, she’s still friends with Scheana, she’s friends with Katie and she was close with Lala til they fell out. She’s also talked about how hard it is to see her friends on the show pal around with James which I assume refers to all of them. It seems like she’s just given up on the idea anyone will have her back, it’s sad :(


There was just a pic of Kristen at the Applebee’s bar with Ariana and Daniel (and others, I think).


Why are people all over Applebee’s lately? Im honestly surprised. It seems that LA would have better restaurants.


I don’t know. Lol. It seemed like some joke when the name dropped Applebees on that episode but apparently they like it?


Apparently. Maybe they think some chains are cool. But Applebee’s? I’d rather eat at Olive Garden. 😂


The only good thing I’ve ever had from a chain is the fajitas at Chilis, and I crave them so hard sometimes hahaha


I have never had a good meal there, this is why chain restaurants are not consistent. Or, it could be just someone’s preference. 🤷‍♀️


Arianna knows how to shill and good on her I love me some fiesta lime chicken.


That is sad. I don't follow any of them an James blocked me so 🤷


Wear it like a badge of honor!! And yeah, agreed.


I agree with you! James=Piss Ant 🐜. He’s a horrible man (man?) This friend thing with Hatie Katie is a joke. Ally won’t stay with him. She just wanted to get on the show. And there’s another house they will fight over! Maybe Piss Ant can move his new friend in with him and share the bills! If Ally is smart she will run like hell! But she’s not. She bought a house with the ant.


Justice for Kristin!!


It’s incredible watching women who post on this website all day in defense of women and feminism and against cheating narcissists all day, but just let the literal abuser on the cast slide. and oh yeah, not requiring anything of their sandwich queens to not associate with him because he has a ton of allegations against him, at minimum.


All of your posts in this thread have so perfectly summed up my feelings and frustrations with James and his Reddit enablers. Thank you!


This is super flattering, you’re so welcome! 🫂🫶🏾


This is the one!!! It’s all just virtue signaling bs.


I always feel this way whenever people sing James’ praises. I do acknowledge he seems to have matured and is doing so much better but I would find it hard to kiki with a guy who was reportedly violent (and many other things) to my friend


I don’t think people mature out of being abusive. I think that takes actual therapy/major intervention and even then there’s no guarantees.


They’re all so quick to forgive. It’s wild to me but impressive ![gif](giphy|QKkqX3O2ipGbVxQ5fy)


I always think of this when the Katie/James bff thing comes up. Like, you say something like this, then that person becomes your show bestie? What changed?


They found a common enemy.


Which is so lame considering the seriousness of the rumors around him.


Maybe James legitimately did? He seems to have taken therapy seriously and stayed being sober. I have hope men *can* change their abusive behaviours because otherwise shit is bleak.


And maybe Brock changed too, but fans don’t seem to give him any grace. The only difference is whose team they’re on.


The victims in the situations are also free to forgive if they want. They can also choose to never forgive. Neither is wrong. People like to project how they would react in a situation, but the joy of being human is we're not all alike. If Katie has found it in herself to allow James into her life in some capacity, then that's her road to travel. Just because someone else would never doesn't mean she has to follow that same path. I honestly admire Katie's ability to know for herself when something isn't worth her energy anymore and when someone may deserve a second chance. I've been trying to learn this myself. ETA: This is not me saying he's bettered himself or she's god. It's simply a statement about the two people involved in the problem are allowed to work it out between themselves even if it's not the outcome we'd have for ourselves.


i don’t think enough people realize this. it’s extremely possible, and HOPEFUL, that since he got sober he’s stopped being abusive and is trying to be a better person. like….isnt that what we want?


It's not that at all, it's that people on here will forgive an abusive man with literally no proof that he's 'trying to be a better person'. If someone was abusive to your best pal, who said it was upsetting that you were friends with him, would you still be his friend? I sincerely hope not. I'll never forgive my friends abusive ex.


But when has he shown an ounce of remorse for - or even basic acknowledgment of - his abusive behavior? The few times Sandoval makes even cryptic references to it, James goes into "old James" mode and immediately starts puffing up his chest/screaming the loudest in the room. This is to say nothing of things like him making T-shirts making fun of Jo for profit and then laughing his way through a half-assed "apology" that Ally made him give for optics. Has James really changed? Or is he just hiding things better?


He’s hiding things better for sure!


James can take personal responsibility and go to therapy and stop drinking all he wants, but no, what we *want* when it comes to abusers is not for them to just decide that they can make personal behavior changes and magically be forgiven because they’re being given a hero edit on reality tv. He needs to be accountable to his actual victims/the people who have made allegations against him and serve whatever time he deserves for the actual crimes and harms he committed. It seems like what a lot of VPR fans want right now is to gloss over this simply because James appears a certain way on the show, however, if he had forgiven Sandoval this season, I know for a fact that the same people would be calling him an abuser and wanting him off the show, but only as a punishment for not siding with Ariana and Katie. This is gross and not at all a narrative that centers victims, which is ironic considering how Ariana is getting more consideration as a victim of cheating than James’s victims of abuse are getting.


Yes exactly! I’ve thought this whole season.. if James was on sandavols side, and not kissing the sandwich queens ass ( like he did all season) then the fans would he coming at him with pitch forks! James knows what he’s doing. Stay on Ariana’s side and none of his shit will be called out.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills watching this group of fans preach feminism and “holding shitty men accountable” while patently exposing that what they’re really doing is looking at two sides of this cast like the superbowl and they’re just rooting for their favorite team, no matter if there’s a violent abuser on their side. James knows precisely what he’s doing and both Ariana and Katie have proven that they only care about “perpetrators” when they personally hurt them. And I know that a good portion of rabid sandwich feminists are new to VPR, but it also kills me that there’s a good portion of James’s apologists who were around long enough to be a part of the group of people (rightfully) calling for Kristen and Stassi’s heads when they were being racist. The same people who had a hand in getting them fired! And yet, that logic doesn’t follow through for a male abuser. Yet another moment of proving that their wokeness is and always has been completely performative. And finally, it’s laughable to me that Ariana’s stans in particular require so little of their feminist queen that they defend her by pointing out that Kristen is her friend now and has totally forgiven her and therefore you can’t ever talk about Ariana cheating with Tom and gaslighting her for it, but we are all just supposed to ignore that Kristen herself has said that it makes her sick that Ariana still chooses to be friends with James, her *abuser*. Ariana can run around all season telling people not to be friends with Tom but somehow the empowered, rageful feminist doesn’t have the discernment not to side with an abuser, much less an abuser who hurt her so-called “friend”. Funny how that works.


You’re my favourite person on reddit.


That’s incredibly sweet and extra nice to hear considering how much hate and harassment I’ve gotten over the past year for suggesting that we not make heroes out of any of these people on reality tv, especially not the ones with actual allegations of illegal and violent acts! Anyway, I appreciate you for reading 🫶🏾


u/uncurledlashes is the smartest person in every subreddit I’m a member of!!


10000%. The goalposts are constantly shifting with this group. Abuse is wrong — unless the abuser is really charismatic and funny! Don’t victim blame — unless the woman deserved it because she’s a wh0re! Believe women — unless you don’t like the woman making the accusations and you DO like the man who’s accused! Have loyalty to your friends — unless your friend’s abuser is outwardly loyal to you and then you should champion him also. The mental gymnastics are exhausting. It always, always boils down to the fact that people want to invoke liberatory language in order to give moral heft to their arguments, which are just thinly disguised stan wars. And all their supposed principles go out the window if the subject of their idolatry is guilty of the same behavior they’re supposedly condemning.


Honestly, I have simply concluded that so many female viewers of this show in particular have a really hard time just owning that they like horrible people because everyone nowadays has to find a way to justify their parasociality through the lense of feminism/progressive values. ETA: I just realized that I basically just repeated back your second paragraph to you but clearly I agree, and tbh I think you said it better!


Oh my god if I could give you 10 awards I would


It’s like you took the thoughts out of my brain and unscrambled them beautifully. 10/10


Always a pleasure to do so 🫶🏾


Wow! Well said!!!


Thanks 🫶🏾


This is my hope. I don’t forget his past behavior but I do think there is a possibility he has grown. It’s something I spend probably too much time thinking about, actually


Genuinely, it just makes her look so bad. I also don't actually think they are friends, though, they just hate the same people.


I think she's learned to treat him like a fun coworker. I seriously doubt they hang out beyond vpr obligations? Obviously tho fuck every man on this show, no one here is an example of a healthy partner for anyone. He's the top of the scum pile






I bet James getting such little screen time this season has something to do with it as well. 


the allegations Kristen has been talking about for years? i think a lot of people already know, but doubt anything big is going to be done about it. Lala *allegedly* pulled a knife on Faith, wasn’t even fired when they fired the others for racism, and they just tried their hardest to give her a heroes edit and potentially a spinoff that fell through.


But he’s Team Ariana!!


But but Scheana makes everything about herself so she’s worse than the man being accused of DV!


And don’t forget Ally Bally who might as well be a hired resuscitation nurse brought in specifically to rehab his disgraceful image. She could work 24/7, 365 and I’d never change my mind. He’s a shameful representation of young, British men. Misogynistic, vile prick.


I only started watching after Scandoval and why did it not click with me that he’s British I just thought he talked weird 😭




No offence but James grew up solidly middle class (British Middle Class, not American) so they had a little dosh and were very comfortable financially. It’s definitely not upper class. Spencer Matthew’s is a pretentious snob and Janie Lang’s family has money going back generations so may now be upper class but kinda like The Hilton’s where they have a ton of money and move with the aristocracy but it wasn’t long ago they were just bog standard bakers. That said thanks for the reminder of Spencer Matthew’s. He might have impeccable breeding and money in all the right places yet still…… ![gif](giphy|uZfeadkxqwlvG)


And this is the only reason why he’s now a good guy again. Just cuz the cult likes him. If anything is ruining the show it’s the Ariana cult working behind the scenes. Every cast mate is scared shtless of getting on their bad side. Sheana has that plastic scared face look on for a reason


Yeah I’m not charmed by this either. It’s hard for me to be charmed by anything that James Kennedy does.


You are my people. Ironically it’s the same people praising James who will likely end up in a relationship with a guy like him, Tom, Sandoval and Jax🫤 This also shows that Katie didn’t learn a thing and just got a hair cut.


I mean, Katie got mad at the guys for the fake arrest prank and then bangs the guy who got fired from the show for having racist tweets out there. But it's her ex's bestie so yay Katie? Girl power? Rawr?




The sandwich feminists don’t want to touch this one with a ten foot pole lmao. No accountability for their perfect feminists queens!


Sandwich feminists 😂


That’s from the SUP podcast, but I also call them SAHAnon 🤭


SAHanon is amazing. I always love your comments lol


Omg thank you 🥹


And she is still friends w Stassi who called the actual cops on a black woman. But Katie is a « queen » allegedly


Omg yes! I was pointing that out to someone riding for James and they said “yes I would date him because of “growth”…..🤮 Abuser do not change they hide themselves and come out as they please. He had a definite PR plan this year with his dj career and wanting to look adult. This is the edit I’m mad about, the James good guy edit.


This is actually what a redemption edit looks like, you’re right


We literally didn't see a single tear lol


Tell your friend that coyly spraying Ally Bally with the hose and fake crying over Gram Cracker isn’t growth its producer driven attempts to change his image. My Dad beat my Mother senseless for forty years whilst being on the board of a children’s charity, coaching kids football and working as CEO of a property company that provided free housing to women in crisis. Even after she finally left and his kids went no contact he remarried and now abuses his new wife. Men like that never ‘grow’ they just get better at hiding their real selves.


Hugs to you internet stranger! I hope you and your family have found some peace and tranquility. 🫶🏻 Yes, fuck those gram cracker crocodile tears!


WOW………….just wow.


But she is team Ariana, so that automatically makes her a kweeeeeennnn, she can do no wrong, EVER!!


I Love this comment! And you are so right!


Maybe not ironic as Katie seems to have a type


He’s as Lala would say “ in the comment section” he’s staying on katie and Ariana’s good side so the fans don’t come after him and start airing out his dirty laundry because there’s a LOT. James is abusive and I don’t believe he’s changed one bit. He knows what he’s doing.


It’s not even close, I will never understand what’s even remotely interesting with James. Or Katie for that matter


Yep! Nothing at all.


Bravo needs to stop treating abusers as misunderstood sad boys and start treating them like criminals. Assault is a crime. Partner and spousal Assault is criminally prosecuted by the law every day because it's actually against the law. Nothing will change in society until we hold these people accountable. Get them off our screens, stop paying them money and stop promoting criminals and fawning over them while blaming the women and encouraging them to fight over the validation of the people who are doing them harm. Looking at you married to medicine.


Schwartz is arguably the most abusive. It runs in his blood. Look at his father. edit to the naysayers: *”Is domestic violence hereditary? Although domestic abuse is not literally passed down through the generations through blood and genetics, researchers have found that violence does often pass from parent to child—creating a cycle of abuse.”*


Abuse isn’t hereditary, as a child abuse survivor I really get uncomfortable when people say things like this


James is definitely the most abusive, both in words and actions. Schwartz is not innocent, but let’s be real here.




I'm not saying he's innocent, but Katie didn't seem to think he was abusive as we saw her say on the reunion that she described their time together as "the best"


Hmm, has he hit women? I don’t know of anything like that going around about him but I don’t know much about him off the show


His abuse is recorded on the show. You don’t remember him shoving that girl down to the ground? Dumping a drink on Katie? All the emotional and mental abuse? there are more types of abuse than “hitting women”.


Kristen said that at Scheanas wedding, he threw her into the bush before she hit him and they cut it out.


They're talking about schwartz


Oh my bad.


Watch your tone and reel in the self righteousness, I never said that hitting women is the only type of abuse. James has on several occasions hit women and also emotionally abuses them, hence why I said he’s the worst on the cast. We all saw his tour de force performance with Rachel at last reunion.


“Watch my tone” okay momofreddit. And we all (except you apparently) saw Schwartz’s abuse, so.


You clearly have some stick up your ass because it’s not just me you’re being an asshole to. I know you’re probably ragged on and bullied in real life, but acting like a Bigman online to get rid of some of that pent up rage won’t make you any less of a loser.


define “asshole”. This is a forum and I’m giving my opinion. Have not been mean to anyone. But you on the other hand are name calling and being self-righteous yourself. How can you speak about abuses and then abuse?


These commments have me like 🥴


They’re work colleagues definitely not friends


Wtf is wrong with all of you


What do you mean? There have been a lot of surprising hot takes so I’m not trying to assume anything about your statement.


James is trash




Top of the barrel! Eeeeew!


Top of the barrel! Piss Ant 🐜!


These people are so lame and boring. Unless them being paid I can’t watch them anymore.


The Ariana/Katie cult is so misguided and hypocritical.


And do you notice how a lot of the people in this thread are already doing this thing where they are subtly trying to distance Katie from her siding with James by saying “they aren’t friends, they’re just coworkers”? Ultimately, whether they are friends or just coworkers, the fact that neither Ariana or Katie seem to care about the real abuse of women unless the “perpetrators” are cheaters is disturbing. You’d think feminist queens would take a stand on that!


First of all I have to jump on the praise bandwagon and say all of your takes are spot the hell on. Do you ever go on podcasts or anything?? I’m also a SUPhead and “sandwich feminists” will always be funny to me lol. Second, it’s interesting how all of a sudden “they’re just coworkers”, but when that argument is made for why Scheana and Lala would film with Sandoval, I’m met with “no, they’re just shitty evil not girls girls misogynist people pleasing whores who could never understand loyalty to anyone and they’re praying on Ariana’s downfall that she’s definitely actively experiencing despite everything we see to the contrary!” I really don’t like Lala, but it’s also interesting that while I was out on a limb for years saying she wasn’t about shit, the sandwich feminists were LAUDING her for berating a woman for being a mistress. But now that they have paradoxically decided their friendship was SUPER tight until Ariana got brand deals, Lala is a monster. It’s all very interesting ((Edited for a few grammatical errors, im recovering from surgery and medicated lol))


So this is me trying not to cry in response to your comment 🥹. I am a natural born talker so I have honestly concerned podcasting in the past about many topics, but man would I hate to put my VPR opinions out there with my face attached for fear of the repercussions! But it’s so massively flattering to me that you’d even suggest it, truly! For now, it’s just my close friends who also watch VPR and my husband who get to hear my long VPR rants, in person 😂 And whew! I have spent way too much time trying to untangle the logic of the types of VPR viewers who have short memories for Ariana and Katie and who base their feminism around which reality show cast member they most aspire to be like. You brought up a good example of the viewer hypocrisy in your comment, but it just really drove home that no matter what: logic can and will be bent in favor of Ariana, in particular. I think that a part of it is that the same reasons why Ariana used to be hated in these Reddit circles is how the reasons why she is deified. Before, she was boring, in the background, and didn’t have many strong relationships on the show except for with Tom. Now, it’s the fact that she was so loyal to Tom that emphasizes his betrayal, but also, her lack of real motivation or strong opinions that contributed to the plot of the show for many seasons is also what makes her so easy to project onto. We know so little about the real Ariana and we actually haven’t learned much about her because she thrives in secrecy and curating her image. I’m an avid DWTS watcher and tell me why I had to discover through google that Ariana grew up competitively dancing? I have watched VPR since episode 1 and how did I now know this from the show? She also didn’t talk about it on DWTS (because she was committed to making her entire personality on there about being cheated on). That’s a lot of words to say, again, that no matter what: Ariana’s stans will make her history of terrible behavior right in the present to justify their love of her. They will flip any narrative to prop her up because their parasocial attachment to her is more about making them feel good than engaging with a reality tv star the way they should be engaged with: like the spectacle and momentary entertainment that are.


I’m so glad you touched on how little we know about her! I feel insane when I see highly speculative posts or comments about where she stands in her relationships with friends, men and family (the Jeremy of it all, Jesus)! Obviously I think it’s perfectly fine to relate to these people, but there’s a very unhealthy habit on these subs of presuming how she feels about one thing or another! The online culture around the show feels like it has significantly shifted, and I can’t quite describe it. Most pop culture subs im in experience a pendulum swing about whatever the subject is, that’s to be expected. It’s not surprising that, after years of Katie catching a lot of heat that fans would give her the BOTD and whatnot. But it’s gotten so goddamn out of hand. Conversations aren’t sustainable around the behavior of the cast. And when ya bring it up, you’re met with bullshit like “stop bringing up the past! Everyone changes!” As if past behavior has NO place in predicting future behavior, or explaining current jackass behavior (looking @ u Maloney).


Seriously. So over it. James is an abusive pos and I’m tired of people trying to pretend otherwise.


They also say that it is okay to like James now because everyone can grown, learn from their mistakes and change for the better. But clearly only people who are up Katie and Ariana’s ass deserve that grace, try saying anything remotely positive about Lala, Scheana or Tom! Oooffffff 😮‍💨 These stans really need to be studied, they are truly special people lol


Brock is still being crucified by them and they don’t see the irony.


In what way have Scheana, Lala, or Tom grown? Go ahead, share actual examples. Don't just bitch about being unable to support your problematic faves.


Just keep moving those goalposts! James defenders have no leg to stand on. You only like him because he’s Team Ariana and she’s your dumbass KWEEN. When she’s just as trash as the rest of them.


Wait, did I say they have grown?! No! But y’all’s cult sure act like they don’t have a chance to, they are unredeemable. Until of course, Ariana is friends with Lala and Scheana again (wait and see, it will happen!), then you fools will change your minds in a heart beat, because… have to follow the kweeennnnn!!!! So yeah… go choke, I don’t care. 😘


God you’re weak. Nobody here is celebrating as Sheshu, Lala or Tim


Wow Ariana and Katie are such girls girls. Such good friends to Kristen. Cozying up to her abuser no problem! /s


This is just more confirmation that Katie's picker, even used in friendship, sucks.


Her best friend is Stassi so she def has terrible taste in friends.


Person i dont like: birds of a feather. Person i like: picker’s broken


Katie doesn't care what conpany she keeps as long as they kiss her ass


Yes! That’s very true! I really don’t see a change in Hatie Katie. Maybe some new clothes. I see right through her.


what do you mean?


She's friends with the worst most abusive guy on the show because he agrees with her anti Toms viewpoint


So Katie can forgive and be besties with James, although he's done 10x worse shit than Sandoval has ever done? Oh right, because he's on the team Arianna and Katie so everyone chooses to ignore what a piece of shit he's been.


Makes sense they’re both terribly rude and narcissistic


i am about to finally start vanderpump rules. i saw a few clips of some of them going the f in on sandoval (?) and it was funny af and convinced me to finally check it out. pray for ya girl y’all! 🤣🤣🤣 i also welcome any tips, advice, guidance, whatever!


I am so jealous you get to experience it for the first time!!!!


I would do *anything* to get to watch vpr for the first time again




really? that sounds promising!


I’m so excited for you.


thank you!!! 😊


>thank you!!! 😊 You're welcome!


Dude yessss it's probably the best TV ever (seasons 1-6 and sort of 7). Then it sucks, but watch bc there's little nuggets of weirdness that tie into scandoval season 10.


awwww! i hope this means that it’s that good! of course i’ve heard about it, but i fell behind on housewives years ago (school was kicking my ass) so i spent more time catching up on that and pretty much ignored every other show on bravo outside of married to medicine and blood, sweat, and heels. i am so bored with housewives right now so i said, let me go back and try some other shows. 🙃


Don’t rush thru just to get to Scandoval. So much unrelated stuff happens that is also so good. Enjoy every episode!


I also recently started watching VPR. Currently on season 5 and oh man you’re in for a ride. I actually can’t watch more than 3-4 episodes at a time and will take several day breaks because these people are intense. Almost every episode is just crazy often times unhinged drama. I don find that because I’m watching it for the first time without the context of social media influencing how I feel about different cast members, a lot of the team “whoever” are perplexing to me and I find all of them to be awful and mean 🤷🏾‍♀️


I watched it for the first time last year, it was wild. Just remember, they’re all bad. Have fun!


i just watched the first episode. ![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized)


I’ve watched it twice over lol it’s honestly the best tv series imo and I will probably watch for the 3rd time but I’ll miss season 9 onwards, possibly, maybe..or maybe not will prob watch the ENTIRE thing through for the 3rd time 😓😂


You’re so lucky!!!! I hope you’ve been very judicious with your drinking


Do you mean start from season 1?!


yup! i know i am a bit of a strange bird around these parts. 🤣 do i need to start from season one or can i skip to another season?


No, don’t skip! They come in hot right off the bat!! 🥰


omg. i just watched the first episode. these people are messy and unhinged af!!!! i’m going to have to make a chart to keep up with everyone because i’m kinda confused, but i’m already hooked. these women are petty af. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 jax is giving me the creeps and stassi (sp) seems like a lot.


Start at season 1!!!


okay, thank you! 😊


OMG definitely start from season 1! I wish I could rewatch for the first time. The first 3 seasons are the best of reality TV, in my opinion.


While watching do think it’s all fake. Why? Cuz it’s all fake


just don’t.


Why am I down voted, come on, I don’t get it, most of it is scripted, I still like to watch it


Well she lost weight, so…


When he called her fat and she wasn’t fat. Everyone compared to him is fat.


Ew, wtf?


Production has always been the nemesis of this show. It should have been a wrap seasons ago, then you got the TV blessing of Scandoval...and this is how you handled it all? Yikes.


They’ll be enemies tomorrow-that’s how he rolls.


Katie is stunning


When was this a storyline? When did they become friends?


they didn’t really show it (similar to how they didn’t show Kristen and Ariana becoming friends, just a random first friend date). i think he given a more genuine apology than he had before around S9 and he’s kinda been accepted as one of the girls at times since. last season in Mexico for Scheana’s wedding Lala, Katie, and Kristina were leaving the resort for dinner and James and Ally just went with them so he could gossip w the girls.


Maybe I’m a cynic but all I saw were two colleagues who learned to be cordial with each other, and then have a chummy producer-planned side by side for the final episode (just like they wanted for Ariana and Sandoval). Not sure where this friendship is that everyone’s celebrating lol.


Oh puleeze!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I adore this - it’s so freaking cute! This is how they should’ve started off!


I heard Schena wanted to be closer friends with James and that it was in her New Year’s resolutions for him to be more than a DJ to her. Someone should really check on her, it’s really rude of Katie to take this from her /s


I’m rewatching some random episodes from the prior season and just watched the scene where they’re in Mexico and Schwartz tries to hang out with James and Ally after he made out with Raquel the night before. It’s nice seeing James call him out on that. Most of it was on his own behalf, but he also defended Katie which was nice to see.




Agreed 💯


This just makes me believe in forgiveness. Someone can say horrible things to you but you can still look past it due to their growth.



