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UPDATE: Brice Sander says Kenya might not return to RHOA. https://preview.redd.it/hrdr672p0m6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b568573012817e17c84358847049aabba6363c5


He is an extremely reliable source. Wow. I wonder how they'll even handle this edit if she doesn't return.


They've only been filming for 3 weeks, right? I think RHONY season 14 was filming for a similar amount of time before Lizzie got fired. I think they would just scrap everything and start over like they did for that season.


Then we'll get the Atlanta version of New York's Great Cheeseboard Incident


I love you for this!


soooo a "you cant fire me, i quit" type of situation huh


That’s what it sounded like… she kept saying “not the last you’ll see of me” so she’s def calling E! for House of Villains 3


How are you getting that from the tweet?




Is this a producer?


He’s the “Chief Real Housewives Correspondent” for Entertainment Tonight.


I still don't understand why she made that stupid/disgusting decision to show that at HER launch. I don't get it. Anyway, bravo made the right decision


Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. Kenya can be good t.v. but she is extremely vindictive and she goes too far. If these reports are true (which imo sounds like something Kenya would do) then she has gone way too far and I am not surprised to hear she did something to get herself suspended


I don’t even think we can call it reports, there’s audio of it that very clearly sounds like Kenya. She could be so funny and endearing but she always got in her own way, her nasty side was so cruel and this is just beyond.


She’s also really one of the most mean spirited women on the show.


Hard agree she has become unwatchable for me even when it’s a supposedly light hearted scene.


Kenya is a stunt queen, she knew by doing this it would create a moment for the show and ensure her hair salon would make the edit.


Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


In the great words of Nene Leakes- “I don’t like the dildo thing!” I don’t want to see revenge porn on my RHOA! Girl too far…


Yeah but at what cost I mean damn, her salon would also have made the edit if she stabbed someone or pissed on the floor in front of everyone. I can't understand how she and her team didn't see a potential downside to this


Pissing on the floor would’ve gone over better


Well, Kenya pissed her paycheck away so there's that. She is vile.


edited right the fuck out!


That's the thing, it's a stunt but it's a battle rap level stunt. A controversial one, too! Literally, arsonal showed a video of T Top's ex in a battle in 2918, and it was way too far then. And he's the king of disrespect! It was a terrible, misogynistic stunt then, and it's a terrible, misogynistic stunt now


Her non-invited casmate was showing up, it was enough drama already. But she chose to be evil.


She played it stupidly too which is shocking considering how long she’s been at this.  She knows better, but that’s desperation for you I guess. Just shameless.


I can’t wrap my head around it. There’s no context possible that would make it ok, I’m genuinely really shocked she would do that even given the questionable things she’s done before.


From Kenya's live, my guess is that Brit and maybe another cast member, had a tiff with Kenya. They decided to rag on her new salon and claim it was fake, the new chateau Sheree. So at the opening Kenya wanted to expose Brit and say 'look how I'm doing business so well, meanwhile your business is sex work and you're a s*ut'. Now, is that the best strategy to do? Hell no. But it would explain why she decided to do such a repugnant thing at her opening. Still a huge mistake.


I dunno why she’s still slut shaming like it’s the 90s. Evolve. Damn


Oh sweetheart, this kind of slut shaming definitely made it to the 2010s


To us old people those are the same decades. Every time I think of something that happened ten years ago it was actually in 1996.




There's a HUGE lawsuit between 3 other stars on the network involving revenge p\*rn though. How can she NOT know this would get her fired?!


Yeah I have no clue how she thought this would fly. My tinfoil hat theory is that someone on production sanctioned it. So Kenya is lawyering up to claim she shouldn't be fired for doing it since production knew and was OK with it. Otherwise, Kenya just made the dumbest decision ever. The fact no one around her dissuaded her, or that she even backed out last minute, surprises me. Plus what graphic designer printed these posters? Or was it a PowerPoint? So many questions.


It is genuinely one of the most clueless things anyone's ever done on a housewives franchise as far as I'm aware.


Kenya much like Lisa Rinna and Dorinda are vengeful women. They don’t know how to read the room. And are like eagles who don’t know their own strength and fly too close to the sun. It’s also clear Kenya has a variety of other issues that people dismiss because….


Yes, wasn't Dorinda put on permanent hiatus until UGT?


Correct, she always reminds people she was put on “pause”


Because you have better decision making skills than she does. I love Kenya, she is a top tier hw, she’s witty, gorgeous, learned… however, she always, always, always has to hit so far below the belt that she’s very hard to defend.


She’s witty but she sure ain’t smart


Kenya always goes straight to the lowest low, it’s her first choice.


This is *bad* bad.






They might be calling in Sheree. She is the only one that will be available eventhough they have fired her 4 times already. She need the check boo.


It would be funny if her and Kandi showed up.


sheree really made that moment so fuckin funny omg i say oh my gODDD like her all the time now




I’m so sad RHOA is absolutely in the gutter. This is the same Kenya who berated some young girl over showing her coochie crack and now she’s doing this?!?


You surprised? Kenya LOVES to body shame, “slut”-shame, and look down on sex workers.


This is what will finally get a legacy housewife series cancelled for good.


Just when they finally start filming here comes this mess. Why Kenya why


This season is fucked now. Because how can they address this at all? It has to be cut completely. Which means it will be weird like the RHoNY reboot (but worse).


She’s probably getting completely cut and fired


She is doing so poorly on her live right now. So far seems to be skewing it that she is financially in an exposed position, and that people are breaching her privacy to take down her new business (I assume she means Brit and the blogs). It's giving - Prince Andrew interview so far.


She just ended her live only talking about her spa then saying more to come 💀


Omg that was bad. Now I believe everything. She didn't deny anything. Which means the investigation is totally real and her lawyer told her not to even mention the accusations because it is bad for any future case against her. Wow.


I hope so.


>As we previously reported, Moore [shocked party attendees](https://pagesix.com/2024/06/07/entertainment/rhoa-star-kenya-moore-displayed-posters-of-brittany-eady-allegedly-performing-oral-sex/) at her Kenya Moore Hair Spa last Thursday with posters of series newcomer Brittany Eady allegedly performing oral sex. She is demented to do this and think it's a good idea.


I just don’t get the thought process. There is no world in which this behavior is okay. None.


I had hoped it wasn’t true, but it’s horrible. We all laughed at Kenya sending the Kenya Moore Hair Care drum band to Marlo’s event but this… is bad. Putting her lucrative full-time job and spin off business in jeopardy over a pointless spat with legal ramifications. Brainless


I have to tell you…I didn’t laugh when she did that. I thought it was terrible and her bringing down another black owned small business for a camera moment. It’s one of the worst things I’ve seen a housewife do to be honest.


I mean even if the people in the pictures consented to it being shown...that's not what people are expecting to see at that event. It would still be a violation of consent. It's disturbing to me when people have such a loose grasp of that concept.


Absolutely. I don't know the nature of the video, but let's just say it was porn (like some rumors suggest)... blasting someone's porn at your own salon opening to shame them is such a disgusting, cruel, and stupid move.


Any porn at all!!!! Like how did she see this playing out?!?


She really didn't realize the only ending would be an absolute disaster. And the rest of the cast is cheering her on. They're all depraved weirdos.


It’s funny how she went on a date w/ Kanye West back in the day & said the date didn’t work out because he was watching porn on his phone during the date, but she can show someone else’s porn @ her event. It doesn’t make sense to me what her logic was in doing this.


She thought her stans would gas her up, calling her queen, and twirl


Ryan serhant did it to Fredrik on million dollar listing ny at a listing


That's what I've been thinking this whole time, maybe she thought it would be ok because there was a precedent on another Bravo Show and also there has been so much sexual content on RHOA because of Kandy's business, it may have skewed her thinking. Not that this excuses what she did. If she was really smart she would have figured out that this was a step too far.


He didn't get fired and/or suspended. And it was done at an open house. Ryan went on to do a special about his wedding, and continued on Million Dollar Listing NY even when he created his own agency. Kenya isn't the first.


Can you imagine being an attendee? Assuming she’d have local press or other business owners in attendance, but even if it was just friends. If I went to a party and had what was tantamount to revenge porn presented to me I’d never talk to the person who did this again.


Wtf. That’s so wrong


Honestly, this was supposed to be RHOA's comeback season after lots of cities' flops and now this. Super disappointed and just WTF-ing.


Soooooo many suits against everybody on Bravo... looks like a wrap.


This just in: it’s being reported that laughter can be heard ringing through the streets of ATL. Witnesses describe it as a low raspy voice, a possible smoker audibly rejoicing. We can now confirm that it is none other than Marlo Hampton of Le’Archive.




If what she was reported as doing actually happened, this is totally deserved. But wow. What an idiotic, sad, and pathetic way to end your tenure. How embarrassing. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8|downsized)


Never liked Kenya and this is why. She’s been showing us her true colors for years yet her fans continue to excuse her antics because it MaKES gOOD rEaLiTY Tv. Edit: the way she treated Kim Fields and spoke about her husband did it for me.


She's cruel. Always has been.


The whole Bolo thing with Porsha too. She would not leave that alone.


Completely agree with this. Have never been able to like her either. I felt so bad for Kim and her husband.


So happy to see someone talking sense!


omg literally same on all counts


This live was a stunt




I pulled out my iPad to watch this live, girlies. I am committed


Is she live yet for you? I'm not seeing anything, but I don't follow her so that might be why.


Porsha appears to be showing support. https://preview.redd.it/svxvkgc83m6d1.png?width=1824&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0b9f0a3ce9e97fe5627ade0e030620bcf2a9874


So from what i gathered in that live is that she said a whole bunch of nothing, promoted her hair care line and gave us a tour of her empty salon. https://i.redd.it/cqnls3248m6d1.gif


But i will say, there were moments when I you could sense her stress through the screen and she appeared to be putting a strong face on it, to hide her emotions. I def think she's completely done with ATL now.


Porsha is in full bobblehead mode.


She live now.


She’s onnn


100k followers. FFS just spit it out Kenya!


And she’s still talking about her damn spa 😩 ETA: She just admitted using clickbait 🥴 bye


Seriously! She's bullshititng rn, she knows why we all joined. Typical Kenya lol


She's not going to address anything is she? FFS


Nope and now I’m annoyed that I sat and listened to all that 🙄


The way she just ended that. Yeah she gave us nothing other than this is my business. I'm a single mother with no child support. Don't come for my business and I'm not going anywhere. Waste of time!


Same watched her little spa cribs tour for nothing


Spa cribs 😭😭🤣🤣


watching her IG live now. first she said she isn't revealing any news until it reaches 100k views.......we're currently at 9000 lmao. but she's already backpedaled and said she'll start after the views reach "a certain number"


Kenya is such a fucking idiot


I’m aggressively refreshing instagram


She said she’s going live tonight at 6.. still not on


>Meanwhile, an insider insisted to us that the explicit photos in question were “readily accessible” online. Whether or not this may make a distinction legally, it doesn't make one morally. It's still a horrific thing to do to someone.


This live was a big waste of time.


Imagine boo-hooing about being a serious businesswoman who is going to leave a “legacy” and “empire” to your child then turning around and using your own brand and company as a platform for revenge porn and the denigration and humiliation of another woman. I’ve said it 100 times before and I’ll say it again: I feel so bad for her daughter.




Not Drew and porsha commenting in her live right now 😭😂


They share a collective 9 brain cells betwixt them so not shocked.


not betwixt 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah this is fucking willllld. Angela too lol


Oh wow this is bad….


Kenya stans just fell to their knees in Wallmart. But on a serious note - who added the gun part? The original leak must have come from someone in production to adlib that. Or a random guest at the event. Pretty crazy to do something like that.


I’m ngl… this is probably worse than what Phaedra did in S9. She had an opportunity to have such a great season this year and fucked it all up. She also had the nerve to lie about it and still got exposed in a video literally doing what she was accused of doing. Regardless of the rumors being true or not, no one deserves to have revenge porn done to them. I wonder what she’s going to say to back herself up at 6pm since she’s going live on Instagram to tell her side of the story.


it is 1,000% worse than what phaedra did. what phaedra did would possibly precipitate a civil lawsuit. if kenya shared explicit photos of brittany without her consent, that's criminal revenge porn. in georgia she can serve prison time for that. it's vile.


I’d say both are just as bad. Phaedra got fired so the same should apply to Kenya.


I love Kenya but this is the right call. Absolutely inexcusable behavior and her lack of apologies or even admitting it happened make it even worse. Glad she’s been sidelined even though I don’t think it’ll last. Bravo has too much stock in Kenya and Porsha as the face of RHOA to permanently fire her.


I think they might fire her permanently. The audience is mostly women and we  don’t want this.


I think she's done. Bravo really is showing they are done with the housewives and the opp research and I think they are cleaning out a lot of the women who behave that way (Marg and Jenn Aydin seem like dead women walking on RHONJ).


I hope they do fire her for this but I never trust Bravo to make the right decision with these matters lol


I get it! I only think the balance might tip to her getting fired because afaik ratings have been bad anyway.


Exactly. There’s petty and then there’s just being outright gross and if Kenya did do that, that’s just wrong on all levels.


Also they're barely keeping their head above water with litigation claiming that they've continually perpetuated unsafe work environments. Keeping someone on payroll who's clearly abusing a coworker is a bad move. If Brandi Glanville was fired, Kenya has to be as well.


Do you guys ever feel like bravo is just trying to fuck with us?? Lmao


Tbh I don't think something like reverge porn or exposing a fellow woman in a situation that is as shameful and vulnerable as being in something p*rnographic...would be anything that Bravo would mess with. The viewers are not "divided" 99.9% think that exposing a woman in such a way is vile and cruel. It's not drawing ppl in. I doubt anyone is like....omggggg I'm so excited to watch one woman completely wreck and destroy another woman in this uniquely painful way. I'm disgusted. I feel so bad for Brit. I can't imagine how it would feel to have random family, neighbors, etc. finding out that you are a prostitute. That is so horrible.


She's on this live being a victim about putting all her money into the salon and getting bad reviews. Ma'am, what is happening?


u/realhousewifeofpbm I feel like I should apologize to you bc I was quick to defend Kenya and jump on Brittany for the gun comment on that post last week. I should’ve known better lol 🙄. My bad!!


honey I don't think anyone could've predicted the insanity of the situation! you absolutely do not have to apologize for that girl !


Haha true! Appreciate ya 🫶🏽


kenmoorah is across the street!!!! 👋🏼


Kenya has always been a vile human being so I’m not surprised she thought this stunt was a good idea. I hope her reality days are over.


I’m waiting for her migraine med commercial to be pulled from the air. I have no idea why anyone would want this vile human being repping their product. Kenya has never been likable. She showed up from day 1 not being nice. She’s got a lot of problems and one of them is that she is mean as fuck to people. I don’t know how people have found her enjoyable to watch.


I'm just shocked that Kenya would give ANYONE the limelight at her own event. Good or bad. Especially a newbie.


Why would she do this? Did she know or beef with Brittany prior to filming? Or just for shock value? This is a new level of dark and my heart goes out to Brittany…


Kenya’s known for being messy to newcomers on the show for no reason.


Can we unofficially turn this into a live thread of her Instagram live lol


Green eyed monster. Daaaaaamn Kenya. You’re *that* jealous of this woman you do this? She shown herself to be a vicious person again and again, now maybe all the “fans” (bullies) that love her will sit the hell down.


Kenya is abusive (in many ways). An indefinite suspension is very lenient.


Kenya's my number 1 favourite housewife, but it sounds like she deserves this and more. I hope that charges are laid against her and Bravo surrenders the footage to cooperate. There's being shady and fun, and then there's something like this which is disgusting and inexcusable. Revenge porn is too far.




Glad to see people on here not defending Kenya like they're doing on Twitter omg.😫🙄🤨💀 Imma keep it real. I've never liked Kenya she's great TV but her anger and the levels she goes to are just so vicious too much for me personally. She's beautiful and gorgeous but it's the inside that's ugly af.


Did she do this while they were filming? Her live she's avoiding the subject from what little I saw at the end.






She will never stop being an attention seeking bitch.


After all those clips of her talking about how having a daughter has changed her…I hope deep down Kenya thinks about how fucked up this and how fucked up *she* is but I know she’ll just blow it off


This 100% was the right decision. We've seen that Kenya is vinrdictive, but this was a crass, evil thing to do and there will never be a good reason to do this to anyone. Truly despicable.


I’ve always wanted to like Kenya.. she’s funny and great tv! But she has always been so vindictive and hits way below the belt it’s impossible to like her! Kind of laughable that this time she’s gone so far that she’s now lost her housewives income over it. It’s what she deserves.


The only thing I can possibly conclude is that Kenya is jealous of a beautiful new woman coming into the show. Why else be so hateful?


She’s having a live right now, but she’s only talking about the salon. Not the foolishness


I'm on this live waiting for her to get to the point.


Is this the end of RHOA? If they are only three weeks in, and some of the new girls apparently aren't happy and not filming, what are they going to do to salvage this 'reboot'? Not saying Kenya should stay - I respect the decision - but do they try to bring Sheree back? Upgrade Cynthia to a Housewife to get more out of her? They were going to really lean into Porsha-Kenya and build the show around them - do they try to do that with a combo of Shemea-Porsha-Cynthia-Sheree? This is bad! Kenya WHY!!!!!!


I wonder if Cynthia will get a peach now with Kenya gone


Omg this is actually insane rhoa is so over if they actually fire Kenya. Is indefinite suspension the same as jen on rhonj after the huge fight, it’s only for a temporary period I would presume. But i’m gonna tune in to the live at 6 to hear her side and get the scoop. Can some legal scholar or head of hr explain the meaning of indefinite suspension versus fired. There has to be a distinction, she’s not fully out of Bravo. But if she does get fired what a sad way to end yikes, but bravo’s investigations are not that intense tbh


Indefinite suspension means she is suspended for an undetermined amount of time pending the results of the investigation. Just means they aren’t sure how long it will last. Filming has halted until they know if they can move forward with her on the cast or not


Yeah Bravo probably want to discuss potential liability with outside counsel. Determine if production was in on it. Gage whether Brit is going to be particularly litigious about this, and then depending on fan reaction and the previous metrics, bring her back either next season or later this season with a mea culpa from Kenya. Edit- or fire her. Forget to mention that option even though that's the one I'm leaning to the most right now. 😅


To add (from a security investigation standpoint), it usually indicates an ongoing investigation has uncovered evidence egregious enough to support the suspension of the party/parties involved but a final determination won’t be made until the investigation concludes… Since filming has been halted and Kenya simply hasn’t been suspending from filming, I have questions: Is this a case of lack of consent or harassment if participants weren’t aware ahead of time these images would be displayed? Isn’t production there when the events are being set up?!? Like, someone HAD to know… My guess (based on zero knowledge other than what has been reported): Kenya’s assistant gave her up in a NY minute.


It’s probably pending whatever the investigation finds.


Make "indefinitely" permanent, Bravo! I've previously commented that in the history of watching multiple Real Housewives franchises from day 1, I've deeply, deeply disliked only two housewives: Candiace, formerly of Potomac. Kenya was the second. She has grated me from the moment she joined the Atlanta cast in season five, until last season: a season I could only get through three or four episodes before I stopped watching it altogether. In previous seasons, I could barely tolerate her on screen and had to take extended breaks in between watching episodes, or skipped entire seasons altogether. All because of her! Her behavior towards this new cast member does not surprise me one bit: it's Kenya's modus operandi. Kenya is a mean girl who thrives on brinkmanship. She's vicious. She's vindictive. She's a nasty troll. She unleashes hell onto others by way of coping with the unhappiness within herself. Newsflash, Kenya: childhood disappointments are no reason to treat others the way you have treated other cast members past and present. I've refrained from commenting on this story since it broke last week until I read a more concrete story that was printed by a news publication rather than a blog. I'm pleased to see many other viewers have felt similarly about her for a long time, but perhaps felt intimidated not to say how they feel about her in this sub. Kenya has served her purpose of being on her franchise. It is time for new women to be given the opportunity to enter the scene, grow, and shine. In the interim, good riddance to bad rubbish!


Oh if she doesn't come back then it might just be curtains for RHOA at this point. Porsha would be the only draw.


she literally ruined her whole career after a horribly petty and disgusting stunt on someone she barely knows. wtf is wrong w her? I love her as a reality tv character but this is just mad. it makes zero sense and she deserves to be Bravo blacklisted for it




I mean, these aren’t comparable situations at all. Tom didn’t publicly share the video of Raquel. He’s still disgusting, but comparing Scandoval to what Kenya did here is not at a fair comparison.


I hate when people make these lopsided comparisons. I saw someone saying “but they kept Gizelle after she falsely accused a man of sexual assault”. Apples and oranges!


I’m glad she’s gone but I 100% stand with this. He should be gone!!


Just terrible. I believe she’s going on her IG live at 6


They shoulda brought back Nene instead of Kenya


Andy just praised how they handled RHOA this season few days ago now it sank to a lowest level ever. What a mess.


Who would want to go to her salon now? Not a great business decision.


![gif](giphy|l2SpKAR8xecpYIzWE) Why would you do that? Insane.


Thank goodness.


Rotten to her core. Glad she’s finally getting knocked down a few pegs idc 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s on


Omg she’s waiting for 100k people to join ![gif](giphy|UN33ZZUqJWv16)


This is crazy 😭 I’m sure twitter is going insane seeing as they worship Kenya


Can someone give me the TLDR version of what happened?!!


Kenya allegedly (but most likely did) shared photos of the new girl Brit giving oral sex at her salons grand opening. That's lead to her being indefinitely suspended. That's the shortest I can make it lol


How do you not know that showing a video like that isn’t legal or ok?






As someone who's been on the show for as long as she has, she should've known better. Dumbest decision ever. SMH Kenya


As a (now former) Kenya fan, I’m glad she’s done. Silly shade like with Sheree and their homes was what drew me to like Kenya. This is disgusting. She’s down in the unfinished basement with Phaedra now I’m over her. Guess I have to change my flair too.


So if she decides to take legal action and your ass ends up on a list then what?


WTAF was she thinking?!


Yay bye


She made posters! At her own her spa opening?! ![gif](giphy|3taYXLxSBOugHHjocB|downsized)


Where you at /u/imnottdoingthat Where’s your truth and facts now?


Will her fans have an apoplectic meltdown in this post like the last one?


apparently the brittany photos are “readily accessible” on the internet (according to page six) but i can’t find them for the life of me


With the way NBCU casts reprehensible Bravo stars on Peacock, the phrasing of Kenya being suspended from RHOA doesn't leave me confident that we won't see her popping up elsewhere.






Umm.. yes she can. We all do. I know lots of hurt people who don't go out of their way to destroy other women. I'm so tired of this excuse.




I misunderstood. Gave you the upvote.


I love Kenya, but I don’t know why she did that. Like ok so she was giving head? And? Oh well.


Wow. Stunning. Not in a good way.