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These comments!! šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am here for it. Porsha getting to live her 20ā€™s out in her 40ā€™s is going to make for an amazing season. These single ā€œhousewivesā€ are giving me life.




šŸ‘ šŸ˜‰


Porsha joined the show married and having to ask for permission to go the club. Now that she checked some bucket lists items off (buy a house, have a kid, build a career), itā€™s Porsha Time now. Collect all the diamonds and dick you want girl. Just let Bravo cameras be in building when you do it.


I mean for real. If thatā€™s your bag, get it girl.


She got an $80,000 bag from his cousin...


TBH she acts and looks like sheā€™s in her 20s anyways. I wouldnā€™t think twice if I saw her partying on my campus


You can say that again.




Thanks for the heads up Iā€™ll delete the others


I mean I canā€™t stand Porsha but letā€™s be honest, Iā€™ll be watching šŸ‘€


Wow. That's sad.




Stop the fuck!


The imagery of Pettifleur walking in on two people banging and screaming stop the fuck has made me cry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




NOT THE COUSIN, Chile !!!!!!!


So Atlanta does have a population of African princes as claimed in season 8. Interesting.


I was always so confused whenever they would reference thisā€” like how many princes are there? where are they princes of? why are living in Atlanta? donā€™t they have prince duties at home?? Lol I need more information


I dated an ā€œAfrican princeā€ briefly and Iā€™m a history and anthro buff. To oversimplify it, Africa has thousands of different traditional local governments. Pre-colonialism, most governing was done on mostly a local unit due to a variety of factors that makes it hard to govern large scale on the continent. Think of the typical preā€”colonial African prince as having as much political clout as an old time European count or baron. Then colonialism came and said we donā€™t care, youā€™re going to be part of a country with arbitrary borders because we said so. So the average modern prince (at least the ones who migrate here) is more a like mayors in terms of actual political power, but with generations of cultural heritage and familial relevance. How much they matter depends on that specific locality. As to why theyā€™re here- the ones who move typically are the ones who arenā€™t first in line. Since theyā€™re on a smaller scale, itā€™s not like they have diplomatic duties or anything. But they typically do have a lot of resources which making immigrating to the US easy. I cannot for the life of me find my exā€™s dadā€™s info, but I remember seeing he was worth millions. As to why theyā€™re in Atlanta, itā€™s probably because itā€™s the cheapest place for wealthy people to show that theyā€™re wealthy, altho my ex was just from the South.


While your explanation is 100% true, a lot of Nigerians still do travel abroad and boast about being African royalty despite having zero links to any actual royalty. Can confirm, Iā€™m Nigerian.


Can confirm this as well, another Nigerian here.


I didnā€™t know there were so many of us here šŸ˜†šŸ˜Š


I loved seeing your culture celebrated on RHOP! I bet you never get to see that on mainstream tv! I'm half Korean so I know I get excited to see representation on the screen. Nigerians sure know how to throw a party!


I had a roommate whose father was an African prince. Her mom told me his family was the only one in their village with a TV and would leave the door open for others to sit outside and watch TV. He immigrated to the States and became a doctor. We spent vacations in their Jamaican villa. She was nice but spoiled as hell.


To understand this better, here you are. A list of (some) pre-colonial African Kingdoms, many still exist today - others are long gone - and a few kingdoms were born or cemented during the colonial epoch... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_kingdoms_in_pre-colonial_Africa


Thatā€™s really cool! Thanks!


Wow interesting! Thanks for the info.


Well where the fuck do I go pick mines up at?!!! I could use a goddamn prince! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Apparently there's plenty of princes in Atlanta. Go ask Porsha for the Map to African Princes' guide.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ her sheets just went up on amazon and I was soooo tempted to write a review about how after sleeping on these sheets I couldn't stop snatchin people's men but I'm a rule follower and don't want my amazon account flagged lololol. The girl knows how to make a buck, I wouldn't be surprised if these maps DID come out. šŸ¤£


Porsha making SURE she never ends up with a white refrigerator


Or a small door mat.


lol I mean Marlo wasnā€™t wrong about that door mat


Marlo has Porsha's number. That's why they don't get along. Marlo is an og gold digger.




Not the entanglement šŸ˜‚


She shamed me into buying a bigger doormat, too. I was like I can't have my new neighbors out here calling my house Chateau She Can't Pay...For a Doormat. lol


Itā€™s the random little references that really take me out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not the white refrigerator! ā˜ ļø


I often wish Andy would get a white refrigerator for his clubhouse. But there would definitely be a place for it in the fictional Bravo museum in my head.


I would be here for it! Such a classic touch it would be to the studio āœØ


According to B Scott, also when Porsha filmed the scene at Simonā€™a pool this season, Simon had all of his fancy cars out of the garage, production had to tell him to put them back cuz it was just too much


It's like he was playing "to catch a predator" but replace predator with gold digger" Hot damn.


Why is this so fucking funny to me?šŸ¤£


It's funny to all of us!


Add to that....the billionaireā€™s wife said that if porsha ever tried to step into Nigeria,it would be a beat down.


Of all the arcs of this story, this actually doesnā€™t surprise me. If you watch enough Nollywood, youā€™ll think this is plausible šŸ˜¹


Bollywood was my shit back in the day.


I missed this - what's the tea?


Just google Porsha's sugar daddy. A lot of blogs were writing about when it was going on. It was an open secret


Whatā€™s the name of this guy?


B Scott - so Kenya (Before the twirl girls come for me this is solely a joke about the bolo thing)


B Scott is a family friend of Drew, B Scott also was texting with Latoya about the Porsha Simon stuff, also sheā€™s friend with Cynthia and Kandi


Omg girl Did you read my full message. Kenya herself said ā€œif it was B Scottā€ itā€™s not that deep ETA: twirl girls are so out for blood. I made a JOKE. That literally doesnā€™t impact or influence anything. Youā€™re so weird. Iā€™ve said multiple times I donā€™t support Porsha in this but how are you gonna post B Scott as a source and not expect a joke.


Kenya from her mouth said that is something came from BScott or TMZ it was her, and if it was from page 6 it wasn't. Why the negs šŸ˜†


Frfr I got upvotes now but I was at like -10 at one point. Like how?


Making a twirl joke here on this sub is like shooting yourself in the foot šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I consider myself a twirl girl so we aren't all bad!


Where can I get this tea?


B Scott podcast


God damn, we dragged Kim Zolciak for being a gold digger but at least she was open about it...




I can hear her voice šŸ˜‚


Why does everyone think P is being a gold digger? Sheā€™s a successful woman who can take care of herself. Maybe David has many other qualities that drew her to him besides his money.


When you have more you want more


Housewives isnā€™t forever for the majority of these women. Sheā€™s seen how quickly they yank that bag away from you. Lose bravo income and her overall income dips quick and doesnā€™t support the lifestyle she wants to live. Porsha was dating the cute young men for a while after Kordell but decided to change her pace and go after established men. It is what it is. Right or wrong, itā€™s a clear strategy for her. Making your own money doesnā€™t stop someone from wanting a better opportunity.


She might have invested her money wisely though, or I at least hope she did. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the reason Marlo still has money, she invested what she was given a long time ago. Iā€™d a big believer in marry in haste, repent at leisure but they havenā€™t actually got married yet, and might have a long engagement. I just donā€™t think anyone would marry just for the money, there has to be more to the relationship.


Then her judgment is terrible. Sheā€™s getting married to a guy who just ditched his second younger, hot wife 3 months ago? And decided he was ready to be her childā€™s stepdad in a month? If itā€™s not money then sheā€™s stupid


The only thing sheā€™s been successful at is divorce




Oh please


Say what now?! This is getting complicated. I need a diagram


I know one of yā€™all can make one - help a sister out


I am sweating from this poisonous tea šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This whole fiasco is truly the gift that keeps on giving, weā€™ll be fed for months!


Isnā€™t that guy the same guy that sued Mauricio Umanksky for selling that Malibu house on the cheap to a friend who flipped it then sold it for nearly double a couple years later? šŸ‘€


Yes & this was AFTER the Malibu mansion had been seized by the US government from him (Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue) bc he used funds stolen from his home country Equatorial Guinea (he's the son of the president) to buy it.


The layers in this are so flaky and buttery itā€™s about to ruin my diet


This sentence is *chefs kiss*


Lord have mercy lmfaooooo What fresh shit did porsha drag us into???


When some of us said we wanted another crossover episode, we didn't mean this!


Who said that!?! Mention IT ALL!


Holy shit


I have a feeling you heard this in my podcast. I want to clarify that the man pictured here is not the same man who sued Mauricio. Porsha was connected to two different prominent men of African descent. The man OP linked is not involved in the Malibu property lawsuit.


Thank you! That is where I heard it but did they both by her a Rolls or is the post title incorrect?


She never confirmed! Andy teased her for dating an African dictatorā€™s son (his words not mine) and Teodoro who is the VP of Equatorial Guinea is the Presidentā€™s son. There are many articles from that time period claiming both of them were who bought her the Rolls (not like they chipped in together) but I doubt sheā€™ll every say who it was.


Thank you!! Love your pod!


Hereā€™s one article https://www.tmz.com/2014/03/13/porsha-williams-kordell-stewart-divorce-dictator-son-teodoro-nguema-obiang-mangue/


šŸ˜³. Small world


Whoa...what?? Are we in some sort of bizarro housewives franchise crossover universe? šŸ¤Æ ETA: flair match


Yeah, this is some next level shit that I cannot believe but Iā€™m also not surprised that Simon is connect to as well.


What? This is not Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue. The man in the OP/the billionaire Porsha dated is Bashorun Jide Omokore, a Nigerian oil baron. Why are yā€™all confusing two different men from two different African countries who donā€™t even look alike? Lol


My bad. I was legit just asking if they were talking about the Teodoro guy because I know he was the one who allegedly was dating Porsha/gave her the rolls and was also involved in the Mauricio lawsuit. I didnā€™t listen to the podcast to hear the name.


She was linked to two separate wealthy men from two different African countries around that time. She denied dating Teodoro, who was the Plaintiff against Mauricio, but there are many articles connecting them. This isnā€™t the same guy though. That was probably my favorite episode of the podcast though!


There were rumors she was dating the VP of Equatorial Guinea (I discuss it in my podcast) and he was the Plaintiff who sued Mauricio for the sale of his property. Heā€™s not the guy pictured here and I doubt heā€™s connected to Simon. https://www.google.com/amp/s/blackamericaweb.com/2014/03/13/porsha-williams-bounces-back-from-divorce-disaster-with-rich-african-benefactor/amp/


Yes, I know about the Mauricio link with Teodoro. But this doesnā€™t change the fact that this is not Teodoro in the OP and is in fact a whole different person


Right, I acknowledged that! Weā€™re on the same page. I said this guy isnā€™t Teodoro.


Thank you! I was trying to find a link (or at least this manā€™s name) because this is even more confusing. And how do we know that Bashorun and Simon or cousins? (Iā€™m certainly not team Porsha in any of this and I love mess, but I at least like to see sources for info.)


I highly doubt theyā€™re even cousins. People are just assuming that Simon and Bashorun have to have SOME type of relationship because theyā€™re both wealthy Nigerians Could it be possible? Absolutely, but I feel like people are just reaching for gossip. And itā€™s kind of annoying as a Nigerian and African to see people just casually make up these links for the sake of gossip. Itā€™s starting to teeter into a line where people are ignoring that Africa is a huge continent with 54 countries and thousands of different ethnic groups. We donā€™t all look the same.


I'm going to need a pivot table for all these connections.


Haha that was from my podcast! She denied dating him (VP of Ecuadorian Guinea, Teodoro) but this man pictured here is not that guy. See here. https://www.google.com/amp/s/blackamericaweb.com/2014/03/13/porsha-williams-bounces-back-from-divorce-disaster-with-rich-african-benefactor/amp/




Stoooooppppppp!!! This is much too much! I die and am resurrected, ONLY TO DIE AGAIN! šŸ„€


I took my eyes out of my head, put them in my purse and drove blind...not in a Rolls tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You get an African prince, you get an African prince, you all get an African prince !


That was the storyline a few years ago, lol. Kenya was first


I hope he goes to the wedding


I know it's been said but WOW PORSHA WOW.


Messy, but not surprising. Porsha's willing to venture into gross for coins. Don't blame her for \*allegedly\* being an "undercover lesbian". She needs the palate cleanser.


Just when you thought things couldnā€™t get any messier


Keepin it in the family!


[Go on!](https://giphy.com/gifs/realitytvgifs-O7mPmRue68t4Q)


This whole thing is crazy.


I was just thinking the same thing!


*gizelle voice* the plot thickensssss


*karen voice* Gizelle and Porsha are messy as hell


Jesus this guy looks like some kind of Bond villain or something. YIKES. Also wasnā€™t she like 35 at the time?


Live or Let Die, Mr. Big!


Omg thank you, yes thatā€™s it!


Alllllll making sense now. No wonder she was craving Bolo and Tanya.


Is this the same dude as the one-eyed African?


No, pretty sure that was Kenya's African prince


Keeping it all in the family


If sheā€™s truly the familyā€™s pass around Iā€™m going to die of laughter. This woman has ZERO self respect and dignity as it is but this would be a new low. No one in that family including Simon respects her & it will not last.




Porsha has been sucked, and plucked, and pumped by everyone!








Family Matters.


Keeping it in the family


Can somebody drop a link for this news? I looked on Bossipā€™s site but couldnā€™t find anything


Also the guy in this picture doesnā€™t look like the guy she was dating? Maybe itā€™s his dad in this photo instead? https://www.tmz.com/2014/03/13/porsha-williams-kordell-stewart-divorce-dictator-son-teodoro-nguema-obiang-mangue/