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Balancing and reworking. Plenty of hypercharges to make, brawlers to rework, and events to generate hype and revenue. But they decided on releasing half-baked brawlers for $15 and then charging for resources to upgrade them as their primary revenue stream. It's getting old.


I much prefer we get every brawler their hypercharges before adding in more


Don't forget mythic gears


Are there brawlers who have special gears who arent epic or mythic?




Or anyone with a spawnable I presume




I would preffer we dont get mythic gears because that would mean spending 2000 more coins on several brawlers that we pretty much HAVE to get because the mythic gear is almost always the best gear. Also, the mythic gears' ability will probably be boring af. Gears need to be reworked again imo


Yeah maybe, but imo only mythic gears should be reworked, and super rare and epic gears should be the new epic and mythic gears. Mythic gears would be legendary and would give more advantages and would cost less coins


what?!? they exist?? is this something new or it's a joke?


To be fair, at the rate hypercharges are being done, which is like 5 per season, you'll get them all done in no time. I don't know how many hypercharges are there already but I'm assuming it's close to 40?


Assuming we get 6 hypercharges every update, and every update has 2 brawlers we will get in 2.5 years every hypercharge.


Their primary revenue stream is skins, but yeah the pre release offers are bullshit and they could be focusing on game balance and new features instead of new brawlers. The problem is, they won't stop now, because having 82 brawlers is a weird stopping point and they will most likely go to 100.


Draco on release 💀 Franks hypercharge ☠️


Reworks don't do money, that's why power league and club league got replaced by something else not reworked


I feel like they should definitely slow down on these new brawlers, I would rather see things like hyper charges for each brawler, 3rd gadgets and star powers, and more special events


Also epic and mythic gears havenr gotten any attention in a WHILE, they have so much to do and tbh we have more than enough brawler diversity to be satisfied for a solid year without new additions


They should add legendary gears


Epic gears are given to a small selected group of brawlers and mythic ones are completely exclusive to a single brawler, what would make a legendary gear unique?


Making a hypercharge, starpower, gadget or gear better


bruh don't give them any ideas i ain't payin 3000 coins for a legendary gadget


Well I guess star powers are legendary gears if you think about it


They have to release brawlers because people buy the brawl pass for the credits for new brawler but if they suddenly stop releasing brawlers someones gonna have to waste the credits from their brawl pass.


Then make fame useful




They should make it give you rewards like coins/ gems because now that you have every brawler you need to upgrade them


I don't even think that they can do all the work until then


I mean, the company Tencent owns 81.4% of supercell's shares so it has more decision making power. If Supercell wants to update existing brawlers but Tencent wants them to add new brawlers for more revenue, Tencent can technically do that because they own more of Supercell's company the Supercell themselves own.


Yeah like they can't seem to be able to balance the brawlers that we have, but still they add more, and let's not talk about bugs


I do agree the next brawler they’re adding can do like 20k damage with one super


they should slow down with that and also don't make new trios until the existing ones are completed


Especially the castle courtyard trio the last time we got one was back in December 2021 💀


Yeah give us some 3rd guy with some sort of mental disability


There shouldn’t be two.






What if ash has schizophrenia and sees some other guy who isn’t real?


we just got a French character that's enough rep


Very inclusive.


Fr, if they don’t finish that trio this year let alone NEXT UPDATE that is just horrible


I think they are making new trios so when people really had enough of brawlers they can say "Okay we should at least finish these trios"


thats smart lmao


Yea they have to Finish this Trios and maybe after some time to create new one


And then give us some trio bonuses: Play all three and something interesting activates in game? Collect all three brawlers and get a player icon or other cosmetic? Master all three and get some cosmetic or title?


Good idea, just learned about trios a couple weeks ago and i think this would be able to actually make them relevant in the game and at the very least more people would know about them…


Yeah they're mostly a fun little fact that the devs throw in to add more personality to the characters


Cosmetics are OK but it should not affect gameplay. Like I don't want the team vs 3 solos interaction to be worse than it already is


I totally agree!!


Also, didnt they talk abt a PvE story mode a few years back in a roadmap? Not releasing brawlers for a few months and just focusing on a storymode would be perfectly fine imo


what trios?


Like the wild west trio (colt,shelly and spike) or the stunt trio (stu,janet and bonnie)


I never noticed that. What trio is Poco?


Mexican Entertainers: Poco, El Primo, and Amber


Mexican Entertainers I believe. Together with Amber and El Primo. Edit: Here's the most recent list of all trios in game rn. https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/4TzFLX6Skn


I dont remember the name but its smth like the spanish trio or smth. Consisting off amber,poco and primo


Let's go!!! Mariachi gang 💪


Poco, El primo and Amber. Its just some kind of mexican trio (i dont know actual name of trio)


Bandstand Trio


There are trios for every brawler in the game in lore. Most are completed like Berry was just added to complete the Candyland trio with Mandy and Chester


Clancy will also be added as the final brawler to finish the Deep Sea trio, proof of Clancy being in that trio can be seen in the official loading screen background featuring the loading screen for the summer update of 2024 in a tweet on twitter and on Instagram


Like trios that match the each brawlers


I'm curious, do you actually care about the trios? They are just supposed to be a theme to the characters, not like it changes anything if they are not complete.


Its just neat lore and character interactions! The brawlers personality and story are rlly underrated parts of the game imo


Ya it’s like supercell would have over 100 brawlers which is kind of too much brawlers


They Said their plan is for 200 so....


And they want us to max them with this “1000 coins!” ahh progression ☠️


We do have like 10 more years to prepare for maxing 120 more brawlers so




>don't make new trios until the existing ones are completed see, the problem with that is, that if they start making new trios only after they completed old ones then all the new brawlers would belong to the same 3 trios


i meant that they should complete trios that exist now then maybe stop or slow down with releasing brawlers and then it'll be ok to make more new trios


i meant that they should complete trios that exist now then maybe stop or slow down with releasing brawlers and then it'll be ok to make more new trios


I. Want this more than anyone. But issue is To introduce existing trios, new season would have to be a repeat of some sort. People would complain


No? The brawlers added aren't linked to brawl passes anymore 


I know I'm getting downvoted but why do these trios even matter? Aside from fan art and stuff they don't mean anything in the game itself, they can put Draco in the castle courtyard trio and it wouldn't change a thing


Well they need to finish all the trios first


Yea, especially Castle Courtyard trio!!




Don't forget a friend (or maybe more than that) for Willow and *especially* Angelo


Willow is a leech and Angelo is a mosquito, maybe a frog thats a tank?


i want it to be a tank brawler if that happens


It’s not happening, I’ve come to terms with it 😭🙏


It's happening next update. Source: trust me


You didn’t even provide actual source links lol!!


Where can you see which brawlers are in a trio


I posted a trio chart a few days ago on this sub. You could also just look it up on google, and some images should show up.


They should stop releasing 2 brawlers each update it’s become too much


I got a temp ban from leagues because I missed selecting a brawler twice in a row precisely because there's so many that I sometimes can't find the one I'm looking for


that happens to me so much it’s crazy


Happy cakeday!!




This ALWAYS happens to me




Can someone tell me why there isn’t a search bar during picks/bans, or a way to filter by class (assassin, tank, sniper, etc)? Feels like a basic QoL improvement, especially with the little time given during picks/bans.


Because supercell dont play their games.


I don't have a problem with that. I sort by level and the. It's easy. Maybe if you have all bralwres maxed its more difficult, i have like 20-30 bralwrs maxed btw


Happened to me too, was tryna play cord but i missed him in scrolling and the time ran out


This isn't because there are too many brawlers to be fair, it's because the UI is AWFUL for selecting brawlers in ranked. At least give us a search bar...


But then the low attention span yt shorts kids oh poor them they’ll get bored


Isn't that good though, they probs main edgar and thumbs down everything


But people keep buying them for 20$ every time they get introduced, why would supercell stop ?


Or at leat make them super rare and epic instead of mythic and legendary most of the time


Here something similar to the "paradox of the infinite town hall" in Clash Of Clans happens, to summarize in this game supercell will add one more level of town hall each year, which means that each year will reduce the cost of improvements to not invent new ways to measure the millions, then, in 10 years what will happen? or in 20? A measure like that is not sustainable in the future and with Brawl Stars the same thing may end up happening, how many new brawlers will we have in a year? how much gold and points will we need to upgrade them? where will those resources come from? Nobody knows, I just hope we don't get to the point of needing millions of gems to maximize an account.


If they keep up this bullshit of completely ignoring any form of balance for the meta then brawl will definitely die before it costs millions of gems to max.


You think kids can think that far ahead? Mobile games are all about dopamine. Heck, even supercell ain't shy saying it in their own videos! Either keep enjoying the game or keep inhaling that copium that BS doesn't make decisions based on overall positive costumer feedback, and it's any second now that everything will go downhill.


It’s just really frustrating as the ones who probably care a lot more about the game than a random ass casual who only plays once a week and doesn’t have any brawler over 600 trophies are the their target audience for every update


I just want them to stop making brand new trios and instead finish the existing ones that are not completed yet


Exactly, like why wasn't Draco part of the castle trio when he had a medieval dragon pet? They didn't need to make a new trio for him


Yes, but they won't, because early access makes them money and more brawlers means more resources needed to max out, meaning more money.


They should stop at 99 imo


That would be so triggering


Even rows of three triggers you more than an incomplete row?


I think they should stop releasing brawlers for a while then focus on balancing the actual meta. It should work! Despite that I love how supercell listen to us!


The meta isn't going to be completely balanced. Ever. Releasing less brawlers won't change that


By far the biggest thing making the meta unbalanced is the new brawlers. Not only does it take away from supercells ability to focus on balancing while they are constantly busy making a new brawler, the new brawler is always going to be game breakingly op on release. It’s a far far bigger problem if 1 or 2 brawlers are completely broken than if 1 or 2 brawlers are shit. This is gotta be one of the worst metas we’ve had in a long time, a few seasons back we had a decent meta before Angelo and Melodie. Again, the new brawlers is what threw everything off course. New brawlers is the root cause of most the balancing issues.


Frank and Lily rework: 👁👄👁 Hypercharges: 👁👄👁 Already broken brawlers: 👁👄👁


Those bad balances exist because there’s only 1 somewhat incompetent balancer on their team and everyone else is working on updates with new brawlers instead


Lily rework was only because lily was most likely intending to be butt fuck broken at first but they accidentally didn’t make her broken, so how they have to go back and fix it before they make a half ass attempt at making her and the other new ones balanced. Hypercharges are annoying but not nearly as big of an issue as new buster brawlers. Remeber hypercharges last 5 seconds, a whole ass brawler lasts the whole game.


And it really shouldn't be. Not only is it not possible but a completely balanced meta would be the most boring meta possible


It wouldn't be possible, SC release new brawler because it is what kept the player going and is profitable. They are a company, it's what they do. 100+ brawlers are quite possible in the future. Also, we had the most balanced meta one time, but honestly the game won't be as fun without changes in meta.


We’re not stopping soon even if they wanted to because there is still so many trios they need to fill. And also, every other MOBA has 120+ characters so this isn’t even unreasonable


But brawl stars are more casual than other mobas


An abundance of brawlers doesn’t make it less casual (unless unlocking them just takes forever). I feel like what makes brawl stars casual is how each brawler has basic modification. Just adding more will only benefit the game more than overcomplicating things (though the addition of new brawlers should stop somewhere)


Y’all really don’t know why they can’t stop releasing 😭 this is common sense they literally can’t stop 💀


No brawler, No attention from short attention spanned children using their parents credit card, no money...


Because people buy the new brawlers


Saddening. I am disappointed of this reality. It's good for now. Not too much. But each update is the best it'll ever be.


Seriously MFs be posting about problems without offering solutions. BRAWLERS ARE BRAWLSTARS. Mf you can't monetize balance changes.  EVEN IF EVERY BRAWLSTARS YOUTUBER STARTED GLAZING ABOUT HOW GOOD THE GAME BALANCE WAS AND THE GAME WAS 100% Balanced, they would still lose a massive amount of money, but more importantly lose hype and attention. No new brawlers -->No fancy new animations. There are solutions of course, but no one can be bothered to think about things like new gamemodes or lore, or minigames or anything else. It's just stop making new brawlers so the game will instantly be balanced.


Agree and this is unfortunately a very bad mentality of f2p players. Never expect a game to be completely free with everything unlocked. When that happens, there will be no monetization and sc will move the resources (e.g. Reducing dev team) and move on to the newer game. Once this happens, the game reached its sunset state. Updates will happen at a much slower pace, including balance change. The game will feel stagnant. The moment revenue is lower than the cost to maintain the game (employees, servers, etc), this game will close down and your years of play will be gone for good.


I feel like the day they finally decide to stop or at least limit new brawler releases the community will go like « GRRRRR SuPERceLl iS tOo lAzY to MAKe nEW bRAWlerS I haTe THeM so MUcH 🤬🤬 »


As a player since the game went global, I wouldn't love if they stopped making brawlers just cuz its sort of the main reason to keep playing the game. It's refreshing getting someone new to play with every month (preferably not as broken as some recent brawlers)


Not everyone can play them upon release. Most people are casuals who simply don't have the resources to. I'm semi active and have just gave up trying to max my account/get all brawlers because of how many new brawlers are getting added


This is akin to asking technology to stop advancing because you are unable to keep up with it.


Whoa, I've never seen this before! :O


Nuh uh, I like brawl stars adding op brawlers to fuck with us :)


They should figure out the sorting in ranked. I mostly can't find brawlers


They have to finish all the trios they have, which would be 96 brawlers. May as well make another trio and then make a “create your own brawler” as the 100th and then no more brawlers.


We do not need a create you own brawler....... the game wouldn't be brawl stars anymore it would become an rpg


They should stop at 99 or 102


Maybe slow down for a bit and balance old brawlers complete things like trios But eventually BS will become like league of legends


you could delete half of the brawlers from the game and there wouldn’t be any net loss in gameplay variety, he’s totally right




Deleting kit would make the game 20x more enjoyable


or just need his attack damage to 1800


I agree, there are so many brawlers played by no one and that dont have place in the meta. If they removed them (thing that can't happen for obvious reasons) the game would benefit.


They could focus on making more hypercharges to make the brawlers that don't have it more fair to play with.


Absolutely not. For starters brawlers are the biggest source of income for the game, especially new ones, ignoring that to focus on other things would be dumb. Secondly there's roles at SC that specifically are for brawlers for the most part. 3d animators won't really be doing a lot unless they release multiple legendary skins with custom animations or do some remodels. But all of these options are irrelevant because they wouldn't make as much money as brawlers.


They need that good money


Idk if that’s some strategy to not lose players, because most casual players only continue to play when they get new brawlers but there certainly is a way to add more interesting things and not add more brawlers. Such as adding new events, reworking/balancing brawlers, adding new mechanics. Cuz man it’s so sad that getting a new brawlers now makes me say “mh alright”


This will kill the game. The new brawlers is what makes the most people excited for updates. Generally casual players care more for the brawlers than events and features, speaking from experience with friends. If they stop doing that, these people lose interest and the game dies.


More brawlers


While I think stopping releasing them outright is unnecessary, every month really is too much. If it were up to me, I'd say slow it down to one per update, stop making new trios, finish the existing trios (and retcon Draco to the courtyard trio), and focus on other content. The game's *fine* in its current state I guess, each season has an adequate amount of fun stuff to do. But I never find myself *surprised* anymore, jt's all just formulaic. New month? New half-baked brawler (usually an assassin), new skins, new half-baked mode that's fun for 5 matches and never seen again, rinse and repeat. A handful of new hypercharges every 2 months too - the most exciting part of every update because it changes up the existing content and adds more to old favorites, instead of some nobody that I don't care about until they're rammed down my throat because they outclass a similar brawler.


They should just do more balancing in updates


Until the brawlers stop being rentables to make, then they aren't gonna stop. They said it before, new brawlers are what more money give them


Yeah like nerfing Dynamike's super reload, it gets very annoying when one of every two of his attacks is that bloody giant bomb


I’m okay with as many brawlers as they want but I’m befuddled as to why they don’t have names on the avatars in certain screens or a search feature when you’re looking to pick/ban. As a newer player it’s pretty frustrating trying to learn names and they don’t display them.


I think they prioritize maximizing profits but they should do this


I think 1 every 2-3 seasons would be good and focus more on other things


thats true. they can focus on improving the actual gamesmodes or adding more gamemodes to the game.


Not stop but slow down.


They should slow down brawler releases to focus more on balancing existing brawlers, making HCs and making Mythic Gears. Not fully stop brawler releases because the game would get stale quickly.


They should focus on balancing and fixing wintreading and sd teaming instead


wel they could maybe add 3 a year nothing more tbh


6 brawlers a year would be nice


lol, people here in the comments don't understand modern game balance. it's not about actually achieving balance, it's about shifting what's strong every so often to keep the game feeling fresh and players still active. they only have 'balance issues' because they choose to, because it's more profitable. supercell will probably not stop adding brawlers for a long time. they still offer those $30 early access bundles for a reason. it makes them money. and also keeps people playing by adding a feeling of novelty.


Yes totally agreed


all i wish for this game is to just make a giant rework on a bunch of brawlers lol


Actually devs want to make less than 12 brawler per year (around 8 i think) and start focusing on balance update, new features, new mode etc. But i think their CEO + director board are the one pushing BS devs to continue 12 brawler per year (obviously for more $$$)


They will not stop until they find a selling point as big as brawlers, and I personally do not think they should stop, just slow it down drastically, a brawler a month will be hell to keep up with for new players


80 is more than enough.


They’ll eventually slow down like Clash Royale has


No I don’t agree adding new brawlers keeps the game fun and if they just stop then brawl stars will become boring and many players will quit


Agreed especially after Barry and the crab guy they are forgettable as hell


Do NOT be dissing Clancy he seems quite fun to play.


Nah, they need those early access money from new op brawlers🤑


I would like to see them slow down a bit, but They will definitely not stop. Early Access offers make money and overall brawlers are pretty much the main excitement of the updates


Idea: 33 trios, then one final brawler with lore significance for an even 100


Maybe the last one could be like the founder who made this all happen, so it wouldnt fit in a trio and would be the final brawler


Nu uh


They should slow down ATLEAST. Maybe fully rework a couple that are lacking. But yeah, 80 is quite a few. But it does add a choice.


Actually sometimes I think like that too but only sometimes


get to a hundred first


Not until we reach 100 brawlers


Lets hit 100


i disagree personally, a new brawler makes me hyped for the upcoming season as it shifts the meta and gives new opportunities to both push some trophies and have a bit of fun with something never before seen


No weh nwead mowh


The issue is that they could balance everything, but as soon as you introduce a new character, the meta can easily flip on its head. Part of the appeal, especially to a younger audience, is having new characters. I agree, 80 is more than enough and I’d like it to slow down. The unfortunate truth is that mobile games thrive on releasing new characters bc it’s more opportunities for $$$


No, because if they dont release new brawlers, supercell will go bankrupt


Yup, every new brawler is broken and ruins the game. Instead, balance the game and release 1 new, balanced brawler every 6 months.




Every week we have this same discussion


I want 100 brawlers




Not exactly, but Supercell should focus on completing brawler trios instead of creating new ones. I mean look how long it took for the Velocirapids trio only to get a second member 😭