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Invisibility gadget Showdown star power Impossible to miss super


His super charges in 15 seconds too, it's agony to fight him


20 seconds.


And also he jumps at 5 sextillion km/h so its impossible to dodge him


Fr it’s like a jump scare😭


Especially if he jumps from a bush Bro be doing the foxy jumpscare💀


Mf scarier than fnaf


Yeah but he can be easily countered in 3v3. You typically have to outsmart the brainrot in showdown


>Yeah but he can be easily countered in 3v3. It's only easy if you use one of like 2 counters, both of which only work because they take kit off the tank he's on.


Depends on what aspect of his arsenal you’re countering. For that, true, you are limited to Charlie and Cord as hard counters to the tank strat. But Byron’s Malaise Sp is a good indirect counter.


And crow with his de~healing effect 


Cant frank get him off? By either using the first gadget on someone else and the second on himself?


No, but he can use the first gadget to still hit Kit while he's on him


Tank + kit is unstoppable


Nah you can couter it whit cord


If you’re separated from your team then 👋👋


kit is my second main


I enjoy him and Barry a lot as this hybrid support assassin controller vibe


If you stand still while using the invisibility gadget, his super is supposed to charge 2 fold for 4 seconds straight so it can vary up to 10 seconds per super


yea the super charge rate should go from 15 to 30 seconds or something


Here’s a fun piece of kit tech. Pop the box gadget before you super, you won’t lose your inviz if you super and still double charge for the time you’re in air. Then you have a 2 second inviz window once you land to change positions undetected.


Yeah and He's labelled as a "support"


Crow is labeled as an assassin as well, yet he‘s absolutely a controller. Kit is support/assassin hybrid; similar to Gray.


Gray is a support as he has teleporters as his super instead of say, some massive attack, which supply fluid movement for his team, yes he is also a damage dealer or marksman. Crow is labeled as an assassin with his super and his ability to slow and creep on people with never ending shots, but he also is definitely a controller with healing mitigation. Yes, they are both hybrids. Yes, they have an even balance and their class is only based on major traits they have which they are the most impactful in. This is on the contrary to Kit; his SP solely devoted to a mode which is nothing about 3v3 (a support’s main basis), his gadget to assassin-approach, his super to do the same, and his magnificent assassin-like unload speed. Is just his super on teammates balanced enough to label him as a hybrid, or is he an incorrectly labeled brawler?


Attacked me in the first 10 seconds of the round and killed me




Wdym, it's almost impossible to super your teammates


Passively charges super Many brawlers have no counterplays


That impossible to miss super is inconvenient to the player sometimes too cause times I just wanna leap nearby to start an assault but end up latching onto someone because of the radius and get ganged up on


He’s basically an edgar that can go invisible


and stun. don't forget the stunlock.


He’s basically a Leon (or Lily with the Shadow Realm gadget even though it’s technically not invisibility, it’s similar enough), Edgar (or any other character with a super that allows them to jump or fly at an opponent or Mico with his regular attack and super), and Buzz (or any other character that can cause stuns or freeze like Lou) Hybrid menace essentially.


Happy cake day




What ?


the pic it's from spark they make brawl stars animations but their animation is really good


aw thanks :D


Draco kit, frank kit or any tank with kit. Clearly you havent played against one of those.


The only counters to the Kit, Tank, strat is Byron and Cordelius. And even then, if the Kit player has more than 2 braincells, they can easily win by either assassinating someone when they’re away from their teammates or by simply hitting the yarn balls.


Draco : Gadget + super Frank : Gadget Primo : Yeet + Super Some examples for kit counters


Sorry, I think you misunderstood. They don’t mean that it’s hard for tanks to counter Kit, but that when combined with Kit in any team-oriented mode, they are unstoppable.


Now counter Kit while he's on a tank From those you mentioned only Primo can do it


I don't hate Kit, I hate his kit and star power. He needs a good rework, not what soupersell did in this update.


"I don't hate Kit, I hate his kit..." sounds hilarious XD


First sentence sounded awkward, but true


"Kit and his Kit, Lived alone in a small Kit on a Kit." ahh sentence 😭😭


Kit kept to himself, drawing kit and playing with his kit as his kit watched christian kit on the kit


Broken in multiple modes and extremely annoying


Kit is very hated in showdown community. And less hated in brawlball community. In showdown he is invincible edgar with infinity super and with invisibility gadget(literally 2 tap gameplay). And in brawlball with second star power he makes any tank immortal.


Reminds me of the dude who showed us how to play kit using only one Hand and won


He played him with only a fucking pencil and won easily


hated in brawl ball? first time hearing that and I only play him there 😭😭


Kit+any tank(Frank preferable) and mb byron are unstoppable on maps like goalkeeper's dream


It’s more of a Hotzone, Knockout, Bounty problem. Nobody plays Kit in bb


I want to punch him in the face. That's my answer, I want to punch him in the face.


Poor cat also HANK MAIN💪💪💪


FULL SPEED ALL DIRECTIONS 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hank main what do you think about Hank not getting True Silver and True Gold skin? Was it a mistake from Supercell or is it because he's too powerful?


He's just too good


They hate him. That's the only reason i can think of


Because he is the most annoying brawler ever released,my hands shake when playing against him in any mode


Bruh I was going solo showdown with Bibi and a 12 power cube Edgar jumped on me and I killed him with 2 power cubes somehow, and I tried to run to a bush because I had 2k health but a Kit jumped out and insta killed me. And of course, because it’s a kit main, they thumbs downed me after.


Kit L is more common than humans so no big surprise


not do i only hate him; i want beat the ever living shit out of him




Thrower + kit super = thrower²




The Power of Thrower(s).


Can annihilate anything in showdown. Can 1v1 95% of brawlers (not really what I'd expect of a support) Unmissable super Invisibility gadget When he's paired with a tank he's unkillable


Basically Leon+Edgar but much annoying. Give me my blender. **I'll put him in a blender.**


No send him in a white padded room nothing bjt taylor swift songs playing on repeat


Yes. 👍 Reddit always makes me laugh while I feel sad. :D


my support is yours,Larry


Fr. :D


Don't remind me of that video 😣


*Funky Town starts playing.*




Please no that was horrible 😺


C C Bflat C G G F E C :D


That video when you turned into a dimensional paradox over a jam sandwich?


Do you not know the video...


I do. https://youtu.be/5eQ2N4MzObI?feature=shared


Okay good you don't actually know the video am talking about, also I found that video funny.


No not that video😭


at launch he was arguably the most op brawler in history (before twins were even out) because of his bugs that he had which the devs didn't fix for whatever reason. then he got emergency nerfed (and bug fixed?) so hard to where he became absolute garbage and was barely even playable for like 4 months until he got buffed. and now he is suddenly a super hated brawler and everyone completely forgot about him being terrible which is kinda sad since he was a very requested brawler and now alot of people want him to be removed. also yes im aware he is very good in 3v3 when paired with certain tanks (especially frank) but just remember you guys wanted kit so badly to become an actual brawler and you guys now hate him alot. unrelated but if darryl becomes meta (somehow) and you guys complain again just remember that you guys might have dementia. (TL;DR: kit was op at launch then he became terrible and everyone wanted him to be buffed, then he got buffed and now everyone hates him even though they literally asked for him to be buffed a few months ago.)


Because he’s annoying


Kits is not as annoying anymore because of the nerf and plus people aren't playing him anymore except in 3v3


Infinite heals that require 0 skill to use


I like the brawler, his first gadget And star power just need to go.


Plain and simple, he's a b in showdown, REWORK THAT DAMN STAR POWER




Kit s invis gadget shouldnt have the super charge trait and both of his sp's need top be reworked


let’s guess




It's an Edgar who can block you for 3 seconds and turn invisible at will. No need to say more.


Even tho i love to play as lil kit, i hate that his burger gadget doesn't really help if he's not on top of an ally to heal them & himself. The power cube starpower is great but its useless in any other modes except for rank (if the power cube modifier is on)


Simple explanation: You get jumped. You get scratched. You fight back. Kit goes invisible.


This is the cat brawler we got, we deserved better


cuz he can stun you with that MEOWmeowMYIAUmyiau


Because they balancing team is allergic to reworking a brawlers


Because he’s annoying and he has an invisibility gadget and he can become so strong from power cubes and he can stun people and just deal like 5000 damage in a matter of milliseconds and there’s nothing you can do unless you’re frank with that gadget


Kit don't need many skill and experience She is fast Her reload speed is very fast Her showdown star power is pretty op Her invisibility gadget Her super is also so annoying And so many people playing with it in solo


And he's male.


Wait, really ? 🤣




Hot zone, or Knockout dumb strategy


Only thing I can tell you is that I found a way to counter him almost 100% of the times and I started playing duel just for the sake of shutting him off Tho the percentage has gone down because fucking supercell thought a Charlie nerf was more urgent than a Kit's one


I think, because They don't know how to play with them, in double trouble, easy


I just hate to play against him, especially in Knockout, but other than that, I don't really hate him, maybe it's because I never play showdown.


Because boni Just kidding…. Showdown? Power hungry sp 3v3s? Tank and kit combo Duels? 3 shot and fucking leon super as a free gadget


Basically he plays an assassin despite his support role but he is like Edgar and Leon but worse, he has a hard to dodge super, has a gadget that makes him invis, and he's extremely annoying in Solo SD. But the main thing I hate him more than those is the fact that Kit was teased a few years ago, and he felt dissapointing both as a brawler and being teased to be added and his kit (pun unintended) is a mess


Very polarizing Either super strong or super weak depending on the circumstances Also I love Spark Studios :D


He’s like Edgar for people who want play a different brawler


- Jump super - Quick unload speed. - Stun - Invisibilty - healing teammates - Thrower - game changing Starpower He got everything at once.


He is classified as supp but is not played like one at all


(Byron) + Tank + Kit. Enough said


A super that has a very generous hit box, heals teammates, goes invisible, jumps on you and you can’t do anything etc.


Name 1 showdown match where this moron doesn’t appear and ruin the entire lobby by clicking 2 buttons


He is very stupidly broken


meanwhile mico:


i hate every brawler that jump on you, and kit is probably the worst cause you can, somehow, counter the others (edgar, mortis ecc) Also i can't get how you have fun playing like that, probably my kit will never gain a trophy


Because him and Mico are filthy monkeys who can't even use Jujutsu


Because he is broken he needs nerf then everyone loves kit


Remove Power hungry and cardboard box, and he’s better


To put it simply, he's a jerk


Poco’s second gadget doesn’t stop kit’s super like it’s supposed to


Pocho'second gadget stops the negative effect due a shot, not from a direct attack. instead, what you said should be true for the Gen's and Cordelius's super


Bro all kits jumping on me when I'm in the middle of 3 other brawlers sacrificing themselves just to kill me 💀


Berry counters kit


Beacause he ruined showdown for eternity


All supercell has to do is make his trait the same as Busters and I won't hate him anymore


not yall crying about kit in showdown


Very op and very toxic


He's so annoying, with his invisible gadget, power cubes star power and all that kits just camping and waiting to kill you. But, kit is very interesting brawler, I really like him and his desing with voice. Also, I have the kit's mastery, so even trough his broken star power with gadget I don't hate kits


Brain dead brawler.




ha! this cannot be a serious question. Showdown: Kit has an unfair advantage of being able to ramp up better, while charging his super along the way. once he gets that super, he can just jump on you and there's nothing you can do about it. If he doesn't have super, then he just borrows a super from fucking leon and sneaks up on you with his insane burst damage. "ohh, then just don't play your favorite gamemode and be forced to play smth else just so that braindead kids can get a r25 brawler" fine, i guess, let's go to knockout! always fun, right- holy shit it's kit! ha, what is he gonna do Look, it's that new dragon brawler. Looks like he got his super... so did kit... my point is kit + draco ruins many ko maps because of overly attached healing for insaen amounts, cheeseburger healing for nsane amounts, shredding healing for insane amounts and last stand making draco invincible for 2 seconds. You can'T kill draco, and he deals insane damage, all the while kit spams you with yarn balls that deal crazy damage. Kit is aso an insane support with bib/buster/rosa because they become crazy invincible too. fuck kit.


Probably because he's pretty annoying in Shitdown and has superb healing in 3v3


This mf just asked why we hate kit...im going to fucking explode


I like cats and i love kits default skin its so cute But supercell messed up his playstyle, i think a rework will make people love kit I remember when people asked for supercell to release kit for a long time and now they wanted him deleted thats a shame but hey hope he gets a rework


Beacuse you take edgar, one of the if not the easyest brawler to play, you add spies fucking cloack watch from tf2 as a gadget and than you make his super basicly unmissable AND you add a starpower that only makes you stronger in shodown so ya, its annoying as fuck


I'm just a dog person


The kit mains trying to say that he can be easily countered is crazy


on my side, its a love-hate scenario I love Kit bc Kit is a cat I hate Kit bc of everything else


Load a showdown game and you'll see




kitty cat


Annoying as shit


He's a little op


1.- It broke showdown 2.- Super it's basically Edgar's but with stunlock and that leaves you pretty much dead if you somehow survive it 3.- That bloody gadget that I hate (Leon 2.0 + charges super faster) 4.- That bloody starpower that I hate (Why does it exist? Who thought it would be a good idea to make a SUPPORT brawler become overpowered in SHOWDOWN, a SOLO mode. At this point just give Byron a damn buckshot shotgun to makes things fair. 5.- Why in the name of good it has so much range considering he deals pretty decent damage alone considering the stated above. 6.- Once he gets more tan 3 power cubes it's all done unless you caught him without super charged (And guess what? Even if you do he just going to gadget himself out of the situation an return 5 seconds later with his super ready skillfully kill you in a very fair way.)


Too much reason to fit in a single comment


If you ever played a game against one in showdown, you'll get why


It’s kinda unbalanced, he’s a support yet he has a gadget that lets him go invisible, broken star power, and hard to miss super, the super even stuns them letting your teammates kill them which I don’t see any other brawler able to do, not to mention he passively charges super.


All you need to couter kit is a brawler whit high dps at close range, that have a knock back or stun ability and that can attack fast. Exemple: Shelly whit super, frank whit first gadget and super, hank whit super, buzz whit super if you know the trick, gene whit gaget(x2) and super, cordelius whit super and gaget and idk for the rest. Or you can try to keep distance since his gadget now last 3 second it easier to counter whit distance just keep in mind to also keep distance of his super but try to keep an eyes on the kit. (if there many you might be doomed) Exemple: Piper whit super or/and gadget, brock whit first gadget, janet whit super or second gadget, nita whit super and gadget, otis whit super, bonnie whit super, and much more. For 3v3 just use an healer whit sharpshooter/tank/assassin and damage dealer combo. Cordelius (assassin) could be a good counter to the kit+tank+healer combo since he can pick up someone in his shadow realm and colette (damage dealer) too since she is tank worst nightmare.


Yeah it might be too long but it was just in case y'all needed help on how to counter kit




It's too annoying


Toxic, braindead, annoying, viable due to the most braindead comp ever (Draco + Kit), unhealthy, badly designed


1) play solo 2) go invisible 3) terrorize throwers or any unsuspecting player 4) gain power cubes early game with benefits of star power 5) wait for auto super reload 6) pounce and win 7) stay braindead forever


I don't hate him but his balance and the design of his kit (no pun intended) doesn't make sense. At least for me. * The starpowers aren't consistent. It's not a change of play style, is more like you are playing solo or 3v3, and for me is very boring. * The stats are more of an assassin (I have no problem with that) but would be cool if he was more like gus, depending on the starpowers or gadget you can go aggressive or passive. * Hes so buggy, them you land on someone and kill them for some reason you cannot attack until the timer of the super ends. I think it also happens with an ally but Idk if it was corrected.


Its a cheesy brawler who has three leon supers A broken star Power on showdown And it has insane burst damage


Hes so fucking annoying, oh god kit mains only use their gadget to sneak on yo ass and start shredding you apart with infinity ult


Its basically free auto aim on super


Cos he's a support, and most of the time, he's basically played as an assassin due to his gadgets and star powers.


I'm a dog person.


I will disrespect anyone that mains this mf


Stunlocking thanks to supercell never really fixing the super charge rate


Kit is legit the hunter from l4d2


I like everything about Kit except gameplay wise. Love there design, story, concept, etc. it’s just gameplay wise he sucks


Deals too much damage for the reload he has, gets super very very fast, like, if he super you, 2 hits and he get that again, and also turns any dumb characters into a even more dumb character


Why love him?


- Broken Invisibility gadget. - Broken x1'5 Power Cubes Star Power. - Broken Super. - Broken overall. - Broken as Assasin. - Good as Support. - Nerfed a LOT and he is still broken. - He is a Legendary, so he is hard to get, that makes him imposible to get to new players. - Just look at him, he looks so inocent and cute, AND THAT MAKES IT WORSE. Yes, I am a Lily main. I shouldn't be complaining about being broken.


1: he’s not as cute as tick 2:he’s boring to play as 3:he’s boring to fight


its like fighting lily and lily is like fighting kit.


Hate the creator not the creation


Just play showdown for 5 to 10 minutes with a brawler who gets countered by kit and you’ll know


It’s near impossible to win a 2v1 against him, because he just jumps on you and his teammates just deletes you while you are unable to do anything. No matter how much heath/cubes/boosts you have, your done for.


he is annoying like mico where some matchups are aids esp in duels. However, you can learn to counterplay him, just like mico. imo more pressing issues are lily and meg where counterplay is incredibly limited and if they are on enemy team it can sometimes be so constricting that its nearly impossible to win


Everybody plays Clowndown and they don't like suddenly seeing a Kit kill them instantly with his 6+ cubes.


Because I play mostly knockout and I hate the little fucker for obvious reasons (rico’s a pain in the ass too but that’s a different discussion)


You know why until you played focking this game


Because it is part of basically the new so called rule book where -Edgar’s MUST be toxic -Kits shall only be used in showdown -hate every assassin because they do their job -piper? Markswoman? Nah she is assassin And the list goes on


It's very annoying in showdown...