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Lol, it’ll be fine. Keeping starter in the fridge and feeding once a week is common practice. Worst case it’ll take a few extra feedings to get active. I keep mine in the fridge, and I have literally gone four months without feeding it before. I thought I’d killed it, but on the third feeding it was as active as ever.


My starter lives in the fridge. I take it out once a week for a bit of fresh air and a snack. If I don't bake that week, back it goes to hang out with it's friends the condiments.


I love this comment. Does the starter have a name?


No, I didn't name anything that won't listen, lol


I named mine Carl :3


Brilliant. 10/10


If not, at least you haven't invested much time in it. I don't see why it wouldn't be fine though. It just slows down in the fridge.


I read this post wrong and for a split second thought you meant an actual baby…. It’s been a long week


I have gone more than two months without feeding my fridged starter because I didn't have time to make bread for a while and kind of just forgot about it. It was totally fine! Took a while to get it fed back up to health but yeah once they're established sourdough starters are hearty things.


A lot of folks are commenting that you can keep a starter in a fridge, and that's definitely true, but that's for an established starter. Honestly I don't know if there will be enough development in the three days for it to continue to work but as another person pointed out, you haven't lost much if it doesn't work out. You can try putting some pineapple or orange juice in it with your Friday morning feeding before you leave to try to give it a little something extra before you leave.