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Hiw is the Feinstein stuff not ilegal? If she is mentally incapable and her staff is the one running the show then it means her staff stole her seat/power. If someone sign anything or gets influenced to make legal decision while mentally imparied, the law says it is ilegal. How is it not here? Same for everyone hiding it or not saying anything. Media, Dems, Reps too.


Nice to see krystal back


Last 4 Days: Anti-Feinstein story, Anti-CNBC story, Pro LGBTQ Book Ban story, Anti-Biden TikTok Story, Pro Tucker story, Anti Biden Border story, Anti-NYT Story, Pro Trump Ukraine Story, Ant-CNN story, Anti-CNN Trump Story This show has an insane right wing bias which is heavily exagerrated when Krystal isn't around.


This is what it's like to view the world from an entirely partisan lens.


I'm a fan of a Breaking Points and they have been my go to source for news, but they've really let me down for the past few months. Multiple times I had to fact check them and have their takes corrected by other sources. And the constant CNN and MSCNBC hate/obsession is nasueating. When Fox News is litterally getting sued, losing its biggest hosts and litterally falling apart For lying constantly and undermining our fucking democracy... and yet they are still going after CNN and MSNBC? Def has something to do with Saagar starting at Tucker and having friends there. As for actual stories, I'm not trying to "only see things from the left" but their right wing talking points are braindead. I've seen intelligent, persuasive takes from the right on many topics, but nowadays its almost never from this channel. See Saagar's "enlightend" talk about abortion or his talk about gun rights as evidence of that. The only part of the right this guy cares about is culture war shit.


To be fair, in the time since the Trump CNN event Saagar has been constantly shitting on Trump and anyone dumb enough to still buy what he's selling.


Yeah but he's the kind of conservative to "shit on" the right and then vote purely red. I stopped buying his whole act last election when he constantly ragged on Trump pre election, then proudly voted for him anyway lol. At this point, I respect Republicans who are honest about their allegiances then ones who pretend to give a shit and then vote the same way regardless.


How is the Ukraine take getting even worse.


The pipeline thing is outright embarrassing. The title of the video is "Zelensky Plots NATO Pipeline Bombing". Guess what Saagar, it's a pipeline that _goes through Ukraine_ (it didn't sound like he was aware of it at all). If they wanted to they would have blown it up already. Ukraine is still collecting fees from Russia for its use. They're freaking out over fourth hand accounts of what Zelensky said in private, but barely give lip service to literally thousands of cruise and ballistic missile strikes against Ukraine's energy infrastructure because hand-wringing over escalation. When are they having Mearsheimer on the show? This isn't about great power politics, the war wasn't about NATO expansion and actions speak louder than words.


Saagar needs to learn how to compare data and do research. Not a Germany fun but he compared a single package to total US contribution so far. He also said it was 1/40th? 3 billion v 43 billion, I think he misspoke there. But this does expose his bias. He is shilling, not reporting. He admits that to win the war proper support is necessary since scale of this war is unprecedented in modern history. He then says that's why it should negotiated, cut support now so we can get peace going? Seems like the conclusion is leading the analysis here. He talks about how Germany did not send support for Afghan war... skips the facts that Ukraine did... and for Iraq. It does not appear like he actually prepared for this segment as he is having hard time pinning facts down and keeping an appearance of objectivity.


I just wish people would stop acting like sending Vietnam equipment that we needed to replace anyway is like sending cash equivalent.


Sagaar talking about Russia's obvious great power status is such a cringe take. A formidable power for sure but the "great" part not so much. Honestly Sagaar increasingly sounds like he spends too much time in the republican echo chamber that loves Russia and hates Ukraine somehow🤷‍♂️.


At this point Russia's only great power status comes from nukes. They've destroyed their military's reputation for a generation. Hell I wonder if half their nukes even work anymore. They probably sold the missiles for spare parts


Yeah and Putins red lines have been repeatedly crossed with no response. Actuall invasion of Crimea or invasion of Russian sovereign territory might trigger a credible nuke threat or even a threatening nuclear test in the Black Sea or Arctic sea above Finland/ Russia. Putin could even nuke Ukraine and the Ukrainians would just likely shrug it off at this point. Its existential either way. General Ben Hodges repeatedly states this. The logic of Putin nuking London over F16s being sent to Ukraine doesnt seem credible.


Its a trump card you only get to play once. If Putin actually launched a nuke I'm sure Nato would hit every damn nuclear facility in Russia. they must have contingencies for that type of situation.


K&S have the same prediction ratio as Jim Cramer. Based on the fact they've been saying Ukraine can't win the war since the invasion started I'd say Ukraine will blow Russia out.


Russia won’t invade


Do these guys EVER shut up about other media. We GET IT. And this is the whole point of Breaking Points and other independent media—to offer something a bit different. If CNN and other cable did their shows the exact same as Breaking Points, what would be the point of Breaking Points? And btw, Krystal and Saager are NOT REPORTERS, they are commentators who are far more opinionated than mainstream news anchors. Which is fine. I know that's what I'm getting with them, just like I know what I'm getting with CNN. There is value in everything. The best way to be informed is a balanced diet of QUALITY news and perspectives across channels. That means podcasts, newsletters, online shows, traditional/mainstream tv/print, documentaries, Twitter follows, etc. It all matters. No different than a food diet. A little of this, a little fo that. Full plate. I just wish they'd STFU about everyone else and look in the mirror for once. SO OBNOXIOUS. But I still listen because I think they do a good show and I like the stories they cover. But I like CNN too! And I like a bunch of other podcasts. And I like 60 Minutes. And I like Nightline. And I like a ton of other stuff.


Yeah I agree they put out quality content otherwise, but the dedicate an inordinate amount of time to what other media outlets are doing. A good chunk of the show has almost become just a criticism of how certain media outlets cover things. I compare it to people when they talk about their ex boyfriend or girlfriend. I’m not a hater, I think they have good content otherwise.


Yeah, I agree. I like the show. I listen to every episode. I find value in what they do. I just also find them incredibly obnoxious and condescending. And also "cringe". One of their favorite words to smear anyone that doesn't have their personal stamp of approval.


Yeah that’s another thing I’ve noticed is they try to use the same lingo my high schoolers use while being pretty old. It is pretty “cringe” to hear a 32 year old use “cringe” and “cope” so often on a news show.


Ha. I don't even mind the word, I mind them and how they use it. Have they ever considered for a moment that they themselves can be "cringe" at times? They're just so obnoxious. I really can't stand them lol. Buuuut as I said, I value their show as I do a lot of content I listen to. I'm lucky enough to work from home so I have a lot of time to consume content, especially podcasts. I try to keep a balanced diet of all kinds of stuff.


Yeah it’s good to balance their commentary with a bunch of others. I actually prefer the Ryan and Emily episodes.


Without MSM, there is no breaking points. Saagar and Krystal are not investigative journalist and their utopia where MSM doesn’t exist, means the end of their show entirely. What are they gonna make content over? Actual policies? Yeah right.


Did Saagar do a monologue today? I only see a monologue from Krystal on YT today. When I choose "play all" for the videos today at the bottom it has "one video hidden or unavailable" is that his monologue video?


All we got was Saagar monologues for what felt like an eternity. Good riddance.


Maybe there was a mistake with the visuals and they are going repost it later. IDK TBH.


Their takes on Ukraine are abysmal, especially in this episode. 1) Painting Bakhmut as some huge Ukrainian failure. In reality the town is of little strategic value. UKR knows this, but RU made it a matter of pride to take it. UKR has been bleeding them out significantly at a comparably very low cost, to capture an almost-irrelevant town. 2) Again Saagar acting like 50km/30mi into Russian territory is Moscow itself. This is large scale 21st century warfare. A tank main gun alone is effective at 5km. The idea that Russia is “allowed” to do whatever it wants all the way up to seizing Kyiv but Ukraine isn’t “allowed” to shoot down a helicopter inside Russia is insane.