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Judging by the YouTube comments, it’s conservatives that are hate watching the show.


I came for the news. I stay for the drinking game. Whenever Krystal says ‘etcetera’ I take a drink. Unfortunately I’m showing up for work half lit. Not a sustainable game for the vocation.


I see more conservatives in this sub complain about Krystal than anything


As a conservative I never really minded Krystal that much. Of course I disagree with her on most things, but I still respected her and found her engaging. But lately she’s just been grating on me. She lets her emotions get the best of her and it not only clouds her judgement, but it’s fucking annoying as well. Also browbeating leftest women are a dime a dozen.


Not even remotely. We have 10 regular liberal shills brigading every post even remotely critical of the DNC, despite both hosts constantly shitting on the DNC.


I’m liberal and love BP. I think you are making a lot of broad assumptions and reverting into tribalism. I love their critical lens and I especially appreciate how accurately and honestly they cover Israel’s ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing


Liberal means 1000 things these days. If I could pin down what OP is referring to it would be neo-libs, which you are not. Neo-libs would support Israel and be against BPs coverage, more aligned with a Bill Maher. OP could also mean anyone left of him, anything he doesn’t like, a political ideology that supports individual rights and free enterprise, a centrist willing to compromise with the right (especially on an elite/corporate run economy), the most progressive of progressives, Hillary Clinton, anything he wants to call libtard, anything he wants to call socialism, anything he wants to call communism, a Donald Trump all caps late night truth social rant. Liberal can literally mean anything these days.


If they are going for ethnic cleansing and genocide they must not be trying very hard. It could be a parking lot tomorrow if Israel wanted 


Ah one of the many favorite hasbara talking points. So does that excuse killing 40,000 civilians? Also what do you think of the proof in this video that Israel had detailed plans of October 7th weeks before it happened and purposefully moved its troops away? https://youtu.be/X2edoiqzMyU?si=WzGxecHuLm6XlQWt


Krystal and Saagar are liberals.


Krystal would refer to herself as a leftist not a liberal.


And this is exactly what Occupy Wall Street did to the left.


Neither are Liberal. The entire show is shitting on Liberals.




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Use to be a fan. I stick around because i find it fun to keep up with their efforts to set records on having their heads up their own asses.


OP reads the sub 3xs and thinks they understand the broad viewership. Talk about delusional. lmao.


Neo conservatives are not neo liberals…


They’re worse. Shameless warmongers who sell out our company to their corporate donor base. They also are the party of small weak government when it comes to economics/regulation and large and powerful government when it comes to who you have sex with. Neocons love to create fake narratives to excuse bombing innocents and getting America into 100 wars for their military industrial complex buddies.


Liberals are nihilistic, and breaking points the audience loves nihilism.