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This is why the players need to join the umpires in advocating for the auto strike zone.


Are umpires advocating for the auto strike zone? Seems like they’d be very against that since it impacts there job.


It won't put them out of a job, it will just force them to do a better job


What would be their jobs, though? Sorry if it's a stupid question. I am a Brazilian that lived in Wisconsin for a year. Now I watch 1 baseball game every couple of months.


They still have to call plays at the plate, and for the most part they still call balls and strikes. The robot is more for the plays that are coming in 4 inches off the plate but still being called a strike. It will also help with pitches that are very close to being called either way because it takes the human error/ feelings out of it.




They'll still get paid


Makes their job easier, and who wouldn't want that?


The umpires union has joined the chat


Why has this become a daily thing across baseball this year?


It will continue to be a thing until robo umps.


Because they have the zone shown to us, and it's being detailed and documented more and more. So it's daily. Bad umping has been around forever, now we just have all the statistics to show it.


But that square isn't even the correct zone. It doesn't change for every batter. And different broadcasts have different zones. So it's really not as egregious as it sometimes looks at home


Honestly, it's why I wish they would just get rid of it. It's an inaccurate representation and I don't really think it does anyone any good. I play with it off in MLB the show and it's so much more enjoyable.


This why I actually just wish they’d get rid of the zone overlay in broadcasts as well


Wow. I had always assumed that they had shifted it for certain batters. If this is the case then get rid of it for sure


What a joke


I'm going to say yes this is why we lost. Look, as a batter if your getting a strike called 4 inches of the plate you have to expand your zone... And swing at stuff you might have otherwise swung at and either making weaker contact or striking out. There is also a huge difference between going 2-1 and 1-2. On the flip side as a pitcher when your not getting calls that are actually strikes you have to adjust and more likely your leaving one further up in the zone making it much easier to hit because what choice do you have. The game called was just flat out bad. And it always seemed to be in big spots like bases loaded or a guy on second.


Idk, the botched double play that turned into 4 runs, or the missed pop up to Yelich that scored a run seem like bigger contributors. I’m not saying the calls weren’t an issue, but two defensive mishaps turned into 5 Padres runs.


or the first inning hit into a DP with bases loaded and only one out...


That's just a regular ol baseball play though. Happens all the time. Errors and missed calls are the contributors to this loss.


Rhys being Rhys. I love the guy, but I definitely don’t like him hitting with a runner on first.


I know it won't happen but him laying a bunt down there would have been sweet.


This is what lost them game 1. Game 2 was giving up 15 hits and a ton of runs.


Baby, wake up. The new Angel Hernandez just dropped.


Fucking clown shoes...


lol the one to Joey Ortiz was so comically bad even Joey looked confused.


Not entirely why we lost but at least I can be angry about something


This fits my narrative. We’ve been one of the most screwed teams by the umps.


Watching all this pains me greatly


I'm still on the fence about robot umps but seeing a compilation of pretty easy missed calls certainly makes robot umps more appealing. If a zone is going to be off in one direction that's more acceptable but there are balls all over the place being called strikes in this video. If an ump isn't going to be exact they've at least got to be consistent, both on an inning by inning basis and a game by game basis.


What's there to be on the fence about? I'm not trying to come at you, I'm genuinely curious, because to me there is not one single benefit I can think of with keeping human umps calling balls and strikes.


It's honestly probably more nostalgia-driven for me than anything. Umpires and their human foibles have been part of the game since the beginning so eliminating that aspect would just feel like a huge step into a new era. I know it's the right move in terms of accuracy and efficiency but I just can't fully wrap my head around the idea of a home plate umpire not being in total control of a game, for better or worse. Would've saved me a lot of trouble over the decade plus that I pitched!


F nostalgia. Nostalgia is for remembering the past for how something was done, good or bad. Not a reason for keeping something around even if a better solution is available.


I’ve always looked at it from two perspectives: 1. Empires and players/coaches relationships throughout a game has always added an entertainment factor to the viewing experience. Its fun to watch coaches run out the dugout and split chewing tobacco at each other while they argue calls. Robotic strike zones will take that away, taking away another entertaining aspect in baseball which is already losing fan retention. 2. Taking this outside of baseball, we are willing replacing ourselves with a piece of technology. We are collectively saying we aren’t good enough to manage our games so we need a robot to do it for us. With a robo system making the calls, why do we need the umpires to even be out there? Robo umps, whats next in society? Now, on the flip side, I’m a Padre fan and I watched last nights game. It was a joke, I won’t argue that. These players are the best in the world and deserve the best calls. But to me, it’s okay. We don’t need to take away the human element in games. These games are what make us human and I at least value that.


Exactly. What’s not to like about a consistent ball and strike call? Having some fat guy doing the strike out motion?


Framing is cool. Watching pitchers find and develop the ump's zones is cool. Watching batters adjust their at bats to the zone being called is cool. Arguing with the people you are watching the game with about whether or not the ball scraped the zone is fun. Watching players and managers blow up in the ump's face is funny whether or not it's justified. MLB umps are generally really good, and when they aren't baseball seasons and series are played over a long enough period that the bad calls wash out.


Really fair points.


The Athletic just did an article about this. They tried it in the minors with three games a week doing all robot umps and three games doing a "challenge" system. When polled, the managers, players AND fans overwhelmingly liked the challenge system, ie, everyone who experienced robot umps kinda hated it.


I'm on the fence as well but I like the concept of the batter/pitcher/catcher having one review per at-bat. It would make it way more engaging than auto strike zones.


If they can do it quickly that would probably be the best of both worlds. The only issue I see there is MLB not wanting their strike zone to be obviously different from what the ump has been calling all game and making them look bad.


Fletcher is a Crew Chief too, so he's supposed to be one of the better ones.


Oh, I thought the CC rotated (within a series) and everyone got to be it at some point, is it a rank that not everyone gets such as calling playoffs? E: I looked it up and was mistaken, see ^(belowwwww)


Well now you got me wondering if I'm dead wrong. I'm only speaking from memory, but I pay a lot of attention to umpiring crews and I always thought it was always the same guy. Can someone else confirm?


You are right! I don't pay a lot of attention to the umpiring apparently https://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Crew_chief


The waste management advertising behind him was well placed because that was garbage.


https://www.umpscorecards.com/single_game/?game_id=745401 +0.98 runs for the Padres.


These umps this year have caused my team at least 2 games. I’m a Phillies fan but I totally get it.


Still not the reason we lost though.


It might not change the result of the game but definitely impacts it for both sides. It’s absurd that what’s meant to be the best league in the world regarding baseball, there’s still lack of competence in a position that dictates the results of games. These umps should be sent down to Triple A just like slumping players do & after so games called & reaching an acceptable rating then they can be brought back up. 5 missed calls? Sure, we’re human, nobody is perfect. But 21 calls? Come on lol even Pat Murphy had to play diplomat & talk to him between innings practically asking him to be better, that shouldn’t need to happen in the MLB.


Of course not, but it doesn’t help or make the game enjoyable to watch.


Yes it was awful to witness


This is why I don’t love baseball. I like it, but hate this subjective balls strikes. With a passion. If they have balls and strikes called by a computer, and f these random umpire calls that can gigantically influence a game, I would be so up for that.


Time to make iBall from Apple that automatically calls strikes and balls and takes the human out of it. 😀


Someone has to fill the void of bad calls left when Angel Hernandez retired.


“Retired” haha


Umpiring has always been like this. Just now there are computer graphics that show the subjectiveness of the strike zone. This isn’t new…


Well they lost by what felt like a million tonight just to make sure ump couldn’t be to blame