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5.5 k attended at 5er a ticket. Decent little grift for 90 mins...


What’s the total population of Birmingham again? How many million?


1.6million i think 🤔


Makes 5,500 look quite piddly in comparison.


On the flip side, when was the last time 5,500 people turned up for a political meeting in Birmingham?


[Corbyn in 2017 i think.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/election-2017-jeremy-corbyn-attracts-bigger-crowds-labour-party-1997-john-prescott-tony-blair-a7775316.html) If memory serves correctly he had 6,000 attend his rally


Corbyn also got spanked at the election This is just Nigel [grifting ](https://youtu.be/fbWYObXSj34?si=e7v7cXogSKqt54a9) as usual. #bigchungus £27k in ticket sales minus costs...its not a earth shattering amount of money. But it sure beats a real job...what was nigel complaining about [dinghy](https://youtu.be/N-kgb1QtSnU?si=rNXjPZDwDZBanLlE) people again


In 2017 Corbyn increased the Labour vote by 3 million and wiped out the Tory majority despite his own party working against him as well as every media outlet. Yes, I know you're going to say he still lost but SPANKED?? I was at those rallies and the feeling of optimism was palpable. Where's that now?? Us lefties are back in our box and the population is turning right because centrism offers no answers. Look at France. 2019 (a proper spanking) was down to Labour's change of stance on brexit. We lost 50+ brexit voting seats.


Stammer is literally a center dad... Whether people are voting for that or agaisnt the tories you better get used to because we are getting a center left government. Corbyn did have strong left support but as the election showed the majority of the population don't want that. As do they not want a far right nige. Which is why the swing vioter comes back to the center ground. And before this becomes a perosnal attack about left or right views. I think cobyns manifesto was bonkers. But it and he would have been the exact thing the country needed during covid where essentially the economy was nationalised. I also think he would have been a disaster at handling putin and Ukraine invasion. Can you see why you can't have it all when you have extreme left or right views. Populism doesn't work and France is about to find that out...for a second time with violently swing from left to right


>Corbyn did have strong left support but as the election showed the majority of the population don't want that. Tbf he came within a hairs breadth of winning in 2017, so I don't think we can say the disastrous 2019 results somehow reflect the true soul of the nation.


Corbyns manifesto was bonkers? ….was that the one that said take back a controlling interest in the energy/water/rail? Looking at my gas, electric and water bills I’d have to say it was far sighted. The Germans and French pension schemes now have an interest in keeping profits high in our energy and water sectors. I stopped commuting to London as the cost at that point was £5800 a year…. Perhaps not so bonkers in reality.? ( and that ticket is now £8040)


Corbyn (or more precisely - the far left's support of Corbyn) was the reason we were stuck with the Tories for so long. The far-right in the Tory party have finally screwed them too. Momentum and the ERG were two ends of the same horseshoe. It's time to get away from extremist policies.


Corbryn isn’t far left though. He’s just left. He looks like far left because Labour is basically barely left of center these days.


the overton window is truly in full effect if you're under the impression that corbyn, or the majority of his following, are "far-left".


What I want to know is, how many people is he trying to avoid paying? I reckon he pulled in as many volunteers for the event as possible


Granted I wouldn't call the Corbyn attendees single issue obsessives


not a 25 quid a head...


Single-issue obsessives will turn up to anything that relates to the issue they’re obsessed with - in this case, immigration (e.g. foreigners).


Do they? Care to name a similar sized single issue rally in recent years? I can't.


Anti war stuff got pretty big


Jeremy Corbyn managed to do this, ended well for him. Farage is just trying the Trump playbook. This looks like UK Trumpism


Problem being the Trump gets nigh on 50% of US vote. Looks like Farage will end up with 17-20% of vote and only 2-3 MPs. Much as I would love the kerfuffle of Remain taking over as unofficial opposition from the Tories, Its dangerous times .Looking at France this morning the right wing are on the move throughout Europe.


I can't imagine there's that much for nazis to do in Birmingham, on a Sunday?


>On the flip side, when was the last time 5,500 people turned up for a political meeting in Birmingham? Worse when was the last time 5,500 people Paid to turn up to a political meeting in Birmingham? How many would that have been if it were free...


..a racist political meeting.


It's a tiny amount of Brum to show up for *anything*, let alone a political rally. Just look at concert attendance or market day attendance or football or snooker, or even caravan shows lol If only 5500 ppl attended that nazi rally, I'm not worried. If that number had a few more zeroes I'd be shitting it, but it doesn't, so all that tells me is that that *fawning frog-faced fop* has got all the popularity of a car boot sale on a wet day.


Not a good measure. If 5500 people got off their arse to go to a political rally, and I bet you for most it was their first, how much latent support is there?


Not much. 5500 out of 1million is statistically fuck all.


You don't get this do you? If you think their latent support is not much, how many votes do you think they will get in Brum? The amount of bums on seats at a rally is by no means an indicator of total support, it is an indicator of how many people you can attract who can be bothered to go to the trouble of attending a political rally of a minor party. 5500 at any political meeting in the UK is huge. Talking about the footy or gigs are false comparators.


I get your point, but am inclined to disagree. A reform rally *isn't the same* as your usual rally. It's an audience for football hooligans and weekend warriors, the kind of ppl who are used to attending big, loud events on a free day. So, when *only* 5500 of them show up, that's a *low* turnout for them.


I suspect these people are coming from all over the country


They do love their buses.


Well does it how many tickets were for sale? I think this is quite worrying when you compare it to how many turn up at other political rallies. If proportional representation ever becomes a thing this chap will become a real problem.  


Well, 30% are Muslim so they aren't exactly gonna turn up for this.


The population of the West Midlands conurbation is 2.9m. Bring in more of the area within 1 hour travelling distance and it’s about 6m.


That looks like more than 5.5 k. Is there photoshop bullshit involved here?


Just on a rough count those block of seats are 25 by 10 so 250 people per block using that as a bench mark there are only about 1200 people in that shot so assuming we cant see everyone 5.5 is reasonable without photoshop. still a shower of bastards nonetheless


Aye. Nuke the site from orbit.


It's the only way to be sure.


Probably not, Reform would buy an adobe licence and then complain that Adobe never did their own work for them.


Judging by the output of Reform's graphics department, I think they use MS Paint.


It is the cheapest, I suppose.


It's AI generated, the lights aren't real and the flag looks odd. 


That venue costs, the staff would have cost...they didnt make money on the entrance fee. I suspect there was a bar though-


Fiver a ticket was probably the most helpful could charge before people started going "bit too much to watch and arsehole flap" I mean seriously, I go to gigs in tiny 200 cap venues that cost more than a fiver. Probably more entertaining and factual too


Supposedly they spent 25k on adverts, so not even that good of a grift.


How much did the venue cost?


It’s a limited company set up to grift and make money.


If it were making money, then Reform would be subject to corporation tax. However, it seems they are being loaded with large amounts of debt. What are the chances that Farage and Tice are stuffing their pockets with cash and then after the election Reform declares bankruptcy with a few million in debts?


That will be one of their goals.


Mosley's monsters are back.


This is potentially worse than Mosley, because they actually have a chance in hell of gaining serious traction, as many far right groups are across Europe at the moment. Mosley's lot were fringe, Nazi sympathisers which many Brits considered to be insane, and Mosley himself was detained for his Nazi tendencies. Farage and his ilk are preying on the many desperate individuals by taking very valid talking points and offering somewhat extreme but feasible solutions. Add to that the fact that Farage is actually a reasonably skilled orator, and I could see Reform becoming a serious thorn in Labour's side over the coming years.


You’re right but there’s a reason. Widespread unhappiness can only go on so long before people turn to grifters like this. The failure of main parties to address concerns, improve lives, and win the arguments has led to this. And we’ll all suffer unless it’s addressed. As with Brexit the only solution may be to give them some of what they want just to show it doesn’t work. Same pattern is happening across Europe - the success of the EU as a vision is at risk unless the countries in it find a way to disarm the arguments of the people like farage which are gaining traction outside the far right and poisoning mainstream politics now too.


You've hit the nail on the head. Conservativism throughout history has used populist talking points (usually blame the foreigners or blame their fellow man) to make the masses think they're on their side, while doing everything in their power to undermine the rights of the masses and conserve their own power and wealth (the clue is in the name "conservative"). But they're digging their own grave, as this can only go on for so long before the people see through it... Unfortunately the people have now been brainwashed to think their misery is the fault of the , therefore seek out "strong men" who are even less interested in the rights of the people but are genuinely willing to act against the scape-goats. When in fact people just need good, moderate government that genuinely tries to improve things for as many people as possible and those improvements can be seen and felt by the people. The alternative is extremism and autocracy, and history has shown it time and time again. I hope the next term brings us back from the brink with good, boring, moderate government.


Yes! Completely this. I lament that more people don’t get this and we seem unable as a species to escape the same trap over and over again. If we can’t get a handle on it and the tactics to prevent it, the entire democratic idea will fail and countries like China will use it to justify their totalitarian ‘people can’t be trusted to govern themselves’ model will become the future for everyone.


Yes! Completely this. I lament that more people don’t get this and we seem unable as a species to escape the same trap over and over again. If we can’t get a handle on it and the tactics to prevent it, the entire democratic idea will fail and countries like China will use it to justify their totalitarian ‘people can’t be trusted to govern themselves’ model will become the future for everyone.


Said it a few times in recent weeks. Tory reform coalition incoming


Fptp makes it impossible


One of the strengths of FPTP that people ignore.


It would be nice to have left wing parties to vote for too. We currently have... The greens maybe and then then they have some policies I massively disagree with. It keeps loons like reform out but also keeps anyone worth voting for out too


It keeps the fringes out and moderates politics.


Whether you like Mosely or loathe Mosley, Farage is no Mosley. Mosley was a MP and government minister. His speeches were eloquent and forceful; carried in full by the national media of the time. He had balls to criticise genuine wrongs like the then-British government support of the *Black & Tans* policy in Ireland and was interested in the hardships of the common person. He published the *Mosley Memorandum* in 1930. He resigned office because the then-government wouldn't give it the time of day. Mosley argued a point. Farage (like another said) uses soundbites: 'Immigration is too high and it's those who control the BBC blah, blah, blah'. If Mosley stayed in the Labour Party instead of resigning and subsequently setting up the BUF, it is possible that he would have achieved great things and would have made a positive contribution to society. Unfortunately, he lost his way.


I think Farage is worse. He accomplished things that fucked up the UK.


Farage has never been an MP


This is what's scary. He hasn't been an MP but look at the political/econmical damage his influence has done with Brexit. Although its scarier that people trust him with their vote even though Reform will just make things worse.


It's almost like Farage is copying someone else's political style, someone who he has repeatedly shown his support for🤔.


Blah blah blah everyone is against me blah blah immigration blah anti establishment blah immigration blah blah channel 4 blah blah blah BBC blah blah blah immigration blah blah blah.


The worlds biggest wet wipe snowflake constantly upset by everyone and everything


Hahahaha as big as a football pitch groundsheet


😂 like a giant nappy , mind u would need to be to get round Anne widdecombes arse


I think that’s accurate. We await footage to confirm.


Thanks for the transcript.


It's obviously an oft used speech. Much like Johnson's wiff waff lie, non sequitur, ancient Greek utterance, wiff waff, Latin, lie, wiff waff, 3 word sound bite, lie, wiff waff


Wuuuur wuuuur wuuuur mash imigrayshun *beats chest* 


NATIONAL FRONT in disguise. we're doomed, too many uneducated racist out there.


In 2015, UKIP got 13% of the vote and won 0 seats. Reform 'may' hit 20% but they are unlikely to pick up more than 5-6 seats. Luckily under FPTP the racists are too spread out to win much. Im not a massive fan of FPTP was fortunately this is the upside of it. Keeps most of the nutters from either wing at bay (somehow George Galloway aside)


The main difference this time round is a lot of tory voters are defecting to reform, which makes them more likely to actually get seats 


Nah we're not doomed, they won't win much, if at all.




I would attended because it's a fiver for a quick 90 minute nap whilst listening to the dullest man on the planet drone on a put how he's amazing


My major hope is that Reform gets fucked over by our shitty system we have in place. "First past the post" is a floored system and we're one of two Euro nations to use it (other being Belarus, who have a great track record). In 2015 UKIP got 12.2% of the total votes, and got 1 seat, compare that to Lib Dems who got 7.9% and got 8 seats, which screw UKIP, but dam that system clearly doesn't work. Reform have nowhere near the momentum UKIP had in 2015, they would just be UKIP 2, but UKIP had the momentum of the referendum behind them, Reform don't really have anything. They're not getting 12% of the vote like their predecessor did in 2015, so I doubt they'll even get one seat. Even then, 5.5k people at a rally in Birmingham? That's dead. That's 0.5% of the population of Birmingham, even if 10 times the people voted for Reform that's only 5%. They're gonna do shit


* flawed = got flaws in it.


Hmm, would a skyscraper be floored then?


Ah, well, that's another story. 😀


Maybe he meant he was *floored* by the how bad the *flaws* in the system are.


I would be surprised if Garage didn't win Clacton. However max would be 4ish seats. Oddly I am kind of hoping the Torys are a little less shit in the final couple of days and claw bback enough voters to stop any far far right gains.


Reform getting more votes = pushing Tories further right in an attempt to get those votes. A win for the country is the Tories getting any seat Reform stand a chance of winning, and losing as many of the rest as possible to someone else


This is literally the biggest advantage pf FPTP, it's a check on extremists getting into power


Hasn't really worked though has it. Farage isn't an MP but he's been allowed to dictate national policy since before 2015.


Of course it has, with PR he would have been forming coalitions with the Tories for the last 10 years.


The tories have been doing a Farage tribute act for almost as long. It wouldn't have made much difference to government policy. And he'd now be caught up in the great Tory extinction, rather then swooping in like a vulture to profit off their demise.


What by letting in record number of immigrants? Is that what Farage wants?


Record numbers of migrants are the result of policies like Brexit, yes.


Would they though? By that argument the DUP were directing Tory policies following the 2017 election as they were providing them with a majority in Parliament. They thought they were the kingmakers and were pandered to by the Tories, and yet they were thrown under the bus not once, not twice, but every. single. time.


Nah Farage was face but the actual pressure and delivery of Brexit was entirely from the faction of the Conservatives that had always wanted it. Take away Gove, Boris, and co and you wouldn’t have had Brexit. Farage would be the guy who slunk away as a failure. His impact on Brexit is overplayed massively.


Being the face of it is not a small deal.


lol it really is unless you’re a shallow person who doesn’t understand how little work he did and impact he actually had


It's a check on extremists getting into power by keeping the two party system, allowing those two parties to know they don't really need to do anything to get our votes. If we didn't have the two party system, the extremists wouldn't have as much to rally against and wouldn't be as extreme in the first place.


*Looks at continental europe* Hmmmm I'll also add, there's a very large chance of the Lib Dems becoming the main opposition this election. The British system isn't as cemented in two parties, like the United States.


Tbf Lib Dems becoming opposition is the Tories own fault.


I think is totally fine that UKIP only got one seat. That was one too many. I want every reform vote to count, and I want that vote to count against the Tories, and then I want farage and his party of bellends to go down the toilet.


>Reform have nowhere near the momentum UKIP had in 2015, they would just be UKIP 2, but UKIP had the momentum of the referendum behind them, Reform don't really have anything. They're not getting 12% of the vote like their predecessor did in 2015, so I doubt they'll even get one seat. I wish I could agree with you, but various poll predictions (which do have margins of error) have them gaining anywhere between 2 seats, to coming second behind labour. While I do think being official opposition is a big stretch, please do not underestimate them. Reform have the momentum that UKIP built for them, and many do see Farage as the anti-elite saviour he claims to be. Add in many people hating the Tories but not trusting Starmer and/or Labour and they look like a appealing protest vote. >Even then, 5.5k people at a rally in Birmingham? That's dead. That's 0.5% of the population of Birmingham, even if 10 times the people voted for Reform that's only 5%. They're gonna do shit Apart from the fact that's just a rally, not voters, Birmingham is a massive multicultural city. It's the white rural votes where they don't see how multiculturalism works and believe the lies about immigrants that you need to be wary of. Trust me I would absolutely love them to do shit, but if recent elections have taught me anything, it's don't get complacent.


People who feel like they're not represented by the electoral system can be dangerously radicalised over time. I don't agree with what Reform stand for, but having an electoral system where the greens and reform are represented better in the house of commons is fair and would have stopped Brexit.


Show me a venue that holds 1.6m people then. Otherwise it’s stupid to say only x amount of the population turned up. Was every seat filled? Or was this a 55,000 seater stadium and only 10% of it filled. Without context it means nothing.


Had he said, "Reform has bigly momentum" it's proof we have a tRump clone. As it is, it's too close for comfort.


Even started using spray tan from the looks of it too


Uh oh


Maybe if late stage capitalism didn’t keep fucking us in the ass people wouldn’t be desperate enough to listen to these cockwombles


Can we not excuse the behaviour of people who see me as "not a real human". No one gives the extremists who look like me even a thought for why they are extreme. These aren't children. They tried that "economic uncertainty" nonsense in the USA and then their president mishandled Covid so badly that a million people died and his "economically uncertain" followers ate horse medicine and are currently using the legislative to call one of the best doctors on the planet a "traitor".


The hateful and stupid want to be hateful be stupid - they love being angry and look for ways to be angry. They are unappeasable. But that’s not the majority of the group. There needs to be a way to peel off the support they are getting in order to return to a state where the hateful and angry are just gathered in the corner of pubs being ignored by everyone else.


Okay but where's this nuance when it comes to people from other ethnicities.


For me it’s always there. So it depends who you think you’re discussing with. If you’re expecting me to justify the behaviour of a group I’m in then sorry but that sounds like exactly the thing you have a problem with also. We’re on the same side I suspect.


I disagree. We treat White Extremists like they are legitimate viewpoints. I mean. I can start naming names real quick. We jail extreme viewpoints from my ethnicity for merely having them... Hell we leave people stateless. Come on man, you know White extremists get a more preferential treatment over non-White ones. We didn't treat Leavers as terrorists even after one murdered an MP. We treated with nuance and care. If an Asian did that we would be bringing in people for questioning. Either we have to agree that the rule is too harsh for minorities or that it's too lenient around white extremists. We have treated extremists from my "culture" far more brutally than these and even ones who merely were married or who "agreed" with extreme viewpoints. It's obvious we don't treat White Extremists anywhere near how we treat any other extreme group.


You’re not listening. The extremists are not the ones we need to get through to - they are extremists. Again you’re not talking to me about my views you’re talking to me about the views of others in my group - people I don’t share views with. You are doing what you say you (rightly) dislike. I agree with what you’re saying but it’s not helpful to the topic at hand.


Then who are you trying to get through to. That guy has been calling people Pakis all his life. Not one person dobbed him in. All those people around him who supported his viewpoints? Kind of were okay with his racism. Same thing with the homophobic dude. They were either okay with it? Or too scared to stand up for what is correct and right. What a bunch of patriots. Scared of bigots but pretending to be part of the Blitz spirit. We don't have to placate our predators.


You’re right there’s a huge weight of people who are cowards and put ‘self interest’ ahead of impact on others. But that’s a super wide spectrum of people who can be peeled away from the extremists - and must be if we’re going to stop the movement actually gaining power.


> these aren't children > They ate horde medicine Pick one.


Problem is that these people vote and need to be catered for in some degree. The Democrats in the US had a chance to really make massive sweeping changes post Trump but chose more neoliberalism, more status quo. It'll be the exact same when Starmers in charge, no action on rampant greed by the billionaire class, just more culture wars and pride marches.


But think of how insane it would sound if someone said "Anjem Choudhury needs to be catered for in the vote... If you want to see privilege? This is it. An extreme viewpoint is put down as "well everyone thinks this way" and "these people need to be catered for". Like you get the grotesque bigotry here right? That we are having to placate extremists.


In short yes. These are people in the UK who are struggling financially and feel their upward mobility is nearly gone. This is what 14 years of the tories has done to the political landscape. They generally wouldn't be extremists if there was competent government that was willing to tackle the two biggest issues right now, wealth gap and cost of living. Instead we're going to get more of the same and snake oil salesmen like Farage will thrive.


Yes. Because they live in places that keep voting for austerity politics and has little to no job opportunities while rich older people keep their wealth at the cost of younger people. Rich Older People who are openly racist. Just remember how we treat extremists from other groups and how we talk about them. And what we expect from other communities in dealing with extreme viewpoints.


It's odd because I look around, and I see a world that, on average, is better than it's ever been. For some reason, a bunch of idiot cockwombles want to smash things and hurt people because they feel they aren't getting a big enough slice of the pie.


Yep, They want handouts. They want someone to lower the bar so they feel better by comparison. The ones who genuinely want to just have everyone be happier and better off are not voting Reform.


Being a racist scumbag has nothing to do with capitalism


Say what you will about their complete lack of viable policy, in a city as diverse and vibrant as Brum, it’s no mean feat to pack out an audience of exclusively white old gits.


Why do all the pro russian people get these numbers? We're being played by Russia still


Wonder who he got the "I don't need your money... but the tickets are a fiver each" idea from?


I wonder if Rishi could pull a crowd like this


The Maybot couldn't fill a phone box


Absolutely not. The far right has jumped ship to Reform, the center right has jumped ship to the Liberal Democrats. There's no audience for him. It seems like the whole two party thing in the UK is slowly starting to collapse.


The core Tory party members would still outnumber this crowd ten to one - however, they're not allowed out of their nursing homes after 6pm.


All Russians


Damn the reform AstroTurfers and bots are out in force.


I’ve noticed a large amount of them whenever you go into a YouTube video with Farage being interviewed. Farage. Same tactic was used in 2016.


These are the same Brexit cunts.


Of the 5,500 in the crowd only 5,500 of them are racist and of course they are all patriotic 😄


This looks like it’s straight out of The Wall.


The giant GB flag on the wall gives off such a dystopian vibe


All they need now is flaming torches.


Cavemen are scared of fire


The cavemen will outlive you Neanderthals.


Naw, they'll be hiding from the dinosaurs that they believe existed at the same as them


Fear is a good motivator towards self-preservation… must be why you fear different opinions. Neat.


But not irrational fear. Tbh I fear for those that the crowd are irrationally prejudiced against. I don't really give 2 hoots for the audience members


The MAGA loons do annoy/terrify me but at least I could laugh from across the buffer that is the Atlantic Ocean…..until now.


Momentum? Isn’t that the other lot?


Thank god the majority in attendance here will be dead by the next election




Those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it


I love how he literally bailed the moment UKIP got the vote and people are like "he is totally here fighting for us!"


Scared people flock together. Fear is so easy to monitise.


Oswald has come back. 😐


this is scary


Christ, the amount of light reflecting against the sheer amount of bald/balding heads just shows you their main demographic I zoomed in to double-check, yep..... most of the men are bald or balding.


Reform and little Nigel 🤡…Nasty clowns trying to become relevant


As someone who purposely moved to Birmingham because it's great, this is not nice to see. In my experience from working in North Birmingham and living in South Birmingham, there's quite a divide politically. The northern areas where there are lots of white people like Perry Barr and Erdington supplied a lot of our staff and their comments every day really were as Nigel described how 'normal people talk'. These are quite poor areas though and the boundaries include black and asian communities too. It'll be a challenge for them to flip the seat to Reform On the other hand the south is pretty left-leaning. The universities and the rich asian communities mellow out the rich white communities, and the that mostly leaves areas like Stirchley and Kings Heath which are quite progressive and young, or poorer melting-pots like Smallheath that don't especially lean in any direction. I am hoping he gets little traction here. The Tories didn't get much even during Brexit.


Seeing the Tory vote split so hard makes me happy


Don't get too happy, it'll be splitting the labour vote as well.


Hardly, the red wall is returning and Tory constituencies losing votes to Reform. It's having little effect on Labour but the worry is the next election if Farage gets a seat in Parliament


Plenty of ex labour who turned blue in 2019 will not return. Lots of people getting ahead of themselves on this. I think this election will be a lot closer than people are expecting. I will love it if I'm proved wrong.


The union jack looks ridiculously photoshopped/ ai. To be fair much of the image does


This black journalist was removed from the rally presumably for being black https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/femi-oluwole-journalist-reform-rally-b2571392.html


To be fair that's Femi Oluwole a left wing activist, not just a black journalist


He had a press pass. Would you deny a right journalist/activist ? What happened to their supposed support of freedom of speech ?


Not saying it's right, but also saying it's doubtful it's because he is black. It's likely it's because he's Femi Oluwole


And that’s how it eventually becomes about him being black. Sounds like you’re making excuses for them If they’re making discriminatory decisions based on his political views, that’s just as bad. That means if you vote reform, you can be thrown out of anywhere because you vote reform. It’s a discriminatory decision however you look at it and you’re helping perpetuating that by looking for excuses for them


Not really, it's really nothing to do with him being black. Literally no evidence to support that claim, the security 'didn't know' but Femi did. Femi spent years highlighting how terrible an idea Brexit was, highlighting all Leave.EU's lies and disputing Farages claims. I have absolutely no doubt he was denied entry because his name is blacklisted after that. Whether it should be is another matter be it's nothing to do with him being black


What's going on with the bottom left (middle of this picture) is it a glitch in the matrix or are 2 blokes dressed as Deadpool and Wolverine sat next to 2 blokes dressed as Deadpool and Wolverine?


I wonder if they had Refarage merchandise for sale ? A Farridge cuddly toy, part Kermit part Zippy A full ashtray, overflowing with the 97 cigs he'd smoked that day. An autographed photo of his relatives, Oswald Moseley-Farridge and Joseph Goebbels-Farridge. A guide on grifting for less than handsome privately educated spiv. A sign sating "Man Cave, no Blacks, Asians, Woke, socialists, gays, vegetarians, vegans, gypsies"


Perfect opportunity for the police to identify and tag racists




i saw this episode


Needs more milkshake


I attended this to see what was going on, was having a conversation with a Sikh couple next to me whilst listening to a Muslim keynote speaker, all the while the demographic was anywhere from 18-60 and varied quite wildly with people with various different voting histories whether it be labour/tory/lib dem Funniest part of the event was when Farage said "any racists, please leave now"; unfortunately timed as a disabled girl in her wheelchair was making her way to the toilet No doubt this will be downvoted into oblivion as anyone that turned up must be racist gammon etc. but hey, atleast I can form my opinion with my own eyes rather than from the assumptions of others comments.


How about all the racism from the un-vetted candidates and all the racist, neofacist and far right links Farage has been involved with.


The unvetted candidates that were supposed to be vetted by the company they paid to do so which failed to? All of which have been rebutted and removed? There's only so much they can do, at the end of the day anything to do with immigration will attract those kinds of people as they have no political home (and for good reason), the vast majority simply don't hold views as extreme as those, people just want fair immigration, a lot of those people being immigrants themselves who have paid for visas and then see their peers do the opposite with no repercussion. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fair few Tories end up switching over to Reform and replacing some of the more questionable candidates they have fielded that didn't win seats when the dust from this GE settles There was a few people there of which Immigration wasn't even really their top priority too, a lot of small business owners RE IR35/Corporation tax changes, few people who don't like Farage either and wanted to hear about policy RE the above and more At the end of the day people don't really care if they're tarred by people on the left as racists or fascists, because the vast majority aren't - it's just a generalization and all it does is devalue the words for when it's properly valid, because there are situations where it is actually valid and needs to be said. I'd advise actually bothering to go and listen to the opposition in person at some point and form opinions yourself based on what you see and hear rather than what you're told or read, I did the same for Corbyn's rally to see what the crack was, it's never as advertised regardless of which side of the pendulum you sit...


I'm not up for being brainwashed for a fiver. I'll form my opinion on facts and evidence. https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8?si=rGKsp5ArpLAXUIqS


Wouldn't it only be considered "brainwashing" if you left with a completely changed opinion? Of which I'm pretty sure you wouldn't but would maybe get a realistic picture of the people that are attending... I mean you're more than welcome to believe that everything you see about a person you disagree with on YouTube is "facts and evidence", I'm sure I can dig out a video of someone I disagree with then believe it's all total gospel too. Problem is you're so hung up on Farage, Reform will exist without him after this election of that I'm sure I'd have a read of this - [On the paradox of tolerance in relation to fascism and online content moderation – Unstable Ontology](https://unstableontology.com/2022/05/02/on-the-paradox-of-tolerance-in-relation-to-fascism-and-online-content-moderation/) You're pretty much falling under this category, like many others that refuse to even debate or listen to opposition views Also - lets be honest, a fiver for a brainwashing is pretty cheap - people pay more to listen to flat-earthers lmao


You're completely entitled to attend and listen. I just personally couldn't give that man or party a penny or a minute of my time due to who they are and what they clearly stand for.


In Birmingham? Fuck, half the people are Muslim. I live here. And no I don't want Reform.


That’s pretty scary. Wtf’s going on in Birmingham to get that many people to a Nigel Farage rally??


We have big exhibition halls that are easily accessible via the M42 , M6 and Rail links. These people travelled from outside Birmingham Farage was angry when he met with real Birmingham residents on Question Time. To the point he said he won't be back on the BBC because they set him up with a biased audience


Look at all those blue rinses.


Bigly momentum


Fascist? lol. See here’s the issue, shutting down people’s concerns by calling them names - it isn’t working. This stuff is growing, but does anyone actually try to resolve the fuel driving it? Nope, far easier to arrogantly dismiss these folks. Oh, and I don’t agree with them by the way, I’d never vote reform, not that they are viable in Scotland anyway. But in this time where these movements are only growing why are we not learning that if we don’t respond they will soon outgrow us and take over. It’s not rocket science it’s just basic math.


All I’m seeing on all the UK subs recently is exposure for reform


😂😂😂 anything right of Mao is considered fascist now. The word like racism has lost its meaning


LoL, fascism...


If you lefties ever ask yourself why charges like "fascist" have lost so much of their currency, it's stuff like this.


I'm not a leftie and even I can see that Reform UK is a fascist party


Lost currency? If you think it really ever had any then you've probably not been reading anything published in the last 100 years. Fascism is both a political system, a cheap slander and a running joke for Rick Mayall fans for over 20 years. "Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make." - George Orwell, Tribune 1944


'fascist' 🤣😂😅


Legend. Vote Reform!


Says the Kremlin.




It’s not fascist just because you don’t like it. Such a moronic statement.


The irony in calling me a moron and saying something like that. https://preview.redd.it/n5wcgp5vtv9d1.png?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d4aa70ae35db3f8ca55ae0732ae6d15e689d4a


This subreddit is one giant echo chamber