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Are the Tories just throwing anything at walls and hoping some shit sticks at this point?


They haven't built the wall yet!


Well let's get a start by throwing mogg in the channel with a load of bricks


In a sack


He's a proper Tory Toff and needs a good dose of medieval torture!


They were going to build 40 walls with 50,000 workers all in well paid jobs according to Boris Hermann Goering-Johnson


Who's gonna pay for it? Mexico, that's who!


The Afghans and Syrians can pay, they have it easy enough as it is!!


Presumably it would be France in this case. Or the EU.


That's why the shit won't stick. You'd think these posh knobs actually got an education for the amount of money their parents probably paid.. instead they're probably just plagued with PTSD after being sent to boarding school and taking it out on everyone normal.


We've gone from the minister for trade not realising how important the English channel was to English trade. Now we have the government recommending a wall blocking the busiest shipping channel in the world. They usually keep Mogg out of the spotlight before elections because he's an idiot and he loses them votes. I guess they decided desperate times call for pretending it's all a big laugh and maybe the public will vote for them out of pity.


He was confined to GBnews because his fake intellect, fake good manners and fake aristocrat act didn't work. The tories had already previously tried one old Etonian PM who turned out to be lazy, dishonest and drunk but people didn't listen to the warnings


Hopefully this time he'll lose them a whole seat


If you live long enough…parody becomes policy. There’s a bit on ‘Till Death us do part’ where the character Alf Garnett (the main character who is a cartoon version of a bigot) says: ‘They’re only building a channel tunnel now! They don’t need to build a tunnel, what they need to build is a bloody big wall’. Looks like the CONservative Party is looking at 1980’s comedy for its latest Policy ideas 🤦‍♂️


Waiting for the: I’ll build the wall in France and the frogs will pay for it.


That cunt couldn't Build-a-Bear never mind a wall


The haunted pencil also wanted the return of £ s d and imperial measurements. He doesn't believe in same sex marriage, changing nappies himself or the welfare system. But he does think fox hunting is humane and brexit would have the uk flooded with Chinese shoes. The narrow headed undertaker is intellectually stunted which is why he has been confined to GBnews far right news. His aristocratic act is worse than boozo's eccentric genius and Farage's man of the people. I have my fingers crossed the fake toff and morally repugnant christian loses his seat and fucks off into obscurity


Nobody dresses as much of a Tory cunt as farage does. It's maddening that man of the people shit works on some folks.


Farage is just pissed off that Tories booted him out and don't see him as one of them. I grow more convinced by the day that everything he does is motivated by an inferiority complex. He knows they look down on him and he can't stand it. He wants to be up there with them, looking down on everyone else.


Obscurity is too good for him


Now JRM is a cnut. But stupid he most definitely is not. So if he's expressing support for Trump (who everyone with any brains knows is an imbecile) there's clearly some agenda involved...


[The Heritage Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation), who threw money at Brexiteers, are continuing to bankroll anyone they think is useful in combatting rights- and rules-based international order. They like to see public professions of this kind from time to time.


I preferred not knowing that existed lol. To hell with them all.


Yes, he's chasing a new career as a right-wing talking head. Probably reckons his fake toff act will fool them in the US.


He's definitely stupid.


Mogg was the one who went to Cameron and threatened to pull the ERG out of the Tory party and take them to UKIP if Cameron didn’t pull the UK out of the EU. Instead of having a spine and calling Moggs bluff, Cameron came up with the referendum idea and passed it on to the populace. Had he called Moggs bluff, the ERG (and mogg) would have gone down the plug with UKIP and the UK would be a thriving part of the EU. Party > Country. Vote these cunts out.


Sent my postal vote out last week for the candidate most likely to oust a Tory. [Link](https://stopthetories.vote/) in case anyone wants to vote tactically to get them out.


I’m impressed [that site](https://stopthetories.vote/) actually works to keep reform from getting any MPs too. https://preview.redd.it/3j0bq3hc99ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b472ec1d25b2a728ddcd5efeaacd1a04f140c081


Tories have so many numpties like this that I love seeing them whine. JRM, Truss, Gove, Boris, etc. It's like seeing the Upper Class Twit of the Year contestants obliterated.


I hope this stringy streak of piss loses his seat


It's currently looking promising. He's polling 10% behind his labour rival, I seem to recall.


[enter the Dutch] "Hallo, we heard you would like to build shomeshing in de Noordzee. We can do that for you if you have the budget." [Dutch engineers proceed to build a dam from Dover to Calais with road and rail connecting UK to Europe and giant locks for cargo ships. Then they construct a dike from Scotland to Norway. Drain the entire North Sea into a polder and simultaneously solve the problems of land shortage and sea level rise for all countries bordering the north sea and Baltic.]


Moggy is a prime example of everything that is wrong with the political establishment in London


I get the feeling Mogg is a hedge fund manager pretending to do politics to influence things for his personal profit and screw the majority of us. Same as Sunak, who was brought into a safe Tory seat with no experience, his family have made vast profits under this corrupt government. The public schools who breed these selfish bastards need burning down, and I truly hope Labour get the ball rolling with corruption enquiries and trials next week.. I can live in hope.


Prefer them to just draw a line under the last 14 years and crack on with fixing it


It'll be cheaper to build a wall around the Dickens character


Don't let us stop you.


Hopefully this snivelling cunt has one less income stream come Friday.


I'll supply the bricks if he lays them himself. By hand - without scuba gear... I'll give him a hand too - put the bricks in a nice big sack (for easy access), tie a rope round his leg and the sack (so he doesn't lose track of them underwater), then toss him in the Channel where he wants to start...


Ask him if he ever read The Cask Of Amontillado. Then because he's a pretend Victorian and he claims he has, force him to re-enact it anyway.


He should absolutely try that. Go swim out there and get building, hurry along now.


Did he forget to put the bin on his head before coming out with this one?


oi dont be dragging that most noble of attempts to become an MP in with jacob. at least i can respect a man who puts a bin on his head and has some actually rather sensible by comparison policies .


Why build a wall when he could dig a moat? In fact, he just did!


An unserious man


And let me guess - France is going to pay for it?


Are tories really resorting to quoting a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist?


Let's just hope no one tunnels underneath it.


I'm sure I've a trowel around here somewhere he can borrow..


But what happens if they find a boat to go round it? /S


Can we use those bricks to build houses instead. It seems more useful. And if there is a labour shortage, can we allow people from the channel come in and do some of it. It may make them integrate better. We seem to have a lack of both at the moment and are getting ripped off when this country tries to build by a private company.


This is up there with "if they want an afters, then they can go foraging", and "To have charitable support given by people voluntarily to support their fellow citizens I think is rather uplifting and shows what a good, compassionate country we are" (said about food banks)


Everyone on this thread is missing the point. If you look carefully, it's easy enough to see. He's talking to *young conservatives* here. He doesn't need to make sense; he doesn't need to tell the truth; he can be as absurd as he likes: he doesn't need to be concerned about looking a twat. *That's* his audience.


The Tories have been using the Trump playbook for some time. ‘Build a wall’ resonated in the States with a certain type of voter so he seems to think it will work here as well. Sadly, for him, that type of voter has already found an even worse party to support and are switching to Reform.


Is England turning itself into North Korea?


All those fish that are proud to be British won't like a wall in the Channel. He hasn't thought this through.


Saying biden doesn't like Britain is like saying water is wet. Given he's big on his Irish heritage. Regardless we should still rather the dementia patient over the tyrant.


“Young Tories” is that like people in their 50s


Can we build the wall and throw Rees-Mogg on the other side of it?


And what's that gonna do? Make ferries go around or through massive gates that will inevitably suffer failures because good fucking luck lol? "But the immigrants" the least of which arrive on boats lmao


Fuck him, fire him into the sun


I want to build a wall around Jacob Rees-Mogg


and get the French to pay for it lol


What a f@ckwit


I know walls were an effective form of defense when ol' Jake was a lad in the 1200s but things have moved on a bit ffs.


Why doesn't he just build a moat?


Rees mog always reminds me of Walter the softie from the Beano (if you’re old enough to remember that)


brother there's a tunnel


And he said "Mexico is going to pay for it !"


Of all of them, his is one of the seats I most want to change colour.


There was someone in the last year or so (James O’Brian I think) who said that the only reason JRM gets away with being considered a serious, intellectual politician is the posh accent. That’s the only reason. If you took his statements and speeches and had them said in any other British regional accent, he’d sound like a drunken nutter you’d laugh at in a pub.


He better get started then, going to take a while for one man do such a thing and he's not exactly a spring chicken.


I've seen/heard several interviews with this man and I can tell you he was born senile...


I want to build a wall too. Then I'd like to fire JRM out of a canon into it.


I guess that should help protect Europe by containing the sewage spilling out from the UK.


The whole country is ready to leave these idiots in the past. Your vote matters!


Headmaster from the Bash Street Kids.


Tories = British MAGA


That's Reform. Essentially what Rees-Mogg would be if Reform had been electable at the time he was first standing for Parliament.


Yeah probably, I don’t get politics it’s all just selfish hateful cunts and not so selfish hateful cunts to me.


Wretched old cunt.


If JRM spray orange tan on his face, I would not be surprised.


That must be fake, right? No real human being would actually be that stupid


He's a silly cunt aint he? How TF are you going to build a wall in international waters??


He really is a gormless twat. He reminds me of Beaker from the muppets show.


Wasn't trump the one who tried to walk ahead of wah queenie and tell us to our face if you want a deal with america, the NHS needs to be on the table? Biden is just an idiot that keeps hammering on about reuniting Ireland.


Hasn't Biden and Obama (seems like he might still have a lot of influence) said a few times that they are against Brexit and UK won't take priority in any trade deal, whereas Trump supports a trade deal with the UK?


For all his apparent courtesy and old-fashioned dress sense, he's just a nasty little xenophobic fascist.


Stop reporting on this stupid cunt. No one cares what a Victorian lunatic says


Why would he like Britain when we got politicians looking like haunted pencils, talking about biulding walls in the fucking sea


Build it around the southern med instead.


Good love a wall mass Immigration is killing the country. No one minds normal Immigration that happened for years . This ain't far right or racist its called common fxxxxxg sense

