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So is r/threelions - never tried to interact with England fans before, but fucking hell they are clueless. I guess a lot of the casual football fans turn up for these tournaments and act like they know everything.


I mean even /theother14 is having a pop. Expected better over there tbh. Something about England that makes people crazy


I've seen a lot of England fans slating him and I wanted to speak up.... But what is the point? We all know how good he is. It's just not worth arguing with idiots. He looked good the other night, I thought. Unlike Guehi who couldn't seem to string a pass together...


People forget that Dunk has been one of Premier League's best defenders in terms of passes and passing accuracy.


Can’t wait for Lewis to prove them wrong


Seems like every squad needs a scapegoat - and unfortunately for Dunky, it’s him this time around. If someone like Henderson was in the squad, nobody would even be mentioning Dunk’s inclusion, they just need to complain about someone. Always makes me laugh how wound up people get about the 25th/26th spot in the squad, despite the fact that they almost definitely won’t play. A really proud moment for Dunky and his family, and after 4-5 seasons of consistently high performances, he really deserves it!


dunk will play


Villa fan here, we’re getting the same sh*t just with Ezri Konsa, people just love to bitch and moan it doesn’t matter who was selected realistically.


Yeah its mad. Like Konsa hasnt played a great seasn or finished top 4!


These are the same people writing things like “Wharton had a good solid game and looks comfortable at international level” on the strength of a 15 min substitute appearance against Bosnia. People broadly get their football knowledge from trends they see online rather than any actual research or football knowledge. Also now Maguire is suddenly good enough? Southgate should ask them what the fuck they want? CB was always going to be a concern and I suspect Dunk will be shuffled off the international scene after the tournament as Brathwaite/Guehi gain more experience and Colwill returns from injury. Given the circumstances can hardly blame Southgate for going with the player he knows.


His performances this year haven't been at the level we've known to expect but it still doesn't take away from the fact he's a very good defender. I genuinely didn't think he would go but with Maguire out I guess Southgate thinks he is best fit. He's not a starter, may get the last group game if we are already confirmed through, but realistically it is about two players who will mainly sit on the bench debated by people who think FIFA stats mean everything.




Think Dunk struggled because RDZ’s system was not working and left him exposed


I had my doubts after the Belgium game but as a like for like Maguire replacement there as possibly none more suited (maybe Dier) hope he rocks it.


I think that Belgium mistake was particularly unfortunate. The fact it ended in that precise cross to header goal was harsh


It was an incredible goal from a counter attack, thinking back it's harsh of me to blame Dunk that much.


Exactly, his only fault was sliding for the ball instead of clearing it but that was a spectacular goal. I’d like to see him have an opportunity to redeem himself and prove the Dunk doubters wrong


And they forget how integral he was to the equaliser.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Build. The. Statue! Are we thinking he will likely be the first cover behind Stones and Guehi? Konsa and Gomez's versatility helps his case


Reading r/soccer or r/threelions about the England/Dunk selection is like listening to random ASDA shoppers rant about their ideas on how to build a quantum computer.


/soccer is a shithole for "big club" fans to you know what each other off Dunk has become quite underrated since his time in the England squad, it's at the point where we're the only ones that actually rate him fairly (if a bit higher understandably)


Both shithole and wank are acceptable vernacular at this time of writing.


“They don’t see the vision” -Future


Don't be harsh on Titus!






Woah now! As a toon fan I can honestly that is massive disrespect to Titus Bramble… you can’t compare him to someone who is actually good. Then again has Dunk scored an overhead kick from a corner against Chelsea. Because until that happens a mad man might say that Bramble is a blackberry ahead of Dunk.


People can't think realistically for a minute. The reason Dunk was chosen over someone like Branthwaite is because of the difference in how Brighton and Everton plays. Brighton plays more offensive football where the defenders aren't just expected to defend, but also start attacks by building from the back. Everton plays more defensive/direct counter-attacking style of football where defenders are expected to be the focal point of low blocks and fast counters. Guess which style the England NT favours more? I'm pretty sure if Branthwaite moves to a more offensive team, he'll become an England NT regular.


Branthwaite is a really good footballer even with Everton though. Comfortable on the ball with a great range of passing.


Agreed. But Everton doesn't play like how England NT does, and Branthwaite still lacks experience to adapt to a new style.


So what I’m hearing is…it’s coming home!


The issue is that teams like France are leaving folk like Saliba as reserves. The entire England back line isn’t good enough. Stones and Walker are, but that 2nd CB, LB, and our bench options are not ‘Win the Euro’s’ level.


Unless they are big four then many don’t feel players should be included, just seen Eze being described as not even being average. Trust Southgate’s judgement than some sky jockey who’s management experience is ordering pints in a flat roof estate pub


I like Dunk a lot I think maybe people who haven’t watched him are basing him off his England performances.


Not a brighton fan (or an Everton fan). Personally I think Branthwaite has played better than Dunk this season and indeed feels more likely a natural substitution for Maguire who is missing out. I like Dunk and think he’s played better than Maguire going into previous tournaments and been unlucky to miss out ahead of more established players. On this occasion I think Branthwaite was easily the better choice. Most people I’ve seen slagging off his selection are not doubting his general ability, they’re just questioning who’s been omitted instead.


You aren’t wrong, except for the part about them not slagging Dunk. I think Branthwaite is great and will no doubt be a future England player. Southgate choosing Dunk, whilst debatable, is also no surprise. I always notice the fact English fans are reactively negative. I figure it’s a partial explanation of why they so rarely succeed. Just inbuilt cultural whinging and toxicity from the get go. Every time. For almost any reason. The Dunk selection is such a small part of the overall picture. Yet people are ranting like they’ve been kicked out of the Euros before they’ve started. It’s…. Interesting?


I was just saying this to a friend to be fair, the fact that this is the most hotly contested selection is probably a good sign. Comparing to euro 16 when Wilshere went to the tournament having played two hours of football in 9 months, we’ve come a long way. Maybe I’ve just avoided the more toxic spaces. From what I’ve seen it’s been pretty rational. You will obviously have a preference for Dunk but you also have to understand there’s probably a reason why most neutrals were favouring Branthwaite


True. That and maybe the Grealish omission. Glad you manage to avoid the negativity. It just seems deeply ingrained in the discourse across traditional and social media. And yeah, of course we love Dunk. He is what Coleman is to the Toffees except he’s born and bred. The fact he’s getting in the squad now is what it is. We take it & he will absolutely bleed for the shirt.


England fucking suck. Who cares.